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A07x12 - Peppa Goes to Paris/Grandpa Pig's Pond/Once Upon a Time/Super Potato/Playgroup Star

Posted: 11/23/23 08:05
by bunniefuu
- I'm Peppa Pig. [snorting]

This is my little brother George.

- GEORGE: [snorting]

- This is Mummy Pig. - MUMMY: [snorting]

- And his is Daddy Pig. - DADDY: [huge snort]

- ALL: [laughing]

- Peppa Pig. [snorting]

- ♪

- MALE NARRATING: Peppa is going to Paris today

to see her friend Delphine Donkey.

- Is everyone ready? - ALL: Yes, Daddy Pig!

- Then, Paris, here we come!

- Mummy, where is Paris?

- Paris is in France.

We go on a ferry to get there.

- What is a ferry?

- Ha, Ha. You'll see.

- [horn blasting]

- NARRATOR: This is the ferry.


[giggling, snorting]

- There are lots and lots of cars in here.

- Let's go up on deck

and breathe in some fresh, sea air.

- [seagulls squawking] - [horn blasting]

- Look, Mummy, the boat is rocking about.

- [sighs] Yes, Peppa.

- NARRATOR: Mummy Pig doesn't like it

when the boat rocks about. - [boat creaking]

- All this sea air is making me hungry.

Who wants to eat?

- No, thank you. - [boat creaking]

- NARRATOR: The waves are getting bigger.

- [seagull squawking]

- Here, I brought you a fried egg sandwich.

- [groans] Oh...

- Land ahoy! - [snorting]

- [boat thuds] - [ramp slams]

- NARRATOR: The ferry had arrived in France.

- Remember, Daddy Pig,

they might drive differently here.

- Oh. Oh. Driving is driving, Mummy Pig.

- [horns honking] - You see?

It's just like driving at home.

- [shouting in French]

- Hello there. - Hello.

- ALL: [laughing, giggling]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her family have arrived in Paris.

- [brakes screech]

- NARRATOR: Delphine Donkey and her family

are here to meet them.

- Bonjour! - Bonjour, Delphine.

[snorts] - [giggling]

- NARRATOR: "Bonjour" means "Hello" in French.

- Ho, ho, ho. What would you like to see in Paris?

- I want to see everything.

- Ho, ho, it is impossible to see everything.

- In that case,

I would like to see the real, hidden Paris--

the Paris that the tourists don't see.

- Bravo! Mr. Pig.

Tell me, which part of the real, hidden Paris

would you like to see, first?

- The Eiffel Tower!

- Ah. Okay.

- NARRATOR: This is the Eiffel Tower.

- Wow, this is busy.

Imagine what the tourist places must be like.

- [snorts] Look, Mummy, it's Miss Rabbit.

- I didn't know you had a job here, Miss Rabbit.

- Excusez-moi?

I am not this "Miss Rabbit."

I am Mademoiselle Lapin.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

- Souvenirs!

Get your little Eiffel Towers here!

- [snorts] The real Eiffel Tower is really big.

Can we climb up it?

- looks a bit high.

- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig does not like heights.

- Do not worry, Mr. Pig. We take the elevator.

Going up!

- [elevator motor humming]

- DADDY PIG: Ohhhh...

I'm glad that's over.

- Oh, no, that is just the first stage.

Now we must climb the steps.

- Ohhh...ohhh...


- If you feel dizzy, Daddy Pig,

just close your eyes.

- Okay.

- This is as high as we can go as visitors.

Let's look at the view.

- PEPPA & GEORGE: Ooooh...

- These steps are going on forever.

- NARRATOR: Oh, dear,

Daddy Pig is not looking where he is going.

He is climbing up and up and up.

- What a wonderful view of Paris.

- PEPPA: It's lovely.

- Yes. What do you think, Mr. Pig?

Mr. Pig?

- Where is everybody?


- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig is at the very top

of the Eiffel Tower.

- Hang on, Daddy Pig! - Ah!

- I must call for the rescue services.

[dialing phone]

- ♪

- Thank goodness you're here, Miss Rabbit.

- I am not this "Miss Rabbit."

I am Mademoiselle Lapin.

Don't worry, Daddy Pig. I am going to get you down.

- Ahhh! I'm going even higher.

- What can you see, Daddy?

- I can see everything!

- My Daddy came to Paris and he saw everything!

- ALL: [laughing, giggling, snorting]

- ♪

- MALE NARRATOR: Peppa and George

are helping Grandpa Pig in his garden.

- Today, we are making a pond.

- PEPPA & GEORGE: Ooooh...

- We start by digging a big hole.

- [horn honking]

- NARRATOR: Here is Mr. Fox.

- Hello, Mr. Fox.

- Hello, Granny Pig.

What can I sell you this morning?

- I don't need anything, thank you.

- Oh. Where's Grandpa Pig? Does he want anything?

- I'm afraid Grandpa's busy digging a pond.

- Pond, you say?

Why I've got just the thing.

It's a gnome... - [gasps]

- - It's lovely.

- Antique. One of a kind.

- I'll take it.

- NARRATOR: Peppa, George and Grandpa Pig

are hard at work digging.

- [shovel clanks] - Ooh!

- NARRATOR: Peppa has found a little cup.

- Oh, that looks like a very old teacup.

- [shovel thuds] - Oooh!

- NARRATOR: George has found an enormous bone.


Dinosaur. [giggling]

- It might very well be a dinosaur bone, George.

Ha! What's this?

- NARRATOR: Grandpa Pig has found a gold coin.

- It's treasure, Grandpa!

- How is the pond coming along?

- Very well.

We've dug up a cup, a dinosaur bone and a coin.

- It's buried treasure.

- How exciting.

I have a little treasure, too.

- That is not treasure.

That is a gnome.

- NARRATOR: Grandpa Pig does not like gnomes.

- Mr. Fox says it's an antique, very rare,

one of a kind.

- Of course, he did.

- Grandpa, do you think

we really have found buried treasure?

- I'm not sure, but the museum would know.

- NARRATOR: This is the museum.

- Hello? Can I help you?

- Hello, Mr. Rabbit.

We've dug up some treasure.

- Let's take a look at what you've got.

Hmmm... a fine china cup.


What else have you brought to show me?

- A coin.

- Made of gold.

- Is it real plastic gold?

- No, it's metal gold. [tapping coin]

- GEORGE & PEPPA: Oooh...

- Anything else?

- [snorting, giggling]

- My goodness.

This bone is the best of the lot.

Look, it fits my dinosaur perfectly.

- ALL: Hooray!

- Thank you so much

for bringing these valuable objects in.

- Valuable? So, they are worth something.

- Oh, yes, they are worth lots of money,

and you can visit the museum any time you like to see them.

- Eh?

- Children are free and you, sir, get in half price--

because you are old.

Can I just ask where you dug up such treasures?

- In Grandpa's garden.

- All digging must stop

until an expert has been to investigate.

- Why?

- There may be other rare objects buried in the ground.

- [horn honking]

- Granny! Granny! We're back!

- Hello, my little ones.

- [snorting] Our treasures have to stay in the museum.

- And we can't dig here anymore

until the expert digger comes.

- [beeping]

- Where do you want me to dig, Mr. Rabbit?

- Just about here, Mr. Vole.

- [claw thuds]

- [jackhammer drilling]

- NARRATOR: Mr. Vole is an expert at digging.

- Find anything, Mr. Vole?

- No. Same as usual.

Just a lot of broken pottery and smashed stuff.

- Oh, well, thank you for all your hard work, anyway.

- No problem.

- I'm sorry we didn't find anything else.

- Not to worry.

The good thing is you finished digging our pond for us.

- It's beautiful, Grandpa.

- A lovely, natural pond.

- And to finish it off, a gnome.

Do you like it, Mr. Rabbit?

- I never thought I would see one in my lifetime.

- Oh, they're everywhere.

- This is an antique, one of a kind,

and very valuable.

- Then it belongs in the museum.

- So, it does. - Oh?

- Don't worry, you can see it at the museum

any time you want.

- And you can get in half price, Granny--

because you are old.

- ALL: [laughing, giggling]

- ♪

- MALE NARRATOR: Peppa and George

are looking at storybooks.

- [snorts] Look, George.

This is an exciting adventure.

- [giggling]

- There are fairies,

and three bears who can't stop eating porridge...

- GEORGE: [giggling]

- ...and a naughty wolf

who's looking for an old lady to eat.

- Oh? - [snorts]

Don't worry, George, it's always a happy ending.

- [giggling]

- I wish we lived in a fairy story.

- BOTH: [giggling]

- Peppa, George, it's time to go.

- [snorts] Are we going on an adventure?

- Yes, we're going to

Granny and Grandpa Pig's house for lunch.

- That's not an adventure.

- There'll be potatoes.

- Can we bring our picture books to read in the car?

- We're not going in the car, Peppa.

We're walking there, instead.

- Walking?

All the way to Granny and Grandpa's house?

- Yes, there's a shortcut through the park.

- Will there be dragons and fairies in the park?

- Not that I know of.

- But it will be a nice walk.

- [sighs] But there won't be any magic.

- Maybe, if we look hard enough,

we might see some.

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George have arrived at the park.

- Hmmm...

it doesn't feel like a magic place.

- Oh, I don't know.

It feels a bit magic to me.

- [distant hooting]

- Yes, this is like the path

in Little Red Riding Hood.

- I wouldn't be surprised

if we bumped into the big, bad wolf.

[chuckling] Oh!

- Hello, there.

- NARRATOR: It is Mr. Wolf.

- Hello, Mr. Wolf. How are you?

- I'm very well, thank you.

Just a little bit hungry.

I'm trying to decide where to go for lunch.

- I'm going to my Granny's house for lunch.

- Are you really?

- Yes.

- Is it far?

- Not far. This is the shortcut.

We'll be there soon.

- Very good.

Oh, well, catch you later.

- Goodbye. - Bye-bye.


- That was just like Little Red Riding Hood...


...meeting Mr. Wolf in the middle of the woods

when I'm going to Granny's house.

- DADDY: [laughing] - PEPPA & GEORGE: [giggling]

- Which way now, Daddy Pig?

- Uh, I'm not sure.

- There's a little house over there.

Let's ask them the way.

- Hello? [knocking on door]

- [door creaks]

- Is there anybody home?

[snorts] I wonder who lives here,

in the middle of the woods.

- There are three chairs.

- And three bowls of porridge.

- Hello, Peppa.

- NARRATOR: Here are Belinda Bear

and Mummy and Daddy Bear.

- MUMMY & DADDY BEAR: Hello, there.

- Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Bear.

Sorry to trouble you.

- The door was open, so, we came inside.

- It's quite all right.

It's lovely to see you.

- Are you going to stay for lunch, Peppa?

It's porridge. [giggling]

It's not too hot or too cold.

- It's just right.

- BOTH: [giggling]

- We're actually on our way

to have lunch at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house.

- Could you point us in the right direction, please?

- That path there will take you to Granny Pig's house.

- PIG FAMILY: Thank you!

- BEAR FAMILY: Goodbye.

- PIG FAMILY: Bye-bye.

- Wow, that was just like Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

- [laughing] Yes.

With a little house and three chairs.

- And three bowls of porridge.

- ALL: [laughing, giggling]

- We are in a fairy tale.

- NARRATOR: Peppa has arrived

at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house.

- [knocks on door] Granny Pig?

We're here.

- Hello? - PIG FAMILY: Oh?

- NARRATOR: Here is Mr. Wolf.

- Mr. Wolf, why are you here?

- I'm just around for something to eat.

Your granny has made a lovely lunch. Mmm...

- Yes, I've made a lovely lunch,

and it's ready now.

Come inside.

- Hello, Peppa. - Hello.

- NARRATOR: Wendy Wolf has come for lunch, too.

- Lunch is served.

- ALL: Hooray, potatoes!

- Ho, ho, you can never have too many potatoes.

- ALL: [laughing, giggling]

- Wendy, I've had an adventure in the fairy tale woods.

- Ooh, what's the fairy tale woods?

- It's where you live inside a fairy story.

[snorting] - ALL: [laughing, giggling]

- NARRATOR: Peppa loves fairy stories.

Everyone loves fairy stories.

- [bell ringing]

- MALE NARRATOR: Today, Mr. Potato

has come to Peppa's playgroup.

- Children, Mr. Potato is here to talk to you today

about eating fruit and vegetables.

- ALL: Oh?

- I am going to show you a movie called "Super Potato."

- ALL: Yay!

- MALE VOICE: Super Potato!

- ALL: Wow!

- Ah, my hat has blown off!

Help me, Super Potato!

- By the power of vegetables,

I am here.


- Thank you, Super Potato.

- Remember, kids, always eat your five a day.

♪ Fruit and vegetables

♪ Keep us alive

♪ Always remember to eat your five ♪♪

- ALL: [clapping] - And now...

we have a very special guest.

Can you guess who it is?

- [snorts] It's not my Daddy, is it?

- No.

- It's not my Daddy, is it?

- No, it is nobody's daddy.

- Is it my Mummy, then?

- No, it is no relation of anyone here.

- The special guest coming to see you today is...

- Super Potato is coming!

- ALL: Hooray!

- But before he does, we must call him.

[clears throat]

Super Potato! - ALL: Super Potato!

- Very good.

I'll just go and see if he's outside.

Keep shouting.

- ALL: Super Potato! Super Potato!

- By the power of vegetables, I am here!

- ALL: Hooray!

- Wonderful!

Now who has a question

they would like to ask Super Potato?

- Ask me anything you like about fruit or vegetables.


- What is the tallest building you've ever jumped?

- What's that? Why do I like carrots so much?

I'll tell you why.

Because they are so tasty.

- Can you run faster than a train?

- Which vegetable makes you run fast?

That's a good question.

I would have to say...

a Brussels sprout.

- Have you ever eaten a potato?

- Uh...

♪ Fruit and vegetables

♪ Keep us alive

♪ Always remember to eat your five ♪♪

- Doctors now recommend you eat seven a day.

- Uh...

♪ Always remember to eat your seven ♪♪

- Right.

Let's all give Super Potato a nice big clap

for coming to see us today. - ALL: [clapping]

- Thank you. Thank you.

And, remember, kids, eat fruit and vegetables.

- Super Potato has left the building.

- Oh, dear, did I miss him?

- ALL: Yes!

- He was brilliant.

- Well, it was lovely to see you all.

But I'd better be going, too.


- Come on, children, let's wave Mr. Potato goodbye.

- [engine struggles to start]

- NARRATOR: Oh, dear, Mr. Potato's car won't start.

- [tapping glass] Ah, I cannot get out.

- NARRATOR: Mr. Potato is stuck.

- Help! Get me out!

- What shall we do? - Help! Help!

- Call for Super Potato. - Let me out.

- ALL: Super Potato! Super Potato!

- I think he might be too busy to come.

- Really, really, I do not think that will work this time.

- No, Madame Gazelle, you just need to shout out with us.

- Okay. Help us, Super Potato! - ALL: Super Potato!

- There. It didn't work. Now I think we need to--

- What's that in the sky?

- Is it a bird?

- Is it a plane?

- No, it's a potato!

- By the power of vegetables, I am here!

- ALL: Hooray!

- NARRATOR: Super Potato has come to the rescue.

- Using my super vegetable vision,

I can see that my friend here is in trouble.

- Yes, you have to get him out.

- I will use my fruity strength to lift this roof off.

Hoo-hah! - [roof "pops"]

- NARRATOR: Super Potato has rescued Mr. Potato.

- ALL: Hooray!

- And, remember, kids, when trouble calls...

- ALL: your fruit and vegetables!

- ♪ Fruit and vegetables

♪ Keep us alive

♪ Always remember to eat your five ♪♪

- Seven!

- ♪ Always remember to eat your seven ♪♪

- ALL: [laughing, giggling]

- [bell ringing]

- MALE NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends are at playgroup.

- [snorts] There, finished.

- Peppa, what a wonderful picture you have painted.

- It is me and George

and my Mummy and Daddy at our house.

- But where are you all?

I can only see a house.

- We are all inside the house.

- Of course.

It really is a wonderful picture.

Here is a playgroup star.

- Wow! Thank you, Madame Gazelle.

- NARRATOR: It is home time

and the parents have come to collect the children.

- Mummy! Daddy! Look! I got a playgroup star.

- That's fantastic, Peppa.

- I remember Madame Gazelle

gave me a playgroup star when I was a little piggy.

- NARRATOR: A long time ago,

when Mummy and Daddy Pig were little,

Madame Gazelle was their teacher.

- [snorts, giggles]

- Here is a playgroup star.

- [giggling]

I was so happy.

- Did you get lots of playgroup stars, Mummy?

- Oh, yes.

- [snorts] Daddy, did you get lots of playgroup stars, too?

- Uh...

it was such a long time ago, I really can't remember.

- No, I'm pretty sure you didn't get one, did you?

- ♪

- [gasps] You never got a playgroup star, Daddy?

- No, I never did get a playgroup star.

- Not even a little one?

- No.

- Anyway, like Daddy Pig said, it was a long time ago, Peppa,

and they're really not that important.

- What do you mean, Mummy?

[stamps foot] They are very important!

Aren't they, Daddy?

- Uh, yes, Peppa.

- Are you sad that you never got

a playgroup star, Daddy?

- Well, I have done other things in my life

to be proud of, you know?

- Maybe if you do a good drawing,

and show Madame Gazelle, she will give you one now.

- Playgroup stars are for children, Peppa,

not for grownups.

- [hammering]

There, the roof is all fixed.

- Thank you, Mr. Bull.

That really is wonderful work.

Have a playgroup star.

- Oh? Thank you very much.

- Look, Daddy, Mr. Bull got a star,

and he's a grownup.

- Hmmm...

- NARRATOR: It is evening time.

Peppa and George are going to bed.

- Are you still sad

because you never got a playgroup star, Daddy?

- You know what, Peppa?

The more I think about it,

the more I think I should have got a playgroup star.

- Why?

- Because I love to make things,

and I was always drawing in class.

- What was your best drawing, Daddy?

- Would you like to see it?

I think I've still got it somewhere.

I'm sure I put it in the loft.

- ♪

- Ah, here's my old school bag,

and here is my picture.

- Wow! It's a dragon.

- [growling]

- It's very good, Daddy. - [snorting]

- Yes, I was quite pleased with it.

- But it didn't get a star. - Nope.

- Hmmm...that's sad.

- NARRATOR: It is the next day.

Peppa and George are going to playgroup.

- Look at this, Suzy. [snorting]

- It's not fair, Peppa. You're too good at drawing.

- It's not my drawing, it's my Daddy's.

- Oh, not so good for a grownup.

- He drew it a long time ago when he was little.

- Ah...

- Peppa, have you done another wonderful drawing?

- No, Madame Gazelle, this is my Daddy's drawing.

- Ah, yes, I remember your Daddy did like to draw.

- But you never gave him a playgroup star.

- I must have given him one for this.

- No, you didn't.

- Daddy Pig, you deserve a playgroup star.

- Oh, ho, I've never been so proud.


- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig is a playgroup star.

- ALL: Hooray for Daddy Pig!

[laughing, giggling]

- ♪

- PEPPA: ♪ Peppa Pig




♪ Peppa Pig


- KIDS: [giggling]

- PEPPA: ♪ Peppa Pig
