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A07x04 - Easter Bunny/Spring/Rebecca Rabbit/Mummy Rabbit's Bump/Garden Games

Posted: 11/23/23 07:59
by bunniefuu

I'm Peppa Pig. [snorts]

This is my little brother, George.


This is Mummy Pig.[snorts]

And this is Daddy Pig.


Peppa Pig. [snorts]

[children laughing]

[narrator] Peppa and her friends have come

to Rebecca Rabbit's house for an Easter egg hunt.

[all] Hello, Rebecca.

Hello, everyone.

Are you looking forward to the egg hunt?


Ready, steady, go!Go!

Wait, stop, stop!

[all] What?

You can't start.

The Easter Bunny hasn't been to hide the eggs yet.

[all] Ohh?

When is the Easter Bunny getting here?

Very soon.

Good, we'll wait.

Uh, but the Easter Bunny is very shy

and won't come if you're looking.

Okay, we'll close our eyes.

[all giggling]No peeking.

[horn honks]I can hear something.

It's the Easter Bunny.

No, it's not, it's just my daddy.

[narrator] Here is Mr. Rabbit.

Hello, everyone.

Well, what are you all doing here?

We've come for the Easter egg hunt.


I hope the Easter Bunny will come soon, Mr. Rabbit.

Oh, yes, me too.

I, uh... must just go on to catch my carrot patch.

[narrator] This is Mr. Rabbit's carrot patch.

Remember, children, the Easter Bunny

is very shy and won't come if we're looking.

Let's wait indoors.

[all giggling]

[narrator] Rebecca Rabbit's house is underground.

[laughing continues]

Rebecca, have you ever seen the Easter Bunny?


But the Easter Bunny is a rabbit.


And you are a rabbit.Yes.

What does it look like?

I think it looks like me, but a big bigger.


I think the Easter Bunny has a rocket pack.


Yes, it says Super Bunny!

I think the Easter Bunny has magic fairy wand.


I think the Easter Bunny must be very big

to carry all those eggs everywhere.

[all laughing]


No, the Easter Bunny is invisible!

[all] What?

Invisible means you can't see it.


That's silly.

[all laughing]

[leaves rustling]

[narrator] Oh, somebody's hiding an egg.

It must be the Easter Bunny.

I wish we could see the real Easter Bunny.

Maybe we can see it through the window.

[all] Yes!

[all laughing]

Oh, I can't see anything.

We're never going to see the Easter Bunny.

Ahem...[all gasping]

Remember, no peeking.

Sorry, Mummy.

Hello, everyone.Oh, hello, Mr. Rabbit.

How are your carrots?

What carrots?

The carrots you went out to check.

Oh, they're fine.

Daddy, did you see the Easter Bunny?

Uh, no, but I'm sure the Easter Bunny will have been by now.

Do you think the children can start looking for the eggs yet?

Oh, yes, I would say so.

[children laughing]

Right, are you ready to find the eggs

the Easter Bunny has hidden?

[all] Yes!


When you find all the eggs, we share them out equally.


There should be one egg for every child.Go!

Don't worry if it takes you a long time to find them!

[narrator] Danny Dog has found an egg under a plant pot.

Suzy Sheep has found it in a bush.

Peppa has found an egg in a tree.

George has found one in a bucket.

[all] Finished!

Wow, that was quick.

And with one egg each, great.

Wait! What's that over there?

[leaves rustling]

It's the Easter Bunny!

Shh, let's creep up quietly.

[all] Yes.

Now we'll see what the Easter Bunny looks like.

[laughing] Squeak!

[narrator] That is not the Easter Bunny.

That is Rebecca Rabbit.

[all] Oh!

We thought you were the Easter Bunny.

No, I'm me. And I found an egg.

We've all found eggs.


♪ I'm a little bunny and I like to play ♪

♪ I hop, skip and jump and I play all day ♪

♪ I've a fluffy tail and bouncy legs ♪

♪ I like eating carrots and chocolate eggs ♪♪

[all laughing]

[all laughing]

[narrator] It is Springtime.

Grandpa Pig has made a chocolate egg hunt.

Is everybody ready?

No, Grandpa, Freddy Fox isn't here.

[horn honks]

[barking] Hello, everyone.

[all] Hello, Freddy!

Ah, hello, Mr. Fox.

Are you staying?

I wish I could.

I loved egg hunts when I was a little lad.

See you later, Freddy.


Now, are we ready for the egg hunt?

[all] Yes, Grandpa Pig!

There are lots of chocolate eggs hidden in my garden.

You must find them.


[snorts] But be careful not to step on my little plants.

Oh, it's so exciting in Springtime

to see these baby plants starting to grow.

We promise to be careful, Grandpa.

Very good. Off you go then.

[all laughing]

[narrator] Grandpa Pig's chocolate egg hunt has begun.

Have you got time for a cup of tea, Grandpa Pig?

Oh-ho, yes.

It will take them ages to find my eggs.

I've hidden them very well.

Here's an egg! [snorts]

[narrator] Peppa has found a chocolate egg

in a plant pot.

Here's another egg. [squeak]

[narrator] Rebecca Rabbit has found a chocolate egg

hiding under a leafy bush.

Hooray! An egg for me!


[narrator] Emily Elephant has found a chocolate egg

in the branches of a tree.


I think I can smell chocolate.

[narrator] Freddy Fox has a very good sense of smell.


[narrator] Freddy Fox has found a chocolate egg

in the middle of the bird bath.

[all laughing]

Grandpa! Grandpa!

We found the chocolate eggs!

It was really fun.

But it was a bit easy.

It wasn't easy for the little ones.

[narrator] George, Richard and Edmund haven't found any eggs.


I wonder where the other eggs are?


Chocolate egg.


[squeak, squeak]


Ah, Edmond, I think there's something behind your ear.



[narrator] Everyone has found a chocolate egg.

[squeaks] What do we do now, Grandpa Pig?


You eat them, of course.

[loud gobbling, snorts]

Hello, children.

Granny! Granny!

We found all the chocolate eggs!

Well, where are they? I can't see any eggs.

[laughing]They're in our tummies.

[Granny] And round your mouths...

[all laughing]

Did Grandpa hide the eggs well?

No, we big ones found them easily.

But the little ones needed helping.


George, Richard and Edmond don't like to be the littlest ones.

Don't worry.

There'll soon be even littler ones in the garden.

[snorts] Oh-ho, yes.

The little babies. It's so exciting!

Grandpa already told us about the baby plants, Granny.

But it's not that exciting.

We're not talking about baby plants, Peppa.

Oh! What are you talking about?

Let's go and see Jemima, Vanessa, Sarah and Neville.

They're chickens.

Yes! And they have eggs, too.

Can we eat them?

No, Freddy.

These eggs are about to hatch.


Oh! We're just in time!

[narrator] The baby chicks are hatching.


[all] Ohh... baby chicks!

[Granny] Now the chicks have hatched,

it really is Springtime.

Let's pretend to be baby chicks.

[mimicking cheeping]

♪ I'm a little chicks singing cheep, cheep, cheep ♪

♪ I like to pick up food with my beak, beak, beak ♪

♪ I've a fluffy little head and straw for my bed ♪

♪ And I don't jump and down saing cheep, cheep, cheep ♪♪


[narrator] It is the end of another lovely day.

Peppa and George are playing with their friends,

Rebecca and Richard Rabbit.

Home time, my little bunnies!

Oh, but we want to play some more, Mummy.

Maybe tomorrow.

Can Peppa and George come to our house tomorrow?




Why is Richard crying?

He's a bit scared of going down stairs.


We don't have stairs in our home.

What? No stairs?

That's right. You'll see tomorrow.



[all laughing]

[horn honks]

[rooster crows]

[narrator] It is morning.

Peppa and George are going to Rebecca Rabbit's house today.

[snorts] Mummy Pig can drive

and I'll do the map reading.

[Mummy] Are you sure, Daddy Pig?

We always get lost when you do the map reading.

Ha-ha! We won't get lost.

Okay, is everybody ready?

Yes, Mummy Pig.

Then let's go!

[horn honks]

[narrator] Peppa and George are very excited.

They have never been to Rebecca Rabbit's house before.

[snorts] Daddy, are we nearly there?

The map says Rebecca's house is on the next hill.

I don't understand.

This should be where Rebecca Rabbit lives.

We must be lost.

There's just this garden of carrots.

[narrator] Where can Rebecca Rabbit's house be?

[squeak] Hello, everyone.




Do you want to play in my bedroom?

[snorts] Your bedroom?

But where is your house?

[narrator] Peppa cannot see Rebecca's house anywhere.

[Rebecca] This hill is our house.

It's called a burrow.

[both] Ooh...

I'll show you.

[Daddy Pig] See you later.

See you later.

[horn honks]

Come in.


We don't have stairs. We have tunnels.


[narrator] Rebecca's house is a bit different to Peppa's.

This is our bedroom.


You have a bed and a window.

And a toy box just like us.

Of course. [laughing]

I like your house. [snorts]

I wish I was a rabbit.

I know, shall I teach you both how to be rabbits?

Yes, please.[snorts]

First, you have to twitch your nose and squeak, like this.

[sniffs] Squeak! Squeak!

[both sniffing]

Squeak! Squeak!


Very good, Peppa Rabbit and George Rabbit.

[narrator] Peppa likes being a rabbit.

George likes being a rabbit.

Rabbits like carrots.

[loud crunching]



Delicious. Yech!

[narrator] George does not like carrots.

He won't even try them.

Oh, well, more for us then.


Rebecca, what else do rabbits like?

Rabbits like hopping.

Come outside, I'll show you.

[all laughing]

Let's hop.

Squeak! Squeak!


[narrator] Rabbits like hopping.

[squeaking continues]

You're very good rabbits.

Lunch time, children!


[narrator] Mummy and Daddy Rabbit have prepared lunch.

Rebecca has taught us how to be rabbits.


Oh-ho! You'll enjoy lunch then.

It's our favorite, carrots.


Delicious! Yech.

George will not eat carrots.

Oh, dear, George, I thought you were a rabbit.

Rabbits love carrots.

Squeak! Squeak!


Wow! George is eating a carrot.


And this is our favorite cake.

Carrot cake.

[all] Hooray!

Mmm, carrot cake.


George is a proper rabbit now.

Squeak! Squeak!

[all laughing]

[narrator] Peppa and George are playing with Suzy Sheep and Pedro Pony.

[horn honks]

Here are Rebecca and Richard Rabbit.

[snorts] Hello, Rebecca.

[squeaks] I've got a secret.

What is it?

My mummy's got a bump in her tummy.

[all] Ooh...

[Peppa] Has she eaten too much?

No, there's a baby rabbit inside.

Mummy Rabbit, is there really a baby rabbit in your tummy?

Yes, would you like to listen to it?

Yes, please.

Can you hear a little heartbeat?

[heart beating]Yes, I can.

It's going boom, boom, boom!

Oh, it just moved!

Yes, sometimes babies give a little kick.

[neigh] What will you call it?

I don't know.

Would you children like to think of a name?

[all] Yes, please!

Hello, Mummy Rabbit. [snorts]

Would you like a cup of coffee?

I can't have coffee. But I am quite hungry.

Would you like a carrot?

I'm a bit off carrots. Have you got any potatoes?

Yes, we do.

Maybe a potato with jelly and cheese

and strawberry jam, please

[all] Eww...

[narrator] A potato with jelly, cheese and strawberry jam?

What a funny mixture of food.

[snorts] We need to think of a name for the baby!

Yes, if the baby is a girl, she'll be called Rachel Rabbit.

Or how about Ruth Rabbit?

Roxanne Rabbit.

Sharon Rabbit.

I don't think so, Pedro.

Sharon Rabbit sounds wrong.

I like Rosie.

Rosie Rabbit.

[snorts] It's perfect.

But what if the baby is a boy?


How about... Rufus Rabbit?

Raymond Rabbit.

Michael Rabbit!

Michael Rabbit? No!

Robbie Rabbit.

Yes, Robbie Rabbit.

Thank you for the potatoes

with jelly, cheese and strawberry jam, Mummy Pig!

[snorts] My pleasure.

We thought of a name for the baby!

Rosie, if it's a girl and Robbie, if it's a boy.

They're lovely names.

It's sad that the baby can't have both names.

Oh! My tummy!

It's all that funny food you've been eating.

I don't think so, Daddy Rabbit.

The baby is coming!

Right! To the hospital!

Quickly now! Don't panic!


Bye!Good luck!

Did you pack everything on the list?

I've got it all.

Pillows, scented candles, yoga music,

and enough food for three days.

[tires screech]

Don't panic! Don't panic!

Anyone in?! We're having a rabbit!

Hello, sister.

What are you doing here?

I'm having a baby, remember?

Oh, yes, you better come inside then.

Can I come too?

Moo! You'll have to park the car first!

But don't worry.

Having a baby always takes a long time.

Out of the way, everyone! My sister's having a baby!

A kettle and plenty of towels.

This lot should last us a good few days.


Where shall I put all this stuff?

Back in the car. We don't need it now.


[squeak] Daddy! You missed all the excitement.

Have I? Is it a boy or a girl?

Both! We've got baby twins!


[narrator] It is the next day.

And Mummy Rabbit is home from hospital

[snorts] Hello, can we see the twins, please.

Of course, Peppa.

[all] Ohh...

Are they boys or girls?

They're both!

A boy and a girl.

They're called Rosie and Robbie.

So, you did use both names.

Yes... [chuckling]

Rosie Rabbit and Robbie Rabbit.

They're the best names in the world.

And we thought of them.

[all laughing]

[narrator] It is a lovely sunny day.

Peppa and George are in the garden.

[snorts] Daddy, we're a bit bored.

But there's lots to do in the garden.

Like what?

Uh... sit in a garden chair.

Read the paper and watch the grass grow.

But those are things for a daddy to do.

Hello!Hello, Suzy.

What are you doing?


We're bored.

Me too.

That's why I came to your house.


[sighs] [sighs]

I've got an idea.

We've an old box of garden games somewhere.

What are garden games?

I don't know.

Here we are.


Juggling sticks.

Watch me juggle.


Oh-ho, they're not for juggling, Suzy.

They're skittles.

We set the skittles up here.

Then we have to stand over here

and try and knock the skittles over by rolling this heavy ball.

Me first!



[narrator] Peppa has knocked over two skittles.

My turn!

It's very hard, Suzy.

You probably won't be able to do it.

[narrator] Suzy has knocked over all of the skittles.


Oh, well done.

Now it's George's turn.

Because George is little, he can stand a bit closer.


George is too little to play skittles.

[narrator] George doesn't like being the littlest one.


Hmm, let's play bat and ball.

Peppa can throw the ball and George has to bat it.


But if anyone catches the ball,

George is out.


Caught it.


[narrator] George is out.


George is a bit too little even for bat and ball.

You just need a bit more practice, George.

Watch me.


[glass shatters][screaming]

Oops, I'll just get the ball back.

Hello, Mummy Pig.

Uh... can we have our ball back, please?

Yes, but please play more carefully in future.

Yes, Mummy Pig. Sorry, Mummy Pig.

[bell rings]

[narrator] Here is Danny Dog.

[barks] What are you doing?

We are playing bat and ball.

My daddy is very good at it.

He batted the ball all the way into the house.

Wow! Can I play bat and ball, too?

Uh, maybe it's time for a different garden game.

Like what?


What's Limbo when it's at home?

I'll show you.

I know, you jump over it?

It's much too high to jump over.


We go under the limbo pole.

And we need music to do it.

[music playing]


[narrator] Daddy Pig is very good at limbo.

[all] Wow!

Ah, but now we'll put the pole a bit lower.



Daddy, your tummy is too big to go under the pole.

My tummy is not too big.

I just can't bend like I used to.

[all laughing]

My turn!And me!

And me![snorting]


Well done, everyone.

Now we'll put the pole even lower.

[all] Whoo...

Easy, Daddy.


It's impossible.

Nobody can go under that.



Wow! George can do it!

[all] Hooray!

George is the best at Limbo dancing.

Because he is little.


[narrator] George likes playing garden games.

Everyone likes playing garden games.

[all laughing]
