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A06x03 - Peppa's Circus/Night Animals/Pirate Treasure/Garden Games/Going Boating

Posted: 11/23/23 07:52
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- I'm Peppa Pig. [oinks]

This is my little brother George.

- GEORGE: [oinking]

- This is Mummy Pig. - MUMMY: [oinks]

- And his is Daddy Pig. - DADDY: [huge oink]

- ALL: [laughing]

- Peppa Pig.[oinks]

- ♪

- MALE NARRATING: It is a lovely, sunny day.

Peppa and her friends are visiting Granny and Grandpa Pig.

- What's that?

- [hammering peg]

- NARRATOR: Grandpa Pig is putting up

a big, stripy tent in his garden.

- It's the circus.

- ALL: Hooray!


- Grandpa, can we see the circus?

- Circus, Peppa? There's no circus here.

- Why have you got a big, stripy tent, then?

- This is for Granny Pig's garden party.

- Oh? What's a garden party?

- It's where grownups stand around talking.

- What a waste of a good tent.

- A circus would be more exciting.

- Why don't you make your own circus?

- Yes. [oinks] We can call it Peppa's Circus.

- Have you finished putting up the tent, Grandpa?

The guests will be here soon.

- Granny, we're doing a circus for your garden party.

- What a splendid idea.

- Can we dress up? [oinks]

- Of course. I'll get the dressing up box.

- We can be clowns.

- And strongmen.

- And jugglers.

- My daddy was in the circus. [trumpeting]

- Wow! What did he do?

- He sold tickets.

- Here, you can all find something to wear

in the dressing up box. - CHILDREN: [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Peppa has found a top hat.

Danny Dog has found some spotty trunks and a stick-on moustache.

- Woof. Woof. [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Pedro has found a clown outfit.

- [horn tooting]

- Who wants makeup?

- Me, please?

- What does everyone want to be?

[oinks] I want to be the clown.

- But, Peppa, where is your clown costume?

- Okay, you be the clown.

- I want to be the strongman.

- Okay, Danny, you be the strongman.

- I want to be the juggler.

- But I wanted to do that.

- ALL: Wow.

- Okay, you be the juggler.

Grandpa... [oinks] I don't have a job to do.

- You can be the ringmaster, Peppa.

You've got the hat for it.

- What's a ringmaster?

- The ringmaster is the boss.

- Yes, I'll be the ringmaster. [oinks]

What do I do?

- You say, "Welcome to my circus.

"See the impossible, the amazing,

the incredible feats of daring-do."


- Uh, welcome to my circus.

It's got amazing feet.

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- CROWD: [meowing, baaa'ing, mooing]

- NARRATOR: Granny Pig's garden party guests are here.

- Hello, everyone. You're in for a treat.

The circus has come to town.

- [drumming fanfare]

- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my circus.

- GUESTS: [applauding]

- Now please be very scared of the amazing Candy Cat.

- [growling]

- GUESTS: [applauding]

- Look at George, Richard and Edmond on tricycles!

- GUESTS: [applauding]

- Don't stop clapping-- it's the strong Danny Dog.

- [drumming fanfare] - Woof. Woof.

- I was a strongman, once.

I used to lift tractors.

- [straining]


- GUESTS: [applauding]

- See Emily Elephant juggle potatoes and an egg.

- [egg shell cracks]

- GUESTS: [laughing, applauding]

- Now laugh a lot at Pedro Pony. He's a clown.

- [horn tooting] - GUESTS: [laughing]

- Stop laughing. I haven't done the funny bit yet.


- That was the funny bit.

- [laughing]

That's what I call funny.

- Thank you! That is the end of my amazingly impossible circus.

- GUESTS: Hooray!

- That is the best circus I have ever seen.

- ALL: [laughing, giggling]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George are having a sleepover

at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house.

- GRANDPA: [sniffing] - Grandpa, where are you going?

It's bedtime.

- Don't worry, Peppa.

I'm just going into the garden to collect slugs and snails.

- Why?

- Grandpa doesn't like slugs and snails

because they eat his vegetables.

- And the best time to find them is at night with this torch.

[clicks on flashlight]

- Can George and me come, too? Please?

- GEORGE: [oinking] - Okay, just this once.

- Put your coats and boots on. - PEPPA & GEORGE: [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George are wearing their coats

and boots over their pyjamas.

- You carry the bucket, Peppa, and I'll hold the torch.

- Don't stay out too late, Grandpa Pig.

- GRANDPA: Okay, Granny Pig. - PEPPA: Okay, Granny Pig.

- PEPPA & GEORGE: [giggling]

- We'll put all the slugs and snails in the bucket.

- [snail chomping] - GRANDPA: Ah... little snail. - [snail thuds in bucket]

- Two little snails. - [snail thuds in bucket]

- GEORGE: [giggling] - And a slug. Blecch!

Slugs are yucky. - [slug splooshes in bucket]

- BOTH: [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Here are Grandpa Pig's chickens--

Sarah, Jemima, Vanessa and Neville.

- Hello, chickens.

- I need to put the chickens to bed.

- 'Night, 'night, chickens. - 'Night, 'night, chickens.

- 'Night, 'night.

- Why aren't the slugs and snails in bed, Grandpa?

- Because they're up all night eating my vegetables.

Some animals eat in the daytime, like my chickens,

and some animals eat at night, like--

Oh! Mr. Fox.

- Hello, Grandpa Pig.

Putting your chickens to bed, are you?

- Oh, yes, nice and cozy in their henhouse.

- Jolly good.

Well, I'll be on my way.

- Goodnight. - OTHERS: Goodnight.

- Now, as I was saying, some animals eat at night like--

Oh, hello?

- Grandpa, there's a little animal in your bucket.

- Ha, ha, yes. It's a hedgehog.

They like to eat slugs and snails.

- Hello, Hedgehog. - GEORGE: [oinking]

- Oh, he's rolled into a ball!

- Yes, Peppa, he's very shy.

- Come out, Mr. Hedgehog. Don't be scared.

- GRANDPA: I like hedgehogs.

They are very good at keeping slugs and snails

off my lovely lettuce. - HEDGEHOG: [giggling]

- Bye-bye, Hedgehog. - Bye-bye.

- Are there any more night animals, Grandpa?

- [clicking on flashlight] Yes, there are moths.

- Ooh, they look like butterflies.

- Butterflies that come out at night.

They like the torch light.

When it goes off, they leave.

When the light goes on, they come back.

- PEPPA & GEORGE: [giggling]

- Can I try? - Okay.

- Bye-bye, moths.

Hello, moths.

Bye-bye, moths.

- PEPPA & GEORGE: [giggling]

- And if we leave the torch off,

we can see another very tiny night animal.

- Where?

- Look up at the sky.

- PEPPA: Is it a sh**ting star?

- GRANDPA: No, that is a firefly.

- PEPPA: Is it on fire?

- GRANDPA: Oh, ho, no, Peppa.

It has a tummy that glows. - PEPPA: Wow!

Are there any big night animals in your garden, Grandpa?

- No. - [footsteps rustling]

- Oh, what's that?

- It's a big night animal.

- [footsteps rustling]

- GRANDPA: Oh, ho, it's Granny Pig.

- PEPPA & GEORGE: [giggling] - There you are.

- Granny! Granny!

We've been saying hello to all the night animals.

- GEORGE: [oinking] - Lovely.

But now it's time to say goodnight to them.

- Goodnight, night animals.

- PEPPA & GEORGE: [yawning]

- And it's well past bedtime for you little piggies.

- PEPPA: Yes, Granny Pig.

- GRANNY & GRANDPA: Goodnight, little ones.

- PEPPA: Goodnight, Granny. Goodnight, Grandpa.

- GEORGE: 'Night, 'night.

- NARRATOR: George has found a second clue--

sticks in the shape of an arrow.

- Look, they point this way.

- BOTH: [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Danny Dog is playing in his pirate den.

- Arg! Woof! Woof! [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Here are Peppa and her friends.

- ALL: [giggling] Hello, Danny.

- Hello, everyone. Woof! Woof!

Do you want to play pirates? - OTHERS: Yes!

- Get dressed up, then.

- NARRATOR: Danny Dog has a dressing up box

full of pirate clothes.

- ALL: Arg... - hearties.

- I've got a treasure chest.

- OTHERS: Oooh!

- It's a biscuit tin.

- It's a treasure chest.

- But it's still got biscuits in. Baaaa!

- Uh, who wants a biscuit?

- OTHERS: Me! Me! Me! Me!

[chomping biscuits]

- Now it's a treasure chest.

- Let's find some treasure to put in it.

- ALL: Hoorah!

- Someone has to stay here to guard the pirate ship.

- Me! I will guard it.

- If you see someone coming, shout, "Stop! Who goes there?"

- Stop! Uh...

Who goes there?

- Okay. Let's go find some treasure! Hoorah!

- NARRATOR: Danny Dog likes being a pirate.

- OTHERS: Hoorah!

- NARRATOR: Everyone likes being a pirate.

- Hoorah!

- ♪ We're jolly pirates, we

♪ That's how we get to sea

♪ To find the golden treasure

♪ We'll say ahoy and whee


- NARRATOR: Danny has found a pinecone.

- Treasure! Woof! Woof!

- NARRATOR: Peppa has found a shell.

- Treasure! [oinks]

- NARRATOR: Suzy has found an old bit of rope.

- Treasure! Baaa!

- NARRATOR: Freddy has found a pebble.

- Treasure! Yip! Yip!

- I'll just have a little sleep. [yawning]

- NARRATOR: Pedro always takes his glasses off

before he sleeps. - [snoring]

- Let's creep up on Pedro. - OTHERS: Yes.

- NARRATOR: Danny, Peppa, Suzy and Freddy

are creeping up on Pedro.

- OTHERS: Boo! - PEDRO: Oh!

- OTHERS: Arg!

- You were asleep. - Uh, yes, sorry.

- You're lucky we're friendly pirates.

- [oinks] We've got treasure.

- PEDRO: That's nice.

- SUZY: Let's put it in the treasure chest.

- Now we can bury it. - OTHERS: Yes!

- And I'll stay here and guard the pirate ship.

- Okay, pirate Pedro, but don't fall asleep this time.

- I won't. - OTHERS: Hoorah!

- [yawning]

- NARRATOR: The pirates are off to bury the treasure chest--

over a hill, around the little bush.

- Let's bury it here.

- How will we know where we've buried it?

- Let's make a treasure map.

Over the hill. Around the little bush.

And "X" marks the spot.

- "X" marks the spot.

- NARRATOR: Pedro has fallen asleep again.

- OTHERS: Arg!

- I'm awake! I'm awake!

- Pedro, don't you wear glasses? - Uh...

- Hello?

- NARRATOR: Mummy Pony has come to collect Pedro.

- Who goes there?

- I'm your mummy, Pedro.

- NARRATOR: Pedro cannot see very well without his glasses.

- Where are your glasses?

- Um, I don't know, Mummy.

- When did you last have them?

- When we put the treasure into the treasure chest.

- What treasure chest?

- The one we buried in the garden.

- NARRATOR: Pedro's glasses are buried in the garden.

- Oh, dear, how are we going to find them now?

- We've got a treasure map.

- NARRATOR: Mummy Pony is using Peppa's map

to find the buried treasure.

- Over the hill. Around the little bush.

And "X" marks the spot.

- NARRATOR: They have found the treasure.

- My glasses!

- OTHERS: Hoorah!

- Thank you.

- NARRATOR: Treasure maps are very useful--

especially for finding your glasses

if you accidentally bury them.

- ALL: [laughing, giggling]

- Let's hop.

- ALL: [boinging, giggling]

- NARRATOR: Rabbits like hopping.

- You're very good rabbits.

- NARRATOR: It is a lovely sunny day.

Peppa and George are in the garden.

- [oinks] Daddy, we're a bit bored.

- But there's lots to do in the garden.

- Like what?

- Uh, sit in a garden chair,

read the paper, and watch the grass grow.

- But those are things for a daddy to do.

- Hello? - Hello, Suzy.

- What are you doing? - Nothing.

We're bored.

- Me, too.

That's why I came to your house.

- PEPPA: [sighing] - SUZY: [sighing]

- GEORGE: [sighing]

- I've got an idea.

We have an old box of garden games somewhere.

What are garden games?

- I don't know.

- Here we are.

- ♪

- [giggling] Juggling sticks.

Watch me juggle.


- Oh, ho, they're not for juggling, Suzy.

They're skittles.

We set the skittles up here.

Then we have to stand over here

and try and knock the skittles over

by rolling this heavy ball.

- Me, first.



- NARRATOR: Peppa has knocked over two skittles.

- My turn.

- It's very hard, Suzy.

You probably won't be able to do it.

- NARRATOR: Suzy has knocked over all of the skittles.

- Hooray!

- Oh. Well done.

- Now it's George's turn.

- Because George is little...

he can stand a bit closer.

- Oh?

- George is too little to play skittles.

- NARRATOR: George doesn't like being the littlest one.

- GEORGE: [crying]

- Hm, let's play bat and ball.

Peppa can throw the ball and George has to bat it.

- GEORGE: [giggling]

- But if anyone catches the ball, George is out.

- Okay.

- Caught it. Baaaa!

- NARRATOR: George is out.

- GEORGE: [crying]

- NARRATOR: George is a bit too little even for bat and ball.

- You just need a bit more practise, George.

Watch me.

- PEPPA: Wow!

- MUMMY: [screaming] - [tea cup rattling]

- Oops. I'll just get the ball back.

Hello, Mummy Pig.

Uh, can we have our ball back, please?

- Yes, but please play more carefully in future.

- Yes, Mummy Pig. Sorry, Mummy Pig.

- [bicycle bell dinging] - NARRATOR: Here is Danny Dog.

- Woof! Woof! What are you doing?

- We're playing bat and ball.

- My daddy is very good at it.

- He batted the ball all the way into the house.

- Wow, can I play bat and ball, too?

- Uh, maybe it's time for a different garden game.

- Like what? - Limbo.

- What's limbo when it's at home?

- I'll show you.

- I know, you jump over it.

- It's much too high to jump over.

- Oh, ho, we go under the limbo pole

and we need music to do it.

- [steel drum music] - CHILDREN: [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig is very good at limbo.


- Ah, but now we'll put the pole a bit lower.

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- Okay.


- Daddy, your tummy is too big to go under the pole.

- My tummy is not too big.

I just can't bend like I used to.

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- My turn!

- And me! - And me!

- GEORGE: [oinking]

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- Well done, everyone.

Now we'll put the pole even lower.


- Easy, Daddy. [giggling]

- [steel drum music]

- It's impossible.

Nobody can go under that.

- GEORGE: [oinking, giggling]

- Wow, George can do it.

- OTHERS: Hooray!

- PEPPA: George is the best at limbo dancing

because he is little. - GEORGE: [oinking]

- NARRATOR: George likes playing garden games.

Everyone likes playing garden games.

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her family

have come to the lake to go boating.

- Boats! Boats!

Get your boats here!

- What sort of boats do you have, Miss Rabbit?

- I've got canoes.

- Ooh, let's have a canoe.

- Hm, you have to paddle a canoe.

That's hard work.

- I've got sailing boats.

- It's a bit tricky to sail a sailing boat.

- And I've got pedal-os.

- They look nice and relaxing.

- Yes, they've got a big paddle wheel to make them go.

- Let's have a pedal-o. - PEPPA & GEORGE: [giggling]

- When I ring this bell... - [bell clanging]

- It's time to bring the boat back.

Enjoy your boat trip.

- It's not moving.

- No, how do we start the engine?

- [laughing] You're the engine, Daddy Pig.

You have to pedal. - Oh! I see.

Off we go, then.

- It's a bicycle on the water.

- ALL: [laughing, giggling]

- ♪ Riding in a pedal-o

♪ On a sunny lake

♪ Daddy is the engine

♪ I hope he doesn't break

- PEPPA, GEORGE, MUMMY: [giggling, laughing]

- NARRATOR: Here are Emily Elephant and her family.

- Hello, Miss Rabbit.

We'd like a canoe, please?

- Certainly.

- NARRATOR: The Elephant family likes canoeing.

- Paddles ready? - OTHERS: Yes, Daddy Elephant.

- Then let's go!

- Ahoy there, Miss Rabbit.

- NARRATOR: It is Danny Dog and his dad, Captain Dog.

- We'd like a boat, please?

- Certainly.

I have canoes, sailing boats, or pedal-os.

- I didn't sail the world and make my fortune

to splash around in a pedal-o.

We'll take the sailing boat.

- Do you know how to work it?

- Do I know how to work it?

I'm Captain Dog! Woof!

Come on, Danny, all aboard!

Full sail. - Aye-aye, Captain Dad.

- CAPTAIN DOG: [chuckling]

- Hello, we're sailing.

- We're canoeing.

- We're pedalling.

- PEPPA & GEORGE: [giggling]

- PEPPA: Look, an island.

- MUMMY: We could go there for our picnic.

- PEPPA & GEORGE: Hooray! - [heavy thud]

- ALL: Oh! - [duck quacking]

- The island is a bit small to have the picnic on.

- We can have our picnic in the boats.

- Who'd like a sandwich?

- OTHERS: Me, please?

- [quacking]

- Here's some bread, Mrs. Duck. - PEPPA & GEORGE: [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Mrs. Duck loves picnics.

- ALL: [chomping]

- NARRATOR: Everyone loves picnics.

- [bell clanging]

- Come in, boats one, two, and three!

Your time is up! - [bell clanging]

- One, two, and three. That's us.

- Let's see who can get back, first.

We'll have a race.

- OTHERS: Yes!

- Pedal faster, Daddy.

- I'm not sure I can pedal much faster.

- Oh, Daddy Pig, I'll do the pedalling.

- Quicker, Mummy.

- This is quite hard work, isn't it?

- Aha, we'll be carried back by the wind, Danny.

Oh. - What is it?

- The wind has stopped.

- NARRATOR: Without any wind, a sailing boat cannot go.

- We'll just have to wait for the wind to pick up again.

- How long will that take?

- I don't know. It could be weeks.

- Can't we use the engine?

- No, you don't have engines on sailing boats, Danny.


- [outboard motor thuds]

- NARRATOR: The sailing boat does have an engine.

- [engine starting] - Full sail!

- [duck quacking]

- NARRATOR: Emily and her family are in the lead.

- Pedal faster, Mummy. - Oh. [panting]

- We're going to win the race. - ALL: [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Here come Danny and Captain Dog.

- Hooray, we win! - CAPTAIN DOG: [laughing]

- That was exhausting.

Next time, we'll take a sailing boat.

- Yes, sailing boats have engines on them.

- [engine starting] - Daddy?

- See ya later, Danny.

I've decided to sail around the world again.

- But you said you were going to stay home.

- Oh, yes, I'm not a sailor anymore.

But I do love boating on the lake. [chuckling]

- NARRATOR: Everyone loves boating on the lake.

- ♪

- ♪ Peppa Pig




♪ Peppa Pig



♪ Peppa Pig ♪
