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A05x06 - Mr. Potato's Christmas Show/Bedtime Story/The Noisy Night/Madame Gazelle's Leaving Party/Grandpa Pig

Posted: 11/23/23 07:13
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]


Male narrator: it is christmastime,

And peppa and her play group are going to the theater

To see mr. Potato's christmas show.

- We're here.

[Kids giggling]

- Look. It's the christmas vegetable family.

- Mr. Potato.

- Mrs. Carrot.

- Sweet cranberry.

- And little sprouts.

- Here are your tickets.

Find the seat with your number on it.

- Here's my seat, number five!

- Six!

- Seven!

- Eight!

- Nine!

- Ten!

- Quickly, now, children!

The show is about to begin.

- Um, madame gazelle,

I need the toilet.

All: oh, pedro.

- Sorry.

Uh, sorry.

Thank you.

- Quickly, now, pedro.

- I've never been to the theatre before.

- It's exciting, isn't it?

- Sorry.

Uh, thank you.

- Shh, children!

Everyone quiet now.

[Span][william tell overture[/span]plays]

- What's that music?

- The show is starting.

- Oh! Sorry, everyone!

Narrator: it is not the start of the show.

It is madame gazelle's phone ringing.

[Trumpet fanfare]

- Wow!

Whose phone is that?

- That really is the show starting.

- Welcome to the mr. Potato's christmas show,

Where the magic of vegetables never ends!

All: ooh!

- Hello, children!

I am mr. Potato!

This is mrs. Carrot.

Here is sweet cranberry.

And here this is everyone's favorite christmas vegetable...

Little sprout!

[Laughter and applause]

- Where has little sprout gone?

- Little sprout!

Where are you?

- He's lost.

All: oh!

- Can you help us find him, boys and girls?

All: yes! [Giggling]

- If you see him, boys and girls,

Shout out, "there's little sprout!"

All: there's little sprout!

That's it!

When you see him, shout like that.

All: there he is!

He's behind you!

- Where?

All: there!

Behind you!

- I can't see him.

- They're not very good at looking, are they?

- Boo! [Giggles]

- There you are, you cheeky little sprout.

- I'm the magic fairy carrot.

Look, children. I can fly.

- There's a string lifting her up.

- I can grant you one wish.

What do you wish for?

- I wish we had a christmas tree.

- Your wish is my command.

All: ooh!

- Now we can sing our christmas song!

Would you like to hear it, boys and girls?

All: yes!

- ♪ Sweet little sprout on the christmas tree ♪

♪ Potatoes, carrots, and cranberry ♪

♪ It's a very special christmas with all our friends ♪

♪ Where the magic of vegetables never ends ♪

- That's the end.

Good-bye, children. Happy christmas!

All: happy christmas, everybody.


- That was a bit quick.


- Wait.

There's one more surprise.

- A very important person has come to see you all.

- Ho, ho, ho.

- Can you guess who it is?

- Ho, ho, ho.

- It's the queen.

- It's father christmas!

All: hooray!

- Hello, children.

Have you all been good?

All: yes!

- Have you all been cleaning your teeth?

All: yes!

- Have you kept your bedrooms tidy?

All: um...

- Jolly good.

Ho, ho, ho.

Merry christmas.

Now let's all sing our christmas song.

All: yes!

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: it is nighttime.

Daddy pig is reading peppa and george a bedtime story.

- And so the prince, the princess,

The budgie, and the frog all lived happily ever after.

The end.

[Both snoring]

- The bedtime story has sent peppa and george to sleep.

- Good night, my little piggies.

[Light clicks]

- [Snorts]

Narrator: george is awake.

- Dine-saw.


- George.

You naughty piggy.

Go back to sleep.


Narrator: george is not sleepy.

[Rattling and squeaking]

- George!

Nighttime is for sleeping, not playing.

- [Sobbing]

- Shh, I can tell you a bedtime story.

- [Snorts]

- Once upon a time, there was a little pig.

His name was georgie pig.

- [Giggling]

- And he was off to make his fortune.

Soon he came to a forest.

Do you like the story, george?

- [Snorts]

- Inside the forest was a little house.

[Knocks on door]

And inside the house

Was a bowl of porridge.

- [Snorts]

- Georgie pig was very hungry.

So he ate it all up.

Yum, yum, yum.

- [Giggles]

- But just as he finished,

Baby bear walked in

And said, "oy!

Did you eat my magic porridge?"

Georgie said, "yes."

Baby bear said, "that was magic porridge.

It will make you go very big."

And then georgie pig began to grow.

He grew and he grew and he grew,

Until he was taller than all of the trees in the forest.

The end.

- Are you sleepy, george?

- No.

- Not even a little bit?

- No.

- [Sighs]

Okay, I'll do a bit more story.

Baby bear said there was a box of golden treasure

At the end of the world.

"But it's too far for me to go

Because I am too little."

Georgie said, " I will carry you there."

So georgie pig walked to the end of the world.

He walked and he walked

And he walked.

Are you sleepy yet?

- No.

- He walked through forests,

Across mountains, across seas.

And are you sleepy yet?

- No.

He walked all the way

To the end of the world

And found a big box of golden treasure.

- Ooh.

- And a big dragon.

- Grrr.

- Yes.

A big green dragon with little wings

And breathing fire.


Luckily, it was a very friendly dragon.

And he said, "you can have the treasure."

But then georgie pig began to shrink.

He shrank and he shrinked and he shrunk,

Until he was the same little georgie pig as he was before.

"How will we get back home now?"

Said baby bear.

"I can fly you home," said the dragon.

So georgie pig and baby bear hopped on the dragon's back

And flew all the way back home

To the little house in the forest.

And then--

It's the end.

- [Snoring]

Narrator: george is asleep.

- [Snoring]

Narrator: peppa is asleep.

- Peppa, what are you doing out of bed?

Nighttime is for sleeping, not playing.

Night-night, my little piggies.

Sweet dreams.

Narrator: peppa and george are in their little beds,

Fast asleep.

Narrator: mummy zebra is making a little cup

On the potter's wheel.

- There. One cup.

All: wow.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa's family are having a sleepover

At cousin chloe's house.

- Hello, everyone.

All: hello.

- You must be tired after your long journey.

- Yes, an early night would be nice.

- First, we'll put baby alexander to bed.

[Kids giggling]

- [Snorts] this is baby alexander's bedroom.

[Whirly music playing loudly]

- Goo-goo-gah-gah-gah-gah.

- Alexander likes noise.

It sends him to sleep.

- Hee-hee! We like noise in this house.

- We're a noisy family.

- Peppa, george,

You're staying in my room tonight.

- Oh, goody.

[All giggling]

Narrator: peppa and george are excited to be sleeping

In cousin chloe's bedroom.

- Good night.

- Good night.

- Good night.

- Good night.

- Good night.

- Night, night.

Narrator: everyone is tucked up in their beds.


[Baby sobbing]

Baby alexander is awake.

Peppa and george are awake.

- What's that noise?

- It's the vacuum cleaner.

[Baby waling]

- Um, why are you vacuuming at night?

- We're not disturbing you, are we?

- What?

Oh, no.

- [Snoring]

- We found noise is the best way

To get baby alexander back to sleep.

[Snorts] he likes noise.

We're a noisy family.


Narrator: everyone is back in their beds.


[Baby sobbing]

Baby alexander is awake.

[Vacuum cleaner whirring]

[Trumpet blowing]

- Why is auntie pig playing a trumpet?

- To get alexander to sleep.

The more noise, the better.

- Is there another way that doesn't use noise?

- We do find noise is the best way!

- When george was a baby,

We used to put him in his pram and wheel him around the house.

- And that always sent him to sleep.

- How strange.

- No loud noises?

- That's right.

How many times round the house was it, mummy pig?

Three times?

- Times.

- [Panting]

Narrator: daddy pig is pushing baby alexander around the house,


- [Panting] good.

Baby alexander is asleep.

Can you let me back in?

- I'll just switch the alarm off.

[Alarm buttons beeping]

Switch the alarm back on.

[Alarm buttons beeping]

- Peppa, what are you doing up?

- I can't sleep, daddy.

It's a noisy night.

- Okay, peppa, let's get you back to bed.


Which bedroom are you staying in?

- Stop, daddy.

That's baby alexander's room.

- Ah.

- [Sobbing]

Narrator: the light has woken baby alexander.

- It's all right.

I've got the vacuum cleaner.

I've got the trumpet.

- Stop. Stop.

I remember another quiet way we used to get george to sleep.

- Oh, yes.

We drove him round in the car.

I'll get the car started.

- Don't forget the alarm!

[Alarm blaring]

Narrator: daddy pig has set off the noisy house alarm.

The noisy house has woken everyone up.

[Helicopter blades whirring]

It's miss rabbit in her rescue helicopter.

- Is everybody all right down there?

- I heard the alarm.

- Yes, thank you!

- All right!


[Baby snoring]

- Aw.

All that loud noise has sent baby alexander to sleep.

- He's really fast asleep now.

- All thanks to my noisy daddy.

- Well done, daddy pig.

We should have you to stay more often.

[All laughing]

- ♪ Clickety-clack, clickety-clack ♪

♪ The train is on the track

♪ Huff and puff, huff and puff ♪

♪ The train runs on the track

[Whistle toots]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: it is home time at peppa's playgroup.

- Children, next week,

There won't be any playgroup.

- Why, madame gazelle?

- I'm going away.

All: oh.

- Good-bye, children.

All: good-bye, madame gazelle.

Narrator: peppa and george are home from playgroup.

- Mummy, there is no more playgroup.

- No more playgroup?

- Madame gazelle is going away.

- I suppose she has been teaching a long time.

Narrator: madame gazelle taught all the mummies and daddies

When they were children.

- Madame gazelle taught me everything I know.

- Who can count to three?

- One, two, three.


- Thinking about it, madame gazelle must be very old.

- Which is probably why she's decided to stop teaching.

- I know.

We should give madame gazelle a leaving party.

- [Giggles]

That sounds fun.

Narrator: it is the day of madame gazelle's leaving party.

Everyone has come to help.

- Pedro, you stay outside

And tell us if madame gazelle's coming along.

- Why?

- We don't want madame gazelle catching us

Getting her party ready.

- Or it wouldn't be a surprise.

- Okay.

- I hope we've invited everyone.

- What about madame gazelle's old friends?

- Wasn't she once in a pop group?

- That's right.

She played guitar

With the rocking gazelles.

[Phone beeping]

[Phone ringing]

- Hello, rocking gazelles.

- Hello. Madame gazelle is leaving the playgroup.

- Gigi leaving?

How sad.

- We're having a party!

- A party?

What fun.

We'll be there.

- Good. Everyone's coming.

Now let's make the party food.

Narrator: this is the playgroup kitchen.

Everyone is helping with the party food.

Emily elephant and wendy wolf are decorating cupcakes.

- I'll do the icing.

- I'll sprinkle the hundreds and thousands.


Narrator: peppa and george are making jelly.

- Wobbly jelly.


Wobble, wobble, wobble.

- [Giggles]

Narrator: pedro pony is outside keeping guard.

Here comes madame gazelle.

- Madame gazelle is coming.

- We're not ready.

Stop her, pedro.

- Okay.

- Hello, pedro.

You're early for playgroup.

- Yes.

Don't go inside.

- Why not?

- It's a nice day out here, isn't it?

- Uh, yes, pedro.

Can I go inside now?

- Uh, no, it's against the law.

- What are you talking about, pedro?

- We're ready.

- You can go in now.

All: surprise!

♪ For she's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For she's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For she's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ And so say all of us


- Here is a present for you-- an antique clock.

All: ooh!

- It's made of solid plastic.

- Thank you.

But why is there a party for me?

- Everyone wanted to thank you

For being the best teacher in the world.

- So we've made you a leaving party.

- Because you are going away forever.

- I'm not going away forever.

- But you said there was no more playgroup.

- Oh, peppa.

All I said was, no playgroup next week.

I'm going on holiday.

All: oh.

- I will be teaching for many years to come.

Who else could be the teacher?

- No one.

- I am very happy madame gazelle is not leaving.

- Yes.

And I can't think of a better reason for a party.

- And every party needs music.

- [Gasps] oh-ho! The rocking gazelles.

- Hello, gigi.

Have you still got your guitar?

- Of course.

Let's rockety rock.

[Upbeat rock music]

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: grandpa pig is taking peppa and george for a ride

On his little train, gertrude.

- I love gertrude the train.

[Train toots]

- And the good thing is,

Gertrude has rubber wheels,

So we don't have to go on train tracks.

- We can go wherever we like.


♪ Grandpa's little train goes choo-choo-choo ♪

♪ Choo-choo-choo

♪ Choo-choo-choo

♪ Grandpa's little train goes choo-choo-choo ♪

♪ All day long


Narrator: miss rabbit is taking the grown-ups to work

In her big train.

- Morning, grandpa pig.

Out on your toy train again.

- Gertrude is not a toy.

She is a miniature locomotive.

- Oh, that's nice.


- Go faster, grandpa pig.

- I can't.

This is as fast as gertrude goes.

Narrator: the big train is going very fast.

[Crashing sounds]

Oh, dear.

The big train has broken down.

- What's happening?

We need to get to work.

[Train whistle toots]

- Hello, miss rabbit.

Having trouble with your train?


- It's not funny, grandpa pig.

All of my passengers need to get to work.

- You need to get yourself a train that doesn't break down,

Like gertrude.

- That's a good idea.

Out you get.

- What?

- I'm borrowing your train.

- All change!

- But what am I going to do?

- You can stay here and mend the big train.

- Righto.

I do like mending things.

- Oh, what fun.

Riding a toy train.

- Gertrude is not a toy.

She is a miniature locomotive.

- Of course. All aboard the toy train.

[Train whistle toots]

Can't it go any faster?

- No.

Gertrude is a slow train.

Narrator: mrs. Cow is waiting for the train

At the next station.

- What's happened to the big train?

Has it shrunk?

- No.

This is a toy train.

- Gertrude is not a toy train.

She is a miniature locomotive.


- Off we go.

[Train whistle toots]

Narrator: grandpa pig loves mending things.

- So many interesting bits and bobs.

- Oh, dear.

A traffic jam.

- Gertrude can ride on the grass.

- Of course.

- Bye, everyone.

Narrator: miss rabbit is taking a shortcut,

Past the duck pond...

- Hello, ducks.

[Ducks quacking]

Narrator: up the hill...

All: come on, gertrude!

You can make it!

Narrator: and to the next station.

- Hello.

[Coughs] where's the big train?

- The big train is broken.

We're riding grandpa pig's toy train today.

- Gertrude is not a toy train.

All: she is a miniature locomotive.


- Next stop, the end of the line.

- This goes here.

And that goes there.

Narrator: grandpa pig has mended the big train.

- Good as new.

[Train whistle toots]

- Last stop!

Now you can all do your important work.

- Hang on.

It's taken us so long to get here,

It's home time.

- Oh. Back we go, then.

- But if we travel on gertrude,

It will take ages to get home.

[Train whistle toots]

- Hello, everyone.

I've mended the big train.

- Excellent, grandpa pig.

All change.

- Off we go.

[Train whistle toots]

- Stop!

What about gertrude?

We can't leave her behind.

All: yes!


- Don't worry.

We can take the toy train as well.

- Gertrude is not a toy.

- We know.

She is a miniature locomotive.


- Gertrude is the best train in the whole wide world.


- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]