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A05x04 - Grampy's Dinosaur Park/George's New Dinosaur/Captain Daddy Dog/Kylie Kangaroo/The Pet Competition

Posted: 11/23/23 07:11
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: today is freddy fox's birthday,

And all the children are going on a big adventure.

- Where are we going for your birthday, freddy?

- I don't know, but I can't wait to get there.

[Horn honks]

- We're here!

[Children giggling]

- Welcome to grampy rabbit's dinosaur park!

All: oooh!

- Dine-saw.


Narrator: george loves dinosaurs.

- Are there really dinosaurs here?

- No, just pretend ones.

- Phew.

- Real dinosaurs died out million years ago.

Narrator: edmond knows a lot about dinosaurs.

He is a clever-clogs.

- But we've got better than real dinosaurs.

We've got singing dinosaurs!

Dinosaurs: ♪ we are the dinosaurs

♪ The dinosaurs, the dinosaurs ♪

♪ We are the dinosaurs

♪ Listen to us roar


[All giggle]

- They're a bit small.

- Yes, aren't dinosaurs meant to be big?

- Ah, yes.

We do have a big dinosaur, a real whopper!

Would you like to meet it?

All: yes, please!

- These are its footprints.

We just have to follow them.

All: oooh!

- These footprints look very real.

Are you sure there's no living dinosaurs about, grampy rabbit?

- Quite sure, daddy pig.

Over the boulders, everyone!

[Children giggling]

Across the bridge.

[Children giggling]

Through the cave!

[Children giggling]

- Oh, the footprints have stopped.

- Look!

There are some green steps.

It's a big slide!


Children: whee!

All: whoa!

- Whee!

Wow, it's a big dinosaur!

- Yes, it's my whopping, ginormous dinosaur slide!



- That is a some dinosaur.

- He's a brontosaurus!

- Actually, the correct name is apatosaurus.

- You're a bit of a clever-clogs, aren't you?

- Yes!

- Right, my little explorers!

Are you ready for the next bit of the adventure?

All: yes, grampy rabbit!

- We have to find an egg.

- An egg?

- But eggs are little.

It could be anywhere.

- Leave it to me!

Foxes love hunting for eggs.


Narrator: freddy fox has a very good sense of smell.

- Wow, what an egg!

- It's huge!

- Why is the egg so big?

- It's a dinosaur egg.

- Is it real?

- No, it's better than real.

It's pretend!

Watch this.

- ♪ Happy birthday

Narrator: the dinosaur egg has a birthday cake inside it.

All: hooray!

- It's not a pretend cake, is it, grampy rabbit?

- No, the cake is very real and very tasty.

Who wants some?

All: me! Me!

- Birthday boy first!

Here you go, freddy.

- [Blows]

All: happy birthday, freddy!

[Children giggle]

- Time for a bit of song and dance.

Everyone copy me!

♪ Do the stomp

♪ Do the dinosaur stomp

♪ Do the roar

♪ Do the dinosaur roar

♪ Stomp, stomp, stomp

♪ Roar, roar, roar

♪ Do the dinosaur stomp, stomp ♪


[Children giggle]

- This is my best birthday ever!

[All giggle]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

- [Giggling]


Narrator: george is playing with his favorite toy, mr. Dinosaur.

George loves playing with mr. Dinosaur.

- [Giggles and snorts]

Narrator: mr. Dinosaur is made of plastic.

It is almost impossible to break him.

- [Giggles]



Narrator: george loves playing with mr. Dinosaur

In the bath.

- [Giggles]



Narrator: at nighttime, george always takes mr. Dinosaur

To bed with him.

- [Snorts] dine-saw!


- George, mr. Dinosaur is broken.

- Oh.

Narrator: mr. Dinosaur does not have a tail anymore.

- [Crying]

- Poor george.

- You have had mr. Dinosaur a long time.

- I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did.

- Maybe it's about time you got a new dinosaur.

- Yes, we can go to mr. Fox's shop tomorrow.

Narrator: this is mr. Fox's shop.

- Mr. Fox's shop sells everything!

- I'm sure we'll find you

A lovely new dinosaur here, george.

- Dine-saw.

Narrator: george does not want a new dinosaur.

- Look, george, a big dinosaur!

- [Gasps]



[Bell rings]

- Good morning!

Can I help you?

- We'd like the dinosaur in the window, please.

- Certainly.

Good choice.

This is the dino-roar.

It roars, it walks,

And it sings a dinosaur song!

- ♪ Dino-roar, dino-roar

♪ Listen to the dino roar


All: wow!

- Dino-roar! [Snorts]

- We'll take it!

- [Giggles]

- Roar!

- [Giggles]

Narrator: george is playing with dino-roar in the garden.

- Don't play too roughly with dino-roar, george.

He has moving parts and might get broken.

Narrator: george cannot play with dino-roar in the garden.

George wants to play with dino-roar in the bath.

- George, if you get dino-roar wet, he'll stop working.

Narrator: george cannot play with dino-roar in the bath.

[Both snoring]

It is nighttime.

George has taken dino-roar to bed with him.

- Roar!

- [Gasps] - george!

Dino-roar has woken me up!

- Maybe dino-roar should sleep somewhere else.

Narrator: george cannot have dino-roar in his bed at night.

It is morning.

- Why is george looking so sad?

- George cannot play with dino-roar in the garden,

In the bath, or in bed.

- Never mind, george.

Dino-roar can still roar.

- ♪ Dino-roar, dino-roar

[Becomes low-pitched] ♪ listen to the dino-roar


- Oh.

- I think the batteries must have run out, daddy pig.

- Already?

How many batteries are in here?

- Hundreds and thousands!

Narrator: dino-roar needs lots of batteries to make him roar.

- Oh, what's this?

A trumpet?


It doesn't work.

- Dine-saw!


- That's not a trumpet, peppa.

You've found mr. Dinosaur's tail.

- Oh!

- Now daddy pig can mend him.

- I'll try.


I think it might be quite difficult to mend.


Narrator: daddy pig has mended mr. Dinosaur.

All: hooray!

- Ho, ho, I am a bit of an expert at mending things.

Narrator: george loves mr. Dinosaur.

- Dine-saw!


- [Giggles]

♪ Dinosaur, dinosaur

♪ Hello, mr. Dinosaur

- [Giggles] grrr!

[All giggle]

Narrator: mr. Dinosaur is george's favorite toy

In the whole world.

- Wobble like a jelly!

[Makes wobbling sound]

[Children giggle]

[Whistle blows]

And rest!

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa and her friends

Are playing at danny dog's house.

- [Barks] I'm a sea captain,

Sailing across the sea!

- [Snorts] we are jolly pirates!

Shiver me timbers!

All: arrg!

[All giggle]

[Trumpet sounds, horn honks]

- It's the post!

Narrator: it is mr. Zebra, the postman.

- Hello, mummy dog!

I've got a postcard for you.

- Thank you, mr. Zebra.

- Bye, now!

- Who is the postcard from, mummy?

- It's from captain dog!

- Daddy!

- He's finished his sailing trip around the world,

And he's coming home!

Children: oooh!

- How exciting!

I wonder when he'll be back.

- Ahoy there, mr. Zebra. Ruff!

- Hello, captain dog!

- Hello?

- Daddy!

- Danny!

- Daddy!

- Danny!

- Daddy!

Narrator: captain dog is home from the sea.

- My captain dog!

- Mummy dog, my sweetheart.

- How long are you home for, daddy?

- Forever!

I've decided my traveling days are over.

I've been around the world and made me fortune.

All: ooh!

- And lost it again.

All: oh...

- And made it again!

All: hooray!

- [Sighs] I love to travel,

But there's something I really miss when I'm away.

- What, daddy?

- My darlings, of course!

[All laugh]

- [Barks] - [barks]

- So I'm hanging up my captain's hat for good.

Let me tell you all about my travels.

I've been away for a year and a day,

Sailing around the world.

- All the way around?

- Yes!

- What did you do at the bottom?

Did you fall off?

- No, I held on tightly.

- Wow, what an adventure!

- It was!

And I've brought back presents for all of you.

All: ooh, presents!

- Here is a drum for danny from a faraway jungle.

- Thank you, daddy.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

- Very good, danny!

- I can bang it louder.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

- Perhaps that's enough banging for now!

And for all your friends, some seashells from a desert island.

All: ooh!

- If you hold them to your ear, you can hear the sea.

- Yes, I can hear the seaside.

- And for my darling mummy dog,

A chest of gold and jewels.

- Oh, how lovely!

That will come in handy.

- Ah, it's great to be home.

[Rooster crows]

Narrator: it is morning.

Captain dog is up early.

- Daddy, what are you doing?

- I'm checking the wind, danny.

- Why?

- Sailors always check the wind before they sail.

- But you're not a sailor anymore.

- Oh, yes.

I did say that, didn't i?

- Do you miss the sea, daddy?

- No, no, I don't miss the sea.

But I do miss my boat.

- I've got a boat that granddad dog made for me.

- Aha, that's an exact copy of my boat.

- You could help me sail it!

- That sounds like fun!

Narrator: peppa and her friends are at the duck pond.

- Ahoy there, shipmates!

Room for another boat on the briny waters?

- Yes!

- Excellent!

Danny, our boat needs a captain.

It can't sail itself.

- Daddy, will you be my boat's captain?

- I'd be delighted, danny,

If you'll be my first mate.

- Yes, please!

- Launch the boat!

- Aye, aye, captain!

- Wind is southwesterly.

The waters are calm.

My last adventure was sailing a boat around the world.

My next adventure is sailing a boat

Across a duck pond!

[Laughs heartily]

Narrator: captain dog likes sailing across duck ponds.

Everyone likes sailing across duck ponds.

[All laughing]

[Plays drum beat]

- [Snorts] daddy, you can play the drums!

- I am a bit of an expert at drumming.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: it is a lovely sunny day.

Mr. And mrs. Kangaroo have come to visit.

[Doorbell rings]

- Hello.

- G'day, mr. Pig.

We met at the airport, remember?

- Um...

- It was a while back.

You said we could visit anytime.

- Did i? - Yeah!

Since we last saw you, we've had kylie and joey.

Say hello, kids.

- Hello, I'm kylie kangaroo. [Tut-tuts]

- I'm peppa pig. [Snorts]

And this is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts]

-This is my little brother, joey.

- [Tut-tuts]

Narrator: joey lives in mummy kangaroo's pocket.

- It's thirsty work, this traveling around.

Would you like a drink?

- Yes, please.

Lemonade, my favorite.

- Mmm, that's lovely!

- Here, sit down.

Are you hungry?

- I'm always hungry.

- No worries.

We'll make lunch.

Narrator: mr. Kangaroo is going to cook lunch on a barbecue.

- Corn on the cob, anyone?

- Yummy! - Yummy!

- We should do this at our house.

Hang on.

This is our house.

- Come on, kylie.

Let's play in the garden!

We can play my favorite game:

Jumping up and down in muddy puddles!

- I like jumping too!

- First we have to find a puddle.

Oh, there aren't any muddy puddles.

Narrator: the ground is too dry for muddy puddles.

- I wish it would rain.

- I hope it doesn't rain.

- Oh, we love rain.

We don't see much of it back home.

- Well, if you want to make it rain in this country,

Have a barbecue.

[All laugh]

- We can still do jumping!

- [Snorts]

- George is quite good at jumping,

But I am the best.

Watch this!

That's how you do it.

Now you try, kylie!

- Okay.


Narrator: kangaroos can jump very high.

- Wow! - Wow!

Narrator: here is rebecca rabbit.

- Hello, rebecca.

This is my friend kylie.

- Hello, kylie. [Squeaks]

Are you playing a game?

- We are jumping.

- Rabbits are the best at jumping.

Watch this!

- Well done, rebecca,

But that's not as good as my friend kylie.

Go on.

Do your jump.

- I don't want to show off.

- Do it!

- Okay.


- That is high!

Narrator: kylie kangaroo is the best at jumping.

Here is pedro pony.

- Hello, everyone! [Neighs]

- Hello, pedro.

This is my friend kylie kangaroo.

She's my friend.

- She can jump higher than anyone!

- No one can jump higher than me

On my super space hopper.

- Show him, kylie.

- But pedro did really well.

- Do it!

- Okay.


- Wow!

Narrator: kylie kangaroo is the best at jumping.

- I could jump higher, but I'm a little bit tired.


Oh, what was that?

Narrator: it is raining.

- Like I said, if you want it to rain, start a barbecue.

- I'm afraid we'll all have to go indoors.

- What, and miss the rain?

[All giggling]

Narrator: mr. Kangaroo has got a big umbrella

To shelter everyone from the rain.

- Food's ready!

Who's hungry?

All: me! Me!

- Mmm, yummy!

Narrator: peppa likes corn on the cob.

All: mmm!

Narrator: everyone likes corn on the cob!

- It stopped raining.

- The rain makes everything so fresh and green.

- And wet!

- And muddy!

[Children giggle]

This is how you jump in muddy puddles!

- Wow, that looks fun!


I'm the best at jumping,

But peppa is the best at jumping up and down in muddy puddles!

[All giggling and laughing]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa and her friends are at playgroup.

- Children, tomorrow we will have a pet competition.

Children: oooh!

- Bring your pets to school.

The best pet will win a prize.

- [Snorts] I'm going to bring my pet goldfish!

- I'm going to bring my stick insect!

- I will bring my gecko!

- I'm going to bring monkey! Ooh, ooh!

- That's not a real pet.

It's a doll.

- It's not a doll.

It's monkey!

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!

He likes you, danny.

- Zoe can bring monkey if she wants to.

Home time, children.

[Children giggle]

Don't forget your pets for the competition tomorrow.

Narrator: it is the evening before the pet competition.

Peppa and suzy are getting goldie the fish ready.

- Eat up, goldie.

You've got a big day tomorrow.

- I will polish your bowl.


Squeak! Squeak!

- Lovely.

Narrator: pedro is talking to his stick insect.

A stick insect is an insect that looks like a stick.

- Tomorrow you will come with me to playgroup.

They will decide who is the best pet,

And it will be you!

Narrator: edmond elephant is talking to his gecko.

- Watch me.

[Blows raspberry]

Now you do it.

- [Blows raspberry]

- [Laughs]

Narrator: zoe zebra is talking to her monkey.

- Are you excited about the competition, monkey?

Ooh, ooh, ooh!

Remember to be good tomorrow.

Don't be a cheeky monkey.


Narrator: it is the day of the pet competition.

- [Barks] madame gazelle,

Who is going to decide which pet is the best?

- Dr. Hamster.

- Hello, everyone.

Children: hello!

- Oh, what lovely pets you've got!

That's a happy little fish.

What's its name?

- It's goldie!

You've met her before.

- She's got a very shiny bowl.


- What does goldie like doing?

- She likes swimming around and going like this.

- Wonderful!

And who is this?

- This is my stick insect.

- What's his name?

- Steven.

- What does he do?

- He looks like a stick.

- Amazing!


What kind of animal is this?

- It is a gecko!

- Does he have a name?

- [Span]hemidactylus frenatus.[/Span]

Narrator: edmond elephant is a clever-clogs.

- Right.

And what does he do?

- This!

[Blows raspberry]

- [Blows raspberry]

- Ohh.

Who's next?

- Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh! Monkey!

- Is he meant to be upside down?

- Yes, he's asleep.

- Oh, I see.

Well, he's lovely.

I've brought my pet too,

Tiddles the tortoise!

He likes climbing trees and--

- Who's the winner? [Barks]

- Yes, who's won the prize?

- Oh.

The prize goes to...

[Clears throat]

Tiddles the tortoise!

[Children gasp]

Narrator: dr. Hamster has picked her own pet

To win the prize.

- [Snorts] that's not fair!

- It's your own pet!

- Oh, no!

This is only the prize for the best...


The prize for the best fish goes to...

Goldie the fish!

All: hooray!

- The prize for the best gecko goes to...

The gecko!

All: hooray!

- The prize for the pet

Who looks most like a stick goes to...


All: hooray!

- The prize for the best monkey--

- Dr. Hamster,

He's not a real monkey.

He's just pretend.

- The prize for the best pretend monkey goes to...


All: hooray!

- But, dr. Hamster,

Which is the best pet of all?

- All of them!

They're all happy, healthy pets.

They're lovely!

[All giggle]

- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]