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A05x01 - Potato City/The New House/Basketball/Horsey Twinkle Toes/Naughty Tortoise

Posted: 11/23/23 07:07
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

[Birds chirping]

Narrator: peppa and her family are going to potato city.

- What is potato city, mummy?

- It's a theme park, peppa,

Where the magic of vegetables never ends.

- It sounds a bit boring.

- It will be fun. Potato city, here we come.

Honk! Honk!

Here we are.

Narrator: the family have arrived

At a field of potatoes.

- Is this potato city? - It must be.

And it looks like we picked the right day to visit.

There are no crowds.

- Are you sure this is the right place, daddy pig?

It just looks like a farmer's field to me.

- Excuse me, is this potato city?

- No. That's potato city.

[Distant laughter and bells ringing]

[Siren wailing]

- [Snorts]

It isn't quite what I was expecting.

- It's fantastic.

- How many tickets?

- Two adults and two children, please, miss rabbit.

- Busy, isn't it? - Busy?

No, this is quiet for potato city.

Have a lovely day.

Narrator: peppa's friends have come to potato city too.

- Hello, everyone.

All: hello, peppa.

[Trumpet playing]

Narrator: and this is mr. Potato himself.

- Welcome to potato city,

Where the magic of vegetables never ends.

All: ooh.

- See how vegetables grow,

Learn how they keep us fit and healthy,

And get shot into space by the potato rocket!

All: whee!

Narrator: peppa and her friends are going to ride

On the potato rocket.

George wants to ride on the potato rocket too.

- [Snorts twice]

- Are you sure, george? It looks a bit high.

Narrator: daddy pig doesn't like heights.

- Moo! Hurry up, daddy pig!

- [Laughs] oh, I'm not getting on.

- George is too small to go on his own.

- Oh, okay.

Make it quick.

- Oh, it's very quick.

- [Crying]

Narrator: george has changed his mind.

- Oh, dear george, come to mummy.

- Maybe I'll just get off too.

- Chops away!

- Have fun, daddy pig.

- [Groaning]

Oh, it stopped.

Well, I'm glad that's all over.

All: whee!

- [Screaming]

- This is brilliant!

All: whee!

[All giggling]

- Everybody off!

- That was fun, wasn't it, daddy?

- [Moans] yes, lots of fun.

- Mummy, what's that?

- Go round and put your head through that hole.

- Now what happens?

[All giggling]

- Suzy, you're a tomato.

- Look, I'm a carrot.

- Oh, yes.

- And I'm a pumpkin. [Barks]

[All giggling]

- Welcome to the dinosaur garden.

All: ooh.

- Say hello to my dinosaur friends.

And don't be frightened. They are not real.

But this is exactly how they would have looked

Walking the earth together.

- No, it's not.

- What?

- Triceratops lived in the cretaceous period.

The stegosaurus was jurassic.

They would not have walked together.

- How do you know that?

- I'm a clever clogs. [Trumpets]

- Anyway, who wants to ride one?

- Me! - Me!

- Why have you got dinosaurs in potato city?

- Because dinosaurs ate potatoes?

- No.

- Anyway, children like dinosaurs.

- Dinosaur! - Dine-saw!

[Both growl]

[Trumpet playing]

- Roll up, roll up,

For the vegetable roundabout swing thing.

- A vegetable roundabout swing thing!

- I like potato city,

Because it teaches you about vegetables

And swings you round and round.


Narrator: potato city,

Where the magic of vegetables never ends.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: daddy pig is working hard

In his workroom.

- What are you doing, daddy?

- I'm building a new house.

- It's very small.

Is it a house for elves and fairies?

- Oh, ho, no. This is a model.

The real house will be much bigger.

- Ah.

- And this is a drawing of what needs to be built.

- I think something is missing, daddy.


Narrator: peppa has drawn a swing

To go outside the house.

- Perfect.

Would you like to visit the new house?

- Yes, please. - [Snorts twice]

Narrator: daddy pig is taking peppa and george

To see the house he is building.

- [Snorts] here we are.

- But, daddy, there's nothing here.

- That's because the building work hasn't started yet.

[Engines rumbling]

- Digger! Digger! [Giggles]

Narrator: here are mr. Bull and his friends.

- Mr. Bull has come to build the new house.

- Aren't you building it, daddy?

- I've done the hard bit.

Mr. Bull just has to follow my instructions.

- Hello, mr. Pig. What's it to be?

Car park? Swimming pool? Rocket station?

- A house.

Can you build it exactly like this, please?

- But bigger.

- Mr. Pig wants a house.

- Is it going to be built of straw?

- Or sticks? - Or bricks, mr. Pig?

- Bricks, please. - Good choice.

- Don't forget the swing.

- Don't worry, peppa. We won't.

[Both giggle]

[Engine rumbling]

- [Snorts] can I help?

- [Snorts twice and giggles]

Narrator: george wants to help too.

- Okay, george.

Could you put a blob of mortar here?

- [Snorts twice]


- [Giggles] it looks like squelchy mud.

- Mortar is a very special kind of mud

That sticks bricks together.

Peppa, would like to lay the first brick?

- [Snorts] yes, please.

- Well done. I'll do the rest.

Bricks must be laid straight and level, see?

Line after line.

- That will take ages.

- Yes. - Will you finish it today?

- Oh, no.

You can't build a house in a day.

It'll be finished tomorrow.

- Good. See you tomorrow, mr. Bull.

Both: bye-bye!

- Bye!

- George put the sticky mud down,

And I put the brick on top.

- Vroom!

- That all sounds very exciting.

Now close your eyes and go to sleep.

[Both snoring]

[Rooster crows]

Narrator: it is morning.

Peppa and george cannot wait to see the new house.


- It's finished! - [Snorts twice]

- Almost finished.

It just needs to be inspected.

Honk! Honk!

Narrator: mr. Rabbit is the building inspector.

- Hmm...

Very good.

But wait. It's not finished.

- What? - You forgot the swing.

- Moo! Oh, no, we didn't.

- [Giggling] thank you, mr. Bull.

- Now it's all ready for our new neighbors to move in.

- Neighbors? - Yes, peppa.

We've got new neighbors.


Narrator: mr. Wolf and his family

Are moving in to their new home.

- Oh, look, little piggies.

- Hello, I'm wendy wolf.

- I'm peppa pig. [Snorts]

- Thank you for building our house, mr. Pig.

What's it made of? Straw? Sticks?

- It's made of bricks.

- Let's see how strong it is.

I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll...

[Exhaling forcefully]

Hmm, that is strong.

What's your own house made of, mr. Pig?

- Bricks, so don't even think about it.

- Ooh, a swing.

- That was my idea.

- It's very good. You have a go.

- Can you push me? - No.

I'll huff and puff you instead.

[Inhales deeply and blows]

[Laughter and snorting]

- I'm a noisy parrot. [Snorts]

- I'm a noisy parrot. [Snorts]

[Laughter and snorting]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

[All giggling]

Narrator: it is a lovely sunny day.

Peppa and her friends are in the school playground.

- [Blows whistle]

Children, today we have a special person

Coming to teach you basketball.

All: ooh.

- Hello. - Daddy!

It isn't home time yet.

- We've got a special teacher coming today.

- That's me. I'm the coach.

Narrator: a basketball teacher is called a coach.

All: ooh.

- That's clever, daddy.

- Peppa, call me coach. - Okay, daddy coach.

- Does anyone know how to play basketball?

All: no.

- It's fun.

You have to run, bounce the ball,

And throw it through the hoop.

All: wow.

- Easy peasy.


Narrator: it is not as easy as it looks.

- To play basketball, you need to train hard

And keep fit.

- Are you fit, daddy coach?

- Yes, I'm super fit.

- But, daddy coach, you've got a big tummy.

- This tummy is pure muscle.


- First, I'll teach you how to get the ball

From here to here.

- I can do that.

- No, danny, you can't use your feet.

That's football.

Narrator: danny dog likes football.

- In basketball, you bounce the ball

With your hands like this.

Who wants a go?

- Me, me, me!

Narrator: suzy sheep is bouncing the basketball

Very carefully.

- Well done, suzy.

Now everyone try.

Narrator: everyone is learning how to bounce the ball.

- [Blowing whistle] now I'll teach you tackling.

- What's tackling?

- Tackling is trying to get the ball

From another player like this.

Try and get the ball from me, george.

- [Snorts twice and giggles]

Narrator: george is very good at tackling.

- Now throw the ball through the hoop.


You need just a bit more training there, george.

- [Giggles and snorts twice]

- Let's have a little practice game.

Split into two teams.

- [Barks] boys against girls.

[All giggling]

Narrator: the girls are in one team.

The boys are in the other.

- That's not fair.

We've got little ones on our team.

- Don't worry.

The boys team will still win.

- Yeah, we're a super team.

- [Blows whistle]

- [Trumpets] ah!

Narrator: emily elephant is very good

At reaching high with her trunk.

- [Snorts] emily's using her trunk.

It's not fair.

- Shush, peppa. She's on our side.

- Oh, yes, that is fair.

- [Barks] it's not fair.

- We want emily on our team.

- No, she's in our team.

- Stop arguing.

You can all be in the same team.

- Okay. [All giggling]

Narrator: the children are all in one big team.

- Oh, but who will we play?

- Um...well...

All: hello.

- [Bleats] - [barks]

Narrator: the parents have come to take the children home.

- I know. [Snorts]

You can play the grown-ups.

- But they are bigger than us.

- Ah, but you've been taught basketball by daddy coach.

- Yes, let's play them.

- We're the children's team.

All: yay!

- We're the grown-ups team. All: all right!

- I'm quite good at cricket.

- Yes, well, this is basketball.

- You throw the ball through the hoop.

- But you can only use your hands...

- Or your trunk... - But not your feet.

- Ready, steady, go.

Narrator: mr. Elephant has the ball.

Tackled by george,

Passed to zoe zebra to richard rabbit.

And peppa throws it through the hoop.

- Yippee!

- The children have won.

All: hooray!

- All thanks to daddy coach.


- This looks like fun. Yippee!

[Children giggling]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa and george are playing in their bedroom.

- Dine-saw. [Growls]

- George, you must stay on your side of the bedroom.

That's your side, and this is my side.

[Snorts] do not cross the invisible line.

[Doorbell rings]

Post! [Both giggling]

- [Snorts] hello, mr. Zebra.

- Hello, daddy pig. I've got some letters for you.

- Is there anything for me and george?

- [Snorts twice]

- Hmm, I'm afraid not.

They're all for mummy and me.

- Oh.

- There's a parcel as well.

- Probably that box of reinforced concrete I ordered.

- Look at all the stamps on it.

- That's because it's from a long way away.

Bye now. Both: bye-bye.

- Oh, the label says it is for peppa and george.

- Yippee! [Both giggling]

- Look, mummy, a parcel for george and me.

- Ooh. - There's a letter too.

"Dear peppa and george,

"Here is a present for you to share.

Love, from your auntie dottie."

- Auntie dottie lives far away in another country.

- Ooh, what is the present?

- It's got wheels.

- Car! [Giggles]

- It's not a car, george. [Snorts]

It's got legs. It's a table.

- [Snorts twice]

- [Giggles] it's got a tail.

- Oh, tables don't have tails.

- There's a handle as well.

- What can it be?

- [Snorts]

There's something else in the box.

It's a toy horse.

I shall call it... Twinkle toes.

- Horsey. - Twinkle toes.

- Horsey. - Twinkle toes!

- Horsey.

- Remember, children, aunt dottie sent the present

For both of you.

- You'll have to share.

Sharing can be fun.

- Can I play with twinkle toes first?

- Let george have the first turn.

He's the youngest.

- [Giggling] horsey! Horsey!

Narrator: george likes playing with horsey.

- George, it is called twinkle toes not horsey.

- Now it's peppa's turn.

- I am princess peppa

With my magic horse, twinkle toes.

Narrator: peppa likes playing with twinkle toes.


- Whoops.

- [Snorts]

Perhaps you should play with the toy horse outside.

- Yes, mummy.

[Both giggling]

- Hmm, it's a bit steep here.

Maybe you should play at the bottom of the hill.

And the quickest way down the hill

Is to ride down.

[Snorts loudly]

- Are you sure, daddy?

Don't crash like you always do.

- Ho, ho, I know what I'm doing, peppa.

I'm a grown-up.


- How are you going to stop, daddy?

- Uh...i don't know.


Where are the brakes?

[Tires screech]



- Clever, daddy.

You used the duck pond to stop.


- What was that big splash?

- What big splash? - [Snorts]

Daddy pig, did you know you've got a duck on your head?

- Oh, uh, yes. Well, I did fall in the pond.



- Horsey. Horsey.

Narrator: george wants to ride on the toy horse.

- Go! Go! Oh.

Narrator: george cannot make the horse go.

- If only there was someone big and strong to push george along.

- I'm big and strong.

I can push george.

- What a good idea, peppa.

[Both giggling]

- Horsey, horsey.

- George, she's called twinkle toes.

- Horsey. - Twinkle toes.

- Horsey. - [Snorts]

I know.

Because the present is for both of us,

We'll call her horsey twinkle toes.

[Both giggling]

Narrator: peppa and george love playing together

With horsey twinkle toes.


- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]


Narrator: it is a lovely autumn day.

Peppa and her friends are playing in the leaves.

- Look, it's tiddles the tortoise.

- Hello, tiddles.

What are you doing here?

- Tiddles...


Narrator: it is dr. Hamster, the vet.

All: here's tiddles.

- Thank goodness you found him.

Oh, naughty tortoise. Back in your box.

It's your bedtime.

- It's not bedtime yet.

- It's bedtime for tiddles.

He sleeps all through the winter

And wakes up in spring.

- That sounds nice.

- You like sleeping, don't you, pedro?

- Yes.

[All giggling]

- Oh, dear. Tiddles?

Narrator: tiddles has run away.

[All gasp]

- Look, he's up that tree.

- Oh, tiddles, I don't know why

You like climbing trees.

- [Snorts]

How are going to rescue tiddles?

- Chop the tree down. [Bleats]

- No. I'll ring the fire brigade.


[Phone ringing]

- Fire service? What's that?

Tortoise up a tree... Again?

We're on our way.

[Alarm ringing]

[Siren wailing]

[Tires screech]

- Stand clear.

Narrator: fire engines use ladders

To rescue pets from trees.

- Come on, tiddles.

Narrator: tiddles is climbing higher in the tree.

- Come here, you little pickle.

Narrator: mummy cow is climbing into the tree.

- Be careful, mummy cow.

- Oh, dear. I'm stuck.

Narrator: cows are not very good at climbing trees.

- Hang on. I'm coming up.

Here, tiddles.

[Tree creaking]

Oh! I'm stuck too!

Narrator: elephants are not very good at climbing trees.

- Well, that didn't work, did it?

- [Snorts loudly] what are we going to do now?

- Chop the tree down! All: no!

- I'll call the next rescue service.


[Phone ringing]

[Tires screech]

- Hello, granddad dog's breakdown service.

- Hello, tiddles the tortoise is up a tree.

- Tortoise up a tree... Again?

I'll be right there. [Barks]

[Horn honks]


How do you get tortoises out of trees?

- Chop the tree down!

- Yes, let's chop the tree down!

All: no!

- Okay, I'll climb up instead.

All: hooray!

- [Grunting]

Oh, I seem to be stuck.

Narrator: dogs are not very good at climbing trees.

- Now what can we chop the tree down?

- No.

We'll have to call the highest rescue service

In the land.


- Okay, I'm on my way.

Narrator: it is miss rabbit in her rescue helicopter.

- Hello, everyone.

Let's rescue this tortoise.

- Uh, who's flying your helicopter?

- Oops. Silly me.

I'll just put the autopilot on.

- Autopilot on. Have a nice day.

Narrator: autopilots fly helicopters on their own.

- Got you, you little rascal.

Narrator: miss rabbit has rescued tiddles.

All: hooray!

- Thank you, miss rabbit, for saving my tiddles.

- No problem, ma'am.

All: thank you for saving us too.

- Just doing my job. Good-bye!

- Eh, haven't you forgotten something?

- What?

Oh, yes! My helicopter!

Good-bye, everyone!

All: good-bye!

- What a naughty tortoise you are.

- [Yawns]

- Oh, good, you're sleepy now.

Back in your box.

- Sleep well, tiddles.

Narrator: tiddles has gone to sleep for the winter.

He will wake again in the springtime.

All: shh.


- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]