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A04x04 - Champion Daddy Pig/Chatterbox/Mr. Fox's Van/Chloe's Big Friends/Gym Class

Posted: 11/23/23 07:04
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: peppa and her family

Are watching sport on television.

- It's a long jump.

It's a new world record!

[Cheers and applause]

- [Snorts] mummy.

What's a world record?

- It means you're best in the world at something.

- Then you are a champion, and your name goes in a book.

There are champions for running,



- I wish you were in the book, daddy.

- I am in the book.

- No!

- Yes.

Daddy pig is champion puddle-jumper.

- Wow. - Wow.

- No one has beaten me yet,

I don't think they ever will.

- The next event is the puddle jump.


That was a very big splash.

In fact, I think-- yes!

It's a new world record!

- Oh.

- [Snorts] daddy!

You're not the champion anymore.

Everyone will be sad.

- Oh-ho, I'm sure they've got more important things

To worry about, peppa.

[Doorbell rings]

- Daddy pig, you lost the world record.

- Everyone wants you to be champion again.

- It's important.

- Really?

All: yes!

- Okay, I'll do it...


All: hooray!

- But I'll have to train myself

To jump in muddy puddles again.

- Everyone knows how to jump in muddy puddles, daddy.

- Ah.

But not everyone is a champion, peppa.

- Daddy pig is the master.

- Daddy,

Are you going to practice jumping up and down?

- No, peppa.

I must be at one with the puddle.

- What?

- To jump in a puddle, I must think like a puddle.

- Do you need to do running?

- No.

- Do you need to do press-ups?

- No.

I need to sleep

And dream about puddles.

Narrator: it is the day of the big puddle jump.

Daddy pig is wearing his puddle-jumping costume.

- I can't find my golden boots.

- I gave those old boots to grandpa

For his gardening.

- My lucky golden boots?

To be used as gardening boots?

- You've got other ones.

- It's not the same.

[Phone rings]

- Hello. - Grandpa.

Remember those old boots I gave you?

- Uh, yes.

- Daddy needs them back urgently.

You have been looking after them?

- Um, they have been watered.

Narrator: grandpa pig is growing tomatoes

In daddy's lucky boots.

- [Snorts] we need them for the puddle jump today.

- Right-o.

I'll meet you there.

[Crowd murmuring]

Narrator: everyone has come to watch

Daddy pig's puddle jump.

[Horn toots]

- Please welcome your friend and mine,

Mr. Potato!

All: hooray!

- Good luck, daddy pig.

Oh, but where are your lucky boots?

- [Gasps] here they are.

- Thank you, grandpa pig.


I can smell tomatoes.

- And now for daddy pig's puddle jump.

Narrator: daddy pig is thinking.

- Ready,



- I must become one with the puddle.

I must be the puddle.



- The puddle has gone.

- [Giggles] the puddle

Has gone over all of us.

Narrator: daddy pig has become one with the puddle.

Everyone has become one with the puddle.

- It's a new world record!

All: hooray! [Cheers and applause]

- [Snorts] champion daddy pig!

- And who is this?

- I'm peppa pig.

One day, I will be the champion puddle-jumper.

- I've been training her.

- Ah.

To be trained by the master!

What have you learned?

- Uh...

If you jump in muddy puddles,

You must wear your boots.


- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: it is a lovely sunny day,

And suzy sheep has come to play with peppa.

- [Snorts] hello, suzy.

- [Bleats] hello, peppa.

Narrator: peppa and suzy are best friends.

- Guess what happened to me yesterday.

- Yesterday I went to the duck pond,

And I saw mrs. Duck.

- Well, yesterday--

- Then I went to the supermarket with mummy.

We bought bread, carrots, and--

What's wrong?

- You talk too much.

You go, "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."

Just like that.

"Blah, blah, blah."

- Mummy, suzy said I talk too much.

- Well, you are a bit of a chatterbox, peppa.

- Chatterbox.

That's right.

Chatterbox here.

Chatterbox there.

Chatter, chatter, chatter.

You never stop talking.

- [Snorts]

I can easily stop talking if I want to.

- No, you can't.

- Yes, I can!

- You can't.

- I can!

- You can't.

- That's it.

I'm never going to talk again.

[Bell dings]

- Hello, suzy.

Hello, peppa.

- [Bleats] hello, zoe.

You look nice today.

- Thank you, suzy.

This is my new dress.

Why are you not talking, peppa?

- Yes, why are you not talking, peppa?

- Ugh!

This is a silly game.

- What game are you playing?

- Suzy said I was a chatterbox

And I could never be quiet.

- You're not being very quiet now, are you?

[Giggles] - right.

I'm not going to talk ever again.

Starting now.

[Bell dings]

- Hello, everyone.

- Hello, danny.

- Hello, danny.

- What's the matter with peppa?

- She's not talking.

- Oh.

Who wants a grape?

- Me, please. - Me, please.

- Mm! Mm!

- You can't nod your head.

That's cheating.

And you can't blink.

[Horn toots]

- Hello, everyone.

All: hello, pedro.

- What's the matter with peppa?

- She's never going to talk ever again.

- Why?

- Because she talks too much.

- I do not talk too much!

Anyway, you're always walking like this.

"Ooh, look at me.

I'm suzy sheep."

- See what I mean?

- And you say this.

"Mickey mackey boo baa boo."

- That's nothing like me.

- It is a bit like you, suzy.

- You're just as noisy as me.


- I can be quiet.

- It's not easy.

- It's not that hard, peppa.

- Okay, you do it then.

- Let's all do it.

- We can show my mummy!

[All giggling]


We're all going to be quiet.

- Very quiet.

- So quiet

You can drop something on the floor and hear it.

- Quiet as a mouse.

[All giggle]

- You're not being quiet at all.

You're all being very noisy.

- We can be quiet.

Whenever we want.

- Start being quiet on the count of three.

One, two--

- I'm not ready.


Now. [All giggle]

- On your marks... - Ready.

- Get set...

- Three.

[Car horn honks]

- Hello.

[Snorts] I'm home.


I thought the house was empty.

- Peppa and her friends are playing at being quiet.

- [Snorts] it's not playing.

It's very hard work.

All: oh, peppa!

Narrator: peppa cannot stop herself from talking.

- Oh, daddy,

I think I might be a chatterbox.

- That's not such a bad thing, peppa.

It's good to talk.

In fact, I think you're an expert at talking.

- That's right.

I am an expert at talking.

- [Bleats] I'm an expert at talking too.

- No, you're not.

I'm the chatterbox.

- I'm more of a chatterbox than you.

- Oh-ho.

You two are just the same.

- Yes, we are.

- That's why we are best friends.

- Chatter, chatter.

Narrator: peppa loves talking.

Suzy loves talking.

Everybody loves talking.

All: ♪ I'm a little chick ♪

♪ Singing cheep, cheep, cheep ♪

♪ I like to pick up food ♪

♪ With my beak, beak, beak ♪

♪ I've a fluffy yellow head ♪

♪ And straw for my bed ♪

♪ And I jump up and down ♪

♪ Singing cheep, cheep, cheep ♪

[All giggle]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: it is a lovely sunny day.

Peppa is playing with her friends.

- [Snorts] it's freddy fox.

- [Barks] hello, everyone.

All: hello, freddy.

- Come on.

Let's cycle through the big hill.

All: yay! [Bells dinging]

- Good morning, mr. Fox.

- It's afternoon, mr. Pig.

- Afternoon?


My watch must have stopped.

- My shop sells watches and clocks.

Let me see what I've got in the van.

One grandfather clock.

- It's a bit big.

- Good, isn't it?

It actually comes in a set of three.

- Oh.

[Bells dinging]

- [Snorts] who's got the loudest bell?

[Bells dinging]

- I haven't got a bell.

- Oh.

- But my dad will have one in the back of his van.

- Three clocks are much better than one.

- Dad, have you got a bicycle bell, please?

- How many do you want, son?

- I only want one.

- I do them in boxes of two.

Narrator: freddy fox now has two bicycle bells.

[Bells dinging]

- Brilliant.

Thanks, dad.

[Bells dinging]

Dad gave me two bells!

[Bells dinging]

All: wow!

- What else has your dad got in his van?

- He's got everything.

All: ooh!

- [Snorts] what shall we play now?

- Let's have a bicycle race.

- With a big shiny cup for the winner.

But where can we get a cup?

- Yes, where can we get a cup?

- I'll see what I can do.

The best thing about having your own cement mixer is--

- Dad, have you got a big shiny winner's cup

For our bicycle race, please?

- How important a race is it?

- It's very important.

- Will this do?

- Wow, thanks, dad!

It's gold!

- Yes, it's plastic gold.

Both: ooh!

[Bells dinging]

- One winner's cup.

It's made of plastic gold!

All: wow!

- Your daddy's van really has got everything.

- Yep.

- [Neighs] let's race to peppa's house.

- Ready, steady, go!

[Bells dinging, kids laughing]

- Press this button, and it just disappears.

Both: ooh!


- And if you push this button, you can play cds.

[Lively rock music]

[Bells dinging, kids giggling]

♪ ♪

Narrator: the friends have all finished together.

- Everyone's a winner!


- But we've only got one cup.


- My van has a winner's cup for everyone.

Both: hooray! [Applause]

- Mr. Fox,

Is there anything you don't have in your van?

- Try me.

- Have you got a banjo?

[Rattling, chord plucks]

- Four- or five-string?

- [Bleats]

You won't have a tree in your van.


- Apple or pear?

- [Barks]

I bet you haven't got a rocket in there.

- Boxes of five.

- What about a chicken?

- One chicken.

[Hen clucks]

[Both giggle]

- Mr. Fox's van is magic.

- It's a super van.

- Yes, it is.

Come on, freddy. We better get home.

Good-bye, everyone. - Bye.

All: bye!

- Have you got a bouncy castle?

- Yep.

- A garden shed?

- Yep.

I've got everything.


I've got no petrol.

Narrator: mr. Fox has everything in his van

Except petrol.

- Hmm.

I need to get to the petrol station.

- I would tow you, but I haven't got a tow rope.

- Oh, I've plenty of them.

I do them in packs of five.

- Can we come along too?

- [Chuckles] why not?

[Kids giggling]

Narrator: daddy pig is towing mr. Fox's van

To the petrol station.

[All giggling]


Narrator: mummy zebra is making a little cup

On the potter's wheel.

- There.

One cup.

Kids: wow.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa and her family

Are on their way to visit cousin chloe.

- I love playing with big cousin chloe.

- [Snorts]

[Both giggling]

- [Snorts] both: chloe! Chloe!

- Oh, chloe.

- Hi, there.

These are my friends,

Simon squirrel and belinda bear.

- You can call me "sy."

It's short for simon.

- And I'm "bea."

It's short for belinda.

- [Snorts] I'm peppa.

- We'll call you "peh."

- Oh.

And this is george.

- We'll call you "jeh."

- Oh.

- You didn't tell us you had baby cousins, chloe.

- [Snorts] I'm not a baby.

- But you're both little.

- I'm a big girl.

George is little.

- Uh, why don't we all play a game?

- [Snorts] yes, let's play hide-and-seek.

- [Snorts]

- We don't play baby games anymore.

- We're almost grown-up.

- What about the yes, no game?

- What's the yes, no game?

- I ask things, and you answer.

- What makes that a game?

- You mustn't say "yes" or "no."

- Too easy.

- Do you want to play then?

- Yes.

- [Laughs] you said "yes."


- That's not fair.

I wasn't ready.

- Bea, are you ready?

- Yes.

- Ah-ha! I win again.

Narrator: peppa is very good at playing the yes, no game.

- Can I ask the questions?

- Of course.

- You don't mind me asking you the questions?

- I don't mind.

- Am I ever going to make you say yes or no?

- I don't think so.

- Oh, I give up.

How do you always win?

- Easy. I just don't say yes or no.

- Ah! I win!

You said yes and no.

[All laugh]

That was fun.

- Let's play another game.

- Have you ever played sardines?

- What's that?

- Someone hides, and we all try to find them.

- That sounds like hide-and-seek.

- But when you find them,

You keep quiet and hide in the same space

Until everyone is hiding there.

- Like sardines in a tin.

- All right.

Let's try it.

- [Snorts]

- George, you hide first.

- [Giggles]

All: one, two, three.

Narrator: george is looking for somewhere to hide.

All: nine, ten.

- Ready or not, here we come. [All giggling]

- [Giggles]

[Snorts] george.

I can see your wiggly tail. [Giggles]

Narrator: peppa is hiding with george.

- Move over, george.

- Found you.

Narrator: now chloe must squeeze in

With peppa and george.

[Giggles] - move up.

- There you all are.

Narrator: now belinda bear must squeeze in too.

- Budge up.

- [Snorts] we're like sardines in a tin.


- Where's everyone gone?

All: surprise!

- [Screams]

[All giggle]

Can we stop running around now?

- Yeah, let's just chill out.

- Chill out? What's that?

- We just sit around and talk about stuff.

- [Snorts] I like talking.

Blah, blah, blah.

- Let's talk about music.

I dig blues music.

- Um, I like reds music.

- I like greens music.

- We don't like children's music.

All: no, no, no.

- What music are you into?

- I like this.

It's very grown-up.

- ♪ Head, shoulders, knees and toes ♪

♪ Knees and toes ♪

♪ Head, shoulders, knees and toes ♪

♪ Knees and toes ♪

♪ And eyes and ears ♪

♪ And mouth and nose ♪

♪ Head, shoulders, knees and toes ♪

♪ Knees and toes ♪

♪ Head, shoulders, knees and toes ♪

- [Snorts] peppa. George.

It's time to go home now.

All: aww.

- You will see chloe again soon.

- I'm coming to your house next week, peppa.

Both: can we come along too?

- You can come, but we will be playing games.

- We like playing games with peppa and george.

All: hooray!

Narrator: you can still have fun playing games,

Even when you're almost grown-up.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa and her friends are going to the gym today.

- Let's check you've all got your gym kits on.

Narrator: pedro is wearing a super hero costume.

- Pedro, where is your gym kit?

- It's at home.

I thought it was dressing up day.

- Follow me, children.

Narrator: this is the gym where mummies and daddies come

To exercise and enjoy themselves.

- Are you all having fun?

All: yes, lots of fun.

- Your gym teacher for today is grampy rabbit.

- Where is he?

- Hello, children!

Are you ready to exercise?

All: yes, grampy rabbit.

- [Bellows]


- Do we have to do that?

- No, that's only for big athletes like me.

Not for little explorers like you.

- We're not explorers.

- I'll make explorers of you.

But you! You look like a super hero.

- Uh, it's just pretend.

- Pretending, that's good!


Let's warm up.

Everyone, run on the spot.

[All giggle]

And flap your arms.

Now stretch.


Wobble like a jelly.


[All giggle]

[Whistle blows]

And rest.

Now we're all warmed up, we can start.

- Start what?

- Your adventure!

I want you to pretend that this room is a jungle.

- It doesn't look like a jungle.

- Where are the trees?

- You have to imagine it.

The trees, the rain,

The fast-flowing river at your feet.

Your first adventure is to walk on this beam

Across the river.

- [Barks] that's easy.

- Ahh, but it's nighttime.

And it's windy.

[Exhales noisily]

- What?

- That's how it was for me.

It was a dark and stormy night.

I was on an adventure.


- [Bleats] but it's not windy or nighttime.

- You have to pretend.

[Exhales noisily]

Narrator: everyone crosses the pretend river safely.

All: hooray!

[Whistle blows]

Well done, my little explorers!

- What's next, grampy rabbit?

- Your next adventure is to swing across this swamp

Full of crocodiles.

[Kids scream]

- I can't see any crocodiles.

- You've got to pretend.

- Let those crocodiles know who's boss.

- Go away, you naughty crocodiles.

- That's the spirit!

- Did you ever swing across a crocodile swamp?

- Of course, I did.

- Were you scared?

- Not as scared as they were of me.



Don't forget to do the call.

[All bellow]

Narrator: everyone has crossed

The pretend crocodile swamp safely.

- Well done!

- What's our next adventure?

- This is a vault.

Big athletes jump over it like this...

All: ooh!

- But you can pretend it's a dinosaur

And crawl through its legs.

- Have you crawled through a dinosaur's legs,

Grampy rabbit?

- Oh, yes.

Once I was walking in the jungle

When I stumbled into a lost world of dinosaurs.

- Roar!


[All giggling]

- And that's it!

You've made it out of the jungle!

All: hooray!

- A-ho!

Did you have a good gym class, children?

- Yes, madam gazelle.

- They're real little explorers now.

- We walked across a river.

- And we swung over crocodiles.

- And we crawled under a dinosaur.

- I love doing gym class with grampy rabbit.



- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig ♪



♪ Peppa pig ♪



♪ Peppa pig ♪

[Snorting and giggling]