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A04x02 - Spring/Miss Rabbit's Helicopter/Baby Alexander/Grampy Rabbit's Lighthouse/Miss Rabbit's Day Off

Posted: 11/23/23 07:02
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]


Male narrator: it is springtime.

Grandpa pig has made a chocolate egg hunt.

- Is everybody ready?

- No, grandpa.

Freddy fox isn't here.

[Horn honks]

- Hello, everyone.

[Together] hello, freddy.

- Ah, hello, mr. Fox.

Are you staying?

- I wish I could.

I loved egg hunts when I was a little lad.

See you later, freddy.

- [Barks]

- Now, are we ready for the egg hunt?

[Together] yes, grandpa pig.

- There are lots of chocolate eggs

Hidden in my garden.

You must find them.

- Easy.

- But be careful not to step on my little plants.

Oh, it's so exciting in springtime

To see these baby plants starting to grow.

- We promise to be careful, grandpa.

- Very good.

Off you go, then.


Narrator: grandpa pig's chocolate egg hunt has begun.

- Have you got time for a cup of tea, grandpa pig?

- Ho-ho, yes.

It will take them ages to find my eggs.

I've hidden them very well.

- Here's an egg. [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa has found a chocolate egg in a plant pot.

- Here's another egg. Squeak!

Narrator: rebecca rabbit has found a chocolate egg

Hiding under a leafy bush.

- Hurray! An egg for me.


Narrator: emily elephant has found a chocolate egg

In the branches of a tree.

- [Sniffing] I think I can smell chocolate.

Narrator: freddy fox has a very good sense of smell.

- Yes!

Narrator: freddy fox has found a chocolate egg

In the middle of the bird bath.


- Grandpa! Grandpa!

We found the chocolate eggs.

- It was really fun.

- But it was a bit easy.

- It wasn't easy for the little ones.

Narrator: george, richard, and edmond

Haven't found any eggs.

[All crying]

- I wonder where the other eggs are.


- Chocky egg!

- [Laughing]

- [Laughing]

- Ah, edmond,

I think there's something behind your ear.

- [Trumpets]


Narrator: everyone has found a chocolate egg.

- What do we do now, grandpa pig?

- Ha-ha! You eat them, of course.

- [Snorts] hello, children.

- Granny! Granny!

We found all the chocolate eggs.

- Well, where are they?

I can't see any eggs.

- They're in our tummies.

- And around your mouths.


Did grandpa hide the eggs well?

- No.

We big ones found them easily.

- But the little ones needed helping.

[Together] aww.

- George, richard, and edmond

Don't like to be the littlest ones.

- Don't worry.

There'll soon be even littler ones in the garden.

- [Snorts] oh, yes.

The little babies.

It's so exciting.

- Grandpa already told us about the baby plants, granny.

But it's not that exciting.

- We're not talking about baby plants, peppa.

- Oh. What are you talking about?

- Let's go and see jemima, vanessa, sarah, and neville.

- They're chickens.

- Yes. And they have eggs, too.

- Can we eat them?

- No, freddy.

These eggs are about to hatch.

[All clucking]

Oh, we're just in time.

Narrator: the baby chicks are hatching.

[Together] aww.

Baby chicks.

- Now the chicks have hatched, it really is springtime.

- Let's pretend to be baby chicks.

[Together] cheep! Cheep! Cheep!

♪ I'm a little chick singing "cheep, cheep, cheep" ♪

♪ I like to pick up food with my beak, beak, beak ♪

♪ I have a fluffy yellow head and straw for my bed ♪

♪ And I jump up and down singing, "cheep, cheep, cheep" ♪

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa and her family have come to the summer fete.

- [Snorts] look--a display of rescue vehicles.

Narrator: granddad dog is showing his pickup truck.

- [Barks] this is the sound my pickup truck makes.

[Horn blaring]

Narrator: mummy sheep is showing the fire engine.

- [Bleats] this is the sound the fire engine makes.

[Siren blaring]

Narrator: and miss rabbit is showing her rescue helicopter.

- This is the sound my helicopter makes.

- Helicopter reversing. Helicopter reversing.

Both: ooh.

- Would you like to go for a ride?

- Yes, please.

- Okay. Hop in.

- Oh, dear. There's no room for me.

Never mind. I'll watch from the ground.

Narrator: daddy pig doesn't like heights.

- Whee-hee!

We're going up in the air.

- Yes.

It can go straight up.


It can go straight down.

Both: whee!

[Mummy pig moans]

- It can even loop-de-loop.

- Whoa!

Poor daddy. He's missing all the fun.

- Yes. Poor daddy.

- One ice cream, please.

Mmm. That's nice.

- Maybe we should land now.

- Emergency. Emergency.

Calling rescue helicopter.

- I'm on my way.

You're in luck. We've got a job to do.

Narrator: mr. Bull is digging up the road.

- Moo! Hello, miss rabbit!

I've got a big metal pipe that needs lifting.

- Okay, mr. Bull.

- How can you lift that big pipe?

- With my big magnet.


Both: hurray!

- What are you going to do with the pipe?

- Um, I'm not really sure.

I know-- I'll put it down here

Where someone can easily find it.

Now I can give you a lift home.

- But what about daddy?


[Phone ringing]

- Hello. - Daddy pig?

Can you make your own way home?

Miss rabbit is giving us a lift.

- Okay. - Daddy! Daddy!

We went up and down and round and round.

- Oh, oh.

I'm really sad to have missed that.

See you back at home.

Who put that pipe there?

I know--i'll take a shortcut.

Hmm, it's a bit muddy.

Come on, car.

Daddy pig needs to get home.

Narrator: daddy pig is stuck.

- I'll ring the granddad dog's pickup truck.

[Phone ringing]

- [Barks] hello. Breakdown recovery.

- I'm stuck in the mud.

Can you come and rescue me, please?

- Sorry, daddy pig.

I'm moving a big metal pipe

That some maniac has left in the road.

I'll pass you on to the next rescue service.

[Phone ringing]

- Hello. Fire service.

- I'm stuck in the mud. Can you rescue me, please?

- Sorry, daddy pig.

I'm rescuing a tortoise that's stuck up a tree.

- Calm down, tiddles.

I don't know why you like climbing trees.

You're a tortoise.

- [Bleats] don't worry, daddy pig.

I'll pass you on to the highest rescue service in the land.


- What's that noise?


I'm flying.

Narrator: miss rabbit's helicopter

Has rescued daddy pig.

Both: hurray!

- Lucky daddy gets a helicopter ride after all.

- Shall we show him what my helicopter can do?

[Together] yes!

- It can go straight up.

- Whoa!

- It can go straight down.

- Whoa!

- It can even loop-de-loop.

- Whoa!

Narrator: everyone likes going up and down and round and round

In miss rabbit's helicopter.

- Where's everyone gone?

[Together] surprise!

- Ah!


- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa and george's cousins

Are coming to visit today.

- [Snorts] mummy, how long before cousin chloe is here?

- Not long now, peppa.

Baby alexander is coming too, remember?

- Oh, babies cry all the time.

They're so noisy.

- I'm sure baby alexander won't be that noisy.


- What's that sound?

- Is a car alarm?

- Is it a fire engine?

- No, it's baby alexander.

- [Crying]

- Hello, peppa! Hello, george!

- Hello, cousin chloe!

- Hello, everyone!

- Hello, uncle pig!

- Hello! - Hello, aunty pig!

- You remember baby alexander, don't you, peppa?

- Yes!

- [Giggling]

- Are you staying for a few days?

- No, this is what alexander needs for just one day.

- Can't go anywhere without all these baby things.

- Oh.

- Hello, baby alexander.

- He can't talk, peppa.

- If he can't talk, then how do you know what he wants?

- We guess. - [Crying]

- I'm guessing he's hungry.

- Peppa, would you like to help feed alexander?

- Yes, please.

Narrator: it is lunchtime for baby alexander.

- Cousin peppa is going to feed you today, alexander.

- Here you are, baby. - [Whines]

- Oh, here it is. - [Whines]

- Ugh. He keeps turning his head.

Narrator: feeding baby alexander is quite hard.

- Watch this.

Here comes the aeroplane.



- Alexander likes it

If you pretend the spoon is an aeroplane.

- You have a go, peppa.

- Here comes the aeroplane.

[Imitates plane]

Open your mouth and in through the doors.


[Together] hurray!

- [Laughs] that was an aeroplane.

Can you say "aeroplane"?

- I told you. He can't talk.

- He hasn't even said his first word yet.

- Peppa, do you remember what your first word was?

- No.

- It was "mummy."

- [Snorts]i thought peppa's first word was "daddy."

- No. "Mummy."

- What was george's first word?

- Dine-saw.

Narrator: george's first word was "dinosaur."

- Somebody looks like they had a good lunch.

- Yes. Bath time, I think.

Narrator: baby alexander is having a bath.

- [Giggling]

- This is mr. Dinosaur.

Can you say "dinosaur"?

- [Coos]

- He can't talk, peppa.

- [Snorts] but he will talk one day.

Then you'll know what he wants.

- What do you want to do now, alexander?

- [Coos]

- [Snorts] I think he wants to go for a walk.

- He can't walk yet, but he can go out in his buggy.

- [Snorts] that's a clever little buggy.

- Yes.

Five gears, mud guards, and a.b.s. Is standard.

- "Blah, blah, blah."

That's how daddies talk.

- [Laughs]

- Alexander likes it when you talk, peppa.

- That's because I am very interesting.


This is the sky. Can you say "sky"?

- [Coos]

- The sky is where rain comes from.

Can you say "rain"?

Rain is good for ducks and plots

And making muddy puddles.

Narrator: peppa has found a big muddy puddle.

- Look, alexander.

I'm jumping up and down in a puddle.


I love jumping up and down in puddles.

- Puddles.

[Together] ooh.

- Alexander has said his first word:


[Together] hurray!


- And I taught him to say it.

- Puddles.


- Wobble like a jelly.


[Blows whistle]

And rest.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa, george, and danny

Are having a day out on granddad dog's boat.

- [Barks] can we go to pirate's island today?

- Yes, danny!

But first we've got to deliver supplies to my friend,

Grampy rabbit.

- Where does grampy rabbit live?

- On a rock.

- On a rock?

- Yes!

In that lighthouse.

[Together] ooh.

- Ahoy there, matey!

- I brought your supplies.

- Ooh! Thank you, granddad dog.

- I've got my crew with me today--

Danny, peppa, and george.

- Visitors?

I haven't had visitors in many a moon.

I get a bit lonely

With just the sea and sky for company.

- How long have you been here?

- Since tuesday. - Oh.

- I've got tales to tell!

If you like to hear.

- No, thanks.

[Together] yes, please!

- Well, there's the sea and the sky

And... I'm learning the banjo.

Would you like to hear a song?

- No, thanks! [Together] yes, please.

- ♪ I got up this morning

♪ The sea was still there

♪ And so was the sky

[Together] ♪ the sea, the sky

♪ The sky, the--

- Here's your cheese.

- Ho, I've missed cheese.

- And a new book.

- [Span]how to run a lighthouse.[/Span]

Oh, that will come in handy.

- Why is your house called a lighthouse?

- I'll show you, peppa.

Narrator: the staircase goes round and round

To the very top of the lighthouse.

- Round and round and round!

- It's called a lighthouse

Because it has this big light at the top.

[Together] wow.

- It shines through the dark,

Helping sailors to find their way.

[Together] ooh.

- And when it's foggy, I use this foghorn.


- That's loud.

- No fog today.

Just sea and sky.

The stories I could tell--

- No, thank you!

We've got to go.

- [Snorts] we're sailing to pirate island.

[Together] good-bye, grampy rabbit!

- Enjoy the sea and the sky!

[Together] we will!

Narrator: granddad dog's boat has arrived at pirate island.

- Look, our sandcastle is still here.

- Let's play hide and seek.

- Okay.

One, two, three...

Narrator: there are not many places to hide on pirate island.

- Ready or not, here I come!

[Barks] found you!

- Oh.

- Now, where's george?

Narrator: granddad dog cannot find george anywhere.

- I give up. Where is he?

- Boo!

Narrator: george was hiding behind granddad dog.

- Clever george.

- [Snorts]

- Let's set off home before it gets dark.

- Oh, it is getting dark.

- Don't worry.

The light from grampy rabbit's lighthouse

Will show us the way home.

Narrator: grampy rabbit is ready for bed.

- [Sighs] my new book, [span] how to run a lighthouse.[/Span]

Chapter one.

[Yawns] I'll read the rest tomorrow.

Better turn the light out.

- Oh, where did the light go?

[Phone ringing]

- Do you know what time it is?

I've just turned the lights out.

- Yes, we know.

Could you turn the big light on again?

- Oh, sorry!

[Together] hurray!

Narrator: it is getting foggy.

- I can't see the light anymore.

- It's us again.

Could you sound the foghorn?

- Of course.


- I can hear something.

Narrator: grampy rabbit is guiding them home.

His voice is a foghorn.

- This way home!

Narrator: the parents are here to pick up the children.

- Have you had a lovely time?

- We went to pirate island.

- And to a lighthouse.

- Grampy rabbit's lighthouse guided us home safely.

- That's nice.

- Grampy rabbit sang a song.

Would you like to hear it?

- No, thanks!

[Together] yes, please.

- ♪ I got up this morning

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa, george, and suzy sheep

Have had a sleepover at rebecca rabbit's house.

- [Snorts] it's fun having carrots for breakfast,

Mummy rabbit.

- Yes, we always have carrots for breakfast.

- I could eat carrots all day,

But I better go to work.

Have a nice day.

[Together] bye-bye.

- Mummy rabbit, why don't you work?

- I do work, suzy.

Who do you think looks after these two little bunnies?

- You do, mummy. [Laughs]

- And you can help me by tidying up your toys, please,

Before someone trips over them.

[Doorbell rings]

That'll be my sister.

- Hello.

- Hello, miss rabbit.

- Aunty!

- I can't stop long.

I've got lots of work to do today.

I've got the supermarket checkout,

The ice cream stool,

And the bus to drive.

See you later then, sister.

- Bye, sister!

- Whoops! Whoa!

Narrator: miss rabbit has tripped

Over one of richard's toys.

- Oh, my ankle.

I can still hop to work.

- No. You stay here and get better.

- But I've got so much work to do.

- I'll do your work for you.

Which job is first?

- The supermarket.

- Okay.

Rebecca, look after your aunty.

- Yes, mummy.

[Tires screech]

Narrator: mummy rabbit has arrived at the supermarket.

- Thank goodness you're here, miss rabbit.

- Miss rabbit is ill.

I'll be doing her job today.

- Are you not miss rabbit?

- No, I'm her sister, mummy rabbit.

Is this where I sit?

- Uh, yes.

Have you ever worked a checkout before?

- No.

- How much is this?

- Oh, I don't know.

- I've got a voucher. - Do you take book tokens?

- Can I pay with a card?

- Umm...

Narrator: suzy sheep is dressed up in her nurse's costume.

- Don't worry. I'm only a pretend nurse.

Stick your tongue out and say "ahh."

- Ahh.

[Phone ringing]

- Rebecca rabbit's house.

Who's speaking, please?

- It's mummy rabbit. Is everything okay?

- Yes.

- Good, because this job is going to take me all day.

- What about miss rabbit's other jobs?

- We'll need more help!

[Phone ringing]

- Uh...

Miss rabbit's ice cream stool.

- Daddy, why are you buying an ice cream?

- Oh, peppa.

I was on the way to the gym,

When I thought an ice cream would be nice.

- [Snorts] miss rabbit is ill.

You've got to sell the ice cream today.

- Ho-ho. I'm an expert at ice cream.

- Can I have a cherry ice cream?

- Um, strawberry, vanilla,

Chocolate, banana...

- With pistachio and strawberry, please.

- Ah, strawberry.

Oh, it's melted.

How about ice cream soup instead?

- [Barks] granddad dog's breakdown service.

- [Snorts] miss rabbit is ill.

Can you drive her bus today?

- Of course, peppa.

[Honks horn]

[Barks] all aboard!

[Rings bell]

Narrator: mummy sheep's car has broken down.

[Phone ringing]

- [Barks] granddad dog's breakdown service.

- [Bleats] can you rescue me, please?

- I'll be straight there.

We would like to apologize for any inconvenience

This may cause to your journey.

Narrator: driving a bus is quite hard.

Selling ice cream is quite hard.

Running a supermarket checkout is quite hard.


- Uh, I'm feeling better.

Can I get up now?

- No. You must lie very still.

But please keep breathing.

[Door opens]

- Are you feeling any better, miss rabbit?

- It's not easy doing all your jobs.

- It's not easy looking after your little bunnies.


- You will be back to work tomorrow, won't you?

- Yes.

And you'll be back at home, won't you?

- Yes.


- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]