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A04x01 - Freddy Fox/Whistling/Dr. Hamster's Tortoise/Sun,Sea, and Snow/Hospital

Posted: 11/23/23 07:01
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: peppa and her friends are playing

At rebecca rabbit's house.


- [Barks] let's play hide-and-seek.

- [Bleats] we will hide, and peppa can find us.

- Okay. One, two--

Narrator: everyone must find a hiding place

Before peppa counts to ten.

Danny and candy are hiding

In the branches of a little tree.

Zoe, pedro, and rebecca are hiding behind a fence.

Suzy and emily are hiding behind a bush.

- Nine, ten. Ready or not, here I come.


I know where you are... Oh.



Narrator: peppa cannot find anyone.

- This is impossible.

[Bicycle bell rings]

Narrator: freddy fox has come to play.

- [Snorts] hello, freddy.

- [Barks] hello, peppa. What are you doing?

- We're playing hide-and-seek. But I can't find anyone.

- Shall I find them for you?

- You can try, but it's impossible.

- [Barks] watch this.


Found you.

All: oh, hello, freddy.

- [Sniffing]

Ah-ha, there you are.

Both: oh!

- [Sniffing] boo!

Both: oh!

Narrator: freddy fox has found everyone.

- How did you do that?

- I'm good at smelling.

- What's smelling got to do with it?

- I can find you by sniffing your smell.

- [Bleats] I'm not smelly; I had a bath last night.

- I know. You smell nice.

- Oh. [Laughs]

- [Barks] I could even find you with my eyes closed.

- Go on, then. [Snorts]

Find suzy with your eyes closed.

- Easy.

- Hide, suzy.

All: one, two, three--

Narrator: suzy is looking for somewhere to hide.

All: six, seven,

Eight, nine, ten.

- Ready or not, here I come. [Sniffs]

Narrator: freddy is looking for suzy with his eyes closed.

He's sniffing where suzy sheep has walked--

'Round the tree,

Behind the little bush,

And back up the hill.

- Found you.

- Oh. [Giggles]

- All thanks to my nose.

- It's a super nose.

- Yes, it is.

- Has everything got a smell?

- Oh, yes, everything has a different smell.

- What do I smell of?

- [Sniffs]

You smell of flowers and wellington boots.

[All laughing]

- What do I smell of?

- [Sniffs]

You smell of wet grass and biscuits.

[All laughing]

- What do I smell of?

- [Sniffs]

Bananas and jam.

- [Laughs]

- What do I smell of?

- [Sniffs]

Milk and fish fingers.

- [Laughs]

- What do I smell of?

- [Sniffs]

Pedro, you smell of toothpaste.

- Oh.

- What's your favorite smell?

- Eggs.

- What is the worst thing you've ever smelled?

- Blue cheese.

All: pooey! [Laughing]

- [Sniffs] it's nearly dinnertime.

- How do you know?

- I can smell carrot soup.

[All sniffing]

- I can smell carrot soup too.

All: and me.

- Dinner's ready. Come and get your carrot soup.

[All laughing]

Narrator: everyone is enjoying mummy rabbit's carrot soup.


- This soup is yummy.

[Car horn beeps]

- Who can that be?

Narrator: mr. Fox has come to take freddy home.

- [Sniffs] mmm, I can smell dinner.

- Oh, mr. Fox. Hello.

- Hello, mummy rabbit.

- Hello, dad.

I've just had my dinner down a rabbit hole.

- Good lad.

- And can you guess what's for pudding?

- [Sniffs] smells nice. I'd say strawberry jelly.

- That's right.

Narrator: mr. Fox loves smelling things.

[All sniffing]

All: mmm.

Narrator: everyone loves smelling things.


- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: it is a lovely, sunny morning,

And daddy pig is reading his newspaper.

- Daddy, what are you doing?

- I'm reading the newspaper.


- You're making a funny sound.

- I'm whistling. - Oh.

- Whistling is fun. You should try it.

- I don't know how to.

- It's easy--just put your lips together and blow.


- Try making a smaller "o" shape.

- [Splurting]

[Both laugh]

- Like this: [whistles].

And then you can whistle a tune.

[Whistles a tune]

- [Blows] ugh, I've got the wrong kind of mouth.

- Your mouth is fine. You just need to practice.

- [Blows] it's impossible.

- It takes time to learn how to do important things--

Like riding a bicycle or playing the piano.

[Snorts] it took me years to learn how to wiggle my ears.

[Playful music]

- Wow. [Laughs]

Narrator: mummy pig is in the kitchen making cookies.

- [Blows]

- What are you doing, peppa?

- I'm learning to whistle.

- Oh, I see.

- [Blows]

Mummy, can you whistle?

- I don't know. I've never tried.

- It takes a lot of practice.

- [Whistles] oh, yes.

Narrator: mummy pig can whistle.

- You can whistle because you are old, mummy.

- Thank you, peppa.

- [Blowing]

- Brrmmm!

Narrator: george is in the bedroom,

Playing with his toy rocket.

- Brrmmm!

- George, I'm learning to whistle.

You make an "o" shape with your mouth and blow.

Don't worry, george.

It's almost impossible, like wiggling your ears.

Narrator: george can wiggle his ears.

- [Giggles]

- [Snorts] whistling is harder.

- [Whistles]

Narrator: george can whistle.

- Oh.

- [Whistles and laughs]

[Subdued music]

- [Sighs]

- What's wrong, peppa?

- [Snorts] I can't whistle, but everybody else can.

- Never mind. I'm making cookies.

Would you like to lick the spoon?

- No, thank you, mummy.

[Snorts] can I ring suzy sheep instead?

- Okay, peppa.

[Touch-tones beeping]

[Phone rings]

- [Bleats] hello, mrs. Pig.

- Hello, mrs. Sheep. Can peppa talk to suzy, please?

- Hello, suzy.

- [Bleats] hello, peppa. What are you doing?

- I'm learning to whistle, but I can't do it yet.

- Hmm, that sounds hard.

- It's impossible. Can you whistle, suzy?

- No.

- [Snorts] oh, good.

I mean, that's sad if you can't whistle,

But good, because I can't whistle.

- What's whistling, anyway?

- You put your lips together and blow.

- Like this?


[Dial tone]

- Hello? Peppa?

- The cookies are ready.

- Oh, goody--cookies. - [Two snorts]

- They'll be hot. You should blow on them first.

- Oh, ah. [Blows]

- [Laughs, blows]

- Do you not want a cookie, peppa?

- No, thank you, mummy.

I think I might go outside

And be on my own for a little bit.

[Melancholy music]

- [Snorts] can you whistle yet?

- It's no use, daddy.

I'm never going to whistle-- ever.

- Have you been practicing?

- [Snorts] yes, lots, but it doesn't work.

- You need a little rest, peppa.

Here, have a cookie. It's hot--you should blow.

- [Whistles] oh, what's that?

- It sounded like a whistle to me.

[Whistles a tune] [laughs]

- What a lovely tune.

Narrator: peppa has learned how to whistle.

- [Laughs] I can whistle.

All: [whistling a tune]


- [Snorts] daddy, you can play the drum.

- I am a bit of an expert at drumming.


- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

[Bell ringing]

Narrator: it is a school day.

- Children, dr. Hamster has come to talk to us today.

- Hello, everyone.

All: hello, dr. Hamster.

- Dr. Hamster is a vet.

- Who knows what a vet does?

- [Bleats] vets help sick pets get better.

- That's right, and I brought some of my pets to show you.

All: oo-ooh.

- This is binky, the budgie.

All: hello, binky.

- [Barks] can I stroke binky?

- Yes. Very gently.


- He feels fluffy.

- Those are his feathers. They help him to fly.


[All laugh]

- Flying is how binky gets his exercise.

Can you tell me what else binky needs

To stay fit and healthy?

- [Snorts] he needs to eat.

- Yes.

- He needs to drink.

- That's right.

- He needs to breathe a bit.

- Very good.

- He needs to sleep.

- Excellent.

- [Yawns] sorry, madame gazelle, I overslept.

- Oh, pedro, you do like sleeping.

- Yes, madame gazelle.

- I have got a pet here who loves sleeping.

- It's a tortoise.

- It's tittles the tortoise.

All: hello, tittles.

- Tittles has slept all through the winter.

All: oo-ooh.

- Why has he got that shell thing on his back?

- That shell is his house.

That's where he hides if he gets scared.

Would you like to stroke him?

- Yes, please.

Don't be scared, tittles.

- How old is he?

- Tittles is .

- That's as old as my mum.

- But tortoises can live for a hundred years.

- [Snorts] that's as old as my grandpa.

- Why is he so slow?

- He has to carry his house on his back.

- Uh, dr. Hamster, I think tittles is escaping.

- He can't go far.

- Because he is so slow.

- I've got someone else to show you here.

- [Snorts] dine-saw.

- Oh, george. You always say dinosaur.

Oh, it is a dinosaur.

All: oo-ooh.

- She's not a dinosaur. This is lulu the lizard.

All: hello, lulu.

- She's scaly-- like a dragon.

- Can she breathe fire?

- No, but she has a very long tongue.

All: wow.

- Does she sleep through the winter like tittles?

- No.

Oh, where is tittles? Tittles?

Narrator: oh, dear.

Tittles the tortoise has run away.

- Don't worry, dr. Hamster. We'll find tittles.

- Is he in the music room?

Narrator: tittles is not in the music room.

- Is he in the playhouse?

Narrator: tittles is not in the playhouse.

- Is he hiding by the coats?

Narrator: tittles is not hiding by the coats.

- [Sniffing] I can smell tittles.

This way.

Narrator: freddy fox has a very good sense of smell.

- There's tittles!

Narrator: tittles is up a tree.

- Oh, I better call for help.

Narrator: this is miss rabbit's fire station.

[Phone ringing]

- Ah! Fire, fire!

Fire station! Where's the fire?

- My tittles is up a tree.

- What, again?

[Siren blaring]

- Emergency!

Emergency-- tortoise up a tree!

- I don't know why you like climbing trees so much--

You're a tortoise.

[Tires screech]

- Stand back.

- Tittles. Come on, tittles.

All: hooray!

- Thank you, miss rabbit.

- Just doin' my job.

- And my job is looking after pets.

- Where are binky and lulu?

- Oh, I don't know.

- Ah-ho. Here they are, safe and sound.


- Hello, suzy.

- Hello, peppa.

- Why have you got that mask on your face?

- [Whispering] so people don't know it's me.

I'm in a...[Whispering] secret club.

- Ooh.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: it is bedtime for peppa and george.

- Tomorrow we're going on a coach trip to the seaside.

- [Snorts] we can make sand castles.

- I fancy a swim.

- Me too.

The weather forecast says it's going to be sunny.

- Good night, peppa. Good night, george.

Narrator: oh, it is starting to snow.

[Rooster crows]

It is morning.

- Yippee! It's sunny.

[Gasps] snow!

Narrator: a lot of snow has fallen in the night.

- Snow, mummy. Snow, daddy--snow, snow, snow!

- Eh? What?

- We are still going to the seaside, aren't we?

- Well, let's see how much snow there is.

- Oh, where's daddy gone?

[Gasps] it's a walking snowman.

- I'm cold.

- It's a walking, talking snowman.

- Brrr.

- Oh, it's just daddy.

- Poor daddy. Let's warm you up a bit.

[All laughing]

Narrator: mummy pig, peppa, and george

Are warming daddy pig up by rubbing him with towels.

- That's better.

- [Snorts] now we can go to the seaside.

- But what about the snow?

I don't think the coach will be running today.

- [Mournfully] oh.

Narrator: miss rabbit's coach has arrived at peppa's house.

- [Snorts] goodness, me.

How did you get through all that snow?

- With my big snowplow.

Narrator: snowplows push the snow out of the way.

- Hello, everyone.

- Hello, peppa.

Narrator: all of peppa's friends are going

To the seaside too.

[Bell dings]

- Next stop, the seaside.

All: hooray!

Narrator: mr. Bull and his friends

Are gritting the road.

The grit melts the snow.

- Hello, mr. Bull.

- [Moos] hello, miss rabbit.

It's taken us all night, but the road is clear

All the way to the seaside.

- That's good. We're going to the seaside.

Would you like to come along?

- No, thanks, miss rabbit.

We've got more roads to grit.

All: good-bye, mr. Bull.

- Bye. Have a lovely day at the beach.

All: ♪ we're all going on a seaside holiday ♪

♪ Sand castles, swimming, and sunny skies ♪

♪ We're all going on a seaside holiday ♪

♪ Sea and sand and ice cream too ♪


- Here we are: the seaside.

Narrator: the beach is covered in snow.

All: oh.

- That sea looks cold.

- I was looking forward to having a swim.

- You still can. The sea's not frozen over.

Come along, girls. What are you waiting for?


- Um...i can't swim because I've sprained my ankle.

- And I think I might have a cough.

[Coughs weakly]

- Come on in, mummy pig. It's lovely.

- Are you sure it's lovely?

- Of course. The sea is wonderful today.

- Okay, then.

Narrator: mummy pig is going for a swim.

Splash! - Oh-ho!

- Is it cold, mummy?

- It's a little bit cold.

- It always feels cold when you first get in.

- If you keep moving, you'll warm up.

- Okay, I'll keep moving.

Narrator: mummy pig has run out of the sea.

- Let's get you dry.

Narrator: peppa, george, and daddy pig

Are warming mummy pig up by rubbing her with towels.

- Ah, that's better.

- Are you going for a swim, daddy pig?

- Maybe not today.

- Who wants an ice cream?

All: me!

Narrator: everyone likes ice creams at the seaside.


- [Snorts] I wanted to make sand castles,

But the beach is covered in snow.

- [Snorts] we can make snow castles.

All: oooh.

- First we fill the buckets with snow.


- We turn the buckets upside-down,

Give them a little tap, and hey-presto:

A snow castle.

All: snow castles!

- I love the seaside.

- And I love the snow.

- I love the seaside [span] and[/span]the snow.


- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: it is playtime at school.

Peppa and her friends are running around having fun.

- Ow! That hurts.

- Are you all right, peppa?

- I've hurt my knee.

- [Squeak] madame gazelle, peppa has fallen over.

- You've just grazed your knee, peppa.

Narrator: first, madame gazelle cleans peppa's knee.

Then she puts a plaster on it.

- Does that feel any better?

- Yes. Thank you.

- Now children, you may have noticed

That pedro pony isn't here today.

- Is he late again?

- No, suzy, pedro is in hospital.

All: ooh!

- And today, we are going to visit him.

Narrator: this is the hospital.

Peppa and her friends have come to visit pedro pony.

- Remember children: stay close to me.

I don't want you getting lost.

All: yes, madame gazelle.

- Excuse me, mr. Bull.

Which way is the children's ward?

- Down the steps--double doors-- right, left, right--

Along the corridor, up the stairs--

Third on your left.

Or you could just take the lift.


Children's ward.

- [Bleats] pedro will be asleep.

Sick people do a lot of sleeping.

- Hello, everyone.

All: hello, pedro.

- Why aren't you asleep? You don't look sick.

- I broke my leg, and they put it

In this plaster cast.

All: wow.

Narrator: the plaster cast helps pedro's leg get better.

- I grazed my knee, and I got a plaster too.

- Wow.

Do you want to draw on my plaster cast?

- Yes, please.

Narrator: the children are all doing drawings

On pedro's plaster cast.

- [Barks] I'm drawing a football.

- I've drawn some flowers.

- Mr. Potato.

- A parrot.

- [Snorts] and I've drawn a muddy puddle.

- Wow. Thanks, everyone.

- You can draw on my plaster too.

- Okay. I'll draw a little flower.

- Thank you, pedro.

- Pedro, what's it like being in hospital?

- It's great.

- [Whispering] what are the nurses like?

- They give me stickers.

All: wow.

- And they come whenever I press this button.


- Who's that, I wonder?

[Buzzing continues]

- Could it be pedro?

- What do you want, pedro? We are very busy.

- I've got a bit of an itch.

- Even if your leg is itching, we can't take the cast off

Until your leg is better.

- It's not my leg that's itching; it's my ear.

- Is that better?

- Yes, thank you. [Laughs]

- Lunchtime.

What would you like to eat today, pedro?

- Can I have spaghetti and sponge pudding, please?

- You get your dinner in bed?

- Yes. [Laughs]

- Mmm, that looks tasty.

Narrator: dr. Brown bear has come

To see how pedro is doing.

- How are we today, pedro?

- My ear is a bit itchy.

Just here.


- I'd say you're almost better.


[Bell clanging]

- Visiting time is over.

All: bye, pedro.

- Bye, everyone.

- Get well soon, pedro.

- Yes, madame gazelle.


Narrator: it is another school day.

Peppa and her friends are playing in the playground.

- Madame gazelle, my plaster has fallen off.

Can I have another one?

- You don't need a plaster, peppa.

Your knee is better.

- Oh, yes. [Giggles]

- Hello, everyone.

Narrator: pedro pony is back.

- Oh, hello, pedro.

- Where's your plaster cast?

- They took it off because my leg is better.

- Is your leg stronger now?

- It's stronger than it was before.

It's a super leg.

- Can you run on it?

- Watch this! [Neighs]


Narrator: pedro likes running around having fun.

Everybody likes running around having fun.

- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]