TLC Forever (2023)

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TLC Forever (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

The hardest part for me

was the four days

That I didn't know

exactly what was in my head.

I didn't know

if it was cancerous.

I didn't know

if I was going to die.

It's called

an acoustic neuroma

And it went through

my ear

And it was deep

in my right cerebellum,

Sitting on my facial nerve,

my balance nerve

And my hearing nerve,

but that's everything I do.

That's my face, my singing,

my hearing, my dancing.

I was like, "man."

I don't want to cry, but my

first thought was my daughter.

I wanted to make it back

just to be a mom.

So I didn't care about

the business,

Honestly, 'cause

that don't matter anyway

If I ain't here

to do it.

We've lost one sister.

I just -- no,

I cannot lose another.

We have to grow old together

and be real old...


...Biblical-times old, like,

gray hair and everything.

You hear what I'm saying?


oh, my god.

I cannot believe this.

I used to live in this plaza,

eat in this plaza.

They had a good

barbecue-chicken spot there.

Where's your house?

It's going to be

down here on the right,

Uh, um, right across

from the school.

So this is the school.


so this is the school.

So -- oh, my god.


Oh, my goodness.

This was the house.

It looks so little.

And I used to

drop you off...

Used to drop me off...

...And pick you up...

...Pick me up.

...Being the tlc chauffeur.


Y'all should've paid me.

Y'all didn't even offer

gas money.

Oh, my god. We didn't have any,

or I would have.

I remember

the first time

We ever heard ourselves

on the radio.


So it was right here.

It must've --

it had to have been this.

It had to be here.

It was right here.

And then you got out,

and you started dancing.

Yep, and we was dancing

all over here.

check one, two, one, two

yo, if I need it

in the morning

or the middle

of the night

I ain't too proud

to beg, no

if the lovin' is strong,

and he got it goin' on and

I ain't too proud

to beg, no

two inches or a yard

rock hard or if it's saggin'

I ain't too proud

to beg

Get up on your feet.


Man: The biggest-selling

female group of all time.

I would like to think two very

important people in my life.

Elliott: They are legends.

They are icons.

They will go down

in the history books of music.

hold it, hold it.

Questlove: You instantly knew

these were nobody's

Puppets on a string.

My favorite group,

ladies and gentlemen, tlc.

a scrub is a guy

that thinks he's fly

and is also known

as a busta

Whether it's destiny's child

or even

With cardi b's

"invasion of privacy,"

I see their influence

in so many artists today.

Grohl: That's cultural longevity

that connects

No matter when or where

or who.

Their name will still be around

for the generations after us.

hangin' out the passenger side

of his best friend's ride

trying to holla at me

'cause I don't want

no scrubs.

Man: And the winner is...

Man #2: "crazysexycool,"

the new album by tlc...

Valds: They weren't just

pop princesses.

The image and what they stood

for was very real.

It was catchy.

It was visual.

They had all the elements.

We are one short.

We're missing the "l" in tlc.

T-boz and chilli

were at odds with left eye.


Lisa was still like, "I'm in the

group," "I'm out the group."

We just didn't know

what was gonna happen, period.

Woman: Many controversies,

financial and legal problems,

And infighting within the group.

When you start

being successful

In the music industry,

just starts magically

being paid for.

one, two, three, four, yo

here we go again

Man: With 33 million albums

sold worldwide...

Woman: Tlc has ruled

the music charts.

Three of the hottest women

in hip-hop.

here we go, here we go,

here we go again

Make some noise!

Watkins: Tlc is forever.

Jordan: In the late '80s,

The atlanta music scene

was just about ready to explode.

It had all of

the right pieces in place,

And somebody just needed

to take that

And, like,

put it all together.

Laface records became a mega hub

for all of

The local talent there,

like the motown of the south.

L.A. Reid and babyface always

had their finger on the pulse

Of what the next thing was

and had their ear to the ground.

By 1991, hip-hop was sort of

entering this new phase

Where it was discovering

its own powers.

The sound of the b*mb squad

throwing all these samples in,

Throwing everything in

but the kitchen sink,

And creating a new soundscape.

girl, I must

warn you

Bell biv devoe touched on it

with the "poison" album.

that girl is


And it took a second

for people

Even to get to the "poison"


But when they did, they were,

like, obsessed with it.

Ian had a vision.

He called it a female bbd.

He said, "I want to put together

a female bbd.

Do you know anybody?

I immediately of tionne.

She run with us.

She's so cool.

Watkins: I worked with rico

with my first job

At a hair salon

called lamonte's beauty supply.


She was new to the neighborhood.

She had just moved to delowe.

So, really, she was

the new girl, and she was edgy.

But he couldn't bring tionne

to the audition.

She had to work.


So what he did do

was he brought lisa.

Hi, everybody.

Hello, philadelphia.

How are you doing?

One thing I'd like to start off

by saying is hold fast,

Hold on to your dreams.

A friend of mine,

he asked me to come to atlanta

Because he had a singing group,

And he would like for me

to be in the group.

When I got there,

the group thing didn't work out,

So I asked around if anyone knew

if there were any auditions

Or anyone who wanted

to start a group.

Was there anything

that I could do?

And rico wade,

he was a dancer

For the guy

that I went to atlanta with.

He said, "yeah, I know someone

who's having auditions."

Her name was crystal.

So crystal came back

and said,

"yo, you have to see

this girl rap."

And she blew me away.

They already knew her,

but she blew me away.

glad to claim my name,

and who's to blame for success

and if you're

mentally correct

you get respect

from the left

so I expect some more respect

from every ho in return

even if you used a condom,

it's still got burns

Dupri: Lisa wrote her own raps

and what she was writing

Was what she was feeling,

Whatever she was doing, she was

doing it at --

At a level where you was going

to pay attention to her.

and since you know

so much about me

won't you tell me

what's next?

I hear my name comes out

your mouth so much

it's better than sex

At that point, I actually had

three girls in the group,

But he was so...

Adamant about tionne.

He was adamant

about meeting tionne.

So crystal and enrico

came over, and I sang,

And then I danced.

I saw immediately

a star quality in her.

Kept lisa, kept tionne,

and crystal.

We came up with the name

2nd nature.

Jordan: L.A. Reid and pebbles

were married.

She was an artist

and an executive

And was out searching

for her own artists.

So she took

my basic mold,

She put money on it,

made them look like stars.

She became our manager,

and she said

That the group

should be called something else.

All you guys' initials

are perfect.

Tionne, lisa, crystal -- tlc.

see somebody standing

in your own backyard

The first time we actually saw

tionne and lisa, for that fact,

Was in the "backyard" video,

But they had put crystal

out of the group.


Me, tionne, and crystal.

It was interesting.

Me and tionne, we wanted it.

We were hungry.

We just didn't get that energy

from crystal.


So pebbles said to me and lisa,

"one person in the group could

'f' it up for the next one."

So we had to go and kick

this girl out her own group.


So the word was on the street.

Everyone knew

that pebbles had a group.

There was two members,

and she needed one more.

L.A. Reid called pebbles

and said,

"I think you need

to take a look at this girl."

She had on her sweats.

She had on a baggy t-shirt

'cause she was just leaving


Right off the bat,

we were feeling her vibe.

I remember lisa

being very friendly.

She was so sweet,

and tionne was not.

You know what I'm saying?


I was like, I don't know her.

She was all jolly and stuff,

and I was like,

"girl, I don't know.

You cute and all,

But I don't know you

like that."


She wasn't mean.

She just wasn't friendly at all.

But I hugged her anyway.

I didn't care.

Lopes: So when we met rozonda

and we loved her,

We picked her that night,

we named her that night.


We were just, like, ecstatic.

Our dream is finally

starting to come true.

Thomas: From the beginning,

I knew that it was

something special

Between the three of us.

That's just what I truly felt

in my heart.

Man: Yeah, there you go.


Two, three.


...With top-10 hits.

They've sold 85 million records


They are one of the best-selling

american groups of all time.

Whoo. And guess what.

They're joining us here

To talk all about

their national tour.

Please welcome

the iconic members of tlc,

Rozonda "chilli" thomas

and tionne "t-boz" watkins.

T-boz, tell me

what it's been like.

It's been amazing.

I'm not gonna lie.

It's been

a lot of hard work.

This is the first time

in our whole career

Where our rehearsals

have been cut in half

Because of the pandemic.

Man: Let's go!

Man #2: Boom, boom.

Diggins: We're on the last day

of rehearsal today.

Left, right, left.

Where are we

on running time?

I'm never nervous,

but there's been

An enormous amount of stress

putting this tour together.

These girls --

taking a lot of risk.

Tionne, with an autoimmune

disease -- her life.

Let's throw our masks on

if we're not dancing, alright?

Thomas: But what breakdown

am I doing?

you're going to stress me.

Every time we go out,

You have to prove yourself

to an audience.

You have to be innovative.

You have to be dynamic.

The level of intensity

between tionne, chilli,

And myself gets very high

because you can't disappoint.

Watkins: We're not

rehearsing tomorrow?

I ain't never, never not known

this much stuff.

I know. Yeah.

I've been with tlc

for 25 years,

And every tour I've ever done

Is more important

than the last one.

Now we're being considered

for glastonbury.

It's the most difficult festival

in the world

To get accepted, playing

in front of millions of people.

This would be the biggest

performance of their career.

Thank you.


Thank you.

What's playing here?

Are there new movies here

or old ones?

I feel like I'm going

to a high-school reunion.



look at those beauties.

Take me back.

Classic tionne -- never smiled.

And lisa and I,

we were always cheesing,

Grilled cheesing.

Why am I standing alone?

Do I look mean, though?

I'm pretty sure because you had

a very intimidating look.

Oh, my god.

You didn't intimidate me.

Yes, I did.

No, you didn't.

If you had intimidated me,

I would not have hugged you

the way that I did all the time.

So you just got used to it.

Did I hug you back?

It didn't matter.

She was like...

It was so weak,

but I didn't care.

Oh, my gosh.

I was like,

"I'll break her."

Lopes: Yo. What's happening?

Hey, hey.

We in the house.

Oh, I remember this.

Oh, man.

"I'm the tiggity tiggity."

Now, are we looking at you?


You can look right at me.

So if you could first,


Introduce yourselves

on camera.

I'm the t, tiggity, tiggity,


I'm the liggy, liggy,

left eye.

I'm the "c," chilli.

Both: And it be the chills.

All: And that is, oh,

on the tlc tip.


Woman: Thank you.

You're welcome.

So how did you

get your nicknames?

Well, t-boz stands for

my first name, tionne,

And boz is slang for boss.

It means "tionne is

the boss" -- t-boz.

And my name's left eye

'cause I is right.

it's a tlc thing.

And my name is chilli because

I have all the mucho sauce.

Austin: When we started work

on the group,

Everybody was different.

Chilli was a girly girl

at that point.

She wasn't trying to wear

baggy clothes or none of that.

Tionne was like the guy

of the girls.

And then left eye, you just got

where all the quirkiness

Was going to come from.

But when they spent enough time

around each other,

Then it started to rub off

where everything was okay.

Nine hours?

Nine hours?

One, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, eight, nine?

Nine hours?

Watkins: Yeah, girl.

It's going to be

kind of impatienized.

Oh, that's what we used to --

yeah, we used to make up words.



Yeah. Yeah.

When I wake back up,

I'm going to be

very immobilized.

Watkins: Uh-huh.

When we get there...


I'm going to be very



That's when I used to carry

a camcorder

And a camera

on my neck daily

When we were touring.

Here we are,

chilling in the hallway,

Waiting to do this thing.

Chilli, how do you feel

about the first day of tour?

We're at the venue.

Girl, I'm ready to get

the first two days over.

After that, it's going to be on.

You know what I'm saying?

I was born in columbus, georgia.

I grew up there with my mom

and my great-grandmother.

We called her big mama.

My mom moved to atlanta

after she had me

To finish school

and get a job.

So I was in columbus

with big mama.

She planted

some good seeds in me,

And I grew up

seventh-day adventist

Because she was

a seventh-day adventist.

A lot of my friends had mom

and dad in the house,

And I had my mom

and there was big mama.

And I didn't feel like

I was missing anything.

When I was a kid, I used to

love music.

Singing and dancing,

I did that all of the time

In the neighborhood

with my cousins.

We used to make up routines.

So I always imagined myself

on stage.


Watkins: You don't know nothing

about this.

Move over here 'cause of

the light of the window.


check this out.

Now, we phat,

we phat, we phat.


Look in the mirror.

Look at me.

I'm chilling. Right.

Check this out.

We about to rock


We about to rock it?

You know what I'm saying?


We about to...

When I was growing up

in philadelphia,

My mother was

a very, very strong person.

And my father was very strict.

There were a lot of rules.

My father was in the military.

He was very dominant.

"what I say goes."

Don't even question him.

Don't say "why, daddy?"

"because I said so."

So nothing really

out of the ordinary happened.

But him and my mother

Didn't get into their little

arguments and stuff,

And he'd get

a little bit physical.

Everyone in my father's side

of the family

Is musically inclined.

My mother's side of the family

is more artistically inclined.

Those were some of the gifts

that I received from my parents.

No. White music?

You crazy?

Me, my sister,

and my brother

Used to put together shows

for my mother

While she was away at work.

And we'd say, "mom, mom,

we got a show for you."

like that.

We did everything --

from acting to a dance step.

I don't know what was on our

minds, but we liked to perform.


You know, out here.

I was born at mercy hospital

in des moines, iowa.

My mom was like the big kahuna

in church.

She was in a singing group

called the viguelles.

Being that I was

under my mother,

Everybody expected me to sing,

But I would never practice

in front of anyone.

And so when it came time

for me to sing,

They were sitting there like,

"oh, god, what is tionne

going to do?" and I was like,

oh, sin now,

you're gonna be sorry

you're gonna be so sorry

I spent the first seven years

of my life in the hospitals.

The doctor diagnosed me

with sickle cell disease.

He basically told me I would not

live past 30 years old,

I would never have children,

And I would be disabled

my whole entire life.

I would always say, like,

"mom, they're going to know me

on billboards,

Magazines across the world."

And she was like, "okay, honey.

There's a couple of things

that you may not be able to do

Like everyone else,

But if you take care of yourself

and do the right things,

You can do anything

that you put your mind to."

Okay, so this is me

in the hospital,

And this is an ekg.

It keeps monitoring my heart

on that monitor.

And that's my I.V. Fluids.

That's what's going on now.

Diggins: Hello?

Thomas: Billy d.

Good morning. Have you talked

to tionne this morning?

She called me yesterday, and she

was like, "I'm just so sorry."

I said, "why are you sorry?

You couldn't help this."

And she's all like, you know,

"but I just -- you know,"

And I got her out of that

real quick.

You know, she's going to be

good, have a speedy recovery.

We've been dealing with this

for 20 years.


Poor girl just has moments,

And then, you know,

next week,

She'll be in rehearsal,


She's more than likely going

to get out today or tomorrow

And be ready to go.

We have recordings and radio

pick-up stuff, rehearsals,

And then these shows.

Ugh, man.

I'm going to be

so stressed out.

We've got plenty of time

to get this show together.

I'm confident with that.

Thomas: Man,

this used to be my spot.

Watkins: Okay, so let me

tell you something.


When I saw you,

I came through that door

And you were standing

over there.

'cause I used to float.

I used to --

All of this used to be,

like, perfume and makeup.

So I went to college at 18.

So I would come home

on, like, you know,

Christmas break and stuff

and would work here.

"hi, ma'am. How are you?"

these were the days.

"what would you like


And then that's when

I figured out

That you could steal clothes

and take them back for $50

And under and get cash.

When I got in trouble,

we were downstairs.

They said I had too many

returns, and I said, "you --"

I said, "I like to buy

things and return.

You can't fault me

for that."

I want to see if the office

where they took me is there

'cause I would

never forget.

I was scared as hell,


I was like, "oh, god."

Isn't that crazy

that you were --

How old were you

when this happened?

I was, like,

about 16 or 17.

So I was working here.

That's when I saw you.

I told you.

That's so crazy.

I wasn't lying. I'm telling you,

I can't make that up.

My group member, future

group member, was stealing.

Let's see if it was over here.

I sure was.

I sure was.

While I was earning

a living.

I earned money, too.

Don't leave me out

in that area.

I was working, saving --

I was working, too.

Saving my little coins.

I was working.

This might've been the way.


What in the world?

This looks like a chicken coop.

What is this?

Did they put you in here, ti-ti?

"I swear I won't

steal it no more."


what is your mother's name..."

"let me out."

"...And what's her number?


"I won't tell.

I'll never tell."

"you're going to juvie."

"for what?

I bought those clothes"

"1,000 times. 1,000 times."

"I bought those clothes.

It doesn't matter.

And 1,000 times,

I didn't want it."

"we don't show a record

that you bought them.

We have record

that you returned."

"it don't matter

where my receipt is."

"just let her stay

in here."

"I bought it.

I bought it somewhere else."

"let her stay in here.

Let her stay in here."

"none of your business

where I bought it."


"and I'm leaving.

I'm going home."

Lock her up.


Oh, my god.

Man: Dancers, are you good?

Are you ready?

Alright, here we go.

Jump, jump, jump.

Loosen it up, ladies.

Man #2:

One, two, three, four.

yo, mic check, one, two,

one, two

"ain't 2 proud."

alright, here we go.

we in the house

yeah, come on

1992, tlc kickin' off

in you mother

so you best be

duckin' fast

yo, t-boz,

is ya bein' a boss?

chilli, what's up

with that sauce?

Diggins: The first time

I ever saw tlc on tv,

They just jumped off the screen,

And I said, "wow.

Who are these girls?"

better get it

while it's hot

ain't no better love

than your own

Valds: Tlc really helped

put atlanta on the map.

They just came out

and exploded in such a way

That everyone had to pay


"what's happening?

What is this music?"

yo, if I need it

in the morning

or the middle

of the night

I ain't too proud

to beg, no


It's like throwing my dad's

entire record collection

In a blender,

Just put on nine random songs

at the same time,

And that was the feeling.

I think I had twentysomething

samples in that song.

join the paddy wagon

'cause I ain't too proud

And it worked

like gangbusters.

I ain't too proud

to beg, no


The first album, me and lisa

would start off the project.

It was, like, me and her

in the studio.

All of us was always

feeding off each other's energy.

We have our different sound.

Everyone has their

own department.

She's the funk, okay?

That's her department.

She goes straight-up funk.

Miss funkiness.

I'm the rapper, you know,

and chilli is straight r&b.

I grew up rapping...

She's a true rapper.

...She grew up singing,

and she grew up singing.

I grew up singing.

So what does that say, america?

This is a singing group,

Not a rap group.

Yeah, not a rap group.

Austin: That was our process.

Chilli's going to sing high,

left eye's going to rap,

T-boz is going to sing low.

screamin' loud

and holdin' sheets

scared that you'll be

called a freak

gotta let it go

while you can

Valds: Those lyrics,

it was female empowerment.

Yeah, that's what all girls

Might have been thinking

at the time,

But who was actually

saying that out loud?

two inches or a yard

rock hard or if it's saggin'

I ain't too proud

to beg, no

Campaign '92 has been called

the year of the woman.

Jordan: It was supposed

to be celebrated.

It was the year of the woman,

but tlc got backlash

For the message

that they were conveying.

Man: "ain't 2 proud 2 beg"

Is the first mega hit

off the album,

But it caused

a bit of controversy

For these lady rappers.

They wear condoms on their

brightly colored baggy clothes,

And they look too young

to be singing about sex.

Do they try to censor

you sometimes

Because you don't

look like

You should be singing

the songs you sing?

There's a lot

of double standards

In our lyrical content.

yo, left eye, kick that

Back then,

things were a shock,

Like, especially for women

to speak like that.

Guys would always talk

like that,

But women?

Oh, no.

yeah, I like it when you

both sets of lips,

ooh, on the tlc tip


What's with the condoms?

This condom?

People look at a condom

and say, "ew,"

And this little, bitty thing

right here could save your life.

You had 30,000 people

die of aids, that year,

Mostly black

and latino people.

I mean, if you really

think about it,

Aids and all that stuff, nobody

really wants to hear about it,

Nobody wants to talk about it.

And it shouldn't

be like that.

They'd rather

just keep quiet.

Now, I read that you all

said something about how,

You know,

this is the way you all feel,

How you want to dress,

and you're really not into

That little, tight, short,

kind of sexy thing...

Watkins: Right.

Because women don't have to

dress like that.

They really don't.

We have a song called

"hat 2 da back"...


...And it describes

our clothes, our style,

And, you know,

just the way we are.

hat to the back

I gotta kick my pants down

real low

that's the kinda girl I am


They came out during a time

That women

were such fans of hip-hop,

But we didn't necessarily

see ourselves

Completely reflected

in the music.

It wasn't the typical r&b,

tight dresses, high heels.

It was none of that.

bein' that I am

the kinda girl that I am

tight jeans don't hit the same

with one like me

Bellamy: I mean, they were

wearing clothes

That was three times bigger

than their size.

Three little 5'2" girls.

I'm chilling here

with tlc, yo.

What I thought was

really unique about them

Was the color schemes.

Thomas: That's when lisa

was spray-painting

All of our overalls

and things like that.

She was definitely

One of the most creative people

I've ever met.

Even the sound of her voice,

how loud it was...


...The tone of it,

her rap style.

every day, last week,

and not a place to go

this nut still had me dressin'

like a fashion show

But I think because

she's like that

And is, like,

way over the top,

Her being with us, it's like

we all balanced that together.

That is what made it

so beautiful

With the three of us

being together.

here we go, here we go,

here we go, here we go

-They have everything.

They had the look

and they had the sound

And they had the group

and they had the songs.

Man: Their debut album

has gone double platinum.

Woman: Are you guys going

to go on tour soon?

Yeah, pebbles is

working on that.

Yeah, this summer,

most likely.

I have my first group out now

on laface records, tlc,

And I'm going

to live through them.

Man: So they're, like,

your children.



I would say...

Not children, for sure.

More like

maybe you look at us

Like we're your little sisters

or something.

I don't know.

I mean, if we're

talking about back then,

That was in

the beginning.

We felt everything was cool

in the beginning.

One thing I remember

about this room

That just came back to me,

This was the room

I had to talk to pebbles in

To tell her that me and chilli

was really dating.

And so, in this room,

this is where she brought me in

And interrogated me at.

I was terrified.

Thomas: So pebbles found out

about dallas and I,

And she was acting like

I was being promiscuous.

I'm like, "I'm seeing dallas.

That's it."

Alright, cool.

How did you get

the name chilli?

But that's when...


Alright, so, yeah.

So I got pregnant

when I was 20.

I didn't get much support

at all from dallas,

And there was no way

I was going to tell pebbles.

I'm like, "oh, my gosh,

what am I going to do?"

Growing up, all I could think

about is I want to sing

And I want to be a mom,

And I did not want to have

an abortion at all.

Like, I'm like,

"how can I figure out

How to keep the baby

and still do this?"

I wanted both.

And we wear baggy clothes

anyway, you know,

So I could just hide it,

but it was tough.

I made the appointment

to have that done.

So that was a horrible,

horrible experience.

I'm crying.

I'm not a mom.

I could've been a mom.

You know what I mean?

And, oh, man, it was

just really hard for me.

After that,

I probably experienced

Some kind of breakdown.

I couldn't forgive myself.

I just felt this tremendous

guilt from what I had done.

And that guilt not being

properly dealt with

Is what made me latch on more

to dallas.

On our first show ever

in an arena,

They were going to "tlc! T--"

I said,

"are they chanting our name?

Yo, they really rock with us."

The first two, three shows,

it was like,

"what is this?"

It was scary.

Lopes: Even if I was scared,

I'd psych myself out to the

point where it didn't matter.



Hello, d.C.


Ooh, that was an experience

Because tlc was not used

to performing as a group.

We had known tionne

for a while,

And she hadn't

gotten sick around us.

It didn't seem that serious

in the beginning.

It wasn't till maybe

after the third or fourth time

That she got sick

when me and chilli realized,

"wow, is she going

to be okay?"

Man: Feeling good?


I'm getting there.

Getting there?

Okay. Good. Good.


Almost back to 100.

Ooh. Almost.

almost, anyway.

You're walking

pretty damn good

Compared to what you said

you were doing.

No, I wasn't at first.

It's just swollen here.

I think it's because I did

that stem-cell thing.

It's supposed to help

your torn meniscus,

But it aggravated it


We want to

keep your leg straight.


baby, baby, baby

I got so much love in me

baby, baby, baby

I got so much love in me

Wait, no.

She messed it up.

Right. Goes left.


Oh, lordy.

'cause if you're gonna

get me off

you got to love me deep

that's actual and factual

you're the one

I seem to run back to

just to get me off

you got to love me deep

You're moving your knees

too much.

You're moving your knees

too much.

I ain't even do nothing.

Hey, look,

you got a torn meniscus.

I want this knee

to just stay this way.

You were doing like this

and like that.

Oh, my god.

Now you got to

change legs.


One, two, three, four.


Dr. Braunstein -- he ended up

being my everything, child,

The person that saved my life.

He diagnosed me correctly.

Her problems, unlike a

routine sickle cell patient,

Primarily involved

her hips, her joints, her eyes.


Sickle cell's very painful.

It feels like someone's

stabbing you over and over again

In your joints

with a butcher knife.

Sometimes you're in

so much pain

You don't know who people are.

You're delirious.

Soren: We spoke to t-boz,

and she told us,

"when I'm touring,

I get sick a lot

And have to go

to the hospital."

"t-boz became a spokesperson

For the sickle cell disease

association of america."

Watkins: I had mixed emotions

about coming out with the truth

Because I never want nobody

to pity me.

I wanted to just

be treated normal

Like my mom

always treated me.

When I told people what I wanted

to be or do,

They thought

I was absolute crazy.

"you're going to do

the very thing

That can hurt you

or make you sick?"

I want you to sing

along with me.

You're supposed to get rest.

You get no rest.

You're supposed to eat right.

You eat when you can.

now you want my love

The different climates --

that can cause a crisis.

I don't know how I do.

Half of the things I do

Except for god

has to be leading my life.

I don't think

people understand

What you go through

in the hospital

Because a lot of times

people will be like,

"oh, you look tired."

well, I am.

When I get sick,

my face gets pale,

My lips get pink,

and my circles get dark.


But also in the hospital,

They give you a lot

of I.V. Fluids with medication

That blow your veins

and bloat you up a lot.

So sometimes, like,

when people see me,

Yeah, I gained some weight,

but sometimes, like, that puffy,

Sick look, feeling,

like --

from the fluids.

Yeah, from fluids.

And so I'm sure

you'll see

Some of that

in this documentary.

But people don't know

that part.

When you hit the stage,

you know,

They just see t-boz singing

and dancing her butt off.

You know,

they don't know --

we did the prep

ahead of time.


And what has to --

and the vitamins.

Right. What has to happen

after the show.


Certain foods -- that helps

with inflammation.


Having a masseuse.

Lots of fluids. Your oxygen.

All that kind of stuff

we didn't do back in the day.

So they'd be like,

"t-boz ruined another tour,"

But we didn't know

any better.

You know better,

you do better.

Yeah. Right.


Once we were off tour,

We would each go back

to our personal lives.

That's when lisa,

she and andre were together.


Jordan: Andre rison was

the wide receiver

For the atlanta falcons,

And he was also mvp

for numerous years.

He was quite the man

around town.

Andre and left eye

were atlanta royalty.

When I met andre,

I was in the club.

Andre followed me around that

club for the rest of the night.

It wasn't until maybe

three or four times

That I had run into him

that we just clicked.

He had this big, beautiful

house, and it was empty.

And I was like, "why don't you

have any furniture?"

"because I'm waiting for you

to furnish it."

Andre used to tell me,

"I love you," so much

That I never had a chance

to say it first.

This is how I ended up

living there,

Staying there,

never leaving.


Show it to the camera.

But when I caught him

messing around with this girl,

I was shaking.

And for the next two weeks,

he was sending me messages,

Calling me every five minutes.

"I'm sorry."

So we went on a date.

By the end of the date,

we were arguing.

Got out of his car,

slammed the door,

Walked down the street

to the supermarket.

Somebody sees us.

Man: Police say

the star wide receiver

Got into a fight

with his girlfriend,

Tlc performer lisa lopes,

When someone came to her aid

inside a buckhead kroger store

Early this morning,

rison went to his car,

Grabbed a 9mm g*n,

and fired one time in the air.

It was a misunderstanding.

Something happened

between me and my companion,

And two people tried

to get into it.

It was a matter of a situation

where I thought

I might be hindered or might be

harmed, and I protected myself.

Man: What prompted

the fight?

What prompted the fight?

None of your business.

Thomas: They had

a toxic relationship.

It was always

something going on.

Lopes: I went out.

I just wanted him to know

what it felt like

To get home late.

You know, he's looking at me,

He walks by,

he says a smart comment,

And I got real smart

with him immediately.

Next thing you know,

he pulled me in the bedroom,

And we were fighting.

When I looked in the mirror,

hey, I was bruised up.

I might've got slapped

a couple of times,

And I know my dress

got ripped off of me.

My nails had been ripped

from the sockets.

Fingers bleeding.


I didn't do anything wrong,

and god is my witness.

The only thing I did that

he might say that I did wrong --

And that was I slapped her

after I had been hit

About 50 times

to try to calm her down.

Man: Flames erupted yesterday

morning at the $800,000 mansion

In the exclusive country club

of the south in alpharetta.

They say lopes started the fire

in an upstairs tub.

when I first saw those

images of the fire on the news,

It almost felt like a scene

out of an action movie.

It looked insane.


I felt so bad for her

'cause when I walked

in the room,

I just remember

the look on her face.

And she was -- her nails

were popped off.

She was scratched up,

bruised up, and bleeding.

And the whole world was looking

at her like, "what did you do?"

You know what I mean?

And everybody

didn't respond...


...Like they should've

when they came to see her.


Man: Andre rison's dream home

Has turned into

a living nightmare.

Man #2: Lopes slapped

and cursed rison.

She made several


Indicated that she couldn't

take it anymore.

Man: This is not the first time

lisa lopes has been in trouble

With the law

over her boyfriend.

Valds: News reports at the time

were very much blaming lisa

As the crazy rapper

who lit the house on fire.

None of those news reports

took into consideration

That perhaps something else

had happened before

To even be in this type

of situation

Where something like

that could happen.

Man: Lisa lopes was indicted

by a federal grand jury

On October 26th.

She's free on bond

as she awaits trial.

I'm over it to the point

where, you know, I can function

And be happy every day

and, you know,

Not let it get to me

and bother me.

So, I mean, things happen,

But, you know, I got to put it

behind me and keep on moving.

Thomas: The only advice that

I could give is, "leave him."

I'm pretty sure

I told her that.

"you can't ever talk to him


But she did.

Oh, my old boyfriend?


We never actually broke up.

Things happened,

and things blew up,

But, you know, it's not

what everybody thinks it is.


When the heart is involved,

You can tell them

until they're blue in the face.

They have to have

the aha moment themselves.

Watkins: The thing that was

so crazy about it was,

If one did something,

all of us did something.

If she burnt the house,

we all burnt the house.

And it's scary because

there were people that said,

"your career is over."

Lines didn't want us

to wear their clothes.

They turned on us

like we all were the arsonists.

And we supported lisa

and wasn't mad at her,

And we took the hit

along with her.


Tlc cover photo on the November

issue of vibe magazine.

Seems the members

had happily donned

Firemen's suits

for the sh**t

And then announced

themselves surprised

When the accompanying headline

Alluded to burning

down the house.

When the pictures

from the photo sh**t

Came into the office

for that cover,

I remember being

completely shocked.

I did not understand how anybody

got them to wear those outfits.

No comment on all that

from vibe,

Which reportedly had

the best-selling issue

Of its brief life

with the tlc cover.

We're at the photo sh**t,

And you guys were getting

your makeup done,

Something was going on.

And I went to look at the,

You know, clothes

or whatever, yeah.

Outfits. "oh."

And, look,

they had police uniforms,

Like, the whole thing,

and the fire ones,

And I remember I grabbed --

I was like, "yo, look."

Remember that? I was like,

"we got to wear these."

And maybe at the time

I was kind of thinking,

But I really was not


right, yeah, yeah, yeah.

That was my fault.

I mean, what I'm saying is --

You were too young to know this,

but they set you up

By even having them

in the room.

Of course they did.

Of course they did.

Yeah, they did.

Yeah, no, they threw out the

bait, and we definitely took it.

But I have to say

it's one of my favorite covers.

I mean, it's an amazing cover.

It's an amazing cover.

"burning up the charts

and burning down the house."

Valds: The November '94 issue

of tlc

Was the biggest-selling issue

that year.

It blew everything

out the water.

The best art is truthful art,

And it wasn't

just lisa's truth.

It was tlc's truth.

It was this sort of cloud

hanging over them,

And they were getting ready

to release an album

That was either going to be

a sophomore jinx

Or it was going to

change the world.

The thing that was

challenging about going in

After "ooooooohhh...

On the tlc tip"

To "crazysexycool" was

you have to figure out

Why they liked you

in the first place.

How do I do that again as well

as evolve and show growth?


Let's be taken more serious,

And part of that would be like

to take some of the gimmick out,

Take some of the samples out.

So the song itself has to stand

out and knock people's head off.

And I think "creep"

just set the standard

For what the project

should be like.

The last thing I did

was put the horn sound in.


wah, wah-wah

It's me again.

Thomas: It was just like,

"oh, wait, what is this?"

And then when the beat drops.


oh, I, oh, I,

oh, I, baby

Austin: Okay,

this is the next record.

This is what's going

to grow them up.

But I think the first video

was a little dark

And still kind of gimmicky.

Thomas: Yeah, it was

a little rough patch there,

And then we shot it again.


It's me again.

And I'm back.

Aha, whoo.

Austin: Oh, wow.

We didn't see them

in that light.

Now they turned into sexy

instead of fun.

so I creep

yeah, just keep it

on the down low

said nobody is

supposed to know

The only thing now is we

got to get a place for lisa.

Lisa came to the studio.

I ain't think of nothing.

She's like,

"because it's called 'creep,'

If I write this rap, andre going

to think that's what I'm doing."

Thomas: She was not feeling

the lyrics

Because she and andre

were together.

Woman: Tlc member lisa lopes

voluntarily entered

An alcohol

rehabilitation program.

I didn't consider

myself an alcoholic.

The reason why I went through it

is because my lawyer said,

"you're thinking is what got you

into this mess,

And our thinking is what's going

to get you out of it."

I stayed in there for 30 days.

Maybe around the third week,

they let me out on a pass,

And it was because I had to

record for the tlc album.

I missed

the whole middle section.

So on the way,

I was admiring the streets,

The buildings, the trees,

the sky, and I looked up.

There was this rainbow.

come on

I seen a rainbow yesterday

but too many storms

have come and gone

leaving a trace

of not one god-given ray

is it because my life

is 10 shades of gray?

I pray all 10 fade away

seldom praise him

for the sunny days

I just started reflecting

on my life

As if it was a storm.

the many chances I blew

to bring my life to anew

Too many storms

have come and gone,

And they don't even leave

a trace of sunlight.

I wrote that song

from my heart.

Y'all can, like,

spread it out, you know,

And make it sound, like, fly

and stuff like that.


And by the time we got to

"waterfalls," forget about it.

We knew that now we proved

the sophomore jinx --

We did even better

than the first time by far.

Now the girls are considered

real pop stars.

don't go chasing


please stick to

the rivers

and the lakes

that you're used to

You know you have

something special in the studio.

So when we finish waterfalls,

we felt it was special.

but I think

you're moving too fast

But radio wasn't playing it.

They didn't understand it.

"don't go chasing waterfalls?

What's this mean?"

So lisa, when she was doing

Some of her community service

at laface records,

She asked about the budget

for a "waterfalls" video.

Gray: You got to give me

all of Thursday.

That's the day we're going

to get our close-ups,

Our beauty sh*ts.

Watkins: We actually pitched it

to f. Gary gray...

But you are confined

a little bit.

...And we told him

exactly our vision.

See where the scuba guy

is standing?


That's where you guys

will be standing.

Man: Roll sound. Roll camera.

Here we go.

Watkins: Lisa came up

with traveling through time.

Thomas: Tionne came up

with the story lines.

I came up with

the water images.

The video really brought

the words to life

And it was almost like

an aha moment.

Tlc also used

that video session

To make public service


That are aimed

at promoting safe sex,

According to a new survey,

Aids is now the leading

cause of death

Among young people

in this country.


We would hear from people

who actually had hiv and aids,

How we've made a difference

in their lives,

How we spoke up for them.

Together: We need action!

Bellamy: Tlc was always pushing

a message under their music,

And you're like, "damn."

And you didn't feel like

they was preaching.

You just learned it.

And the winner is...

don't go chasing


Tlc, y'all.


Falls, falls, falls, falls,

falls, falls, falls, falls!

don't go chasing


please stick to

the rivers

Lopes: So here's our list.

Thank you, laface, arista.


All of our fans.


And to the person

who thinks

She deserves the most

thanks anyway, pebbles.

Thank you.

I wonder if l.A. Was like,

"what the...?"

that's hilarious.

Was she gone by then?


That's what I thought.

Yes, she was.

But she thanked her


But we were obviously



Like, we were like...

We fired pebbles

after our first album.

And when she was gone,

that's when we had

Our greatest successes.

But we had not renegotiated

the contracts.

The deal that we signed

with pebbles,

It was the type of deal

that new artists get.

When you're young

and you're hungry,

You want to get

in this industry,

You sign immediately.

Woman: Everybody,

look straight ahead.

Straight ahead, ladies.

Man: Just won two grammys.

What's up?

Thomas: We were frustrated.

Here's all this success.

We know the album

is doing phenomenal.

And what do we have

to show for it? Nothing.


Career is not exactly what you

would have wanted it to be.

What's not on it?

Step on up.

I'll tell it.

We're not going to sugarcoat

anything anymore.

We've been quiet

long enough.


We are the biggest-selling

female group ever.

10 million albums worldwide.

We have worked very hard.

Very hard.

We have been this business

for five years...

Five years.

...And we are broke

as broke can be.

And you don't understand

the stress that we're under.

Man: Hello? Lisa, can you

come on up to the mic?

10 million albums.

How can you be broke?

Lopes: Everyone,

get ready to do your math.

Every time an album gets sold,

tlc gets $0.56.

So 10 million records,

$5.6 million.

So laface record had spent

about $3 million

On the second album.

Now we have $2.6 million left

To split between

the three of us.

You're in about

the 47%, 48% tax bracket,

So that immediately

gets deducted to $1.3 million.

Watkins: But when you factor

in all the things

That we have to pay for,

before you know it,

You're down to 50,000 a piece.

Bye, y'all.

woman: Congratulations.

At that time, we had nothing

to lose, you know,

And so --

and we were sick of it

'cause everybody was

just pointing the finger.

Thomas: We took control

of our lives. Period.

We didn't have a manager,

but we did not care.

Now we can really

move forward.

We never had good business,


And that is one of

the main things

That bill

brought to the table.


Hi. I have a quick question.

I'm just going through

a timeline of everything.

I knew about

their financial coming in.

I understood how much money

the record company had made,

How much money the record

company was charging them

For things that they probably

shouldn't have charged them for,

And what their gross

potential was.

I also knew that their structure

was really bad

And that if they didn't have

somebody that came in

And could build not

only a financial structure

But operational structure,

They probably wouldn't

get to this next level.

And I also knew, personally,

that it would change my life.

Watkins: Bill. Bill. William.

Billy diggins.

Billy d.


We got a billy d.

We do have a billy d.

Our very own billy d.

Suave. Yeah.

I remember when

I was in the hotel room

And I first met him,

'cause he met us individually.


And I was like, "you sure

you want to work with us?

'cause we're going to

drive you crazy."

and she was serious.

And then I, of course,

fell in love.

And he was like, "yeah."

I'm like, "boy."

she wasn't lying.

I felt something

that I had never felt,

With any other artist

that this was going to be

An incredible turning point

in our lives.

When I signed them,

l.A. Reid said to me,

"they're the closest

that you'll ever get

To rock 'n' roll from hip-hop

because they are rock 'n' roll."

And that created

a lot of conflict.

Oh, my god,

that looks so good.

Smell it.

Come on over here.

Do a little sniffy-sniff.

I don't put too much into,

like, the future stuff

Because they said

we were supposed to already

Have flying cars and stuff

by now. Like...

Thomas: I don't want

no flying car.

I'mma tell you that right now.

I beg to differ.

I don't know.

Can you imagine?


I don't know.

That's all I can do

is imagine.

Well, your name is tron,



I want this back.

You want that back?

Bring it back home.

You heard it here.

I'm not playing.

You heard it here.

It's going to come.

Thomas: I got pregnant again

with dallas

When we went back into

the studio to record "fanmail."

This time I'm like,

"mnh-mnh. Having it."

And when I held him in my arms,

It was just, like,

the most beautiful feeling.

Once I became a mother,

that was first.

And I'll be back,

I was telling you, on the 30th,

For like two days

and then --




And then I'm gone

until it's -- the tour is over.

Over. Will you come back

for, obviously, kiara's wedding?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Go to that.

The one thing that was important

to me was, when tron grows up,

He will not be able to say

to me or say to anyone,

"my mom wasn't there."

I always say this.

I was like,

"I was meant to be in tlc

and a mom."

How are you?

Once I had tron,

it really put

The relationship I had

with dallas in perspective.


You want to do it later?

Chill, do you want to

do it later?

It was clear

that wasn't a functioning,

Healthy, loving relationship.

We weren't together anymore,

But we went on

working with dallas.

That was -- that was tough.

But one of the hardest things

during that time

Was what was happening

in the group.

What's up?

What's happening, going on

With you and tlc and the whole

little nine, huh?

There's a lot of things


I have left out productions,

which is my own thing,

Which I have groups

that are signed to sony...

Ooh, word.

...Which will be

coming out this year.

Tlc is in the studio.

Will be out very soon.

Let me see. T-boz is acting.

Chilli just had a baby.

So very, very busy.

Busy women.

Everybody's busy,


So -- but you're doing

your thing, though.

That's what's

most important.


When I came into

their life,

Left eye was

much more difficult.

She didn't feel her voice

was being heard

And wanted to express it.

Now, I heard that dallas austin,

your producer,

You guys may not be working

with him this time.

Is that still up in the air,

or what's going on with that?

That is true. That is still

up in the air, you know?

Thomas: Lisa and dallas

really weren't getting along.

She got mad. "y'all don't

respect my creative opinion."

And she came in

and did a couple of songs,

But he didn't see her

through the whole record.

Wherever she was creatively

with her raps,

The things she wanted

to talk about...

It just didn't match

with what he was producing.

Thomas: Ultimately,

it's our decision as a group.


This is

the b-roll people.

oh, yeah. Okay.

There was internal conflict

with left eye at that point.

I would describe lisa as

an incredibly creative person.

What made tlc so great

is you have three forces

That are equally talented,

each in their own right.

Man: Who came up with the title

"fanmail" for your new album?

Bam! Left eye.

She comes up with all the titles

for the albums.

Lopes: Usually I'm riding down

the street,

Not even thinking

about tlc...

Man: And just boom.

And something just goes

"fanmail," you know?

Thomas: Hello? Hey.

I just heard the new intro

for the first time.

I mean, it's got, like,

the entire verse.

It doesn't need to be

the whole rap.

It's just bits and pieces of it.

You see what I'm saying?

To accent what's going on

with the beat.

It's about the beat.



Tell him he needs

to step up his game.


keep it like it was.

Come on.

He's going downhill.

Unh-unh. Yeah.

Unh, unh, unh.


Y'all are doing it all wrong.

We need it immediately.

Call me back.

I'll have my phone

right next to me.

We'll just

get this groove.

I'm taking a deep breath

and I'm coming down,

So I'm gonna...

She's rolling her chest

that way.

Yeah, that's it.

Now y'all got it.

-Come on, y'all.


Quickly. So, basically,

this song is for the ladies.

Just an extra reminder

to stay away from a what?

All: Scrubs!

Watkins: And then

that'll be your cue.


Thomas: C'mon.

and is also known as a busta

always talkin' about

what he wants

and just sits

on his broke...

so, no, I don't

want your number

no, I don't wanna

give you mine

and, no, I don't wanna

meet you nowhere

no, I don't want

none of your time

and, no,

I don't want no scrub

a scrub is a guy that

can't get no love from me

Hey! Lights in.

Lights out. Lights out.

Thomas: "scrubs" was

an a*t*matic go with radio.

And then, when the video

came out, it took off.

hangin' out the passenger side

of his best friend's ride

tryin' to holla at me

Valds: Me, as a woman,

I had my life together.

I had a job.

I'm going places.

And if you are gonna step to me,

Just make sure

that you are on the same level.

There were some dudes who didn't

even know they was a scrub,

Be like, "damn,

I think I'm a scrub."

of his best friend's ride

"I might be scrubbing."

if you don't have a car

and you're walkin'

oh, yes, son

I'm talkin' to you

if you live at home

with your mama

We started some junk.

I'm telling you,

we have --

We want guys --

almost like a-a w*r.

I don't want no pigeons

them be them girls

who gets no dubs from me

Only the scrubs are upset.

I don't want no

no scrub


And the winner is tlc.


a scrub is a guy that can't

get no love from me

Once again, we want to thank

the fans for embracing us.

We've been gone

for such a long time.

We thank you.

We appreciate this.

doctor: Alright.

And so,

we're looking at your hip,

Your knee, and your foot today,

all on the right side.

Mm-hmm. I have

a torn meniscus, I know.

But two-and-a-half

years ago or so,

I did the cortisone sh*ts.


That lasted me until now.

But when I had a crisis

about a week and a half ago,

It just won't

totally go away.

A sickle cell crisis?


Yeah. Okay.

If the shot worked that well

for you last time,

I would say

we do that again.

And I have to dance

in a show Saturday,

So can I get it

once I'm done with this show?


So, look at your schedule

And let us know

when would be a good time,

And we can schedule you

to come back and do the shot.


Scoot to the right

just a bit more.

Whose house?

All: Gab's house.

Whose house?

Gab's house.

Eat gab's.


Can I have that one fry?

I'm a person who has a lot

of dreams and aspirations.

Gab's, better known

as good as burger.

We are a vegan burger joint.

ay! Ay! Ay!

We are a black-owned

family business.

I've always wanted a restaurant.

And we are very successful.

Come at it, girl.

Oh, na, na.

I like diy projects.

It's stress-relieving

for me, too.

And, you know,

with my sickle cell,

The number-one thing you're not

supposed to be is stressed.

I need a pen.


So, everyone has

a different way of working.

Like, sometimes I'll come up

with a subject matter

Or song that I know

I want to write about.

I'm good at telling stories,

And these songs are kind of like

a soundtrack to my life.

I wish I could

tie you up in my shoes

make you feel unpretty, too

Reporter: We're on the set

of the tlc video,

And with me

are the girls.




Now, how did "unpretty"

come to light?

Tionne gave birth to it.

"unpretty" was

my first song to write on.

I had just got out the hospital.

I was poked and prodded on

From the iv,

then the blood draws.

My boyfriend at the time,

he didn't get it.

be in the position to make me

feel so

damn unpretty

"unpretty" up for

song of the year.

This song really spoke

to teenage girls

Who just try so hard

to fit in and don't.

Woman: Magazines are now

replacing healthier models

With waifs, women with

apparently no body fat.

And how is the skinny look

affecting young girls?

Watkins: Society has a way

of making people

Feel like they're

not good enough to fit in.

Everyone, from women to men,

at some point in time

In their life,

has felt unpretty.

I'll make you feel unpretty,


Valds: For black and brown

women to discuss these things

And feeling the pressure

to look a certain way,

I think that song

helped a lot of women

Recognize that their beauty

really is about individuality,

And that's the power of music.

oh, oh

Man: The 1999 recipients

Of the aretha franklin award --


Lopes: Before we leave

this podium,

I would like to take

the opportunity

To thank two very important

people in my life.

And that is

tionne and chilli.

Oh, this is

the infamous hug.


Oh, my god.

I love this.

I started crying.


You were a little softy.


...Sultry lady of soul...

I'm about to cry now!

...Sisq and natalie cole.

To see us together

like that...

Like that.

...Happy and loving each other,

nobody's fussing or mad...

It symbolizes the good times,

our fun times...

When you get to see it,

it's like, " whoo."

...Our happy times.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Gonna mess up my lashes.

Because neither one of us knew

what she was gonna say.


It was like,

"so, like, what is --

okay, who are

These two people

she's about to say?"


And, like,

"oh, my god!"

So, that was --

that was so special.

Woman: How does it feel to have

made such an awesome comeback?

It feels great.

Feels good.

Feels right.

Thomas: It was like

a roller coaster,

Because "scrubs" was great,

"unpretty" was great.

It was so much fun,

and "here we go."

Lopes: I can't stand 100% behind

this tlc project

And the music that's supposed

to represent me --

And the group.

Well, actually,

I didn't express interest

In cutting out on the group.

I just said that I couldn't

100% stand behind this project.

And I still stand behind

that statement.

This is my favorite album.

My favorite album, too.

Yeah, by far.

My favorite album

was "crazysexycool."

Daly: October 27th,

Tlc will kick off their

first us headline tour.

Diggins: They had never toured

on their own in an arena tour.

It was very tough,

because the headlines weren't

Tlc going out on

their first tour

As tlc splitting up.

We are one short.

We're missing the "l" in tlc,

Left eye.

She okay?

All I have to say is

imodium a-d. Put it together.


I cannot believe

you just said that.

By that time, things had

really started to deteriorate

Between the girls

and the relationships.

And I think some of the magic

started to dissipate.

Man: Three, two, one.

Thank you.


Watkins and thomas:

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you!

Thank you so much

for watching.

Hope you enjoyed it,

and see you next time.

Come back again.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And we'll be back.

Right, right, right, right.

Don't be wack.

That was wack.

Austin: She started feeling

a little bit weighed down

By the niceness of tlc.

Some of the other stuff

rappers were doing in general,

It started to make

her feel like, "okay,

I'm not just a pop-y rapper.

I'm supposed to be a rapper."

Watkins: She was acting like

she didn't know us.

How are we supposed

to fight against the world

If we're fighting internally?

That didn't make sense to us.

Now, I feel like there's a lot

of love in this house tonight.

And I want y'all to know

that it ain't nothing

But positive energy

on this stage here tonight.

Hope y'all enjoyed the show,

And I need y'all to know

that tlc is forever...

Baby, baby, baby.

Reporter: What did it take

to get you guys happy

With each other again?

We are sisters,

you know,

And I don't care

what happens between us.

We've been through

too much stuff.

Thomas: It never changed

our love for her,

Because you can

never change that.

No matter what we went through,

we never questioned the love.


You came out last night

and you said, "tlc forever."

Is that what you said

when you hit the stage?


What did that mean to you?

Well, you know what?

I have never,

ever said

That I was leaving

this group, you know?

So I just like to

reiterate that sometimes

And let everyone know that,

even if we do fight,

You know, even if we can't

stand each other,

It's a good business move

just to stay

In a group of anything,

you know?

But, yeah,

tlc forever.

Woman: I love you!

Diggins: Eventually,

left eye turned around

On the January tour.

She really understood it,

And it was sold out everywhere.

It's a letter.

Looky, looky here.

The fan mail, y'all.

We have

a bag of fan mail

That just showed up

on the stage.


Diggins: It was great.

It was

a really successful project.

And then it ended.

In January of 2000,

that was the last tour

That the three of them

did together.

Tlc, one of the most successful

pop acts

To ever file for bankruptcy,

Have been taking some time

out of the limelight.

T-boz has gotten hitched

and is having a baby girl.

Chilli told mtv news recently

That she's putting her

solo plans on hold for a while

So she can concentrate

on the next tlc project.

Lopes has almost completed

her first solo album,

Which will dance its way

into stores on August 16th.

cherry, cherry

sing it, girl.

girl, you know you're fine


That is my debut album

as a solo artist.

A supernova is a rare star

That increases up to a billion

times its normal shine.

And it's pretty much saying that

there's no such thing as death.

We can call it transforming,

for better lack of words.

So, I'm on a 40-day fast.

I feel like I'm

on a journey sometimes.

Don't really know

quite where I'm headed.

I hope that, you know,

in a month,

We see some major changes,

Because that's what this trip

is all about,

Coming here and

getting this stuff on tape

So you can see what

30 days in the bush

Can do for you.

We begin tonight with

tragic news of a life cut short.

Tlc band member

lisa "left eye" lopes

Was k*lled last night in

a car crash in central america.

It happened in honduras.

Authorities say she lost control

of a rented suv she was driving.

They also say seven other people

in the car were injured.

The women who considered lisa,

quite simply, their sister,

T-boz and chilli from tlc,

And they join us

on the phone right now.


...Please -- please accept

our condolences.

And thank you for joining us.

Thomas: But, yeah,

it's our sister.

We are sisters.

We've been together

for over 10 years.

I can't imagine

how hard it is for you guys

To not only be

dealing with this,

But to call in

and talk to us about it.

And we certainly appreciate it,

and best of luck in the future,

Whatever happens, okay?

At first, it didn't hit me

because lisa,

She was always,

you know, doing stuff --

Pranking or whatever.

You know, she's got...

She had just did a prank.

Yeah, she was missing

for however long,

But she really --

you know, she was okay.

And so I was hoping that

that was one of those times.

One of her jokes.

You know, and when

bill was very serious

And I could hear his voice

cracking and everything,

That's when I knew.

And, I mean, I just --

I just lost it.

I don't even...

Man, that hit

like a brick.



when she called me...

Yeah, 'cause I called you.

I was hysterical.

...And I couldn't make out

anything she was saying,

But I heard "lisa,"

and my heart fell to my toes.

Right before lisa passed,

I was in the hospital

for four months,

Fighting for my life.

I almost passed away.

My organs were failing.

So I had a crazy time.

And that's the last time

I saw lisa,

'cause she came to see me

the day before

She went to honduras.

He won't even leave me.

That's my little friend.

Valds: Left eye's passing

was a shock,

Especially for me personally,

Because I had spent time there

And I knew

what this place meant to her.

So, everybody

already knows what these are.

These are your living quarters.

We call them huts.

Valds: When we heard

that left eye was working

On a solo album, "supernova,"

I wanted to interview her

And had learned about

this healing center

That she had been going to.

It was really interesting

seeing lisa in that environment.

I remember getting

a peek at the room

That she was staying in.

She had decorated it.

There were, like,

drawings on the walls.

I think the quiet

helped her create

In a different kind of way.

Left eye felt like a supernova.

She felt like a bright star.

Just was really the perfect name

for what she was creating.

It was about death,

and she didn't believe in it.

She believed death

was transformation.

That gave me some peace,

In knowing that

she died in her happy place.

Reporter: Thousands of mourners

are gathering

For the funeral of singer

lisa "left eye" lopes.

Fans and friends

and loved ones

Bid a final farewell

to a pop princess.

Reporter #2: She would have

turned 31 next month.


I remember sitting

on the end seat,

And you were sitting

next to me on the right.


And all the fans,

I remember, were up there.


When her mom first saw us,

remember, she almost fainted

'cause she was so used

to seeing us all three together.

Without lisa sitting

in between us,

She kind of

fell back, almost.

Thomas: Okay, I remember

when we went to the wake,

'cause I didn't want to go.

Me neither.

And lisa's mom was like,

"you know, it's okay.

It's okay.

Look at her."

And I was like,

"oh, my gosh."

And, you know, I mean,

it didn't look like her.

I mean, how could it?

You know?

It didn't.

There's no life.

'cause, to me,

when I think of,

You know,

last memories or whatever,

That's not what I want

in my head.


You know?

'cause, to me, I'm like,

"that's not

my sister anymore."

yeah, definitely.

One of the worst days

of my life ever.


Obviously, that passing

of our sister

Brought us

closer together.

I know she understands

what I'm feeling.

I understand

what she's feeling.

After she was gone, I felt

that void, and my heart hurt.

We had connected and bonded

so much on creativity.

It was just hard.

It took me years to...

Stop speaking her name


The present.


I would always

talk about her

As if she was

still with us.

I just couldn't --

I couldn't accept that yet.

I wasn't ready.

And it was --

Those were

dark times for us.

Really dark.

I didn't speak about her

in past tense.

I can't say I loved her.

I still love her.

T-boz and chilli,

they are the remaining members

Of the grammy award-winning

group tlc,

And they're

preparing for a future

Without lisa "left eye" lopes.

She was k*lled in a car accident

on April 25th in honduras.

Now, the group

has been recording

And say that the new album

will be released on time.

feel so damn unpretty

In the first part,

the first line was good,

But "far" was flat

in the second line.


Man: One more time.

One more time, baby.

She's still getting

the vibe of it.


You know what I'm saying?

Sound good, though.

Sound good.

It was just the second half?

You're keeping

the whole first half?

Yeah, the whole first half

was cool.

Okay. That's good.

I'm ready.

Watkins: After lisa passed,

the record company said

They were going to put out

a greatest hits

If we didn't finish.

So we kind of felt forced

to go back into the studio.

Yeah, it's best to get

the whole line.

Man: That's what

I'm talking about,

We were given

an ultimatum.

Yeah, it was,

"either finish the album,

Or we're putting out

a greatest hits."

And it wasn't time

for a greatest hits.


But what do you say?


"if you don't come out,

We're just gonna do whatever

we want with your career."

That couldn't happen.

Then we made a decision

to do the album,

And then I had to go right back

into creating budgets

And, "what songs do we

already have in the can?"

And, "how do we use

left eye's vocals that we have?"

Lopes: what up, papi?

You think you got game?


well, holla at me

I know you're feelin' like


The producers went back

And listened to

raps that she had,

And they chose the ones

that would fit the record.

fits and kicks, and you be

hurtin' my ears

Austin: After her passing,

It just kind of took

a certain part of me out of it.

As much as we used to complain

or bitch about

Her actions

and not being there,

It was only because

we wanted her to be there.

Watkins: She died

the day before my birthday.

When you go

to the grocery store,

You just see rows of magazines

with your sister's face on it

With a birth

and a death number.

Then, if you stand

in the line

At, like, wendy's,

mcdonalds, anywhere,

People were having


"did you hear that girl,

left eye, died?

She got in a car crash."

I went to the movies.

Another conversation

was happening.

So I was just like,

"you know what?

I'm not gonna go out


I can tell you this -- there's

no rule book on how to mourn.

Thomas: We had tunnel vision.

"let's just finish it."

Following that was promotion,

marketing, sales.

You know, where do

we first announce,

And we decided

that it would be mtv,

Where the girls would have

their first public outing.

Ladies and gentlemen,

it is my honor to bring you tlc.


the many chances I blew

to bring my life to anew

clear blue

and unconditional skies

have dried the tears

from my eyes

no more lonely cries

Diggins: It was tough.

They didn't want to do it.

Watching them walk out alone

was heartbreaking.

It was really sad to --

To just see that stage

with the two of them.

Watkins: Thank you.

I want to start off

by saying god is good.

that's the only reason

We're able to stand here


this is so hard

Because it's such

a reality check,

Because it's only

two of us up here.

And she's so missed.

But we want to thank everybody

for your support

And being there for us.

We really thank you.

We love you guys.

And we know that lisa's smiling,

And we just hope that

she's proud of us right now.

Thank you.

I probably pushed them a

little more than I should have,

But I just felt

they had to go out there

And show people

"we're here, we're alive.

Don't forget us."

It's time for the first

tlc video in three years.

Right now, it's the world

premiere of tlc "girl talk."


Check it out.

the girls are talkin',

the girls are talkin'

got y'all caught out there

why you thinkin'

that it's all about ya?

forget she told me

everything about ya

but the girls are talkin',

the girls are talkin'

Thomas: "3d" sold

in the millions, I think,

But it was considered

a failure for us.

If you even

look at the cover,

To me, it just looks dark.

Yeah, it is dark.

Like, and if we were

in our right mind,

I don't think we even

would have picked that picture.

But that picture even speaks

to how we felt emotionally,

Because it felt normal.

But when you're

in a dark place,

You look and think dark.


For me,

I didn't even really think

about it like

It was success

or not a success.

Just mourning still.

But you would never know

that we were struggling.


we're very fortunate

To have our next performers

share with us

Their very last performance.

Come on, y'all!

Man: I want y'all --

I want y'all to put an "l"

up in the air for left eye.

Let's talk about

no scrubs!

Put an "l" up in the air

for left eye.



Our big performance,

First time without lisa,

was z100.

also known as a busta

And it was like

60,000-plus people there.

So, yeah, I was a wreck.

if you can't spacially expand

my horizons

then that leaves you

in the class with scrubs

never risin'

Tionne and I said that

We weren't gonna look

at the screens,

Because anytime

lisa's parts came up,

We had the video going

of her performing.

to turn you out

And the fans, they loved it.

But in order for us to get

through the show without crying,

When I say we did not

look up one time,

Not even like a...


ask chilli

could I? What? Not really

t-boz and all my seoritas

are steppin' on your filas

but you don't hear me,


We see you're honoring

a friend tonight, huh?

Oh, yeah.

Sister, family.

Watkins: I'm not really

an emotional person, honestly.

But with

that kind of stuff,

You're kind of forced

to deal with your emotions.

Losing a group member,

that's family.

We could relate

because we had lost aaliyah.

Aaliyah was family to me.

And I've known tlc

for a very, very long time.

So we're able to sit and just

be there for each other.

It's like, what do we do next?

Being at an event like this

without lisa,

Does it take

getting used to?

Every day.

Yeah. It's still...

Every single solitary day.

...Hard to believe,

I would think.

Oh, yeah.

Thomas: I didn't want

to deal with

Anybody asking me

any questions.

I didn't want to hear,

you know, "sorry."

You know,

"my condolences."

I don't want to hear

any of that stuff.

Grohl: When you go through


Especially with someone

you're in a band with,

Your first instinct

is usually to back away,

Out of some sort

of self defense.

You're kind of stuck

at this crossroads.

What do you do?

How do you continue

And pay tribute

to the person you've lost?

How do you make decisions

that you used to make

As three people,

now as two?

Diggins: We need to start


What is the new reality for us?

It was clear that

the music industry

Had deemed tlc to be over.

Everybody was

going their own directions

And taking a little break,

And we didn't know

what was going to happen.

The difference

between bc and ac --

Watkins: Bc is

before chase and chance,

And ac is

after chase and chance.


get 'em, chase, get 'em

get 'em, chase, get 'em

get 'em, chase, get 'em

I was told that

I would never have kids.

So, chase, she was my angel,

like my miracle baby.

And then, chance is, like,

a beautiful soul.

He just is.

Kids are so pure.

The first time you see

your child's face,

I don't know, it's like

the world becomes different.

I have somebody to go home for

or live for,

To teach, somebody to guide,

someone that looks up to me,

And I take care of.

My kids come first

before this job,

Before anything.

I'm not one of those moms

that's willing to miss

Anything in my kids' life.

I won't, 'cause I can't

get that time back,

And I won't do that

to my children.

All: Aww!

Watkins: You got a ball.

Whoa. Whoa.

Thomas: Chase did

some things to you.

She made you more sensitive

and all that.

And I really appreciate that,

you know?

And so...

'cause all of

our little hard work...

Yeah, yeah.

...Prior to...

I-I cracked her

a little bit, you know,

But I just could

only get so far.

But chase, like,

you know, did it.

And chance

brought it home.

I was really ready to retire

and go act or do something else

Or just write songs

for other artists.

But I wasn't --

I said, "lord, jesus, no."

I'll --

and she was praying.

Diggins: At that point,

chilli was very clear,

But tionne didn't even know

If she wanted

to continue on with tlc.


The year was 2007.

I kept having severe migraines,

and I get a call from my doctor.

I said,

"you're gonna tell me

I have a brain tumor

or something."

And then he said, "yes."

Like, what?

First, lisa dies,

I'm going through a divorce,

and I have a brain tumor.

The hardest part for me

was the four days

That I didn't know

exactly what was in my head.

I didn't know

if it was cancerous,

I didn't know

if I was going to die.

That was

a hard four days.

So I just sat there

staring into space.

I don't want to cry, but my

first thought was my daughter.

Right now.

I wanted to

make it back just to be a mom.

So I didn't care about

the business, honestly,

'cause that don't matter anyway

if I ain't here to do it.

So my prayer was that

I wouldn't be afraid,

And that I would

get through it

To be there for my kid.

My doctor said I have

an acoustic neuroma.

It went through my ear canal and

sat down in my right cerebellum,

Sitting on top

of my facial nerve,

My hearing nerve,

and my balance nerve.

He said, "in case

something goes wrong

And I can't save

either your hearing,

Your face,

or your balance,

Give me the order that

you want to save yourself."

This industry is about your

face, your voice, your dancing.

That's my whole job.

So they took my balance.

I saved my face,

for the most part,

And my hearing.

I only lost 3% at the time.

That was one of the hardest

things I've ever been through.

I just remember being depressed

for some years.

I was just going

through the motions.

And I felt like

I was hideous-looking.

My face is partially paralyzed.

I smile from this side,

if people notice,

Or I always cover my face


That's because

I still have paralysis.

Woman: That was silly.

-Thank you very much.

-Thank you.

You're welcome.

I remember looking

in the mirror one day,

And I started crying,

and my mom said, "no."

She said, "look, this is just

your journey back to normal.

This is not

how you're going to stay.

This is not

how you're going to be.

This is only your journey back

to where you started from."

And I said, "yeah, okay."

So I look at it that way,

Then all I got to do is survive

this and get through it,

And I could be cool.

Woman: Over here.

And then the fight kicks in

that I'm living,

I'm going to survive this,

I'm going to beat this,

I am going to pray.

So what you got?

How we going to do this?

It took me three-and-a-half

to four years to heal

From the brain tumor


I feel like I had to heal

and I had to come back

And I had to be okay,

Because I had so many people

to be okay for.

So me and chance

are gonna fly,

See you not this week,

but the next week.

Is that cool?

Rolison: I'm cool

with you guys coming.

I miss you guys. I haven't

seen you guys in a minute.

Yeah, I miss you, too.

Alright. I love you.

Love you, too.

Thomas: While tionne was

going through physical therapy,

I was talking to bill

all the time,

Just, you know, wondering,

what are we going to do?

Even though our career

was stagnant at the time,

I just never had that feeling

that it was over.

Tionne probably didn't know

what she wanted to do.

Her main focus

was getting better.

So, do we still do this

and pursue the dream

Or do we get out?

When you don't have

the number-one record

in the world anymore,

I don't care who you are,

Everybody kind of

goes to sleep on you.

But bill never went

to sleep on us, ever.

Come on!

She's looking.

Come here, chasey.

I can get it.

Hold on, I got her.

Watkins: Our relationship


Give me

my camcorder.

I know, I know.

...To family.




See uncle billy?


Look at the little face.

We arguably have

the best manager in the world.

He believed in me

When I was like,

"oh, no," you know?

And that's cool to have

somebody in your corner

Who can see things in you

when you can't.

Kind of helps you

believe in yourself again.

That's how I knew

that this wasn't over for me.

The super bowl blitz,

this was the pivotal moment

Because they hadn't performed

in front of a live audience

In almost 10 years.

But I hear me

out here.

I had to say

to tionne and chilli,

"in everybody's eyes,

your career is over."

Thomas: I was definitely


"is this gonna come together?"

It was really,

really stressful,

Down to hours before the show.

Man: Are you ready for tlc?

Everybody make some noise.

for tlc.

Everybody scream!

Thomas: It all came together.

It was great.

Watkins: It was

an amazing feeling,

Because the business side

of the industry,

They pretty much

didn't believe in us anymore.

And I think that's where

you have to remember

That you believe in


We knew we still had

staying power.

We also knew that we could

still sing and dance.

But you just have to find

your new normal.

I always kept saying it only

takes one person to say yes.

And that was

the super bowl blitz for us.

Thomas: Yeah.

That was when

we showed the world

That we were ready

and we could still do this.

That's when all the promoters

started calling again,

Like, "ohhh,

so now you want us, huh?"


I'm bringing to the stage

some of my favorite girl groups.

The best that's ever done it.

the 23rd of loneliness

and we don't talk

like we used to do

One of the greatest groups

of all time

That I grew up listening to.

it seems pretty strange

but I ain't buggin'

'cause I still feel the same

Make some noise

for the legendary tlc.

I'll keep lovin' till the day

he pushes me away

never go astray

Thomas: I love everything

about performing.

I come to life in a different

kind of way when we're on stage.

Especially next to her.

We've done so much together.

We've played shows

all over the world --

South africa,

paris, and sydney --

In front of 45,000 people.

Your key fans --

those real die-hard fans

That are super loyal --

They're with you.



When we heard

Glastonbury wanted us

to perform, man...

It was over.

...I wanted to run up the street

butt naked, child...


in the streets.

I'mma shake it, girl! No,

I'm just playing. I'm joking.

Thomas: Glastonbury is the

biggest festival in the world.

It is huge, and it would be

our biggest show yet.


Welcome to glastonbury.

The sun is shining.

200,000 people are coming here.

Man: Yes, sir!

-What up?


Hi. How are you?

Nice to see you.

Man: Alright, guys.

Father god,

we'd like to thank you for life,

For our health, for strength.

We pray that you allow us to

go out there and do what we do,

Father god, use the gifts

that you have give us.

In jesus' name, we pray.


All: Amen!

Tlc! Mtv!

We tune in!

Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo,

whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo!

t, l, c

come on, t

let me hear you say

come on, make some noise

for my ladies

give it up for chilli

and t-boz

some t, some t

come on

Make some noise!

Alright, y'all.

We in the house.

Yeah! Come on!

1992, tlc kickin' off

in your motha...

I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

Valds: I wish people today

could understand what it meant

To see a group like tlc.

They helped usher in

This sort of genre

of female empowerment music.

'cause, glastonbury,

we don't want no what?

Watkins: What?

Crowd: Scrubs!

yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah


Giving us permission

to speak our mind

Actually changed the world.

Watkins: Left eye's favorite

song, so let's do this for lisa.

Thomas: I feel like

the greatest reward,

It's when you don't have

the number-one song anymore

And you're able to

sell out your tours.

That means you have

a great body of work

That can stand the test of time.

a lonely mother gazing out

of her window

And time has told us

that we did good.

We did alright.


Turning it up again for lisa!

Left eye!

Come on, y'all!



There's two more!



I seen a rainbow yesterday

but too many storms

have come and gone

Oh, we've been through


We've been through

houses burning down.

We've been through sickle cell.

We've been through settlements.

Thomas: Babies...

We've been through babies,

birthdays, holidays.

...If I think about the rest.

Watkins: One, two, three, four.

One more time, y'all.

don't go chasing waterfalls

come on, y'all!

please stick to the rivers and

the lakes that you're used to

Iknow that you're gonna have

it your way or nothing at all

but I think you're

moving too fast

Watkins: Three little

black girls from the hood

To become the biggest

and the best-selling girl group

Of all time in america

and still hold that title?

We did that, and we still

are holding the torch.

Man: Glastonbury,

make some noise for tlc!

Y'all make some noise

for chilli!

Y'all make some noise for t-boz!

Make some noise

for lisa "left eye" lopes!


Woman: Whoo!

Here we go!



I'm so proud of you guys!

-Thank you.

-Oh, my god!

you k*lled it.

There were like 40,000,

50,000 people trying

To rip walls down to get in

'cause they couldn't get in.

It was the most-viewed show ever

in the history of this stage.





Man: Y'all give it up

for tlc!

Oh, yeah!

Now, honey, if lisa was

still alive today...

If lisa was still alive...

She would be the female kanye.

That, I know.

Yes, she would.

She didn't care

what nobody thinks.


Like, that has to be

a great feeling.

What's left?

What you talking about?

After 30 years...

30 years!

...Of being together.

We still got a lot to do.

I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

I ain't 2 proud 2 beg, y'all,

no, I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

I ain't 2 proud,

I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

I said I ain't 2 proud,

I ain't 2 proud

I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

ain't 2 proud,

I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

y'all, I ain't 2 proud,

I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

-I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

-I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

I ain't 2 proud,

I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

I ain't 2 proud

I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

I ain't 2, I ain't 2,

I ain't 2 proud 2 beg

tlc isn't 2 proud 2 beg

I ain't 2 proud 2 beg, no
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