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Sorry, Charlie (2023)

Posted: 11/23/23 06:06
by bunniefuu


What's your emergency?



This might sound a bit

strange, but I heard something

outside my house.

What did you hear?

It sounded like a baby crying.

There it is again.


I was wondering if I

should go out and check.

Do you know whose child

it might be, ma'am?


It just seems odd.



Well, I live in the

middle of nowhere.

My closest neighbor

is a mile away.

I'm just going to step

outside and check.

Ma'am, maybe you should wait

until we can get an officer out


You hear that, right?


I do hear it, but--

But what if it's in trouble?

I'm just going to

take a quick look.

I don't know if

that's the best idea.

It's louder out here,

but I don't see anything.


Wait, I think I--



Ma'am, ma'am, talk to me.

Tell me what's happening.





(DISTANT VOICE) Trick or treat.

(ON PHONE) So how's

the renovation going?

Just getting started, really.

Grandma's style was collected.

Hey, when you inherit a house--

--and a treasure

trove of tchotchkes.

Beggars can't be choosers.

It's got good bones at least.




I was supposed to

have a date tonight.

Will I ever be a grandma?

Jumping the g*n a little

bit, aren't we, mom?


Speaking of babies.

Well, I'm going to let you go.

Got to get back out there before

your father eats all the candy.

You too.

Have fun.

Night, Mom.

Night, sweetie.







This is Charlie.

It's OK.

Just take your time.

You want to start by

telling me your name?



That's a pretty name.

My favorite flower, too.

Would you say that if my

name was Rose or Daisy?

Humor-- that's a good sign.

Things can't be all

that bad, right?

I took a test--

A test?

--a pregnancy test--


--just now before I called.

I'm scared.

I'm only 16.

I couldn't stand to wait

on the results alone.

I'm right here.

And remember, whatever it

says, you have options.

My mom would k*ll me.

She's religious.

If she knew I slept with Josh--

Lily, I need you to take a

big, deep breath for me, OK?

How much time is left?

Did you set a timer?

Three minutes.


I'm right here.

I'm not going anywhere.

But I'm late.

There's no reason to panic yet.

I just got my first

period last year.

And I'm already late.

It's OK.

It's going to be OK.

He said he loved me.

So, I mean, I wanted to.

I did in the heat of the moment.

But now this test is

lasting longer than he did.

It wasn't even good.

You're funny.

Keep that up.

Now my timer says two

and a half minutes.

I think I want to peek.


Just wait.

So where are you right now?



My mom just went out.

I passed a drugstore on

the way home from school.

I didn't realize the

tests were so expensive.

I could only afford

the cheapest one.

What did you say your name was?



I like your name, too.


I always thought it was cute

when girls had guy names.

You say that like

you had a say in it.

Oh, I get it.

Get what?

It's a fake name, right?


It's actually not.

Well, it's a nickname,

short for Charlotte.

They advise us to use a

pseudonym, but I don't know.

For me, it just felt ingenuine.

You sound nice.

Thanks for waiting with me.

A lot of people call in

so they don't feel alone.

Well, it's the same for me.

I talk to people, work this

job so I don't feel alone.

Did something happen to you?

Most people who do

what you do, I mean, I

assume they've been through

something themselves.

We're not really supposed to

do that, talk about ourselves.

I'm sharing.

Yes, but you called me.

At least I told you my name.


Oh God.

It's ready.

I'm going to look.

It's positive.


Lily, you don't have to make

any decisions right now.

But you can talk to someone, OK?


Lily, it's free.

And I can connect you

through right now.

It's a sin.

That's what my mom

would say, anyway.

I had premarital sex.

That's fine.

I can't have a baby right now.

That's OK.

That's not the decision

everyone chooses.


Talk to me.

What are you thinking?

My mom has pills--


--sleeping pills beside her bed.

Lily, that's not the answer.

What other choice do I have?


You said the test

was cheap, right?


OK, so you don't need to panic.

Maybe you can go

take another one.

I told you, I don't

have the money.

I can send you the money.

Do you have any

mobile payment apps?

You can do that?

Isn't that like

against the rules,

client-patient confidentiality?

I'm not a doctor.

I'm just a volunteer.

Just, Lily, please,

this is not the answer.

I don't have a choice.

You said you wouldn't

get an abortion, right?

Well, think about it.

If you hurt yourself, you'll

be hurting the baby, too.

I can't think right now.

What do you care, anyway?

You don't know me.

I do care.

You're a complete stranger.

You won't even tell me

anything about yourself.

Oh God.


She's home, my mom.

Lily, listen to me.

Just don't do anything rash.

She's home.

You can call me

back any time, OK?

Just ask for Charlie

at the switchboard, OK?


I have to go.



[SIGHS] First call of the day.

Oh my god.

I totally forgot.

I'm sorry.

I just started a shift.

Do you have a caller waiting

on the line right now?


Then I'll take what I can get.

How have you been feeling?

I'm OK.

Staying busy, productive?

Gardening, cooking a little bit.


Slowly but surely.

Still debating if I want

to stay here or not.

Volunteering has

been good, though.

Helping people is helping me.

Some of them just call to banter

or to hear themselves talk.

But with most, I really feel

like I'm making a difference.

That's great.

Remember, direction is

more important than speed.

Have you been avoiding the

news, like we discussed?

That's a no.

I can't help it.

He's locked up.

You won.

The other women, they won.

Obsessing is not helpful.

There's nothing to focus

on now but your healing.


You hesitated.

You still think he's out there.

I heard his voice.

The guy they arrested on

TV, maybe he's a bad guy.

Maybe he's done some of the

things they've accused him of.

But I know, at least in

my case, it isn't him.

I'll never forget his voice.


Baby girl.

I'll never forget him

whispering into my ear

before he did what he did.

Look, this is common.

You're finding it difficult

to accept that it's over.

Justice has been served.

But it will get

easier with time.

How long has it been?

About nine months.


Oh, I'm sorry.

I got to go.

I got to take this.

Well, I'm yours for the hour

if you want to call back.


This is Charlie.

I knew as soon as

the doctor entered

the room it was bad news.

From the look on his

face, the one that you

hope you don't see when

you look to your stewardess

during turbulence, an expression

of, oh shit, something's

not right.

You're strong.

I can hear it in your voice.

I'm trying.

You're not alone.

I can recommend some support

groups if you'd like.


Anyway, what you need

to focus on now is hope.


He's cheating on me.

I know he is.

That's tough.

Though I don't know

who in their right mind

would sleep with him.

He's gotten too fat for his

shirts but won't buy new ones.

Excuse me, ma'am?


Is your refrigerator running?

I believe so, yes.

At least it was earlier

when I chopped up

the last teenage boy who

pranked me and stuffed

all the pieces inside.

That's messed up, lady.


I am celebrating.

What's the occasion?


After eight daunting years,

I signed the papers today.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Don't be.

I'm not.

At least that's the

quip they always

seem to say in the movies.

Did you know that something

like two dozen people

are literally k*lled by flying

champagne corks each year,

with weddings being the most

common place it happens?

That can't be a real statistic.

I'm just repeating what I heard.

In retrospect, I wish

that would have happened

to my ex at our wedding.

It would have saved

me a lot of grief.

Their noses are always

buried in their phones.

Get this-- just the

other day, my daughter

was looking at a magazine.

And you know what she did?

She tried to pinch zoom

for a closer look, the way

you zoom into a picture

on your cell phone.

It's ingrained in these kids.

I realized then and there,

we are entirely too chained

to electronics.

Maybe I should put a limit

on their technology usage.

What do you think?


I totally agree.

Sometimes I worry the

only island I'll ever see

is in my kitchen.

I can't remember

my last vacation.

Every cent I make goes

towards these ungrateful kids.



Baby girl.





It's a bad connection.

I can't hear you.


The serial r*pist

and m*rder*r was

dubbed in the press

as The Gentleman,

viewed by some as a rather

tactless nickname inspired

by a technique of luring

women from their homes

with the recorded sound

of a crying infant,

then proceeding to

r*pe them in an effort

to conceive a child of his own.

The suspect, identified as

36-year-old Edward Reed,

was arrested as a part of

a criminal investigation

into the att*cks

that authorities have

attributed to a single person.

A judge agreed with the jury's

recommended life sentence.

For years, through a score of

accusations, multiple arrests,

and two criminal

trials, Reed has stayed

one step ahead of a conviction.

But, finally, this

long-wanted criminal

is now safely behind bars.

After the case's conclusion,

Reed addressed the charges

against him in an

interview with Channel 7.

Let me make something

very, very clear to you.

I've never drugged anybody,

I have never r*ped anybody,

and I've never forced

myself on anybody, ever.

And I've certainly

never k*lled anybody.

A likely story.

Following the

verdict, one survivor

was quoted saying,

"Nothing will change

what I and the other

victims have suffered.

But today, I feel

justified, relief.

I see a light at the

end of a tunnel."






Down to the wire.

You've got five minutes.

Maybe it's an avoidance tactic.

What are you avoiding?

I see him.

I almost imagine that he's here.


The other day, I nearly

clobbered the pool guy

with the skimmer.

He comes every Thursday.

And, I mean, I

guess I just forgot.

You know what you should

do in these situations?



Tell yourself it's in your head.

And then you will find

out that it's true.

The hardest part isn't the

daymares or the paranoia.

It's wondering if I could

have done more than something,

if I just got my hand on a knife

or clubbed him over the head.

I just, I could

have stopped him.

And there wouldn't be

other women out there

who go through what I did.

You can't think like that.

Surrendering to him the

path of least resistance,

it was your key to

survival that night.

You were brave, Charlotte.

Saying I'm brave makes

it sound like I had

a choice, like I chose this.

But I was just thrown in.

And I'm floundering

to stay above water.

You know what I mean.

And you are not floundering.

You're treading water.

And soon, you will swim.

Sometimes I almost

wish he would show up

just so I know I'm not crazy.

And what would you do if he did?


Hey, sweetheart.

I guess I missed you again.

We haven't seen you in months.

I know you've been

through a lot,

but isolation isn't healthy.

And make sure you're

running your car, OK?

Such a dad thing to say.

It's bad on the engine

to just sit there.

You never know when you may

need it for emergencies.

We love you, honey.

We do love you, sweetie.

We miss you.

Maybe we could plan a

dinner, something simple?

We could even come to

you and bring everything.

Just let us know.

We're always here

if you need us.

Hey, sweetheart.

Guess I missed you again.

We haven't seen you in months.

I know you've been

through a lot,

but isolation isn't healthy.

And make sure you're

running your car, OK?

Such a dad thing to say.

It's bad on the engine

to just sit there.

You never know when you may

need it for emergencies.

We love you, honey.

We do love you.


(DISTORTED) We miss you.

Maybe we can plan a dinner.

Come to you and

bring everything.

Just let us know.

We're always here

if you need us.

Hey, sweetheart.

Guess I missed you again.

We haven't seen you in months.






This is Charlie.



Oh, I think you called before.


Oh, there.

I can hear you now.

What are you wearing?

[CHUCKLES] No, relax.

I didn't mean it like that.

I just meant you're

on the phone.

My guess is it doesn't

matter what you wear at home.

How do you know

I work from home?

Don't you?

See, it's like those people

who do a remote video

call with a button-down-up top.

They sure as hell are

wearing boxers below camera.

Dress code is definitely

a perk of the job.

So you didn't

answer my question.

What are you wearing?


Let's just say I'm comfortable.

Look, if this is

what I think it is,

there are hotlines for that.

They're expensive.

And I like the

sound of your voice.

This is a helpline.

So is there anything

I can help you with?

You are helping.









Hi, Charlotte, would you

like to make a comment

on the recent arrest of--

I don't speak to reporters.

I'm not a reporter.

Please, if you just give

me a moment of your time--


At work?

I have a podcast, a rather

popular one, True Crime Truths.

Have you heard of it?

I'm giving Reed's victims

a platform to speak--




This is Charlie.


It's hard.

I signed the NDA.

I transferred out of his class.

But still, I run into him

on campus all the time.

Everyone adores him.

And I just have

to bite my tongue.

I guess that's why this is

appealing, calling anonymously.

I'm not allowed to talk

about what happened,

but here, what I tell

you, it doesn't matter.

I'm like that

bartender that you can

unload on and know that you'll

never see or hear from again.


Well, this has been cathartic.

Thank you.

Happy to help.

Hello, listeners.

You're listening to

True Crime Truths.

As always, our episodes

deal with serious and often

distressing incidents.

Listener discretion is advised.

I'll be focusing on the

crying baby rumor, which,

if you've seen the

news lately, you'll

know is no longer

considered a rumor.

In early 2003, an

urban legend began

to circulate that

a serial k*ller was

using the taped sounds

of a crying baby

to lure victims to the door.

Police were quick to deny

that information was any more

than hearsay or perhaps a hoax.

Some have suggested

that it even seems

idiotic for a victim

to investigate

a mysterious sound like this.


I'd argue that if most of

us had heard a baby crying

on our front porch,

we would immediately

go to investigate it, not

leave the baby crying,

and call the police.

All of this is to say the

crying baby lure is real.

A man, Edward Reed,

is now behind bars

and believed to be responsible

for a slew of r*pes

and, in some cases, m*rder.

There are many bizarre

layers to these cases.

Some previous

victims have claimed

that The Gentlemen, as this

monster is being called,

left them gifts leading

up to their birth.

One brave survivor says--

I thought maybe they were

delivered by mistake.

Left them gifts leading

up to their birth.


(SINGING) Hush, little

baby, don't you cry.

Mama's gonna buy

you a diamond ring.

If that diamond ring don't--

Who sent this?

--Mama's going to

whoop your [INAUDIBLE]..

Hush, little baby.

Don't you--


It's not in my head.


Charlie, it's late.

Is everything OK?

Do you hear that?



What am I listening for?

It sounds like a--

--a baby crying?


Charlie, what's this about?

I'm sorry.

I didn't know who else

to call, but it's him.


The Gentleman, I know it's him.

He left a record on my

front doorstep today.

I know it's him.

Slow down.

Where are you?

My backyard.

Charlie, that sound could

be a million things.

It's a baby crying or

a recording of one.

It could be a neighbor--

It's not.

--or a cat.

A cat?


Haven't you heard the

odd sounds cats make?

They can sound exactly

like an infant crying.

Why don't you go back

inside, look up a video?

I'll stay on with you, OK?

I think I'll make a cup of tea.

I was having trouble

sleeping anyway.


How about you type in, "cat

cries like a human baby"?



I guess I do feel a

little bit silly now.

There are explanations, but

it's not the conclusions

you're coming to.


It is not him.


One glass.

That's the rule, right?


This is Charlie.


I'm going to hang up now.


That's what you did before.

You took the call in

a sexual direction.

That's abusing the service.

I apologize.

Maybe I'm just lonely.

Should you be doing that?



Oh, I get it.

You heard me take a sip.

How do you know it's

not just coffee?

It's past midnight,

so I doubt that.

I just wonder, should you really

be imbibing in your condition?

My condition?


Is there a baby there?

Please don't call again.



Volunteer services.

This is Amy.


I've never used this line

before, but I'm a volunteer.

I've been getting repeated

calls from this same person.

And I was wondering,

I don't know

if you could identify

him or tell me

if someone's been asking

for me at the switchboard.

Actually, calls don't go

through a live person anymore.

It's automated.

Callers can punch in the

name of a specific volunteer

that they'd like to speak to.



Is anything wrong?

I'm not really sure.

Did the caller thr*aten

you or anything?

No, not really.

He just got a bit sexual is all.

Oh yeah, they do that sometimes.

It comes with the

territory, unfortunately.

We can report it, though,

but speaking from experience,

the police don't really do

much about harassing calls.

No, it's totally fine.

I was about to sign out anyway.

Sorry to bother you.

It's no bother at all.

Have a good evening.


You too.




It's me again.


You're OK.

I didn't k*ll myself, you mean.

Sorry if I worried you before.

I was just freaking out a bit.

My mom, she went to bed.

I just thought you said you'd be

here, so figured I'd call back.

You just caught me.

I was just about to sign out.


Oh, I can let you go.

Oh, no, no, no.

I'm so glad you called.

I'm not even sure why I did.

You called because

you want someone

to help you through the night.

You called because you wanted

someone to change your mind,

even if it's just

for one more day.

I looked it up.

A false positive test

result happens less than 1%

of the time.

I figured I may as

well try, though.

Yeah, no, it's still possible.

If it is accurate, maybe

I'll talk to someone,

weigh my options, like you said.

Yeah, no, that sounds

like a really good idea.

Everything OK?


You sound distracted.

Oh, sorry.

If my problems are boring you--

No, no, no, no, no, no.

It's just, it's

something personal.

Maybe you could try doing

some talking this time?

Before, when you asked

if something happened,

the answer is yes.

You may have seen

it on the news.

The Gentleman, they

are calling him.

He att*cked me.

He said he'd come back

if I got pregnant.

You're pregnant?

Why didn't you say

something before?

He said if I got pregnant

and I didn't keep the baby,

he'd k*ll me.

He said he'd come back.


He views being

present at the birth

as a way to, I don't

know, carry on his legacy.


I tried to get over it.

I saw a shrink, meditated,

medicated, exercise, yoga.

And I just, I still

can't shake it.

I can't stop thinking

about that night.

Do you have a support system?

My parents.

And I was dating

somebody casually before,

but it wasn't going to work out.

I kind of just pushed

everyone away after.

Every time I hear a baby

cry, my heart just stops.

That might be a bit

challenging to deal with

once yours is born.

A man was arrested.

And everyone's

tried to convince me

that it's him just because

he sort of fits the bill.

But I know deep down,

I know it isn't him.

And what if I'm right?

What if they locked

up the wrong guy?

Who's going to help me now?

I mean, it's already hard

enough to arrest your r*pist

when their identity.

I mean, think about

all those students

accusing teachers, altar

boys accusing priests,

actresses accusing producers.

They all know the identity

of their assailant,

and they still can't

get them behind bars.

I don't have his identity.

I don't know a thing.

I thought I had problems.

I can't stop wondering

what he looks like.

I can't stop wondering who

he is underneath that mask

and who he's going to hurt next.

I think I hear my mom.


I'm sorry to just hang up.

Oh, no, no, no.

It's fine.

Just remember to take

it one day at a time.

And I'm here if you need me.

Will you be there tomorrow?

Yes, I have a shift

at 7:00 AM sharp.

Don't you ever sleep?

I'd like to, but I can't.

7:00 AM.


Thanks, Charlie.

We'll be OK.





Why don't you show yourself?


I've been waiting for

you all this time.

If you're really there, show me.





(SINGING) Hush, little

baby, don't you cry.

Mama's gonna buy

you a diamond ring.

If that diamond ring

don't fit, Mama's

gonna whoop your [INAUDIBLE].

Hush, little baby,

don't you cry.

Mama's gonna buy

you a diamond ring.

If that diamond ring

don't fit, Mama gonna

to whoop your [INAUDIBLE].

Hush, little baby,

don't you cry,

Mama's going to buy

you a mockingbird.

If that mockingbird

don't sing, Mama's

gonna whoop your [INAUDIBLE].




You're really here.

Didn't find this one, did you?



What are you wearing?


little disappointed in you.

I thought you said you'd

know my voice anywhere.

Or maybe you did,

you just didn't

want to admit it to

yourself, baby girl.

Where are you?

The baby monitor reaches,

what, 500, 600 feet

max, which means I'm close.

So what do you do now?


For all you know, I'm

standing at the front door.

Only one way to find out.


There's no use in that.

I changed the code.

I've seen you input

it dozens of times.

But enough wrong entries will

notify the security company.


Alarm activated.

Input code to cancel.

You've been watching me.

What do you want?

You know.

And once I meet him

or her, I'll go.

Oh, and I wouldn't try

running if I were you.



I told you not to run.

You should assume by

now I can see you--

front door, side

door, back door.

I can see everything.

You're not leaving that house.

I'll tear you open at the

seams and pull it out myself

if I have to.

That f*cking light.

Sometimes I almost

wish he would show up,

just so I know I'm not crazy.

What would you do if he did?

Where are you now?




What's with all the

mind games, huh?

You wouldn't happen to be

having contractions, would you?

I don't understand.

You were about to jump

the wall, but you stopped.

I get it.

You're watching me.

So why don't you just come in

and face me now, m*therf*cker?

[LAUGHS] Keep that

up, you might just get

your wish sooner than expected.

I'm not feeling very patient.

Why don't you come in

and join me for a drink?



There you are.





Come out, come out,

wherever you are.



I'm not going to hurt you.


Babies aren't born

that quickly, jackass.


Guess I found that

one after all.


(SINGING) Hush little

baby, don't you cry.

Mama's gonna buy

you a diamond ring.

If that diamond ring

don't fit, Mama's

gonna whoop your [INAUDIBLE].

Hush little baby, don't you cry.

Mama's gonna buy

you a diamond ring.

If that diamond ring don't

fit, Mama's gonna [INAUDIBLE]..

Hush, little baby,

don't you cry.

Mama's gonna buy

you a mockingbird.

If that Mockingbird don't

sing, Mama's gonna [INAUDIBLE]..


Lullabies, they're

meant to soothe.

We need to get your

stress levels down.

It's not good for the baby.

(SINGING) Hush, little

baby, don't you cry.

You seem to have

only hit your head,

so let's hope my little

one's fine, baby girl.

(SINGING) Hush, little

baby, don't you cry.


Don't make me do that.

You're roughed up

enough as it is.

How about I clean that up?

Please help.

It hurts.

You were out for a while.

It shouldn't be long.

After all, your water

is already broken.

I have to know, you were

about to jump the wall.

You didn't even know for

sure that I was watching,

but you turned back.



So I could stop you.

[CHUCKLES] Where do

you think you're going?


Stop this.

I don't want to hurt

you, to hurt the baby.

Ever since that night,

I felt I wasn't alone.

I felt eyes on me.

And I just couldn't

prove it until now.


I-- I--

I couldn't end this until

you knew that you failed.


You tricked me.

I always wondered what you do

to girls like me, the ones who

didn't get pregnant.

Would you come back?

Would you do it again?

To me, this was the only option

that ever made any sense.

It was the only

way to truly know

if you were out there or not.

[g*n FIRING]


I didn't see my

family for months.

That ultrasound on the fridge?

I printed it online.

Every move I've made, every toy,

every baby accessory, my water

breaking, it was all

to sell you on this.

For so long I wondered who

you were, what your face looks

like under there.

And now?

Now I couldn't care less.

What's your emergency?

I need the police immediately.


This is Charlie.

Charlie, it's me, Lily.

You're still there.

I'm still here.



[VOCALIZING] Hush, little baby.


Hush, little baby,

don't say a word.

Mama's gonna buy

you a mockingbird.


And if that

mockingbird won't sing,

Mama's gonna buy you a

diamond, diamond ring.

Hush, little baby.


Hush, little baby,

don't say a word.

Mama's gonna buy

you a mockingbird.

And if that

mockingbird won't sing,

Mama's gonna buy

you a diamond ring.

Diamond ring.