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Venice Murders (2023)

Posted: 11/23/23 06:05
by bunniefuu
[italian opera music playing]

Help! Help me! Please!

Look this way, please, please!


[tense music building]



Please, please,

just let me go home.

Please, I won't say anything!

I won't say a word.

Please. Please, I won't.

Please, I won't.

Please. Please, I won't.

I don't wanna die!

[upbeat pop music playing]

Celia: Mom,

have you seen my passport?

I swear...

All those years of georgia tech,

But gave it all up

to become a bohemian.

[scoffs] tell me the name

of this place again.

The ravioli seminary?

Mazzoni academy of art history,


Pretty sure you knew that.

Can you just stop acting like

I'm making some rash decision?

I read that a visiting

young girl went missing

In venice just last month.

Gone without a trace.

Well... I'm going to Italy

to study, not to sight-see.

I'll be fine.

I just don't want you to end up

like your aunt rosa.

Are you ever gonna tell me

what happened between you two?

Not now. You're gonna be late.

[gentle instrumental playing]

I just want you to be safe,

that's all.

I'll be fine.

[clicks tongue] hey!

Is this my passport?

Now, how did that get there?


[whimsical music playing]



Excuse me,

I couldn't help but notice

Your mazzoni academy syllabus.

Uh, yeah. That's right.

Oh, please forgive

my poor manners.

My name is matteo grimaldi.

I work for the academy

As part of their

cultural liaisons program.

That explains why

your english is so good.

Well, yes,

and my mother was american.

Is this your first time

in the city?

Yeah, it's actually,

my first time in Italy.

Though my great-grandma is from

just south of palermo, so...

Ah! Then please let me be

the first person

To welcome you home.

Please come, I know

a better way to get around

Than some crowded

old water taxi.


Okay. [laughs]

Matteo: Venice is the birthplace

of many famous artists.

It's got the music of vivaldi,

The paintings of veronese,

But none of these compare

to our two brightest suns:

Marco polo

And giacomo girolamo casanova.

One, the greatest explorer

this world has ever known,

And the other,

its greatest lover.

For me, a good life

merges both of these.

- Huh.

- Mmm.

[both chuckling]

In my experience,

there are only two reasons

Why people come to venice.


For love and for art.

Tell me, celia,

which one is it for you?

Um, well, it is definitely

one of those things.

And for the other, I decided

to take a break after my last.

Ah, yes, you better focus--

no, no, no.

You better focus on

your studies, yeah?

Yeah, seeing as it's costing me

a small fortune to be here,

I need to make it worth it.

[ominous instrumental playing]

Okay, celia.

Your home away from home.

Thank you so much, matteo.

Oh, do I owe you anything?

Oh, no. No, no, no. Di niente.

The academy pays me very well.

I would, however,

enjoy it very much

If you would let me be

your guide around the city.


I need to see how things go

with my course load...

And then I will let you know.

Of course. I'll await your call.

[laughs] well, it was--

it was a pleasure to meet you

Miss russo.

I'll-- I'll see you around.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- Bye.

- Ciao.

[calm harp melody playing]

[knocking on door]

- Hey!

- Hey.

- Um, I'm celia.

- I'm evie jacobs.

I'm right across the hall.

You're american too, right?

Yeah, los angeles

born and raised.

Oh, cool. Listen,

I just opened this bottle

Of obscenely overpriced

prosecco in my room.

Do you wanna join me?

You're-- you're so sweet,

But I-- I think

I should probably

Prep for class tomorrow.

Yeah, me too, but it's Sunday.

And look,

this is really special wine.

There's only 100 bottles

made each harvest.

It'd be really nice to

share it with a new friend.

When you put it like that,

how could I possibly refuse?

[chuckles] okay.

Well, long story short,

I just needed a career change.

You know, I thought if

I studied, then maybe

I'd find something I was

actually interested in.

So what were you doing before?

- Really?

- What?

Oh! Okay.

Um, I was-- get ready--

Vp of finance for

a multinational investment firm.

- Oh, my god.

- Mmm, I'm so over it.

Oh, my god.

That sounds so boring.

Um, yeah,

I picked you more as, like,

Working in a gallery

or a museum.

Yeah. Funny.

Um, I was actually

heading in that direction

At one point, and then my mom--

Thanks, mom--

Decided-- well, convinced me,

That I should choose

a more lucrative path.

Oh, I can so relate.

My parents think that,

you know, I'm doing all of this

To mold myself into

a better marriage prospect.

If they only knew. [laughing]

[evie sighs]

There's something

that calls from this city.

Don't you feel?

Yeah. [chuckles] I do.

[calm harp melody playing]

[laughing] wait, what was that?

What was that look?

Mmm, nothing, I just, uh...

I think I met someone pretty

magical today when I arrived.

Oh, I-- I see

You've met matteo.

What? Oh, no!

- Oh, no, no--

- not you too!

Oh, he's fine, he scolded me

on my suitcase choice,

And then escorted me here

from the train station.

- He's a nice guy.

- Good.

Because I was beginning to think

He was too good to be true.

I don't know, I've just--

I've heard

some awful travel stories.

Matteo? No.

He's a harmless flirt.

If you like him, just go for it.

You're in venice! Have fun.

And you know

what they say in venice?

You can't fight the tides,

but you can learn how to swim.



Professor bruni: Welcome back.

Welcome back, everybody.

I'm very glad

to have you here today,

Because we're going to

start a brand new

And I think passionate

and interesting chapter

Into art history.

As we explore

the venice art scene

Of the late 1500s,

We find the only known painting,

A self-portrait,

by marietta robusti.

She was the daughter

of tintoretto himself,

And, many theorize,

the true secret talent

Behind her father's

- Greatest master works.

- [phone buzzing]

You know,

colors are a wonderful thing,

But also, shapes and shadows

Inside paintings.

[whimsical melody playing]

[bell ringing]

I'm so sick

of being in this room.

Let's go explore the city.

It's only Thursday,

and I'm exhausted.

I thought, I don't know,

maybe four more hours of reading

And then I am

going straight to bed.

Come on! We're young.

Let's live a little.

[laughs] evie!

I'm not here to live,

I'm here to learn, remember?

That's why I'm here.


- Yes, come on.

- Yes!

- [both laughing]

- celia: Do it over again!

So, where are we going?

I might have forgotten

to mention a little surprise.

[both chuckling]

[laughing, chattering]

Celia: So, matteo,

where are you taking us?

You promised us a fun night.

Trust me,

you will not find this place

In any guidebook, okay?

Wait, wait.

This is the san marco

district, right?


My aunt lives

around here somewhere.

Uh, hang on.

310 porto alta. That's right.

- Porto alta?

- Mm-hmm.

Well, it's just down there.

Evie: You have family in venice?

Mm-hmm. She and my mom had

a falling out when I was a kid,

So I haven't seen her since.

Let's say hello.

No! Evie, no!

Evie, please stop.


we are practically strangers,

And I haven't seen her

since I was a kid.

This is the perfect time

to introduce yourself.

- Please, don't do this.

- [knocking]


- Hello?

- [knocking]

You've got a niece out here,

come say hi!


I guess she's not here.

Can we go now?

- Okay.

- Okay.

Too bad.

Maybe next time, huh?

So, where is this restaurant?

I am starving.

It's not far, trust me.

Plus, it's good

that you're starving,

Because this place

has amazing food.

You're gonna

absolutely love it, okay?

Evie: Good, I'm excited.

[suspicious music building]

It feels like we've been

walking in circles.

Okay, ladies.

Please, please come.

Trust me,

the wait was worth it, okay?

This is the best bistro

in the whole city, okay?

The owner is the descendant

Of a long line

of venetian master chefs.

This is the best bistro

in venice?

Are you sure it's even open?

I-- I just-- I don't

see a sign or anything.

Listen, it's all part

of its charm, okay?


Hey, matteo.

You sure about this place?

I'm sorry, it's just,

there's no one else here.

[laughs] no, di niente.

It's just that

we've arrived early.

Ah, dante.

Evie, celia, this is dante,

Our chef

for tonight's adventure.

- Hi.

- Ciao, bellissime.

Welcome to my bistro.

Please, start a tab

if you don't mind.

Tonight's on me.

- Whoa, whoa. Are you sure?

- Perfectly.

And I want

a glorious italian feast.

You shall have one.

I've just started

preparing the first course.

Evie, please.

- Thank you.

- Matteo: You are welcome.

And, um...

[clears throat] ...Celia.

Thank you.

[all laughing]

Excuse me.

[soft instrumental

playing over speakers]

Celia: Hey, what was the name

of that last course?

Yes, it's, um, sarde in saor.

- It's a local delicacy.

- Mmm.

You know,

I can only think of one thing

That would make

this evening even better.

[door clicks open]

[clears throat]

[celia clears throat]

Thank you.

Please let me pitch in.

Evie: Oh, no,

totally unnecessary.

Right, well,

this has been a delight,

But I'm off to bed.

- No, stay.

- No, no, no, it's really late.

I mean, in fact,

it's actually really early,

And I'm starting to feel

just a tiny, tiny bit

Like a third wheel.

You two have fun.

- I'll walk with you.

- No, no, no, I'll be fine.

I promise. Ciao.

[door opens, closes]

You know, I-- I can't

let her walk back alone.

Let me join you, okay?

Just, uh--

just one moment, please.


Thank you for tonight.


I can't remember

which way she would have gone.

Um, well,

she can't have gone far.

Let's try down here, okay?


Uh... Yes, this way.

[eerie music building]

Celia: Evie?

What-- I don't get it.

How could we have missed her?

She definitely would've

come this way, yeah?

Yes, this is

the most direct route.

I'm gonna call her.

- [voicemail beeps]

- voicemail: Hey, it's evie,

I can't get

to the phone right now.

If you wanna

leave me a message--


she's not answering her phone.

Look, celia, venice is amongst

One of the most

safest cities in europe.

Okay, I promise you,

she's gonna be fine.

Listen, I know a place

That's really close by.

Maybe we can go

and grab a coffee?


I'm too worried about evie.

Can you just take me

back to school?

[forced chuckle] of course.

Thank you.

Okay, it's up this way.

This way.

[crow cawing]

[ominous instrumental playing]

[phone buzzing]

- [phone beeps]

- hey, mom.

Izzy: Celia, when was the last

time you cleaned this place?

Oh, my god,

why are you in my apartment?

I came to grab a yoga mat.

Then I saw the state

of your hall closet.


things just sort of escalated.

Why haven't I heard

from you since Tuesday?

Celia: You know,

I've been so busy.

I've taken on

way too much this semester.

I'd expect

nothing less from you.

Celia: By the way, I, uh...

I paid a visit to aunt rosa.

You did?


I was close by,

And it seemed impolite not to.

Don't worry. No one answered.

I'm sorry, but...

My sister only knows

how to disappoint.


Mom, are you crying?

It's all this lint

I'm churning up.

[sentimental music playing]

Oh, mom, I gotta go.

I gotta get to class, okay?

Can I call you soon?

Yes, fine.

Okay. All right, bye.

[phone beeps]

[phone beeps]



I'm sorry about

last night, okay?

I didn't mean to

make you walk back alone.

I did try to catch up.

- Evie?

- [knocking]

[doorknob rattling]


[phone beeps]


Voicemail: Hey, it's evie,

I can't get

to the phone right now.

If you wanna leave me a message,

I will call you back, bye.

Hey, evie, it's me.

Uh, just checking

to see if you're okay.

Um, where'd you end up

last night?

Call me, okay? Bye.

[phone beeps]


[bell ringing]

Class dismissed.

Celia, I noticed

evie wasn't in class.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. Everything's fine.


[suspenseful music playing]

Celia: [whispering] come on.

Where are you, evie?

[phone beeps]

[celia sighs]

Evie. Hey.

Listen, I'm really

freaking out here, okay?

Maybe, you're on some--

some wild adventure,

That's cool, I just--

I really need you

to call me, okay?

Um, I'm gonna give you...

An hour,

And then I have to

call the police.

[phone beeps]

[ominous music intensifying]


Oh, you scared me.

Um, are--

what are you doing here?

I live here. I live just

a few blocks that way.

What brings you

back to san marco?

You didn't get my messages?

Um... [laughs]

...I'm sorry,

I put my phone on silent.

Oh, did something

happen to evie?

She never made it back

last night.


Okay, listen.

Please tell me

what can I do to help.

Can you take me

back to the bistro?

I don't know, maybe

she doubled back on herself,

And the owner

might have even seen something.

Yes, of course.

Celia, of course.

Please, it's right this way.

- Celia: Okay, thank you.

- Matteo: Okay.

[celia exhales shakily]

Matteo: Just this way.

Celia: The owner

of this bistro, dante,

Do you know him well?

Matteo: Uh, yes, yes,

We've shared

a few stories together,

A few cups, you know.

Only I don't think

he's gonna be up at this time.

He's, uh-- [laughs]

Chefs tend to keep

a nocturnal schedule.

Rising at sunset,

and working until dawn.

You make him sound

like a vampire.

[laughs] well, only

he doesn't drink any blood,

He only drinks grappa.

Is something wrong?

Yeah, are you sure

we're going the right way?

I'm sorry, it's just--

I haven't seen

any tourists in a while.

I haven't seen

anyone in a while,

And, um, I could've sworn

That bridge was just

a few minutes away last night,

And we've been walking for--

We had a lot to drink

last night, okay?

So, if you're a bit confused,

It's because distances

can be deceptive.

Look, have you ever considered

That evie might have

met someone last night?

After all,

venice is the city of love.

Actually, I'm pretty sure

that paris is the city of love.

Um, yes, yes,

of course, you're--

No, you're right, though, yeah.

I clearly needed

my morning coffee.

You know,

I wasn't that drunk last night.

I don't remember

this spot at all.

I'm not getting a signal.

You are acting so strange today.

Look, I understand

that you're worried

About your friend, but...

The bistro is just

a few more blocks that way.

I-- it just feels like

we've been walking in circles.

[chuckles] celia, please.

Tell me what's wrong.

I thought me and you had a--

I thought me and you

had a connection last night.

- [phone buzzing]

- oh, sorry.

Yes, this is celia.

Professor bruni, what is it?

Oh, the police? Why would they--


No, of course. Yeah, yeah.

I'll be right there.

- Okay.

- [phone beeps]

I'm so sorry, I've gotta--


[eerie music building]



[whispering] oh, my god. Okay.


Evie? Hello?

[professor bruni

speaking italian]

What is going on?

Celia, this is inspector santo

with the venice police.

I need to ask you a few

questions, if you don't mind.


What is it? Is there news?

When was the last time

you communicated

- With evie jacobs?

- Celia: Last night.

Well, early this morning.

We were at a bistro.

She left just ahead of me.

And it was just the two of you

at this bistro?

No, we were with matteo.

He's the school's

cultural liaison.

I'm sorry, who?

Uh, matteo grimaldi.

He met me at the water taxi

station when I arrived.

The academy employs no cultural

liaison that I'm aware of.

The water taxi station

is a popular spot

For what we call

the, uh, artisti della truffa.

Con artists.

So, the bistro he take you to,

You can remember the name?

No, it didn't have a name.

That was part of the charm.

But you could point me

the location on the map?

I don't think so.

But it was

in the san marco district.

There was an old stone bridge

not far away.

[chuckles] old bridge.

This city has

more than 400 bridges.

More than 150 canals

and waterways.

I need you to be

more precise, okay?

It was tiny.

There was no one else there.

It was run by a guy named dante.

Santo: Dante? Last name?

I didn't ask.

And you think that

they were working together?

It's possible.

I want you to call him.

[suspenseful music playing]

[voicemail speaking in italian]

It's just going to voicemail

in italian.

Santo: Give me.

[voicemail speaking in italian]

The number is no longer in use.

What about evie?

How'd you find out about her?

Did someone else contact you?

We received a call from

the mother and father of evie.

Well, the consulate did.

Why would evie's parents

contact the consulate?

She failed to

check in with them.

And due to

the family's situation now,

Their instinct is to

suspect maybe a kidnapping.

A kidnapping?


You were not aware

that evie is the, um...

[speaking italian]

...Heiress to a large fortune?


I mean,

she had expensive taste, but...


That is all for now. Thank you.

But I will be in touch.

[speaking italian]

[celia sighs]

[calm music playing]

[suspenseful music playing]

Matteo: Buongiorno. Excuse me.

Are you by any chance looking

for the marcello conservatory?

Oh, yes, I am.

[matteo speaking italian]

Please, allow me

to give you a hand.

Come on.

Have you traveled

from far today?

- Si! Um, grazie.

- Matteo: I was thinking...

[conversation continues


Basically what I told them

was-- I said,


I wanna be my own boss,

I wanna do things my way,"

and he agreed.

Celia, isn't it?


What brings you so far

from your studies?

Um, well,

I'm looking for my friend.

F-- for evie.

And you think she might be here?

I don't know.

I don't know where she is.

How terrible.

Perhaps I can help.

I know this city intimately.

N-- no, that's okay. Uh...

Um, I actually have to-- to go,

Uh, but-- but thank you.

[intense music playing]


[gate rattling]

Send, come on.

[celia gasps]




[music slows]


[bells tolling]


[breathing shakily]

Aunt rosa!


Aunt rosa!

Aunt rosa.

Ce-- celia?

God, what are you doing here?

I need your help.

- [grunts, whimpers]

- god!

Celia: Thank you

for taking me in.

I-- I probably--

I probably should've

taken you to the hospital.

Should I get you an ice pack?

Mm-mm. No, it's fine.

Thank you.

You know, I, uh...

I was here once before.

I knocked on your door.

Oh, I-- I probably thought

it was some lost tourist.

I tend not to open my door

to strangers these days.


I mean, it has been a long time.

You're all grown up.

This room's incredible,

aunt rosa.

It's, uh...

Well, most everything

were gifts, to be honest.

They don't so much

represent my taste

As they do the taste

of a number of former admirers.


That's-- that's beautiful.

Who's it by?

That's one of mine, actually.

It was the, um...

The last one I ever painted.

Tell me, celia...

What brings you to my door

in such a state?

[ominous music playing]

Okay, you listen, evie,

you, um... [clears throat]

- ...You need to eat, okay?

- Go to hell.

[scoffs] I can let

that slight go, but my--

My brother's not so forgiving,


Dante's your brother?


Evie, listen, okay?

As long as you, um,

If you cooperate, you'll-- um,

You'll leave this place,

and you'll go back to your--

Back to your old life.

I promise.

I've seen your faces.

I can identify you.

How can you let me go?

Well, doesn't matter,

Because we're gonna--

we're gonna leave the city.

All we need is enough money

So that we can have

a fresh start, okay?

Where we won't be recognized.

Dante: Matteo!

I told you

to stay away from her!

Get out! [speaking italian]

Why didn't you call the police?

[celia scoffs]

I lost my phone.

Well, I suppose

the best thing we can do

Is contact the authorities,

then, um,

Get you back safely on your way.

Well, I-- I already

spoke to an, uh,

- An inspector santo.

- Rosa: Ah.

He, uh...

To be honest, he didn't seem

to like me all that much.

Here in venice,

reputation is everything.

Stories of missing students are

bad for the travel brochures.

[sighs] yeah, I get that.

Hey, do you, uh...

Do you mind if

I just rested here a while?

I, uh...

I didn't get too much sleep

last night.

Well, a-- are you sure

that's a good idea?

I mean, maybe we should...

Call your mother first.

- Dante: What did you tell her?

- Nothing, okay?

She was upset,

I tried to comfort her.

You are too soft for this.

You always were.

Only interested

in your little flings.

Another country casanova.

[matteo scoffs]

We can't stay here any longer.

The police are hunting us.

It's only a matter of time

Before they discover

where we are.


Someone leads them to us.

What are you talking about?

Did-- did something happen?

Your friend celia.

You let her follow you today...

And I had to intervene.


- How?

- Don't look so heart-struck.

She got away.

- Listen, renzo--

- don't use that name again.

Your job was to

find the rich one,

The lonely, the pliable.

Instead all you found

for us is trouble.

Come on, renzo, please--

Don't call me renzo!

[metallic creaking]

It's-- it's just a name, okay?

It doesn't--

she doesn't know anything!

It's my name.

She can tie it to my face.

And the police want to

find someone to blame,

And they're looking to blame me.

- It's enough.

- Please, don't hurt her!

Go and pack

what you can't leave behind

And prepare whatever goodbyes

you need to say

While I do

what needs to be done.


Renzo, please, no, please!

- [thudding]

- renzo, please don't hurt her!

[tense music playing]

[opera music playing

in the distance]


I didn't see you there.

Sorry, I don't mean to intrude.

Hey, is this you and mom?


you look just like twins.

There was a time

They had trouble

telling us apart.

She never told you, your mom,

Why we stopped talking

all those years ago?

Not really.

She just said, uh...

That you lost touch

when you came out here

To be a-- a famous painter.

Oh. [chuckles]

Painter, sculptor,

Dancer, designer,

I've lived through

so many different dreams.

She said you suffered

from wanderlust.

What else did she say about me?

Well, she said that you love art

And, um, wine and the opera...

And that you can be relied upon

in a pinch.

Ah. [chuckles]

she said all that?

I miss her.

Your mom...

I've missed a lot of things.

[knocking on door]

[tense music playing]

You expecting someone?

What was that look?


It's good to see you again.

I'll leave you two to talk.

Your aunt tells me

you were att*cked,

That you need protection.

- Is that what she said?

- Santo: Mmm.

So, this dante...

Did he look

anything like this man?

It's hard to tell.

I-- I mean...

I don't know, who's he?

This is the main suspect

in the case

Of another female student

who went missing last month.

It could be him, I just, um...

I can't say for sure.

Santo: It's okay.

Is there any news? About evie?


Please, she's--

she's my best friend here,

I just wanna know.

This will be difficult to watch.

[suspenseful music playing]

Evie: They want 300,000 cash

to let me go.

They said they'll k*ll me

if they don't get it

By tomorrow night.

Please, mom,

Just do what they say, please.

I'm so scared. [sobs]

I'm so scared, please.


Oh, my god.

- So...

- [phone beeps]

...As you can see,

time is of the essence.

You have my number.

Please, you must to call me

if you remember anything else.

I will.

I will see myself out.

Rosa: I thought

I was doing the right thing.

Well, looks like santo stationed

An undercover officer

outside, so...

He's not there to protect you.

He's there to surveil you.

You think that they're hoping

dante comes here looking for me?

Rosa: Well,

you got his attention.

[celia sighs]

Oh, I can't just sit here.

Now wait a minute, um,

You said this all started

at some unnamed bistro?

Celia: Right.

Do you remember the food

That was served?

Was it-- was it memorable?

[celia chuckles] it was great.

It was unlike

anything I've ever had.

I think I have an idea

of how we can find this place.

I thought that you wanted me

out of your hair,

And now you're trying

to help me.

- I don't get it.

- Look, I might not be perfect.

I might not even be adequate,

But what I am is persistent.

Now, we're not gonna

wait around here.

Come on,

let's go find your friend.

[market din]

- So where exactly are we going?

- To visit an old acquaintance.

- We're being followed.

- Rosa: Not for long.

Oh, ciao, rosa!

- [francesca laughs]

- rosa: Oh, francesca.

[rosa speaking italian]


[whispering indistinctly]

Celia: Francesca did good.

We must have lost him by now.

[chuckling] okay.

[chuckling] what is this place?

This is the palazzo

Of carmine adamo franchetti.

One time the most renowned

food critic in the city.

Known to have the most sensitive

palate north of rome.

Also we dated.

[doorbell ringing]

Carmine: [speaking italian]

Hello, carmine.

It's me, rosabella.

- Carmine: Rosa?

- [buzzer buzzes]


- [door bangs shut]

- rosa: Ah.

- Rosa.

- [rosa chuckles]

[carmine sighs]

- You haven't aged a day.

- Rosa: Mmm.

And you, carmine,

have aged like a fine bordeaux.

[both chuckle]

Please allow me

to introduce my niece, celia.

Celia, this is

carmine adamo franchetti.

- Hi.

- Welcome to my home.

So, will you both be joining me

for aperitivo?

Well, actually,

carmine, we were, um,

We were hoping

you might be able to help us...

Track down a kidnapped girl.

[suspenseful music playing]

So, I had no idea

you had family here.

Or family at all.

Oh, I'm sure

I must have mentioned it.

No, it must have slipped

your mind.

Remind me...

What is it that kept us apart?


I believe

her name was gabriella.

[carmine clears throat] mmm.

So, this kidnapped girl...

We're trying to locate a bistro

- That I was at two nights ago.

- Carmine: Bistro?

There are hundreds in the city.

Too many to count.

And you could once identify

Every one of them blindfolded,

Simply by the aroma

wafting out the door.

Carmine: True.

This bistro...

The chef, what did he serve?

The main course

was a sardine dish

With pine nuts.

Uh, soaked in goat's milk.

- Ah, sarde in saor.

- Celia: Right.

It is a delicacy here.

The sardines, pickled, fresh?


The-- the chef said that

They were caught that morning.

Near the shoreline, then.

The sauce?


Uh, there was a...

It was a-- a strong

aftertaste of--

Of burnt lime...

And cinnamon.

[speaking italian]

- Is this gonna work?

- Trust me.


Did it smell anything like this?

[chuckles] yeah! Yeah.

That's-- that's-- that's it.

Makrut lime powder.

Quite potent spice.

Found only in southeast of asia.

Few chefs there try

taming it into service.

I need to do more research.

Please help yourself

to more wine.

This may take some time.

[rosa humming]

It's getting late, aunt rosa.

How much longer

is this gonna take?

Rosa: Oh, celia.

In this life, it's--

It's important to take the time

to enjoy the calmer moments,

Because those moments

can be so few and far between.

Besides, carmine and I,

We still have

so much catching up to do.

Remember, we're not here

to reminisce, okay?

- We're on a mission.

- Rosa: Oh.

[celia grunts]

Carmine: Hey.

I have it here.


March the 4th,

some-- some 12 years past,

I-- I-- I ate

this memorable course

Of marinated sardines

in san marco

In a family bistro

called giardello's.

So, "the chef prepared them

In his signature style,

With the shocking addition

of makrut lime powder.


the dining was dismal.

One and a half star."

And you're sure that

this could be the same bistro

-All because of a spice?

-Carmine: Si.

Chefs here pass their secrets

onto their children.

A-- a family recipe

is as unique as a fingerprint.

Giardello. [hums]

Here it is. Okay.

They closed

no-- not longer after.

There were rumors of scandal,

unpaid debt.

It says the owner drowned

Not long after, yes, one night.

And he left two sons,

Luca and renzo.

Or dante and matteo.

Rosa: Carmine,

where was this bistro?

Off to "calle della crea."

by the water.

I have to let

inspector santo know.

Can I use your phone a minute?

- Carmine: Of course.

- Thank you.

[rosa chuckling]

Carmine: You must be happy

to be reunited after so long.

Rosa: Happy?

I have had a pit in my stomach

Since the moment

she knocked on my door.

It hurts to admit this,

carmine, but...

I'll breathe easier

when she's gone.




You worry too much, darling.

Everything will be all right.

[rosa sighs] hmm.

I've missed you, you know?


I've missed our walks...

Our conversations.

[door shuts closed]


- Celia?

- Rosa.

Rosa: Oh, no.

[eerie music playing]

[heavy breathing]


- [door clicks open]

- [gasps]

[intense music playing]

[celia panting]

[calm music playing]

[floor creaks]


Is anyone there?

[tense music playing]

- [door clicks closed]

- [celia exhales deeply]

[celia pants]

How did you find me?

Where is she?

Where's evie?

Tell me she's alive.

What happened to your head?

Your brother came after me.


I've let this go too far.

Celia: This restaurant.

It was your family's?

Yes, it belonged to my father.

He was a-- a very proud man

And then when the customers

stopped coming, he, um...

Well, he started drinking...

And he kept on drinking

and drinking,

Until eventually,

it drowned him.

Leaving all his debt to you

And your brother, renzo.

He is the one with the talent.

Me, I inherited

none of my father's craft...

Only his pathetic charm.

[somber music playing]

That day at the station...

Why did you choose me?

People that can afford

to go to these schools...

They tend to come from money.

But then you realized

evie was the bigger prize?


[birds chirping]

[phone ringing]



Rosa: Izzy.

I've been trying to reach celia.

I haven't heard from her

since yesterday,

I've been worried sick.

And I know she paid you a visit.

She's-- she's gone.

Izzy: Where did she go?

Why isn't she answering

my calls?

[heavy breathing]

She's in trouble, isn't she?

Rosa, listen to me.

What happened between us,

it's far behind us.

Whatever's happening now,

You are the only one there

who can help.

What-- what-- what...

What if I'm not enough?

I said so many things

I regret back then, but...

What I regret most is

How it turned

the two of you into strangers.

The two dearest people

in my world.

I need to know you're both okay.

Well, I will make sure of it.

I promise.

What good's it going to do

if you just spend

The rest of your lives

on the run?

No, no renzo, he says

that we can change our names

And, I don't know,

start again somewhere else.

He is the main suspect

In the disappearance

of another student last month.



I... [laughs nervously]

Okay, he, um,

He told me

it was an-- an accident.

Okay, look.

My brother has no intention

of letting evie go.

He is going to make her...


No, no, no.

What-- you-- you can't--

There's still time, okay?

You-- you have to tell me

where she is!

Okay, look, if I, um--

Look, if I--

if I take you to her--

Look, you have to

promise me no police.

You have to promise me

that you'll let me try

And talk to dante to--

to try and get through to him

One-- one last time.


Just take me to her now.


- You brought others.

- Celia: No.

- No, I came on my own.

- You...

You brought the police!

You lied to me! You betrayed me!

Listen to me,

I'm telling you the truth.

I came here

to find evie on my own.

Yeah, well it's too late

for that now.

It's too late for everything.

[breathing shakily]

Matteo, wait. Matteo!

[rosa grunts]

Aunt rosa, what are you doing?

- Oh, I just had to come.

- Here, here.

Celia, I wanted to help,

But I-- I fell--

- Oh, god.

- Hey, I got you.

[pants] my hands.

Yeah, we'll clean you up,

come inside.

Is evie here? Did you find her?

[sighs] no, she's still gone.

- She's not here.

- I'm sorry.

[door clicks open]

[door clicks closed]

Rosa: I don't think I'm cut out

For this cloak and dagger stuff.

You should have gone

after him and left me.

No. You're hurt.

I can't leave you.

I'm so sorry, celia.

I'm nothing but a curse to you.

After all these years,

you finally see me as I am.

I was 24.

I was in my last year

of art college...

Trying to finish

my final painting

On a deadline...

But everything

was going wrong that night,

Even the power was out,

because of a-- a nasty storm.

And that was the night

Your mom

finally asked me to babysit.

- I don't remember.

- You were quite young.

When you were sleeping I, um...

I went to check on you and...

To kiss you good night...


But... [sobs]

But what?

I left my candle

on the bed table...

When I kissed your cheek.


A breeze blew in

from the storm...


The drapes, they...

They caught fire.

[rosa sniffs]

To this day,

I don't know what came first.

Remembering I left

the candle by your bed...

Or hearing the alarm.

[rosa sobbing]

Aunt rosa.

You could've died.

You-- [cries]

You could've died.

But I didn't die.

I'm here, I'm fine.


And mom never forgave you?

Oh, she did eventually.

But I couldn't forgive myself.

I couldn't face anything.

I ran away.



Had just said

that you left to find yourself.

You think I left my...

My home, my family...

Traveled halfway around

the world to find myself?

No. [scoffs]

No, I came here to hide.

And then,

Out of the blue...

You show up at my door.

I thought maybe this time

I could make it right.

[celia chuckles]

You have.

You have.

I guess I always knew

That one day

I would end up at your door.

Oh, celia.

Thank you.

Wait a minute.

- Celia: Hmm?

- Just wait.

Celia: What?

I recognize

this-- this warehouse.

You think that's where

they're keeping evie?

I'm not sure,

but it's not far from here.

Then if you're up for it...

Let's go find out.

Matteo: Renzo?


[dog barking in distance]

[suspicious music building]



Hey. Wait. What are you doing?

Uh, I'm letting you go.

Letting me go?

Is-- is the ransom paid?

No, no, no, no.

It's too late

for that now, okay?

Too late?

So, why--

why are you freeing me?

[evie groans]

Look, because if I--

look, if I don't...

My brother,

he's going to k*ll you.

All right.

- [groans]

- matteo: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

- What's wrong?

- Oh, um...

He, uh...

He said--

he said it was ketamine.

I'm sorry.

Listen, let me, um--

let me help you, okay?

- Yeah.

- Okay, you okay?

- Yeah. [groans]

- matteo: It's just this way.

Renzo, what do you have?

What are you doing,

little brother?

Don't you see

that this is all over?

Why hold onto her, huh?

Because she knows too much.

You have said too much.

We can't risk

her leading the police to us.

But if she disappears...

She becomes the one they hunt,

not us.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no. [crying]

- Is this the place?

- Rosa: Yeah.

Oh, I've got to get closer.

- Rosa: Ow.

- What?

I-- I hurt my back when I fell.

I'll be okay.

- You sure?

- Rosa: Yeah.


[muffled arguing]

I can hear dante.

He's fighting with matteo.

My friend.

I can't see anything.

I'm going to have to go in.

Oh, I don't want to

hold you back.

- Hey, can you--

- call santo?

Of course. Yeah.

No, you go

and-- and if she's not there,

We'll track you

on carmine's phone, okay?

Mm-hmm. Good idea.



I love you.

I love you, too.

I won't let you do it.

I have a boat for us.

It's already nearby.

We can escape right now.


- [clattering]

- [evie panting]

- Get out of my way.

- Matteo: No, please.

- Renzo, no!

- Dante: Let me go, let me go.

No, renzo, please!

[both grunting]

[evie crying]

[somber music playing]

Brother. [panting]

No, no.

- No, no.

- [matteo panting]


No. No.

I'm sorry.

[evie crying]

[daunting music playing]

- [evie screaming]

- [dante shushing]

Calm down.

- [matteo grunting]

- evie!


Evie! Oh, my god.

Matteo, what happened?

Celia! [sobbing]

We're-- we're going to--

We're going to take you

to a hospital.

- You're going to be okay--

- no, no, no, celia--

- I don't know what to do.

- Matteo: Listen to me please.

Listen, listen, listen.

Okay, my brother, he has a...

He has, uh, a boat, okay?

It's at-- it's at the pier,

he's-- he's taking evie there.

- You have to help her.

- Okay.

Don't strain yourself,

you're going to be okay.

[matteo panting]

I'm sorry. I'm...

I'm sorry for everything.

Matteo. [crying]

Hurry up, we're nearly there.

Come on.

- Okay, okay.

- No. No, no.

- [dante grunting]

- no. No. No. [cries]

- Dante: Come.

- No.

Shut up.

Shut up, get in. Come on.

- No. No, no.

- Come on.

All right, come on.

- No, no, no.

- No. No. Go, go.

- Shut up. Go.

- [evie crying]

[dante grunting]

No. Shut up.

[tense music playing]

The police are right behind me.

Dante: I don't care.

Let evie go.

It doesn't have to be

for nothing,

You can let her go.

Take the boat to cairo,

I don't care.

Don't come any closer.

[both grunting]

[tense music building]

[both grunting]


[muttering indistinctly]

I will let you sink to where

the sunrise never reaches.

I will feed you to the--

- [thudding]

- [dante grunts]

[celia panting]

Evie? Evie!

Celia! Celia! [crying]

- You okay?

- Yeah.

It's done? Is he gone?

He's gone, he's gone.

Oh, god. Celia!

Okay. The cops are coming, okay?

Just stay there

and we'll get help, okay?

Okay. [crying]

Oh, my god, you're okay.

[chuckles in relief]

- Celia: Yeah.

- You're okay.


We have a lot

to talk about, huh?

But we do it later. Andiamo.

[both laughing]

Hey, can you help me with evie?

God, yeah, of course.

It was good of carmine

to let us use his place, huh?

Where's he gone to?

Well, he's gone to collect

A special meal

from the best chef in venice.

Oh, good, I'm starving.


you're always starving.

Evie: [laughs] hey.

Okay, come on.

It's time for that video.

Hey, mom.

I just wanted to tell you

That you are looking

at the mazzoni academy's

Newest part time lecturer.

I miss you,

I wish you were here.

I'm so proud

And I am so glad

You decided to stay for a while,

you know, put down roots.

Well, I learned

from the best, so.

I think you can stop

filming now, please.

Oh, I know,

I know, I know, I know,

It's just I promised your mom

I'd keep her updated.

I know, it's just, you know,

Things like this

are better seen in person.


[hopeful instrumental

music playing]



You're here?

Izzy: I decided it was high time

I came back to Italy...

To see my sister.

[both chuckling]

I can't believe--

I've missed you so much.

I've missed you, too,

more than you can know.

I hope you have room

for a houseguest

Because I'm staying for a while.

Oh, my god, of course.

[all laughing]

We should celebrate.

I don't know

why you're looking at me.

- No?

- Oh, all right.

Okay, ladies.

I picked up a little bubbly

for the occasion.

[all chuckling]

Someone smart once said to me...

"in venice,

you can't fight the tides,

But you can learn how to swim."

Izzy: All right.

To venice, then.

A venezia.

To venice.

[glass clinking]

- Cheers.

- Cheers.