Momma Said Come Home for Christmas (2023)

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Momma Said Come Home for Christmas (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(calming music)

(pen scratching)

(calming music)

(lively music)

(lively music continues)

(lively music continues)

(lively music continues)

(lively music continues)

(lively music continues)

(lively music continues)

(crowd chattering)

(crowd booing)

(crowd booing fades)

Jarvis, you're still here.

You okay?

That one really hurt, coach.

Yeah, that was uh, that

was a heartbreaker.


You threw two interceptions

the last five

minutes of the game.

You blew a 10 point lead.

I would definitely categorize

that as a heartbreaker.

Knocked us out the playoffs.

Season gone 'cause

of two stupid throws.

Well, this is all the facts.

I wouldn't say stupid.

I would border

more on idiotic, moronic,

but if it helps you

get over it any faster,

I'll, I'll go with it.

I promise you, coach.

Next year, it'll be better.

Never again.

If you think you're

coming back next year

then I got a bridge to

sell you in Brooklyn.

Merry Christmas.

(tense music)

(traffic humming)

So, Elias Brown,

you've been able to amass

an impressive amount

of catches this season.

And what's even more impressive

is the amount of

yards after the catch.

Hey, they can't guard

me, they can't tackle me.

I'm just a beast.

- Hmm.

- In every way.


So what is it that,

what's your motivation?

What drives you?

You know, I just wanna,

wanna see my future wife,

or uh, future baby mama,

see me excel on

the field, you know?

And then maybe uh, after that,

she might want to excel with

me in the bedroom and beyond.

What you think?

Well, you heard it here,

from the bed and beyond.

So now it's time

for us to pay some bills

so we're gonna

take a commercial break.

[Director] Cut.

Excuse me.

Hey, where are

you going, beautiful?

Uh, you know, all of a sudden

I'm feeling a little slimy.

So I'm just

gonna go wash that off.

But I'll be right back

so we can finish this.

Oh, come on.

Elias Brown didn't

just do this interview

so he can get this close to you.

Come on.

Oh, okay.

Talking about

yourself in a third person?

Checks all the creep boxes.

If you'll excuse me, I'll just-

- Hey, hey, hey.

Look, I just

signed for 44, all right?

M's, that is. (chuckles)

Hey, let me take you out to

Saint Tropee on my yacht.

Oh, Saint-Tropez.

Say what?

Yeah, okay, so let's not,

but I'm sure

with all those 44 M's,

you're gonna

catch a lot of flies.

So you'll be fine.

You think you all that, huh?


Can't even

walk in those heels.

Elias Brown

ain't got time for this.

You still got it.

You still got it.

(smooth music)

(camera clicking)

Is it true your supermodel

girlfriend dumped you via text?

Oh, man, oh.

Is she dating the kicker?

Hey, hey, hey, Jarvis,

what are you gonna do next?

Hey, Jarvis,

what do you do next?

Come on, Jarvis!

Rumor has it the team's

gonna release you next week.


Jarvis, oh yeah, uh-huh.

- That's gonna sell.

- Real nice, real nice.

That's good.

(engine revving)

(smooth music)

(phone ringing)


Hey, son.

So I guess she heard?


did you have to throw the ball

straight to the other team?

I mean, didn't you get

that explicit LASIK stuff?

Uh-huh, see, I knew I shouldn't

believe them commercials.

Come on, Ma, give me a break.

I've already heard

enough from my coach.

And then I invited the

whole family over here

to watch ya make

a fool of yourself.

I done let my team down,

let my fans

down, let myself down.

And worst of

all, you had that skinny,

that, that supermodel go

down on your best friend,

the kicker.

Come on now.

She could've at least started

with the offensive line.

Those boys got girth.

Ma, can you please stop

sticking the knife in deeper?

Now, son,

even though you were an epic

and magnificent disappointment

to your team and the family,

being an NFL

football quarterback

and playing in the

biggest game of your life,

we still love you and want you

to come home for Christmas.

Ah, that's great.

That's in a few days, isn't it?

Yeah and your daddy's gonna

try that fry turkey again.

Only this time we got

the proper insurance.

All right, all right,

Ma, look, I'll do my best.

You'll do your best?

Come on now, you, I don't know

how many more Christmas days,

your poor mama got left.

And I invited Cece this year.

She wants to see you.

Ma, stop, please.

What have I told you about that?

Don't try to be

the matchmaker, all right?

We were together in high school.

Plus she doesn't

want me anymore.

Hm, after what you showed

us on that field out there,

you ought to be grateful

that she even took my call.

Son, you need

a good wholesome woman.

Not a skinny

little old supermodel.

Listen, please

do not invite her.

Besides, I already got a date.



Who cares?

I mean, it's, it's a surprise.

It's a surprise, Ma.

Well, let's just see

who this surprise is, son.

And she better be

dressed appropriate

because Reverend Dawson

may be stopping by

and he don't need to

see no tramp stamping.

His eyes be

wandering enough as it is.

Oh, Ma, Ma,

Ma, I can't hear you.

There's something going on.

Are you in a bad area?

Ma, I'm call you back.

I love you, all right?

Boy don't even

know how to lie right.

(whimsical music)

So, tell me about yourself.

And then I tried being

vegan for like three weeks,

and then I realized I was

actually pescatarian at heart.

So I switched back to being

vegan for like two more weeks

to make sure

that I could handle it.

Wait, is this vegan?

Is this drink vegan or?

Would you like to

open us up in prayer?

Y'all know

what time it is, okay?

Finding the vibes, looking

for the guys, okay?

Bad girls all year, okay?

Hashtagging, okay?

Make sure y'all follow me

on YouTube, Instagram, okay?

I am so Sunny.

Look, I ain't

got time for no BS.

I'm already at executive level,

so you either meet

me or beat me, okay?

You wanna know about my

last three TikTok posts?

They was a little, you know,

I was givin'

a little thirst vibe,

but sometimes you gotta give

the thirst to get the thirst.

I lead the youth

group on Wednesdays,

and then Fridays

is the Bible study.

We need a new deacon.

You should join.

Usually when I meet

somebody for the first time,

I'm just like, you know, like,

I need to know that you're

gonna call me back, right?

How many followers do you got?

My clock is ticking and

I ain't got time for no BS.

So you gotta come correct

or don't come at all.

Just, if

you're not feeling it,

you can just let

me know now, you know?

I think that would be cool.

The Lord is my shepherd.

I shall not be in want.

Are you giving out

handbags for Christmas?


you know, I need a couple.

And some shoes to go

with it if that's cool.

(light dramatic music)


- Hey.

- Good morning.

Now, look,

I've managed to keep you

on here on the roster

for over a year,

but you haven't produced what

the headhunters advertised.

I need a big story, now.

Look, I'm just,

I'm not okay with all the lies

and the following

the rumor stuff.

Like, I'm just not

comfortable with that.

Half of this crap's made up.

Nobody cares, they just

want to be entertained.

They just want

their beliefs reinforced.

They just wanna see a

celebrity that's not so special

so they don't feel so bad

about their own crappy lives.

Okay, look, I'm, I got

some really big leads.

I'm onto something.

I, I just need some more time.

All right, look, I'm

gonna give you two weeks.

Just after Christmas,

and then I'm gonna be

expecting a big story.

- Okay.

- Okay?

Preferably a celebrity secret.

If not, it's gonna be no

secret that you're fired.

Look, I worked really

hard to get this job.

So work hard

to keep it, sweetie.

Merry Christmas.

Christmas time

(singer singing

in foreign language)

(singer singing

in foreign language)

I wanna say

goodnight, sweet dreams

(singer singing

in foreign language)

My salvation.

Oh my goodness.

Look who can grow kale.


Huh, there we go.

(phone ringing)

Mm-hm, okay.

Hey Momma Dee,

how you doing today?

Oh, much better now that

I'm speaking with an angel.

Mm, I know a few people

that would argue

that sentiment with you.

(laughs) Well, I'm

calling to say thank you

for the fruit basket.

That was a nice gesture.


Anything to

make you feel better.

I know it's

the anniversary, and...

Well, child, let's not

dwell on sad things today.

It's a good day

and I'm feeling blessed.

Me too, Momma Dee, me too,

because my kale actually

came in and it's amazing.

Great, great.

But you keep all

that healthy eating

over there where you are.

We eating over

here to die early.

Lots of grease

and fat and sugar.

Might be bad for your

health, but good for soul.

I'm gonna get you.

I'm gonna get

you eating healthy, okay?

Healthy eating,

healthy life, Momma Dee.

(laughs) Over my

dead, diabetic body.

Okay, we'll see, we'll see.

I was calling to see if

you were still planning

on coming over for Christmas.

Yes, of course.

As long as Jarvis ain't coming.

What, what?

No, no, no.

He, he's not gonna be here.

He's playing that day.

Momma Dee,

the entire world knows

that Jarvis threw

interceptions and got benched

and is not playing anything

but spades in his backyard

on Christmas Day.

Well, okay, he's not coming.

But, but you,

you know how he is.

Yes, I do.

That's why

he and I didn't work out.

But you know what?

I got a whole

new family out of it.

Does that mean you're coming?

Can I bring my kale?

Of course you can.

We'll use it as garnish

for the potato salad.

Oh my God.

You would do that, too.

Yes, yes, I will be there.

4:00 PM sharp.

Yes, ma'am, bye.

Bye, baby.

I won't let her garnish you.

(chuckles) Momma Dee,

you are a mastermind.

Yes, you are.

(whimsical music)

My salvation.

(sirens wailing)

(smooth music)

It's been a long day.

I'm gonna need a double Jameson.

Another double.

I'm still the same

that I was yesterday

And I made

a promise to myself

Make a change

and better myself

Thank you.

I'm not signing any autographs.

Excuse me?

Don't ask me for an autograph.

Not signing anything.

I'm just relaxing.

I saw it on your face.

You was about to ask me.

What are you, like

a rapper or something?

That was a good one.



What I want is change

Darling leave it to me

(smooth music)

- Hey girl.

- Hey.

- I'm sorry I'm late.

- No, no worries.

Ah, you look cute.

Thank you.

Got the girls out.

You better.

Girl, I had to send

those feet picks out.

You know how I do.

I gotta make sure that cash

app stay buzzing, okay?

You are such a foot whore.

- I know, it's so bad.

- It's terrible.

(both laughing)

Um, excuse me.

Two grandmas on rocks, please.

Yeah, that'll be good.

So girl, finish telling

me about your boss.

He's trying to fire you?

What's up with that?

Girl, he trying to put

me in the free food line.

And you know, they don't have

a lot of vegetarian options,

so that'll never work.

Well, girl, sh**t.

You better be

a sugar eating whore.

I'll be eating cakes and

cookies and all types of things,

'cause you know, sugar is vegan.

Just in case you didn't know.

Girl, you crazy.

No, but seriously, like,

I need something bad.

Like I need a story.

I need something juicy.

Listen, you know you can always

take pictures of your feet

like I do and

collect those coins.

(friend laughs)


I'm serious,

you should give it a try.

But you know what?

I just ran into Jarvis Porter

stumble into the bathroom, girl.

He looks sloppy drunk.

I say we take

some footage of him

acting all drunk and whatnot

and do a story about him

being an alcoholic, for you.

Who's Jarvis Porter?

Jarvis Porter, girl.

Two time Super Bowl champion.

I know my sports.

You gotta keep up, honey.

I think it would be good.

Think about it.

Listen, he's washed up now,

but he's about to retire

so it might be worth it.

Oh girl, maybe I can

get his retirement story.

That would,

that would save my job.

Come on, come on.

Mm, and I'm sure he's held

onto some of his millions.

Ooh girl.

You know I'm

looking for a Poppa, right?

Could you put in

a word for me, please?

Girl, did

you see where he went?

Girl, he is right

over there in the corner

with the shades on, okay?

Gold chain.

- Oh no.

- Mm-hm.

(Momma Dee humming)

(Momma Dee chuckling)

(whimsical music)

You sure that we can do this

without your wife finding out?

She better not find

out for both our sakes.

What do you mean?

We, we have some

unfinished business.

I know what

we got, okay, but not here.

Listen, you know that I am

only here for the bag, right?

[Poppa] Yeah, I know.

So the rest of

this is gonna be on you.

I got it, okay?

I got it.

Call me back.

- All right, okay.

- Okay, bye.

That fool done lost his mind.


Put a coat on.

I'm a k*ll him.

Sure is my name,

I'm gonna k*ll him.


You're back.

Oh, I know what it is.

You want me to buy you a drink?

I'm a buy you a drink

Here you go.

This for you.

$100, that's right there.

That's yours, please leave.

Why you sitting down?

Go ahead, can

you leave me alone please?

- $100.

- It's been a rough day.


$100 on the table.

I'm gonna sit.

Listen, um, so, you know, the

stuff I said to you earlier,

I was just hoping that maybe

we can just kind of like

let bygones be bygones

and just put it past us.

Yes, yes.

Let bygones be bygones.

Just, just forget all about it.

That's just not important.

You know, we all have sinned.

- Yes, yes.

- Right, right?


you threw an interception

during the most important

game of your career.

She called you a loser.

But it's not about that,

that's not important.

What's important is how

you intercept the pitfalls

and interceptions of the light.


Exactly, exactly.


Oh, y'all some, y'all some

type of comedy act, right?

- What?

- No, no, no.

I'm a journalist

for The Gauntlet.

Oh, oh.

No, no, no, no.

You stay away

from me, all right?

You not about to

catch me slipping.

That's a tabloid paper.

No, no, no, listen.

We're, we're

trying to make a turn.

Like we're, we're focusing

more stories on the positive.

- Yes.

- Like we're,

we're also focusing more

on redemption stories.

Redemption stories.

Redemption, exactly.

That's what it's all

about and you know what?

I see a touchdown

in your future, baby.

- Redemption, huh?

- Yes, yes.

Yeah and, and if you

just let me interview you,

then I swear I can turn

all the recent events

into a positive.

Yes, let her.

[Leticia] Let me.

I'm telling you.

Now let me tell

you something else.

My feet picked are to die for.

(Jarvis chuckles)

Yeah, y'all chicks crazy.

I'm about to be outta here.

Plus I'm a leg and butt man.

I'm not into all that

weirdo stuff, all right?

- Okay, okay.

- Thank you.

Okay, well, uh, well,

let me give you my card and um,

maybe you just

might change your mind.

I doubt it.

I make a mean T-bone steak.

I couldn't see

Girl, that didn't go well.

Well, at least you

got $100 out the deal.

Oh, well, I ain't too proud.


I'm about to get fired.


(Poppa snoring)

(tense music)

(Poppa snoring)

(tense music)

(Poppa snoring)

(tense music)

(phone ringing)

Ma, what

you doing up at this time?

Well, you know, sometimes

I wake up to study the word.

The silence makes me

reflect a little bit more

on the blessings.

Won't he do it, son?

Ah, so what pops do now?

Oh, nothing, just being

his old regular self.

You know, you know, your

father's a very special man.

And soon and very soon I would

be doing a special thing.

Well it's good to see

you guys are getting along.

You know, sometimes growing up,

I ain't know if

I was gonna end up

on one of those crime story

specials or something.

Crime, us?

Oh, no one will ever know.

I, I mean, uh,

no one will ever know

what a true love we have.

That's good, Ma.

Oh, speaking of love,

I can't wait for you and Cecee

to get back

together at Christmas time.

I mean, look at that fact

that you gonna be

kicked off the team

that you got

plenty of time now for,

you know, to

invest in a relationship.

Ma, what, what'd I tell you?

Please stop trying

to be the matchmaker.

Besides, I'm um, I'm, I'm,

I'm bringing somebody.

Oh, are you now?

Yeah, um,

she's, she's actually a

beautiful woman and um,

um, tall and a professional.

Okay, all right.

Professional lady, tall, pretty.

What does this

professional lady do?

She's a reporter.

Oh, oh, oh, she a TV reporter?

Yeah, a reporter.

Is she one of

those TV reporters

that report with all them bombs

and things

blowing up behind her?

Because I need me some

grand babies by you.

Ma, relax.

No, she's not that type.

Oh, well good, then

I'll be happy to meet her.

We'll set up

the guest room for her.

I'm so excited.

[Jarvis] Yeah, me too.

But look,

you gonna get you some rest.

All right, son.

And in the meantime, if I

ever need to be bailed out,

there's $20,000 and

a safe under the shed.


(phone beeping)

Well, my toe appreciation

team came through again,

and now I'm the proud owner

of a new pair of Christians.

Ah ah ah!

Girl, you are

degrading yourself

for non appreciating assets.

Great job.



Generational wealth is

destroying itself as we speak.

Girl, the only generation

I'm concerned with

is this one, okay?


Thank you.


my life is over

and you don't even care.

I just blew my only shot.

Now I'm gonna have to go

get a job at Sprouts or,

or I don't know,

like USP or something.

Ooh, girl, you know what?

One of my home girls

works at UPS and her legs.

- No, I'm not-

- To die for.

Like, b*mb, tight.

Okay, she's going upstairs in

the heat all day long, honey,

she looks good.

It's a blessing in disguise.

You never know, Leticia.

You might wanna,

you know, think about it.


(phone buzzing)

Ooh, ooh wait, hold on.


Girl, Mr. Cheek Lover

22 is hitting me up.

I'm gonna have to go.

I love you though.

You're so not a good friend.

Oh, I love you.

My life is ending and

you don't really even care.

Oh I care.

I care somewhat, but baby,

I gotta go get this money.

I should have

had different feet.

(phone ringing)


Hey, what's going on?

It's Jarvis.

Listen, I decided

to discuss your offer.

You're gonna

let me do the story?

Eh, I said discuss.

Okay, okay.

That's a start, that's a start.

Meet me at

Sleak Gym in about an hour.

Bring some workout clothes and

I'll do most of the talking.

Yes, oh, okay.

And, and you can do

most of the exercising.


(smooth music)

Oh, I'm gonna get nice

and oiled up for you, baby.

Of course, of course.

Oh, you like it like that?

I know.


(phone ringing)

Baby, it's my bestie.

It might be an emergency.

Listen, I will give you

an additional 15 minutes

plus I will throw in that

little bonus thing you like

on the house, okay?


Bitch, you are

calling me on company time.

You better be in

the back of an ambulance.


I'm calling because I'm having

a heart attack right now.

He called me.

Who, Michael B. Jordan?


He says he's gonna

let me do the story.

Well, okay, so go.

Why are you calling me?

That's the point.

Like I, I'm

having second thoughts.

Like I don't, I don't

know if I wanna do it.

Oh, hold on one second.

You precious stud monster,

I will be right back.

Just, just hold up.

Well, I mean, what if

he's pulling my leg or,

I don't know, what if he

wants me to just go to there

and just massage his

washed up ego or something?

I don't know, like.

What if he's crazy like those

people that pay you online?

[Client] Hey.

You just lost me $85.

You better make it up

to me on my Amazon cart.

I am not playing.

It, it's just that I really

need this to go well, so bad.

Like I'm so in need of a break.

I don't wanna get my hopes

up and, and then like,

you know, this

isn't what it's supposed.

Maybe I should

just accept defeat

and start looking

at those applications.

You're right.

It could very

well be all some BS.

But at the end of the day,

what do you got to lose?

It's just an hour

of your time, Leticia.

And what if it's not some BS?

Yeah, you've always been the

wise one for the most part.

I mean, you know,

you didn't jump on

your ex's windshield

in the middle of Times Square

when he wouldn't take you back.

Girl, that man

wore a size 14 shoe.

So you do the math.

sh**t, I was prepared to

slide across that windshield

like Tom Cruise if he

decided to hit the gas, okay?

Woo, a woman has needs.

Okay, I'll go.

(upbeat holiday music)

(weights clanking)

- Hey.

- Ooh.

Not bad.

Your fashion sense at the

bar was not flattering.

You got a decent

pair of legs on you.

Yeah, well I uh, I ran a

semester of track in high school.

So, that's what you got.

All right, track star,

ready to get a set in?

- Yeah.

- Come on.

All right.

Here, let's see what you got.

Come on, pull, pull, pull.

You got it.

Pull, pull!

Ah, what?

Nah, rack it up.

You got a, you got a big old

vein popping out your forehead.

[Leticia] This is lightweight.

I got this, I got you.

Nah, you're

gonna get a stroke.

Put it down, put it down.

Okay, okay.

Now, oh yeah, go ahead.

Switch it back up.

- Okay.

- It's okay, it's okay.

It's all right.


You know, that's what

happens, like the blood rushes.

Right, right.

- For sure.

- But you,

you look like you might

have needed a breather, so.

Well, I mean,

I haven't been in one of these

since before the pandemic, so.

Yeah, life goes on, huh?

Yeah, I hope so.

So, what's up?

So um, I was thinking, um,

oh, I, uh, I, I was

wondering if you would,

you would give me

your retirement story.

How did

you know I was retiring?

I haven't even told my mama yet.

Well, I mean, you know,

it was like a little itsy

bitsy educated guess, I think.

Well, listen,

I can't be mad at you.

You're right.

I think it is about that time,

especially after my last game.

I know the team's

gonna drop me next year.

It's just, I just,

didn't see that safety

hiding in the corner.

It's like he read my

eyes in a zone coverage.

Yeah, um, zone coverage.

I, I don't really know what

that is, but um, whatever.

So, you know, I just,

I really think that like I

should be the one that you trust.

You want me to do this story.

Absolutely not.

Well, maybe.

I need you to do me a favor

and then I can

give you what you want.

Okay look,

I'm not that type of girl,

but um, I know someone

with really pretty toes.

Listen, I promised my mother

I would bring the beautiful

woman to Christmas dinner.

It's kind of a big deal to her.

She's old and

all and so I just, uh,

I wanna come through clutch.

So you think I'm beautiful?

I mean, you, you not

Bae, "Crazy in Love" video,

but you know,

I mean, you all right?

All right, uh, fair enough.

Listen, I'm a professional.

So respectfully, I have

to decline your offer.


I understand.

Enjoy your day.

Okay wait, you're not gonna

try to like convince me to-

- It was nice to

meet you, Leticia.

Come on.

Yeah, come on.

(whimsical music)

(engine roaring)

Ooh, my baby's home!



Oh my goodness.

Thank you, baby.

Oh, this is my

date right here, Leticia.

- Hi.

- Well hello, Leticia.

Hi, merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas

to you too, sweetheart.

Ooh, we gonna have to put some

meat on them bones, honey.

Oh, um, uh, I'm vegan, so

it's, it's like uh, yeah.

Ooh, Lord, Lord, Lord, ooh.

It's, it's, it's okay, Ma.

Look, it's, black

people are doing it now.

It's actually

kinda healthy, right?

Yeah, yeah, it's,

it's very healthy, yeah.

- Oh, okay.

- It's a thing.

Better than, understand.

All right, look, I'm

gonna go get the bags,

so follow her.

Yeah, mi casa es su casa.

[Momma Dee] All right.

Okay, okay.

Smells like

chitlins and hog mugs, but uh,

I could do

this, I could do this.

Little bit of (muttering).

What's this is over here?

So you must be the

big time reporter, huh?

My brother says you're

supposed to be all high class.

You ain't all that.

Turn around,

let me see your head.

Turn around, it's okay.

What, do you work

for TSA or something?

I mean, what's going on here?

It's tracks, ain't it?

Yeah, you ain't all that.

Okay, so you've never

added extensions to your hair

for full length and volume.

I got my eye on

you, big city girl,

and you better not be

after my brother's money

just like all the rest of 'em

'cause you ain't gonna

get a dime, all right?

Okay, let's start this over.

Hi, I'm Leticia.

Nice to meet you.

Uh-huh, I got my eye on you.

Oh, Leticia, what's going

on, my sweet little TT.

Been looking all over for you.

I see you've met my

loud mouth, obnoxious,

sometimes don't know how to

mine her business, sister, Rea.

But you can call her Riri.

Okay, yeah, she's

actually quite adorable.

That's absolutely correct.

She's quite the adorable one.


Anyway, I wanna

introduce you to my pops.

Come on.

Oh yeah, okay.

(Poppa yawns)




Oh, hey.


Oh, come on now, girl.

From the South.

We don't do that bougie

corporate thing down here.

We hug.

Come on, we hug.

Come on in here.

Yeah, that's it, mm-hm.

(Poppa chuckles)

Oh God.

Ooh, girl, look at you.

Have much meat

on your bone, do you?

You know what, black men around

here, we like hips, butt.

I ain't seen none

of that round and flat

since I looked at tortilla.

Look it, my wife tells me

you one of those crunchy,

avocado toast eating sisters.


Ooh girl,

let me teach you something.

Come on, come on.

No, what, what?

Pick your feet up, God damn.

(light dramatic music)

Ma, you, you better not.

I thought the pastor delivered

you from all of that.

Son, all have sinned.

So what's going on?

You're not stressing about

my interception, are you?

Because I, I'll be

all right, you know?

Thank you, but I've had

a good run, so yeah.

Nobody care about

your damn interception.

You've had many

of 'em your career.


And when

nobody care about you,

we gonna love you whether

you do football or not.

You just keep on

making that money.

Well, thank you for the

reinforcing statement, I think.

Well maybe I'm just

trying to look at things

on the bright side now.

Jarvis, it's your father.

I think he's up to something.

Up to something, like what?

I don't know why, I,

I don't know why

I didn't think about it.

She was right under my nose

and he's been trimming his

nose for the last two weeks.

What, Pops?

Come on now.

Ma, that don't

even sound like him.

Plus, you remember when you made

the announcement

last year for Christmas,

when you said

because of his diabetes,

his, his, his, you know, his-

Jarvis, Jarvis.

His pipes

wasn't working right?

Jarvis, they got

medicine for that, son.

Ma, Ma, that's, that's TMI.

I'm not sure about what to do.

I've read about 16

different ways to end it,

but I don't wanna be

taken off the insurance.

All right, first of all,

stop watching too much TV.

Second, I don't know, I mean,

y'all been together

for like 42 years, Ma.

Maybe y'all should just

have a conversation

before you resort to a first

degree felony conviction.

You know?

Well, maybe

that does make sense.

Let me talk to him.

I don't know if that's

gonna be a good idea, son.

You know,

Justin was his favorite.

Yeah, well, Justin is gone,

so I guess I'm gonna have to do.

Have you learned

to accept that?

Have I ever had a choice, Ma?

Never, not really.

But you know, maybe it's not

bad to be second sometimes.

Now look, round here, you

gotta know how to sh**t.

Mm-hm, yeah.

Come on now.

You never know

when you're gonna see

a dinner deer

across the road or a,

it could be a zombie apocalypse

or you run into one of them

Maganificent insurrectionists.

Got to, hm, yeah.

No, no, no, no, no.

I'm really not with

all the v*olence and-

- Bougie girl, if you

gonna be in our family,

you can't be milk toast.

You got to sop

this up with a biscuit!

Now come on.

No, I, I really can't.

- Yes you can.

- I can't, I can't, I can't.

Like Michelle Obama said.

- Oh, I can't.

- Uh-huh.

"When they go low, you

sh**t 'em high in the face."

- Yeah, I, oh.

- Come on now.

Get in there.

Put your hands on there.

Okay, well.

Oh, okay.

- It's heavy, okay.

- What, okay.

There you go.

Where do I put?

Put your, put your

finger down the trigger.

- Okay, okay.

- There, there you go.

- Okay, all right.

- Okay now,

position yourself, get ready.


Come on, there's

a little kick there.

(g*nsh*t firing)

(Leticia laughs)

Pop, the weasel go pop!

Can I go, can I go again?

Uh-huh, yeah, go ahead.

Okay, all right.

I'm not a crunchy girl

and I'm not avocado toast!

(g*nsh*t firing)


Okay, okay.


Carol Blakely did not deserve

to be prom queen over me

'cause the bitch is bow-legged!

(g*nsh*t firing)

Okay, all right, all

right, that's enough.

Okay, okay, all right, okay.

Yeah, okay, all right.

Yeah, you shot

the bow-legged bitch.

Let's go.

Come on now, let's go eat.


You know,

all this releasing

has me really hungry.

(both chattering)

(upbeat holiday music)

(family laughing)

Yeah, all righty now.

[Leticia] Oh um.

Oh, well, Pops, Pops,

Leticia, she doesn't eat meat.


Everybody eats a little

meat every now and then,

especially at Christmas.

Come on now.

Oh, uh, with

all due respect, um,

I just don't believe in

k*lling animals for food.


I just think it's unjust.

So you gonna disrespect

a chef in his own house

and his own kitchen?

Listen, come on now.

Everybody's entitled to,

to their opinion, right?

- Mm, mm-hm.

- Mm-hm.

Yeah, I guess.

Pass and disrespect a chef

in his own house and kitchen,

that's a little

rude if you ask me.

Mm, Mm, Mm.

I think you should

at least try it.

Okay, okay.

Um, well, what is it?

I mean.

Well, I like to

call it improbable meat.


Oh, that's so sweet of you

that you went

and did this for me.

Oh, and you know,

and you told them to.

You are a great Christmas date.

Go ahead,

Ms. Cosmo, give it a taste.

I will.

And you know what it's

like, it smells really good.

[Poppa] Mm-hm.

(Riri chuckles)

[Leticia] Mm-hm.

She's skinny,

but she ain't eat.

Like that, huh?

So you don't

know what brand it is?

Oh, oh, no, no.

Don't care about

the brand, see just,

we care about

the spices and the.


This is really good.

See, she likes it.

Baby girl,

you just ate possum.

(whimsical music)

(Riri laughs)

It's clean.

I caught it down

there by the river.

It aint road k*ll.

At least it wasn't squirrel.


Hey, that spice over here.

Pass me that baby.

Give it to your momma, boy.

Pass that over here.


There's people starving.

[Poppa] You know, possum,

they eat a lot of plants.

(whimsical music)

(Cecee knocking on door)

- Ooh, my girl is here.

- Hello.

[Momma Dee] Amen!

- Merry Christmas.

- Amen.


Aw, thank you.

Oh, hey, hey, Merry

Christmas to you, too.

Cecee's here, y'all!

Now the party started.

And the party can start

'cause I brought you your fave

and you do not have

to share with anyone.

Oh, aren't you just

the most precious thing.

And you like,

beef brisket, don't ya?

You even have to ask, Momm.

- Jarvis.

- Cecilia.

It's been a minute.

Yeah, it indeed it has.



on another season.

Another losing season.

Oh yeah, it's been atrocious.

But God is good.

That's, that's what's important.

God is love.

Right, right.

I gotta go check on Leticia.

Oh, that's my

date for Christmas.

The one I, the one

I actually came with.

- Date?

- Mm-hm.

To Christmas?

Wow, can't wait to meet her.

That's why we're here.

- Hi Cecee.

- Oh!

Uh, she's vomiting in

the bathroom right now.

Oh, okay.

It's, it's food poisoning.

- Possum.

- Yeah, okay.

(Jarvis knocking on door)

How you doing in here?

Ugh, your family

doesn't like me.

I've tried to keep it cool,

but this is, just isn't fair.

My family doesn't hate you.

I mean, just a bit uptight.

Just loosen up, that's all.

What do you mean I'm uptight?

'Cause I don't want animal

carcass in my teeth,

that makes me uptight?

My mom's beef brisket, trust

me, it's worth the flossing.

I promise you.

Listen, this better be

one hell of a story, okay?

'Cause your family is

putting me through hell.


That's, that's amazing.

What are you laugh, what

are you, what is funny?

What, what could

be funny right now?

You're actually

cute when you're angry.

Finally, I get a chance to see

some real emotion out of you.

A glimpse of

who the real Leticia is.

See, my whole career is

about reading people.

I can read the defense.

I can read

the linebacker's eyes,

the coaches' interactions

with the rival team.

But you I couldn't quite read.

But now, I see something.

Oh, you haven't

seen anything yet.

I'm gonna get

through this dinner

and you're

gonna give me my story.

And after this

meeting, we're done.

(light music)

I bet, can you imagine?

That girl is lost.

She actually thinks

that she's better than

the rest of us folks.

Well, your son did

always like that type.

I always thought he was

rebelling against his upbringing.

- Well you know something?

- Hm?

He ain't gonna never find

a woman better than you.

You're sweet, you're loyal,

and you always bring his

mama her favorite wine.

Pour me up a little bit more.

Ooh, yes ma'am.

Momma Dee,

what we had is long gone.

You know, that was like

hometown high school romance.

Yeah, it was

college romance, too.

Uh-huh, not smart of

me to break up with him

right before the draft.

No, I was scared.

I just wanted

like a regular man,

not a pro

superstar athlete, you know?

I should have just

encouraged his dreams.

I was wrong.

Was wrong, incredibly stupid,

and you missed

out on a lot of money.

Thank you.

- Idiot.

- Momma.

(Momma Dee chuckling)

You know I love you, but you

don't have to be that honest.

Like you could lie to me.


you know, I love you, too.

And ain't

nobody coming up in here

bringing me no

grand babies but you.

I'm gonna make sure of it.

Momma Dee, you are crazy.

No, no, I'm okay.

Momma Dee, look at me.

I'm at peace, okay?

I made a mistake,

but that's the way the

world works sometimes.

I'm gonna show you how the

world works because you and me,

we gonna make sure

that we get that Madison

Avenue heifer out the picture.

I'm gonna make sure of it.

That does not sound good.

You got a plan, don't you?

Watch and see.

(laughs) You feeling better?

I am actually.

Thank you.


What kind of shoes are those?


difficult to pronounce.

Oh, you think

you got it like that?

Actually I do.

Hmm, well I'm thinking

that you just want my brother's

money and I don't like you.

Well, you do know that

I have my own money, okay?

What was that?

I got moves.

Oh, word?

Show me.

Let me see it.

No, I don't need

any help with my moves.

- I don't wanna help.

- I know how to bring.

- I just wanna see it.

- Whatever.

- Mm, hey.

- How's it going?

Yeah, something, you

can go buy you a coat.

(both chuckling)

(both chattering)

(whimsical music)

All right,

so we'll be in touch.

Make sure you gimme a call.

Yeah, yeah, okay.

Mm, Mm, Mm, yes sir.

Ooh, so

you mister trick daddy now.

I'm about to show you

something real quick.

Girl, let me

tell you something,

I don't need no

help with my moves, okay?

All right, all right.

Well, what you know about this?

Yeah, throw it back, back

Wait, no hands

Bust it wide open

do it on a handstand

It's in rotation 'cause

by bank, for days

We gon' throw a stack, stack

Pop a rubber band

Pop, pop, pop, pop,

pop, pop, pop, pop, pop

I'm a throw it back, back

Wait, no hands

But it wide open

do it on a handstand


Damn, Unc, I ain't know

you was a player like that.

Mind your business,

nephew, all right?

So uh, yeah, don't tell

anybody you actually saw that.

Just be quiet,

keep it low, you know?

Pretend you Stevie

Wonder, you didn't see it.


- Wow, Big Poppa.

- Mm-hm.

Right out here on the

front yard too, huh?

Boy, go in

the house, all right?

Hey uh, you do have some of

that medicinal uh, you know,

spinach you got there?

- Just for the family.

- Yeah!

Yeah, get my shit on.

Where everybody at?

Slim here.

Oh my goodness! (laughs)


Ooh, Lord have mercy.

My favorite nephew.

He's here.

Well, how's the tour going?

It's going good.

I mean, it's rough though.

Well, well, well,

I'm, you know, I know.

It got, gotta

be brutal out there.

I've been here

about a lot of deaths.

Man, it's not good

for the culture, either.


But you know, I stay strapped.

Me too.

(both laughing)

But look, uh you know,

I'm not no snitch

or nothing like that,

and I'm your blood,

so feel me on this.

You need to watch

what's going on outside

on the side door over there.

But you ain't hear that from me.

Yeah, all right then.

Well, well, listen.

Go on in there.

Jarvis and them in there.

All right?

And, and,

go say hello to everybody.

The food be

ready in a minute, okay?

- Perfect, perfect.

- All right, baby.


What do I hear?

(Riri laughs)

Go ahead!

Woo, sheesh!

Hey, Slim.

What up?

Who's this?




I'm Leticia.

- Leticia, I'm, my pleasure.

- Yeah.

Who is this?

Oh, this is our cousin, Slim.

He's like a hot local rapper.


First off, regional.

I'm in three states now.

- Three states.

- Yeah, regional, regional.

That's sexy.

Well, we love

him all the same.

Especially when he is

not in prison for dr*gs,

as*ault, and maybe a

little attempted m*rder.


Stop telling

the girl my business.

I'm not gonna-

When I pull out the heat...

I put 'em to sleep, ah!

What's up, cuz?

'Cuz, what up, what up, man?


It's good seeing you.

Look good, too.

Look, sorry about

that interception, man.

That was tough.

But look, I lost

$1,000 on that game,

so you know I'm gonna

need that back, right?

Ah yeah, whatever, man.

Who's this?

That's Leticia.

That's my date

for Christmas dinner.

But um, she was actually just

leaving my sister's bedroom

because why would she even

be here the first place?

- Right, right.

- Slim, give me a second.

Just, quick.


- Come here.

- What?

Just to make it clear,

I won that twerk contest.

- I'm in love.

- No, you're not.


What is wrong?

What you doing?

What am I doing?

I don't understand.

I bring you over here to

act civilized and bougie,

and you in the back

twerking with the best.

Beautiful and possibly stupid.

What are you doing?

Well, you're the one

that said I was uptight.

Okay, I thought you

needed to see that side.

Plus, I'm tired of your

sister giving me the side eye.

Oh, so twerking

fixes that somehow?

Twerking fixes everything.

You should try it.

Look, I just need for

you to get through dinner,

all right?

Then me and you,

we can be done with this.

'Cause my momma, momma,

her cognitive thinking

ain't working right.

So I don't need for

her to be more stressed

than what she already is.

Do you get it?

You should have this

authority on the football field.

Oh, just get through dinner.

That's it.



What you doing, man?

It's, it's Christmas.

Lay off the work.

Hey, man, gotta keep the

place spic and span, you know,

before we start making changes.

Oh, man, I, I knew it.

Y'all getting a divorce?

Oh, no, boy.

What's wrong with you?

You play football

without your helmet on.

You got CTE?

No, that's not it.

Then what is it, man?

Truth is, I'm selling

the place, all right?

You know, me and your

mother, we gonna downsize.

It's just, we'd like to get

a place down by the beach.

A nice little condo.

We don't need

this much house anymore.

It's too much to clean up.

It's just, it's too much.

So you're

selling our family home?

Our, our.

Let's see, you helped put

some money in on this?

No, boy, I was down in

manholes for 25 years,

taking care of

business, all right?

I didn't need none of your

little football money.

Come on now,

Pops, you can't do that.

What about Riri?

What, what about Riri?

She's 29 years old, boy.

She needs to

take care of herself.

Get her own family.

Well, have

you at least told Momma?

No and you not

gonna either, all right?

Don't get sacked out here

in this front yard, boy.

I will do it, linebacker style.

Pops, that ain't right.

Oh, okay.

I tell you,

you ain't gonna come in my house

telling me about what's right

and what's wrong, all right?

I'm the father.

I raised you, boy.

I'm the daddy, all right?

Three years old, I put

a football in your hand.

I taught you how to throw,

how to tackle, all right?

I'm the one

that told you to man up

when you came home crying

like a little punk.

"Oh, daddy, they hurt

me in practice today."

I said, "Keep going, man up!"

And you know what,

manning up means you get outta

my business and mind yours.

Whatever, man.

You know,

I always wondered why you

treated me different than Justin.

I thought maybe now you would

be proud of me or something.

You know, treat me

with a little respect

and talk to me like a man.

You can't even

look me in my face.

(plane engine whirring)

Don't get

yourself in trouble now.

I told you,

I'm about that life.

It's always

the good girls, I swear.

You might wanna slow down.

That ain't no punk.

I ain't no punk.

I could see that.

So where you from?


I'm from Norfolk, Virginia.

But my mom and dad split

up when I was a kid

and then my mom moved up north.

So I, I kind of feel

like I'm a southern girl

with like a east coast

vibe, if that makes sense.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, sure.

Just hit it again.



So what about you?

- Me?

- Yeah.


I was born and raised here.

I mean, Momma Dee

practically raised me.

She's my mom's sister.


My mom had a lot of

mental health problems

and I never knew my pops.

What do you mean, had?

She died about 10 years ago.

- Oh, I'm so sorry.

- Right after Justin.

Wait, Justin?

Oh yeah, Justin.

See he was actually

the, the football star.

But once he died in that

motorcycle accident, man,

it just kind of sent the

whole family in the spiral.

Jarvis left to the NFL,

left everything behind.

So that's why

he's always so angry?

Nah, he's been

like that, you know?

- Yeah, I can see that.

- Yeah.

Anyways, I like that

twerking you was doing.

Oh God.

I, I don't, I, I don't

know what came over me.

Like, that girl just gets

under my skin, you know?

Trust, I know.

Yeah, she's

just like, what is it?

Like, I think

she needs more vegetables.

Who knows?

(both laughing)


Marcus, huh?

Yeah, well, you know?

[Riri] Y'all want me out?

Baby girl,

what are you talking about?

I'm gonna

give you guys a second

and just check some emails.

Baby girl,

come, come, come in.

Talk to me.

Now I know I've been

staying here too long,

but it's our home

and I feel safe here.

What, I'm supposed to feel

bad for wanting to feel safe?

Listen, I know when Justin

died, it was hard on you.

And you may feel like the,

the world was

a scary place to be.

But you're a strong woman.

You come from

a line of strong black women

and you can find the courage

to venture out on your own.

Baby, you deserve

to have a full life.

You got this.

You and Poppa, Jarvis,

y'all are all I got.

I feel like I need to stay

here and protect y'all.

Now come on now.

We gonna always be

close because we family.

But me and your daddy wanna

walk around here butt naked

if we so desire and

you cramping our style,

if you know what I mean.

Mom, please.

I, I, we didn't need to do that.

Well, I got

another go around in me.

Oh, Mom, please.

I, uh, we're not

gonna do this right now.

Well that is if

your daddy act right.

Right now he got

some stuff going on

that ain't making me

feel all warm and fuzzy.

Yeah, you,

yeah, you do need to talk

'cause he's

holding some secrets.

Is that right?

Yeah, but you guys can

talk about that later.

Come on, come on, come on.

Tell me what's going.

Not my business.

It's like none of my business

at that point, you feel me?

Ooh, just like her daddy.

(upbeat holiday music)

(upbeat holiday music continues)

Santa I've

been good this year

Make your list

and check it twice

I'll leave

you a note right here


the Christmas lights

Carols and

bells, none of them help

I still feel good

I just wanna fall in

love with Christmas

So how you been?

I've been good.

Just doing uh, my gardening

videos, selling things online.

- Mm.

- Making a decent living.

Just a simple life.


Well, you don't know how

good you actually got it

with the simple life.


'Cause trust me, all these

flashy lights, cameras,

paparazzi, and people

all up in your business.

It's not what it's

all cracked up to be.

I think I'd hate it if everyone

saw every mistake I made

front and center too.

Yeah, well try

making a ton of them.

Mm-hm, 'cause

you do, don't you?

We all do.

And to be honest,

I know I made a huge

one when it came to you.

Though I don't ever admit it.

Well, I'm glad you know that.

Come on now.

I mean, just remind me of home

every time I see you, Cecee.

Just embody everything

that's good about this place.

Honest, sweet, pure.

Pure and simple, right.


We were something, wasn't we?

Yeah, we were.

I've been through a lot with

your crazy self, you know?

Thick and thin.

You remember when

I stole Pop's Cadillac

and I couldn't get the

gear out of first gear?

Literally ground that thing

all the way to the movies.

Just like, I don't even

know how he got there.

My pops told me,

oh, when I got back,

I just remember everything.

Every time I think

about it, I came back,

he opened that door.

He had that big old leather

belt that rolled out

like toilet tissue.

It was like.

(both making pop sounds)


Yeah, Pops is crazy.

Yeah, good times.

But everything got so serious.

Yeah, indeed it did.


You ever,

do you ever think about us?

Every day.

Every single day.

Come here.

(whimsical music)

(Riri screaming)


Sorry girl,

that was some b*mb ass weed.

He got a lot of swag.


I bring you to my mom's house

and this is what you do?

You know what?

And I was just starting

to have feelings for you.


Slim, outside now.

Hurry up!

Get out here, man.

What the hell is

wrong with you, man?

Up at my momma house?

God, man, I swear to God, Slim.

Do you just

want these hands, man?

Come on.

Come on, man.

I am not finna fight my cousin.

Plus, I'm way too

high for that right now.

But Slim, why?

And, and, and on my sister's,

your cousin Riri's bed?

Slim, that's weird.

I know, I know, I know.

You know my flesh is weak,

plus she was so ready.

Oh really, she was ready?

She was and

she smelled so good.

Oh, what

she smelled like she like?

Like Chanel No. 5.

Chanel No. 5?

Man, I was telling you about

them girls, that Chanel.


I tried to tell y'all.

Shut up, Slim.

This was your chance, huh?

You always

wanted to take my spot.

Be the darling of this family.

Mister big time local,

oh, oh, no, no, no, no,

I'm sorry, regional rapper.

You just never

wanna let me shine.

Let you shine?

Yo, there's enough shine

for all of us, man.

You tripping.

You ain't been

the same since Justin died.

Hey, lemme tell you something.

Don't you bring him up.

You understand?

It needs to be brought up.

You over here acting like

you better than everybody.

Y'all wasn't even the same.

You too caught up in your own BS

to even realize that as your

cousin, I looked up to you.

Really, man?

Yeah, man.

You caught your dreams, man.

I can only wish to be as

disciplined and as focused as you.

I mean, even after losing

your $1,000 to my interception?

Sure, I lost a stack and

you threw an interception

but Joe Montana

threw picks, man.

Yeah, he did, didn't he?

He had a lot of 'em, too.

A lot.


Huh, just for real, man.

I don't get it.

You're amazing.

What's wrong with being you?

Thank you, cousin.

Any time, love you.

Love you, too.

Look here, you gonna

clean my sister's sheets.

Evidence gone, DNA, I swear to.

I'm gonna come in there

with a black light later on.

Better be gone, all right?

Scout's honor.

Slim, don't you ever

disrespect me again.

You my favorite

cousin and rapper now.

I wanna, I don't want

to have to come back in

to test them

street creds, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

When the ops

pull out the heat.

We put 'em to sleep!

All right.

Okay, all right?

Oh, okay, okay.

I see all your reflexes.

Thank God,

'cause I thought I was

gonna have to whip your ass

in front of Momma Dee's house.

Kinda cold out here, too.

NFL player think

I'm gonna whoop his

'cause he in the NFL, what?

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music continues)

All right and a little

rabbit food for you.

Oh, thank you.

That's really nice.

Hey, hey, hey.

All right, there you go.

Not before

we say grace, heathen.

Y'all coulda

at least got a room.

Look, my bad, okay?

You know I got

a soft spot for thugs.

I'm, I'm sorry, Momma.

[Poppa] Not before

we say grace, heathen.

Wait, where's Cecee?

Who's Cecee?

Look y'all, hold on.

- Cecee gonna eat?

- Man, we hungry.

- Who's Cecee?

- Let's just pray without him.


No, we can't do that.

[Riri] I touched it.

Cecee, come on.

Cecee, please, wait.

Cecee, wait.

Cecee, wait!


Jarvis, please.

Can you go back and be

with your family, okay?

It's Christmas.

Cecee, I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't give us any closure.

I just left and I know I,

I was stupid

back then, I was young.

But I know now.

But that's what you're

looking for, right?

That's what you wanted.

Some high class,

bougie city girl

who gonna sleep with your cousin

in your momma's

house on Christmas?

I waited for you and I prayed

that you would come back,

but you were too busy chasing

and see you already had

a pot of gold at home.

Yeah, you're right.

You're absolutely

right and I was,

that's all I've been doing is,

searching and trying to find

something that wasn't me.

And they're not you.

None of them are you.

I just don't

believe you anymore.

Then don't.

You don't have to believe

anything I'm saying right now.

Please, just come

back and eat with us.

And, and look,

we can take this part slow.

You can watch me, you can

watch all of my actions.

And, if you'll have me, maybe

I can have another chance,

and I promise that I can

make this right again.

Jarvis, you broke my heart.

I love you.

I love you, Cecilia.

And um, I'm my daddy's

son, so a man gotta eat.

(Cecee sniffles)

Well I'm gonna come back for

dinner, because I'm hungry.

And I love you.

But you're not getting any.

You coming?

That's fair enough, yeah.

(light upbeat music)

(light upbeat music continues)

(family chattering)

(upbeat music)

(family chattering)

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music fades)

(water rushing)

Mm, this is good.

You are ignoring my question.

Oh, did I fake?

No, I fake, I for real proposed.

(tense music)

Jarvis Latavian Porter Senior!

Hey, what, what, what?

You disgust me.

[Jarvis] What?

What's going on now?

What's the problem?

What did I do?

What are you talking about now?

Oh no, don't try

to play stupid with me.

I've seen what you've been doing

and I tried to let it slide.

I said,

"Oh, well, well maybe it's the

side effects of the Viagra."

"I, I, he, he needs a little

bit more stimulation."

"Oh, it'll pass."

And it didn't.

It didn't.

- Dolly, come on now, Dolly.

- Mom, put that g*n down.

40 Years.

40 years of my life.

40 years.

I had a body like Serena,

a face like Kelly.


And I gave it all to you.

40 years.

And look what you did to me.

I gave you a beautiful family.

You must have lost your marbles

down one of them manholes.

[Poppa] Now look-

- In front of my

home on Christmas?

Jarvis, I will

take you outta here!

- Oh!

- Whoa, Momma.

- Okay, listen, Dolly.

- Ma, Ma, Ma.

Dolly, Dolly,

Dolly, Dolly, listen.

Okay, now wait a minute.

No, no, no.

You tell it to God, because

I ain't listening to it.

Yes you,

listen, I can explain.

I'm just saying listen, listen.

You, you talking

about Shirley, right?

Shirley who?

She's a real

estate agent, okay?

Oh, so now you got a

professional, professional woman.

- No, you-

- Shut up!

You told me.

"Oh, honey, honey, stay,

stay home, stay home."

"Take care of the babies."

"I'm a traditional man."

Traditional my ass, Jarvis.

I saw you out there!

I do, I do.

Listen, listen!

Okay, she's a real estate

agent because I needed one

because I, I sold the house.

I told him.

I sold the house, okay?

I bought us

a house down by the beach.

A nice little condo.

I mean, Dolly baby, look.

Okay, the papers, they're,

they're right under

the tree baby, please.

So you're kicking me out.

[Family] You're 29.

In two months.



Let me see, don't you move.

[Slim] Don't go down.

(family chattering)

No, okay, oh.

Ma, Ma, put it,

put the, angle downward.


Oh yeah, oh.

Oh, it say he bought me a house.

Oh, June Bug.

You were being all kind

and considerate, oh.

Thank you, baby.

Just wanna spend my,

spend my life with you.

Yeah, mm.

You gonna get some

for Christmas, okay?


(g*nsh*t firing)

(family screaming)

Y'all so dog gone scary!

Yeah, y'all is scary.

[Riri] Oh, Momma Dee.

Pick it up for me, boo.

- Aw.

- I got it, I got it.

Can I see the house?

- Yeah, yeah, here.

- Can I see?

Look at that, look, look.

Look at that.

Oh, come on.

- It's actually really nice.

- Oh, that's sweet.

But you're

really kicking me out.

I mean, yeah.

Sell the g*n.

Daddy, don't give that to me.

Show him, Jarvis.

Jarvis gonna buy you one, too.


I'm trying!

Stop, stop.


Gimme the g*n, I got you.

Yeah take, take, take

that thing somewhere.

Take it somewhere.

Give me that damn g*n.

[Jarvis] All

right, just take the g*n.

- Jarvis, Jarvis.

- Yes?

[Momma Dee] You gonna buy

her home like this, too.

I am.

(couple laughing)

Yeah, I know.

Well, thank

you for walking me home.

I don't think I've slept on

your mom's couch since like,

high school, yeah.

Yeah, high school.

Yeah, wow.

Well, home safe, so.

Guess I'll talk to you later.


You know, if you read defenses

the same way you read women,

I'm not

surprised you're retiring.

(light music)

(people chattering)



And what did you say?

Girl, I mean,

what's wrong with me living

and being a little free?

I mean, who cares if they

slut shame me, you know?

It's not just for the guys.

Okay, look, do you think

I should do it or not?

Girl, you know what I say.

Live and let live, okay?

Exactly, girl, that's why I,

that's why you're my friend.

Okay, that is

why I love you, girl.

Girl, I'll talk to you later.



(light music)

(light music continues)

(phone ringing)


Hi, Burman.

Um, look, um,

I have something

that I need to tell you.

You can take

that job and shove it.

And I'm not

giving you that story

and I'm not even coming back.

And you know what?

You smell like dirty socks.

What are you gonna do?

Where are you gonna go?

[Slim] Tell him.

Where am I gonna go?

Do you know you are talking

to the new head of publicity

for the Slim Porter

regional tour.

- We about to glow up!

- Glow up.

Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I mean, it's been real,

but I'm sure

you'll find somebody else.

Always such

fun talking to you.

Let's do this again In

the next millennial.

Ha ha!

He don't even know.

No, not at all.

This is about

to be huge, baby.

- Big tour, big tour.

- Yeah.

First of all,

I think we get a bus.


I think we should do an RV.

Ooh, that's sexy.

(smooth music)

I guess I lied.


Well, I guess

this is it for now?


I mean, well, you know,

you can always do

gardening up north.

Since I'm about to

be newly retired, I um,

I think I can learn a new hobby.

Are you asking

me to come with you?



Are you gonna

pay for my movers?


Oh no, I was just, you

know, you, you just.

- Oh no, I have the things.

- House, gotta go.

Oh, you're gonna

give me a drawer, huh?

Yeah, one drawer at a time.

I was just.

You know what?


- Yeah?

- I'll come with you.

Well um, after

what we did last night,

I kind of already did.

You are so confident.

I know.

All the people I love, babe


You wanna make me a double liar.

Uh-huh, double lies.

Oh I

Feel you this Christmas

I feel you babe

And I will

never take for granted

The way you took my hand and

Led me along the path

where I should be

So I put you first

You tell me

that what you're worth

I know nothing comes

close to your ways

So for

that I trust and obey yeah

Your love is

so ample in my life

And I know this,

I know this because

I am surrounded by

all the people I love

There's no

reason to crowd 'cause I

Know that you will hold us

Oh I

Feel you this Christmas

I feel you, hey

Feel you this Christmas

I feel you, hey
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