ABCs of Book Banning, The (2023)

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ABCs of Book Banning, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Good afternoon, folks.

Okay, Grace.

I am Grace Linn.

I am 100 years young.


-Just sit right here, ma'am.

- Go ahead.

- Okay, Grace.

- This is the one that we were--



Grace Linn?

I'm here to p-protest

our school's district

book-banning policy.

My husband Robert Nichol

was k*lled in action

in World w*r II,

defending our democracy,

Constitution and freedoms.

One of the freedoms

that the Nazis crushed

was the freedom to read

the books they banned.

I read at a ninth-grade level.

I like getting books

from our library,

which we can't do right now.

We really can't find one

that we like,

'cause either we've read it

a million times

or it's just too easy for us.

They're having the, um,

family volunteers come

and, like, take out so that

they can review the books.

The first day, I got so mad

I didn't talk at lunch.

- Remember?

- Yes.

Yes, I remember that vividly.

The first thing I did

is went to

my third grade reading teacher.

-She loved her books.


- Yeah.

- I had to, um,

help take away

a lot of the books.

They've pulled, like,

all the, like,

- a-award-winning books.

- Yeah.

And you can look at a shelf,

and they've left us

with Junie B. Jones,

which, personally,

is a second-grade level book

-for me.


I like mystery

and Black history.

I'm reading a book Stamped

right now,

and I'm really into it 'cause

I read it every single night.

A lot of the Black history

books are being pulled.

Yeah, I don't know if we have

any LGBTQ books in our thing,

but if we did, they would be

taking them away.

Why take away

all these excellent books?

It's like you're trying to

slow down children's reading.


-Why do that?

We want to read above our grade.

I hope that they see this

and are like,

"These are a bunch

of ten-year-olds."

Hello, I'm Justin Richardson.

And I'm Peter Parnell.

And, uh, this is our book.

It's about two penguins

who were gay with each other,

and even though they had

their differences

from the other penguins,

they could still...

...have a child,

take care of it.

They could do what-- they could

do pretty much everything

but lay an egg.

I just don't understand,


it's-- they're still people.

They're still human.

It's not like they turn into

a werewolf once they're...

gay or lesbian or trans.

It's about these two boy

penguins, and they just, like,

they-they decide

that they love each other.

It's, it's like, why would you

get rid of this book

if, like, people can't be

who they are-- want to be?

They think it was weird that,

like, two boys can, like,

love each other,

and they thought

maybe that shouldn't

be able to happen,

so they probably banned it

because of that.

I heard that they're banning

things like LGBTQ.

Lesbian, gay, bi,

transgender, q*eer.

And, um...

that's something that, um,

a bunch of people

are one of those things,

and they...

So, m-maybe their best friend

is, say, um,

transgender, but they don't

know about that,

so they don't know how

to approach it in the best way,

and say you want

to be transgender,

but you know that it's, um,

it's a, it's a bad thing

where you grow up,

so you're afraid to express

who you really are.

And I've-- and so,

you're hiding, like,

a huge part of yourself.

And it's like the world knows

less than half of you.

So, we are gonna jump

right into our book.

And we're gonna start

with our hips.

The hips on the drag queen go,

"Swish, swish, swish.

Swish, swish, swish.

Swish, swish, swish."

The shoes on the drag queen go,

"Stomp, stomp, stomp"

all through the town.

Everyone deserves

to have these beautiful books,

to read, to learn... cetera.

Like, they teach them

about culture,

um, what they can be, what...

If they want to be

what they want to be,

they should be able to be

what they want to be,

but they can't be without

knowing what it means.

I like, also,

learning about stuff

so I can get smarter

for every time, like...

I need to know stuff

about stuff, like...

I just like being imaginative

and also I like learning.

"Too assertive, too persistent,

"too ambitious, too loud,

"too confident, too ambitious,

"too proud.

"Don't let anyone tell you

who you are.

You tell them who you are."

"Standing tall

like a soaring tower,

"I am valued. I am loved.

I have a purpose,

hope and power."

It's about,

like, celebrating who you are

and, like, celebrating you.

It's, like, it's--

it reminds me of who I am

because I really have, like...

I don't have great


My teacher keeps

saying that, like,

she wants to, like,

open a self-con--

a self-confidence camp for

girls, 'cause she says, like,

with the peop-- group

of people she teaches,

like, fifth graders, girls have

really low self-confidence,

so she-she's always saying

that, and I think that's right.

It's just telling us

to be powerful.

Like, I don't get what

the problem with that is.

Like... I just don't

think it's, like,

telling anybody, like,

to do anything bad.

It's, like, it's just

telling you to, like,

be who you are and be powerful.

If you read this book

and still,

after you read this book--

read it twice,

read it three times--

realized that, "Oh,

this book needs to be banned,"

then something's not

clicking in your brain.

We, the successors

of a country and a time

where a skinny Black girl

descended from slaves

and raised by a single mother

can dream of becoming president,

only to find herself

reciting for one.

And, yes, we are far from

polished, far from pristine,

but this doesn't mean

we are striving

to form a union that is perfect.

We are striving to forge

our union with purpose.

To compose a country

committed to all cultures,

colors and characters of man.

And so we lift our gazes

not to what stands between us

but what stands before us.

My name is Maia Kobabe.

I am the author

of Gender q*eer: A Memoir,

which is one of the most

challenged books

in the United States right now.

Gender q*eer is

the story of my life

starting at about age two

until I turn around 28.

It focuses specifically

on memories that have to do

with gender, identity,

sexuality, and then coming out

to family, friends, community.

They're saying a lot to people,

whether people...

agree with or disagree with

what I'm saying.

It is making waves,

and I'm not gonna back away

from that.

"Except that this time,

something changed."

"The air was uneasy.

"The parents

in the green house refused

"to welcome the new family.

"There were polite nods

between the adults at first,

"but then even those vanished.

"Other things happened.

"Someone threw raw eggs

at the blue house.

"One afternoon, a car passed by

"filled with angry men

yelling angry things,

things like,

'Muslims, get out.'"


Miep told us some terrible news

"from the real world.

"She saw her Jewish neighbor

"taken away by the Gestapo,

and she could do nothing

to help her."

"It must be terrible

in Westerbork.

"The people get

almost nothing to eat,

"much less to drink,

"as water is only available

only one hour a day,

"and there's only one

lavatory and sink

"for several thousand people.

"We assume that most

of the people

"in the faraway camps

are being m*rder*d.

"The English radio

says they're being gassed.

Perhaps that's

the quickest way to die."

I could have been Anne Frank,

but, I mean, any of us,

if we were born in that time

and we were born Jewish,

could have had the same

experience as her, obviously.

Books that I read

when I was in kindergarten

and books that I've read now

and any book that I've read

across my life, it is--

there is vital information

in each one of them

that is important

to who I am today.

I am who I am today because

of the books that I've read.

The book that I'm reading

is called Maus

by Art Spiegelman,

and it's a book

about Jewish history,

about a man who was

a Jew during World w*r II,

and he is trying

to escape the Nazis.

And it's a really important,

like, book

about Jewish history written

by the son of the man.

I feel like if you're trying

to ban this book,

you're just banning

Jewish history.

So why would you ever want

to ban Jewish history?

That's like saying,

"Okay, well,

this didn't happen,"

which, eventually, will probably

just lead to the same thing

happening again because

people don't know it even

happened in the first place

because you're just, you're...

you're stealing knowledge.

Why would you want

to steal knowledge?

"'I knew that boy.

Watched him grow with you.'"

"'He was more than any

bad decision he made.'

"'I hate that I let myself fall

into that mindset of trying

"'to rationalize his death.

"'At the end of the day,

"'you don't k*ll someone

for opening a car door.

"'If you do,

you shouldn't be a cop.'"

He was k*lled because

something so small,

something so insignificant,

and because of his race,

because of what he looked like,

he was k*lled.

No. No.


If you were the person

who helped ban this book,

why? Just why?

Like, do you feel like

Rosa Parks is a bad person?

Do you feel like her legacy,

people should not know

about her legacy?

Why do you choose to do this?

I'm just curious.

Like, why?

I'm just wondering,

are there any books

that should be banned?


- No.

- Oh, well, that was easy.

To ban it is to give it

power over you,

and it can't. There's no word

that should have power

over you.

There-- If it's a word,

you can use it.

Everybody may not like it.

Everybody may not want to hear

it, but you can't give words,

you can't give a word

a-- the power.

Words have to be free,

and we are the ones

that have to decide

what to do with the words

we're hearing

and the words we're saying.

Last year,

during the time I was 99,

I have created this quilt... remind all of us

that these few

of so many more books

that are banned or targeted

need to be proudly displayed

and protected.

My husband

was k*lled in action

in World w*r II,

defending our democracy,

Constitution and freedoms.

One of the freedoms

that the Nazis crushed

was the freedom to read

the books they banned.

They stopped the free press,

banned and burned books.

The freedom to read,

which is protected

by the First Amendment,

is our essential right

and duty of our democracy.

Even so,

it is continually under attack

by both the public

and private groups.

Banned books and burning books

are the same.

Both are done

for the same reason.

Fear of knowledge.

Fear is not freedom.

Fear is not liberty.

Fear is control.

My husband died

as a father of freedom.

I am a mother of liberty.

Banned books need

to be proudly displayed

and protected

from school boards like this.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Thank you.
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