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Good Burger 2 (2023)

Posted: 11/23/23 05:39
by bunniefuu
Good morning, Good Burger.

Morning, kitchen.

Good morning, Good Shake.

Good morning, me.

Morning, Ed.

Come on, everybody!

It's a great day

for a good day

It's gonna be

better than okay

Sweeter than

a chocolate souffl

The kind of day

that makes you say


Let's par-tay, hey

Like it's Friday, yay!

Let's spread out

the sauce

And get cra-zay

'Cause it's a great day

for a good day




Hello! Hello! Sir!

- Hmm? Huh?

- Hello! Hi!

- Hello.

- Hello.

I've been trying to wake you

for 20 minutes.

- Can I order some food?

- Sure.

Uh-oh. Aah!

I don't know.

Welcome to Good Burger,

home of the Good Burger.

Can I take your order?

I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

'cause we're all dudes

All right, you got this,

Dex. Come on.

Your entire life

is riding on this.

If you nail this presentation,

you're gonna become

more successful than

you could've ever imagined.

You can do this.

But what if it doesn't go well?

It has to,

or your life is finished!

Done! No plan B. Life over!

Hey, Dex. It's almost time.

Are you ready?

You know it.

Let's go to my house.

I didn't mean it like that.

I have a presentation there.

Yeah, no, I know.

I-I helped organize it.

- Exactly. Yeah.

- Okay.

Hello, lucky investors.

Who's ready to get richer?


People told me it would

take 10 years

for my idea

to turn into a reality.

But here we are,

unveiling a finished prototype

less than three months later!

Suck it, scientists!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present

to you Burn No More!

I wanna fire it up

- Yeah

- Oh, oh, oh, oh


- You know what I came to do

- That's right.

The patented Burn No More

formula in these tanks

will render any object

completely unburnable.

I'm so confident it will work,

I'm going to demonstrate

on my very own house.

Sounds crazy, right?

And you know what?

To make it more interesting,

let's put fireworks in my house!

Put a bunch of fireworks

in my house! That's right.

Burn No More is going to put

firefighters out of business

- forever.

- No more fires? Bummer.

Folks, are we ready?

- Yeah!

- Let's do this!

Fire away!

You see that?

You see how the house is

resisting the scorching flames?

- Oh, my God!

-"Oh, my God" is right!

It's unbelievable.

You smell that?

That's the smell of success!


kind of smells like--

- Fire!

- Stop, drop, and roll

- Stop, drop, and roll

- Oh, no!

My house is on fire!

Oh, look it-- And now

the fake family is melting.

Oh, man, this is terrible!

What do I--? Oh!

Oh! Fireworks!

My life is over!

No more fires, huh, bud?

You owe me.

You lost my money.

I have nothing now.

Except for a basketball team,

three jets, a TV show.

Oh, and I got this

new AI project, Mark AI--

Never mind.

- You owe me.

- If you could give me

two more seconds of your time--

Come on back, Mark. Let's talk.

Hey, Dex.

Good-good job

with the presentation.

- Yeah, thanks.

- Lot of energy.

- Yeah, it was, right?

- Yeah.

I don't think I'm going to need

an assistant anymore.

- I don't think you will either.

- I'll see you around, I guess.


Probably not.

Bye, Dex.

You keep trying,

you keep trying

But you just can't win

But you just can't win...

- Hello?

- Hey, yeah.

I'm trying to get into my

office. My key's not working.

- Sorry, you've been evicted.

- Evicted?

The investors pulled the plug

on the money.

- Okay.

- I hope you can find

somebody who can

help you out.

Got it. Thank you.

But you keep on trying

And you might just win

- Oh, hey, brother!

- Hey, sis!

- No.

- Hello?


Guess I should've expected that.

Who can I call?

Hey, dude!

Are you thinking of me?

I bet you are!

'Cause I'm the one

that gave you the yo-yo.

Dude, if you need

a place to stay,

your old pal Ed

is always there for you.

Hell no.

Bloobity, bloopity, bloopity,

call me!

Tripped up, fell on my face

That led back to LA

Put my feet back

on the pavement

Gonna hold me up

the second I make it

Make it

Oh, man, all my dreams

fell apart

I'm back at the start,

didn't make it too far, yeah

He's a dude,

she's a dude

'Cause we're all dudes,


- Yo, Ed!

- He's a dude

Hey, man!

Oh, hey, Dex! Hey!

- Hey.

- Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, dude, hey!

I was looking for you!


- Hey, Dex.

- Hey, man.

You almost car-burgered me

to death.

Uh, no.

Glad you got some time off

from your incredibly successful

business ventures

to come and see

your best friend.

It's good to see you, too.

It's been a minute.

No, it's been

longer than a minute.

More like five years,

eight months, and 32 days.

Yep, that sounds about right.

I'm glad you're back.

Buckle up!

It's time for the new adventures

of Ed and Dex!


- Ow!

- Oh, sorry.

Uh, the new adventures

of Ed and Dex starts now!

I'm a dude,

he's a dude

She's a dude,

'cause we're all dudes, hey!

So, what you been up to?

Starting from

the last time I saw you,

I went to sleep,

and then I woke up--

Oh, no. You don't have to list

everything you've been doing.

I'm saying what have you

been up to lately?

Oh, well, I grabbed

the Burgermobile, came to--

Nope. Have you done

anything interesting at all

in the last week to six months?

- Oh, Good Burger was on TV.

- Really?

It was this really weird

German dude.

Yummy! Hey, it's me,

the Food Dude,

and I'm here at Good Burger,

home of the Good Burger!

Twenty years ago,

their world-famous Ed's Sauce

put them on the map,

making them the decisive victors

in the great burger w*r

with their rival, Mondo Burger.

What's that, stomach?

You hungry? Me also!

Let's get in there. What?

I'm about to try

my first Good Burger,

and I could not be more excited.

Mmm! Oh, that's what

I'm talking about!

Oh, this burger is amazing, mm!

Take it from Food Dude,

Good Burger is one of a kind.

I would like 100 Good Burgers

to go

with extra Ed's Sauce

on the side.

- Okay, what side do you want?

- What do you mean?

All right,

I'll just do both sides.


left side, right side!

Oh, left side! Oh, right side!

Oh, left side! Aah!

Sauce me! Sauce me!

Yep, that dude

does sound weird.

He sure is,

but we're big in Germany now,

wherever that is.

Wow, Good Burger.

I cannot believe

I'm back after all these years.

Can't believe I'm back

after all these years.

Even though I worked here

since I was 15.

Hey, employees.

This is my best friend, Dexter.

He's a successful interpreter.

Actually, I think the word Ed is

looking for is "entrepreneur."

But I guess the fact

that I pointed that out

also makes me an interpreter.

This is our cook, Cindy.

Sometimes she's Mindy.

No, I'm always just Cindy.

- I'm Mindy. We're twins.

- We're twins.

I don't know

how she does that.

- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you, too.

Yeah, and this is our delivery

driver, Ruth. She sleeps a lot.

- You sure she's just sleeping?

- Huh, let me see.

Hey, jackass, watch it!

- Yep, she was sleeping.

- Sorry to disturb you.

And you know our newest trainee,

my son.

Well, if it isn't Ed 2.


- It is.

- Hey, Uncle Dex.

Look, instead of eyebrows,

I got fry brows.

Actually, they're just

regular fries.

I glued 'em on my face.


Mm, gluey.

Oh, hey, Mia.

It's your Uncle Dex.

Hey, Mia. Uh, you look...

- older.

- Oh, yeah.

She stopped wearing makeup

'cause she got dumped last week.


Oh, you meant 'cause you

haven't seen her in six years.

Probably that.

Even though Dexter

is Mia's uncle,

they haven't seen each other

because he ripped off her mom.

No, I didn't rip off anybody.

On purpose, that is.

You know?

I was thinking,

since I'm in town,

it might be nice to spend time

together, with my sister.

And we can all maybe

go get some eats.

Eats and treats?

That's a little inside joke

we do in my family

where one of us walks away from

the other when they're talking.

- Wow.

- That's not that funny.

That's fair.

Now, when someone orders

a cola,

put the lid on

after you pour the drink.

Otherwise this will happen.

Oh. What about root beer?

- Same thing.

- Huh. Fruit punch?

- Same thing.

- Orange soda?

Huh, let me see.

Same thing!

- Oh, I love orange soda.

- Mm!

- I do, I do--

- I do

- Oh, I like that, son.

- Thanks, Dad.

Hey, anybody sitting here?


So, you're working

at Good Burger now, huh?

- First job.

- Yeah.

I had to get a job

to help my mom.

Because she lost

all her money.

- Yep. Yeah.

- Hmph.


I'm hungry for foodstuffs!

And I wish to be acknowledged

by an employee posthaste!

Huh, all right.

Welcome to Good Burger,

home of the Good Burger,

can I take your order?

Howdy-hoo. I'm Connie Muldoon.

Well, howdy-hoo, Connie Muldoon.

Now that

that's been established,

I will have one

double Good Burger.

- Oh.

- Make the first patty

medium rare

and the second patty well done.

Betwixt the meats,

I would like...


and a half slices of pickle.

Two dill, one sour,

and two and a half gherkins.

I just love

those tiny little butters.

Add one squirt of ketchup

and if it's not too much

of a to-do,

please place two onion slices

on top and then remove them.

I enjoy the essence of onion

but not the crunch.

Um, uh, one Good Burger.

Well, wait!

My order was comprised

of many more details than that!

Oh, sure, let me, uh--

The one, the two,

and then the squiggly one.

Upside-down nine, oh!


Oh! I shall now depart

in a huff!


Bye, Connie!

Your mom's pretty mad

at me still, huh?

- That's a polite way to put it.

- I know I burnt bridges.


I burnt a lot of things.

I'm gonna get your mom

her money back.

I'm going to make it up to her.

On the trip here,

I thought of a new idea.

First I get startup money.

I'm gonna take that downtown--

Seriously? Still scheming.

What about all your money,

Mr. Successful?

That tone lets me know that

you don't understand business.

Okay, there's so much going on.

There's diversifications,

acquisitions, um, dividends,

equity, mergers and-

and, uh, what's the thing they

do on Wall Street? Stock market.

You're just listing

business words.

No, I'm not. Recession.

These are some good fries,

aren't they?

Wow, nice place, man.

Thanks for letting me

crash here.

It's the least I could do

because your family hates you.


- Oh, kids! Oh, kids!

- Daddy!

- Daddy!

- Oh, mwah, mwah, mwah!

- Say hi to Dex.

- Hi, Dex.

Ed, you had a bunch of kids

since I last saw you.

Yeah. This is Pickles.

She only has 10 toes.

- Only 10?

- Mm-hmm. And this is Mustard.

- He's allergic to hippos.

- Yeah, yeah!

- How do you know?

- We had all the kids tested.

Yeah, and this is Ketchup.

She's our third favorite.

- You can't say that.

- And this is Onion.

- He cries a lot.

- Makes sense.

And this is No Mayo.

He got hit by lightning.

And now he glows in the dark.

Oh, well, that's cause

for concern.

Yeah, and this is our youngest,

baby Bun Bun!

Roxanne, Roxanne

All she wanna do

is party all night

Hey, Dex.

Hey, Rox-Roxanne.

Good to-good to see you.

Wait, Ed,

you're married to Roxanne?

Ew! No! Roxanne's our nanny.

As a nun,

I could never be married.

I just love

being around children.

They are the future.

And Ed has created

the best family ever.

He's such a good father.

- And husband.

- Oh, there-- Yes.

There's your wife.

Hey, Edie, good to see you.

Dex, so good to see you.

Edie's been working

as a trapeze artist, ha!

Makes sense

that somebody in your family

would work at the circus.

Oh, no, I paint pictures

of trapezes.

Oh, a-a trapeze artist.

What was I thinking?

- Who's this little fella?

- Attack.

Attack! Attack!


Attack! Attack!

Why are you telling him

to attack?

Well, that's the dog's name.

His name is Attack.

Don't bite me!

Oh, no, that's our bird.

His name is Don't.

Don't! Attack!

- Don't! Attack!

- Help!

Somebody get that bird off me!

You can sleep in my bed.

I'll sleep in the bathtub.

The water's really relaxing.

- You sleep in a tub with water?

- Yeah. Best part about it is,

you don't gotta get out of bed

to pee.

All right. Well, on that note,

I will be turning in, fellas.

Before you go to bed...

Pillow fight?

You wanna have

a pillow fight right--? No!


Dex said no to pillow fights.

Aw, come on, man.

It's a bummer.

Pillows are really--


Good morning!

I made you breakfast.

"Eat me! Ooh, I taste so good!"

Bacon lips, bacon lips,

bacon lips

Well, that's very kind of you, Ed.

But I prefer to eat

not in the bathroom.

I also prefer to be alone

when I'm in the bathroom.

Oh, okay.

I'll just take my shower later.

Oh, you know what? Ed...

you think I can get a job

at Good Burger?

It's not for the money.

Although I expect to get paid.

I'll put in a good word

to Mr. Jensen, our manager.

- Thanks, Ed. You're the man.

- Mm-hmm.

Ooh, uh, that's not soap,

by the way.

It's maple syrup.

Why would you have syrup

in the bathroom?

For the pancakes, duh!

Oh, yeah, silly me.

Wow, there's the old crew.

- Man, look at us.

- Yeah, I know.

No, wait. Focus! Mr. Jensen's

gonna be here any minute.

I want you to nail

this interview. Let's practice.

I'll be Mr. Jensen, you be you.

- Is this really necessary?

- Oh, yeah.

Hello! I'm Mr. Jensen.

You can call me...

I don't know my first name.

Uh, but just call me Mr. Jensen.

All right. And you are?

- I'm Dex.

- Nice to meet you, Tex.

It's Dex. And you know that.

Now, have you ever worked

in the fast-food industry?

Because when you're working with


Hello? What?

Yeah, this is Mr. Jensen.

My wife? Oh!

She's having the baby right now?

Oh! Oh! I'm-I'm having a baby!

Push, honey!


I have a baby! I'm a daddy!


Sorry! Sorry I'm late.

My bicycle had a flat tire.

You must be Dex!

And you're Mr. Jensen?

As in an adult?


Dex, you're hired. Welcome

to the Good Burger family.

Seriously? Just like that?

- Well, Ed is a great guy.

- Oh!

And he's a great judge

of character.

And also, Ed obviously owns

Good Burger,

so, whatever he says goes.

Head burger in charge.

Excuse me,

I have to call my mom

and tell her

I made it to work safely.

Call Mommy.

Wow, I cannot believe you

actually own Good Burger now.

The owner left it to me

after he went bye-bye forever.

Said it would've gone bankrupt

if it wasn't for my sauce.

He knows I'm good

at business stuff.

Did he ever actually meet you?

Yeah, I got a picture of him

in my wallet.

Man, that's a dog

- wearing sunglasses.

- No, it's not--

Oh, this isn't my wallet!

Wait, these aren't my pants!

Ooh, boot cut.

I can't believe

I'm back at Good Burger

after all these years, man.

My best friend is here,

and you own the place!

- Yeah.

- Probably got money, too, huh?

Oh, well...

I was wondering

if I could talk to you

about this idea

I've been having to--

- Come in the freezer real quick.

- Ooh, frosty!

- All right.

- Yeah.

Come on.

- Come here.

- Oh, okay.

- Can we talk?

- I love to talk.

I've been talking

since I was 8.

- Just have a seat.

- Oh, okay. Huh.

I got a great idea.

I'm not telling anybody.

But I gotta tell my best friend.

- Heh, cool.

- Well--

- What's this?

- It's another freezer.

We stopped using it

after the handle broke.

And you just never bothered

to put it back on?

- Well...

- Looks like it slides right on.

I really think it's going

to make so much money.

Oh, heh, Fizz.

- How long was I in there for?

- About 22 years, give or take.

Huh, 22 years, give or take.

Jiminy Crickets,

that's a long time!

- I was wondering where you went.

- The last thing I remember

was hearing you saying

you broke the handle

and would be right back.

You must've gotten distracted.


You're taking this well.

Sure you're okay?

Well, I am a little cold.

Oh, I just realized,

I missed baseball practice.

And the rest of high school!

And college!

I better go see my parents.

They're probably worried sick!


Who's that grown-up?

It's me!


Welcome to Good Burger,

home of the Good Burger.

- Can I take your order?

- Hmm, um...

Do you serve veggie burgers?

I can serve

anything on the menu.

- Oh, great.

- Watch. Whoa!

- Good Burger!

- Oh!

Good Fries! Good Chunks!

No, I came here to eat the food,

not play tennis with it!

Oh, I know what you want.

You want pickleball.

- Oh, okay.

- No one said--

- Fore!

- Oh!

- Fore!

- Oh, no, stop!

I'm never

coming back here again!

And no one says "fore"

in tennis.

- That's golf.

- Oh! She's right.

- What? Who did that?

- Knock it off.

Ed, just the man

I'm looking for.

Hey, Mr. Lawyer Guy.

That's right, Mr. Lawyer Guy.

That's me, Cecil McNevins.

I was wondering if we could

have a private conversation.

Oh, yeah, sure.

Hey, everybody!

Could you all please leave

so me and this lawyer guy

could have

a private conversation?

- Meh!

- No. No, no, no.

Nobody has to go anywhere.

I just want me and you to talk

one on one.

Well, that sounds unnecessarily

complicated, but all right.

Hey, everybody! It's okay,

you don't have to leave.

Sit on down.

Hey, Dex, work the register

for me, all right?

Come on.

Woo-hoo! Okay.

Hey, man, who's that guy?

Oh, that guy,

he's from MegaCorp.

He keeps trying to talk Ed

into selling Good Burger.


The giant tech company?

And he wants to buy Good Burger?

You got the register,

Mr. Jensen.

Hey, I'm the manager.

I'm supposed to tell you stuff.

- This private enough for you?

- This is perfect.


I got these. I got 'em.

- Uh, we're still eating here.

- Shh!

As you can see,

my client significantly

increased the offer.

- Oh.

- Pretty nice, right?

Oh, no, I'm just reading.

There's a bunch of O's. Oh!

Ed, those are not O's.

Those are zeros.

Oh, zeros.

- I guess I'm done.

- Mm-hmm.

- Here.

- Uh, look,

I don't care how many zeros

or O's you offer.

Good Burger's not for sale.

Nah. Here, you can have that.

All right, you're all clean.

Enjoy your meal.

That was

surprisingly refreshing.

You'll be sorry.

Hey, Ed, what you doing?

Just unclogging

the strawberry Jacuzzi.

Oh, nice, well, uh...

couldn't help but notice

but that dude was trying

to give you money to sell.

He wants me to open Good

Burgers all around the world.

But I promised everyone

I will not sell.

Just out of curiosity,

how much we talking?

I'm happy the way things are.

I don't want to mess things up.

I got more money

than I can dream of.

Ed, are using a plunger

to unclog the shake machine?

As in the same plunger we use

to unclog the toilet?!

- Uh, no.

- Ugh!

Guys, you'll never guess

who just ordered a Good Burger.

Is it Stefan Lfven, the former

prime minister of Sweden?



Shakespeare's been dead

for 400 years.

Well, then how'd he make

the order?

Look. It's only

my favorite artist, Luna Fox.

My ex was supposed

to take me to that show.

I want that delivery!

- Me, too. I gotta change.

- Me three.

I got it. Come on, slowpokes.

Is that a giant lollipop?

That was a stop sign.

Aw, I love giant lollipops.

Oh, that's much better.

Why would you pick Ruth

to be the driver?

Well, she's too old

to work the register.

Good point.

Uh, pull over, please, Ruth.

Yeah, just ease it to the right.

Ease it-- Help her out.

- Ease it to the right.

- Just--

Got it, gonna make it

I got it, gotta take it

Go home it,

go home it...

Uncle Dex, watch out!

What the--?

That's what I call driving!

- Now, just be cool, Ed. Be cool.

- Okay.


Hey, Luna Fox.

Got a special delivery for you.

- Nice to meet you, Luna Fox.

- Nice to meet you, too.

But I'm kind of

in the middle of something.


You should've ordered

more food.

Well, this has been fun.

- Goodbye.

- Oh.

Can I get a picture

of you with my niece?

Her ex was supposed to bring her

to this concert.

Yeah, I'll take a picture

with her after the show.

- You want to do it now?

- No.

- Okay, great.

- Mm-mm, mm-mm.

- Now?

- Mm-mm. Hi!

Hey, girl.

Don't ever say your uncle

didn't do nothing nice for you!

I can't believe

this is happening!

Me neither.

Can you believe

I got a picture with her?

You coming out tonight, Dex?

Oh, I was gonna

spend some time with your dad.

Oh, I'm going, too.

We all go to Fun-tasy Island

every Thursday night, right?

- They have bowling.

- And skating.

And a*t*matic paper-towel

dispensers. Yeah.

Come on, Uncle Dex.

It'll be fun.

- Sure, why not?

- Cool.

I just gotta change

into my party clothes.

Let's party!

Did you see, he had

the same shirt on underneath.

Yeah, he does that.

Why is everybody going

the wrong way? Whoa!

Help me out!

Whoa, whoa!

Thanks for doing that.

It's hard to tie them

with bowling balls

stuck to my hands.

How'd you even get them stuck?

Never mind.

I'm excited to talk to you

about this opportunity.

Count me in.


You don't want to hear the idea?

You're my best friend.

How much do you need?

- How much do you have?

- Ooh, hm...

I have three, 13 million...

carry the snowman,

uh, square root of nine,

an isosceles triangle,

71, 71, 71, 71.

Boom! I can give you...



Give me a couple days.

I'll talk to my accountant,

have her move stuff around.

I thought you said you had more

money than you could dream of.

Yeah, all I ever dream of

is Good Burger,

my family, and my friends,

like you.

All right, great.

You're all set, cowboy.

Ah, thank you. You're so cool.

Man, this is heavy.

Oh, okay. Hold on.

I'm gonna get a drinky drink.

Oh, I can just-- Oh, boy!

- Okay.

- That didn't work.

- See you.

- Be careful.

- There's an exit--

- We're rolling. Oh!

- All right.

- Okay.

Oh, that's slippery.

Small wall! Aah!

Oh! I'm okay!

- We need to talk.

- Okay, let's talk.

What do you want to talk about?


Well, I might be heavy

because of the bowling balls.

Remember you taught me

how to skate?

Of course.

I remember everything about you.

I remember you love unicorns

and you're a whiz at computers.

Remember when you hacked

that travel website for me

and I flew first class

for like an entire year?

I can't believe

you had a 6-year-old do that.

- Yeah.

- So, go on then.

Tell me about your top secret

billion-dollar idea.

- Really?

- Mm-hmm.

Okay, get ready.

Permanent ice.

Oh, wait, you're serious?

Yeah, think about it.

It'll always stay cold

and never melts in the heat.

So, that's your idea,

permanent ice?

Permanent ice?

That's a great idea!

- Whoa! Sorry!

- Oh, see, now he heard it.

Who cares who hears?

It's a terrible idea.

And it's impossible.

Nah, I just thought,

why wouldn't people want that?

Just because you

think of something

doesn't mean you can

make it magically exist, okay?

Thought you said

this was gonna be fun.

Oh, dude!

Okay. What do you want

to talk about?

You should reconsider

selling Good Burger.

Oh, no thank you.

Ed, what do you love the most?

- I love my pet goldfish Goldie.

- Goldie?

Be a shame if something bad

happened to Goldie.

Like if he peed his pants?

That could happen to anybody.

Oh, wait.

Goldie doesn't wear pants.

It's time to be

more direct with him.

Listen, this is

a legally binding contract

saying you are selling us

Good Burger.

- Now, sign it.

- And I'm the notary.

- So it'll be official!

- What?

I would never sign that.

I was thinking...

I love your sauce!

You make great sauce.

Would you sign an autograph

for me?

Oh, yeah, of course.

Might be hard because

I've got these balls here.

- Very easy.

- They're very heavy.

Let me help you with that.

- Oh, okay.

- I'll take this.

- Okay, all right.

- Let it go.

- I just--

- Come on.

- Ah, okay, go!

- Whoa!


Oh, dude.

Thanks for getting the ball

off my hand!

You're in real trouble now.



All right, I'm going back

to the party with my friends!

Nice meeting you guys!

- Work it, Ruth!

- You look so good, Ruth!

- So good!

- What are you doing?

Turning me into a robot.

We're filming it for our vlog.

That seems more important

then giving customers food.

That's what we thought.

- The new grill just came in.

- Okay, good. Let's go get it.

No, I got it right here.

Ed, I think you might've

ordered the wrong kind of grill.

The thing is, if

you don't dry run the grill...

- You're absolutely right.

- Yes.


All right.

Give me, give me more!

Give me, give me more!

Um, excuse me.

If you're looking for Ed,

he doesn't play in the trash

until after work.

No, you got it wrong, playboy.

I'm actually looking for you.

- It's Dex, right?

- Yeah.

Throw that trash away

and jump in. Come on.

Uh, you-I think-

no, I don't think-all right.

I just want to have

a conversation with you.

Man, your shoe closet

is bigger than most houses.

I got six kitchens,

three backyards.

- What?

- I got 32.5 bathrooms.

- Indoor pool, outdoor pool.

- Goodness.

As a matter of fact,

I got a llama farm.

- I see you in a place like this.

- I would be comfortable here.

You remind me of my young self.

I just got more breaks than you.

Somewhere in the multiverse,

you own all this, huh?

And I'm working in a fast-food


Is there anywhere

in the multiverse

where you get to the point?

Good Burger is

an amazing business.

But there's only one.

Can you imagine Good Burgers and

Ed's famous sauce everywhere?


MegaCorp is trying

to open a bunch of 'em.

But you know Ed.

That's because Ed likes things

the way they are.

He definitely does not

want to sell.

He doesn't have to.

That's not what we want.

No, we want him to franchise it,

give us permission

to open stores everywhere.

So, Ed can stay at Good Burger

and keep the life that he loves,

and you're just gonna

pay him a lot?

Oh, you get it. Exactly.

Where do I fit in?

My client is willing to pay

a lot of money

to someone who can convince Ed

that this is an amazing idea.

And maybe even that someone

could become a partner.

Hmm? A win-win.

A win-win...


I like that third W.

That's a lot of wins.

I just can't wait

to be a billionaire

I been in my back end,

ain't no feelings there...

Man, I've missed this rooftop.

The stars look much better

from up here.

I really do

think that.

Could you please

take the grills out?

Oh, um, sorry.

Dex, it's really good

having you up here.

I really missed you.

When you were gone,

I would look

at this picture of us

and remember all the fun times.

I remember this day.

We went paintballing

and lost

because we were on the same team

but you shot me in the head.

- Fun times, man.

- Mm.

I know how busy

and successful you are,

but it means a lot

that you came to see me.

You're my best friend.

Kind of my only friend.

But I am a little concerned.

You know, I think you're missing

some serious opportunities.

You should let these people

open new Good Burgers.

Or at least hear them out.

I'll go with you, you know?

Just make sure

everything is cool.

What is that?

Is that a yes, is that a no?

Would you

take the grills out?

I don't have grills in my mouth.

I just like talking silly.

But, yeah, if you want me

to do it, I'll do it.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Gonna get it

on the east side

- Yeah!

- That's it.


I'm glad you're back.


Oh, fellas.

Thanks for joining me.

- Thanks for being joined.

- Thanks for buying us lunch.

- You are paying, right?

- Of course.

What language is this menu in?

Uh, you might have it


- So I do.

- Look, I'll get to the point.

MegaCorp understands

how valuable Good Burger is.

And if you sign this contract,

uh, it...

- What are you doing?

- Just reading the menu.


You didn't have to turn


You could've just flipped

the menu over.

Oh, now it's all

upside-down again!

Oh, okay. Oh.

Knock it off.

Huh, much better.


Uh, now, I know

you have concerns.

I want you to understand,

you're still going to be

the face of Good Burger

but bigger than ever.

Ugh, but I like my face

the size that it is.

Gentlemen, have we decided?

I'll do the fettuccini Alfredo.

Whoa, how did you know

his name was Alfredo?

My name is Maurice.

Alfredo is the sauce.

- Mm.

- Well, I will have

one of whatever

the most expensive thing is.

Classy. And for you?

Oh, I'll have a burger.

Would you like soup or salad?

A super salad? What does

a super salad look like?

What is its superpowers?

How did it get superpowers?

Was it bitten by

a radioactive cucumber?

Salad it is.

Oh, cool.

Nothing's gonna happen

to the original Good Burger.

Employees will keep their jobs.

In fact...

we're gonna

give everybody raises.

Oh, you hear that?

This is going to be a winning

situation for everybody.

- Would I steer you wrong?

- Dex is my best friend.

If he thinks it's right...

I do. I think

it's the right thing to do.

Then I'll do it. Yeah.

Fantastic. All right.

Let's make it official.

All I need here

is your signature

and we good to go.


Oh, yeah.

It is a pleasure

doing business with you.


I think so.

Let me see.

Hmm? Hmm. Hmm?


Oh, yeah, that's water.

None for me, thanks.

I feel good, I feel great

I got sun kissing

on my face

There's something

about today...


Mia. Milkshake?

They're for you.

I mean, milkshake, anyone?

You were just right here.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Okay.

- I hope you enjoy it.

We put fries

in the burger piata.

- Very hygienic.

- Yeah.

Thanks for throwing the party.

Uh, these are our boyfriends.

- Kenny.

- And Benny.

Uh, hi.

Don't freak out, Ed.

Just smile and nod

like everything isn't twice.

Here's how we met.

I was cooking,

and this hottie walks in.

I was like....

He orders

a Good Burger, Good Fry,

Good Shake, Good Chili,

Good Chunks.

No! That is too much.

I'm sorry, Ed's gotta make

a little speech. Excuse us.

We didn't

even get to the good part!

It's a great day

for Good Burger, isn't it?

It's beautiful. It's going

to be a day to remember.

That's right.

Hey, everybody!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Welcome to the French-fries-ing

of Good Burger.

- Franchising!

- I didn't want to do it,

but Dex convinced me

it'd be good for us.

Guess it's true. Everybody

that works at Good Burger

is getting a raise!

Yay, Dex!

Yeah, I want to hear some music!

Hit it, Yung Gravy!

You got it, baby.

Cook it up just right

by my side

We're grooving

Saddle up,

let's ride in the sky

We're grooving

You know I got you for life

We sauce it up every time

Cook it up just right

by my side

It's Gravy's delight

So, um, I guess

your mom's not coming?

Yeah, I asked, and I think

her exact words were "Hell no."


Hey, Mr. Lawyer Guy!

What's going on?

I am having a blast!

I'll tell you what's going on.

Now that we own Good Burger,

we're going to make changes.

What kind of changes?

First, we're shutting down

this store.

Oh, yeah, that's right!

We're gonna party all night!

- Shut it down!

- Shut it down!

Shut it down! Shut it down!

- Shut it down! Shut it down!

- You guys are hysterical!

I don't think you understand.

We're gonna close this place.

- You're all fired.

- I like that, fired!

Fired, heh! Fired, heh!

It's hot!

We're fired, we're fired!

Oh, whoo! Fired! Fi--

Oh, you mean we're really fired.

We thought

we were getting raises.

I don't understand.

You just said...

Wait, relax, everybody.

Now, we're still partners

on this,

and that is not the deal.

We said that nobody's

getting fired.

- Yeah.

- According to this contract

you signed without reading,

we can do anything.

It also says we're not partners.

Matter of fact, hey...

you just got hustled

by a real hustler, playboy.

Get off me.

And now,

time for my grand speech.

I'm totally not having fun anymore.

Uh, I want to thank y'all

for coming out

and celebrating this

Good Burger's farewell party.

Make some noise!

That's right,

this location is shut down.

Do me a favor. My clients

do not like trespassers.

And right now,

you're all trespassers!

Please leave. Bye. Now!

Have a nice day.

How are we supposed to have

a nice day after what you said?

This is all your fault.

You said everything

was going to be okay.

- Well, it's not.

- Hold on, hold on.

They screwed me

out of money, too.

Why would they do this?

Now we're all out of jobs.

Who's gonna hire Ruth?

She's practically dead.

- No offense.

- It's okay, sweetie.

My heart stopped

four times this week.

Well, this isn't my fault.

You seem to have to say that

an awful lot.

I guess my mom was right

about you.

Mia, come-- Mia!

Don't leave it like this, y'all.

Come on. I didn't know

this was gonna happen.

- You gotta believe me.

- It's okay.

I wish you didn't tell me

to sell Good Burger.

You know what,

you can have this photo.

It doesn't bring me

happiness anymore.

This was not my fault!

This was all my fault! Oh, man!

I saw a solution to my problems

and rushed into it

without even thinking.

All I had to do

was read the contract.

But I'm always looking

for the quick fix--

I could fix that real quick.

No! Oh, man, I was gonna

pay my sister back!

And now a whole bunch

of new people hate me.

I just don't get it.

MegaCorp does not need

to close down Good Burger.

There's got to be

something we can do.

Tickle 'em.

I'm gonna line them up

- and tickle 'em real good.

- Ed, what are you doing?

Huh? I'm playing Bunny Smash.

Yeah, it's my favorite game.

You get bunnies, you tickle 'em,

and if they laugh,

you get a carrot!

Ed, come on, man, focus!

How could you be playing

a game at a time like this?

I'm trying not to think

about Good Burger.

Oh, now I'm thinking about

Good Burger.

- We gotta do something!

- I know what we could do.

We can get random celebrities,

get 'em all together,

and have them sing a song

about saving Good Burger.

There's a burger place...

On each and every street

But there's only one

that matters

When you need

something good to eat

Today is the day

When all dudes must unite

To come and dude together

For a cause

that is just right

Give Good Burger back

- Come on!

- Give Good Burger back

- I...

- Eh, I don't know. But maybe.

You've gotta

give it back now

Give Good Burger back

Give Good Burger back

No, we're not gonna do that.

But we're not just gonna

sit here. You know what?

Let's go over to MegaCorp,

have a reasonable conversation,

and get them

to change their minds, right?

- That's a plan.

- Yeah, dude.

Y'all can't mess

with the club

Club, club, club,

club, club

Y'all can't mess

with the club

Club, club, club,

club, club

Y'all can't mess

with the club

Y'all can't

never understand it

On another level,

another bandwidth

Oh, I'm in the club

with my sandwich

Yo, call that

a club sandwich

Whoo, everybody in the club

know how to dance

I care about the music

don't care about the bands

Not about the jelly,

only eat it for the jams

Put the boogie in the van

Uh, yes, sir, howdy-doo?

You may go ahead

and tell the head of MegaCorp

that Ed and Dex is here

to see them.

You can go on ahead

and let us in

because we are not taking no

for an answer.

- It's Jimathy, Security.

- Ed and Dex are here to see 'em.

- Ed and Dex are here to see you.

- Demand. Not taking "no."

They demand to see you and

will not take no for an answer.

Uh-huh. Mm-hmm.

Head on in.

Go up to the top floor.

- Oh! Come on.

- We can go in?

- That easy?

- No!

You're also going to need

your visitors' passes.

That's okay,

we already have our own.

We already have our own.

Have a MegaCorp day!

- This is a big office.

- Yeah.

Ed and Dex.

We've been expecting you.

I want you to say hello

to the new owner of Good Burger.

That's right, it's me.

Uh, I have no idea

who you are.

- Yeah, you don't seem familiar.

- Uh-uh.

Katt Bozwell.

- Nope.

- I got nothing.

Well, surely you remember

my older brother, Kurt.

He opened Mondo Burger

across from Good Burger.

Then, thanks to you two,

Mondo Burger went under.

And my brother went to jail.

Yeah, of course we remember.

- Hmm.

- I don't.

You sure you're not confusing me

with a different Ed

that worked at Good Burger

across from Mondo Burger,

who created a secret sauce

your brother tried to steal?

Ed, she didn't say anything

about the sauce.

Oh, so I do remember.

You two dest--

- Cecil.

- Huh? Oh!

Help me out of the egg.

You two destroyed my family.

And I've been planning

my revenge ever since.

It's very sweet.

I own Good Burger now.

We're going to open

Mega Good Burgers

in cities all over the world.

Mm-hmm. From Hollywood

to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong's not a city,

it's the name of an ape.

Nope, that's the wrong Kong.

Is Wrong Kong

the name of the ape?

- What?

- King Kong.

Oh, the game with the paddles?

- Ping-Pong.

- Oh, the sound a doorbell makes.

- Ding-dong!

- What?

Please stop! Silence.

The point is, I'm finally

living up to my family's dream.

But this time, it's called

Mega Good Burger.

You didn't have to fire

everybody from Good Burger.

Can't you consider giving

their jobs back?

- No!

- Uh-uh.

No, we cannot. Because

we don't need you anymore.

We don't need any employees.

That's the best part.

I'll explain over lunch.

You boys like burgers, right?

Is lunch happening now?

- Follow her.

- Okay.



This way.


Who's hungry?

Welcome to Mega Good Burger,

home of the Mega Good Burger.

Can I take your order?


It's like looking at a mirror

with my picture taped on it.

- What?

- All Mega Good Burgers

will be fully automated,

and, as you can see,

Ed is still the face

of Mega Good Burger.

I would like

one Mega Good Burger,

one order of Mega Good Fries,

and one chocolate

Mega Good Shake, please.

One Mega Good Burger,

One Mega Good Fry,

One Mega Good Shake.

That'll be $8.


Payment accepted. Your meal

will be out momentarily.

You can feel it

when payment's accepted.

- Ooh!

- Man! Oh!

You put the laser on the meat.

Then the "pfft."

Ed's Sauce.

My Ed's Sauce.

- They got my sauce.

- I know, that's my fault.

There we go, ooh!

- Juicy lettuce, yeah.

- Wow!





- Nice.

- Where-where did it go?

Oh, where'd it go?


It's there.

Here's your meal. Thank you

for choosing Mega Good Burger.

I know, thank me.

Wow, an efficient Ed.

It's like he's me.

But I'm me!

Maybe we're both me!

If you're a me,

when's my birthday?

Sorry, I do not have the answer

to "when is my birthday?"

Oh, whoa! I don't know

when my birthday is either!

Wow, this is so weird, dude!

Ed, that is a robot you.

MegaCorp wants to replace

everybody with Ed robots.

We call them Ed-amatronics.

It's pretty clever.

I came up with it.

Picture it.

No more annoying employees

with their annoying problems,

like getting sick

or asking for a raise or,

"I need to go to the bathroom."

Well, too bad, so sad.

Not on my dime.

You poo on your own time!

Zero employees, maximum profits.

See? Why does everyone call you

a lousy businessman?

- I don't get it.

- Everyone thinks I'm lousy?

- Uh, yes.

- Oh.

Oh, wait, I forgot.

There's more.

- Follow me.

- More?

Welcome to the control room.

Okay, this is starting to feel

like you're bragging now.

In this one room,

I can manage

all Mega Good Burger locations

at once.

Watch this.


Welcome to Mega Good Burger,


- London.

- Welcome to Mega Good Burger,

- milady.

- Madrid, Spain.

Didn't have to say

the "Spain" part.

Bienvenido a Mega Good Burger.

- Pick a place, any place.

- Tokyo.


This is all pretty incredible.

I mean, you'll never

get away with this.

Oh, but we will.

In 24 hours, our grand opening

launches worldwide.

You know what, I'm gonna

give you one last chance.

Give us Good Burger back,

or else.

Or else what?

Um, I don't know.

I didn't

totally think that through.

Oh, I think we're out of time.

Oh, hey, dudes.

Can I offer you boys

a lift home

in one of our self-driving

delivery cars?

That's okay.

- We got our own ride.

- Yeah.

Oh, you mean this one?

Pull up the car.

- That's it.

- Oh, yeah.

That's my whip, yeah.


You hate to see that happen.


You evil woman!

Maybe we should've used

Burn No More.

You know, I think

we will take that ride now.

That's what I thought.

Okay, now wait.

You don't have to push me!

- Open door.

- Whoa!

Now, that's cool.



I can't believe that lady.

Super efficient Ed bots.

And her incredible technology

and genius business model.

And this dumb, amazing,

self-driving car!

This button makes the window

go up and down.

All cars can do that.

Not ones

that don't have windows.

Oh, wait a second.

Why did we just turn left?

How does this car know

where we're going?

The windows stopped windowing.

- That's because I locked them.

- Who said that?

- It is I, Katt.

- Who?

Oh, really, guys? New owner

of Mega Good Burger,

- Kurt's sister getting revenge?

- Oh, that Katt.

I hope

you're enjoying the ride.

It's the last one you'll take.

The last one

in this particular vehicle,

or the last one as in something

bad is about to happen?

- The second one.

- Oh.

It's getting aggressive.

All right,

we gotta get control of it!

- You got it!

- No! Oh, no!

All right! I got it.

Oh, man, I got it. Come on!

This is hard to steer. Help me!


Look out! Ice cream truck!

Oh, construction!

I'm blind!

I'm gonna die!

He's gonna die!

She's gonna die!

We're all gonna die!

Whoa, lady!

Wall, wall, wall, wall, wall!


I got an idea.

Okay, we gotta find a park.

This is not the time

for a picnic.

We are trapped in

an out-of-control vehicle.

You think I want

to have a picnic?!

Right, we don't have a blanket.

Oh, but I do have some Brie.

Oh! Oh, my Brie!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Look out!

- Whoa! Whoa!

- Okay!

It's working! Let's hold it like

this until it runs out of power.

How long

is that gonna take?

Depends on how much power

is left.

Power thingie is on F

for "fairly empty."

- No!

- Huh?

F is for "full," Ed!

Oh, this is gonna

take a while, dude.


Thank goodness that's over.

- You okay?

- Yeah.

Spinny thingie!

What's that? Where you going?

Haven't we spinny-thingie'd


- Spinny thingie!

- Oh, yep, I'm gonna be sick.

I'm gonna be sick.

Good Burger was my life, Dex.

I can't work

at another burger place.

There's not gonna be any.

Unless there's another job

I can do.

Maybe I could be a...

Heart surgeon!

Whoa, this body's

full of ketchup!

Wait, that's not ketchup!

Or a world-famous opera singer.

I'm a dude, he's a dude,

she's a dude

We're all dudes

Or a weather man.

All you gotta do

is press the button,

- weather shows up behind you.

- Okay, huh.

Or a movie star.

In a world

of fast-food chaos,

two dudes set out

to cure the world's munchies

in Doordash Dudes 2:

A Time to Deliver.

Gotta be honest, I don't

see you as any of those things.

Oh, what am I gonna do?

What are either of us gonna do?

This is messed up.

Yeah, but it's worse for me.

I have a family

and mouths to feed.

You don't have to worry

about that.

Your family hates you

and you have stock market.

Well, actually, Ed,

I haven't been

totally honest with you.

I'm not as successful

as you think I am.

As a matter of fact,

I lost everything.

I came to see you because

I had nowhere else to go.

I knew you would help me because...

well, you're a good friend.

But I haven't been

a good friend to you.

I'm so sorry

I messed everything up.

But there's still time.

I'm gonna get you your job back.

I'm gonna get everybody

their jobs back.

Okay, well, where's he gone now?

Welcome to Good Burger,

home of the Good Burger.

Can I take your order?

Can I take your order, doggy?

I'd better hurry.

Here you go.

Hey, everybody!

I'm glad you could all make it.

I can't believe you got Good

Burger to give us our jobs back.

We're so excited.

Hearing I got my job back

makes me feel much better.

I thought

I'd never see Mia again.

I-I mean, see any of you again.

- You guys are like family.

- Aw...

Well, uh, I have something

I need to tell you all.

- We don't have our jobs back.

- Are you kidding?

- But you just said that--

- You literally just called

- and said we had our jobs back.

- Yeah.

Hey, everybody.

I asked Ed to get you here

so we could talk.

I didn't know he was

going to mention your jobs.

I thought he'd say

something like,

"Want to come

play Bunny Smash?"

Or, "Y'all want to hang out

'cause we're still friends?"

We don't

want to talk to you.

I know I messed up.

I'm truly sorry.

I'm gonna prove it.

But this is bigger

than Good Burger.

This is about millions

of fast-food workers

all over the world.

We have to do something.


- Yes, Mr. Jensen?

- To be clear,

- we don't have our jobs back?

- Sadly, no.

But Ed and I have a plan.

We're gonna

get Good Burger back.

And to do that, we're gonna

take down MegaCorp.

We just need some help.

- Nope.

- We're supposed to believe

you care about people

other than yourself?

Sorry, we're not buying it.

I'm going home.

Mom, I'm home!

You're sleeping

in the tub tonight.

- Guys, let's go.

- Hey, wait, wait, wait.

- I have something to say.

- Huh?

We can't give up.

Uh, is that it, Ed?


You know what, Ed is right.

- We can't give up.

- We're a family.

We're not going down

without a fight!

Great speech, Dad!

Y'all got all of that

from what Ed said?

- Yeah, pretty much.

- Yeah.


So, Dex, what's your plan?

Oh, okay, great.

Yeah, um, ahem.

All right, well, tonight

50 Good Burgers

are going to be opening

in cities across the world.

Now, MegaCorp relies

on its technology

to set themselves apart

from the competition.

We destroy the technology,

we destroy MegaCorp.

We destroy MegaCorp,

we get Good Burger back.

Look, this is

MegaCorp's headquarters.

We need to get

into their control room

so that Mia,

our computer genius,

can get into their master server

and disable the robots.

- Oh, wait...

- Robots?

- Real robots?

- What robots?

I might need to back up.

I-I came

as fast as I could.

Thanks for getting us

our jobs back, Ed!


I'm at the grand

opening of Mega Good Burger.

Ms. Bozwell, your thoughts?

Very soon, my family's dream

of global fast-food dominance

will be a reality.

And so will

sweet, sweet revenge.

Did you just say

"sweet, sweet revenge"?

No, I didn't.

You just said that.


Yes, Peggy?

We are at the grand opening

of Mega Good Burger.

Where do you think

you're going?

Uh, we're a news crew

following a very important

news story for our news program.

Uh, yes, and, um, I have

this brand-new animatronic

server bot

that needs to get

in the restaurant, stat,

and switch out the faulty one

that's in there

and replace it with

this new one.

I've never

seen one up close.

Wow, they look real.

Feel real.

- Even smell real.

- Hmm.

Why would you put

a booger in its nose?

Stop touching the merchandise.

It's delicate.

- We need to get inside.

- You need to show me ID first.

- ID? ID?

- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Mega Good Burger is opening

in less than an hour,

and it cannot open properly

if this robot is not in place.

And you're asking about an ID?

Do you have an ID?

Everybody's gonna want to know

the name of the dummy

who held up opening

Mega Good Burger!

There's no need for that.

Come on in.

- Have a MegaCorp day.

- Thank you. You, too.

- Let's go.

- Whoa, not you.

Press entrance

is on the other side.

- But, uh--

- "But, uh--"

- "Bu, bu."

- Other side!

Well, uh, we have been denied

entry to the building!

We are being escorted out

by security!

Well, what do we do now?

Oh, control room!

- Mr. Jensen, can you hear me?

- What are we gonna do?

You were supposed

to get everyone out.

Hey, stop right there!

Stay perfectly still.

- Is there a problem?

- Oh, yeah.

You're going the wrong way.

The restaurant's thataway.

Oh, well, that is

a horrible blunder.

Thank you for pointing us

in the right direction.

You should probably get back

to your station.

Nonsense, I'll take you there.

Like you said, this is

way too important.

- We did say that, didn't we?

- We did.

- Follow me.

- Okey dokey.

We got caught.

Okay, we'll try and find

another way in.

Try? Mr. Jensen, please tell me

you got this.

All right.

I've got this.

Let's get Ruth and Ed 2.

Okay, boss.

Ladies and gentlemen,

do you know what time it is?

It's show time! Hit it!

- Fireball

- I saw, I came, I conquered

Or should I say I saw,

I conquered, I came

They say the chico on fire

and he's no liar

While y'all slippin'

he runnin' the game...

Whee! Whee!

Whee! Ooh!

I-I think they're about to do

the finale.

That's gonna be amazing!

Sticks and stones

may break my bones

But I don't care

what y'all say

'Cause as the world turns,

y'all boys gonna learn

That this chico right here

don't play

That boy's from the bottom,

bottom of the map


I gave Suzie a little pat

Up on the booty, and she

turned around and said

Walk this way

Just stay calm and be still.

Oh! Just got to fix one last

little flabber-jabber here.

Just need to do

some screwdrivering.

Thank you for showing us

the right place.

No prob.


- What's so funny?

- I was just thinking about

"screwdrivers" is a funny word.

- That's so funny.

- Right?

I never thought about it

like that.

It is pretty funny.


A screw can't drive!

- That was close.

- Finally.

I thought I was gonna fart

the whole time.

Ew! Okay, we just need--

Oh, just--

- What do I do now?

- Mess up orders or something!

Oh, but I'm nervous!

Paris, check. Tokyo, check.

London, check. Berlin, check.

- The countdown is in about--

- Hey, guys.

Here's the radioactive material

you ordered.

- We didn't ask for that.

- That looks dangerous.

- Get that out of here.

- Excuse me.

Oh! Oh, no!

Radioactive material's

getting all over!

I'm so sorry. I was just looking

for the bathroom. I got it.

Don't touch that!

Don't breathe that in!

Too late.

Don't... feel good.

- What's in that stuff?

- She'll be all right.

Um, actually,

my face kind of hurts.

Anyone know

where the nurse's office is?

- No.

- Whoa.

- No! No!

- Whoa!

No! No!

Is it that way?

Oh, I'll follow you.

I'll follow you.

Control room secured!

- sh**t!

- Mia?

I don't know what's happening,

but I'm excited.

- You in a bad mood?

- I'm happy.

Oh. That's what it looks like.

All right.

Okay, when I give the word,

we will unlock the doors.

And I'm going to order the first

official Mega Good Burger

of the new fast-food era

from this magnificent

technological marvel.

You're going to change

the world, my friend.

Oh, no.

Did y'all program this robot

to fart?

Uh, no.

- Run!

- Get them!

It's a security breach!

We've got

a security breach!

Are you serious?

We got a security breach!

That's why I take the batteries

out of my walkie.

Ugh! Did you fart?

- No!

- No, it was him.

I don't know what to do!

Whoa, dude!

Good thinking, Ed!


You're ruining my outfit!

Watch the butter!

You're getting it everywhere.

- It's on my shoes, so slippery!

- Sorry, dude!


I'm going up after them.

Forget it.

I'm going down after them.

Oh. Mia, we found

the control room.

This isn't the control room,

it's just a sign.

- Come on!

- Okay! All right.

Mr. Jensen did it!

Good job, man.

Mia. Mia, you there?

I'm here. I got away.

- For now.

- I'm not surprised.

You were always the quickest

kid on the playground.

- So, where are you?

- Where they cut the potatoes?

Potato room? We're in the

control room. What do we do?

Go to the advanced system preferences

and find the master grid subfolder.

Master grid subfolder, okay.

Whoa, okay,

there's a lot of files here.

Delete just the files

with "/energy" in the name.

This'll disable all the power--


- You okay? What's going on?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

Help! Help!

Did she say "help"?

- Sounded like she said "snelp."

-"Snelp" is not a word.

Mia! Did you say

"snelp" or "help"?

I gotta go!

You know what to do?

Uh, delete the files.

Just the ones that say



Mia, did you say

"snelp" or "help"?


Whoa! Potato room!

Oh, Mia!

Help, Uncle Dex!

I can't get through!


No! Help me!

Push, Uncle Dex!

I got you, I got you!

You saved me.

Yeah, I did.

How did you know the tray

would stop the slicer?

I didn't.

So, you thought you'd try

to ruin my big night, huh?

Um, yep, that was

kind of the idea.

"That was kind of

the idea."

Help me help you. Hey.

Um, he's hurt.

He fell in butter.


I'm gonna need a raise,

'cause there's been a breach

- in the main control room.

- What?

It wasn't our fault.

In our defense, we were tricked.

No, no. We were being cautious.

There was a tiny science man

- with freaky fluids.

- I don't care.

- Who's up there right now?

- Well, um...

- no one.

- Okay, I need you to find Cecil

and get up there right now.

We go live in five minutes

all over the world!

- Five minutes, five minutes! Go!

- Got it. Got it.

Thank you.

What are we gonna do

with these two?

Uh, we can

just see ourselves out.

No. Take them with you.

They can have

two front-row seats

to watch my dreams come true.

And watch their dreams

being crushed.


- All right.

- Ed!

Yeah, almost done!

Yeah, tickle 'em!

Tickle' em good! Yeah.

Ooh, is that Bunny Smash?

- You get to where bunnies fly--

- Hey, goon, focus!

Huh? What? Okay, okay.

All right, I'm going.


Okay, okay, yeah.

No, no. No, no, no.

No, no...

No, no. No.

Oh, no. We're fine.

- We're good.

- Everything's fine.


We're live in 60 seconds.

You hear that? 60 seconds.

Ed, you didn't delete

any of the files?

Mia! Mia, do you read me? Mia?

Yeah, she's still not answering.

Think they got to the computers?

Good evening.

I'm Katt Bozwell, and welcome

to the most monumental event

in the history of fast food.

When I press this button,

all Mega Good Burger locations

around the world

will officially be open

for business.

Are you ready?

I did it!

I mean, we did it.

Come on in.

Whoo! Okay.

I will now place

the first order

of the new fast-food era.

Here we go.

Welcome to Mega Good Burger,

home of the Mega Good Burger.

Can I take your order?

Why, yes, you can.

I would like

one Mega Good Burger

and one Mega Good Fry.

One Mega Good Burger,

One Mega Good Fry coming up.

And there it is.

Here's your burger.


Just opening-night jitters.

Here's your fries.

What are you doing?

Hit 'em with the sauce

Oh, wait! Wait!

Wait! Stop!

Would you like

a Mega Good Shake with that?


Oh! What is happening?!

- Okay, what is happening?

- Instead of deleting the files,

I just reprogrammed it

so everything would go

wackadoo all over the world,

in every location.

Hello, may I have

one Good Burger, please?

You're a nitwit, he's a nitwit,

she's a nitwit,

you're all nitwits!

That's not very nice.

Goodbye, nitwit.



- It's too much.

- Got to do something!

Hit 'em with the sauce

Make it stop! Make it stop!

We're trying. Nothing's working!

- Try! Do something!

- No! No! I'm done.

- I'm done.

- No, come back here!

Okay, it's on you.

- You can do it.

- I'm also done.

Where you going? What?

I'm gonna lose everything!

My Lamborghini, my house!

g*ons, g*ons! Help me, g*ons!

- No!

- Uh-uh. I'm out of here!

Help, don't run!

Help, don't run!

It's over. We're ruined.

Forget this. I quit.

You win! You can have

Good Burger back.

- Yes!

- Yeah!

- We did it!

- Aw, man!

Please don't leave!

- Bye!

- Bye!

This is much more entertaining

- than turning the power off.

- Uh-huh.

Bye-bye, fake, punk-ass

Mega Good Burger!


You ruined my big night!


Put me down!

Why do you have ketchup

and mustard?

Why is it pointing at me?

I made you! No!

No, no, no, no!

Ha-ha, ketchup, mustard!


Can someone get me down?

You got a little schmutz here.

Oh, do I?

Katt got ketchup and mustard

on her face!


Katt got mustard

and ketchup on her

Katt got mustard

and ketchup on her face

On her face!

Get me down!

Get me down! Ugh!

Thanks again for saving my life.

Come on, you're family.

I'd do anything for you.

Dex, Ed, I'm sorry!

Bye, Katt!

No, no, no, no! Don't leave me!

- Come back!

- Let's reopen Good Burger!

- Yeah!

- Mia, you're o... kay.

I mean, you're all okay.

- Good to see you, too, man.

- It's okay, Mr. Jensen.

You got this.


- So, what happened?

- We thought the plan

was to turn off the power.

Yeah, well,

Ed had a better plan.

I figured turning off

the power to all the restaurants

would only delay the opening

and not be enough impact

to put MegaCorp out of business.

So, I hacked into

the master server.

All I had to do was modify

the control prompts.

- Yeah.

- Wait, what?

So, basically, he reprogrammed

the robots to go wackadoo.

That's my dad.

And so, while MegaCorp

and all of the new Good Burgers

are officially out of business,

the original beloved Good

Burger is back for good.

Yeah, that's right.

We back, baby!

- We're back!

- They're back.

- Back to stay!

- Good job. Oh!

- Whoa!

- Oh, that was lovely.

- Yo, congrats on the reopening.

- So much better without robots.

- Thanks, g*ons.

- Yeah.

He's right. We just proved

something important.

People will never

be replaced by technology.

No machine can do a job

as efficiently as a human.

Excuse me, I asked for no ice,

but there's ice.

Ah, no prob, dude.

Just get up in there.

Oh, there we go, like that.

Ha! Human efficiency!

I'll get you another one.

Hey, Ed,

can I get one Good Burger

and one good apology

from my brother?

One Good Burger and one

good apology from my brother.


- You're here!

- Hold that thought.

Can I get a side of fries

with that?

- Go on.

- I'm glad to see you.

- And I'm sorry--

- Hold on a second.

- Yep.

- Can I get some pickles

and some cheese and one

of them chocolate milkshakes?


I was trying to say

that I was sorry.

- For everything.

- Hey, Mom.

Well, I was going to stay mad,

but thank you

for what you did for my baby.

We're family, and that's

more important than money.

I love you.

I love you, too!

But I get to eat free

for life, right?

- Yes, of course.

- Mm! Good brother.

Can I get four more burgers?

I think I want onion rings.

I heard they was nasty,

but I want 'em 'cause they free.

I want shredded cheese

on the pastrami

you're gonna make for me.

I know y'all got pastrami.

I'm a dude, he's a dude,

she's a dude

We're all dudes, hey

- What you want to eat tonight?

- A salad or something.

- Salad?

- Salad.

That's your niece.

- Get her a head of lettuce.

- Okay.

I mean, that all sounds costly,

but it's worth it.

I got my family back.

And I got my friends back.

We will never

let anybody destroy

this incredible restaurant

ever again.


Hey, got the new Burgermobile.

Now I need to learn

how to drive.

Ed, aren't you gonna

say something?

There's only one thing

left to say, Dex.

Welcome to Good Burger,

home of the Good Burger.

Can I take your order?

It's another day

to be better than yesterday

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Got everything I need

and I got no stress in my way

- No stress, no stress

- Ooh, ooh, ooh

You thought about what to do

with your billion-dollar idea?

Permanent ice?

It's a horrible idea.

That's too bad.

I figured out how to make it.

- Say what?

- Yeah, check it out.

Wow, check it.

Whoa! You did it.

Yeah, we're geniuses!

We're all dudes, hey!

I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!


I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!

I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!

Permanent ice. This is

the greatest product ever.

I'll give you $5 million

for five percent.

What about 10 million

for zero percent?


Yes, yes, yes!

I'm feelin' G-O-O-D

That means I'm good

if you know me

I got my family

And all of my dudes

I see you!

I'm not down

in the dumps now

I'll be shining

like the sun now

- What a view

- Whoa, feels good

- Let's go!

- So smile with me

Come on, show those teeth

We don't need no beef

Unless it's a Good Burger,

unh, unh, come on!

I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!

I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!

I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!

I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!

Hey, Cindy-sometimes-Mindy

and Mindy-sometimes-Cindy,

- what's up?

- Hey, Ed!

Now that it's so busy

at Good Burger,

we could really use some help

in the kitchen.

So, we were thinking

maybe you could hire

our sister, Lindy.

Hi, I'm Lindy.

- What do you think?

- Oh, no.

No, no, no, no--

- We're all dudes

- Yeah, Good Burger 2!

Oh, oh, watch this.

Oh, two

'Cause we're all dudes

I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!

I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!

I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!

I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!

I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!

Ah, the life

of a Good Burger employee.

Or boss.

Part three,

we're going to space!


I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!

I'm a dude, he's a dude

She's a dude,

we're all dudes, hey!


There's a burger place

On each and every street

But there's only one

that matters

When you need

something good to eat

Today's the day

When all dudes must unite

To come and do it together

For a cause

that is just right

Give Good Burger back

Give Good Burger Back

You gotta

give Good Burger back

Come on

and give Good Burger back

But those Mega jerks

screwed us over

Gave everyone the sack

Now you gotta

give Good Burger back

You gotta give it back now

- Give Good Burger back

- Hey

You gotta

give Good Burger back

You gotta give it back now

- Give Good Burger back

- You took it away from us

No, now you gotta

give Good Burger back

You gotta give it back now

You took it away,

you took it away from us

No, now you gotta

give Good Burger back

You gotta give it back now

Give Good Burger back

Give Good Burger back

Thank you so much, ah