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03x24 - Rusty's Giraffe Journey/Rusty's Construction Chaos

Posted: 11/22/23 13:03
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is a mobile thrill ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it, build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go ♪

MRS. RIVETS: Good, good.

Now, how 'bout a nice glam shot?


Wow. You sure are getting good

at this photography thing, Mrs. R.

Yeah, I feel like you really captured that monkey.

It's like I know how he feels, what he wants.

What he wants

is a banana.



I think I'm ready for a bigger challenge.

I'd love to photograph a truly spectacular event,

something that no one's ever captured before.

[Laughing] But that'll do for now.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Oh, boy! Wah!

Let us help you with those, Ranger Anna.

Thank you.

Where are you going with all this stuff?

Oh! I'm so excited.

I'm going to see the once-a-year giraffe migration.

Today's the last day.

Wow. That sounds amazing.

Picture it - a whole herd of giraffes

crossing the Gizmo Grasslands

during the magnificent savannah sunset.

[Sighing contentedly]

Okay, then! Toodles!

Did you just hear what I heard?

Yup - a spectacular event.

Mom! How would you like to take an epic journey

to get a picture of giraffes in the Gizmo Grasslands?

Wait. Where in the Grasslands, Ranger Anna?

[Airplane propeller whirring]

Aww, man...

Phew! I knew we'd need the Mobile Rivet Lab

to take all this camera equipment with us.

Thank you for helping, Tigerbot.

If I had to take the time to load all of that myself,

I'd miss the giraffe migration for sure.

[Laughing, roaring]

You're right, Tigerbot.

Mrs. R is going to love the Gizmo Grasslands.

I know how much you love it.

And it'll be my first chance to try this super sharp

mega lens Rusty made for me.


We need to hurry if we're going to get there

to see the giraffes before it gets dark.


I am so excited!

Next stop-- the Gizmo Grasslands!

Time to bolt!


MRS. RIVETS: Wow, the Gizmo Grasslands are so amazingly beautiful.

But I had no idea they were this far away.

I hope there's enough time to get my picture.

Don't worry. We still have a little more time before sunset.

We just have to figure out where the giraffes are.

The Gizmo Grasslands are huge!

They could be anywhere.

I know! We could build a drone with a powerful camera lens.

That way, we can spot them

anywhere they are in the Grasslands.

And I have just the lens for you.

Let's see... This one!

RUBY: Engaging Super Drone Deluxe Giraffe Finder.

There are rocks, grasslands,

some pretty savannah trees,

rocks, more rocks.


RUBY: Nope. Those are elephants.


The giraffes have to be out there somewhere.

[Gasping] Wait! What's that?!

Let's see...

That happens to be...



You found them, Mom.

Now, we just have to get to them.

I've locked onto their location.

They're really far away.

But sunset isn't.

We don't have much time to get there.

Then, what are we waiting for?!

Let's get this Mobile Rivet Lab of yours on the road!

Or the grass or whatever this is.

RUBY: Good news!

We should have just enough time to get to the giraffes

before the sun goes down.

I knew I could count on you kids.

Nothing can stop us

from helping you get your perfect picture, Mom.

[Alarm sounding]

RUBY: Except maybe whatever this is.

If I didn't know better, I'd think that was a...

BOTH: Dust storm!

[Wind gusting]

And not just any dust storm - a mega, epic dust storm!

We'll never make it to the giraffes on time

if we get stuck in it, and we have to get you that picture.

Oh, it's okay, kids. It's the thought that counts.

Uh-uh, Mrs. R.

Rusty and I have never given up before.

We need a way to stay ahead of the storm,

and I know just the thing.

Let's make something great!

And... done.

Great job, Rusty!

[Alarm sounding]

That dust storm is catching up to us super fast.

Activating the Dust-o-Matic now!

[Wind gusting]

It's working!

Woo-hoo! Yeah!

On the road again.

We're almost there.

And with just enough time to spare.

We're gonna make it! We're gonna make it!


[Brakes screeching]

Oh... we're not gonna make it, are we?

Not unless we find a way over or around that.

It's the only way to get to the giraffes.

Look, there's a narrow passage to the other side.

We can walk through it.

According to my calculations,

that would take way too long.

We're almost out of time. The sun is starting to set!

We have to find a way to get through there fast,

so Mom can get her picture of the migrating giraffes

before the sun goes down.

We need something that can maneuver

through the twisty, winding ravine.

Something or someone who knows the Gizmo Grasslands

well enough to power all the way through.

I know someone who loves the Gizmo Grasslands!

Tigerbot! Tigerbot!

RUSTY: Tigerbot, we need you.



We need to get through that ravine pronto.

Are you up for it?

[Roaring happily]

Then, let's combine it...

And design it!

We'll start with Tigerbot.

Then, give her rocket-fast, all-terrain wheels.

Finally, a seat for mom

with storage for her photography stuff.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.

[Drill whirring]




The Tiger Trekker !


All right!

Aww, adorable!

Let's get your mom to those giraffes.

Let's roar!


Steady, steady...

Woo-hoo! What fun!

RUSTY: Going up!


We made it through!

And not a moment too soon.

Let's find those giraffes!


[Engine revving]


[Camera shutter clicking]


[Gasping] Look!

The giraffes!

RUSTY: And there's Ranger Anna!

Fancy seeing you here.

Rusty thought this would be the perfect place

for Mrs. Rivets to get an epic shot with her camera.

Well, you're timing couldn't be better.

Just look at that sky.

Hurry, Mom! Now's your chance to get your perfect picture.

We'll unload you're equipment.

You know what? I don't need all that.

All I need is my amazing, new, mega lens.


[Gasping] My mega lens!


Oh, no! He must think it's a toy!

Don't worry, Mom. We'll get your lens back.


There it is!

Oh, no!

He's heading right for the lake!


Tiger Trekker, turbo time!




Tigerbot, fire claw!


Yes! You did it, Tigerbot!

Now, let's get that lens back to my mom,

so she can take her picture.



Thank you all for bringing me here.

I'm so grateful to witness this truly spectacular event

that I can't wait to capture for all eternity!

That's great! But you really need to take that picture now.

Oh. Right.


[Camera shutter clicking]

Thanks for the awesome photo, Mom.

And thank you for one of the best days ever.

Yeah. It was one great day.

Just you and me... and Ruby... and Ranger Anna,

Tigerbot, a herd of giraffes,

a herd of elephants.

I didn't care for that dust storm at all.

[Rusty yawning]What did you think, Rusty?

Rusty?[Rusty snoozing]



Boy, those two really love each other.

[Chuckling] Yeah, they do.


Three wheels down, one to go.

The nuts and bolts, where did they go?

You left them right there.


Uh-oh! Looks like Mr. Higgins' robo squirrel took them.

Stop that robo squirrel!






You can stop now, Bytes. He dropped them.


[Chuckling] Stop!




Bytes won't stop until he catches Robo Squirrel.

Or until we catch him.

Good idea, Ruby.

Let's get the cage out of the Mobile Rivet Lab.


Hey, where did Robo Squirrel go?

RUSTY: Where did Bytes go?


Don't worry, Botasaur.

I'll just track him on my tablet.



Hmm. It says he's right here.

Oh, no! Bytes lost his tracker.

He must have chased Robo Squirrel under there.

He could be anywhere by now.

But how do we find him without his tracker.



Look, Botasaur's trying to pick up his scent.

Maybe we can increase Botasaur's sniffing power,

so he can sniff out exactly where Bytes went.

Great idea. On it.


And now, to program it to lock onto Bytes' scent. There.

Set to maximum sniffage.



He's got the scent.

Follow that doggie.

Time to bolt!

[Powering up]

[Engine revving]

[Engine revving]

[Tires screeching]






[Horns honking]


This is definitely a traffic violation!


There they are!

[Horns honking]

Sorry, Officer Carl.

It's all right. Just a little dizzy.


I'm okay.



I'm sure I saw them come in here.



Great sniffing, Botasaur.

[Barking]Oh. They're pretty high up.

If Bytes falls, he could get hurt.




We have to find a way to get him down.


And I know how.

I'll be able to move the crane with these controls.



That gap is too wide for Bytes to jump!

I've got this!


Phew!That was close.

But we're not done yet. Look!


Great work, Rusty.








Bytes, be careful or you'll turn the cement mixer...





Got him! Now, let's get you home.



You've had your fun, Bytes.

You don't need to chase Robo Squirrel anymore.



Oh, boy...

I have an idea!

I can control the other crane with my tablet.


Pretty awesome maneuver, Ruby.

Now, to bring them in for a landing.


Bytes, come here, buddy.

Heel! Whoa! Stop!




Robo Squirrel, no!




Phew! He stuck the landing.

Come on down now, Bytes, so we can get you home.

[Wind gusting]


He's too scared to come down.

[Bytes whimpering]

We have to get Bytes down from there.

But it would take us forever

and be super tricky to climb that high.

And the metal beams are way too far apart.

We'd need something that can swing between them.

I know who can climb and swing really well.

Botarilla, we need you.


[Dance music playing]

Robo Squirrel launched Bytes way up there

and now he's too scared to come down.

Think you can go get him?


Let's combine it...

And design it!

We'll start with Botarilla.

Then, we'll add clamp hands,

so he can super grip onto those girders.

And finally, he'll need a carrier,

so he can bring Bytes down safely.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.

Time to go mobile.




Introducing the Botarilla Mega-Climber !


Hang tight, Bytes. We're coming for you.


[Robo Squirrel chittering]


Uh-oh! Robo Squirrel's at it again!


Botarilla, watch out!

And swing!

Hang on, we're taking a trip down under!

Told you we'd get ya.


Now, let's get you down

before Robo Squirrel does anything else.



If he takes that bolt out, the whole structure could collapse.


RUBY: Like that!

RUSTY: Time to bolt!

You did it, Botarilla! You saved Bytes!



As soon as we finish rebuilding the structure,

I'll reinstall your tracker.

Good plan. We don't ever want to lose you again.


And you're going back to Mr. Higgins' store.

I hear he has a whole new shipment

of nuts and bolts he'd like you to sort!


But only after you help us rebuild the structure.


ALL: Huh?

That was nuts!

[All laughing]