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03x22 - Rusty's Baseball Bot/Rusty's Giant Toy Trouble

Posted: 11/22/23 13:01
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is a mobile thrill ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it, build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go ♪


I've got it!

Yes! This is awesome!

Thanks for helping us practice, Elephantbot.

Now, we're ready for the Sparkton Sparks

baseball game this afternoon.

Nice hit.


Could you throw 'em higher, my stinkalicious friend?

It's baseball, not golf.



Rusty and Ruby?

What are those two so excited about?



Rusty's getting so good.

He's gonna make me look bad at the game,

unless... I make my own auto-pitcher

to help me with batting practice.

The Pitch Blaster is gonna work wonders for my game,

and I'm using extra big baseballs,

so they'll be impossible to miss! Check it out.

Sun was in my eyes.

Whoa! Did you see where they went?!


Well, I'll be ready when they come down.

Try pitching me a low ball, Elephantbot.




That's not one of our baseballs. It's huge!


Look out!


They're coming down all over town.

Someone could get hurt.

[Alarm sounding]

There's no way we can catch them all!

But I know who can.

Let's get some Bits on the fix.

Whirly, we need your awesome flying skills,

and bring a glove, a really big one.

All right!


Whirly, can you catch the giant baseballs before they land?


[Whistling]I got it!










I'll hit the next one for sure.


Uh-oh. Not what I planned.

Better shut it off.

Ahh! Run, Frankfurt, run!

Not good!


Nice job, Whirly.


But where did those big baseballs come from?




Surf's up, and not in a good way!

I've got you Officer Carl.


Nice work.

Thanks, Rusty.

I hope that's the last of them.

Nope. There's a whole bunch heading downtown!

They could sweep away everybody in Sparkton Hills!

Not if we stop them first.

But we'll need something to scoop them up.

Let's make something great.

This should do it. Time to bolt!

[Engine revving]


It's working, and it's fun.




RUSTY: Mom, look out!


Did we get them all?

FRANKFURT: Ahh!Not quite.


This is so not helping my baseball game!

We got you, Frankie and Frankfurt.


Are you all right?

Thanks, but I was in control the whole time.

Hmm... Wonder where all these balls came from.

Weird. Well, see ya.

There's those and more scattered around town.

Let's go scoop them up.

[Engine revving]

Frankie, the baseballs came from your machine?

Just getting a little practice in before the game,

thanks to my Pitch Blaster.



I really wouldn't do that.


Okay, okay, I'll turn it off.

[Straining] Whoa!

Oh, no!

Did not see that coming.

We've gotta stop Frankie's pitching machine.

[Car alarm sounding]

[Car alarm sounding]


It's totally out of control!

Take cover!


We've gotta save Sparkton Hills.

But how do we stop a rampaging pitch blaster?

With someone who's really good at baseball.

I'm not quite there yet.

I know someone who's great at baseball.

Elephantbot! Elephantbot!

RUSTY: Elephantbot, we need you!


Wanna help us stop Frankie's pitching machine

from wrecking the town?


Then, let's combine it...

And design it!

We'll start with Elephantbot.

Then, we'll add a baseball trunk,

so he can hit crazy flying baseballs.

And an extendable arm with a baseball glove,

so he can catch.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.




The Baseball Bot !

Let's do this.

Coming, Frankie?


Okay, okay, I'll help.

RUSTY: Now, let's play ball!

Okay, batter up.


I've got this! Whoa!


I mean, you've got this.


It's gonna be all mega mitts on deck.

I'm on team Frankie.

Hit one!

Caught one!

Missed one.

[Gasping] Elephantbot, look out!


I got one! I got one!

Looks like a homerun to me.

Awesome. We make a great team.

We need to figure out a way to shut down the Pitch Blaster

without getting too close.


Elephantbot, try to hit the off switch with a baseball.



And... now!

[Trumpeting]RUSTY: Yes!

We did it!

Aww. I was just getting good.


That's a really high fly ball.

By my calculations,

it's going to land...

right on our Rivet Lab!

It could smash the computer to bits!

But we're not going to let that happen,

are we, Elephantbot?


Time to bolt!

I see it! Time for a flying leap.

Engaging extender arm!


Amazing catch, Elephantbot.

[Elephantbot beatboxing]

Woo-hoo! Yeah!


You've had lots of practice now, Frankie.

You've got this.


RUBY: Nice one!

Hurry, Frankie! Run!


Uh-huh! Oh yeah!

The Fritz!

RUBY: We won!

Woo-hoo! Yeah!Yeah!



I couldn't have done it without my coach.

I guess I should've asked for your help,

instead of making my Pitch Blaster.


Huh? Whoa!



Botasaur, catch!



Rusty! Ruby!

Hi, Liam. Hey, Emily.

Hi, guys.

Can we play here with Ralph and Sassafras?

We're on an adventure and there's so much to explore!

Definitely. Sounds fun.

Ooh, ooh! Emily,

let's pretend Ralph and Sassafras are giant!


Giant toys in the city.

Stomp, stomp, stomp.

Sassafras loves stacking cars and hopping over them.


LIAM: Now, our giant toys are running through an obstacle course!

All right, Ralph!

EMILY: Go, Sassafras, go!


A giant mountain!

I bet Ralph can't tag Sassafras.


Bet he can!

She can jump really far!


Super Ralph goes into turbo flying mode! Whoosh!

Tag. Ralph says "gotcha"!

Ralph wins!

Sassafras had so much fun playing.

She wants a big hug.

Wow. Awesome throw, Botasaur.

[Chuckling] Thank you.

That was so fun!

Right? I wish our toys were actually really big

and could move, like Botasaur.

Ooh, new game! Let's play Rusty and Ruby.

Great idea!

Let's fake it...

And make it!

[Both laughing]

We'll start with Sassafras.

Then, we'll use one of Ruby's modifier chips

to make them move.

And the Shrink and Grow Ray to make them giant.

Put it all together and it's gonna be fun!



All right!

It worked! Hi, giant Sassafras.


What's she doing?

I think she's taking us for a ride!



Best toy ever!


Whoa! What was that?

It came from over there.

Where did Liam and Emily go?

I don't know,

but I'm guessing it has something to do with that.

RUSTY: Whoa.


We'd better find out what's going on.

Come on, Botasaur.



BOY: Whoa! That's the second biggest hedgehog I've ever seen!

GIRL: Wow!

[Car alarm sounding]

LIAM: Wow! She's super strong!



That was so fun! Let's do it again!

Yeah! Again! Again!


[Liam and Emily laughing]


A giant Sassafras?


And look! Liam and Emily are riding her!

They must have used the Shrink and Grow Ray!

Liam! Emily!

Hey, Rusty and Ruby. Isn't this awesome?

We made Sassafras super big

and used a modifier chip, so she can move!

Uh, what's she doing?

LIAM: Playing!

EMILY: It's really fun!

LIAM: Whee!

EMILY: All right!

Whoa.Look out!

Nice save.


RUBY: Giant Sassafras

is causing a whole lot of Tigerbot.

Hey, guys! Can you get Sassafras to stop?

We can't control her!

We're also kind of, sort of stuck up here.

LIAM: Whoa!

Away she goes.

We need to stop her before she causes any more Tigerbot.

But first, we have to catch up.

Time to bolt!

EMILY: The forest!

What kind of fun game are you going to play here, Sassafras?


There they are! Look at Sassafras go!

EMILY: It's like a giant obstacle course!

LIAM: Yeah! Faster, faster!

We have to help Liam and Emily down.

Think we can stop her with our suction cups?

If we super-size them like Sassafras.

Let's make something great.

Let's do this.

A little closer...




Now, to stop her.

It's working!

Liam, Emily, hold on.

BOTH: Whoa!

Oh, no! She broke free!

There must be a way to stop Sassafras and help our friends.

How are we going to stop Sassafras?

I don't know, but we have to figure that out soon. Look!


Ooh, I love mountain climbing.

Whoa. But we're really high up.

EMILY: Sassafras?

Uh, maybe you could bring us back down?

She thinks we're just playing a game,

but we're too high up!

Rusty, Ruby, help, please!

They're climbing really high!

How do we stop a huge hedgehog

that just wants to play and play?

Ruby, that's it!

Sassafras is just playing their game from earlier.

First, she stacked cars and hopped over them.

Then, she ran through the obstacle course.

And now, she's racing up the mountain.

You're right! [Gasping]

I know the perfect way to end the game.

We need a Ralph to tag her.

Great thinking. But not just any Ralph -

giant, super Ralph!

Liam, we know how to help,

but we need to borrow Ralph for a build.

Ralph gets to be part of a super Rusty and Ruby build?

Awesome! Catch!

We promise, we and Ralph will save you.

All right, Ruby, let's combine it...

And design it!

We'll start with Ralph and make him really big.

Then, we'll add some wings and rockets, so he can fly fast.

And really long, stretchy arms to tag Sassafras.

Put it all together and we've got our plan!




The Super Ralph !


Now, let's go save our friends.

Rocket boosters, activate.

[Both whooping]

I hope Rusty and Ruby save us soon.

Look! There they are!

LIAM: A giant flying Ralph with rocket boosters?!


RUBY: Look! She's racing us to the top!

If we don't finish the game soon,

she could jump off the top of the mountain

with Liam and Emily.

We've got to tag her.

Super Ralph has stretchy arms, too?

Coolest toy ever!

[Squeaking]RUSTY: Gotcha!

Phew. Game over.

Now, let's help you guys down.

EMILY: Oh, that's right.

Sassafras is supposed to give Ralph a big hug after the game.

BOTH: Whoa!

RUBY: Uh-oh! Whoa!

Hang on!

Got it!


Super Ralph saves the day!



[Sighing in relief] I think it's time

to return your giant toys to normal size.



Thanks for saving us.

It was a lot of fun having a giant, moving Sassafras toy,

but I think she's perfect just the way she is.

Happy to help.

Hey, wanna play tag?

You're it!

[All laughing]