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03x18 - Ozzy's Snooze Cruise/Rusty's Diamond Drama

Posted: 11/22/23 12:57
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets' back with some dino thrills ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it, build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go, go, dino ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets: Dino Island ♪

Heave! Heave! Heave!



Oh, wait. I'm out.


Thanks for inviting us on this dig, Ozzy.

Thanks for helping me.

We found lots of great rocks.

Now, let's get these beauties

loaded into the crate with the rest.

RUSTY: You're going to need a bigger crate.

They'd all fit in the giant crate

I have back at camp, but it doesn't have wheels.

It'd be too heavy to push.

Not for Steggie,

and she's been wanting to help with the dig.

We'll get her.



All that digging made me sleepy.

Why don't you take a nap while we're gone?

OZZY: Way ahead of you!


I love my dinosaur PJs.


It's nap time.

[Snoring loudly]

He looks like a dinosaur

and snores like one, too.


Let's go get that giant crate.



Huh? Who dares awaken the king of Dinosaur Island

from his slumber?


Hey, it's my naptime, not yours,

strangely loud, terrible-sounding dinosaur.

Wake up!


Fine. If you won't wake up,

then I'll move you...

to the other side of the island!

[Laughing evilly]

Ooh, perfect.

I can move him with that.

I just need to get the rocks out.

[Rocks tumbling]Rocks out.

[Straining] Annoying dinosaur in.




Ozzy, wake-y, wake-y!


That's strange. He's gone.

And so is the other crate.

Look! Tracks leading off into the jungle.

Hmm. I can get a better look with my goggles.



[Ozzy snoring]

You're not a dinosaur.

You're a dino-snore.


Good one, me.


Frankiesaurus is pushing Ozzy away.

We have to stop him.

STEGGIE: I think I can swing that.

All aboard the Steggie Express!


Dino-tastic! Pew, pew!






[Ozzy snoring]

Frankiesaurus, stop!

What? Ugh! It's those pesky Rusty and Ruby creatures!

I won't stop until I move this loud dinosaur far, far away!



They're headed for that cliff!

A cliff? Ah!

Steggie, launch back plates!

Pew, pew!

I got it.



Oh, no!



[Ozzy snoring]

Ugh! How can you still be asleep?

[Ozzy snoring]


Ooh, a cave.

The perfect place to hide you

so I can't hear your annoying snoring.


[Gasping] They're gone!

Ah! Which way did they go?

I know a quick way to find out:

by flying.

Dak, we need you.


Greetings, R and R... and S.

What's up?

Ozzy fell asleep, and now,

Frankiesaurus thinks Ozzy's a dinosaur and has him in a crate.

And we need to find him.

Got it!

No, I don't.

We'll explain on the way.

They must be around here somewhere.

Look, on the beach!


[Ozzy snoring]

Oh, no.

Ozzy's snore caused a cave-in.

I sure hope they're okay.

[Frankiesaurus grunting]

That's the last time I'll hear that.

Now, time to get back to my sleeping.


Okay. I'm trapped.

Frankiesaurus knows just what to do.


The tide's come in!

Now, we need to rescue Ozzy and Frankiesaurus!


If only there was another entrance to that cave

that wasn't blocked.

Maybe there is.


But it's underwater.

We need something big,

strong, and waterproof.

[Steggie laughing]

I found you! What'd I miss?

Hey, want to get modified

so you can go underwater?

Um... yeah!

Let's combine it...

And dino-design it.

We'll start with Steggie.

Then we'll add turbo propellers so she can swim super fast.

And a cockpit so we can come along for the ride.

Put it all together, and we've got our plan.

Brawny, we need you.

Bronto on the pronto.





The Steggie Sub .

Who's ready for a dip?

Let's go!


Alright, Steggie. Time to dive.



RUSTY: We're in.

Now, where are Ozzy and Frankiesaurus?

Ugh! How can you still be asleep?

RUBY: I see them.

Take us up, Steggie.

Ah-ooh! Ah-ooh!

You again.

Wait. You again!

I command you to save your king!

Huh? Whoa!



After them!Bam-bam!







I see them.

Steggie Sub, launch torpedo spikes.

Aye-aye, Captain Rusty.

Pew, pew!


[Chuckling] We're saved, annoying dinosaur.

[Ozzy snoring]


We still need to get out of here.

There's a way out nearby,

but it's going to be a tight squeeze.

That way.

Turn left.

Ah-ooh! Ah-ooh!

Now, right.

That's it.


Ah! Faster!

We're almost there.


We're not going to make it!

Oh, yes, we are.

Steggie, time for turbo power.


Great job, Steggie.

You saved the day.

I saved the day! Hooray!




Oh, hey, guys. You're back.

Why didn't you wake me?

You got to be kidding me.

I need a nap.

You know, I had the weirdest dream.


Why are you all laughing?

Thanks for agreeing to help us.

Out of all the people on Dino Island,

you two were the first we asked for help.

But aren't we the only other people on Dino Island?

Oh, yeah. Well, you were still the first.

So, how can we help?

Do you need us to Rustify your boat into a super ship

with sonic bubble boosters?


No! Maybe later.

We need to leave the island for a few hours,

and we were hoping you could watch these

while we're gone.My newest dig-scoveries:

dazzle diamonds!

Ah. Ooh.

That's what I said when I dug them up!

Ooh... ah...

I've been looking for dazzle diamonds for years!

I don't know what I'd do if something happened to them

while we're away.

Don't worry, Ozzy.

You can count on us to keep them safe.

Why are you leaving the island?

We're getting a--

It's a surprise.

But it's going to totally rock!

Alright, Ozzy.

Let's hit the road.

I-- I mean water.

BOTH: Bye!

I could stare at them all day.

So pretty.

I wonder what makes dazzle diamonds so sparkly.

I'll get my tablet so we can look them up.

Where did I put it?

I'll help you look.

Steggie, can you watch these for us?

Uh-huh. Nothing bad will happen to them.

No, sir. They're safe with me.



RUSTY: The dazzle diamonds!

[Gasping] Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

I'm so sorry.

It's okay, Steggie.

It was an accident.

Yeah. You just got carried away.

Actually, the diamonds got carried away,

all over the island!

Don't worry. We'll find them.

And we'll put them back in here when we do.


There's one, in the ocean.

Wait. I want to help.

This is my fault.

And what better way to travel

than on the Steggie Express?

Whoo, whoo!

Great thinking, Steggie.

[Laughing] Come on!

Let's find those diamonds,


There it is, the green diamond!

Here comes Steggie.

Hang on, Steggie.

It's not safe for you to go in the water.

You'll sink. Hmm.

I can get that diamond!


All I need is this.

A long stick?

Not just any stick.

A turbo-booster-powered pole vaulting stick.

That was my second guess.

Use that super stick to do a super trick. [Chuckling]


Rusty, wave!


No! Not that kind of wave!

Look behind you!

Ah! I like the other kind of wave way better.

Bye, wave!

[Both cheering]

One dazzle diamond down.

RUBY: And two more to go.

Orange diamond landed at the steam vents.


All aboard the Steggie Express.

Whoo, whoo!

Hmm. My tablet said

the orange dazzle diamond would be here.

[Steam hissing]

STEGGIE: There it is!

[Steam hissing]

Now, it's over there!

STEGGIE: And there.

And there!

And there.

Um, anyone else getting dizzy?


To catch it, we need to pop around from vent to vent, too.

We have a wing suit, right?

I like where this is going.

Time to fly.


Got you!

Don't got you.

Let's try that again.

So close.

That diamond is sneaky.



Oh, no! It's headed for the cliff!


Oh, no, you don't!

Great save, Ruby.

Yeah! That was dino-tastic!

RUSTY: Two down, one to go.

We'll have that third diamond back in no time.

Yeah. I can't believe I was so worried.



Don't celebrate yet.

I just found the last diamond,

and it's inside the volcano!


How are we going to get the dazzle diamond

out of the volcano?

Hmm. Getting near that super-hot lava won't be easy.

You know what? Lava, schmava.

I got us into this mess,

so I'm going to get us out of it.

As soon as I figure out

how to get us out of it.


Wait. You could help, Steggie,

if we give you ultra lava-proof armor.

And a lava-proof dome

that we can ride in.

Wait. Uh, uh, am I going to get Rustified?

BOTH: Yep.


[Chuckling] Let's combine it...

And dino-design it.

We'll start with Steggie.

Then we'll add a dome

and lava-proof armor.

And finally, a grabber arm

to catch the diamond with.

Put it all together,

and we've got our plan.

Brawny, we need you.

Bronto on the pronto.





The Mega Stega Lava Diver .


Whoo! This is so fun!

I mean, the Mega Stega Lava Diver

is ready for action.


RUBY: Alright. The last diamond

should be right... there.

It's lava time.

Let's go, Steggie.



How you holding up, Steggie?

I feel strangely relaxed.

With this armor on, it's like a nice, hot bath.


Look. The diamond sunk to the bottom of the volcano.

Get me into position to grab it.


Whoa. What was that?

RUBY: A huge crack just opened in the bottom of the volcano!

[Alarm sounding][Gasping]

And the diamond is about to get sucked into it!

Good thing the Mega Stega Lava Diver

also has a turbo mode.

I do?

[Clearing throat] I mean, it's turbo time.


RUBY: It's headed out into the ocean.

[Both cheering]



And then Rusty and Ruby

turned me into a lava submarine!

With turbo boosters.

Then we zoomed through the lava and into the ocean

and caught the last diamond.

That is the most amazing thing I've ever heard!

Look at my face! Amazing!

And a mega big thanks to you, Steggie,

for getting my diamonds back safe and sound.

Aw, shucks.

It was nothing.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, which reminds me.

Here's the surprise we went off the island for.

Whoa. A dazzle diamond powered light projector?

But that's not all!

There's also...

[Playing disco music]

Wow. Awesome.


Dazzle diamond dance party!

Whoo! Whoo!

[All cheering, laughing]

STEGGIE: Dino-tastic!