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03x13 - Rusty's Stegobot

Posted: 11/22/23 12:51
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets' back with some dino thrills ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go, go, dino ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets: Dino Island ♪

VELOCITY: I love boulder ball!

You're up, Velocity.

Let's dino bowl, bowl, bowl!



VELOCITY: Whoo-hoo!

RUBY: We did it!

[Both cheering and laughing]

Velocity and I win this round.

Thanks to a little tailspin.



VELOCITY: Whoo-hoo!

[Ruby laughing]

I came here to get a real dino

to bring back to Sparkton Hills,

but robot dinos seem even more fun!

I'm going to make my own dino.



I'll use Rusty's parts

to make a way better one than theirs.

It'll be the biggest, bad-est robot dino ever!


Now, I just need one of Ruby's modifier chips

to make my bot a super-awesome fr--




Eh. Should be fine.





World, meet Frankosaurus!

FRANKOSAURUS: [In very deep voice] The bad-est, fiercest,

biggest bot in the entire world!



Hmm. You didn't turn out quite as big and bad as I planned.

Ah, well, I always wanted a little brother.

[High-pitched] Little? Clearly, I'm the big brother.

I'm extremely huge

and fierce and...

Okay, not big.

But listen to my scary roar!


[Lowering voice] Ah!

[High-pitched] Ah!

Uh-huh. Scary.

Come on, Frankosaurus.

I'll show you around.

[Rusty and Ruby cheering]


FRANKOSAURUS: Those bots are almost

as amazing as me!

This whole island is amazing!Shh!

It should be ours!

Yeah! Wait. What?


We're taking over the island!



I did always want my own island.

So I guess I'm in.


First, we'll need all their parts

to build our own island headquarters.

Then, I'll make myself king of the island,

and it will be mine,

all mine! [Laughing]

Huh? Did you say something?

Me? Nope.

Now, let's get those parts, servant.

Uh, I mean, Frankie.

[Chuckling nervously]

A strike from Spike!

Another round?[Rumbling]

Um... I-- I think your parts container is running away.

Let's check it out.

Crank faster!


Think you could... you know, help?

The greatest dinosaur in the world does not crank.

We need these parts for my headquarters,

where I shall be king.

Huh? What'd you say?

Ah! Nothing!

RUSTY: Frankie?


What are you doing here?

And what are you doing with our parts?

Aw! And where did you get the cute little bot?

I am not cute!

I'm the greatest,

fiercest bot ever!


Well, you still need to give our parts back.

I don't think so, human.

We'll see about that.

Time for some tricera-bot triple strength!

[Gasping] Whoa!


Try harder!

Ah! [Grunting]


[Grunting] I'm very disappointed

in you.I'm sorry.

[Spike straining]

Nice work, Spike.

Ah, it was nothing.

Just doing my job.

Knowing Frankie, we haven't seen the last of him...

or his little friend.


Ta-da! Our Frank-tastic headquarters.

[Thudding, splashing]

Ugh. I guess this is not as Frank-tastic as I hoped.

We really needed those parts, little brother,

and we could've gotten them, if you'd built a decent boat.

Too bad I don't have any of my super-cool vehicles here,

like Rusty and Ruby do.

Well, they won't have those super-cool vehicles for long,


we're taking them over!


Laugh with me.Oh.

[Both laughing]



When are Rusty and Ruby supposed to be back

from helping the O bros?

Uh, soon, I hope.

I'd love to fit in another game of boulder ball.

[Whispering] There's the vehicles.

Rusty and Ruby aren't here.

But Spike and Dak are.

Leave them to me.


Greetings, fellow bots.

It is I, your new leader, Frankosaurus.

Hey, aren't you the bot who tried to take our parts?

What? No, no, no.

That was... Eric.

That Eric is trouble. [Chuckling nervously]

Say, I hear you're a super-strong bot

and you're a fantastic flyer!

You know it!

I love to wing it!

Cool, cool-cool.

So, can I see

all the awesome stuff you guys can do?

Watch this!Sure.





Amazing! Bravo! Bravo!

[Engine starting]

Whoa. Whoa.


[Frankosaurus and Frankie laughing]





Ah! Ah!

Ah! Watch out!



That was close.

Those buggies look a lot like your buggies.

Those were our buggies!

[Frankosaurus and Frankie laughing]

Frankie and his mini-bot are going

to be a bigger problem than we thought.

[Both laughing]

VELOCITY: Dino speed!

Stop!Pull over!

Those buggies don't belong to you!

Ah! We have to shake them!

[Grunting, tires screeching]


FRANKOSAURUS: Oh! That raptor-bot thing

is unshakable!

But I have a plan!

Up we go, little bro!

We're heading right for a cliff!

Ah! Time to eject!

Push all the buttons, fast!


Prepare for buggy boarding.

RUSTY: Jump!

[Tires screeching]

Whew! That was close.

[Frankosaurus laughing]

What are Frankie and his robo-friend up to?


We will rule the island,

as soon as we stop being defeated by Rusty and Ruby.

They don't give up easily.

Wait. They aren't the problem.

That tricera-bot took all the parts away from us.

Then that raptor-bot stopped us

from taking the buggies.

We need to trap the bots.

Ooh. That won't be easy.

[Snarling] We're not giving up yet!

I shall be king, and this island will be mine,

all mine!


Ours. I said ours.

Now, let's figure out how to trap those robo-pests.




[Both laughing]


[Both laughing]

RUSTY: The buggies are fine.

RUBY: Phew!

We're really sorry. The little guy seemed so nice.

Yeah! And I did some awesome boulder balancing.

[Communicator beeping]You should have seen--

OZZIE'S VOICE: Rusty, it is Ozzie,

and I need your help!

OLIVER'S VOICE: Now, it is Oliver,

the other O brother.

We are in trouble!

My voice-change-inator is pretty sweet.

OLIVER'S VOICE: We are hanging off a ledge!

Come help!

And this is the real O brothers.

[Both imitating static]

We lost the signal.

We've got to find them. But where do we look?

We'll take Dak so we can get a bird's-eye view of the island.

I'll find them fast as lightning!

Time to wing it!


I sure hope they find Ollie and Ozzie.

[Static hissing]

RUSTY'S VOICE: Spike, help!This is Rusty,

and I am in trouble in the jungle.

RUBY'S VOICE: Velocity, help!

This is... uh... Ruby!

Yeah. Ruby.

I need your help up on the volcano. Hurry!

Oh, and this is definitely Ruby.

BOTH: Rusty and Ruby are in trouble!

I'll get Ruby!

Yeah, and I'll get Rusty.


Where are you?

FRANKOSAURUS: Look up, tricera-guy!


Wait! What are you doing up there?

Oh, I'm just rocking out!

[Chuckling] Good one.

But you won't get away with this.

Rusty and Ruby will stop you.

Not if I stop all of you first!

One down, two to go!



I'm stuck.

Ruby! Hang on! I'm coming!


I just saw Ruby.

She's that way.

Really? Are you sure?

No. She's a little to the left.

No. To the right.

[Snapping, screaming]

Sorry, Velocity,

but this is the only way Frankosaurus and I

can take over the island.

No way Rusty and Ruby

will let you take our island, Frankie.


There's gotta be some way out of this thing that I'm in

that I want out of.

Ooh! I know! Tail time!

[Whirring, slicing]

[Snapping]Whoa! [Grunting]

I'm okay!


Wait. No, I'm not.

I have a sinking feeling

that I'm sinking!



RUSTY: I don't see the O bros anywhere.



It's Oscar!

I mean, Ozzie!


RUBY: Found them.

They're... inside the volcano?

How did they get that lost?

I don't know, but we're going in.

Time to get extreme!


[Clanking, Dak grunting]

Oh. I did not know volcanos had cages inside them.

FRANKIE: That's because they don't.

[Both laughing]

Frankie, what are you doing?

Trapping all your bots.

Now, Dino Island is mine, all mine!



Wait. You mean ours, all ours, right?

Nope. I mean mine, all mine!

[Frankie screaming]

Hey! Bad Frankosaurus!

Very, very bad!

Just the way you made me.

And now, I'm king of the island!





[All yelping]

Not good!

That was not part of the plan!

We need a way out of this, fast.

ALL: Whoa!

RUBY: The cage is really heavy.

We have to get out before the chains break.

[Grunting] I can't get out!

But you can.

We can't leave you behind.

I know you'll find a way to save me.

Dak's right, but how do we get back up there?

[Tools whirring]

With an emergency booster rocket, of course.

Because you never know when you'll need a rocket.

Good idea!

Hang on, everyone.

Three. Two...




This is so awesome!

The cage was safer!

Hey, Rusty!

Ruby! Down here!

There's Velocity!

She's in trouble!

Yeah. I might have

kind of did that.

We'll come back and save you as soon as we can!

Uh, hey, guys?

Down here! Super-stuck!

Sit tight, Spike!

We'll be back!

This island is officially mine!

All hail King Frankosaurus!



Whoo-hoo! Yeah! [Laughing]

What? No!

You haven't seen the last of me!


We made it.

[Frankie grunting]

[Coughing] Oops.

All our bots are in trouble!

We need a bot who can get us back up there and save them all.

Yeah. But you're out of bots.

RUSTY AND RUBY: Not for long.

We need a robot that can get those boulders off Spike.

And pull Velocity out of quicksand.

And rescue Dak from the volcano.

Let's see.

Built it... Built it.

Built it... Ooh!

RUSTY: A stegosaurus! That can work.

It looks big and powerful.

And I know how we can use those back plates

to get to our friends fast.

Let's combine it.

And dino-design it.

We'll start with a super-big, super-strong robo body.

Then we'll add a modifier chip

to give our robo-stegosaurus a friendly, happy personality.

And back plates that can sh**t out and grab things

and help us climb fast.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.




Say hello to Stegobot.

Oh, please, call me Steggie.

[Laughing] Can you help us

rescue our friends, Steggie?

[Gasping] That sounds dino-tastic!

Oh! Let's go save them!


[Imitating fanfare]

Hey, wait for me!

Ah! Whoa!

We're off to save the day!


[Steggie imitating fanfare]


Hello, Rusty, Ruby, Frankie,

dino I don't know.

Spike, Steggie.

Steggie, Spike.

Nice to meet you, Spike.

Ah. That does not look comfy.

You want out of those boulders?

Oh, yeah. I think the best way to do it is to start with--



Launch back plates.

Pew, pew!

Never mind. That works.


Thanks, Steggie.

You rock at moving rocks.

[Laughing] You're welcome.

Now, let's go rescue Velocity before she sinks

all the way into that quicksand.

Pew, pew!


Good luck!

Hi, Velocity. I'm Steggie.

Nice to meet you.

You, too, Steggie.

Think you could give me a lift outta here?

Kinda, sorta extra-soon, as in right now?

Back plate time, Steggie.



Caught you. Now, it's time to reel you in.


Phew! Thanks so much, Steggie. [Sighing]

My pleasure. We'll chat more later, Velocity.

I hope Dak is okay.

Me, too. We need to get to the top of the volcano

as fast as we can.

The fastest way is straight up.

[Gulping] Straight up?

[Back plates firing]Whoa!

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!


This is so much fun!

[Steggie laughing]

For you, maybe.


Rusty is coming. Rusty is coming. Rusty is coming.

RUSTY: Ta-da!

What's up?

Rusty! Ruby! Frankie!

[Metal groaning]



And a shiny new robo-dino?

We'll explain later.

Right now, our friend Steggie

is going to help us get you out of there.

♪ Oh, yeah, alright, gonna free Dak with all my might ♪


We're almost there, Dak.


Oh, no! I'm at the end of my line!

I've got this.




We got you, buddy.

Alright, Steggie. Now!

Yay, Rusty!You did it!


[All cheering]

You saved Dak!

Thanks to Steggie.

Aw, shucks. It was nothing, Rusty.

Did you catch that little robot dino?

He's funny but kind of bad.

Eh, you don't have to worry about him anymore.

He's nothing without me.

It's getting late.

I should head back to Sparkton Hills.

Sorry again.

Frankie out.

We should get back, too.

Now, you'll have a chance to get to know Spike,

Dak, and Velocity better.

Come on, Steggie.

We'll show you how to play boulder ball.


See you guys later! [Laughing]

Bye, guys!

Have fun!

FRANKOSAURUS: Bye, little brother.

I won't miss you.

Let's see what kind of trouble

the bad-est, fiercest bot ever

can get up to!




I meant to do that.