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03x10 - Liam's Large Adventure/Rusty's Hike Hijinks

Posted: 11/22/23 12:47
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is a mobile thrill ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it, build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go ♪



Oh, man. [Sighing]

Heads up, Botarilla!



[Air squeaking]

That's all right.

We just need a Botarilla-sized ball.

[Chattering happily]

Remember our shrink ray? It not only shrinks things...

It can make little things big!

[Gasping] Wow!

[Grunting, laughing]

Whoa! That was awesome!

[Sighing] I wish I could get bigger.


[Car alarm blaring]

Wait. If this ray can make a ball big...

Maybe it can a Liam big, too!






I'm a big kid! A really big kid!

Now, I can go on the monkey bars!

Huh? Where'd the monkey bars go?

Oh! They got really small.

No, wait. I got really big!

That's okay, I can find lots more things for big kids to do.

Here comes Large Liam! Woo-hoo!

Well, that was unexpected.


The ray is hooked to Liam's backpack!

We have to get it back and make him normal-sized again.

Come on!

[Chuckling] Woo-hoo!

There's no way we can catch up to him on foot -

his steps are too big.

Good thing we've got wheels. Let's bolt.

[Wheels screeching]

[Liam singing]

[Liam scatting]

Liam, wait!

We're so small to him, he can't hear us.

No problem.

We'll go fishing... for shrink rays.




Huh? Wait. What?



Launching grappling hook!

[Whirring, rope bouncing]

BOTH: Uh-oh.




Whoa! Whoa!

Large Liam is on the loose!

Woo-hoo! Ooh!

Giant ice cream.

RUSTY: Whoa! Ahh!

Nice landing.

Thanks. Let's bolt... again.

[Giggling] A big ice cream for a big boy!

Blech! Metal flavor.

Oh! I wanna play leap-car.


[Car alarm blaring]


[Car alarms blaring]

[Car alarms blaring]

We need him to stay still so we can get the ray.

We need to trap him somehow.

Oh! I know how-- suction cup launchers!



Hey, Liam!

Liam! Down here!

Ooh! Rusty and Ruby! Hey, guys.

I think there's real ice cream around that corner.


Ice cream!

Fire suction cups!

Hey! There's no ice cream here.

This place is a time-out.

Ooh! A hurdle! Fun! I'm gonna jump it!

Wait. What? No!


BOTH: Whoa!

[Giggling] That was fun.

Now, what can I do? [Gasping]

Ooh! I'm gonna climb that hill!


[Chuckling] Woo-hoo!

That's not a hill. It's a mountain.

We can't drive all the way to the top of Planner's Peak.

We need help from someone who's great at climbing.

Botarilla, we need you.



Let's roll!




Cool! I can see the whole town!

Hi, house!

[Giggling] Hey, that tickles.

Stop that, pants!


BOTH: Whoa!

Phew! That's better.


Monkey bars that are Large Liam size!


What? Liam, no!

He's gonna play on the train bridge like it's monkey bars.

But the train bridge is way too dangerous to play on!

[Rusty gasping]

Especially when there's a train coming!

We've gotta stop him and fast!


We have to stop Liam before the train reaches the bridge

or he'll get hurt!

Yeah! RUSTY: Liam!

Woo-hoo! RUBY: Liam!

Liam! Liam, come back!

He can't hear us and the train's getting closer.

[Train whistle blowing]

Whoa. These monkey bars are really far up.

But I can do it. I'm a big kid now.

I'm Large Liam!




He's stuck and he broke the track.

We need to save Liam and fix the bridge

before the train derails.

But how?


Oh, yeah. Botarilla's the best climber and swinger we know.

And we can make him extra good at it.

Let's combine it...

And design it.

We'll start with Botarilla.

Then, give him a robo claw to help fix the bridge.

And grabby hands, so he can grab onto the bridge.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.

Time to go mobile.




The Super Swingarilla !


[Train whistle blowing]

[Gasping] The train's almost here.

[Train whistle blowing]

This isn't fun anymore!

We're coming, Liam! Hold on!


Oh, hi, guys. Help!

Liam, we'll grab you and lower you down.

What? You mean I have to let go?

You can do it, Liam.

You're in good hands.

Nice one!

Now, let go of the bridge,

so the Super Swingarilla will get you back on the ground.

Okay, but I'm closing my eyes.




Liam's safe, but now, we've gotta fix the track.

[Train whistle blowing]

Let's give the track a hand, Botarilla.


And push!


RUSTY: Woo-hoo! We did it!

RUBY: Great job.

Ah, Rusty, Ruby, Botarilla, thank you.

RUBY: All in a day's work.

I don't want to be big anymore.

It was big trouble. Can you change me back? Please?

That's what we've been trying to do the whole time.

Oh. Oops. [Giggling]

, , ! Ready or not, here I come!

[Botarilla chuckling]

Found you!

And you!

But where's Liam?

[Laughing] Surprise!

Liam, good hiding spot.

I guess it's not so bad being small after all.

[All laughing]

All right, we're ready for our hike.

Woo-hoo! I'm finally getting my bird badge.

It's the last badge on my Science Scout sash.

I was sick the day my old troop

went on their bird badge hike when I was a kid.

We're excited to hear the scrub jay special song, Mom.

Oh, it's amazing. It goes like this...

[Cawing musically]

Well, not exactly like that.

[Musical horn sounding]

Hi, all.

I'm here with the forest map you asked for, Mrs. Rivets.

Just have to find it.

A-ha! Here it is.

This map shows the path to the scrub jay tree.

I'll meet you there.

The truck needs a tune up and a wash first.

Can we help with your truck?

You know the Science Scout motto...

BOTH: A Science Scout always helps out.

No thanks. The elephants are going to help.

They like to wash the truck with their trunks.

See ya soon! Scout handshake.

BOTH: Science Scouts over and out.

Ooh! And don't forget,

the scrub jays fly south tonight after it gets dark.

No problem. We have plenty of time.

[Musical horn sounding]

Okay, time to bolt.

I mean, time to hike.

♪ Science, we love to scout it out ♪

♪ Science, it why the flowers sprout ♪

[Animal squeaking]♪ Science, it makes us-- ♪


[Animal squeaking]

Do you hear that? There's an animal in trouble.

[Animal squeaking]

Follow me.

[Gasping] It's a baby possum.


And he's stuck!

I know just what to do.

I earned my possum protector badge.

When a possum is stuck in a tight spot,

remember-- in, thin and spin.

Huh?Do what now?

Pull your arms in,

stretch out long and thin, and spin, spin, spin.

Come on, kids, show him how it's done.

In, thin, spin, spin, spin.


RUSTY: Woo-hoo!MRS. RIVETS: All right!


Aww. But look at him.

He's still sad. What's wrong?


MRS. RIVETS: You got stuck in the log

and it rolled away,

and you don't know where your family is.

I also got my possum as a second language badge.

So, how can we find the possum's family?

With your goggles.

I'll program them to detect possums.

Thanks, Rusty. Possum vision activate.

The possums are over there.

This mission just went from impossible

to 'possumable'!



[All squeaking]

We did it!

But helping the possum took a lot of time.

We're way behind schedule.

We need a shortcut to make sure

we can get to the scrub jays before dark.

Ooh, this way looks much shorter.

Why didn't we go this way to begin with?

Follow me.

We're making great time now.


MRS. RIVETS: Wait a minute.

This cliff wasn't on the map.

Too bad we can't fly.

Maybe we can with glider wings.

That's my boy!

Time to get some Bits on the fix.

Whirly, we need parts to make water wings.

All right!


Thanks, Whirly.


Let's make something great.

All right, time to glide.

Oh, I'm so excited to jump off a cliff again.

BOTH: Again?

Adventure badge.

Cliff diving.

Let's go!


RUSTY: Woo-hoo!

RUBY: Whoo! Yeah!

This is the best hike I've ever been on!

[Gasping] Look out!



We did it! And we made up some time.

Bird badge, here I come.

We're so close.

The scrub jays live just past those trees.


Let's go!


That path looks very muddy. Let me test it out.

Whoa. That is some deep mud.

It's super rare, extra sticky, mega mud.

Never seen it in the wild before.

Mud master badge.

That's no way we can walk through that.

But this is the only way to the birds' tree!

I'm gonna miss the scrub jay song again,

just like when I was a kid.

No, Mom. We're gonna figure this out.

You're right, Rusty.

A Science Scout never gives up!

We'll find a way over this mud.

But it's getting dark,

so we need to do it fast.


How can we get over this mud?

Hmm... Vehicles with big wheels can get over mud.

The Mobile Rivet Lab might work.

It has huge wheels.

Nope. It won't fit through those trees up ahead.

We need something smaller.

I know! We can use the lab to build an all-terrain vehicle--

an ATV.

Yeah! They're small and they have big wheels

that can go over anything.

And we'll add rockets to help power us over the mud.

Rockets?! I like the way you think, honey.

Thanks, Mom. Let's combine it...

And design it.

First, we need a motor and a car frame.

Then, we'll add giant all-terrain wheels.

And finally, rockets,

so we can speed over the mud and get to the tree super fast.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.

Time to go mobile.




The ATV Mud Mobile.

Let's get muddy!

[Engine revving]

I love this! Woo-hoo!

Show this mud puddle who's boss!

Whoa! Watch out for rocks.

On it.

[Musical horn sounding]

Hey, guys!


I caught up to you. Truck looks nice and clean, huh?

Ranger Anna, watch out. Don't get stuck.

Ah, don't worry, Rusty.

This truck can drive over anything.

Except this mud.

Don't worry. We'll get you out.

No. Go on without me.

I don't want Mrs. Rivets to miss seeing the birds

and getting her badge.

Nonsense. A Science Scout always helps out.

The ATV has a tow rope.

We can attach it to Ranger Anna's truck,

then pull it out.

You kids thought of everything!


Hold on! Here we go!

We need more power.

Allow me, Rusty.


We are go for rocket boosters!

RUSTY: We have liftoff!

MRS. RIVETS: Anna, is there a badge for this?

ANNA: We'll have to come up with a new one!

MRS. RIVETS: Woo-hoo!

RUSTY: We made it!


The birds are just about to sing.


[Chirping musically]

[Chirping musically]

[Chirping musically]

[Chirping musically]

And I finally get to hear it!

Mrs. Rivets, as the official scout master of Sparkton Hills,

I honor you with the bird badge.

[Chirping musically]

Scout handshake!

BOTH: Science Scouts over and out!

[Clearing throat]

I want to think Anna and Rusty and Ruby

for always believing in me.

And I proclaim you honorary Science Scouts.


Here are your bird badges,

and adventure badges for flying down the cliff,

and possum protector badges for helping the possum,

the helpful helper badge, the mud master badge,

the rescue arranger badge...