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03x08 - Liam's Caterpillar Calamity/Rusty's Birthday Round-Up

Posted: 11/22/23 12:44
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is a mobile thrill ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it, build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go ♪

I love my new out-of-this-world alien kite.

Check it out, Ralph.

And I love my robotic kite-flying program.

And I love the TurboKite .

Flying kites is so-- Whoa!

Whoa, whoa. Whoa!

Whoa! Whoa, kite! Whoa!

[Grunting, shouting]



I never thought I'd say this,

but that was too much turbo.



Hey, look.

A coconut.

It must have floated all the way here

from the jungle.

[Gasping] And it came with a friend.

A wiggly, squiggly, little caterpillar friend.


It's okay. We come in peace.

That's what you say to aliens,

and hopefully caterpillars, too.





I sneeze when things tickle my nose.

It's a Liam thing. You need a name.

I'll call you--



I'm Liam, your new best friend.

Don't tell Ralph.

Let's see what kind of caterpillar Wiggles is.

Oh. Wiggles is a rainbow-spotted caterpillar.

Rainbow-spotted caterpillars crawl to the top of

the tallest tree in the jungle,

the bui-bui tree.

The pollen from the tree's flowers

makes their cocoons open,

but it only happens one day a year.

[Gasping] Today.


We need to get Wiggles on top of that tree, fast,

or he won't hatch into a butterfly.

We can take the mobile rivet lab.

Time for a jungle adventure.


There. A carrier for our pal, Wiggles.

And a banana, in case he gets hungry.

Wow! See? I told you Rusty and Ruby were amazing.



All right. Let's head to the bui-bui tree,

and Wiggles can become a butterfly.



RUBY: The tree should be around here somewhere.


How's Wiggles doing?

I think he wants to take a nap.

He keeps yawning,

and he made himself a little blanket.

Oh, that's not a blanket. It's a cocoon.

Wiggles has started cocooning himself

so he can turn into a butterfly.

But he'll only turn into a butterfly

if he's on the bui-bui tree.

Which tree is it? They're all really tall.

RUBY: It's that one.

Whoa. It's really, really, really tall.

It's important to stretch after long drives, Wiggles.

Stretch with me.



[Needle scratching on record]

Hey, that's my friend! You put him back.


Be careful, monkeys.

Why do the monkeys want Wiggles?

They don't want Wiggles.

They want the banana.

No! My best friend in the entire world is in there.

Seriously. Don't tell Ralph.




Oh, no.

We need to save Wiggles.

But how? The monkeys are really far up.

[Gasping] I know.

We'll make stilts.

Don't worry, Wiggles. Rusty and Ruby will save you.


Yes, we will.

With our robo-stilts.

Woo-hoo! Yeah.All right.


Gotcha. Woo--




Oh, man.


Think you can lose me? We'll see about that.

Going up.


Don't gotcha.



Thank you.




Oh, I missed you so much, Wiggles.

I promise to never let a group of hungry monkeys

steal you again.



Look. Wiggles is almost totally cocooned,

and he's getting sleepier.

We have to get him to the bui-bui tree, fast.

We saw it when we were up there. It's that way. Let's bolt.

Ruby, do you think our robo-stilts

will reach the top of the bui-bui tree?

Yeah. It didn't look that tall.

ALL: Whoa.

RUSTY: Uh, Ruby?

I was wrong.

It might be the tallest thing ever.

Yeah. Our stilts aren't going to work.


The sun is setting soon.

And Wiggles is totally cocooned.

If we don't get Wiggles to the top of this tree, fast,

he'll never turn into a butterfly.

RUBY: There must be a way to get Wiggles

to the top of the bui-bui tree in time for him to hatch.

We'll get you there, Wiggles, so you can spread your new wings

and fly with your butterfly buddies.

That's it.

If we had wings like a butterfly...

...we could fly to the top of the bui-bui tree.

Let's combine it...

...and design it.

First, we'll make giant mechanical butterfly wings.

Then add antennae for GPS guidance.

And a pouch to carry the terrarium in.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.




Presenting the ButterFlutter .

You ready to fly?

Yeah-huh! Yeah-huh!

We are go for fluttering.


Awesome. Woo-hoo! Whoa.



Are you all right?

Those butterflies make this look easy.

Okay, Wiggles.

Ready to go to the top of the bui-bui tree?

Uh-huh, uh-huh. Okay.

He says yes.

We'd better hurry.

The sun is setting.

[Monkeys gibbering]



Uh-oh. We've got company.

Hungry monkeys.

Time for some fancy fluttering.

Follow me.

Woo-hoo! Yeah.


Oh, wow.

Liam, what are you doing?


I know how to make the monkeys stop chasing us.

Snack time, monkeys.



Way to go, Liam.

Come on. We've got to hurry.

Wow. Look at all the cocoons.

RUSTY: They're almost ready to hatch.

Oh, Wiggles.

It feels like just this morning,

you were a little caterpillar washed up on the beach.

How time flies.

Oh, look!

It's the pollen that makes the cocoons--



Activating GPS guidance.

I'm logged on to Wiggles.



Wiggles is back.

He did it. Yay!

Thank you, Rusty.

And now, Wiggles gets wings.



[Gasping] You're beautiful.

Wow.That's so neat.

Let's fly with Wiggles.

Let's do it.Yeah!

[All cheering]

[Birds chirping]

Yee-haw! Howdy.

Happy birthday, Cowboy Liam.

Thanks, partners. Come on in. The party is about to start.


[Clearing throat]

Liam is going to love this.

It's the best birthday present in the world

because it's from Frankie the Kid.


Yes, yes. It's from you, too.

Hi, Frankford.

Hi, Frankie.


Whoa! A robotic pony? Awesome.

I mean, I've seen a million of those.

It's our present for Liam. We made it.


He's always wanted a pony.

See you inside, Frankie.

Ugh. Next to a giant robotic pony,

our present is going to look lousy.

Unless Liam never sees their present.


Ready, partner?

Ready. Ooh, hang on.

Your hat is a little crooked.

Yee-haw! Giddyap, horsey.


Frankie, that Robo-Pony is for Liam.

Not anymore. You'll never catch Frankie the Kid.


We've got to get that horse back.

Yeah. Before Liam blows out his candles

and starts opening gifts.

They're heading downtown,

but the signal is zigzagging all over and going really fast.

[Tires squealing]

We can go fast, too.

Let's head them off at the pass and hit that pony's off switch.

Let's bolt, partner.

Okay, Rusty.

They're coming to an intersection.

The pony should be to your right.

RUSTY: Whoa. They're going super fast.

He must have put Robo-Pony into overdrive.

Then we'll go into over-overdrive.

[Tires squealing]

BOTH: Woo-hoo!

I'll get us beside them.

Then, you push Robo-Pony's off switch.

You got it.


Oh, hi, Rusty. Hi, Ruby.

Rusty and Ruby?

Time to turn off your horsepower.

Oh, no, you don't. [Cackling]

Oh, no.

[Brakes squealing]


[Car alarm blaring]

RUSTY: Sorry.

[Objects clattering]

He's jumping around too much.

You'll never catch Frankie the Kid.


We need a new plan, fast.

Instead of trying to turn off Robo-Pony,

maybe we could herd him back towards Liam's party,

cowboy style.

Yeah, and then catch him.

We just need some help from the Mobile Rivet Lab.

[In Southern accent] Time to rassle up a Robo-Pony.


RUBY: Frankie should be coming into view... now.

Giddyap, horsey.



Activating pony herder.




Hey! Watch where you're putting those things.

I'm trying to escape here.

RUBY: Get along, little Frankie.

Oh. I get it.

They're steering us back to Liam's party.

You can't trick Frankie the Kid.



Okay, Frankie.

Hand over our present for Liam.

So you can make my present look bad?

No way. Besides, Frankie the Kid

is having a rootin'-tootin' good time.

Ooh. What's this button do?

Wait. Don't press that.

That's the super-jump button.

Woo-hoo! Yeah.

I love that button. Yee-haw!

Looks like this is my Robo-Pony now,

and it's not even my birthday.

RUSTY: Frankie!

You'll never catch me. Yee-haw.

That's the road heading out of Sparkton Hills.

We need to get Liam's pony back

before Frankie leaves town.


[Robo-Pony whinnying]

RUSTY: It's almost time for Liam to blow out his candles.

He'll be opening his presents any minute.

Yeah. Everyone is at the party now.

Even Botasaur. He loves playing cowboy.


That's it. To catch a runaway horse,

we need someone tough, fast and brave,

like a cow-bot.

Yeah. Botasaur is super fast and strong.

All we have to do is give him a little cowboy style.

Hey, Botasaur, can you come to the recycling yard? We need you.


Hi, buddy.

Want to help us get back Liam's birthday present?


Let's combine it...

...and design it.

We'll start with Botasaur.

Then add robo-boots with rocket-powered spurs

to keep up with the pony.

And finally, an energy lasso,

so he can catch the fast-moving Robo-Pony.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.




The Cow-Bot .


[Tablet chiming]

Frankie just left town, and he's moving fast.

Okay, Botasaur. Let's ride.


RUBY: There he goes.



Frankie, stop.

That Robo-Pony is not yours. It's Liam's.

Finders, keepers. See you. We've got a train to catch.


[Train whistle blowing]

Giddyap, horsey.

RUBY: If Frankie jumps on board, there's no way we'll catch him.

He'll get away for sure.

Time to do some roping and twirling.

One big leap and we're in.



You did it, Botasaur.

You saved Liam's present.

[Frankie cackling]

That's what you think.

Pressing all the buttons at once isn't working.

Make it stop!



Activating rocket spurs.




Frankie is heading towards the canyon. He could fall in.


I'll have you rescued in a jiffy, partner.

Make room for me.



Day saved. Yee-haw!

[Electricity zapping]

[Unenthusiastically] Yee-haw.

I think you must have overloaded the circuit, but I can fix it.

Great job, Rusty.

Now Liam will get his present back.

Why would you even rustle

someone else's Robo-Pony, Frankie?

Especially when you knew it was for Liam's birthday.

Well, uh, because your present

was way better than mine. I'm sorry.

I'm sure Liam will like your gift, too.

Let's get to that party, pronto.

Frankie, want to come with us?

Sure. Thanks. And no more robotic pony rustling.

I promise.

LIAM: Yee-haw. I love my Robo-Pony.

It's the best Robo-Pony I've ever gotten.

No, wait. It's the only one. Thanks, Rusty and Ruby.

We're mighty glad you liked it.

Frankie, don't you have a present for Liam?

Oh, yeah. It's not big or fancy like a Robo-Pony,

but I hope you like it.


Like it? I love it!

'Cause now, I'm Sheriff Liam.


And now, Sheriff Liam declares more partying!


[All laughing, cheering]