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03x04 - Frankie's Super Shoes/Rusty's Rapid Ralph Return

Posted: 11/22/23 12:39
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is a mobile thrill ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it, build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go ♪

[Whistle blast sounding]


[Air horn blaring]


[Whistle blast sounding]

All right!

Nice shot, Rusty.

[Grunting, cheering]

[Air horn blaring]

[Both laughing]

Botarilla sure does love basketball.

[Whistle blast sounding]

We're only down by one basket.

We can still win.

Pass, Frankie!

No. To me.


Coming through.

RUSTY: Whoa.

You can't beat my fritz-tastic moves. Whoa!



Hurry, Ruby.

[Whistle blast sounding, cheering]

No fair! I mean, time out.

I need to, uh, tie my shoes.



These super shoes will make me unstoppable.

Game on.

[Whistle blast sounding]


Let's go.

I've got it.



[Frankie laughing]

You've been Fritzed.

[Whistle blast sounding, cheering]

[Both sighing]

♪ Oh, yeah everybody do the Fritz ♪

♪ Uh-huh, oh, yeah ♪

[Frankie cackling]

♪ Oh, yeah, mmm-mmm-mmm ♪

Hey! He's wearing different shoes,

with boosters so he can run super fast.

RUSTY: And turbocharged springs so he can bounce.

Looks like Team Bluesers are going to be Team Losers.

No one can beat dunk maestro Frankie.



Uh-oh. Whoa!

Sit! Stay! Ahh!




Time to go mobile.

[Device chiming]

I've got a lock on Frankie's location.

Whoa-ho! He's going super fast.

And right toward us.

[Brakes squealing]

How do I stop these things?



We need to build a Frankie catcher.

These could be the frames.

And these pillows can be the Frankie-stopping part.

The Frankie catcher is ready to catch a Frankie.

RUBY: And just in time. He's headed back this way.

He should be here in three, two, one.

Ugh. Yes!

Quick! Grab those shoes.





Why did I have to make them fly?


[Alarm blaring]

Uh-oh. He's headed for the zoo.

[Monkeys gibbering]

How are you today, my furry friends?

Ranger Anna, have you seen Frankie?

No. Not today.

[Frankie screaming]

Now I have.






Oh, no. Please tell me you didn't push any shoe buttons.



Oh, no. Now he's going even faster.

We're coming, Frankie.


Good seeing you all.


[Frankie screaming, both gasping]


RUBY: He's going right up into the sky.

Now what?

Inside of trying to catch him,

we need something that can pull the shoes off him.

Yeah. Let's get some Bits on the fix.

Whirly, we need you. And bring a vacuum.

[Speaking gibberish]


Now, let's add a little more power.

Whirly is now the Whirly-Vac.


Go get him, Whirly-Vac.


[Frankie screaming]

Let's go.


Oh. Hi, Whirly.

[Speaking gibberish]

Okay. I'm going to keep yelling now.


[Speaking gibberish]

[Vacuum cleaner whooshing]

[Both screaming]


You turn off the vac. I'll grab Whirly.



On it.

All right, Ruby.



Got it.


RUBY: He's headed downtown.

The vacuum Fritzed out his shoes even more.

Now they're running, flying and bouncing all at once.

We've got to stop him before he crashes.


[Car alarm blaring]


RUSTY: Sorry.


[Car alarm blaring]

[Seagulls squawking]

We need something that can keep up with

super powerful basketball shoes.

Yeah. Something that can run fast,

fly and bounce.


[Gasping] Botarilla loves to bounce.

And he loves basketball.

Botarilla, we need you!

Oh, yeah.

[Grunting, laughing]

Hey, big guy,

can you help us save Frankie?


All right. Let's combine it...

...and design it.

We'll start with Botarilla.

Then add powerful pistons to his feet

so he can bounce and run super fast.

And finally, turbo rockets

for high flying and dunking action.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.





BOTH: ...Basketbot.


Now, let's play ball.



Okay, Basketbot.

Ready for some one-on-one with Frankie?


Come on. You can do it.

Get his shoes.


Good job, Basketbot.

You'll never get them off.


Time to bring the house down, Basketbot.





[Speaking gibberish]

Ooh, yeah!

Oh, yeah, Rusty.

Oh, yeah.

Thanks, guys.

Those were some pretty sweet moves.

And I guess maybe I shouldn't have cheated.


We're glad you're all right.

Yeah. You want to finish our game now?

Definitely. Only this time, with my normal shoes.

[Crowd cheering]

[Whistle blast sounding]

CROWD: Five, four, three, two--

[Buzzer blaring]

[Cheering, whistle blast sounding]

Great game, you two. You deserved to win.

Thanks, Frankie.


Okay, Basketbot. Now it's your turn to play.

Whoa. Can he be on my team next time?

[Both giggling]

[Kids cheering]

This is fun!

Yeah, but I'm sure Liam is having even more fun right now.

As in Planet Fun.

Yeah. He's so lucky.

It's the most amazing amusement park in the world.

It's so far away,

you have to take an airplane to get there.

But it's worth it.


Planet Fun.

I wonder if Liam is on the plane yet.[Beeping]

I can't get on the plane!

I guess that answers that question.

What? Why not?

I forgot Ralph, and we can't get him or we'll miss our flight.

I can't ride rides without Ralph.

I can't even sleep without him.

My first vacation is ruined!

Don't worry, Liam. We'll bring Ralph to you.

Really? Thank you so much.

I left him in my front yard.

LIAM'S FATHER: Our plane is next, Liam.

But you have to hurry. We're leaving soon.

Then we'll just have to get Ralph to you super fast...

In a race car.

We'll be there with Ralph in a flash.

You guys are the best.

Come on, Ruby.

Time to bolt.

[Engine revving, tires squealing]

RUBY: Come on, Ralph.

Liam is going to be so happy to see you, Ralph.

We should be able to get to the airport in time, no problem.

[Car horns honking]Oh.

This could be a problem.

Okay. You go now. No. You.

[Whistle blast sounding]

No, not you. The other you.

Oh, this is going to be a long day.

This is the only way to get to the airport,

but how do we get through this traffic?

[Car horns honking]

[Whistle blast sounding] Come on, Emily.

RUSTY: We could borrow Emily's scooter.

It's skinny enough to go between the cars.

But not fast enough to get us to the airport in time.

We need a skinny race car.

Let's make something great.

All finished.

Time for scooter mode.

Next stop, the airport, for a rapid Ralph return.

RUBY: Hi, Teacher Betty. Beautiful day, isn't it?



Is that a car or a scooter?



Thanks, Officer Carl.

Hello, Mr. Higgins.

Nice day for a scooter-car drive.

RUSTY: Hi, Mom. Don't worry. I'll be home in time for dinner.

[Engine revving, tires squealing]

Hi, Liam.

We're on our way, and we have Ralph.

Yeah. Woo-hoo! Ralph...

...sorry I left you.

AIRPORT ANNOUNCER: Flight to Planet Fun now boarding.

You guys have to hurry. We're getting on the plane right now.

Don't worry. We're very close.

See you soon.

[Crossing bell dinging]

Oh, no. Look.

The drawbridge is up.

[Brakes squealing]

[Foghorn blaring]

RUSTY: We can't wait until it goes back down.

Liam's plane is about to take off.

Then we'll have to find another way across.

Hmm. Hmm.

That way.

RUSTY: Oh. Off-roading. I like it.

RUBY: There's a narrow spot in the river just ahead.

I see it. Engaging rocket.

Hold on. We're going airborne.


Perfect landing.

Ah, I love rockets.

We're almost at the airport.

Yes. Did you hear that, Ralph?

We're going to make it to Liam in time.

That's Ralph's excited face. I'll tell Liam the good news.

Liam? We're almost there, with Ralph.

Normally I would say "woo-hoo," but you're too late.

I'm on my way to Planet Fun without Ralph,

which means Planet No-Fun.

[Engine revving]

LIAM: Ralph!

Oh, no.

How do we get Ralph back to Liam now?

LIAM: Rusty!

We have to find a way to get Ralph to Liam,

or his vacation to Planet Fun will be ruined.

Yeah. He won't have any fun on those rides

without Ralph by his side.

He won't even be able to sleep at night.

There has to be a way.

We made a lot of things that fly,

but nothing that can catch up to Liam's plane.

Not yet. Let's combine it...

...and design it.

We'll start with a super sleek jet body.

Then we'll add mega-powered jet engines

so we can fly at supersonic speed.

And finally, precision wings,

for maximum maneuverability.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.

Time to go mobile.




The SuperJet .

The fastest plane we've ever built.

Let's get Ralph to Liam, super fast.

Ready for takeoff.

RUSTY: Time to jet...

[Shouting in panic]


I can't see a thing.

Taking us above the clouds.

RUSTY: Hold on.

Giant mountain!

RUSTY: On it.

BOTH: Woo-hoo!

That's some fancy flying, Rusty.

The SuperJet is awesome.

We're doing it.

We've almost caught up to Liam's plane.

I see it.


That bird looks just like Rusty and Ruby.

Wait. That isRusty and Ruby.

And they have Ralph!

We caught up to him.


Oh, no.

Ralph, no!

Flap your arms really fast. Flap your arms like this!

Oh, no. It is going to be Planet No-Fun for Liam.

Not on our watch.

Locking on to Ralph. Got him.

We are a go for dropping dino rescue.

Hold on. We're doing down, SuperJet style.

We've got this. Unless we crash first,

which we'll do in six, five...


...three, two...

BOTH: Yes!

They did it! They saved Ralph.

RUSTY & RUBY: Planet Fun.


[Voicing Ralph] Hiya, Liam.


We promised we'd bring him to you.

Thanks, guys. You're the best.

Ralph, sorry I left you.

Do you forgive me?

[Voicing Ralph] Okay.

He forgives me.

I thought my vacation was ruined because you weren't here.

But thanks to Rusty and Ruby, we're going to have so much fun

at Planet Fun.

I've always wanted to go there.

It looks so, well, fun.

RUSTY: It sure does.

Hey. I have an idea.

Since you're already here,

why don't you come to Planet Fun with me and Ralph?

Would that be okay, Mom and Dad?

Of course. We'd love to have Rusty and Ruby.

Yes! What do you say?

I say... I'm gonna have to call my mom

and tell her I'll be late for dinner, 'cause...

ALL: ...we're going to Planet Fun!

[Shutter clicking]