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03x01 - Rusty's Dino Island

Posted: 11/22/23 12:36
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Rusty Rivets' back with some dino thrills ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go, go, dino

♪ Rusty Rivets: Dino Island

RUSTY: Woo-hoo!


[Both whooping]

RUSTY: Awesome!

The new turbo engine we built for the Rivet Shark

is working great. Yeah!

We've never been this far out in the ocean before.

Let's try a leap!

With a flip! Cool!

Leaping flip!


RUBY: Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!

RUSTY: This is awesome!

Now, let's see just how fast our new engine can go.

Turbo time!

[Engine whirring]

BOTH: Whoa!

It goes very, very, very fast!

[Alarm sounding]Uh-oh.

[Alarm continuing]

Whoa. Where are we?


RUBY: And what is that?

Let's check it out. Going up.

It's fog.

RUBY: Whoa. It's really thick.

RUSTY: Yeah. Let's get out of here before it...

[Alarm sounding]Does that.

RUBY: The instruments aren't working.

I can't tell which way is home.

I think it's... this way.


That's beautiful!

Beautiful and strange.

It's not showing up on our radar.

It's not on any maps either. What is that place?

Wanna find out?

I was hoping you'd say that.

Full shark ahead!

I love this island already!

Look! It has parts on it!

They must have fallen off passing ships

and washed onto the beach.

Whoa! There's a hydraulic piston in here!

[Items clattering]Ooh! And a flux carburetor!

There's still an entire island to explore, too, Rusty.

Oh. Yeah. Let's go.

We'll be back, parts!


Whoa! Look how big the plants are in this jungle!


[Animal noises sounding]



This island is amazing. And just think,

we might be the first people ever to set foot here.

Or not.

Is this an electric guitar?


Look at all this stuff-- tools, food, camping gear.

And chests full of crystals.

Even the rocks on this island are awesome!


It looks like someone is cooking with... lava?

Hello? Is anyone here?



What's that?



Oh, it's just a pterodactyl flying past the volcano.





Did you...?Was that...?


Best island ever!


RUBY: It has a baby!

Aww, baby pterodactyl!

So cute!

Wait, there's something else up there on the volcano!


It's two people hanging off a cliff!


BOTH: Whoa!



The mama pterodactyl is just trying to protect her baby.

Come on!

This is another fine mess you got us into, Ozzie!

Don't worry!

We're coming to help you!

Ooh! People! Hello, people! Wah!


No waving while dangling from the cliff, Ozzie. No waving!

We can get you down! Hang on!

Oh, we're hanging on, that's for sure!


Shoo, birdie!


BOTH: Whoa!

One zip line coming up!


Zip line down!

I love zip lines!



Thanks so much for saving us.

I'm Oliver. This is my brother Ozzie.



BOTH: ...the O Bros!

♪ Whoa, it's the O Bros, yo ♪

♪ O Bros, O Bros, let's go!

♪ O Bros, here we go, yo, yo

♪ Whoa, it's the O--

The O Bros.

I'm Rusty.

And I'm Ruby.

We don't have a chant.

It's great to meet you.

So, why are you way out here on this island?

I'm a geologist-- I study rocks.

There are a lot of awesome rocks here, and I love rocks!

See? Rocks.

And I am a paleontologist. I study dinosaurs!

And this is the perfect place for that--

it's full of real dinosaurs,

like those amazing pterodactyls!

We were trying to shoo them away, but it didn't work.

It is a very hard to shoo a pterodactyl.

Why were you trying to make them leave their nest?

We were trying to save them

because the volcano is about to erupt!

I think the volcano is erupting...

[Rumbling, booming]

...right now!

[Both gasping]

[Rumbling, booming]

Phew! It stopped.

That wasn't so bad.

That was just a little rumble, not the big eruption.

Volcanos-- you never know when they're gonna erupt.

[expl*si*n booming]


OZZIE: See what I mean?



Look out!Fly away!



I don't think the baby pterodactyl can fly yet!


Then, we have to stop that lava before it reaches their nest!

If that lava goes down any further,

those poor pterodactyls are gonna be in trouble!

Ozzie, calm down.

Here, have some water.

[Gulping] Phew!

That cooled me off.

That's it! Ozzie, you're a genius!

Yee! I knew it! See, Ollie? I'm a genius.

What'd I do?

Water cools hot things off, like lava.

And I know a place where we can get a lot of water-- the beach!

Hold on, pterodactyls!


We'll be right back!

RUBY: To the lagoon!



Cool! A water t*nk!

RUBY: And a nozzle. Perfect.

Huh. WE thought all this stuff was junk.

It's not junk.

It's just a super cool invention that hasn't been invented yet.

Let's make something great!

Ooh, catchy line. I like that.

The lava blaster water cannon!

That looks awesome!

You really did make something great!

And I like what you've done with your clothes, too--

very adventure-y.

[Chuckling] Thanks.

There's no time to waste.

We have to save the pterodactyls from the volcano!


A little left.

Up a little.

The lava's almost to the nest! Ahh! I can't watch!

Me neither!

RUBY: Locked on, Rusty.

Ready? Squirt!



Yeah! Whoo!

The pterodactyls are safe for now.

Oh! Maybe we can cool the whole volcano down, too.

Good idea.

[Rumbling, booming]

I don't think it's working!

Nope. It's too big to cool down.

The lava's still rising.



Oh, no!

The pterodactyls are safe under the ledge.


OLIVER: The rumbling is scaring the raptors.

OZZIE: And that one has a barrel on his head!

We have to catch him, so he doesn't hurt himself.



Can we borrow your giant net,

so we can build a net launcher to catch the raptor?


Let's do this!

[Rumbling, booming]

A spring-loaded mega net.


OLIVER: Look! He stopped.

Hurry, before he starts to run again!



RUBY: Oh! I missed!

[Crashing sounds]

It's okay, Ruby. You got this.

Aww, man...

[Crashing sounds]

RUSTY: He's heading into the jungle!


And he's headed straight for the cliff!

Come on! We've gotta hurry!


We can hook the net to those trees way over there!

I'm on it.

Hurry, Ozzie!


I don't know why I'm so tired.

Have you checked your pockets?

Oh, yeah! Rocks!

I'll come back for you later, my gem!

Hurry, Ruby!

He's almost at the cliff!

I only have one shot at this.



There we go.




[Chuckling] Good boy

ALL: Yeah!

We did it!

Phew! That was close.

Yeah! You saved the dinosaur. Everything's gonna be okay now.

[expl*si*n booming]ALL: Whoa!

Except the giant volcano is about to erupt!


The lava is rising higher and higher!

Oh, no! This eruption is even bigger than I thought!

It could destroy the entire island!

[expl*si*n booming, rumbling]


ALL: Whoa!

Phew! It stopped.

But the rumbles are getting bigger,

which means the big eruption is getting closer!

There must be a way to stop a volcano from erupting.

Hmm. Oh! Maybe we need something to plug the volcano up!

Yeah, like...


a giant boulder!

That idea rocks!

Follow me!


This is it.

It's just half buried,

but it's big enough to plug up the volcano.

Hurray! The island is saved!

♪ It's saved, it's saved, it's saved, it's saved ♪

Except we need a way to dig it up

and a way to get it to the top of a super tall giant volcano.

♪ Not quite saved, almost saved, almost saved, saved ♪


RUBY: Oh, look! It's our pterodactyl friend.

RUSTY: But what is she carrying?

It's a special kind of island fruit.

RUBY: Aww, the mama brought her baby food.


Wait, that gives me an idea!

What if we build a robotic pterodactyl

to fly the boulder up to the volcano and drop it in?

Pterodactyl-- great choice.

But it'll need a lot of power to lift a giant boulder.

What can we use for extra power?

Hmm. Wait!


I know how to power our robotic pterodactyl.

Lava power!Lava power!

Let's combine it.

And dino-design it.

They're doing it again.


We'll start by making pterodactyl-style wings.

Then add legs with strong claws to pick up the giant boulder.

And finally, you can program robotic pterodactyl

to be a great new friend.

Put it all together and we've got our plan!




Ozzie, Oliver,

say hello to Dac the robotic pterodactyl.

Whoa! That's the awesomest thing ever!

Me? Aww, thanks.


He talked!

I'm awesome!


[All gasping]

Our bots have never talked before!

It must be the lava power!

The awesomest thing ever got even more awesome!


Flying is so much fun!

I'm glad you like it, Dac,

because we need to do some extra fancy flying.

Ready to help us stop a volcano?

Yes! Totally! Woo-hoo!

One question-- what's a volcano?



Ooh! That's a big that!

Yup, and it's going to ruin the whole island!

But you can stop it.

Let's do it!

We need you to pull that giant boulder out of the ground,

fly it up to the volcano and drop it in.

Whoa! That sounds totally extreme!

So, I love it!

That boulder is going down!

No. Up!


RUSTY: Yeah!

DAC: Here goes!


This is one tough rock.

Move! Boulder, move!

I don't think Dac can lift the boulder!

Then, how do we stop the volcano from erupting?


ALL: Whoa!

You can do it, Dac!

Let's kick up the lava power!


Come on! We've gotta hurry!

[Powering up]

All right!

[All cheering]

DAC: I rock at lifting rocks! Woo-hoo!

Now, let's drop it in the volcano... fast!

I'll get you there lightning quick, no problem.

Whoa! Problem, problem, problem!

Phew! Never mind. All good.

To the volcano!




It's gonna erupt any second!

I can't watch!

Me neither!


RUSTY: You're right on track, Dac!



[Alarm sounding][Gasping]

RUBY: Rusty, look out!



RUSTY: Oh, no!


Not today, lava!

Okay, Dac, ready?

DAC: Aim.

BOTH: Drop!



That's what happens every time I play basketball.

Rusty! It's starting to erupt!

We've got to push the boulder in.

Get ready to make some wing wind!

Just say the word, Rusty.



It's working!

Yes! Great job!

Who's the bot! I'm the bot! Oh, yeah!

[All cheering]

Way to go! You stopped the eruption.

The island is saved!

[All cheering]

And so are my rocks!


And so are all the dinosaurs.


[All cheering]

That was an awesome game of boulder ball!

Hey, do you two want to go for a joyride?

Sure, Dac.

And after that, I want to see the whole island!

I love it here!

Rusty and I have to go home.

Aww, man.

But you can stay here and explore Dino Island.

Would you like that?



I think that's a yes.

And I hope you two come back here to visit.

Oh, we will. We love it here!

Yeah. We want to come see all the amazing dinosaurs

and help you keep them safe.

I could use some help making sure Ozzie stays safe, too.

He gets into a lot of trouble.

It's true; I do.

Less talking, more flying. Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!

[Both laughing]

All right, Dac.

Ready for takeoff.



Hey, look who it is.

DAC: You're flying, little guy!

I think we're gonna have a lot of fun here

with our new friends.

Me too!

Me three! [Laughing]

RUSTY: Yeah!

RUBY: Yeah! All right!