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A02x10 - Captain Daddy Pig/The Power Cut/Bouncy Ball/Stars/Daddy Pigs Birthday

Posted: 11/22/23 08:02
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa and her family

Are borrowing grandpa's boat for the day.

- [Snorts] remember, daddy pig,

Push the lever forward to go forward...

- Aye-aye, grandpa pig.


- And back to go back.

- And back. Simple.

- And please look after my boat.

I've just had it painted.

- Oh, grandpa pig,

What an old fusspot you are.


- Are my crew ready?

[Together] yes, captain daddy pig.

- Then let's go!

Narrator: oh, the boat is moving backwards.

- Ah! Watch out for the bridge!

- Oops.

- Oh, that was close.

- Bye-bye! [Together] bye-bye!

- Have a lovely time!

- [Snorts] I hope my boat comes back in one piece.

- Stop worrying.

It will be fine.

- Peppa, ring the bell.

- Aye-aye, captain daddy.

[Bell dinging] [laughter]

[Snorts] I'm a bit hungry.

- So am i.

- Grandpa's left us a picnic in the galley.

- What's a galley?

- A galley is a boat's little kitchen.

- Follow me.

- Peppa and george are going inside the boat.

[Together] wow.

- What a tiny little kitchen.

- [Snorts] where's the picnic?

- The obvious place would be here.

Oh! Ooh.

- [Giggles] that's not a picnic.

- Then it must be here.

- And that's not a picnic.

- This kitchen has everything in the wrong place.

- Wow, a tv.

Narrator: daddy pig cannot find the picnic.

- It's impossible.

- [Snorts] if this was my kitchen,

The picnic would be... Here.

- Oh, well done, peppa.

Narrator: peppa has found the picnic.


- Delicious.

[Ducks quacking]

- Oh, it's the ducks.

Hello, mrs. Duck.

Would you like some bread?

[Ducks quacking]

Narrator: peppa and george love feeding bread to ducks.

- Look out.

Long reeds ahead.

- Don't worry.

Grandpa's boat will easily go through them.

[Grinding noise]

- [Snorts] are we stuck?

- No. We can reverse.

[Grinding noise]

- Now are we stuck? - Yes.

Narrator: oh, dear.

Grandpa's boat is stuck in the reeds.

- I'll just give it a little push.

- Do be careful, daddy pig.

- I know what I'm doing.

When I say go, start the engine.

[Together] aye-aye, captain daddy pig.

- Go.

[Engine starts]


Narrator: daddy pig has pushed the boat

Out of the reeds.

[Together] hooray!

- [Snorts] quick, daddy!

Jump back on the boat!

Narrator: oh, no!

Daddy pig is being left behind.

- Swim faster, daddy!

- Stop the engine!

- What's he saying?

- [Garbled] stop the engine!

- Daddy says, "stop the engine."

- Oh.

- [Breathing heavily]

- Are you okay, daddy pig?

- Yes, I'm fine.

But let's head for home

Before we have anymore adventures.

[Together] aye-aye, captain daddy pig.

- They've been gone for ages.

I hope my boat's all right.

[Bell dings]

- Look. There they are.

[Together] hello.

[Together] ahoy, there!

- I'll just park the boat.

- [Laughs] you park a car,

But you moor a boat.

I'll show you.

Narrator: grandpa pig is going to moor the boat.

- [Snorts] the secret of mooring is to do it carefully.

- Mind the bridge!

- What?

[Together] look behind you!

- Ah!

[Cracking noise]


I didn't mean to do that.

- Grandpa has broken his boat.

- Never mind, grandpa.

You can have lots of fun mending it.

- It is true that I love mending things.

- Can I help mend the boat, grandpa?

- Ho-ho!

Of course you can, peppa.

[Laughter and snorting]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: it is evening.

Peppa and george are in the sitting room

Dancing to their favorite song.

Daddy pig is in the hallway vacuuming the carpet.

And mummy pig is in her study

Doing important work on her computer.

- Oh.

- Oh.

- Oh.

- Mummy! Daddy!

It's gone all dark,

And the music is broken.

- And my vacuum won't work.

- And my computer has switched off.

[Together] ooh.

Narrator: mummy pig tries the light switch,

But the lights do not come on.

- It must be a power cut.

- [Snorts] what's a power cut?

- A power cut is when there is no electricity.

- What's "electrickety"?

- Electricity is what makes everything in our house work.

- Will the "electrickety" come back again?

- Yes, but in the meantime,

We need to find a torch.

- I think there's a torch in the cellar.

- Okay, I'll go and get it.

- Will you be okay, daddy?

- Oh-ho, I'll be fine.

I can see very well in the dark.

[Banging and clanking]

Who put that there?

- Ooh.

- Daddy, are you okay?

- Yes, it's just a bit dark down here.

[Banging and clanking]

- Oh, I've just remembered,

I think the torch is in the kitchen.



Narrator: mummy pig has found the torch.

- Can I hold the torch, mummy?

- Okay.

- George, look at me.

Narrator: peppa is making a funny face.

- [Crying]

- Don't worry, george.

It's only peppa.

- [Laughing]

- Oh, we'd better tell daddy we found the torch.

[Clanking and clattering]

Narrator: daddy is still in the cellar

Looking for the torch.

- I'm sure it's here somewhere.

- Daddy, we found the torch.

Luckily, it was in the kitchen all the time.

- What a stroke of luck.


- [Snorts] now we just have to wait

Until the electricity comes back.

- How long will that be, exactly?

- Uh, I would say exactly...

A long time.

[Together] oh.

- But george and I want to do some dancing.

[Snorts] I know what we can do.

We can watch some television.

Oh, it won't go on.


- [Snorts] the tv needs electricity too.

- Does it?

[Together] yes.

- Oh.

Now what are we going to do?

- In the olden days, when there was no television,

Children would have to make up their own games.

- Hmm...i know!

I need a cardboard box.

Narrator: what is peppa doing?

- [Snorts] mummy, will you cut a hole in this box for me?

- What for?

- You'll see.

Narrator: mummy pig is cutting a hole in the cardboard box.

- There you are, peppa.

- Thank you.

Now, you all have to sit down there.

And george, you have to point this torch at me.

- [Snorts twice]

- [Giggling]


Welcome to peppa pig news

With me, peppa pig.


Narrator: peppa has made her own television.

- [Snorts] today the whole world stopped working

When there was a power cut,

And all the "electrickety" was lost.


- Very good, peppa.

- Daddy pig says that the "electrickety"

Won't be back for a long, long time.

All: oh!

Narrator: the electricity is back.

[Together] hooray!

- Shush! I haven't finished yet.

[Snorts] switch the lights off.

- Okay, peppa.

- Good.

Ahem, I have some very important news.

The queen has just found some more "electrickety"

And says that everyone can now be happy again.

- Very good, peppa.

[Together] hooray!

- Let's dance!

[Upbeat music]


Narrator: peppa quite enjoyed the power cut,

But she's happy the electricity is back again.

- Look at me!

I'm leaning into the wind.


- [Snorts twice]


- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]


Narrator: peppa and george

Are going to play in the garden with their ball.

- Wee!

Narrator: george throws the ball as high as he can

And catches it.

- [Laughs]

- I can do that too.



Narrator: peppa has missed the ball.

- [Giggling]

- This is a silly game.

[Bell ringing]

Narrator: here is peppa's best friend, suzy sheep.

Suzy has two tennis rackets.

- Hello, peppa.

- [Snorts] hello, suzy.

- Let's play tennis.

- Yes, that sounds fun.

[Snorts] to you, suzy.

- Oh.

Narrator: suzy has missed the ball.

- [Laughing]

- Oh.

Narrator: peppa has missed the ball.

Peppa and suzy like playing tennis.

But george feels a bit left out.

- [Crying]

- Oh, sorry, george.

You can't play tennis.

We only have two rackets.

- [Whimpering]

- I know. George can be the ball boy.

- Yes, it's a very important job.

- [Snorts twice]

Narrator: george is going to be the ball boy.

He has to collect the ball when it is hit too far.

- To you, suzy.

- Oh, missed it.

[Together] ball boy!

- [Snorts twice] [giggling]


- Thank you, ball boy.

- Oh.

[Together] ball boy!

- [Panting]

- Thank you, ball boy.

[Together] ball boy!

- [Crying]

Narrator: oh, dear.

George doesn't like this game.

[Bells ringing]

Here are danny dog, pedro pony,

Candy cat, rebecca rabbit, and richard rabbit.

- Hello, everyone.

[Together] hello.

- We're playing tennis.

- Can we play too?

- But there aren't enough rackets.

[All groan]

- Let's play something else.

- [Barks] let's play football.

All: yes! Football!

- [Snorts] girls against boys.


- We each need a goalkeeper.

- Me! Me!

- Me! Me!

Narrator: pedro pony and rebecca rabbit

Will be the goalkeepers.

- We'll start.

- Squeak! Squeak!


[Together] goal!

Narrator: richard rabbit has scored a goal.

- The boys are winning.

- That's not fair.

We weren't ready.

- Hey, that's cheating.

You can't hold the ball.

- Yes, I can. I'm the goalkeeper.

- Go, rebecca, go!

- Goal!

[Together] hooray!

- The goal is not allowed.

[Together] yes, it is.

[Together] no, it isn't.

[Together] yes, it is.

- What a lot of noise.

- Daddy, the boys are cheating.

- No, the girls are cheating.

- It sounds like you need a referee.

- What's a referee?

- It's someone who makes sure that everyone plays fair.

All: I'll be a referee.

- Stop! Stop!

[Blowing whistle]

I'll be the referee.

[Snorts] the next team to get a goal will win the game.

All: hooray!

- [Blows whistle]

- [Snorts] where's the ball?


- Quick! Score a goal!

- Stop them!


- Ooh!

- Goal!

[Blows whistle]

Richard rabbit has scored a goal.

[Together] hooray!

- The boys win.

[All groan]

- Football is a silly game.

- Just a moment.

The boys scored in their own goal.

That means the girls win.

- Really?

[Together] hooray!

- Football is a great game!


- To the rescue!

- [Snorts] can I go too?

- Hop aboard, peppa.

- To the rescue!

- To the rescue!

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: it is almost time for bed.

Mummy pig, daddy pig, and peppa

Are having mugs of hot milk.

- [Snorting and giggling]

- George, why are you dressed up in that space suit?

You should be in your pajamas.

- [Laughing]

Narrator: george loves everything

To do with space.

- Oh.

- [Giggles]

George, take your space helmet off

To drink your milk.

- [Burps]


- Bedtime, little ones.


Narrator: at night, george likes to listen

To his space mobile.

[Gentle music]

- Not space again.


It's boring.

- Space isn't boring.

It's full of stars.

- [Snorts] I can't see anything.

It's too dark.

- It's easier to see the stars from outside.

- Can we go outside now?

- Peppa, you're in your pajamas.

- Maybe if you put your coats on over your pajamas,

We could go outside just this once.

- Hooray! - [Snorts twice]

- Daddy, why are you lying on the ground?

- This is the best way to see the stars.


Look at these little stars.

Imagine you're adjoining the dots.

- That's called the big dipper.

- Ooh.

- Yes, and the two stars at the end

Point to the north star.

[Together] wow.

- ♪ North star, north star

♪ Are you near or are you far? ♪

♪ Can we get there in the car? ♪

- [Laughs] no, peppa.

The stars are much too far away.

- Are they even further than the seaside?

- Oh, yes.

But they look a lot closer through a telescope.

- Have we got a tellyscope?

- [Snorts] no, but grandpa pig has a very good telescope.

- Can we go to grandpa pig's house now?

- [Laughs] it's much too late.

- [Snorts] maybe we can go just this once, daddy pig.

- Hooray!

Narrator: it is the first time

Peppa and george have been in the car at night.

- [Snorts] look!

We're following the north star.

- [Giggles]

♪ North star, north star

♪ Shining with a twinkly glow

♪ Please show us the way to go

Narrator: peppa and george have arrived

At granny and grandpa pig's house.

- Oh, dear.

I do hope grandpa and granny pig

Haven't gone to bed.

[Doorbell dings]

- What are you doing here at this hour?

- We want to see the stars.

- Peppa and george were hoping

They could look through your telescope.

- I see.

Very well.

To the top of the house, everyone.


[Snorts] here she is, old bess.

- Wow.

Narrator: grandpa pig's hobby is looking at the stars.

- Now, who's for the first look?

- Me, me, me!

Ooh, the north star!

- We sailors use it to find our way home.

- Daddy used it to find his way here.


Are there other things in the sky?

- Yes.

This is a planet called saturn.

- Wow, what are those pretty rings?

- They are made of rock and ice.

Saturn is very, very cold.

- We could build a snowman, george.


- Quick! Look!

- Oh.

- It's a sh**ting star.

You must make a wish.

- I wish that when george is old enough to have his own rocket,

He will take me into space.

- [Snorts twice]


- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: today is daddy pig's birthday.

Daddy pig has to go to work.

- Daddy, I wish you didn't have to work on your birthday.

- [Chuckles] so do i.

But I'll be home as soon as I can.

See you later.

[Together] see you later.

[Horn beeps]

- [Snorts] while daddy pig is at work,

We can get all his birthday surprises ready.


First, we'll make daddy's birthday cake.

We start with butter and sugar and flour.

Then, we add an egg.

And most important of all,

The chocolate bits.

[Together] ooh.

Narrator: mummy pig is making a chocolate cake.

Daddy pig loves chocolate cake.

- I give it a stir.

- Mummy, can I stir?

- Yes, peppa.

Narrator: peppa loves stirring.

George wants a go.


- [Snorts] okay, george, that's enough stirring.

There, daddy pig's chocolate cake.

- Hooray!

- Now, we just have to bake it in the oven.

- [Snorts] mummy, can I lick the spoon?

- Yes, you can lick the spoon,

And george can lick the bowl.

- Yippee!

Narrator: peppa and george love chocolate cake mixture.


- Poor daddy pig.

He's missing all the fun.

- Mummy, can I ring daddy at work

And say happy birthday?

- That's a nice idea.

Narrator: this is the office where daddy pig works.

- Hello. Mr. Rabbit speaking.

- May I speak to daddy pig, please?

- Someone for you, daddy pig.

It sounds important.

- [Snorts] hello, daddy pig speaking.

- Happy birthday, daddy!


Happy birthday!

- [Laughs] thank you, peppa.

- Don't be late home, daddy.

[Snorts] bye-bye.

- Bye-bye.

[Noisemakers honking]

[Together] happy birthday, daddy pig!

- [Chuckles] thank you.

- [Snorts] there's just one more thing to do

Before daddy gets home.

- Yes, daddy's birthday surprise.

- [Laughing]

- Shh.

George, remember,

It's a secret.

- Shh.


Narrator: peppa and george have buckets of water.

Mummy pig has balloons.

I wonder what daddy pig's birthday surprise can be.


[Horn beeps]

- Daddy's home!

- Quick, back to the house.

Narrator: daddy pig is home from work.

[Together] happy birthday, daddy pig.

[Noisemaker honking]

- Ho-ho!

Thank you, everyone.

[Snorts] wow, what a lot of candles.

- That's because you are very, very old, daddy.

- [Laughs]

- You must blow out all your candles in one go.

- [Laughs] I'll do my best.

[Inhales deeply]

[Together] hooray!


- [Snorts] and here's your birthday present.

- Thank you.


New boots.


Let's try them out.

Narrator: peppa, george, and mummy pig

Are wearing their boots.

Daddy pig is wearing his birthday boots.

Daddy pig has found a little puddle.

- Let's see if these boots work.

Narrator: the puddle is a bit too little for daddy pig.

- Hmm, what I need is a big puddle.

- Why not try over here, daddy pig?

- Ooh, what's this?

- It's your special birthday surprise.

- [Snickering]

- Shh.

- Shh.


Narrator: what are they up to?

- A big muddy puddle.

- Fantastic!


My birthday boots work perfectly.

[Snorts] would you care to join me

In my birthday muddy puddle?

Narrator: daddy pig loves jumping up and down

In muddy puddles.

Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

- This is my best birthday ever!

[Laughter and snorting]

- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]