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A02x02 - Rock Pools/Mr. Scarecrow/Windy Autumn Day/TheTime Capsule/Georges Friend

Posted: 11/22/23 07:56
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: peppa and george are going to the seaside

With granny and grandpa pig.

[Horn honks]

[Peppa and george giggling]

Peppa and george love the seaside.

- Oh. [Snorts]

Where's the sand gone?

- [Snorts] there isn't any sand on this beach, peppa.

- No sand?

[Snorts] but we wanted to make sand castles.

Narrator: peppa and george love making sand castles.

- [Sobbing]

- Now, now, george.

Don't be upset.

There are lots of exciting things

To do on this rocky beach.

- Like what?

- When the sea goes out,

It leaves little pools of water in amongst the rocks.

- They're called rock pools.

- [Snorts] and in every rock pool,

There's something special that the sea has left behind.

- Ooh, I can see something glittering.

[Snorts] it's a coin.


- Maybe it's a pirate's treasure.

All: ooh.

- [Snorts] let's make a collection

Of all the things we find.

- Yes, we'll put them in george's bucket.

- [Snorts]

[Both giggle]

- [Snorts] what surprise is waiting in this pool?

- [Snorts] there's nothing special in this one.

- Ho-ho-ho-ho.

[Snorts] there's always something, peppa.

Look closer.

- Ooh, there is something.

- Yes, it's a...

Chomp! Crab!


Narrator: the crab is pinching grandpa pig's finger.

All: oh!

- Wouch!

- [Snorts] naughty mr. Crab.


Look, george.

Mr. Crab is walking sideways.


- [Giggling]

Narrator: george is pretending to be a crab.

- [Snorts]

- Peppa wants to be a crab too.

- We're naughty crabs.

Pinch, pinch, pinch.


- [Giggling] pinch, pinch, pinch.

- Help! There are two naughtycrabs trying to pinch me.

- Pinch, pinch, pinch.

- We're naughty crabs.

Pinch, pinch, pinch.

[All laugh]

- Shoo, shoo, shoo, you naughty crabs.

[Snorts] go back to your little rock pools.

- Yes. [Snorts]

Let's look in more rock pools.

- [Snorts]

- What can you see?

- [Snorts] a sea shell.

- Can you hear the sea in it?

- What do you mean?

- If you put a shell to your ear,

You can hear the sea.

[Water rushing]

- Wow.

I can hear the sea.

[Rushing and seagulls crying]


I love my sea shell.

- George. [Snorts]

Can you find a sea shell too?

- [Snorts and giggles]


- [Snorts] that's not a shell.

- Oh.

[Rock cracking]

- Peppa's right.

That's not a shell.

George has found a fossil.

- What's a fossil?

- A fossil is the remains of an animal

That lived long ago when there were dinosaurs.

- [Snorts] dine-saw.


- Ee!

[Both giggle]

[Snorts] rock pools are such fun.

- Yes, they're fun for us. [Snorts]

But not for this little fish.

- A fish?

[Snorts] where?


- Poor little fish.

She's trapped.

- Oh.

- Oh?

- The little fish says she wants to go back to the sea.

- Maybe you could use your bucket to rescue her.

- Yes.

Narrator: peppa is rescuing the little fish in her bucket.

- Don't worry, mrs. Fish.

You'll soon be back with your friends.

[Snorts] bye-bye, mrs. Fish.

- [Snorts] bye-bye.


[Fish giggling]


All: oh!

[All laughing]

- [Snorts] I love rock pools.

[Laughter and snorting]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

[Birds chirping]

[Car horn honks]

Narrator: peppa and george are playing

At granny and grandpa pig's house today.

[Both giggling]

- [Snorts] hello, grandpa pig.

- Papa-ig.

- Hoo-hoo, hello, peppa. Hello, george.

- [Snorts] grandpa, what are you doing?

- I'm making a flower garden.

Both: ooh.

- These seeds will grow into beautiful flowers.

[Snorts] I drop the seeds on the ground.

Then I cover the seeds with earth.

Oh, where have they gone?

Narrator: the seeds have disappeared.

- That's strange.

I'm sure I put some seeds here.

- Yes, grandpa. We saw you.

- [Snorts twice]

- Well, they're not here now.

[Snorts] oh, well.

I'll just have to use some more.

As I was saying,

I simply drop the seeds on the ground.

[Chomping sounds]

Narrator: a little bird

Is eating grandpa pig's flower seeds.

- Oy! Get off my seeds!

[Bird chirping]

So that's where all my seeds went.

- Into the little bird's tummy.

[Peppa and george giggle]

[Wings flapping]

Narrator: two more little birds

Are eating grandpa pig's seeds.

- Oh, look.

- Ah! Shoo, shoo!

- [Snorts] what's all this noise?

- Granny pig, the birds are eating all my flower seeds.

- So we're chasing the birds away.

- [Snorts] there's no point chasing them.

They'll just come back again.


We need a scarecrow.

- What's a scarecrow?

- A scarecrow is a straw man that scares birds away.

- What a good idea, granny pig.

[Snorts] I'll make one.

Come on, everyone.

- Bye-bye, little birds.

We're going to make a scarecrow.


[Bird chirps]

Narrator: this is grandpa pig's garden shed.

- There'll be plenty of things in here to make a scarecrow.

[Snorts] first we need two sticks and some string.

- We'll find them.

- [Snorts twice]

[Both giggling]

Narrator: peppa has found some sticks.

George has found some string.

- Good. I'll tie the sticks together to make the body.

Narrator: granny pig has found some straw

And an old sack.

- [Snorts] lovely.

I'll put the straw in the sack

To make the head.

[Peppa and george giggling]

Now the scarecrow needs something to wear.

- Here's a bag of old clothes.

Both: ooh.

[Zipper unzips]

Narrator: george has found a dress.

- [Snorts twice]

- [Giggling] silly george.

Mr. Scarecrow doesn't want to wear a dress.

[Both giggle]

Narrator: peppa has found a coat.

- Very good, peppa.

- [Snorts twice]

Narrator: george has found a hat.

- Very good, george.

- Mr. Scarecrow needs a face.

- That's right.

Would you and george like to paint a face?

- Yes, please.

[Both giggling]

Narrator: george paints the eyes and nose.

- Peppa paints the mouth.

- Fantastic.

Narrator: mr. Scarecrow is ready.

All: hooray!

[Chomping sounds]

Narrator: the little birds are looking

For grandpa pig's flower seeds.

- Look. The little birds are back.

- Don't worry, peppa.

Mr. Scarecrow will scare them off.


[Bird chirping]

Narrator: it worked.

Mr. Scarecrow has scared the little birds away.

All: hooray!

- [Snorts] good.

Now my flower seeds will not be eaten.

[Bird chirping]

- Oh, grandpa.

The birds look very sad.

- Yes, they must be hungry.

- That's why I brought this.

- What's that, granny?

- It's a bird feeder.

[Snorts] grandpa, may I have some seeds, please?

[Seeds clattering]

[Bird chirping]

Come on, birdies.


Now the birdies have their own seeds to eat.

- Hooray.

The little birds are happy again.

Narrator: peppa is glad

That grandpa pig's seeds will not be eaten,

But she is even more glad

That the little birds will not be hungry.

[Laughter and snorting]

- [Inhales deeply] squeak, squeak!

Narrator: that was quite loud.

Now it is zoe zebra's turn.

- [Inhales deeply]

[Flaps lips]

Narrator: now suzy sheep.

- [Bleats]

Narrator: now danny dog.

- [Barks]

Narrator: that was very loud.

- My turn. Meow.

- My turn. Neigh.

- My turn. [Snorts loudly]

Narrator: peppa is the loudest.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: today peppa is going to the park.

All: brrr.

- It's freezing cold.

- It is cold.


- Quick, let's get our warm clothes on.

Narrator: on cold days, peppa and her family wear

Their hats and scarves and coats.

- I'll put the roof up.


- Ooh, and let's get the heating on.

[Heater whirring]

- Everyone nice and warm?

All: yes, daddy pig.

- [Snorts] then let's go.

[Horn honks twice]

Narrator: this is the park.

[Horn honks twice]

- [Snorts] we're here.

All: hooray.

[All giggling]

- [Snorts] mummy, why are all the leaves read and yellow?

- It's autumn time, peppa.

Narrator: in the autumn, it gets a bit colder,

And the leaves change color.

[Wind whistling]

- Brrr. It's quite windy.

Let's play a game to keep warm.

[Peppa and george giggling]

- [Snorts] my turn.

Oh, it's not meant to go that way.

Narrator: the wind is blowing the ball along.

[Ducks quacking]


[Ducks quacking frantically]

- [Snorts] the ball is in the pond.

- Hmm.

I'll just use this stick to reach it.

- Just a bit further, daddy.

- [Snorts] be careful, daddy pig.

- [Snorts] don't worry.

I've almost got it.



[Quacking and giggling]

- Daddy, is the water cold?

- A little bit.


[Wind whistling]

Narrator: the wind has blown the ball out of the pond.

- [Snorts] that's lucky.

- Yes.

What a stroke of luck.

[Wind whistling]

- It's getting even windier.

[Snorts] hold onto your hats.

Narrator: oh, no.

The wind has blown george's hat off.

- [Sobbing]

- Don't worry, george.

Daddy pig will catch your hat.

- Quick, daddy.

- [Snorts]

[Wind whistling]


- Look. [Snorts]

It's in that little tree.

- Hmm. I'll just climb up and get it.

- [Snorts] the tree is much too thin

To take your weight, daddy pig.

- So how can we get george's hat?

- Simple.

I'll give the tree a little shake.

[Leaves rustling]

Hmm, maybe if I shake it a bit harder.

[Leaves rustling]


- Oh.

- [Spitting]

[Others giggling]

- I thought that sort of thing only happened to me.

- [Snorts] it's not funny.

- It is a bit funny, mummy.

- I suppose it is a bit funny.

[All laugh]

Where's george's hat?

- [Snorts] it's on your head.

- Heh-heh. Here's your hat, george.

Hold onto it this time.

- [Giggles]

[Snorts twice]

Narrator: the wind is blowing all the leaves off the trees.

- Look at me.

I'm leaning into the wind.

Narrator: the wind is strong enough to hold peppa up.

- [Snorts twice]

[Both giggling]

Narrator: the wind is strong enough

To hold george up.

- [Snorts] daddy, have a go.

- Uh, I'm a bit too heavy.

- Come on, daddy.

[Snorts] it's really fun.

- Oh, all right.

Narrator: the wind is strong enough

To hold up daddy pig.

- He-he-he-he.

I say.

This is fun.

[Snorts] come on, mummy pig.

Give it a try.

- But if the wind stops, I'll fall over.

- Ho-ho.

The wind won't just stop.

Narrator: the wind has stopped.

- Ooh.

- Ooh. - Ooh.

- [Giggling]

- [Snorts] it's not funny.

- It is a bit funny.

[All laughing]

- [Snorts] now the wind has stopped, what can we do?

- Hmm, what's your favorite game?

- Jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

But there aren't any puddles.

Just lots of boring dry leaves.

- And what do you do with dry leaves?

- [Snorts] I don't know.

- Jump up and down in them!

Narrator: daddy pig loves jumping up and down in leaves.

- [Laughing]

Narrator: peppa loves jumping up and down in leaves.

Everyone loves jumping up and down in leaves.

- This is the best autumn day ever.

[Laughter and snorting]

- [Giggling]

- [Snorts]

[Both giggling]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

[Birds chirping]

Narrator: peppa and her friends are at their play group.

- Today we are going to make a time capsule.

- [Snorts] what's a time capsule?

- A time capsule is something

That will show people in the future

How we lived.

- How?

- We'll put special things in this box,

And then we'll bury it in the school garden.

- Will it grow?

[Kids giggling]

- No, suzy.

It will remain in the ground

For many years.

All: ooh.

- Now, what things should we put inside?

- [Snorts] a comic.

- Very good, peppa.

- [Bleats] music.

- Very good, suzy.

- [Barks] a toy.

- Neigh.

A coin.

- [Chuffs] stamps.

- [Squeaks] a carrot.


- Ha-ho, you do like carrots, don't you, rebecca?

- Yes.

[All laughing]

- All those are excellent things to show our daily lives.

- Madame gazelle?

[Snorts] what will the future be like?

- What do you think it will be like?

- I think in the future,

I will live on the moon.


And all my friends will come to visit.

[All giggling]

- [Barks] and I will fly space rockets.

- Hello.

[All giggling]

- Now we'll record a message

For the people of the future.

Say hello to the future.

- Hello to the future.

[Snorts] you're probably all living on the moon now.

- And going on holiday to mars.

- And flying around in space rockets.

[All laughing]

- Wonderful.

- [Snorts]

Narrator: it is nearly home time,

And all the parents have arrived.

- [Snorts] mummy, daddy, we've made a time capsule.

- Ah, daddy pig.

You're just in time to help us dig a hole.

- Yes, of course.

Narrator: daddy pig is digging a hole in the school garden

For the time capsule.

[Dirt flopping]

- There.

- Can we dig it up now?

- Ha-ho, it will remain in the ground

For many years.

- Aw, but I can't wait that long.

- Peppa, you are just like your daddy

When he was little.

- Am i?

- Yes, I remember when I was his teacher.

- Did you teach my daddy?

- Yes, I taught all of your mummies and daddies.

Didn't i?

- Yes, madame gazelle.

[Kids giggling]

- When your mummies and daddies were little,

They made a time capsule too.

- [Snorts] yes, we did.

We buried it next to a little tree.

- Can we dig it up?

- Yes.

I think we buried it over here.

- Oh, I thought it was a much smaller tree.

- Ah-ho, it was a long time ago.

The tree has grown a bit since then.

[All laughing]

[Dirt flopping]


- I found something.

It's our old time capsule.

All: hooray!

- I can't wait to open it.

[Kids giggling]

- Stand back, children.

All: yes, madame gazelle.

- And what do we have here?

Oh, an old comic.

- That was my favorite comic.

- A tin toy.

- My favorite toy.

- Music.

- My favorite record.

- And a very old carrot.

- That's mine.

- What a good choice, mummy.

[All giggling]

- [Gasps] and a videotape

Of your mummies and daddies when they were little.

Kids: ooh.

- He-he-he-he-he-he.

- Who's the little piggy in the glasses.

- Oh, that's daddy pig.

Oh, and that's me.

- Hello to the future.

- [Giggling]

[Snorts] what a squeaky voice you have.

- Ho-ho-ho-ho.

- You're probably living on the moon now.


- Silly little daddy pig.

[Laughter and snorting]

Narrator: making time capsules is such fun.

And finding them is even better.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

[Kids giggling]

Narrator: peppa and her friends are at the playground.

Peppa, suzy, and danny are on the roundabout.

- [Snorts] are you all ready?

All: ready.

- Then let's go.

[Snorts loudly]

All: wee!

- [Snorts] faster, faster.

- Ho-ho.

All: wee!

[All giggling]

Narrator: george is a bit too little for the roundabout.

He is playing on the swing.

- [Snorts]

Narrator: here is rebecca rabbit

With her little brother, richard rabbit.

- [Squeaks] hello, everyone.

- [Squeaks twice]

All: hello.

[Barking and bleating]

- Can I come on the roundabout too?

- [Snorts] hop on, rebecca.

- [Giggles]

Let's go really, really fast.

- [Squeaks]

Narrator: richard rabbit wants to go on the roundabout too.

- Aw, if richard gets on,

It means we can't go fast.

- Richard can play with george.

- Richard, would you like to play with george?

- No.

- George has a dinosaur just like yours.

Let's go and see.

Narrator: richard rabbit is the same age as george.

- Richard want to see george's dinosaur.

- Grrr.


[George and richard giggling]

- [Snorts] george, can richard play with your dinosaur?

- No.

- Richard, can george play with your dinosaur?

- No.

Narrator: george and richard do not want

To share their dinosaurs.

- [Snorts] george, it will be much more fun

If you share.

- That was really nice of george.

- [Giggling] dinosaur.

- [Sobbing]

Narrator: george does not like sharing.

- Richard, let george hold the dinosaurs now.

- [Giggling]

- [Sobbing]

Narrator: richard does not like sharing either.

[Both sobbing]

- What's all this crying about?

- George and richard always cry when they play together.

- They're just too little to play properly.

- Can you two big girls teach them to play together?

- Of course.

- We can help them make sand castles.

- Good idea.

Let's go to the sand pit.

- [Snorts twice]

- [Squeaks twice]

[All giggling]

Narrator: george and richard love the sand pit.

- [Snorts] george, richard,

Today we are going to make sand castles.

- First, we fill the buckets with sand.

- We turn the buckets over

And give them a little tap.

[Dull tapping]

- Now we lift the buckets.

- Hey, presto.

Narrator: richard has made a sand castle.

- Hey, pesto.

Narrator: and george has made a sand castle.

- [Snorts twice]

- [Squeaks twice]

[Both giggle]

- You see?

[Snorts] playing together is fun.

- [Sobbing]

- [Sobbing]

[Both sobbing]

Narrator: oh, dear.

This game has not gone very well.

- It was your brother's fault.

[Snorts] he broke george's sand castle.

- [Squeaks] your brother broke my brother's sand castle first.

- Now, now, you two big girls

Are meant to be teaching richard and george

To play nicely together.

- That's right.

We're big girls.

- And george and richard are too little

To play together properly.

- Hmm, I've got an idea.

[Snorts] george, what's your most favorite thing

In the whole playground?

- [Snorts twice] seesaw.

Narrator: george loves the seesaw.

- [Giggling]


Narrator: it is a bit difficult to play on a seesaw on your own.

- [Whimpering]

- [Squeaks twice]

Narrator: richard wants to play on the seesaw.

- [Giggles]


- Seesaw.

- Seesaw.

- Look. George and richard are playing together.

- Seesaw.

- Seesaw.

- Seesaw.

- Seesaw.


Narrator: george likes richard.

- [Squeaks twice]


Narrator: richard likes george.

George and richard like playing together.

[All giggling]

♪ Seesaw, seesaw

[Laughter and snorting]

- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig


[Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]