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A01x10 - Ballet Lesson/Grandpa Pigs Boat/Tidying Up/Picnic/Daddy Puts Up A Picture

Posted: 11/22/23 07:52
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: peppa is going to her first ballet lesson.

This is madam gazelle, the ballet teacher.

- Oh, you must be young peppa.

I am madam gazelle.

- Hello, madam.

- Oh, so sweet.

Welcome to your first lesson of the ballet.

- [Laughs]

- I'll pick you up later.

- Bye-bye.

- Enjoy yourself.

Narrator: here are peppa's friends,

Candy cat, suzy sheep,

Danny dog, rebecca rabbit, and pedro pony.

Clap! Clap!

- Children, today we have a new pupil,

Peppa pig.

Now, peppa, run and join your friends.

- [Snorts]


Hello, everyone.

All: hello, peppa.

[Barking, neighing, and meowing]

[All laughing]

- Children.

Clap! Clap!

We begin with demi plie.

Demi plie.

[Floor creaking]

Now a little jump.

Petit jete.

With grace and beauty.

Petit jete.

Grace and beauty.

Petit jete.

Grace and beauty.

- [Laughing]

Narrator: the ballet lesson is a lot of fun.

- Raise your arms.

Imagine that you are beautiful swans.

And what noise do you think a swan might make?

- [Barking] - [bleating]

- [Meows] - [neighs]

- [Snorts]

- Oh-ho.

[All making animal sounds]

Grace and beauty.

Narrator: peppa loves dancing.

Everyone loves dancing.

Clang! Clang! Clang!


- Mummy, mummy! [Snorts]

We all danced as swans.

- Peppa did very well.

- I had to dance beautifully and gracefully.

- That's lovely.

- [Snorts]

Can I show you how I did it?

- Let's get home first.

Then you can show daddy pig and george and me.

- Bye-bye.

[Horn honks]

Narrator: peppa and mummy pig are home.

- [Laughing]

Daddy! George!

I'm going to show you how to do ballet.

- Is it difficult?

- It was easy for me.

But you, george, and mummy will find it very hard.


First we need music.


Now, george, daddy, and mummy,

You must copy what I do.

Madam gazelle used funny words,

But really it's just bending your knees and jumping.

- Ah, the petit jete.

- Daddy.

You know the funny words.

- [Laughs]

Mummy pig and I used to be quite good at ballet.

- Do be careful, daddy pig.

- [Laughs]


Our favorite was the pas de deux.


- Ah!

- That wasn't quite how I remembered it.

- [Laughing]

- Silly daddy pig.


- [Laughs]

Maybe we should leave the ballet to peppa.

- Yes.

I am the best at it.

I am a beautiful swan.



- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: granny pig and grandpa pig are taking

Peppa and george out for a day on the river.

- Welcome aboard, me hearties.

- [Snorts] peppa, george,

Let's put your lifejackets on.

Narrator: when peppa and george are on grandpa pig's boat,

They must wear lifejackets.

- On this boat, I'm the captain.

- Aye-aye, captain. - Aye-aye captain.

- [Snorts twice]

- When captain grandpa tells you all to do something,

You must do it.

- [Whispering] unless it's something silly.

- Captain grandpa never says anything silly.

- Of course not, captain grandpa.


- George, raise the flag.

- [Snorts twice]

- Peppa, ring the bell.

- Aye-aye, captain.

Clang! Clang!

- Granny pig, take the wheel.

- Aye-aye, captain.

- Full sail.

[Motor revving]

- Full sail.



[All quacking]

- Maybe you should go a little slower, grandpa pig.

- Good idea, granny pig.

I don't want to use up all my petrol.

- Grandpa, I liked it when we went fast.

- Don't worry, peppa.

We'll go fast later.

- [Snorts] look!

There's another boat.

Narrator: here's granddad dog.

He's taking danny dog out for a day on the river.

- Ahoy there, granddad dog.

- Ahoy, there, grandpa pig.

- Hello, danny.

Clang! Clang!

- Hello, peppa.

Toot! Toot!


Narrator: granddad dog is grandpa pig's very best friend.

- [Laughs]


I'm surprised your boat is still afloat, granddad dog.

It must be almost as old as you are.

- [Barks]

This old boat can go faster

Than your rusty bucket any day, grandpa pig.

- All right, you old sea dog, race you.

- Prepare to lose, water hog.

[Snorting and barking]

- You two are acting like little children.


- Granddad dog called me a water hog.

- You called him a sea dog first, grandpa.

You should say sorry.

- Only if he says sorry first.

- Granddad, say sorry to grandpa pig.

He is your best friend.

- No.

He's a water hog,

And my boat is faster than his.

- All right, sea dog, let's race to the next bridge.

- On the count of three.

- One, two...

- Go!

- You started too soon.

- Catch me if you can, water hog.


- Sea dog!


Is that as fast as you can go?


Can't catch me!


I win!

[Engine choking]

Narrator: oh, dear.

Grandpa pig's boat has run out of petrol

- Very clever, captain grandpa.

- Maybe I did go a bit too fast.

- How will we get home?

- Look!

There's granddad dog.


- Granddad dog can tow us home.

- I'm not being towed by that sea dog.

- I haven't offered to tow the water hog.

- [Sighs]

Will you two ever grow up?

- Grandpa, say sorry to granddad dog.

- I'm sorry I called you a sea dog.

- Granddad, say sorry to grandpa pig.

- I'm sorry I called you a water hog.

- That's nice.

Granddad dog,

Would you be so kind as to tow us home?

- It would be my pleasure, madam.

Catch this, captain.

- Aye-aye, skipper.

Narrator: granddad dog is grandpa pig's very best friend.

[Snorting and barking]

Granddad dog is towing grandpa pig's boat home.

- The main thing is, I won the race.

- Grandpa pig.

- Naughty grandpa pig.


- Peppa, ring the bell.

- Aye-aye, captain grandpa.

Clang! Clang!

Toot! Toot!

- [Snorts] I want to be a butterfly.


I'm a little butterfly.


- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa and george are in their bedroom,

Playing with their toys.

- [Snorts] george, let's play dollies and dinosaurs.

- [Snorts twice]



- What is that?

It looks like a horrible monster.

- Dine-saw.


- [Screams]

It's a dinosaur.

Help! Help!

- [Growls]

- [Screams] help! Help!

- [Growls]

Narrator: daddy pig is in the sitting room

Reading his newspaper.

Mummy pig is reading her book.

- Help! Help!

- What are they doing?

- Help! Help!


- [Growls]

- Peppa, george, what's going on?

- [Growls]

- [Screams]


- What's all this noise?






- What on earth is going on?

What a lot of noise,

And look at all this mess on the floor.

Someone could trip over and hurt themselves.

- [Snorts] someone did trip over and hurt themselves.

- Oh, dear.

Poor daddy pig.

[Snorts] come on, children.

Let's do a bit of tidying up.

- But, mummy, we're playing dollies and dinosaurs.

- You can play again when you've tidied up.

- But it's all george's mess.

- Is it really?

So this must be one of george's lovely dresses.

- [Gasps]


- [Laughs]

Well, maybe some of the mess is mine.


- Right, I'll help george tidy, and mummy pig can help peppa.

- [Snorts] we can have a race; girls against boys.

- Good idea.

Let's see who can tidy up first.

Ready, steady, go!


We're winning.

- No, you're not.



Squeak! Oh.

Squeak! What's this?

Teddy, I've been looking for you.

- Quick, peppa, put teddy in your toy basket.

- [Laughs]


[Snorts] now these books.



- [Laughing]

[Snorts twice]

- [Snorts] what do we have here?

- [Snorts] dine-saw.

That's right.

It's a dinosaur book.

Narrator: it's george's pop-up dinosaur book.



- [Snorts] this is a tyrannosaurus rex.

- Tyrannosaurus rex.


That's right.

Oh, this is a brontosaurus.

- Brontosaurus.


- Yes.

- And this is a triceratops.

- Triceratops.

[Snorts twice]

- [Laughs]

Well done, george.

- [Laughs]

Narrator: george loves dinosaurs.

- Daddy, george, you've stopped tidying up.

You'll lose the race.

- [Snorts] oh, yes, the race.

Come on, george.

Put this back on the book shelf.

- [Snorts twice]


- Daddy, you're very slow at tidying up.

Mommy and I are going to win.

- No, we're going to win.


- We win.

- No, we win.

- [Laughs]

[Snorts] we all win.

Look how tidy the room is.

All: hooray!

Narrator: what a tidy room.

- [Laughs]

Well done, everyone.

- [Snorts twice]

- [Snorts] mummy.

Now that we've tidied our room,

Can we play dollies and dinosaurs again?

- Yes, you can carry on with your game now.

- Yippee! - [Snorts twice]

- Where are my dolls?

Where's mr. Dinosaur?


[Snorts] here they are.

- [Growls]


- [Screams]

It's a dinosaur.

Help! Help!

Narrator: oh, dear, the room is untidy again.

- Oh. - Oh.

- Well, at least it was tidy for a bit.

[Laughter and snorting]

- [Snorts] ready, steady, go!


- [Bleating]


- [Barking]


- [Meows]


- [Laughs] whee!

- [Chuffs] whee!

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]


Narrator: it is a lovely, bright, sunny day.

Peppa and her family are going for a picnic.

Daddy pig is bringing the picnic basket.

- [Snorts] picnic blanket, bread, cheese,

Tomatoes, and lemonade.

Is there anything we've forgotten?

- [Snorts]

Mummy's strawberry cake.

- [Laughs] I was just teasing.

Mummy's homemade strawberry cake is there too.

Is everybody ready?

All: ready!

- Then let's go.

[Horn honks]

[Horn honks]

[Laughter and snorting]

This looks like just the spot for our picnic.

- Hooray!


- [Snorts]


It's great to be outdoors.

We should run around a bit and get some exercise.

- [Snorts] I want to eat, then have a nap.

I certainly don't want to run around.

- Maybe daddy should run around a bit.

His tummy's quite big.

- My tummy is not big.


But later, I will get some exercise,

Even if no one else does.

- [Laughs]

Let's eat.

- Good idea, mummy pig.

I'm really hungry.





- [Laughs]

- [Sighs]

I feel quite sleepy.

- I thought you wanted to run around a bit, daddy pig.

- Later.


- [Snorts] look, there's a little duck pond.

[All quacking]

[Snorts] mummy, can we feed the ducks?

- Yes, you can feed them the rest of the bread.


Narrator: peppa and george love feeding bread to ducks.

[All quacking]

- Mummy, I think they want some more.

That was the last of the bread.

I'm sure they've had enough.

- [Snorts] sorry, mrs. Duck.

We've no more bread.

- [Quacking]

Narrator: the ducks want more food.

- [Snoring]

- So much for daddy pig and his exercise.


- Eh? What?


- You lot again?

[Snorts] peppa told you.

There's no more bread.

- [Quacks]

- Mummy, we do have strawberry cake.

- Well, if there's any cake left over,

You can give it to the ducks.


Narrator: everyone likes mummy pig's

Homemade strawberry cake.

- Oh! A wasp.

I hate wasps.


- What a fuss, mummy pig.

It's only a little wasp.

- Go away, wasp.

- Just stay still, mummy pig.

Then it will fly away.

There, you see?

All you had to do was stay still.


Get away.



[Snorts] help!


Shoo! [Snorts]

Get it off me.

- [Snorts] I hope the wasp doesn't sting daddy.

- Oh!

Get away, you little pest.

- No, daddy pig is running too fast for the wasp to catch him.

- Whoa! [Snorts]

- Let's eat our cake before the wasp comes back.


Oh, no, we forgot to leave any for the ducks.

- [Panting]

I think I lost it.

- [Snorts] you said you would run around

And get some exercise, daddy pig.

But I didn't believe you'd do it.


- [Laughs]

[Snorts] luckily, I managed to hang on to

My slice of strawberry cake.

- Stop, daddy!

We promised the rest of the cake for the ducks.

- Oh.

- You're very lucky ducks.

[All quacking]

Say thank you to daddy pig.

[All quacking]

- You're most welcome.


- It's time to go home.

Say good-bye to the ducks.

- Bye-bye, ducks.

[All quacking]

- [Snorts twice]

- See you next time.

[Laughter and snorting]

[Horn honks]

[All quacking]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: mummy pig and daddy pig

Have a new picture of peppa and george.

- [Snorts] we should put this lovely new picture on the wall.

- Leave it to me.


I am the d.i.y. Expert of the house.

- Are you sure you can do it?

- Of course.

- I just put a nail in the wall

And hang the picture on it.

- Very good.

[Snorts] I'm just off to visit granny and grandpa pig.

I'll see you later.

[Engine turns over]

And please don't make a mess.

- Mess?


- Good-bye.

All: good-bye.

- [Laughs]

Daddy, can we help put up the picture?

- You can watch,

And then you'll learn how to do it properly.

First, I need a tape measure.

And a pencil.

[Snorts] that is where I'm going to put the nail.

- [Snorts] don't break the wall, daddy.

- [Laughs]

Now I need a hammer and a nail.

Stand back, children, and watch a craftsman at work.

Narrator: daddy pig is going to knock the nail into the wall.

- [Snorts]

Don't break the wall, daddy.

- [Laughs]

Don't be silly, peppa.


[Snorts] easy as pie.

Oh, it's not meant to do that.

Narrator: daddy pig has made a big crack in the wall.

- Oh, daddy, you've broken the wall.

- It's just a tiny crack.

The picture will hide it.


- [Snorts] I can still see the crack, daddy.

- Yes.

I'll just take the nail out and fill in the crack.

- Don't make a mess, daddy.

- [Laughs]

Don't be silly, peppa.


It's coming out.



[Birds chirping]

- Oh, daddy.

[Snorts] now you really have broken the wall.

- Hmm.

- Do you think mummy will notice?

- Yes, I think she might.


- Quick, george.


- What are they doing?

- [Snorts] daddy, we can see you.


- Hmm.

Narrator: daddy pig has to mend the wall

Before mummy pig comes home.

- Brick, please.


Narrator: first daddy pig fills the hole with bricks.


- [Snorts] there.


Narrator: next, daddy pig puts plaster over the bricks.

- [Laughs]

Easy as pie.

Narrator: then daddy pig paints the wall.


- [Snorts] good as new.

Narrator: the wall is mended.

- Hooray!


Narrator: but look at all the mess they have made.

- Goodness me.

We'd better clean up before mummy comes back.

Narrator: first daddy pig quickly washes peppa and george.

Then peppa vacuums the floor,

And daddy pig tidies up the tools.

[Horn honks]

- [Gasps] mummy!

Narrator: mummy pig is home.

[Horn honks]

- [Snorts] mummy!

- [Gasps] mummy's here.

- Quick!

Pretend nothing has happened.

- [Snorts] hello.

- Hello.


- What have you been doing?

- Oh, nothing.


- Yes, I can see you've been doing nothing.

I thought you were going to put the picture up.

In all the excitement,

Daddy pig has forgotten to put the picture up.

- Oh.

- Well, I'm no expert,

But I'm sure it's quite easy.

[Snorts] there.

- Hmm, yes, that did look quite easy.

- But when you did it, daddy, it looked really hard.

- Shush, peppa, don't tell anyone.

- [Laughing]

[Laughter and snorting]

- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]