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A01x06 - Best Friend/Camping/The Playground/The School Fete/Mummy Pigs Birthday

Posted: 11/22/23 07:48
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

[Birds twittering]

Male narrator: peppa is waiting for her best friend, suzy sheep.

[Doorbell rings]

- [Snorts]

Hello, suzy.

- [Bleats]

Hello, peppa.

Narrator: suzy sheep has come to play with peppa.


- [Bleats]

Narrator: peppa loves suzy.

Suzy loves peppa.

They are best friends.




- Peppa, why don't you and suzy go and play in your bedroom?

- [Snorts]

Yes, mummy.


[Bleating and snorting]

Narrator: george wants to play too.


Peppa and suzy love playing in peppa's bedroom.

So does george.

- [Giggles]


- No, george.

This game is just for big girls.


Go and play with the other toys.

Narrator: peppa and suzy want to play on their own.

- I'm a tiny, little fairy princess.




I'm going to wave my magic wand

And turn you into a frog.

- [Playfully shrieks]


Narrator: george doesn't like playing on his own.


- [Bleats]

Narrator: george wants to play too.

- No, george.

I'm playing with suzy.

You have to play somewhere else.

Narrator: george wants to play with peppa.

He feels a bit lonely.

- George, I need some help.

I'm making chocolate chip cookies.

- [Snorts]

- Someone needs to lick out the bowl.

- [Snorts]


Narrator: george likes helping mummy make cookies.


But he likes playing with peppa more.

- [Snorts]

- [Bleats]

I want to be a nurse.

- [Snorts]

I want to be a doctor.

- But who's gonna be the sick person?

- [Slurps]

- George!

- [Snorts]



Narrator: peppa and suzy love playing doctors and nurses.

So does george.

Peppa listens to george's chest.

- Now, george, take a big breath in,

Then cough.

- [Gasps]


- Hm.

I think your heart's a bit loose.

I'll put a plaster on it.

- [Bleats]

Open wide, please.

Narrator: suzy takes george's temperature.

- Oh, dear.

You're very, very hot.

I think you have to stay in bed for three years.

- [Giggles]

Narrator: daddy pig has come to find george.

- [Snorts]

Oh, no.

What's wrong with george?

- Don't worry, daddy.

It's only a game.

George is our patient.

- Oh, I see.

Can the patient have a visitor?

- Just for a little while.

He might get tired.

[Together] cookies!

- [Snorts]

Yes, they're for george.

They're his medicine to make him feel better.

- [Snorts]





- Um, excuse me, doctor.

Can you help me?

I have a sore tummy.


That tickles.



- [Snorts]

I can hear it rumbling.

I think you're hungry, daddy.


- Then I think I need lots of cookies to make me better.


- [Snorts] and me.

- [Snorts] and me.

- And me.



[Laughter and snorting]



- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa and her family are going camping.

- I love camping.


We're here.


[Giggling and snorting]

Peppa, george, this is the tent I had when I was a little boy.

- Daddy, how are you gonna make that into a tent?

- Don't worry, peppa.

I'm an expert at camping. [Snorts]

Mummy pig, put the tent on the poles, please.

That's it.

Easy as pie.


- Do these pegs do anything?

- Of course.

I forgot about the pegs.

Narrator: the pegs hold the tent up.

- There.

- [Snorts]

The tent is a bit little.

- It was big enough for me when I was a boy.

But it does look a bit small now.

- That's because you've grown a bit

Since you were a boy, daddy pig.

- And your tummy has grown the most of all.

- [Chuckles]

Talking of tummies, we should cook supper.

- Yes, yes.

- First we have to collect sticks to make a fire.

- Yippee!

Narrator: peppa and george are helping daddy pig

Collect sticks for the campfire.

- George, I'll pick up the sticks,

And you can carry them.

- [Snorts twice]


- Collecting sticks is fun.

- Good.

That's enough sticks.

That's a splendid campfire. [Snorts]

Now I'll light it.

- Here are the matches.

- Oh, ho!

We don't need matches.

- Daddy,

How can you light it without matches?

- I'm going to make fire the old way,

By simply rubbing these two sticks together.

Narrator: daddy pig is rubbing the two sticks together

To light the campfire.

- Where is the fire, daddy?

- Nearly there.


- Hooray! - Yay!

- Easy as pie.


- [Snorts] now we can heat up the tomato soup.

- Ah, listen to the sounds of nature.

- What is that sound?

- That is the sound of crickets chirping.


- What is that?

- That's an owl.


There it is.


[Together] wow!


- And what's that noise?

- Oh, I'm not sure.


- It's daddy's tummy.


- My tummy rumbling is one of the best sounds of nature.

It means it's time to eat.


- I love tomato soup.

- So do i.


- Oh, there's another one of daddy pig's sounds of nature.

- [Belches]

Eh? What?


- Come on, children.

Into the tent.

It's bedtime.

- We won't all fit in.

The tent is too little.

- It will be fine.

In you go.


Move further in, mummy pig.

- Daddy, you're too big for the tent.

- [Snorts]

Never mind.

I'd rather sleep outside anyway.

- Good night, daddy pig.

- Good night, daddy.

- Night-night.

- Good night, everyone.


Narrator: mummy pig, peppa, and george are sleeping in the tent.

Daddy pig is sleeping outside under the stars.

- Ah.

I love camping,

Sleeping in the open air with the stars above me.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.


[Rooster crows]

Narrator: it is morning.

- Daddy, it was lovely and cozy in the tent.

- Oh, where's daddy?

Narrator: daddy pig has gone.

- Poor daddy pig.

He must have been cold and wet.

And now where is he?


What's that sound?

- It sounds like snoring.


Daddy pig!

- What?

- Daddy, you're safe.

- Oh, ho! Of course, I'm safe.


I'm an expert at camping.

I slept in the car.

- Silly daddy.

- I love camping.

[Laughter and snorting]

- I'm not a flower.

I'm peppa pig!

[Snorts and giggles]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]


Narrator: peppa and george are at the playground

With their friends.

Candy cat and pedro pony are on the climbing frame.

- [Whinnies and neighs]

- [Meows]

Narrator: suzy sheep, danny dog, and rebecca rabbit

Are playing on the slide.


- [Bleats]

- Whee!

- Whee!

Narrator: peppa is playing on the swing.

- [Snorts] mummy, mummy!

Push me, please.

- Are you ready?

- Yes.

I want to go really high.



Higher, mummy!




Narrator: george wants to play on the swing.

- Now it's your turn, george.

- [Giggles]

- Hold tight.

- [Snorts] I want to push george.

- Push george gently, peppa.

- Yes, mummy.

- Hold tight, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- Whee!

- [Begins crying]

Narrator: oh, dear.

Peppa has pushed george too high.

George does not like being up high.

- Peppa, you know george is a bit scared of heights.

- Sorry, george.

- [Cries]

- [Snorts]

Let's play on the climbing frame!


- [Snorts twice]

- Hello, suzy. [Snorts]

Hello, danny.

[Together] hello, peppa.

- [Barks twice] - [bleats]


- [Barks twice]


- [Snorts]

You were doing it all wrong.

This is the proper way to swing across.

Stand back.

Ready, steady, go!


Look at me!

I'm flying like a bird.





I can't get out.

Narrator: peppa is stuck in the tire.


- It's not funny.

- [Snorts] well, it does look a bit funny.


We'll have to pull you out.

Narrator: peppa's friends are helping to free her.


All: hooray!

- Thank you, everyone.


- George, do you want to play on the climbing frame?

- [Snorts twice]

Narrator: the climbing frame is quite high.

George does not like being up high.

- [Cries]


- Sorry, george. [Snorts]

Let's play on the slide.

- [Snorts] yes, the slide.


Narrator: peppa loves to slide.

Everyone loves to slide.

- Mummy, daddy, look at me!


Ready, steady, go!


- [Bleats]


- [Barks twice]


- [Meows]


- [Giggles] whee.

- [Whinnies] whee.


- [Snorts twice]

Narrator: george wants to play on the slide.

- Are you sure, george?

It is a bit high.

- [Snorts]

- All right.

I'll help you up the steps.

- [Giggles]


Narrator: oh, dear.

It is a bit too high for george.

- [Cries]


- Don't worry, george.

I'll slide down with you.

- Daddy, you're too big to go down the slide.

- Don't be silly, peppa.

I'm not too big. [Snorts]

Stand back!





[All gasp]

Narrator: daddy pig is stuck.


- It's not funny.

- It looks very funny, daddy.

- [Grumbles]

[Snorts] I suppose it is a bit funny.


- We'll have to push you down.

[Snorts] - [bleats]

- [Barks twice] - [meows]

- [Neighs]

- Oof!

- [Giggles] whee!

- Oof!

- [Bleats] - oof!

- [Barks twice] - oof!

- [Giggles] - oof!

- [Meows] - oof!

- [Neighs] - oof!


- [Snorts]


- Daddy's tummy is just like a bouncy castle.


Narrator: george loves bouncing on daddy's tummy.

- [Giggles]

Narrator: george isn't afraid of heights any more.

- I'm a noisy parrot!


- I'm a noisy parrot!


[Laughter and snorting]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: today is the day of the school fete.

Peppa loves coming to the fete.

Here are peppa's friends,

Candy cat, suzy sheep,

Danny dog, rebecca rabbit,

And pedro pony.

- Hello, everyone. [Snorts]

All: hello, peppa.

- I love the school fete.

- Me too. [Snorts]

What do you like best?

- [Bleats] the face painting.

- [Whinnies] I like the balloons.

- [Barks twice]

I like the bouncy castle the best.

- I like everything.


- Oh, ho!

A very good choice, pepper.

- [Barks]

See you later, peppa.

- [Snorts] see you later.

- George, what do you like best?

- Dine-saw.


- Oh, dear.

There aren't any dinosaurs at the fete, george.

- Maybe we can get you a dinosaur balloon.

- Are you sure they have dinosaur balloons, daddy pig?

- I'm certain of it.

- [Snorts]

- Can george and I get our faces painted first?

- Of course.


Narrator: miss rabbit has painted peppa's friends

As tigers.

- There you are, suzy.

Now you look like a tiger.

- Thank you, miss rabbit.


- [Giggles]


I like your face, suzy.

Are you a p*ssy cat?

- No.

I'm a tiger.


- Peppa, would you like your face painted?

- Yes, please.

Can I be an elephant?

- Oh, dear.

I don't know how to do elephants.

I can do tigers.


- Yes, a tiger please.

- There you are peppa.

Now you're a tiger.

- [Giggles]

I'm a tiger.


- George, what would you like to be?

- Dine-saw.


- A dinosaur?

Uh, how about a tiger instead?

I'm good at tigers.

- [Snorts twice]

- [Giggles]

I'm a tiger. [Snorts]

- So am i. [Barks twice]

- [Meows] tigers don't say woof, woof.

- How do you know?

- Because tigers are big cats. [Meows]

And I'm a cat.

- Candy, please, can you teach us how to be tigers?

- Okay.

Tigers creep very, very slowly,

And then they jump.


[All shriek]



- Tigers like to lick themselves clean.


But best of all, when tigers are happy, they purr.

[All purring]

- Hello, children.


My goodness, you're all tigers.

- And I'm teaching them to be proper tigers.


- What do you little tigers want to do next?

- [Snorts] dine-saw.

- That's right.

We have to find george a dinosaur balloon.

- [Giggles]

- Let's get you all balloons.

All: hooray!

- Hello, madam gazelle.

We'd like some balloons, please.

- Certainly.

I've got lots of different ones.

- Can I have an elephant balloon, please?

- Here you are, peppa.

- Can I have a kangaroo? - A lion, please.

- A monkey, please. - A parrot, please.

- [Chuckles] yes, I've got all those.

- Most important of all,

We need a dinosaur balloon for george.

- Oh, dear.

I do not seem to have any dinosaur balloons.

- Oh.

- [Cries]

- Don't worry, george.

I've got an idea.

Could we have two of the long balloons, please?

Watch this, everybody.

Narrator: what is daddy pig doing with the balloons?


- There.

Can anyone guess what it is?

- Is it a kangaroo?

- Oh, ho! No.

It's a...

- Dine-saw!

- That's right, a dinosaur.

Narrator: daddy pig has made a balloon dinosaur.

- Grr.


- [Snorts]

Now the bouncy castle.


Narrator: peppa loves bouncing on the bouncy castle.

Everyone loves bouncing on the bouncy castle.

- This is the best school fete ever.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

[Birds twittering]

Narrator: today is mummy pig's birthday.

Daddy pig has made mummy pig breakfast in bed.

- Happy birthday, mummy pig. [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa and george have made mummy pig a birthday card.

- Happy birthday, mummy.

- [Snorts twice]

- Oh, what a lovely birthday surprise.

- And there are more surprises to come.

Enjoy your birthday breakfast.

Take your time.


- Mm.


- Quick, we have to get everything else ready.

Narrator: daddy pig has made a birthday cake for mummy pig.

- [Snorts] we've just got to put the candles on.


One, two...

- Here I come!

Narrator: mummy pig has finished her birthday breakfast.

- Mummy's coming.

- Oh, no.

We're not ready yet.


- Uh, who is it?

- It's mummy. Can I come in?

- No, no! [Snorts]

- Is there something secret going on?

- Uh, no.

Nothing's going on. [Snorts]

But you can't come in.

- [Snorts] I see.

- Mummy pig, why don't you relax in the sitting room?

- That sounds nice.

- Well, it is your birthday.

- [Snorts] okay, peppa.

I think I know where the sitting room is.

- [Giggles] [snorts]

Here's the nice magazine.

- Thank you, peppa.

- And here's some pretty music.

- Thank you, peppa.

- [Giggles]


- [Snorts]

We need the same number of candles as mummy's age.

- One, two, three.

- Oh, dear.

We haven't got nearly enough candles.

- Daddy, how old is mummy?

- I'll whisper it in you ear.


- Wow.

Really old.

- [Laughs] [snorts]

You know, I think three candles will be fine.

Narrator: mummy pig's birthday cake is ready.

- Hooray!


- We just have to put up the decorations in the sitting room.

- [Yawns]

- Hello, mummy.

- Oh, there you all are.

I was getting a little bored.

- Mummy, would you like to have a nice walk in the garden?

- [Chuckles]

[Snorts] do I have any choice?

- Nope.

Bye-bye, mummy.

Have a lovely walk. [Snorts]

We'll call you when it's safe to come back in.

- I'd forgotten what hard work birthdays were.

Narrator: daddy pig, peppa, and george

Are decorating the sitting room.


- [Snorts] this is fun!

[Horn honking]

Narrator: granny pig and grandpa pig have arrived

For mummy pig's birthday.

- [Snorts] happy birthday, mummy pig.

- Aren't you coming inside?

- Oh, I can't come in yet.

Daddy pig, peppa, and george

Are doing secret things for my birthday.

- How lovely. [Snorts]

See you later.

- Bye.

- Mummy, would you like to come inside now?

- I'd love to.

- Close your eyes.

Keep your eyes closed, mummy.

- One, two, three...

Open your eyes.

All: happy birthday, mummy pig!

[Laughter and snorting]

- What a lovely surprise.

- Blow the candles out [snorts]

And make a wish.

- [Puffs]

- Mummy, mummy!

Open you present.

Can you guess what it is?

- [Snorts]

I've no idea.

- Open it and see.

- It's a beautiful dress.

- Whoa. - Wow.

- You're beautiful, mummy.

- [Snorts twice]

- Now you just need somewhere nice to where it.

- What's this?

- Two tickets to the theater. Tonight.


- Thank you. [Snorts]

Narrator: mummy pig loves going to the theater.

- And granny pig and I are going to babysit the little ones.

- Hooray!

- What a super birthday!

I'm the luckiest mummy in the whole world.


- And the most beautiful.



[Laughter and snorting]

- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]