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A01x04 - The Sleepy Princess/Fancy Dress Party/Mister Skinnylegs/Musical Instruments/The Tooth Fairy

Posted: 11/22/23 07:46
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: it is nighttime.

Peppa and george are going to bed.


- Good night, peppa and george.

- Mummy? Daddy?

- Yes, peppa?

- I'm not sleepy.

Can I have a story?

- But maybe george is sleepy and doesn't want a story.

- George, do you want a story?

Say yes.

- [Snorts]

- [Laughs and snorts]

All right, I will tell you just one story.

- [Snorts] if daddy pig tells you a story,

You must both promise to go to sleep.

- We promise. [Snorts]

- [Snorts]

- Hmm.

I think I'll tell you the story of the sleepy princess.

- Is it a good story?

It sounds a bit boring.

- It's not boring.

It's very good.

- Is there a little princess in it?

- Peppa, if you keep talking, daddy pig can't start the story.

- Sorry, mummy.

Is there a little princess in the story, daddy?

- [Laughs]

Yes, there is a little princess in it.

- [Snorts]

- [Snorts]

- Hmm, [span]the sleepy princess.[/Span]

[Horn fanfare]

Once upon a time in a castle,

There lived a little princess,

And she was called the sleepy princess.

- Daddy?

Why was she called that?

- I'll get to that later.

- Was the sleepy princess pretty?

- Yes.

She was very pretty.

She loved looking at herself in the mirror.

- I am so pretty.

[Snorts and laughs]

- Who else was living at the castle?

- Uh, well...

- The others in the castle were the small prince...

- [Snorts]

- Queen mummy...

- [Snorts loudly]

- And king daddy.

- [Snorts very loudly]

- That's right.

They were all living there as well.

- Did king daddy have a big tummy?

- Of course not.

He was very handsome, like me.



Anyway, there was also a dragon.

- Dine-saw!

- A dinosaur?

Oh, yes! It wasn't a dragon.

It was a dinosaur.

Living outside was a huge, fierce dinosaur.

- Rarrrrrr!

- Rarrrrrr!

- [Cries]

- Oh, dear.

Maybe the dinosaur wasn't quite that fierce, daddy pig.

- Sorry, george.

No, the dinosaur was very gentle.

It ate lots of grass.

- [Chomping]


- [Burps]

- Daddy pig!

- Oop, sorry.

I was being the dinosaur.


- [Snorts] daddy?

Why is the princess called the sleepy princess?

- I'm coming to that.

You see, the sun set, and the stars and moon came out,

And everyone got very sleepy.

- [Yawns]

- [Yawns]

- [Yawns]

- [Yawns]

- But the most sleepy of all was the sleepy princess.

- [Yawns]

- [Yawns]

- Peppa, are you sleepy?

- [Snorts] no, daddy.

I am not sleepy at all.

- [Snoring]

- But somebody is.

- George, wake up.

You'll miss the end of the story.

- [Snorts]

- Well, peppa might not be sleepy,

But the sleepy princess certainly was.

Looking at herself all day in the mirror

Had completely worn her out.

- [Yawns]

- Let's carry you to bed.


Good night.

- [Snoring]

- The sleepy princess was so sleepy,

She had fallen fast asleep.

- [Snoring]

[Both snoring]

- Thank you for that story, king daddy.

- You're welcome, queen mummy.

- And our little prince and princess enjoyed it too.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: peppa and george are having a fancy dress party.

All their friends are invited.

Peppa is dressed as a fairy princess.

- [Snorts]

Narrator: and george is dressed as a dinosaur.

- Grrr!



[Horn honks]

Narrator: here are peppa's friends:

Candy cat, suzy sheep, danny dog, rebecca rabbit,

And pedro pony.

- Neigh!

Narrator: suzy is wearing her nurse's costume.

[Doorbell rings]

- [Snorts] hello, suzy.

- Neigh!

Hello, mr. Pig.

- I'm glad the nurse has arrived.

Have you just come from the hospital?

- Uh, I'm not a real nurse.

It's just pretend.

- [Laughs] very good.

My, my.

Who have we here?

- [Barks] I'm a pirate.

Shiver me timbers.


- Meow! I'm a witch.

I can turn you into a frog.

- [Whinnies] neigh.

I'm a clown. [Horn honks]

- [Laughs] that's funny.

[Snorts] what are you, rebecca rabbit?

- I'm a carrot.


- Fantastic!

Come in.

There's a fairy princess and a dinosaur

Waiting to meet you.


- [Snorts] hello, everyone.

All: hello, peppa.

- Neigh! - Meow.

- Hello, suzy.

I'm princess peppa. [Snorts]

You must bow when you speak to me.

- Hello, your majesty.

Neigh! I'm nurse suzy.

Open wide and say, "ah."

- Ah.


- Neigh! I'm a clown.

- Do something funny.

[Horn honks] [laughs]

- [Barks] rebecca, why are you dressed as a carrot?

- I like carrots.


- Rrr! Dine-saw.

- [Gasps] a scary dinosaur.


Narrator: peppa is admiring herself in the mirror.

- Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Who's the fairest of them all?

[Snorts] "you are, peppa."


- Meow! Hello, peppa.

- Hello, I'm a little fairy princess.


- I'm a witch. Meow!

And I've got a magic wand.

- I've got a magic wand too.

- I can turn you into a frog.

- And I'll turn [span]you[/span]into a frog.

- [Screams]


- Dine-saw.




Narrator: oh, dear.

George is scared of his own reflection.

- Oh, silly george.

Look, it's you in the mirror.

- [Giggles]

Grr! [Laughs]

- Children, it's time to decide

Who has the best fancy dress costume.

- [Snorts] we need a judge.

All: me! Me!

- [Laughs]

As it's peppa's party,

Maybe she should be the judge.

- [Snorts] I'm the judge! I'm the judge!

Daddy, what is a judge?

- The judge decides who has the best costume.

- [Snorts] oh, goody!

Narrator: peppa is going to choose

Who has the best costume.

- Suzy, can I see your costume, please?

- Neigh! I'm nurse suzy.

I make people better.

- Very good, nurse suzy. [Snorts]

Now danny.

- [Barks] I'm a pirate.

Shiver me timbers.

- [Giggles]

Now candy.

- Meow! I'm a witch.

I can turn you into a frog.

- Well, I'm a fairy princess, and I can turn [span]you[/span]into a frog.

[Snorts] - [blows raspberry]

- [Blows raspberry]

- Children, children.

- Sorry, mummy.

- Who's next? [Horn honks]

- I'm a clown.

[Horn honks]

- [Laughs] that's funny.

[Snorts] and rebecca?

- I'm a carrot. [Laughs]

- Lovely.


And my little brother, george, is a scary dinosaur.

- Grr!

- Everyone's costume is very good.

All: hooray!

- Now you say who the winner is.

- Oh, yes.

[Clears throat]

And the winner is...



[All gasp]

- Peppa, you can't pick yourself.

You're the judge.

- Oh, can't i?

- You have to pick another winner.

- Okay.

The carrot wins.

All: hooray!

- Thank you. [Laughs]

Narrator: peppa loves fancy dress parties.

Everyone loves fancy dress parties.

Narrator: george has found the second clue:

Sticks in the shape of an arrow.

- Look, they point this way.


- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: peppa is playing with her dolls' house.

George is playing too.


Peppa is making a tea party for the doll family.

- [Snorts] here, george.

I'm the mummy and daddy. You can be the children.

- [Laughs]


- Children, it's nearly tea time,

So you must wash your hands.

- [Snorts]

Narrator: george is putting the dolls to bed.

- Night night.

- George, why are you putting the children to bed?

They're having a tea party.

- [Laughs]

Narrator: george likes putting the dolls to bed.

- Children, come downstairs right now,

Or you won't get any cake.

Narrator: george isn't listening.

He's too busy putting the dolls to bed.

- George?

If you want to play with my dolls' house,

You have to help with the tea party.

Here, george.

You can fill the teapot with water.

- [Snorts]

- Children, come downstairs right now.

- Mummy, we're coming.


Narrator: george is going to fill the teapot with water.

- Ooh.

Narrator: george has found a spider in the sink.

- [Laughs]

Narrator: george wants the spider to be his friend.

- Oh.


Narrator: george likes the spider.

The spider likes george.

Peppa loves playing tea parties.

- [Giggles]

"Where are all the chocolate biscuits, daddy?

We had lots yesterday."

"Oh, I'm sorry, mummy.

"I must have eaten them all.

Hoo, hoo, ho."


"Naughty daddy."

Narrator: george is putting the spider to bed.

- Night night.

- George, what are you doing?

You have to help me with the tea party.


Help! Help!


There's a spider in my bedroom.

- Oh, don't worry, peppa. [Snorts]

- Please, daddy, take it away.

- [Chuckles] no need to panic.

Hello, george.

Have you seen the spider?

- [Snorts] - it's too scary.

Take it away.

- There's no need to be afraid, peppa.


Spiders are very, very small,

And they can't hurt you.

But don't worry;

Daddy will take it out of the bedroom.


He's quite big, isn't he?

Um, I'll just fetch mummy pig.

Mummy pig!

- [Giggles] hello, mr. Skinnylegs.

Narrator: peppa feels a little bit braver.

- He likes being in my dolls' house.

- Hello, children.

I hear you found a little spider.

I'll take him out of the bedroom

So you two can play.

- Mummy, his name is mr. Skinnylegs.

- Gah!

Mr. Skinnylegs is big, isn't he?

[Peppa and george laugh]

Narrator: peppa and george like the spider.

- [Laughs and snorts]

Night night.

Narrator: george is putting the spider to bed.

- No, george!

He wants some tea.

He doesn't want to be in bed. [Snorts]

Are you hungry, mr. Skinnylegs?

Would you like some cake?

Narrator: peppa isn't afraid of the spider anymore.

- Mummy? Daddy?

Sit down.

We are all going to have tea with mr. Skinnylegs.

[Snorts] who wants tea?

- Me, please. - Me, please.

- [Snorts]

- Delicious.

Narrator: peppa loves playing tea parties.

- [Giggles]

Here's your tea, mr. Skinnylegs.

What's that?

You want to say hello to my daddy?

Hello, mr. Daddy pig.

- Hey. Uh, that's all right, peppa.

Let mr. Skinnylegs drink his tea.

- You're not scared, are you, daddy?

- Oh, no, of course not.


Not so close.

- [Laughs] - whoa!

- [Gasps]

- [Peppa and george laugh]

Narrator: peppa likes mr. Skinnylegs.

Everyone likes mr. Skinnylegs.

- [Laughing and snorting]

- [Laughing]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: mummy pig and daddy pig

Have been tidying the house.

- [Snorts] mummy pig and I found this old box in the attic.

Peppa and george: ooh.

- Can anyone guess what's inside?

- Hmm.

Nope. - [Snorts]

- It's full of musical instruments.

Both: wow!

- [Laughs and snorts]

They are a bit old and dusty.



- [Snorts] this is the violin I used to play

When I was little.

- Mummy, can you play your violin?

- I haven't played it for a long time.

- Please, mummy.

Please play it.

- [Snorts]

- I hope I haven't forgotten how.

[Playing simple tune]

- Bravo! - Hooray!


Mummy, can I play the violin?

- Hold it like this.

- Yes, mummy.

[Squeaking and scratching]

All: ooh.

Narrator: oh, dear.

I do not think it is meant to sound like that.

- [Snorts]

Narrator: george wants to try.

- Hold it like this, george.

- [Snorts]

[Banging and squeaking]

All: ooh.

Narrator: that does not sound quite right either.

- The violin is too hard to play.

- Peppa, maybe you would do better

With this tin drum.

- [Snorts] thank you, daddy!

Narrator: that sounds better.

Peppa loves playing the drum.

- Oh, lovely.

- Yes, it sounds very nice.


- This is daddy pig's old accordion.

- I used to play this to mummy pig when we first met.

[Plays waltz]

- Oh, daddy pig, I remember this tune.

[Instruments playing and george snorting]


Narrator: george wants to play the accordion too.

- Are you sure, george? [Snorts]

The accordion is quite difficult.

- George, the "accror-dion"

Is almost as difficult to play as my drum.

- [Snorts]

- Okay, george.

- [Laughs]

[Halting music]


Narrator: maybe george is a bit too little

To play the accordion.

- Daddy? [Snorts]

What other instruments are in the box?

- Just this horn.

- [Snorts] can I try?

- You have to blow it very hard.

- [Inhales]


Narrator: that does not sound right.

- It's impossible.

- I think I used to be able to play it.



Narrator: that really does not sound right.

- [Laughs]

Maybe it just needs someone big and strong, like me.



Narrator: that does not sound right either.

- [Panting]

Peppa's right;

It is impossible to play.

- Never mind, daddy pig.

Just stick to the accordion.

You play it beautifully.

- Oh, well, I do play it quite nicely,

Even if I say so myself.

- And I'll play my violin.

- And I will play my drum.

Narrator: mummy pig plays the violin.

Daddy pig plays the accordion.

Peppa plays the drum.

But what instrument will george play?

[Low horn note]

[Low horn note]

- [Giggles]

Narrator: george is blowing the horn.

- Mummy couldn't play the horn,

And daddy couldn't play it,

And even I couldn't play it.


But george can play it.

- [Giggles]

[Low note]

[Low note]

[Playing waltz]

[Low note]


- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

- [Gobbling]

Male narrator: peppa and george

Are having their favorite food: spaghetti.

- [Slurps]

- [Slurps]

- [Snorts and laughs]

What a lot of noise.

- [Slurps]

[Snorts] finished!

- [Snorts]

- Ah, now we'll have a bit of quiet.

- [Giggles]

[Snorts] what's that?

- It's a tooth.

- Where did that come from?

- [Laughs] oh, peppa?

Maybe you should look in the mirror.

- [Snorts and laughs]

[Disappointedly] oh.

- [Mummy and daddy laugh]

- It's [span]my[/span]tooth.

[Snorts] it's fallen out.

- Don't worry, peppa.

It's just a milk tooth.

They're meant to fall out.

- Will I grow a new one, mummy?

- Yes, you will, peppa.

It also means the tooth fairy will be paying you a visit.

- Tooth fairy?

- Yes, the tooth fairy.


If you put the tooth under your pillow tonight,

The tooth fairy will come.

- [Snorts]

- The tooth fairy will take the tooth,

And in its place, she will leave a shiny coin.

- [Snorts]

- [Snorts] when I grow up,

I want to be a tooth fairy.

- [Laughs] oh.

[Snorts] and what would you like to be

When you grow up, george?

- Dine-saw.

- Hee hee hee! A dinosaur.


- Quick, george, it's bedtime.

We don't want to miss the tooth fairy.

Narrator: before going to bed,

Peppa and george brush their teeth.

- Peppa?

What are you doing?

- [Snorts] my brushing my tooth

So it's nice and clean for the tooth fairy.

- [Laughter]

Narrator: peppa cannot wait to get into bed.

Peppa is putting her tooth under the pillow

For the tooth fairy.

- Good night, peppa and george.


- [Giggles]


- [Giggles] good night, mummy.

[Snorts] good night, daddy.

- [Snorts] good night, my little piggies.

[Door shuts]

- [Giggles]

George, I'm not going to sleep.

[Snorts] let's both stay awake all night

And see the tooth fairy.

- [Snorts]


- [Snorts]

[Snorts] this tooth fairy is very late.


Narrator: the tooth fairy

Is taking a long time to arrive.

- Where is that tooth fairy?

- [Snoring]

Narrator: what is that noise?

Is it the tooth fairy?

- George? Can you hear something?

Oh, george.

Narrator: oh, the noise is george.

He was so tired, he has fallen asleep.

- George is not very good at staying awake.

But I am.

I'm going to stay awake and see the tooth fairy.

I'm not going to sleep.


Narrator: the tooth fairy has arrived.

- [Snorts]

Narrator: but peppa is asleep.

- Hello, peppa.

Would you like this coin in return for your tooth?

- [Snoring]

- What a nice clean tooth.

Thank you, peppa.

Good night.

[Rooster crows]

- Peppa! George!

Wake up. It's morning.

- What? I--i wasn't asleep.

- Did the tooth fairy come?

- No.

- Let's take a look under your pillow.

- [Gasps] look, peppa!

The tooth fairy has been,

And she's left you a coin.

- Hooray! [Giggles]

- You fell asleep, didn't you?

- Well, maybe I fell asleep just for a little bit.

[Snorts] next time, I will stay awake

And I will see the tooth fairy.


- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]