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02x26 - Secret Agent Rusty/Moon Walkin' Rusty

Posted: 11/21/23 11:46
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is a mobile thrill ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it, build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go ♪

The name is Steele.

Blaine Steele.

[Both giggling]

He gets into his spy car

and flies away.

Secret Agent Blaine Steele is so awesome.

I love all the spy gadgets he uses to stop bad guys.

It's Dr. Bronzenose,

Blaine Steele's worst enemy.

He's using his code-breaker

to hack into Blaine's headquarters

and take it over.

Yeah, Dr. Bronzenose's code-breaker

can control any machine.

And I, Frankie Fritz,

will hack into Rusty's lab with my code-breaker

and take it over, just like Dr. Bronzenose.



But first, I need those two out of the yard.

I'll use my voice-change-nator device

to sound like Mr. Higgins.



FRANKIE [In Higgins' voice]: Hello.

It's totally Mr. Higgins here.

You can tell by my voice

I'm Mr. Higgins.

Oh, hi, Mr. Higgins. Is everything okay?

No. [Snickering]

I need help. Lots and lots of help.

Please come over right away.

Ahh! Help!

Come on, Ruby. Let's go help him.

Time to bolt.

[Laughing maniacally]

It worked!

Come on, Frankford.

Now my code-breaker will hack into the Rivet Lab,

and I can control everything.

[Device beeping]

Yes! It worked. I've taken over the lab.

[Laughing maniacally]


Now I can lock Rusty and Ruby out of their own yard.

[Gates whirring, slamming shut]

And if they try to get back in,

my drone bots will spot them and carry them away.

Being a villain is so much fun.


RUBY: Well, that was strange.

Mr. Higgins said he didn't call us.

You know what else is strange? I can't open the gate.

How can we be locked out of our own lab?

Come on.


Do you think he locked us out on purpose?

♪ I have Rusty's lab, I have Rusty's lab ♪

[In Higgins' voice] ♪ I'm Mr. Higgins ♪



He tricked us.

[Drone buzzing] Ruby, get down.

Frankie's drones are guarding the yard.

[Frankie laughing maniacally]



With my code-breaker,

I turned on the alarm system.

The lab is ours...


Frankie has a code-breaker just like Dr. Bronzenose?

That's how Frankie must be controlling the yard.

We have to get in there and stop him

and get the code-breaker.

But how do we get past the drones and the alarm system?

We'll have to be extra sneaky,

just like Secret Agent Blaine Steele.

BOTH: Blaine Steele.

We can make our own high-tech spy gadgets.

Nice thinking, Agent Ruby.

Thank you, Agent Rusty.

We can fly into the yard with these jetpacks.

Ah. This is neat.

[Screaming] Make it stop!

Phew. Let's see what else this thing can do.

The code-breaker is right below us.


Oh, no.

[Alarm blaring] Huh?

Nice try. Time for you to fly.

Hey, hey.


Put us down.Let go.

They're very sneaky. The lasers weren't enough.

What else does the yard have?

Ooh, an energy dome.

That'll keep them out for sure.

You can go home, drones. I've got it from here.

That looks fun.

Ugh. Frankie found our energy dome.

How do we get in now?

Well, we know that the weakest spot is the very top.

We can't fly up there without our jetpacks,

but maybe there's another way.

[Objects clattering]

Aha! Suction cups. Perfect.

We'll climb up the dome

with secret agent suction shoes.

Or as I like to call them, sneakers.


Time to sneak.


We've reached the weak spot.

My laser slicer should do the trick.

After you, Agent Ruby.

Our new robo-hand thingy is awesome.


RUSTY: It's called Claw, Frankie.

Ooh. Good name. Wait a minute!

Give up now.Yeah.

Never! If I can't keep you out,

then I'll just have to take the lab with me.

Evil laugh, Frankford.

[Laughing maniacally][Snickering]

See ya.


He's driving off with our lab.

We have to catch him.

[Horn honking]



We need something fast to catch up to Frankie and our lab.

And something so we can get close enough to stop it.

Too bad we don't have Blaine Steele's spy car.

It can do anything.


We could turn the go-kart into a spy car.

Let's combine it...

...and design it.

We'll start with the go-kart.

Then we'll add special tires with lots of tricks.

And finally, a spy chip that we can launch.

Put it all together, and we've got our plan!




The Super-Spier .

Ready to be super-spies, Agent Ruby?

Ready, Agent Rusty.

Time to bolt!

[Frankie chuckling]

Dr. Bronzenose would be so proud![Horn honking]

Nothing can s--[Chittering]


What?! Okay, let's see what this lab can really do.

Ohh, instant wall! [Beeping]

[Tires screeching]

We're about to crash!

Activating heat ray!

[Beeping, whirring]

RUBY: Whoo-hoo, yeah!

What?! Claw-thingy, throw them off-course!


We did it!

Here, have a ball!

Uh-oh...Activating top secret mode!

[Beeping, whirring]

A flying car! Just like...

BOTH: Blaine Steele.

Again? That's it!

I've sending everything at them, all at once!

[Beeping, alarm blaring]Oops.

My code-breaker overloaded the system!

It's on the fritz!

[Screaming in panic]

RUSTY: Hang on, Frankie! We'll help you!


Firing shutdown chip.

Got it!

[Sighing in relief]

We're saved! Hooray!

Except Rusty Rivets saved us. Aww...

We'll take that code-breaker, Frankie.


This would never happen to Dr. Bronzenose.

But you haven't seen the last of me, Rusty Rivets!

Because we're neighbors. Run, Frankford!

Come on, Ruby, let's go back to the yard.

RUSTY: Secret agent mission accomplished.

So, what's our next mission, Secret Agent Rusty?



I'm hungry.

Me too.

[Both giggling]

[Bits chattering]

Whoa, that's a lot of popcorn.

Oh, yeah!

You need a lot of snacks

for a trip to outer space.


Hey, Rusty. Hey, Ruby.



Is that a spaceship?

Yep. We've never been to the moon,

so we figured we'd check it out.

[Scoffing] I could go to the moon if I wanted,

in my own super-cool giant awesome spaceship

that I totally already have!

[Beeping in shock]


Awesome! You and Frankford can meet us there.

You mean, you can meet us there!

I'm going to be the first kid on the moon!

[Frankford beeping, chittering]

First kid and skunk on the moon.

[Beeping happily]


RAY: Whoa...

See you on the moon, Frankie!

There's one small problem, Frankford.

I don't have a spaceship!

[Beeping in shock]Shh!

[Chuckling nastily]

But Rusty does.

Follow me!

[Humming cheerfully]


Next stop, the moon!Bye, Bits!

ALL: Bye-bye!

The launch is gonna be a little bumpy.

[Gulping nervously] Bumpy?

Prepare for blast-off!






[Engines blasting]

To the moon!

[Shouting fearfully]

Good thing we're wearing our space seatbelts

or we'd float away.

Yep! When we're on Earth,

gravity is what keeps us on the ground.

There's less in space. So we float.

Frankford! You can fly?


Ahh! What's happening?

Ahh! Frankie?

What are you doing here?

Floating! Help!

[All shouting]

Frankie, be careful!

[Frankie screaming]

ALL: Whoa!

Oops. Not good!

Now we can't steer!

That's not all, Rusty. Look!


I can get the wheel! Ahh!

Time to turn the ship's gravity.[Beeping]


Got it!

[Screwdriver whirring]Perfect!

It's too late!

We're too close to steer around the asteroid field!

I'm on it, Ruby!

I think it's time for a walk.

A spacewalk!



A handy-dandy asteroid swatter.

Great job, Rusty! Now to hit some asteroids!

Here come two at once!

I'm on it.

RUSTY: Awesome! Yes! Whoo-hoo!

Whoo-hoo! We're back on course!

Now I can be the first kid on the moon!

And skunk.

We're a team, Frankie.

We're all in this together.

Why aren't we on the moon yet?

What's taking so long?

It's pretty far away.

It's there a "go faster" button?

How about this red one?

That's the emergency warp speed button.

But don't use it--Warp speed?! Yes!

[In slow-motion] No!


Ahh! Ahh!

Now this is fast! Whoo-hoo!


Warp speed uses too much fuel!

Let go of the button or we'll--

FRANKIE: Or we'll run out of fuel and float in space forever?

Uhh, oops.

How will we get to the moon now?

Never mind the moon. Without fuel,

how will we get home?

FRANKIE: No fuel?!

How will we ever get to the moon now?

Or get home?

We need to think this through.

You think. I'm busy panicking.

Ahh! [Beeping]


We can use that!

FRANKIE: That piece of junk?!

Are you kidding me? How can that help?

RUBY: The rocket engine on that old spaceship

still has fuel in it.

We just need to attach it to our ship.

Time for me to take a spacewalk.

All done!

Thanks for visiting Ruby's Rocket Repair Shop.

Great job!

We'll be on the moon in no time, Frankie.

You mean I'll be on the moon in no time...

[Chuckling nastily]

RUSTY: We're almost there.

Prepare for moon landing.

We're prepared, all right--

to be the first kid and skunk on the moon.


RUSTY: Touchdown! We did it!

FRANKIE: You won't beat me to the ground!

Ugh!First kid and skunk on the moon!

Whoo-hoo! Ahh!


I'm coming, Frankie!

Rusty, you're the first kid to walk on the moon!

Oh, yeah, I guess I am. Cool!

Great! We're falling into a moon-hole.

Wait, moon-hole?!



Let's get out of here, Frankford!

Whoa! [Grunting]

We're stuck![Beeping]

Wait, that means...

I'm the first kid stuck on the moon!

But also... help!

RUSTY: Hold on, Frankie!

We have to get them out of that canyon.

But how?

It's too steep to climb out, or in.

Maybe we can drive down?

What do astronauts drive on the moon?

[Beeping, gasping]

A moon rover! Cool!

Let's combine it...

And design it!

We'll start with a place for us to sit.

Then add wheels.

And finally, a steering wheel.

Put it all together, and we've got our plan!




The Rusty Rover !

Now to go save Frankie.

You are go for lunar rover driving!

Thanks, Ruby. Whoo-hoo!

I'm coming, Frankie!

Help! [Beeping]

RUSTY: Look out below!


Hey, there. Need a lift?

Whoa! Awesome moon rover!

I mean-- [Scoffing]

I totally could've built one.

Hold on tight.

[Powering down]Uh-oh.


Ruby, we have a problem.

I can't get back up.

Let me look.

I'm showing rocks nearby shaped like a ramp.

And they're angled just enough to get you out.

Sending you the coordinates now.

Got it!

Please don't tell me we're doing

what I think we're doing.

We are go for ramp launch!


I was afraid of that!

[Beeping anxiously]

Looking good, Rusty.

[Beeping]Just a little bit more speed.


[Rockets blasting]

Whoo!I'm not looking!


That-- was-- awesome!

We made it?

I mean-- I wasn't scared.

Nice roving, Rusty.Thanks, Ruby.


I could have gotten out myself. Eventually.

But... thanks.

Any time. Now, before we head home,

who wants a snack?

Ooh, yeah! Popcorn!

I'll suck it right into my suit!



I meant to do that.

Yeah. F--Frankford?

This is the best view ever.

RUSTY: It sure is.

FRANKIE: What view? All I see is popcorn!