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02x16 - Rusty's Dino Coaster/Rusty's Teacher Appreciation Day

Posted: 11/21/23 11:37
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is a mobile thrill ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go ♪






[Bell ringing]



The Rivet-Bowl is good to go.

Perfect. Looks like everything's all set for today's carnival.

Almost. The carnival can't start without--

The roller coaster.

It's the best, fastest, hilliest,

loopiest roller coaster in the whole world!

It sounds awesome.So awesome!

Here's me going up the hill and down the hill.

Ooh, and the best part-- me going around the loop-de-loop!

Nyar nyar nyar! Nyar nyar!

I've never been on an roller coaster.

I can't wait to ride it.

I can't wait to ride it with you.

[Both chuckling]

So, when is Mr. Higgins coming with the roller coaster?

Hmm... He should be here by now.

I'll see where he is.

[Phone ringing]

Well, hello, Ruby.

You're probably wondering where I am with the roller coaster.

We're all super excited for it, especially Liam.

Uh-huh! Emily and I are gonna ride the roller coaster over

and over and over and--

Well, small hitch.

The roller coaster trailer is awfully big,

but the road around Planner's Peak isn't.

Ooh, I'm afraid if I go any further,

I could lose the whole--

--roller coaster!

Oh, fiddlesticks.

Bad news, folks--

the roller coaster won't be coming to town after all.

What?! I'm sorry, Liam,

but the track's all over the road.

And even I could reload it myself,

the trailer's too big to make it through.

So, no roller coaster?


Wait, Mr. Higgins, just stay put.


Maybe there's a way we can help.

But if the road's too narrow for Mr. Higgins' trailer,

it's way too narrow for the mobile rivet lab.

Then, we'll need another way up the mountain.

Hey, Botasaur, can we get a ride?

Don't worry, Liam.

We're going to get you and Emily on that ride.

Awesome. Cool.

Time to bolt.


[Chuckling] Don't know my own strength.

[Botasaur chuckling]Oh!

Good to see you, Botasaur.


Okay, set it back down on the road.

That's great.

But now that the trailer's back on the road,

we need to get the tracks back into it.

Oh. There's a lot more than I thought.

It could take a really long time.

But Liam's expecting us soon.

What we need is some Bits on the fix.

Bits, clean-up on Planner's Peak.


All right!

Let's roll.


ALL: Hello!



Bits, we need you to help get all the roller coaster parts

loaded back on the truck.




Quite a crew you've got there.

Thanks, but there's no way

you can make it through, Mr. Higgins.

The road is definitely too narrow.

RUBY: And twisty-turny.

You'll have to back outta here,

so we can find another way down the mountain.

Will do.


[Engine starting]

[Back up signal beeping]

Okay, there's got to be another way to get the trailer through.

Right, but what way? Hmm...

If only we were on the other side of Planner's Peak--

the road's much straighter over there.

That's it! We just need to get the trailer to the other side.

Except there's a huge, giant mountain in the way.

Nothing the Ant-tastic Drill Bot can't handle.

Good idea, Rusty.

Let's drill our own tunnel through the mountain.

Be right back, Mr. Higgins.


Come on, Botasaur. We have a drill bot to fetch.

See anything?

Not yet. Maybe it's not coming.

Don't even say that, Emily. It has to. You'll see.

Rusty and Ruby won't let us down.

[Crickets chirping]

[Liam sighing]

[Bits cheering]

Looks like the Bits are excited to ride the roller coaster too.

You could say that again.

[Cheering, laughing]


Okay, let's get drilling.

RUBY: The road on the other side is a little lower.

And a little to the left.

How's this?

RUBY: Perfect. You should be to the other side right about... now.

I'm through!

[All cheering]Yes! You did it!

Okay, Mr. Higgins, time to drive.


We're on our way, Rusty.

[Horn honking]

You made it, Mr. Higgins!

Yep! Looks like Liam and Emily

will get to ride the roller coaster after all,

thanks to you guys.

Let's get the carnival started!

RUSTY: Yeah!

Whoa Nellie!

Whoa! [Laughing]


[Phone beeping]

Oops. Sorry, Emily.

Hi, Ruby. Is the roller coaster almost here?

RUBY: We're on the way with it now.

Sparkton Hills, here we-- stop!



The road's washed out.

There's no way we're getting the trailer across that.

Then, how are we gonna get the roller coaster

to Liam and Emily?

What's going on? Is the roller coaster still coming?

Sorry, Liam, but the road's washed out.

There's no way across.

[Sighing] It's okay, Ruby.

I'll ride the roller coaster with Emily another time. Bye.

Poor Liam sounded sad.

That's because we promised them a roller coaster ride.

You're right, Ruby, we did promise them,

so we're going to make our own roller coaster.

I'm so in!

Let's combine it.

And design it.

We'll start with our pal Botasaur.

And we'll give him super-fast roller coaster wheels.

And some awesome roller coaster cars

for Liam and Emily to ride in.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.





The Dinocoaster !

[Bits cheering]

Ready?Let's ride.

You kids go first. We'll take the next turn.

Ready, set, dino-coast!



That is not what I expected.

Me either. It's way better!

BOTH: Woo-hoo!

Should we be going quite this fast?

Okay, I'll slow us down.


I think I forgot to add brakes.

What? We need to come up with something fast!

Oh, I've got it! But we'll need Liam and Emily's help.

I'm on it.

[Phone chiming]Oh.

You guys are going really fast!

Too fast. We need you and Emily to move the Rivet Bowl

to the bottom of the tracks to stop us now!

You can count on us, Rusty.

Let's bolt!


[Botasaur whimpering]

Do you see them?

Not yet.

RUBY: There they are!


Faster! We have to get there before they do!

We will... probably.

You've got this, guys!

Go, Liam and Emily!

It's brake time!

We're saved!You did it!


You were right, Liam; that roller coaster is super fun.


Hey, you guys wanna ride before the carnival opens?


Ready, set...



[Cheering, laughing]

RUSTY: Woo-hoo!


You're right, Liam!

Best... ride... ever!

[Bell ringing]


Thank you, class,

for all of the wonderful gifts you brought me

on Teacher Appreciation Day.

ALL: You're welcome.

There's one more gift, Teacher Betty.

Ruby and I made you something extra special

to thank you for all you do for us.

Presenting... Robo Assistant!

ALL: Ooh!

Help Teacher Betty.

Oh! I never knew how much I wanted a robotic helper

until this very moment.

Thank you, Rusty and Ruby.

Robo Assistant can do all kinds of things, like, pass out books.



BOTH: Whoa! Yay!

Help Teacher Betty.

Amazing. Oh! And speaking of helping,

it's time for one lucky student

to do the chore of the day.

And that student is... Frankie Fritz.


Frankie, can you please clean the chalkboard erasers?


Everyone else please open your textbooks to chapter three

and let's read.

[Kids cheering]Quietly.

Hey, help me clean the erasers.

Only help Teacher Betty.

We'll see about that.

After I make a few tweaks, you'll help me, too.


[Chuckling maliciously]

Now, help me clean the erasers.

Clean erasers. Clean erasers.

Clean erasers. Clean erasers.

[Coughing] Rusty, Ruby,

something's seems to be wrong with Robo Assistant.


Yeah, your invention went haywire when I...

um, looked at it.

Okay, change of plans.

Let's all go to the gym now for early play time.

[Kids cheering]

Don't worry, Teacher Betty. We'll clean this up right away.

I'm sure you two can figure it out.

I know how to get rid of this chalk cloud--

let's get some Bits on the fix!

Whirly, we need you to bring us the Super Sucker-Upper .

All right!

[Speaking gibberish]

Thanks, Whirly.


Time to bust that dust.

You did it!

Dust is busted.

Great job, Ruby.

Now, let's see what's wrong with Robo Assistant,

so we can get back to Teacher Betty.

Help Teacher Betty. Help Teacher Betty.

Help Teacher Betty. Help Teacher Betty...

Uh-oh! It's looking for Teacher Betty. Come on!

[Air hissing]

[Sighing]Oh, don't worry.

I can blow that ball up for you.

Help Teacher Betty blow up balls.

Help Teacher Betty blow up balls.

Help Teacher Betty blow up balls.

Help Teacher Betty blow up balls.


Um, whoa, you blew that up

a little too much, Robo Assistant.

Watch out!


Help Teacher Betty blow up balls.

Help Teacher Betty blow up balls.

Help Teacher Betty blow up balls.

Help Teacher Betty blow up balls.

Help Teacher Betty blow up balls.

[Ball inflating]

[Kids chattering in alarm]

Oh, my. Uh... Too many balls, Robo Assistant!

We need something big enough

to move all these giant, heavy balls.

I know something really big-- Elephantbot.

Plus, he could use his trunk to bat the balls or blow them away!

Elephantbot, we need you.


[Trumpeting "Charge"]

Hi, buddy. We need you to move these balls.



Now, let's get all of the balls out of here.

Time to play ball!


[Cheering]Okay, Ruby,

now let's figure out what's wrong with Robo Assistant.

Nothing is wrong with Robo Assis--

I mean, don't look!

Let me check, just in case.

[Bell ringing]

All right, class, school's over.

Thank you all for a very memorable

Teacher Appreciation Day. Now, let's get to the busses.

Get bus. Help Teacher Betty.

Get bus. Help Teacher Betty.

Get bus. Help Teacher Betty.

Wait! We haven't fixed you yet!

Where'd he go?

Get bus. Help Teacher Betty.

Get bus. Help Teacher Betty.

Thank you, Robo Assistant.

He seems to finally be working.

But we didn't find out what was wrong yet.

Get bus. Get bus.

Get bus. Help Teacher Betty.

This is not good.

Get bus. Help Teacher Betty.

Never mind! I take it back! He's still not working!



Don't worry, Teacher Betty! We'll help you... somehow.


We've got to get Teacher Betty down from there.


Help Teacher Betty. Help Teacher Betty.

Help Teacher Betty.

Help Teacher Betty.

Help Teacher Betty. Help Teacher Betty.

Help Teacher Betty.

Help Teacher Betty.

Uh, no thank you.

Help Teacher Betty.

No thank you. Help Teacher Betty.

Help Teacher Betty.



Help Teacher Betty.


Oh, boy. And I didn't think it could get any worse.

[Playing rap beat]

Wait! Maybe Elephantbot can help.


How? Elephantbot's strong,

but if he climbs the stack, it might fall over.


You're right. So, instead of climbing it,

he'll fly to the top!

[Trumpeting "Charge"]

Let's combine it.

And design it.

We'll start by adding a rotor blade on Elephantbot's back

and a smaller one on his tail, so he can fly like a helicopter.

Then, I'll program his trunk to have even more vacuum power,

so he can suck up Robo Assistant.

And last but not least,

magnets on his feet to clamp onto the metal bus.

Then, we'll fly it back down to the ground.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.

Time to go mobile.




The Ele-flyer !


Let's go rescue Teacher Betty.

[Trumpeting fanfare]

RUBY: We'll save you, Teacher Betty.

Aww. I have the best students.

Help Teacher Betty.

There he is!

Super vacuum trunk ready.



Help Teacher Betty. Help Teacher Betty.

Help Teacher Betty. Help Teacher Betty.

Turbo power on.

[Powering down:] Help Teacher Betty...

BOTH: We did it!

[Sighing] Thanks, kids.

Now, we'll clamp onto the bus

and have you back down to the ground in in time.


No! Seagull!

No. Shoo! Shoo!




RUBY: Full speed down.

Magnet grab, Elephantbot.

RUSTY AND RUBY: Woo-hoo! Yeah!



All right. Well, I can definitely say

this has been the most exciting Teacher Appreciation Day ever.

I'll have Elephantbot get the other busses down,

so everyone can go home.

And I'll finally look at Robo Assistant

and see what went wrong.


Whoa! His programming is all messed up.

How did that happen?

Frankie Fritz. Frankie Fritz. Frankie Fritz.




Is that true?

I needed some help cleaning the erasers,

so I made Robo Assistant even more helpful.

A little too helpful.

You have a new chore now, Frankie--

deflating all those giant balls

and putting them back in the gym.



Help Teacher Betty.

Good job, Robo Assistant. I'm so glad you fixed him.

And we're glad he's making

Teacher Appreciation Day special.

Just like you.

Oh... Thanks, you two. That's very sweet.

Hug Teacher Betty.

[All laughing]
