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02x15 - Super Rusty vs. Super Villain Bot/Rusty in Space

Posted: 11/21/23 11:37
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is a mobile thrill ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Yeah, let's go

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go ♪

I'm open! Kick it to me, Ruby!


Ooh, ooh! Kick it to me, Rusty!

For sure!


Oh, man.[Sighing]

I know how to get our ball back.

All you need is a handy, dandy multi-tool.

LIAM: Yay! Whoo-hoo!

Awesome, Rusty.Thanks, Rusty.

Rusty's our hero!

[Growling] A hero? All he did was get a ball off a roof.

I could be a better hero than that.

In fact, I have a Fritz-tastic plan.

[Snickering meanly][Frankfurt snickering]

[Clanging and whirring]

Introducing Villain Bot!

Ta-da! I've programmed it to take things.

Then I, Captain Fritz, will show up and stop it.

Everyone will see that I'm the real hero, not Rusty Rivets.


Yeah, you can help, too, Frankfurt.

You shall be... uh, the Little Stinker.


[Powering up] [Whirring]

Yes! It's alive!

[Laughing evilly]

Now, go take stuff, Villain Bot. Go!

Take stuff. Mwah-ha-ha-ha.

See? He even has an evil laugh. It sounds great, right?


[All laughing][Motor approaching]

[Sucking]Hey, that's our ball!

Take stuff. Take stuff.


Uh-oh.[Old-fashioned car horn honking]

[Tires screeching]

Oh, look! It is a Villain Bot!

Why is Frankie wearing a superhero costume?

Never fear. Captain Fritz is here. I'll stop that villain!

[Laughing evilly]

[Record scratching]

Give us back our ball!

Now, I'll just flip off his power switch,

and everyone will think that I saved the day.

[Both snickering]


Uh-oh. It's going to be harder to shut off than I thought.

The switch is stuck! [Whimpering]

[Grunting]You okay back there, Frankie?

Take stuff.[Frankie shouting]

Good try, Frankie. But it's getting away!





We need something really fast and strong

to catch that Villain Bot.

Time to go mobile.

Want to come with us, Frankie?

No! Captain Fritz is going to save the day all by himself.

Let's go, Little Stinker.

Take stuff. Take stuff.[Car alarm wailing]

Alright, Ruby. Get as close to Villain Bot as you can.

Then I'll use Claw to stop it

and get everyone's stuff back.

You've got it, Rusty.


[Horn honking]Whoa!

Never fear. Captain Fritz is here!

Rusty, watch out for Frankie![Gasping]

Ah![Tires screeching]

Take stuff. Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.



[Gasping] It took the hand right off Claw!

[Motor revving]After that Villain Bot.

[Sucking][Both gasping]

Take stuff. Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

[Motor approaching][Tires squealing]

Take stuff.Oh. Uh...

[Sucking] Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.



Take stuff.[Sucking]


Take stuff.[Gasping]

[Kids shouting]



It's taking everything in town!

Time to get some Bits on the fix.

Bits, we need help pronto.



Let's go!


BITS: Hello!

Whirly, pick something up and dangle it

in front of Villain Bot so he'll try to take it.


Ray, Jack, and Crush, you sneak up behind Villain Bot

and trip him, and Rusty and I will open its hatch

and get everyone's stuff back.

[Bits chattering]


Yoo-hoo! [Laughing]

Take stuff.

[Whirly chattering and laughing]

[Both chattering]

Never fear. Captain Fritz is here.


[Frankie yelping][Bits groaning]

Drat. Uh-oh.

Take stuff.[Sucking]


Ah! Rusty!


Where's Villain Bot taking Frankie?

I don't know, but we've got to rescue him.


Hurry, Ruby.


Help!Hold on, Frankie!

We'll rescue you!

Rusty, it looks really hard to climb down into that cave.

Too bad we aren't superheroes.

Wait. We could be heroes with super-suits.

And defeat Villain Bot. Let's combine it...

And design it.

We'll start with our mech-suits

to protect us from Villain Bot.

Then we'll add super arms and super legs

to give us mega-villain stopping strength.

And last but not least, we'll add rockets

so we can fly like superheroes.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.





The Superhero Rescue Suits ,.

Want to help us out, Ray?



Whoo-hoo!Yeah! [Laughing]

Hey, where are they?

RUSTY: They must have gone into one of these tunnels.


Don't worry, Frankie! We'll get you out!

Whoa. Look at all that stuff.

RUBY: Frankie!

Boy, am I glad to see you guys.

I mean, I could have rescued myself,

but this gives you something to do. Ah!


Take stuff.

Let's stop Villain Bot.

Take stuff.You can't stop it!

Its power switch is stuck![Beeping]

Wait! What? Why do you know how Villain Bot works?

[Groaning] I made Villain Bot.

I wanted to be a hero and stop it,

but the power switch got stuck.

We can turn that power switch off with our super-strong arms.

[Jet firing]Wait! Oof.

Uh, forgot to mention, Villain Bot can fly!

So can we! Rusty and Ruby, go!

[Bits chattering]

[Ray chattering]


Hurry, before he flies up high! Ah!

I can reach the switch.



Ah! It's too high.


Hey, I can see my house from here.

Hang on.

You're no match for Super Rusty and Super Ruby.

Yoo-hoo, Mr. Villain Bot.

Take stuff. Take stuff.


Got you. Powered off.

[Powering down]






Hang on!

Uh, guys? You coming?


Now, we just have to return all this stuff

back to the right place.

That's going to take a really long time.


Ugh. Okay.

I guess I could probably help give the stuff back.

And we can turn Villain Bot into Good Guy Bot to help, too.

Captain Fritz will save the day!



[Car horns honking]


RUSTY: I've got it!

Rusty's our hero!


[Bits chattering]



ALL: I got it!

[Bits chattering and laughing]

WHIRLY: I got it! [Laughing]


Nice catch, Whirly.

Okay, Flingbot, let's see what you've got.

Throw it as high as you can.


BOTH: Wow!


What is that?I don't know.

Let's go check it out. Time to go mobile.

Time to bolt!

[All cheering]

Uh, Ruby, is that...

an alien spaceship?

[Rock music playing]

[Laughing] Greetings, fish of Earth!

[Turning off music]

I thought you'd have more scales...and fins...and go...


We're not fish. We're people.

And it's nice to meet you. Who are you?

You're not fish? My translator app must need an update.

Please allow me to-- Ah!

Whirly, go!

WHIRLY: I got it!



For that, I say... [Shouting gibberish]

That means "thank you."


Are you really an alien?Why are you here?

Can I look inside your ship?What kind of engine

does your ship have?How fast can it go?

Do you come in peace?Where's your planet?

Please, please slow down.

You're talking faster than a five-mouthed binder-snort.

Sorry. It's just so awesome to meet a real alien.

Welcome to Earth. I'm Rusty, this is Ruby,

and these are the Bits.

[Bits chattering]

My name is Shaz from the planet Zamzu.

It is very nice to make your friendship.

Is placing a shoe upon the head

not the proper way to say hello on Earth?

[Laughing] Not exactly.

Here in Sparkton Hills, we just shake hands.


Is there anyone else in your ship?

SHAZ: No. I am alone.

But this is my family:

Plaz, Maz, and Gaz.

I was flying home to be with them for Bloop Blop Day

when my ship's engines broke.

What's Bloop Blop Day?

Oh, oh, it's wonderful!

It is a special day on my planet when we sing songs

and eat a large feast. But the best part

is when we snork and wubble together!

I must get home in time for Bloop Blop Day.

[Sighing] They'll blork their kremlocks if I miss it.

What's "blork their kremlocks" mean?

It involves crying, a lot of twirling around,

and a very large frog.

Don't worry. You won't miss Bloop Blop Day, Shaz.

We'll get your ship down for you.

[Cranking]This should do it.

Ta-da! Rocket Whirly.

[Whirly chattering]

[Jet firing]





Thank you, tiny propeller-headed robot.


Oh, no! The ship's engines are damaged!

[Sighing]We'll take your ship

to our recycling yard and have it fixed in no time.

Hop in!

You can sit in my spot, Shaz.

[Laughing] Shaz, you're supposed to sit like Rusty's sitting.

Sit on your zim-zam?

What crazy idea will you Earthlings come up with next?



Oh, goody. An incoming call from my family.


Please hurry, Shaz. If you miss Bloop Blop Day,

the children will be so sad,

they'll surely blork their kremlocks.

Do not worry, Plaz. Rusty and Ruby of Earth will fix my ship.

Bling blong!

Bling blong!

Ah. Ooh.

Does one of these buttons play Earth music?

RUSTY: Wait!

[Dance music playing loudly]


[Dance music playing loudly]

[Turning music off]Sorry.

That's okay, Shaz. You didn't know.

SHAZ: Oh, look.

That driver has a spaceship exactly like mine.

[Gasping] That's because it is yours!

Ah!We have to get it off there

or you ship will hit that arch

and you'll never get home in time!

That truck driver doesn't know he's about to smash Shaz's ship.

Oh. I know what to do. We need a hand from a giant hand.



RUBY: Great idea, Rusty.

Almost there.[Whimpering]

I cannot look.

Come on.

I've got it!

[Tires squealing]




By the rings of Saturn! Thank you, Rusty of Earth.

You saved my ship. [Shouting gibberish]

[Both laughing]That is the sound I make

when I am very happy.

[Whirly chattering]

We'll have you ship fixed in no time, Shaz.



When will you come home, Daddy? We're going to... [Sniffling]

..blork our kremlocks if you miss Bloop Blop Day.

Do not be sad, my children. I will be home very soon.

We miss you, Dad.

BOTH: Bling blong!

[Sighing] I miss them very much.

Then let's get cranking. We've got a spaceship to fix.


Thank you from the bottom of my three and a half hearts.


Bling blong!



Oh, no! My ship leaked fleeble-flobble juice

when it was damaged!

There isn't enough to get me home.

I'm not going to be able to spend Bloop Blop Day

with my family.

We promised we'd get you home in time to be with your family,

and that's what we're going to do.

We just need a way to get your ship into space

without any fleeble-flobble juice.

And we're good at launching things into space.

Let's combine it...And design it.

We'll start with Shaz's ship.

We'll need a lot more speed,

so we'll add a special turbo engine.

Then we'll add a cockpit so we can help fly Shaz off the Earth.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.




The Space Pusher ,.[Bits cheerring]

It is indeed awesome, Rusty of Earth.

But I do not know how to fly

this Space Pusher two-zero-zero-zero.

You don't need to. Ruby and I can fly you into space.

Then you can take over and fly home

with the remaining fleeble-flobble juice.

[Shouting gibberish]

That is the sound I make when I am very, very, very happy!

Prepare for blast-off.

All systems are go.

BITS: Five, four, three, two...

BOTH: One!

Blast-off![Rocket firing]

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

You'll be home in no time, Shaz.

[Shouting gibberish]

[Beeping]Hold on.


We've got asteroids ahead.

We've got to go around them.

That is not possible.

We must go through the asteroid field

to get to my planet on time.

Alright, Ruby.

Let's roll.

Wait. Let us crank an awesome Earth jam first.

[Beeping][Rock music playing]

Asteroid on the left!

RUSTY: And on the right!

Straight ahead!

RUSTY AND RUBY: Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

We made it through.

Nice flying, Rusty. Shaz, it's a clear path all the way home.

Get ready to fly your ship. We're going to detach.


Bye, Shaz! Next time you visit, bring your family.

And have a great Bloop Blop Day.

I shall always remember what you did for my family,

Rusty and Ruby of Earth, who are not fish.

Thank you!

ALL: Happy Bloop Blop Day!

Happy Bloop Blop Day.

And now, we would honored

if you would snork and wubble with us.

Plaz, dear, play my jam, please.

[Rock music playing]


And now, it's time for the wubble.

ALL: Wub!

Group wubble!


I can't think of a better way to end the day.