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02x08 - Rusty and the Pirates of Sparkton Hills/Rusty and the Mouse Problem

Posted: 11/21/23 11:30
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is a mobile thrill ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it, build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go ♪

[Tools whirring]

Our latest invention is done.

A recycling bin that takes itself to the curb.


Oh, hi, Frankie. Did you see our inven--

Rusty, get this.

I just invented a remote control flying waffle maker.

[Bits exclaiming]

See? Waffles any time, anywhere.

Best invention ever.


I'm on it. What's this?

It belongs to...

R.R. IV.

That must be your great-great grandpa-- Rustin Rivets IV.

He used to make inventions right here in this yard,

a long, long time ago.

What's it say? What's it say?

"A treasure is buried. Have I got your attention?

"Follow this map to find my great pirate-y invention."

[Camera shutter clicking]

[Clearing throat] Cool.

It's one of my great-great grandpa's treasure maps!

Awesome. It looks like the treasure's buried on an island.

Let's use our pirate ship.




The Bits make great pirates.

They're pi-Bits.


[All whooping]

Frankie, Frankfurt,

are ye coming with us?


Oh, uh, no. We "arr-n't."

We're busy today. Thanks. Bye.



I know we're not busy today, Frankfurt,

but I plan to find and keep that invention all for myself.


Oh, and for you too. [Chuckling]


Huh? Frankfurt, help!

Okay, let's see.

We have lots of parts, so we can build anything we need

and the deck is swabbed.

I'm okay.

Ready to set sail for adventure, pirates?

ALL: Arr!




Captain Rusty thinks the treasure is his.

But Captain Frankie will get it first.


How? I secretly took a picture of his map

and Rusty didn't see me. That's how.


Oops. Wrong picture.

Here it is. See?

Full Fritz ahead!


According to the map, the treasure's on that island.

We'll find my great, great grandpa's invention in no time.

No, you won't

because Capt'n Frankie will get it first.

Frankie? But I thought you were busy today.

I am busy-- busy trying to take the invention all for myself.


My crew won't let that happen.

[All exclaiming]

Oh, but the weather looks bad...

...thanks to the Frankie Fritz Fogger !

Where'd he go?

RUBY: I can't see.


FRANKIE: Oh, no. You can't see which way to go.

Don't worry, I'll go get the treasure.


What are we gonna do, Rusty?

We can't just wait for this Frankie fog to blow away.

Blow! That's it! I've got an idea.

Whirly, wanna be a super-powered fan and blow all that fog away?


[Wind gusting]



You did it!

BITS: Arr!


Getting rid of Rusty was easier than I thought.

RUSTY: Ahoy there!


That fog cleared right up, thanks to Whirlybeard.


Well, Captain Frankie has more tricks than just fog.

RUBY: Oh, no, that reflector is heating up the sand.

So, you can't walk on it. Now, the treasure will be all mine.


If we can't walk on the sand, he'll get my grandpa's treasure!

We need to get across that super hot sand

and stop Frankie from taking the treasure.

Oh, I have an idea. We can't walk across the sand,

but maybe our ship can-- crab-style!

Let's add legs to our ship.


Great idea, Ruby.

Let's go!

Time to set sail on sand.

Woo-hoo! To treasure!

[All cheering]


RUBY: Ahoy, Frankie.

That's a giant crab-walking pirate ship. Awesome!

Except Rusty Rivets is in it.

Don't worry, Long John Stinky.

I have one more plan.


Okay, mateys, according to the map,

the treasure's on top of this cliff.

You're right. An "X!" It must be buried under there.

[Cheering, laughing]

ALL: Ta-da!

I know a faster way to dig.

Crab claws. Nice touch.

[All gasping]


Thanks for finding the treasure for me, Captain Rusty.


Ah! We can't let him get away! We've got to catch him.

But how? Our ship can't fly.

Not yet.

[Ruby gasping]

We can use the parts we brought

to make a flying pirate ship.

Let's combine it.

And design it.

We'll start with our pirate ship.

Then, add wings to make it fly.

And turbo jets to make it go super fast.

Put it all together and we've got "arr" plan.




The flying pirate ship !

Let's go get that treasure, mateys.

ALL: Arr!


The treasure is ours, Frankfurt! All ours!

Captain Rusty can't stop us now!

RUSTY: Ahoy, Captain Frankie.

What?! Shiver me timbers.

A flying pirate ship?

That's awesome! Except Rusty Rivets is in it.

You'll never catch us!

Yo-ho-hold on, everyone!

[All exclaiming]


You can't outfly us.

This great invention belongs with me--

the greatest inventor in--

uh-oh. Whoa!

Hang on, everyone! Full speed down.

You can't reach them in time.

Oh, yes, we can.

I added a little something extra to our ship.

Wah! Whoa!

Gotcha, matey!

[Groaning] But who's got the treasure?

Captain Ruby and the Pi-Bits to the rescue.

ALL: Arr!

Okay, even I've got to admit, that was pretty cool.

Now, we can finally see what my great-great grandpa invented!


Is that a parrot?

[Squawking] Hello. I'm Pollybot.

It's a parrot robot!




Hello, Captain Rusty.

He knows my name. That is a great pirate-y treasure.

Welcome to the crew, Pollybot.

ALL: Arr!

Hello, awesome robotic parrot.


I think it likes you, Frankie.

Of course, he does.

I am the greatest inventor in the world, after all.

[Squawking] Rusty's the greatest!

What?! No! I think you mean Frankie's the greatest.

Nope. Rusty. [Squawking]

[All laughing]

[School bell ringing]

RUBY: I love the science fair. It's so much fun

seeing all the cool things everyone's working on.

Yeah, I can't wait to check them out,

as soon as we're done showing them our Speedy Copier!


Which copies anything super fast.



[Bell dinging]

That is pretty awesome!

I mean, it's okay.

Ready for your big moment, Robo Mouse?






Close enough. Have some robo cheese.


[Clearing throat]

Who wants to see the latest from...

the greatest inventor in the world!

[Voice echoing]

Ooh! Your volcano is really erupting.

Science at work.



Hmm. If I didn't get their attention with one mouse,

how about two?!


[Whirring, bell dinging]




Oh, that's enough!

Off switch! Off switch!


That was fun to watch. Now we can all get back--

[Screaming] Mouse!

Get back to mouse?

I think she means that mouse...

and that one.

and probably that one.

Whoa! Where did they all come from?

Science fair is no place for mice.

We need to get rid of them.

Don't worry, Teacher Betty.

We'll round 'em up and take 'em outside.

Maybe they're hungry.

We attract them with something yummy and smelly,

like... my cheese sandwich.

Great idea, Ruby.

We could use the volcano as a smell funnel.

Promise to put it back when we're done.

And this fan to blow it through.


Yes, it's working!

[Buzzer sounding]

Huh? I don't get it.

Yeah. Mice love cheese.

But robo mice only like robo cheese.

RUBY: And they're gone.

But they could come back any time.

Sorry, everyone. No more science fair

until we know the mice are all gone for good.

[Kids groaning]

There is definitely something really strange about those mice.

Yeah, like, where did they come from?

And where did they go?


Hey, Sammy. What's up?

Mice are up and down and all around!

You gotta help before they-- [Screaming]


Let's go.

I'm not going to stick around for them to blame it on me,

even if I did kind of do it.




[Sammy yelping]

Wow, Sammy, you weren't kidding.

I don't kid, not about mice.

Don't worry. We'll get them out.

RUBY: Huh?



RUSTY: Wheels?

Those are definitely no ordinary mice.

They're robot mice.

Which is why I called you two. Can you get rid of them?

Sure, but...

where did they go?

[Car alarm sounding, people screaming]

Whoa. There are way more robo mice than we thought.

[People screaming]

We have to get them out of here.

But how? Cheese didn't work.

We'll round them up and take them someplace

they can't cause trouble.

Great idea.

RUSTY: Time to go mobile!

I'll gently nudge them into that alley with this.

Won't they just run out of the far end?

Nope. When I give the signal, you block the exit with this.

Got it!

Then, one more gentle nudge into the cage and we got them.

All right!

Come on, you guys. We're gonna find you

a much better place to hang out.


It's safe to come down now, Sammy.

Thanks, Rusty.

Rusty, I'm coming your way.



RUSTY: No way.


Robo mice that fly? Not good.

What's weird is if we didn't make the robot mice, who did?

Single or double scoop of gelato? I can never decide.


My robo mice?

How are there so many?

RUSTY AND RUBY: Frankie Fritz?

Uh, I didn't do anything.

I only made a few. Uh, I mean,

I've never seen these robot mice before in my life.

If he only made a few, why are there so many?

Speedy Copier!

We need to shut it down before it makes more than we can catch.

[Whirring, squeaking]

Oh, no.

Just imagine how many

it's already made by now.

Just about enough to cause total chaos in town.


Oh, don't tell me...

They're back...

and now, they're everywhere!

[Both gasping]

SAMMY: Rusty, help!

Don't worry, Sammy.

We're going to need something

that's really good at catching mice.

Cats love to catch mice.

But a cat isn't fast enough

and can't jump high enough to catch robo mice.

We need a super fast, super high jumping cat!

Tigerbot! Tigerbot!

Tigerbot, we need you.


All right, Tigerbot.

Let's combine it.

And design it.

We'll start with Tigerbot.

Then, we'll add laser goggles,

so she can locate and track lots of mice at the same time.

And finally, a cage, so Tigerbot can catch them all.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.




Tigerbot-- Extreme Robo Mouse Catcher Edition.


Aww, we love you too, Tigerbot.

Now, let's go round up some robo mice.

Time to bolt!



RUBY: Scanning for robo mice.


And catching them.


Rusty, help!

RUSTY: Come on!



Robo mice-free at last!

Way to go, Tigerbot.


Nice one!



We've got 'em all, Tigerbot.[Beeping]

Mouse! Which would normally be awesome. I love 'em.

But the elephants are terrified!

We almost got all of 'em. Be right there.


Hi, Anna.

I'm trying to calm them,

but elephants really don't like mice. I'm afraid they might--

[Trumpeting wildly]

ANNA: --escape the enclosure!



Come back!

She's headed for town.

Come on, Tigerbot.


Meet ya there!

Don't worry. Rusty will get Elly back.

RUSTY: I see her.

Tigerbot, bolt!

Two scoops of gelato was the perfect choice.


RUBY: Frankie, watch out.



RUSTY: Come on, Tigerbot. We gotta save him.

Super Mega Power Leap!




[Squeaking]RUBY: Got him.


Whoa, girl. You're oaky, Elly.

Looks like Rusty, Ruby and Tigerbot

got the last of the mice.

I believe these are yours, Frankie.


I just wanted to make an extra one,

since Robo Mouse is such a brilliant invention.

But your machine got carried away.

Tigerbot, what was amazing.


RUBY: We're super glad science fair's back on.

Now that the mice are under control.

Come on, guys. I just wanna teach you one little trick.

Here, have some-- uh-oh!

Last piece of robo cheese!


It's okay, guys.

I know just what to do.

No, I don't.

Hey, Frankie,

got anything we could test

our new and improved Speedy Copier with?

Yeah, I do! [Screaming]

Quick, Rusty, take it! Take it!

[All laughing]