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02x54 - Woof Out!

Posted: 11/21/23 08:16
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

[horn honks]

[dogs bark]

[horn honks]

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

♪ When I say ready, you say ruff ♪


- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

[upbeat music]


- Zippy, Rocket, where's Calvin?

There's something I need to tell him.

- Guys, it's Buddy Sitandshake.

Hey, Buddy, are you gonna dog sit us today?

Are we going for a walk?

- No, Stuff, it's something even better.

I can't wait to tell everyone.

[alarm blaring]

[chuckles] Whew.

Oh, hey, Calvin. Super paw!


- Hi, I'm Calvin. Welcome to Mutt & Stuff.

[laughs] Another super paw.

- Buddy Sitandshake? When did you get here?

Buddy Sitandshake is our favorite dog sitter.

- I've got big news.

I'm gonna be on the new dog game show Woof Out!

- Whoa, that is big news.

- Yeah, Woof Out is an awesome game show

where dog sitters compete to be

the best dog sitter in the world!

Have you seen it before?

- Oh, of course. That's our favorite game show.

Right, Stuff? - Oh, yeah, we love it.

- And some of the dogs are gonna help out too.

- Really? That's awesome.

- Well, you know, winning Woof Out's really hard.

You think you can do it?

- I've dog sat all kinds of dogs.

Big dogs, small dogs,

dogs that swim, invisible dogs.

- Huh? - That was a weird dog.

No one can sit a dog like Buddy Sitandshake!

- Ooh, and do you know what they give the Woof Out winner?

- Your double doggone right I do.

The winner gets the best trophy in t he world.

both: The Golden Woofer.

[chuckles] - Come here.

- Huh? - I've got a new secret move

that'll make me unbeatable.

I call it the Buddy Walk-amole.

Let me show you. - [chuckles]

- Wow, Buddy's sure excited to be on Woof Out.

- Come on. - Oh.

- Get ready for the Buddy Walk-amole.

Princess Pickles, give me a beat.

[funky music]

Leash me.

- Ah, drool alert, drool alert.

Doggy straight ahead.

Oh, I can't look.

I'm alive. - Don't worry, Melvin.

The Buddy Walk-amole is about staying cool.

Not the drool. - Oh, ooh.


So what do you think?

- That looks awesome.

There's no way you'll lose Woof Out

with moves like that. - Do you wanna help me

practice the Buddy Walk-amole some more, Zippy?


Then let's Walk-amole.

- While Buddy practices for Woof Out,

I'm gonna check on the puppies.

They love playing games too.

children: ♪ Puppy playtime

♪ Puppy playtime

♪ Puppy playtime

♪ Puppy playtime, Puppy playtime ♪

- The puppies are having fun. You ready to head out?

- Oh, Buddy, Calvin, Zippy, guess what.

Guess what.

both: What, Stuff, what?

- Peter Poodlerino

is gonna be on Woof Out just like Buddy.

- No way.

Peter Poodlerino is the best dog sitter in the world.

- Yeah. - Boy do I feel sorry

for the poor dog sitter that's gotta compete

against Peter Poodlerino. - [chuckles]

- He always wins. - Mm.

- When's he gonna be on Woof Out?

- Um, today. - Oh, today.

Just like me. - Yeah.

- Today? Just like me?

That means I'm the poor dog sitter

that's gotta compete against Peter Poodlerino.

I can't beat him.

- It doesn't sound that bad to me.

I mean, how good can he be?

- Peter Poodlerino has won

all the top doggy game shows on the planet,

and one on the Moon.

- Wow. That is really good.

- No. It's bad.

Real bad.

There's no way I can beat Peter Poodlerino.

I don't wanna be on Woof Out anymore.

- Aww.

[soft music]


- Oh, no. I've gotta figure something out.

Fast. [exhales sharply]

Buddy doesn't wanna be on Woof Out.

I sure hope he'll do it.

- No way.

[playful music]

- Hey, Davenport. Davenport!

- [stammering] Oh, hey Zoe.

- Have you ever been on a game show?

- Yeah, and I came in

furriest place.

[both laugh] both: Aah.

I'm okay. - Meow too.

[knocks on door] - Come on out, Buddy.

It's time to go to Woof Out.

- There's no way I can beat Peter Poodlerino.

He's the best dog sitter in the world.

- Buddy, who dog sat big dogs, small dogs,

dogs that swim, invisible dogs.

- I did.

- And who perfected the Buddy Walk-amole?

- I did.

- That's right.

Your Buddy Sitanshake,

and if you give up now there's no way you'll win

the Golden Woofer.

- You know what? I can do this.

No one can sit a dog like Buddy Sitandshake.

- [chuckles] That's the spirit, Buddy.

Come on, paws up, tails out.

- Let's go!

See you at Woof Out, Calvin!

- Super paw. [laughs]

that's my favorite part.

- Come on, everyone. To the Mutt & Stuff bus.

[barks] - Whoo, yes!

[exciting music]

- ♪ The dogs on the bus go

[dogs barking rhythmically]

♪ The dogs on the bus go

[dogs barking rhythmically]

♪ All through the town

[horn honks]

[dogs barking]

- Uh-huh. - Wow.

- Whoa, so this is where they film Woof Out.

Pretty cool.

- It's more than cool.

This is the greatest day of my life.

Don't lose your cool, Buddy.

Sit, stay, find your inner dog.

[inhales deeply] Bow-wow.

[hip-hop music playing]

- Huh? Oh, is the game show starting?

- No, it's him.


- Peter Poodlerino!

Hey, thanks for coming out to watch me win.

Keep those tails wagging.

- Hi, Mr. Poodlerino.

I'm Buddy Shakeandshakes.

I mean, Cakeandbake.

I-I mean, Sitandshake.

- Love meeting the fans.

Now where's this poor dog sitter

that I'm gonna send to the dog house?

- Oh, it's Buddy. He's competing against you.

- Why, you sly doggy dog.

I thought you were just some autograph hound.

[laughs] Get it?


Good luck going nose-to-nose with--

can I get a beat, please?

♪ I'm Peter Poodlerino

♪ I never lose

♪ I never snooze

♪ I wear two shoes

♪ Cows go moos

I love to rap.

- Welcome to Woof out,

the game show where we find out who's the best dog sitter

in the world,

and now let's meet our host,

Melvin the fire hydrant.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey!

What do you know? What do you say?

Welcome to Woof Out.

I'm your host, Melvin the fire hydrant.

Hmm, who thought putting a fire hydrant

on a game show for dogs was a good idea?

Not me.

And now let's raise the woof for our contestants!

First, our returning champion.

It's Peter Poodlerino!

- Ow ow! Awoo!

- His opponent: first-time contestant,

Buddy Sitandshake!

- Uh...bow-wow?

- And now, the rules of Woof Out.

Our dogsitters will try to complete

three dogsitting challenges.

The one who wins the most is the Woof Out champion,

and will win the golden woofer!

[triumphant music]

The first challenge is the dog bubble bath.

First sitter to wash the most dogs is the winner.

And speaking of dogs,

let's bark up a Woof Out welcome

to our pals from Mutt & Stuff who came here to help out.

[dogs barking]

[cheers and applause]

- You can do it, Buddy! - Go, Buddy!

- Sitters, grab your sponges.

On your marks, get set, wash!

[exciting music]

- Whoo!

- Oh, come on! Ugh!


[dog whines]

- Ahh!

- Go, Buddy! - You can do it, Buddy!

- Buddy! - Buddy!

- He's no... - Quitter!

- He's gonna be the... - Best dogsitter!

- [sighs]


audience: Ohh!

- [panting]

- Boof!

- Ugh.

- And the dog-washing challenge comes to a splashing end.

Let's see how our sitters did.

Uh-oh, looks like Buddy washed no dogs.

- Do I get any points for washing myself?

- No, but you sure look squeaky-clean! Ha!

Ooh, looks like Peter Poodlerino washed four dogs!

- ♪ Washing all the doggies

♪ Getting 'em super clean-o

♪ No one does it better than Peter Poodlerino ♪

Hoo-hoo! Word!

- Who let those dogs out?

They are washed up and looking soap-endous!

And that's it for round one.

Peter Poodlerino's in the lead, one to nothing.

Hey, hey, hey, hoo! It's competition number two!

Fetch the Toy!

Our sitters will compete to see which of their dogs

can fetch the most toys.

But be careful.

If you throw your toy into an obstacle,

your dog won't be able to fetch it.

Sitters ready?

On your marks, get set,


Oh, looks like Peter's off to a swinging start!

- Yeah!

- Buddy has to make sure he doesn't fall behind.

And Peter can't miss!

This is unbelievable!

- Oh, no! Buddy's dogs can't fetch the toys.

- Go, Buddy! Keep throwing them. You can do it.

- Ugh! Looks like today's weather is

cloudy with a chance of toys.



[suspenseful music]

[upbeat music]

- Yeah! - Yeah!

- I did it, Melvin! I got one!

- All right! - How'd Peter do?

- Well, take a look.

- ♪ I'm tossing toys like a fish can swim ♪

♪ Looks like Peter Poodlerino for the win ♪

- Howza-wowza. Peter won again.

I'll never win now.

I should just quit.

- Oh, no. Sounds like Buddy's losing confidence

and giving up.

We've got to help him.

- Hey, Davenport. Davenport!

- Wha! Oh, hi, Zoe.

- What's your favorite game?

- [chuckles] Why, it's hopscotch. Watch.

[clears throat] Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop.

- Mm-hmm. - Hop, hop, hop, hop--

both: Aah!

- I'm okay! - Meow too!

- Welcome back to Woof Out!

And now it's time for our final event,

the Dog Walking Challenge!

Buddy, are you ready to walk some dogs?

- Sorry, Melvin,

but I think I'm just gonna walk myself

back to Mutt & Stuff instead.

- Hey, hey, hey--what?

But Buddy, if you leave now,

then Peter Poodlerino's gonna be the Woof Out winner!

- I can't wait to take you home!

Aw, cute little puppy.

That's a big puppy.

- Looks like Peter's gonna win.

Guess I'm not such a great dogsitter after all.

- But you are a great dogsitter.

There's a very special reason why.

- Really? - You bet.

You care about your dogs,

and you're always there for them.

- I love dogs. I'd do anything for them.

- And they love you. That's why you're a great dogsitter.

Not because you might win some trophy.

- You know what? You're right.

Thanks, Calvin. You always know how to make me feel better.

[upbeat music]

Okay, Melvin!

I'm ready to walk some dogs.

- Ha-ha! Glad to have you back, Buddy!

You'll be walking your dogs through an obstacle course

filled with all the things that doggies love most.

First up, Peter Poodlerino.

- Whoo! [camera shutter clicks]

- Oh, no. Look! Peter's taking selfies.

He's not paying attention to what he's doing.

- Smooth around. Yes.

- Uh-oh, Peter's not paying attention to his dog.

- Time for a selfie of the winner...


Say Poodlerin--


And it's Peter...Poodlerino...

for the win.

- He didn't finish!

- And now it's buddy's turn.

- This is it, Zippy: the last challenge.

I just wish there was some way I could show everyone

that I am a good dogsitter.

Like if I walked two dogs. Or three dogs.

Or--or five dogs!

- Did you say five dogs? - Yeah.

Five dogs.

- Well, no one's ever walked five dogs.

It's not possible...

unless you were some kind of five-armed

dog-walking superhero.

You're not a five-armed dog-walking superhero, are you?

- No. I'm Buddy Sitandshake,


- If Buddy Sitandshake can walk five dogs,

he deserves to be the Woof Out winner.

- Really? - Yeah.

- You heard him, Buddy. If you can walk five dogs,

you'll win the golden woofer!

[cheers and applause]

- I'll do it, Melvin. I'll walk five dogs.

- I got to see this.

- One, two, three, four, five.

Whoo, that's a lot of dogs!

You can do this. You're Buddy Sitandshake,


Who's ready to go on a walk?

Listen, don't worry about any of this Woof Out stuff.

Let's just go on a walk and have fun like we always do.

[dogs bark]

- See, Stuff, that's why he's a great dogsitter.

He's always there for his dogs.

- Yeah. Buddy's the best.

- It's time for the Buddy Walk-amoly!

Princess Pickles,

my Buddy Walk-amoly walk-a-music, please.

[upbeat music]

[dog barks]

- Go, Buddy!

- Yeah, Buddy!

- I did it! I walked five dogs!

- Yeah! - Whoo-hoo!

- Wow! - Incredible!

- He's got the stuff. - Yes!

- Hey, hey, hey, hog-- you're top dog!

Congratulations, Buddy Sitandshake.

You're our new Woof Out champion!

- I knew you could do it, Buddy!

- Congratulations, Buddy! You won the golden woofer.

- Thanks for believing in me, Calvin.

- Huh? - And Stuff.

- [laughs] - I can't believe

you walked five dogs, Buddy!

But you did! - Thanks, Peter.

- Oh, I could learn a thing or two from you.

Like the Buddy Walk-amoly? That was awesome!

Can you teach it to me? Please?

I'll teach you some of my Peter Poodlerino dance moves.

- That would be awesome, Peter.

- What a great day! Let's celebrate

with a Woof Out doggie dance party!

Come on! Wag it like you mean it!

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

♪ When I say ready, you say ruff ♪


- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

- Today, Buddy competed against the famous dogsitter

Peter Poodlerino

on the game show Woof Out.

Buddy thought he wasn't a good dogsitter

when he started to lose.

But Buddy realized that he's a great dogsitter

for a very special reason:

he loves his dogs and really cares about them.

- Let's just go on a walk and have fun like we always do.

- And then we celebrated Buddy winning Woof Out

with a dance party!

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

♪ When I say ready, you say ruff ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

- Thanks for joining us today.

See you back at Mutt & Stuff!

- Hey, Davenport. Davenport!

- Doh! Oh, hi, Zoe.

- Have you ever won a trophy?

- Why, sure. I won a trophy once

for falling off a wall.



- I want to win a trophy, too. Whee!

- Good-bye, everyone! - See you next time!

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

♪ When I say ready, you say ruff ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff