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02x53 - Putt & Stuff

Posted: 11/21/23 08:15
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

[horn honks]

[dogs bark]

[horn honks]

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay ♪

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪ - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪ - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪


- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups ♪

♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪

- Hiya.

Today's golf day here at Mutt & Stuff.

[dogs barking]

- Hey, Calvin. Come on out.

[dramatic music]

[alarm blaring]

[machinery whirring]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- [laughs]

Hi, I'm Calvin.

Welcome to Mutt & Stuff.

As you probably already heard,

I'm taking everyone mini golfing today.

- Whoo-hoo!

- Hi, Noodles. - Hiya, Calvin.

Oh, I can't wait to go miniature golfing and get a hole in one,

or a hole in two or a hole in...cheese.


- Well, let's get this day started, then.

- Okay.

- Calling all dogs, it's--

- Golfing day. Whoo!

I've got everything I need, Calvin.

- Stuff, you don't need allthat.

You just need a golf ball and aputter.

Here. You can use mine.

- Well, thanks, Calvin.

Here, just take that, and I'll just, uh, grab that from you--

- You just hold on to that. - Oh, okay.

- And I'll grab this. - There, and you--there.

Have that, and then--okay, just hold on.

Just pick--okay, pick that up. Just--

- There. - Great.

[laughs] Thanks for the putter.

- Now all we need are some golfclothes.

Hey, I'll go order some special doggy golf outfits

on the Paw Pad.

- Ooh.

- [laughs]

[quirky music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, mailbox.

Did our golf clothes arrive yet?

Wow, that was fast.

Hey, guys, your golf clothes are here.

- Whoa. That's a lot of clothes.

- [chuckles]

- Now, that's what I call a special delivery.

- [chuckles]

- We'll save your outfit's for the miniature golf course.

Time to practice golf.

- Here goes.

Ugh! Whoops.


Did I win?

[dog groans]

- That was a good try, Stuff.


But with a little bit more practice,

you'll be putting like a pro.

I think everyone could use a little more practice.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- And...ooh, right in the hole.

- Nice shot, Stuff.[laughs]

Okay, Sonny, it's your turn.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪


Oh! Ooh.

[dog whining]

That's okay, Sonny.

It was your first try.

Hey, where'd your ball go?

- Whoa. Check it out, Marty.

What kind of dog is that?

- That's not a dog, Sid.

That's a golf ball.

- Oh, I don't know, Marty.

I bet it could do all the same stuff a doggy could do.

Sit. Stay. Look cute.

[laughs] See? It's a doggy.

- Oh, brother.

- Nice, little round dog.

Good boy.

- While the dogs are practicing mini golf,

I'm gonna check on the puppies.

They love mini golf too.

[children] ♪ Puppy play time ♪

♪ ♪

[dogs barking]

♪ ♪

♪ Puppy play time ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Puppy play time ♪

- There you go.

Okay, Sonny, now try hitting it again.

♪ ♪

That's okay, Sonny.

Just keep trying.

You know that's the only way to get better.

[dog whines]

Uh-oh, looks like Sonny's having trouble golfing.

[dog whines]

Actually, make that lots of trouble.

It's okay, Sonny.

Just keep trying.

[upbeat jazzy music]

- Hey, Davenport.

Davenport! - [stammers]

Oh, hey, there, Zoe.

- Hey, you want to play minigolf?

- Why, sure.

[mystical music]

♪ ♪

- What are you doing? I said mini golf.

- Oh, sorry.

I thought you said "spinny" golf.


I'm okay. - Meow too.

[upbeat music]

- Wow, Sonny, you're getting so much better.

You didn't hit the ball out the door this time.

So you want to try mini golfing?

[dog barks] - All right.

Then paws up, tails out, let's go!

- Whoo-hoo!

- It's mini golfing time!

- Hey, Calvin. Calvin.

- What's up, Noodles?

- I'm ready to go too.

Could you please hand me my mini-mini golf club?

- Oh, sure.

Wait a minute.

If I give you your mini-mini golf club,

is confetti gonna fall on my head again?

- What? Confetti?

Oh, no way, Calvin.

I promise no confetti.

- Okay.

- [laughs]

See? No confetti.

- Good one, Noodles.

- Yeah, that's right.

Plastic golf balls. [laughs]

Is there room for me in that backpack?

- Oh, sure.

To the Mutt & Stuff bus!

[dogs barking]

- [chuckles]


- Hey. Hey, make sure you bring

extra golf outfits in case you get a hole in one.

You get it?

A hole in one.

[laughs] Ahh, I love golf jokes.

[horn honks]

- [chuckles]



Ohh, ha.

- Well, hello, and a mighty woof-woof to you.

- It's Johnny In Charge. Hey, Johnny.

- Hey, everybody.

My job is to welcome you to Sir Barkety-Barks

Doggy Putting Park, where it's always a hole in fun.

- [laughs] Well, this place is awesome.

I give it four barks and a tail wag.

- [laughs] Oh, thanks, Stuff.

Well, I'm here for all your golfing needs.

So just call for me, Johnny In Charge,

if something pops up.

- All right. Thanks, Johnny.

Hmm - Hmm.

- So how do we get to the firsthole?

- Uh...that's a good question.


- In a golf cart, of course.

- Whoa, Johnny.

You're in charge of giving golf carts too?

- You betcha. If you've got a golfing need,

Johnny In Charge is at your bark and call.

- [chuckles] - And don't worry.

The seats are droolproof.

- Oh. - Thanks.

- Oh, I almost forgot.

And of all the things to almost forget,

this is the most unforgettable.

Anyone who gets a hole in one on the last hole wins...

- Uh...

- Wait for it.

- Ooh.

Ahh. [chuckles]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- The most awesome stuffed panda in the world, Putt-Putt Panda.

- Wow.

Now, that is a big panda.

[dogs barking]


- But no one's ever gotten a hole in one on the last hole,

so no one's ever won Putt-Putt Panda.

- Well, don't worry, Mr. Johnny In Charge, sir.

One of us will win him.

'Cause we're all really good golfers.

[upbeat music]

[dogs barking]

[dog whines]

- Ohh. Oh, no.

Sonny, you're sad, because you're not

a very good golfer, right? [dog whines]

Well--well, cheer up, okay?

I have a feeling you're gonna win that panda.

[dog whines]

Oh, I really want to help Sonny win that panda.

[gasps] So I'm gonna make sure

his ball goes in the hole every time.


And I'll be quiet as a mouse

so Sonny doesn't know I'm doing it.


- Next stop, the first hole.

- See you later.

Have fun, and good luck.

- Oh, thanks. [chuckles]



[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Welcome to the first hole.

- Whew, I thought we'd never get here.

- Well, good luck putting, and if you need anything else,

just call for me, Johnny In Charge.

- [chuckles] Come on, guys.

Oh, looks like we have to wait our turn.

- Oh, yeah.

Whoa. Gosh, you're really good.

Are you some kind of golf magician?

- Nope. My name is Amari Avery.

And I'm two-time junior world golf champion.

- That means she's really, really, really good at golf.

Hi, I'm Calvin.

This is Stuff, and these are the Mutt & Stuff students.

- Hi, guys; this is my golf caddy Little Putter.

- Hi.

- Have fun golfing, and I'll see you guys later.

Come on, Little Putter.

[dog whines]

- Bye.

- Whoa. Check it out, guys.

Looks like we have to putt the ball

all the way to the cool dinosaur.

Whoa, that's dino-awesome.

Okay, let's mini golf.

[dogs barking]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Wind's coming from the north-northeast, yeah.

Great. Okay, here goes,


- Okay, Sonny, you're up next.

- [chuckles]

- Just remember, have fun, do your best.

- Yeah.


- [laughs]

- Wow. [chuckles]

♪ Doo-doo-doo-doo ♪

- Sonny, you did it.

You got a hole in one.

All that practicing really helped.

- Good job, Sonny. I knew you could do it...

with my help. [giggles]

[dog barks]

- Sonny's excited to golf some more.

Everyone to the golf cart. Off to the next hole!

- Yeah. [chuckles]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Second hole, here we come. [laughs]

- [chuckles]



- We're here, guys.

Everybody out.

- Ooh.

♪ ♪

- Whoa, it's Sir Barkety-Bark's Castle of Wonderland.

- [laughs] Well, I am Sir Stuff,

ready to putt.

- Well, I guess Sonny wants to go first.

He's really excited, because he's been doing so well.

But where did his ball go?

Rocket is one golf trap no ball can escape.

I guess we've got to find you another ball.

- Golf balls. Get your golf balls here.

Fresh golf balls.

- Wow, Johnny, I didn't know you handed out golf balls too.

- You betcha, because I want every golfer to have a ball.


Well, what's it gonna be, Sonny,

a fine Boston Tea Cupper?

Perhaps the Midnight Roller of Ball Revere?

[dog barks]

Oh, the Dude, Where's My Par Putt Pro ,

a fine choice.

Here you go.

Well, good luck to you, and if you need anything else,

just holler for me, Johnny In Charge,

at your bark and call.

- Thanks, Johnny.

Okay, Sonny, go for it.


- Hey. - Ooh.

- Wait. That was Noodles.

[dog barks] - Good job, there, Sonny.

- Sonny doesn't know that Noodles is the one

making his golf ball go into the hole.

I think we might have a problem.

[upbeat jazzy music]

- Hey, Davenport.

Davenport! - [stammers]

Oh, hey, there, Zoe.

- Where do dogs keep their kibble when they golf?

- Hmm.

Oh, in their golf bowls.


I'm okay. - Meow too.

- Everyone ready to go to the last hole?

- Yeah, I'm gonna get a hole in one

so I win the most awesome stuffed panda in the world,

Putt-Putt Panda!

- All right, then let's ride.

- Whoo-hoo!

[breezy upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- This is it, guys, the last hole.

- Whoo-hoo.

- They call this hole The Big Barkety-Bark.

- Well, do you think that big dog has some kibble?

'Cause I think I'm getting hungry for a snack.

- Hello, and a mighty woof-woof to you.

Did I hear someone say "snack"?

- Ooh, ooh-ooh.

Yeah, that was me.

- Hi, Johnny.

I didn't know that you were in charge of giving out snacks too.

- Well, if it's kibble you want, I'm at your bark and call.

All hungry dogs, follow me.

- Go, go, go, go.



- Hmm?

- Noodles.

- Uh...heh-heh, yes, Calvin?

- Hey, Noodles, do you think we can have a nose-to-whiskers?

- Oh, sure thing, Calvin.

You want to talk about cheese?

- No, Noodles.

But I saw you help Sonny on the last hole.

- What? Oh, no, no. That wasn't me.

That was probably just some other mouse

that looked exactly like me and just...

Okay, it was me.

Well, I didn't want Sonny to feel bad,

so I've been making his golf ball go into the holes.

- Well, Sonny thinks he's doing it all on his own.

He'd feel pretty sad if he found out

that you were secretly helping.

- Oh, I guess you're right, Calvin.

Sonny should just practice until he could play

without my help.

- Yeah, that's a great idea. - [laughs]

[dogs barking] - Oh.

- [chuckles] Oh, that was yummy.

Boy, nothing like a little snack

to get the old putter putting again.

- [laughs] Well, before we start playing,

Noodles has something he wants to tell Sonny.

- Um, Sonny,

I didn't want you to feel bad about not being a good golfer,

so I've been making your golf ball go into the holes.

[dog whines]

- Oh, I'm sorry, Sonny.

Instead of knocking your golf balls into the hole,

I should have been trying to help you play better.

[gasps] Wait a second.

We can still help you play better.

And I know the perfect person to do it.

[laughs] Come on.

- Mm?

Great thinking, Noodles.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, Calvin. Hey, Sonny. What's up?

- Hi, Amari.

Well, since you're really, really, really good at golf,

would you please teach Sonny how to play?

- Sure, I'd love to.

You ready, Sonny?

[dog barks]

Then let's get putting.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- All right! - Yes!

- Whoo-hoo! - Great putting, Sonny.

- He's an awesome student, don't you think, Little Putter?

[toy squeaks]

That means yes. - [laughs]

- What do you say, Sonny?

Are you ready to play the last hole?

[dog barks]

- All right, let's do it. - Yeah.

- Hello, and a mighty woof-woof to you.

both: Hey, Johnny.

- Just a reminder, if Sonny gets a hole in one on the last hole,

he wins...Putt-Putt Panda!

[dogs barking]

- All right, well, let's win that putt-putt--I mean,

the panda putt--I mean, the Putt-Putt Panda.

- Yeah. - [laughs]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

And we're back at the third hole of the Sir Barkety-Bark

Doggy Putting Park.

- It's a glorious day for thematch.

- Sonny has to make a very difficult putt.

- The key to this hole is to avoid the dog bowls

while still hitting the ball into the Barkety-Bark's mouth.

- Mm, he's been practicing very hard.

- He's gonna need a hole in one if he wants to win

Putt-Putt Panda.

- All right, Sonny, remember what I taught you.

You can do this, okay?

- Okay, Sonny, all you need to do is focus.

Just focus and concentrate.

We're all behind you %.

Maybe even more. We-- - Shh.

Stuff. - Huh? Oh.

- Oh, right. Yeah, okay. Shh.

[whispers] Go, Sonny.

[suspenseful music]

- Excellent form.

- Good stance.

- Great concentration.

- Seems confident. - Uhh...

- Here's the putt.


[together] Yeah! Yeah, Sonny!

You won the panda!

- Oh, he did it.

He made a hole in one.

- Hmm.

- Wait. Sonny did it!

He made a hole in one and won Putt-Putt Panda!

- Whoo-hoo! Augh!

- Sonny, you did it.

- [laughs] You did it, Sonny.

I knew you could do it if you kept trying and practiced.

Give me super paw.

All right. [laughs]

[uplifting music]

[dog barks]

- Everyone give Sonny a hand-a.

He just won Putt-Putt Panda.

- Ooh. [chuckles]


- Whoa, it's the most awesome, softest,

putty-est panda ever!

I'm so happy for you, Sonny.

[dog barks]

- Well, I think it's time to celebrate with the mini golf

doggy dance party!

Come on. Wag it like you mean it.

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay ♪

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- We went miniature golfing today.

But Sonny wasn't very good.

[dog whines] - That's okay, Sonny.

It was your first try.

Noodles helped Sonny by making sure his ball

always went into the hole.

But Noodles realized that the best way to help Sonny

was to teach him how to play.

Sonny practiced, got a hole in one by himself,

and won the grand prize.

- Whoo-hoo!

- And then we had an awesome miniature golf

doggy dancy party!

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪ - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪ - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪

Thanks for joining us today.

I'll see you back at Mutt & Stuff.

♪ ♪

[dog barking]

[upbeat jazzy music]

- Hey, Davenport.

Davenport! - [stammers]

- Oh, hi, there, Zoe.

- Have you ever won a prizebefore?

- Why, yeah.

I won first prize in a dance contest once.

- Oh.

- 'Cause I've got moves like jaguar.



both: Whoa!

- Good-bye, everyone.

- See you next time.

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪ - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪ - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups ♪

♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪