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01x40 - Fire Dogs

Posted: 11/21/23 07:32
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

[horn honks]

[dogs bark]

[horn honks]

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪


- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

[playful music]

[water flowing]



- Hi, I'm Calvin. Welcome to Mutt & Stuff

Morning, Zippy.

Looks like you're ready to be a fire dog.


A real fireman and fire dog

are coming to visit Mutt & Stuff today.

I can't wait!

Come on, Zippy, push the button.

Let's start school!

[lively music]

- Thanks, Zippy!

[bell rings]

Good boy!

Calling all dogs!

A real firefighter's coming to Mutt & Stuff today!

- Whoa! This is not a drill!

So play it cool and get to school. [laughs]

- Hey, I'm ready, Calvin.

And I even brought a fire truck.

- [laughs] That's great, Stuff!

But our firefighter's bringing a real fire truck today.

- Oh, well that's good to know.

'Cause I was wondering how we were all

going to fit on mine. [both laugh]

Whee-ooh! Bee-boo, bee-boo, bee-boo!

- See you inside, Stuff.

Come on guys, time to start class!

Good morning, everyone.

Let's see who's here today.

It's time for the doggy roll call.

[chuckles] Ring the bell

for my dog, Zippy.

Good day to you, Princess Pickles.


How you feeling, Junior Shades? [barks]

Grumbles, you would look great in a fireman's hat.

[barks, growls]

Sound the alarm for Cuddles!

[alarm wailing]


This next dog is ready to ride the fire truck.


Hats off to you, Grandma. [chuckles]


And Little Cricket is ready to go.

[crickets chirping]

Raise the fire ladder for Sonny!

Hey, Dude, are you ready to slide down the fire pole?


Wait, where's Rocket?

Rocket loves to hide. [barks]

And the mouse who has all the best squeaks, Noodles!

- That's me! Squeak, squeak,

squeak, squeak, squeak. ♪ Squeak

- [laughs] And where is my big fire dog, Stuff?

- Ooh, ooh, Calvin! Calvin, I'm right here!

[both laugh]

- And finally, the Barks Brothers!

Giggle and Wiggle!

Uh, guys?

I don't think they were paying attention.

[farting] Oh, Giggle and Wiggle.

[farting] [barks]

Giggle and Wiggle are the biggest jokesters

at Mutt & Stuff!

Guys, I know it's fun to be silly.

But I hope you pay attention when the fireman gets here.

[barks] Okay.

Hey, Zippy, while we wait for the fire man,

Why don't you go spin the activity wheel?

[upbeat music]



It's dress up time!

The dogs can get ready for their fire dog training.

Open the Doggy Everything Closet!

[upbeat music]


♪ ♪

[chuckles] Sound the alarm.

You guys sure are looking like fire dogs.

[fire truck horn blares]

The fireman is here!

Come on, guys. Let's go meet him

on the playground.

Wow, a real fire truck!

- Ooh, nice parking job. - [laughs]

Hi, I'm Calvin.

Welcome to Mutt & Stuff.

- Happy to be here, Calvin!

My name is Fireman Fred.

And this is my fire dog, Dotty.

She's, spot on, the best fire dog in the world!

[both laugh] - Guys, this is Dotty

and Fireman Fred.

[barking] - Hi.

- Singing Fireman Fred, you mean.

- Singing fireman, you say?

- You betcha, and I got a voice

like a fire truck siren.

Hit it, Dotty!

[lively music]

♪ Nice to meet you, I'm Fireman Fred ♪

♪ My dog has spots, my truck is red ♪

♪So let me hear a bark or ruff ♪

♪ We're glad to be at Mutt & Stuff ♪

♪ Yeah

- Wow. [laughs]

- Thank you, thank you.

Ah, whoa!

My helmet...

Is exactly where it needs to be.

- [laughs] Well the only thing that can make

your fire truck more awesome was if it could fly

and had a hose that shot out birthday cakes.

- Yeah! - Well, this model

doesn't have a birthday cake hose, Stuff.

- [gasps, groans] - But it does have...

♪ Really shiny wheels

♪ A really long ladder

♪ Really awesome gauges

♪ Tons of really cool knobs ♪

♪ And a button that does this ♪

[siren wailing]

- Ooh, I want to put one of those buttons

in my dog house.

- Thanks for giving us a tour of your fire truck, Dotty.

I bet the dogs would love to be a fire dog just like you.

- Well today they can.

If they're ready to complete Fire Dog Training.

- Wow! What do you guys think?


- Oh, yeah!

I want to be a fire dog.

- Hey, Davenport?

Davenport! - What--where--who--what?

[grunts] Oh.

Hi, Zoe. - Why are you wearing

a helmet on your head?

- Ah, because I already have one on my tail.

[both laugh] [yelling, crashing]

I'm okay. - Meow too.

[lively music]

- Attention pups.

If you complete your training today,

you can be an official fire dog.

Just like Dotty.

Let's show them your cool fire dog collar, Dotty.

Hot dog, that's a cool collar.

- Uh, it's so fire doggy.

- Okay, your first lesson

is how to use a fire hose.

This is a fire hose. - Wow.

- And that is the target

you've got to hit with the water.

- Ah, okay, well, is there anything else

you want to tell the guys before they start?

- I'm glad you asked, Calvin.

Hit it, Dotty!

[upbeat music]

♪ Remember always, safety first ♪

♪ Unless you want your bubble burst ♪

♪ Teamwork means you work as one ♪

♪ So work together to get it done ♪

Yeah. Thank you, thank you.

Oh, my helmet.


Is back on top.


Now work together as a team

to hit the target with the water.

[lively music]

[water flowing]

♪ ♪

- Oh, oh, hey, Marty. - Hmm?

- Look at that, the dogs are taking

a fire hose for a walk.

- [laughs] Oh, wait. No, they're not walking it,

they're eating it.

- Uh, I don't think dogs eat hoses.

They eat kibble.

- Bah, kibble?

Oh, no, no.

I don't think so. They eat hoses.

Everyone knows that.

- No, they eat kibble. - Hoses.

- Kibble. - Hoses.

- It's kibble. - Hoses!

- Kibble! - Hoses.

- Just 'cause you say it over and over again,

doesn't make it true, Marty. - Hoses, hoses, hoses.

- No, it's kibble.


- Oh, looks like Pixie can use some help.

Giggle, Wiggle, grab onto the hose.

Let's see your teamwork.

Giggle and Wiggle weren't paying attention,

so they don't know what to do.

[playful music]

- Oh, no.

- I don't think that's very good teamwork.

- I better shut off the hose

before everyone gets washed away!

[upbeat music]

Hey, Melvin, can you shut off the hose?

It's getting a little wet on the playground.

- I hose what you mean. [laughs]


And it's off.

[chuckles] Oh, that was fun.

- Giggle and Wiggle, I need you to

pay better attention

and use your ears to listen, okay?

- Attention, attention.

Calling all dogs.

- Just like I'm using my ears to hear Bowwow call us.

- It's kibble time. Let's eat.

- Thanks, Bowwow.

Maybe a little snack will help Giggle and Wiggle

pay better attention.

Listen up, everyone!

It's snack time!

[upbeat music]


- Ooh, snack time!

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.

- Well greetings, Calvin and dogs.

- Hey, Bowwow. We're ready for a snack.

- Then you have come to the perfect,

talking, kibble dispensing snack machine.

- Um, Bowwow, you're the only talking, kibble dispensing

snack machine. - Good point.

- Hey Sonny, why don't you start

up Bowwow Chow Snack Machine?

[metal clangs] - Bowwow Chow Snack Machine

has been activated.

Swirling ball swirling.

Swirl, swirl, swirl, swirl.

Shoe swing complete.

Ball drop, commencing umbrella sequence.

Here comes the good stuff.

Yum, yum, yum.

Kibble for you.

And you.

And you.

Here comes Stuff's kibble.

Ah, that's a lot.

Kibble delivery complete.

- Bowwow, time to chow!



- I wonder if the puppies are doing

their fire dog training.

Let's check it out.

- Puppy fun time!

Puppy fun time!

Puppy fun time!

[yelps] Puppy play time!

- Time for my safety inspection at Mutt & Stuff

[knocks] Nice and sturdy wall.


Kite ribbon, extra dangly.


What's that? A hole in the wall?

Hmm, I wonder what that could be.

- Hiya!

- [screams]

A mouse! [panting]

- You okay there, big guy?

- Yeah, sorry. I--I've just never been

nose-to-nose with a mouse before, mm.

- [laughs] - My name is Fireman Fred.

- Well mice to meet you, Fireman Fred.

[laughs] I'm Noodles,

and welcome to my house.

- Your house? - Mm-hmm.

- Well that's perfect.

I'm doing a safety inspection

of Mutt & Stuff, and now I can

inspect your house. - Oh, well,

my house is very safe.

In fact, if I ever need to leave quickly,

I just grab my Super Duper Mouse Hole Escaper.

All you do is press the button.

Like this. [grunts]


Ooh. Ooh.

[grunts, sighs] See?

[panting] Told you my house was safe.

Ahh, ohh, ahh! [grunts]


Oh. [grunts]

Did I pass inspection?

- Mouse catapult system, check.

You passed the inspection.

- Whoo-hoo! Ahh!

- [humming] [grunts]

[humming, vocalizing]

- Hey, Davenport? Davenport!

- Whoa, oh!

Oh, hey there, Zoe.

- That's the ladder from the fire truck.

Is it fun to climb? - Well it has its ups and downs.


[both yell] [crashing]

[groans] I'm okay. - Meow too.

- So far, everyone's doing a great job

working as a team.

And I'm doing a great job

of saying what's happening.


- Okay, Fireman Fred.

So what's next? - What's next?

Well lucky for you, I have a song

to tell you all about it. - Mm.

- Hit it, Dotty!

[upbeat music]

♪ To help someone jump to the ground ♪

♪Form a circle and gather round ♪

♪ Teamwork means you work as one ♪

♪ So pull together to get it done ♪

Yeah. Thank you.

Whoa! - Oops.

- My helmet...

Is A-okay. Ha.

- Oh, I get it, it's not a trampoline

to jump up, it's so when you jump down,

we catch you. - You got it, Calvin!

Here, we can use this to practice.


- Oh. - [laughs]

- Is our trampoline volunteer ready?

- Oh, yes. Murray the Walrus

is good to go. - Okay!

Everyone, grab the trampoline and pull as a team.

[lively music]

Here we go!

Jump to safety, Murray.

- Go get 'em, Murray.

Uh. - Uh-oh.

Giggle and Wiggle are missing.

The trampoline's not going to work.

- Walrus down!

That can't happen when we're trying to save someone.

- Hmm. Where are Giggle and Wiggle?

- Guys, there's a time to be jokesters,

and there's a time to be serious.

- Especially when learning to be fire dogs.

Now is a time not to be distracted by anything.

And I mean any-- - Fireman Fred!

- Excuse me a second. - Come in!

[radio crackles] Fire--is this thing on?

Um, Fireman Fred, come in! [radio crackles, beeps]

- This is Fireman Fred, your friendly

singing neighborhood fireman.

How can I help... ♪ You?

- This is Zoe the Cat.

You know, the blue round one.

[radio crackles] - It's Zoe the Cat.

You know, the blue round one.

- Oh, yeah. [radio crackles]

- Davenport climbed the ladder

and he got stuck, way up high.

[radio crackles] - Davenport got stuck

way up high. - [gasps]

Davenport got stuck way up high!

[radio beeps] Don't worry, Zoe.

The Fire Department will get him down!


We've got a four meow alarm.

Raise the ladder!

Sound the alarm!

To someplace way up high!

- [humming]

- Davenport!

- Davenport!

- Davenport! - Davenport!

- Carl Laemmle and Norman Fell!

Oh, hi guys.

- Are you stuck up there?

- Oh, stuck up where? Ah, uh.


- I'm stuck up here!

- Don't worry, Davenport!

We'll get you down.

It's a small cat, so we can use

the practice trampoline.

- Perfect.

- Since I'm a real fireman,

this is completely safe.

- Aha. - Great.

We're glad to help.

Come on, guys! Grab the trampoline!

Giggle, Wiggle. We need your help.

Oh, no. Giggle and Wiggle can't help.

They've been playing around all day

instead of paying attention.

Guys, I think it's time for a nose-to-nose.

Being part of the pack means working together

to get the job done.

So what do you say? Are you two ready

to join in and help out?


- All right, then let's work together

to save Davenport!





- Okay, Davenport, it's safe to jump.

- Wha--jump?

All the way down there?

Why don't you guys come up here instead?


Whaa! [laughs]


Ah! [grunts]

[blubbers] Ah, I'm okay.

- Phew! Meow too.

[both laugh]

- Great teamwork, everyone!

I'm proud to announce that you're all

official fire dogs!

- Whoo-hoo! [laughs]

- Oh, I'm so proud that I--

I feel that I could... Sing!

♪ La la la la la la la ♪

- [laughs] Well let's sing and dance.

Let's celebrate with a Doggy Dance Party.

Come on, wag it like you mean it!

- Ah, you guys have your party.

I'm going back up to the tree.

- Meow too. [both laugh]

- Come on. - See you up there.

[siren wailing] [upbeat music]

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

- What a great day.

Fireman Fred and Dotty came to teach

everyone how to be fire dogs.

- Now work together as a team

to hit the target with the water.

- Giggle and Wiggle didn't pay attention

to the lessons, so they couldn't help us

when we needed them.

- Walrus down!

That can't happen when we're trying

to save someone.

- Then they learned how to work as a team

and helped us save Davenport.

And then everyone became fire dogs!

And we came outside to have a dance party!

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

[barks] - Ooh!

♪ Mutt & Stuff

- Thanks for joining us today.

See you back at Mutt & Stuff.



both: Ah. - Hey, Davenport.

Davenport! - [blubbering]

Oh, hey there, Zoe. - I hope you

never get stuck in a tree again.

- Well don't worry, because I've got my

very own practice trampoline in case I do.

- Huh.

both: Whoa! [crashing]

- Bye, everybody. - See you later.

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff