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01x39 - Dinner With Cesar

Posted: 11/21/23 07:31
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

[horn honks]

[dogs bark]

[horn honks]

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪


- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can'’t seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

[upbeat music]


[dog barks]

[horn honks]

[engine revs]



- Hi! I'’m Calvin.

Welcome to Mutt & Stuff.

Are you ready to have a fun, furry day?




- Oh, there you are.

What'’s that?

A present?

I wonder who it'’s from.


It'’s from my dad!

"To Calvin and the dogs,

"Here'’s a gift to show you how much I love you.

I'’ll stop by later to spend time with everyone."

Wow. My dad is the best.

And he knows how important it is to spend time with your dogs.

You'’re right, Zippy.

We should start class so we can open the present

with everyone.

Come on.


Thanks, Zippy.

[bell ringing]

Good boy!


- Hey, dogs,

Cesar'’s coming today,

so put your best paw forward.

- That'’s right, Melvin. My dad'’s coming today.

And he brought us a gift.

- ♪ Woof, woof, woof, I like to bark ♪

♪ Woof, woof, woof

♪ I like to bark♪

Hey, Calvin, I just made up a song.

Guess what it'’s called.

- Hmm.

"Woof, Woof, Woof, I Like to Bark"?

- [gasps] How did you know that?

- [laughs] Lucky guess.

Now head on inside. My dad got us a gift!

- Oh, great.

♪ Woof, woof, woof, I like to bark ♪

♪ Woof, woof, woof

- Good morning, everyone!

It'’s time for the doggy roll call,

funky style.

Give me a beat, Zippy.

[funky music playing]


- [giggles]

- We'’ll start with my dog Zippy.

[Zippy barks]

Princess Pickles.






And Pixie!




Mm. Cricket!

[crickets chirping]







Wait. Where'’s Rocket?

[Rocket barks]

Rocket loves to hide.

[triumphant fanfare]

[drum roll]

The Barks Brothers, Giggle and Wiggle!

[both bark]

Junior Shades.


And our favorite class pet, Noodles.

- Oh, yeah. Noodles is here.

[laughs] Feeling funky!

♪ Mm-mm mm-mm-mm mm-mm ♪

[laughs] Aah!

And of course, the dog who loves to shake his tail,


- Ooh, yeah, that'’s me!

Shake, shake, shake! [laughs]

[music stops]

- Great. We'’re all here.

And I'’ve got something special to show you.

A gift from my dad!

- Ooh! He got us a shiny box!

I love shiny boxes.

- No, Stuff, the gift is inside the box.

Let'’s check it out.

[happy music]


New toys for you guys!

- Whoo! Awesome!

[dogs barking]

- Ooh, there'’s something for me too.

[laughs] I love it.

You know, my dad is always doing nice things for us.

I think we should do something special for him.

- Oh, that sounds fun.

- Hmm.

Does anyone have any ideas of what we could do?

Princess Pickles, I'’m not so sure

my dad would want to chew on some toys...

Or have someone scratch his belly, Rocket.

Let'’s think of something a human would want to do.

- Ooh! How about some yummy snacks?

Everyone likes yummy snacks.

- Good thinking, Stuff.

Hey, that gives me an idea.

Let'’s throw him a party and make a surprise dinner.

We'’ll make his favorite meal,

pasta with fresh vegetables.

Hey, Cuddles,

spin the wheel to see what we should do first.

[zany music]

Arts and crafts. Great.

Let'’s get crafty and make some fun dinner party decorations.

Open the Doggy Everything Closet!


- Okay, got my scissors here.

Safety scissors. Convenient.

Gosh, these won'’t cut anything, barely.


Right like that.

Okay. This is origami.


I bet Cesar'’s gonna love this.



- Those paper dolls are gonna look great

when we decorate the school.

I think the puppies wanted

to have a dinner party of their own.

Let'’s check them out.

[upbeat music]

♪ Puppy playtime


♪ Puppy playtime

[puppies barking]


♪ Puppy playtime


♪ Puppy playtime

♪ Puppy playtime

Zippy? Stuff? How'’s setting the table going?

Oh, thanks.

- Everything'’s going--

Whoops! Ugh!

Ugh. Oh, no.

Oh, that'’s gonna be a giant m--

Oh. Ahem.

I totally meant to do that.

[both laughing]

- Wow. Great job, Stuff.

- Thanks.

- The table'’s all set for my dad.

Now we just need some food for the dinner.

- Hey, Davenport? Davenport!

- [yells] Oh, hi there, Zoe.

- What does a big, giant, hungry tiger eat

at a dinner party?

- Hmm.

Anything he wants! Rawr.

[both laughing]

- I'’m okay. - Meow too.

[upbeat music]

- Here'’s a Paw Pad, guys.

- Oh, boy.

- The dogs are about to watch their favorite video

on the Paw Pad.

Check it out.


[dog barks]


[dog groans]

Everyone loves the new chew toys my dad gave us.

- Mmm. Yes, we do!

- [laughs] All right.

Now that the table'’s set, it'’s time to get some food

for my dad'’s surprise dinner.

Hey, Zippy!

[horn honks]

Do you think you can help us?

[Zippy barks]

- I like Zippy'’s style.

Okay, can you go to the store, grab some food,

and then head on back?

We'’ll see you on the Paw Pad.

[Zippy barks]

[horn honks]

[engine zooms]


Hey, Zippy. How'’s it going? [Zippy barks]

Great. Keep going. You'’re almost at the store.

[engine zooms]


Great. Now pick up some food and head on back.

- Yeah, make sure the food is extra yummy.

- Oh, hi there, Grandma.

I bet you know what dogs eat at dinner parties.

But did you ever wonder

what they eat at breakfast parties?

Pancakes and woofles!



Pancakes and...

[Grandma whines]

[horn honks]

- Ooh-hoo-hoo!

Ooh, yes!

Hey, let'’s see what kind of yummy food you got, Zippy.

- Thank, Zippy!


Dog treat... - Mmm.

- Dog bone... - Yum.

- Dog food? - Yes!

- Oh, no! - Oh, no?

What do you mean, Calvin?

These are my favorite things to eat.

- I know, but all of this looks good for you, Stuff,

but my dad doesn'’t eat dog food.

He eats human food.

- What?

Oh! Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

'’Cause, well, he'’s a human.

- Yeah. - Hmm.

- Sorry, Zippy. I should'’ve been

more clear with my instructions.

[sighs] Okay, listen up, pups.

If we want to have a dinner for my dad,

then we need human food,

like fresh vegetables.

- But, Calvin, your dad will be here soon,

and we need the food now.

- I know.

But Amara the farmer only comes once a week

with her vegetable stand,

and I can'’t remember what day.

- Huh. Hmm.

[dog barking]

- Today! She comes today!

- How convenient!

- Come on. Let'’s go.


Hey, Amara the farmer.

We'’re cooking dinner for my dad.

- It'’s a surprise.

[Amara barks]

- Oh, what are we cooking?

Well, my dad'’s favorite:

pasta with veggies.

First, we'’re gonna need some veggies.

Mm, perfect.

- Ooh!

- Hm. Good.

- Got it.

- Can'’t have pasta without yummy tomato sauce.

This looks good.

- Ha-ha! Ah-ha!

Whoa. Who knew tomatoes could be so much fun?


- There'’s one more thing that I need,

but I can'’t remember what it is.

- Hmm.

- An onion!

- Ooh!

Calvin, your dad.

- No, Stuff. We need an onion, not my dad.

- No, I mean your dad'’s coming.

- My dad? My dad!

We got to hide!

- Okay!

[silly music]

- Hi, Amara the farmer.

How are you?

Wow. You sure have great-looking veggies today,

like this onion.


[Zippy groans]

- Such a good-looking onion.

- Oh, no. We need that onion.

We can'’t let my dad find us,

or else it'’ll ruin the surprise.

- But how are we supposed to get the onion

if your dad has it?

- Very carefully.

- Oh.

- Oh! Ooh, ooh!

Hey, Davenport? Davenport!

- [yells] Hi, Zoe.

- Did you see that Calvin is hiding from his dad?

- Yeah, well, I'’m hiding from you.

I wonder if you'’ll find me.

- Right there. - Oh, you'’re good!

[both laughing]


- I'’m okay. - Meow too.

- Okay. I'’m gonna have to be sneaky like a ninja cat

and get that onion.

[Stuff chuckles]

[stealthy music]

- Nice try, Calvin.

- Ah, my shoelaces are untied.

- Stuff, he put down the onion!

Now'’s our chance.

You have long arms.

Do you think you can reach over and grab it?

- Oh, well, I'’ll try, Calvin.



I got it!

- Stuff! - Aah!

- What are you doing here?

- Oh, hey, Calvin'’s dad.

- Oh, no. The surprise is ruined.

- Surprise? What surprise?

- Well, Mr. Calvin'’s dad,

see, we were shopping

'’cause we were gonna make you a surprise dinner party.

- Dad, you do so many nice things for us.

I just wanted to return the favor.

This was going to be a surprise.

- Well, I'’m glad it'’s not a surprise.

- You are? - We can cook together.

That would be the best gift of all.

That'’s if you don'’t mind me cooking with you.

- That would be awesome.

The dogs love spending time with my dad.

Come on, guys. Let'’s make an awesome dinner.

- Yes! - Yeah!

[upbeat music]

- Thanks, Amara.

Come on!

Now it'’s time to cook my dad'’s favorite dinner,

pasta with fresh veggies.

Ready, Pa?

- Ready, son!

So exciting.

- Let'’s do this.


- Whoo!


- Oh, thanks, Sunny.


- Great. Pepper, anyone?

- Perfect.

Thanks, guys.

- Good.

A tomato?

What a strange place for a tomato.

Who put it here?

all: Noodles!

- Noodles!

- [laughing] It was me!

- Noodles! Noodles!

[Noodles laughing] Noodles, hello.

- Hi! [laughing] - Aah!

You are one silly little mouse, Noodles.

- I know.

Um, Cesar?

- Yeah? - I know you'’re really good

with dogs and stuff... - Thank you.

- But what about mice?

- I love mice.

- Really? - I do.

- Well, I want to cook a meal for you, too.

- That sounds great. Thank you.

- Okay, well, close your eyes.

- Okay.

- No peeking! - I promise.

- [laughs]


now you can look.


- Noodles!

- I'’m gonna make you a Caesar salad!

- I love Caesar salad.

- '’Cause you'’re Cesar,

and it'’s, like, Caesar salad,

so it'’s like a Cesar Caesar salad.

- That makes a lot of sense.

- Okay. First thing we need to do...

- Mm-hm? - Is add some fresh lettuce.

Like this. [grunts]

Sca-blam-y! - Sca-blam-y!

- You'’re pretty good at that. - Thank you.

- Okay, now we add some cheese and croutons.

- I love cheese. Parmesan is my favorite.

- Ka-chow!

- Ka-chow!

- And some croutons.

- Some croutons.

- Wah-cha!

- Oh, I love your process.


- And now we mix.


Um, Cesar? - Yes?

- Could you help me with this part?

- Absolutely. - Okay, you take that one.

- Okay. - And I'’ll get this one.

- Excellent. - Okay.

- And then? [together] Mix, mix, mix, mix,

mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix.

Oh, wait. I forgot.

- What? - There'’s one more ingredient.

- Like what?

- Come here. - What?

- We just need to add

a little bit of love.[kisses]

- Aww, thank you, Noodles. You'’re my favorite mouse.

- And you'’re my favorite Cesar. - Thank you!

both: Mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix,

mix, mix, mix, mix.

[peaceful music]

- Okay, Dad! Dinner'’s ready!

[triangle ringing]

Dad? Where are you?

- I'’m right here, son.

- Oh!

- Look at us!

Lookin'’ cool in school.

[Calvin and Stuff laugh]

[upbeat music]


- Thanks, Zippy.

- And...

Bone appétit.

- This looks amazing.

- Wait. We got you something else.

- A card!

"Dear Dad,

"Thanks for being the best.

Love, all of us here at Mutt & Stuff."

You guys are awesome.

- Ooh, wait. There'’s a little bit more at the bottom.

- Oh.

"Woof, woof, woof. Love, Stuff and all the dogs."

[dogs barking]

- [Stuff laughs]

- This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.

I love all of you.

What a great pack!

- Well, being a part of the pack

is what Mutt & Stuff is all about.

That and dance parties.

Let'’s celebrate with a doggy dance party.

- Yes! - Come on.

Wag it like you mean it.

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪


- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can'’t seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

- Today, my dad got us a gift to show how much he loved us.

A gift from my dad!

Let'’s throw him a party and make a surprise dinner.

Then we decided to make a surprise dinner for him.

But the surprise got ruined.

- What are you doing here?

- And we learned that sometimes the best way

to show someone you love them

is to spend special time with them.

especially dogs.

They always need our friendship and love.

- I love all of you. What a great pack.

- And then we came here for a Mutt & Stuff dinner party!

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪


- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪


[Zippy barking]

- Thanks for joining us today.

See you back at Mutt & Stuff!

- Hey, Davenport? Davenport!

- [yells] Oh, hi there, Zoe.

- That food sure did look yummy.

- Yeah. I even got a leftover can of beans.

- Oh.

[boings] both: Aah!


- Good-bye, everybody. - See you next time.

[quick dramatic music]


- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can'’t seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

[quick dramatic music]
