02x05 - Monster Machine Christmas

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Blaze and the Monster Machines". Aired: October 13, 2014 - June 12, 2020.*
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AJ is an 8-year-old techie who drives monster-truck Blaze and go on adventures that have them taking on problems involving science and math.
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02x05 - Monster Machine Christmas

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪ On your mark

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three, let'’s blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt, we'’re gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go, let'’s blaze ♪

[upbeat Christmas music]

male narrator: T'’was the night before Christmas

and all through Axle City

big-wheeled Monster Machines

were making their homes look pretty.

Stripes put a wreath on his tree house,

and Starla decorated her barn.

Zeg got ready for Christmas

with ornaments, tinsel, and yarn.

Darrington was so excited

he jumped his highest height.

For everyone knew they'’d be getting

a visit from Santa tonight.

"But where was Blaze?" you ask?

Ho, ho!

Why he and A.J. were far away

helping Santa ready the presents

to deliver on Christmas Day.

all: Wahoo!

[shouting and cheering]

- Ho, ho, ho!

- Hang on, Santa!

[horn honks melody]

- Wahoo! - Yeah!

- Merry Christmas. I'’m Blaze.

- I'’m A.J.

- And I think you know who that guy is.

both: Santa Claus!

- Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

- We'’ve been helping Santa

get all the Christmas presents

into his magic bag.

- His bag can hold presents for everyone in the world!

- That'’s right!

My elves and I make sure we'’ve got

the perfect present for every girl and boy,

because everyone should feel special on Christmas.

- Hey, Santa, we better check and make sure

all the presents are in the bag.

- That'’s true.

We better check the present-meter.

[bells ding]

Hm, it looks like there'’s still one present missing.

- A missing present? - Missing present?

- Where could it be?

- Oh, boy! - A missing present!

- Let'’s help Santa find that last present.

Where'’s the present?

Yeah! There it is!

[triumphant music]


- Yay, presents! - Yeah!

- Look, the present-meter says the bag is full!

- Ho, ho, ho!

Now I'’ve got Christmas presents for everyone!

- Wahoo! - Yeah!

- Come on, let'’s get the sleigh ready!

- Yeah! - Woo-hoo-hoo!

- Whoa! Santa'’s workshop!

Hey, Crusher, what are we doing here?

- [laughs]

I'’m gonna look in Santa'’s bag

and find my Christmas present.


I know it'’s in here somewhere.



Ha! I found it.

My present!

- Uh, Crusher, I'’m pretty sure you'’re not

supposed to look at your present until Christmas.

- Oh, Pickle, nothing bad is going to happen

if I just take a quick peek and see--


- Crusher!

- Aah!

- Oh, no!

The Christmas presents, they'’re getting away!

- Quick, after him!

- [screaming]

[dramatic music]

- The presents!

- Gaskets! They'’re flying away!

- Oh, no, my magic bag is empty.

Now I can'’t deliver presents to anyone.

[all gasp]

- Don'’t worry, Santa.

Those presents are out there somewhere.

- And A.J. and I are gonna find them.

- Hooray! - Whoo-hoo!

- Thank you, Blaze and A.J.

I know we can count on you!

- [honks]

Wait, don'’t leave!

I want to come too.

- Good for you, Crusher.

You feel bad about what you did,

and now you want to help get all the presents back.

- All the presents? Pfft, no way.

I just want to get my present back.

- Just remember, Crusher,

it'’s important to help Blaze

find everyone'’s present,

because everyone should feel special on Christmas.

- If you say so.

- Come on, Crusher.

We'’ve got to hurry and find those presents.

Whoo-hoo! [engine revs]

- Wait for me!

- Good luck! - Good luck!

[rock Christmas music]

- ♪ Here we go There'’s nothing to it ♪

♪ Grab it up Now we can do it ♪

♪ Moving at the speed of light ♪

♪ Prepare to be amazed

♪ Let'’s blaze Let'’s blaze ♪

♪ Let'’s blaze Let'’s blaze ♪

♪ Let'’s blaze ♪

♪ Let'’s blaze ♪

- Hey, look up there.

It'’s a whole bunch of presents frozen in the ice!

- Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

I bet my present is up there somewhere,

and I'’m gonna get it down with this!

My suction cup bow and arrow!

Okay, Christmas present, come to Crusher!

[sad music]

Oh, it didn'’t go far enough.

All it grabbed was that big pile of--

- [bleats]

- Bighorn! - [laughs]

[bleating and laughing] - [screaming]

[wacky music]


- Crusher'’s bow and arrow toy

couldn'’t sh**t far enough to grab the presents.

- Hey, I know.

Let'’s be engineers

and build a better bow and arrow.

Engineers are scientists who figure out

how to build new things.

- Yeah, maybe instead of a small bow,

we can make a giant bow that'’s really bendy.

So it can launch the arrow extra far.

- Come on, let'’s turn me into a super bow and arrow.

First, our bow needs long, bendable limbs

that can launch an arrow really far.

To make the limbs, say, "Limbs!"



Now we need a strong bowstring

to bend the limbs.

To make the bowstring, say, "Bowstring!"


Last, we need an arrow

with a giant suction cup for grabbing presents.

To make the suction cup arrow, say, "Suction cup arrow!"

Suction cup arrow!

Oh, yeah!

I'’m a super bow and arrow Monster Machine!

- All right, now let'’s test our bow and arrow

to see if it can grab those presents.

Switching to Visor-View!

This line shows how far the arrow'’s going to go.

- Whoa, that'’s far,

but I don'’t think we'’re aiming in the right place.

To hit the presents, should we aim lower or higher?


Now will it hit the presents?


- Launching the arrow!

Yeah! - Nice shot!

[engine revs]

[dramatic music]

Got '’em.

- All right!

[bells ding]

Hey, look, the green line went up to here.

- That means we found a lot of presents,

but we don'’t have them all yet.

We'’ll know we'’ve found all the presents

when the line gets to the top.

- Ha! I don'’t care about finding those other presents.

I just want to find my present.


That'’s not my present. That'’s not my present!

Oh, my present'’s not here!


[phone rings]

- Hey, it sounds like we'’re getting a call.

- Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

- It'’s Santa!

- Blaze, A.J., how'’s it going out there?

- Pretty good, Santa.

We'’ve already found some of the presents.

- Yay! - He found some! He found some!

- All right! - What'’d I tell you, guys?

I knew they could do it!

- Wonderful!

Everyone should feel special on Christmas,

so it'’s important you find all the presents.

- You can count on us, Santa.

- Come on, Crusher, this way.

- [grumbles]

[quirky music]

Hey, so when you talked to Santa,

did he happen to mention what my special present is?

- Crusher, look out!

- Ah!

Oh, well that'’s just great.

A super steep hill covered in giant candy canes!

- Uh, but, Crusher, look what'’s at the bottom!

- More presents!


I bet my present is there too.

Hang on, present!

I'’m gonna sled down to you on my sled!

- Wait, Crusher, I'’m not sure that'’s a very good--

- Whee! [laughs]

- Uh-oh, Crusher'’s gonna try to jump to the other side,

but his sled isn'’t going fast enough!

- Whee! [laughs]

Oh, no.


Blaze, help!

- Quick, let'’s be engineers again.

We need to make a sled that goes really fast

so we can jump to the other side and save Crusher.

- I know! Let'’s build a super fast sled

with a really powerful engine on the back,

a turbojet engine!

- Hurry!

- Come on, let'’s get building.

First, our sled needs to have runners,

those are the parts that slide on top of the snow.

To make the runners, say, "Runners!"



Now all we need is the turbojet engine.

It sh**t out exhaust and creates thrust

to make you go really fast.

To make the turbojet, say, "Turbojet!"



I'’m a turbo-sled Monster Machine!

- [whimpering] Ah!

- We'’re coming, Crusher!

- Time to test our turbo-sled.


- Wahoo!

- It'’s working, Blaze!

Our turbo-sled is really fast.

- Whoo-hoo!

Hang on, Crusher!

[dramatic music]

- Whoo-hoo! - Whee!

- Ah!

- We got the presents!

- Yeah!

- Look, the green line on Santa'’s bag is going up!

- That means we'’ve almost found all the Christmas presents.

- [laughs]

It'’s not this one, or this one.

Oh, it'’s not in here.

All these presents, and none of them are for me.

- Don'’t worry, Crusher.

We'’re not gonna stop until we find every present,

including yours.

- Come on, follow us.

[engine revs]

- Present, where are you?

[upbeat jazzy music]

- ♪ I want to be an engineer Hey ♪

♪ Invent amazing things All right ♪

♪ Maybe design a cool new rocket ship ♪

♪ And take a trip to Seven Springs ♪

♪ I want to be an engineer for Christmas ♪

♪ I want to build all kinds of things ♪

♪ From boats to planes

♪ To video games Hey ♪

♪ Things the world has never seen ♪

♪ I want to be an engineer for Christmas ♪

♪ Solve the problems that come my way ♪

♪ My biggest Christmas wish this year is ♪

♪ I want to be an engineer

[phone rings]

- Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

- It'’s Santa calling.

- Blaze, A.J., how'’s the gift-finding going?

- It'’s going great, Santa.

Your magic bag is almost full.

- Did you hear that, guys?

They found almost all the presents!

[all cheering]

- Ho, ho, ho!

That'’s great news,

but you'’ll have to hurry,

Christmas is almost here!

[all gasp]

- We can do it, Santa.

We know how special those presents are.

- And everyone should feel special on Christmas.

Good luck!

- All right, everybody, be on the lookout.

The rest of the presents have to be around here somewhere.

[dramatic music]

Where do you see the presents?

On top of that mountain!


- [laughs]

And you know what that means?

My Christmas present has to be up there too!


Come on, slowpokes!

[cannon booms]

- Lug nuts!

That doesn'’t sound good.

- Oh, no!

The mountain keeps sh**ting out giant snowballs.

- Pfft, no snowball'’s gonna stop me

from getting my present.

I'’ll just blast '’em away with this,

my water blaster!

- Hang on, Crusher.

I think that'’s too small.

These snowballs are really big.

- Oh, yeah? Watch this.

Out of my way, snowball!

Ah! Oof!



- Crusher'’s water blaster was too small.

It couldn'’t stop a giant snowball.

- Hey, so then let'’s be engineers

and make a really big water blaster.

- Yeah!

With a big water blaster,

we can sh**t those snowballs with a lot of force.

- First, we need a really big reservoir

to hold all the water.

To make the reservoir, say, "Reservoir!"



Now we need the barrel.

That'’s the part that sprays the water.

To make the barrel, say, "Barrel!"


Now we just need a pump.

It creates pressure to blast out the water.

To make the pump, say, "Pump!"


Oh, yeah!

I'’m a water-blasting Monster Machine!

- All right!

- Time to get those Christmas presents!

[engine revs]

Let'’s test our water blaster

to see if it can blast away a giant snowball.

When you see the snowball coming, say,

"Blast it!"

both: Blast it!

- Yeah!

Our water blaster works!

- Now get ready.

We'’ve got more giant snowballs to blast.

- Whenever you see a snowball coming, shout,

"Blast it!"

both: Blast it!

- Whoo-hoo!

When you see another snowball, shout,

"Blast it!"

both: Blast it!

- Yes!

When you see another one, shout,

"Blast it!"

both: Blast it!

- Almost there!

When you see a snowball, shout,

"Blast it!"

both: Blast it!

- Yeah! - All right!

- Look, there they are!

- We made it to the presents!


- All right! Check it out!

The green line on Santa'’s bag is going up.

- Did the line get all the way to the top?


That means we found every present!

- My present!


I know it'’s in here somewhere.

[laughs] Here it is!

♪ I'’ve got my present I'’ve got my present ♪


- Oh, no! The bag, it'’s falling!

- [grunts]

It'’s too heavy.

I can'’t pull it up by myself.

- Well, good luck with that.

I'’ve already got my present.

♪ Oh I feel so special

♪ Santa was right

♪ Everyone should feel special on Christmas ♪

Wait, but if those presents fall and break...

no one will get a present from Santa,

and then no one will feel special on Christmas.

We'’ve got to save those presents!


- Crusher, you'’re helping!

- [grunting] Got to save those presents!

- Come on, let'’s pull together.

[all grunting]

- Yeah-ha! - All right!

- We did it!

We saved the Christmas presents!

- Ho, ho, ho!

- [gasps] That sounds like...

all: Santa!

- Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!

- Look, Santa, we got all the presents!

- That'’s wonderful.

Now we just need some way to deliver these presents

before it'’s too late.

- I can do it, Santa, with blazing speed.

I can help you deliver the presents super fast.

- Ho, ho, ho, that'’s it!

Blaze, you can be my sleigh tonight.

[upbeat Christmas music]

all: Whoa!

- Let'’s deliver some Christmas presents.

- Whoo-hoo!

- To deliver these presents before Christmas,

we'’re gonna need blazing speed

to fly super fast.

To get me blazing speed, say, "Let'’s blaze!"

all: Let'’s blaze!

- Whee! - Wahoo!


- Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!

- Yeah! - [laughs]

- ♪ Outside snow is falling

♪ Santa don'’t be late ♪

♪ Christmas Eve is coming

♪ I can hardly wait I can hardly wait ♪

♪ It'’s a Monster Machine Christmas ♪

♪ Gonna rev in red and green

♪ It'’s a Monster Machine Christmas ♪

♪ On your marks, get set, let'’s trim the tree ♪

♪ There'’ll be pistons pumping engines rumbling ♪

♪ Tire tracks in the snow

♪ It'’s a Monster Machine Christmas ♪

♪ Buckle up, get set, let'’s roll ♪

♪ It'’s a Monster Machine Christmas ♪

♪ Buckle up, get set, let'’s roll ♪

- Ho, ho, ho!

narrator: And so it was, with Blaze as his sleigh,

Santa'’s gifts were delivered for Christmas Day,

and as he flew out of sight,

I could I have sworn I heard the phrase...

- Merry Christmas to all,

and to all a "Let'’s blaze!"


- ♪ It'’s Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It'’s Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we'’re ready to go with Blaze ♪

♪ You'’ll be amazed ♪

♪ It'’s Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It'’s time ♪

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'’ll be catching some air with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It'’s Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines
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