02x04 - Race to the Top of the World

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Blaze and the Monster Machines". Aired: October 13, 2014 - June 12, 2020.*
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AJ is an 8-year-old techie who drives monster-truck Blaze and go on adventures that have them taking on problems involving science and math.
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02x04 - Race to the Top of the World

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪ On your mark, get ready to race ♪

♪ One, two, three, let's Blaze! ♪

♪ So buckle your seatbelt, we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze goes saving the day ♪

- ♪ Blaze! Blaze! Blaze!

- ♪ Gimme gimme gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines yeah ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Let's Blaze!

- ♪

- CROWD: [cheering]

- ♪

- Hello, racing fans!

Get your engines revving for the biggest,

and I mean biggest, race of all time!

- CROWD: [cheering, laughing]

- [fireworks popping]

- But, first, let's meet the racers!

- Yeah! - [laughing]

- Let's hear it for the star-spangled stuntman--


- Darington!

- The rootin' tootin' rodeo racer, Starla!

- Starla!

- The tiger who's clawing his way to the top--


- Yee-ha! Hey! Hey!

- And everyone's prehistoric pal--


- Zeg!

- CROWD: [cheering, applauding]

- ZEG: [laughing]

- And now, the racer you've all been waiting for--

put your tires together for the one, the only--

Blaze! - BLAZE: Oh, yeah!

- [fireworks popping]

- Are you seeing this, Crusher?

Tell me you aren't seeing this.

- Ha, you call that making an entrance?

Wait till you see what I do.


- And last to the starting line,

let's welcome--


- Everybody make way for me!


- [ice cream splatting]

- Yay for me...

- [brakes screeching] Hey, it's me, Blaze.

- And I'm AJ.

- I hope you're ready because this is gonna be

the biggest race we've ever done.

- Check it out!

- We're gonna race each other down a long, twisty track.

- Then across an old bridge to a faraway mountain.

- And the finish line is all the way at the top.

- Ooh, that's a long way up.

- Oo-ee, that mountain's higher than the clouds.

- It's higher than any Monster Machine has ever gone before.

- It's the race to the top of the world!

- ALL: Oh!

- Winning a race this big is going to be tough.

But we can do it!

- So long as we remember one thing--

Monster Machines never give up.

- BLAZE & AJ: We just keep on rolling!

- [starting bugle music] - Racers, to the starting line.

- Oh, the race is about to start.

- Good luck, everyone!

- You, too, Blaze.

- ALL: [zooming]

- ♪

- Hey, Crusher, good luck in the race.

- [imitating with gibberish]

- Monster Machines, start your engines!

- ALL: [engines revving]

- ♪

- Let's tell Blaze when it's time to go.

- On your marks...

get set...

- AJ: When the light turns green, yell "Go!"


- ALL: [tires squealing]


- ♪ We're ripped for adventure ♪

♪ That's what we're about

♪ We know we got what it takes ♪

♪ No stopping us now - ♪ To the top of the world

- ♪ Put the pedal to the metal ♪

- ♪ To the top of the world - ♪ Who's taking the lead

♪ We're ready to ride

♪ And now is the time

♪ When you certainly need top speed ♪

- ♪ To the top of the world - ♪ We're rolling together

- ♪ To the top of the world - ♪ Let's kick it in gear

♪ Let it begin

♪ Go for the win

♪ Till the checkered flag's unfurled ♪

♪ To the top of the world

♪ To the top of the world

♪ To the top of the world

- CRUSHER: [zooming]

[brakes screeching]

[laughing] Sorry, slowpokes.

No one's beating me to the top of the world.


- [bridge creaking]

- ALL: [brakes screeching]

- Oh, no! Crusher's making the bridge go up.

- Now we can't get across.

- Oh, yes, we can.

Monster Machines never give up.

We just keep on rolling.

[tires squealing]


- Wait! What?

- Wahoo! - Wahoo!

- [yelping]


- Don't worry, Crusher! I've got you!

- It's not fair, Pickle.

I should be winning. [crying]

- Aw, don't cry, Crusher.

You're a Monster Machine and remember...

Monster Machines never give up!

They just keep on-- - Cheating!

- Cheating?

No, no, that's not what I was gonna--

- You're right, Pickle. I can't give up.

If I wanna win, I need to cheat my biggest cheat ever.


I'm gonna make a wild whirlwind machine.

- Oh, whew! [laughing]

It's just a tiny little machine.

I was worried you were gonna make something big and bad.

Oh, my...

- CRUSHER: [laughing]

That's it, wild whirlwind machine,

make the biggest whirlwind ever.

- Boy, that's quite a large whirlwind.


- CRUSHER: [laughing]

This whirlwind is gonna take Blaze

and the other racers for a little spin.


- This way to the top of the world!

- Nothing can stop us now!

Huh? It got pretty windy all of a sudden.

Oh, boy!


- Oh! Oh! Oh!

- BOTH: [yelping]

- It's caught me!

- Whoa! Oh! Oh!

- Look out, Blaze! - Hang on, AJ!

- ALL: [yelping]

- It looks like they're all getting a little carried away.


Guess I'll be the only one going to the top of the world.



- Ribbit!

- ALL: [yelping]

- ZEG: I'm getting dizzy!

- ALL: [yelping]

- ♪

- Oh, no! Blaze and his friends

have been mysteriously carried away

by a giant whirlwind.

- A giant whirlwind? - Oh!

- They're supposed to be racing to the top of the world.

But that whirlwind is carrying them straight to the bottom.

How on Earth are they gonna get out of this?

- ♪

- Whoa! Quick!

We've gotta find our friends and bust out of this whirlwind.

- ZEG: [yelping] - AJ: Look, there's Zeg.

- Hang on, big fella!

- ♪

- Zeg happy to see you.

- STRIPES: [yelping] - AJ: That sounds like Stripes.

- Come on, let's look for him.

When you see Stripes, say "Stripes!"

Stripes! - STRIPES: Whoa!

Thanks, Blaze.

- STARLA: [yelping]

- Now help me find Starla.

When you see Starla, say "Starla!"


- Oo-ee! Thanks, fellers!

- Just one more friend left to find.

- Darington!

- When you see Darington, say "Darington!"



Oh, I'm dizzy.

- Now we've just gotta find some way

to get outta this whirlwind.

- I have an idea.

Let's blast out of here with this.

My Blazing Speed.

- Whoa! - All right!

- To give me Blazing Speed, say "Let's Blaze!"

- ALL: Let's Blaze!

- BLAZE: [zooming]

- ♪

- Oh, yeah! - Yeah!

- We're free! - [roaring]

Now let's hurry and get to the top of the world.

- Yeah, before Crusher wins. - Wahoo!

- ♪

- Hey, uh, anyone know how to get to the finish line?

- I thought it was this way.

- Well, I thought it was this way.

- Finish line's that way.

- Huh, we'd better take a look at a map.

Uh-oh, to get to the top of the world from here,

we have to pass a desert, cross an ocean,

and go through an enormous jungle.

- ALL: [gasping]

- Oh, no, the top of the world is so far away.

- It's on the other side of the Earth.

- Oh, well, I guess there's no way

we can win this race now.

- ALL: Ohh...

- Hey, hang on, guys. We can't stop now.

- Yeah, you're Monster Machines.

- And Monster Machines never give up.

We keep on rolling!

- Yeah! - Sure enough!

- He's right! - Mm-hm!

- So, what do you say?

Are we gonna give up?


- That's right. We're gonna...

- ALL: ...keep on rolling!

- Let's do it. - To the top of the world.

- ♪

♪ Keep on rolling - ♪ You can do it

- ♪ Keep on rolling - ♪ You can do it

- ♪ Keep on rolling - ♪ You can do it

♪ 'Cause we got what it takes ♪

♪ Together we can make it through ♪

♪ 'Cause there is nothing we can't do ♪

♪ We're gonna keep our wheels spinning around ♪

♪ And around

♪ Even when the going gets tough ♪

♪ We're never ever giving up ♪

♪ We can't stop

♪ Till we get to where we're going ♪

♪ Yeah we keep on rolling

♪ Keep on rolling

♪ We keep on rolling

♪ Keep on rolling

♪ We keep on rolling

- PICKLE: Wow, the top of the world.

This is amazing!

- CRUSHER: [laughing]

Winning this race is gonna be so easy.

All I have to do is drive to the top.

- Yep, just stay on the racetrack

and keep following it.

And don't leave the track for any reason.

And, um, Crusher, what are you doing?

- [laughing] Check it out.

I found a shortcut.

This will get me to the top of the world extra fast.

- But, Crusher, I'm pretty sure

using a shortcut would be cheating.

- [groans] Ha. Cheating schmeating.

The only thing that matters

is I get to the top first and win!

- [gasping]

Hm, I wonder what this sign says?

Beware of the Kissing Bear.

Huh? That's a sign you don't see every day.

- [laughing]

Outta my way, snow!

Outta my way, rock!

Outta my way, you...

snowy, heavy, furry whatever you are!

A bear! - [kissing]

- Ugh! Oh! You're a Kissing Bear!


- [thudding, yelping]


- [snow splats]

- Yahoo!

- ♪

- Look, everyone, we're in the desert.

- AJ: To get to the finish line and beat Crusher,

this is the first place we need to cross.

- ALL: [hooting]

[brakes screech] - Check it out, y'all.

This here desert's full of ancient statues.

- OTHERS: Wow!

- Come on, g*ng, last one through the desert's

got a sandy tailpipe!

- ALL: [hooting]

- ♪

- Here comes Darington-- racing through the desert.

He zooms past the pyramid.

He swerves around around the obelisk.

He races past the sphinx. Hello, sphinx.

- Well, hello to you, too.

- [screaming]

- Hopping hubcaps, it's The Great Sphinx!

- That's me.

And who might you be-- speeding through the desert?

- We're Monster Machine Racers.

- Yeah. We're in a race to the top of the world.

- Ooooh! I see.

Well, then, I should warn you...

You have to be super careful going across this desert.

- Why is that, Sphinx?

- Because this desert is full of...sand traps.

- OTHERS: Sand traps?

- Look out!

- Those obelisks are trying to blast us

with giant balls of sand.

- Oh, no, how are we gonna get through the desert now?

- Great Sphinx, do you have anything

that can help us get past the sand trap?

- Actually, I do have something.

- OTHERS: [gasping]

- With these parts, you can build something

to help you get past the sand trap.

- Hm...a handle, a metal frame, and a piece of fabric.

If we put them together, what do you think we can make?

Well, let's find out.

We could attach the frame to the handle.

- And then put the fabric on top.

- There. What did we make?

An umbrella, yeah!

An umbrella can protect us from falling sand.

- Come on, let's truck!

- ♪

- All right! The umbrella blocked the sand.

- Here, Darington, you try it.

- ♪

- Yahoo!


- ♪

- That's fun.

- ALL: [laughing]

- All right, we made it past the sand trap.

- Now come on. Let's keep moving.

- ALL: [zooming]

- ♪

- Just remember, everyone, be careful.

- You said it.

We don't wanna run into another--

sand trap! - ALL: [brakes screeching]

- Oh-oh!

- How are we supposed to get past this?

- Gee, I wish the Sphinx was here.

I bet she'd know how to get across.

- Hello, again! - [screaming]

- [gasping] The Sphinx! - She's back!

- Okay, Monster Machines,

now to get past this sand trap,

you're going to want these.

- AJ: Hm, a metal frame,

a fabric mat and a bunch of stretchy springs.

- BLAZE: What do you think we can make with these?

Okay, let's get building.

- We can put these springs on the metal frame.

- And then attach the fabric mat like this.

What did we make?

A trampoline! Right!

- Ha! Ha!

We can use the trampoline to bounce over the sand trap.


[brakes screeching]

- [roaring]

- Yippy-ki-yay!

- [roaring] [brakes screeching]

- [laughing]

- Hey, guys, look up ahead!

There's the end of the desert.

We're almost there.

- Yahoo!

- ALL: [zooming]

- [laughing] Nothing stop Zeg now.

- ♪

- Okay, that stop Zeg.

- ALL: [brakes screeching] - Whoa, a giant pyramid.

- That's the biggest sand trap yet.

- Oo-ee! How are we gonna get over that?

- I bet The Great Sphinx has something for us.

I said, I bet The Great Sphinx has something for us.

Uh, Great Sphinx?

- Yoo-hoo! - [screaming]

- Don't worry, Monster Machines,

I can help you fly over the pyramid...

with these.

- BLAZE: Hm, a basket, a cloth envelope,

and a torch that makes hot air.

What do you think we can build with these?

All right, let's see.

I can attach a torch here.

And then I can attach this cloth to the basket.


- AJ: Look, hot air from the torch

is blowing up into the cloth.

And it's making it float.

- BLAZE: Whoa, what did we make?

A hot air balloon! Yeah!

Quick, everybody, jump in.

- ZEG: Hot air go up.

Make balloon go up.

- BLAZE: Bye, Great Sphinx! Thanks for your help!

Bye-bye! - Bye!

- Keep on rolling, Monster Machines!

You can still win this race!

- ♪

♪ Going up up up, straight to the top ♪

♪ 'Cause we got we got we got got air ♪

♪ If the egg shape holds then it's not gonna drop ♪

♪ 'Cause we got we got we got got air ♪

♪ It's hot air rising

♪ It's hot air rising

♪ When the oxygen's just right ♪

♪ Then it means that we can fly ♪

♪ It's hot air rising

♪ It's hot air rising

♪ Hot air rising

- [flame whooshing]

[flame sputtering]

- Uh-oh, the torch is starting to go out.

- Hm, well, if hot air lifts us up,

then no hot air probably means we're about to go--

- ALL: Down!


- ♪

- Everyone, follow me.

- ALL: [zooming]

- ♪

- That was awesome.

- Come on, guys, this race isn't over yet.

- That's right--we can still get to the finish line

before Crusher and win this thing.

- Monster Machines, let's keep on rolling.

- ALL: [zooming]

- ♪

- ♪

- I can't believe what I'm seeing, folks.

Blaze and his friends are racing across the whole world.

But the question is--

can they get to the top of the world before Crusher?

Well, and speaking of Crusher,

let's check and see

if he's gotten any closer to that finish line.

- ♪

- This is it, Pickle.

I'm going straight to the top and winning this race.

- That's the spirit, Crusher.

You just keep on rolling right up this racetrack and--

Um, Crusher, where are you going?

- [laughing] Look, I found a shortcut.

It's gonna get me to the top so fast.

- Okay, sure.

But I think you forgot that taking shortcuts is cheating,

and you don't wanna--

Oh, shiny! [laughing]

Look, Crusher, I can see my reflection in this ice.

- [laughing] Oh, yeah, look at me.

I look super tall.

- [laughing] I look all wiggly.

- And now I look like a bear.

Wait a second, that's not a reflection,

that's-- - Yoo-hoo!

- The Kissing Bear! - [kissing]

- Oh! [yelping]

[thudding, yelping]


- [snow splats]

- ALL: [hooting]

- To get to the top of the world,

the next place we have to go is across an ocean.

- ALL: [brakes screeching]

- Whew, that's a lot of water.

- How do you reckon we're gonna get across?

- Zeg like to smash, not swim.

- [sniffing] Hang on, everybody.

I'm picking up a scent.

- ALL: [zooming]

- STRIPES: [sniffing]

Aha! Look over there.

- ALL: [gasping]

- STARLA: Well, bust my bumper,

it's an old pirate ship.

- A pirate ship can take us across the ocean.

- Come on. - ALL: [zooming]

- [wood creaking] - [heavy thud]

- Uh, guys, that ship looks pretty broken.

- Too bad we don't have any way to fix it.

- [zooming in distance] - Hm, Zeg hear noise.

- [zooming]

- It's Gabby!

- Woo-hoo!

- Yay, Gabby!

- Did I hear you guys need help fixing something?

- We sure do.

- Gabby help fix boat?

- You bet I can.

I can fix anything.

Come on, crew, let's get to work.

- ALL: [hooting]

- ♪

♪ Keep on rolling - ♪ You can do it

- ♪ Keep on rolling - ♪ You can do it

- ♪ Keep on rolling - ♪ You can do it

- ♪ 'Cause we've got what it takes ♪

♪ Together we can make it through ♪

♪ 'Cause there is nothing we can't do ♪

♪ We're gonna keep our wheels spinning around ♪

♪ And around

♪ Even when the going gets tough ♪

♪ We're never ever giving up ♪

♪ We'll keep on till we get to where we're going ♪

♪ Yeah keep on rolling

♪ We keep on rolling

♪ We keep on rolling

♪ We keep on rolling

- BLAZE: All right!

- Thanks for helping us fix this old ship, Gabby.

- You got it.

Pretty soon we'll be on the other side of the ocean.

- Yep, it's gonna be smooth sailing from here on out.

- [cannons firing]

- ALL: [gasping]

- Uh, fellas, what was that?

- Uh, it was probably nothing.

- [cannons firing]

- ALL: [gasping]

- Lug nuts, someone's blasting cannonballs at us.

- Cannonballs?

It must be...

- ALL: Pirates!

- PIRATES: [chuckling]

- Keep blasting, crew.

- [cannons firing]

- ALL: [gasping]

- Who are those guys?

- [chuckling] I'm Pegwheel the Pirate,

and this here's my crew.

- Arrrg! - Arrrg!

- [accordion music]

♪ We sail across the ocean blue ♪

♪ Pegwheel the Pirate and his crew ♪

♪ Our cannons be pointed straight at you ♪

♪ And sinking ships is what we do ♪

- [cannons firing]

- Look out!

- ALL: [gasping]

- Oo-ee, those pirates are everywhere.

- And they really wanna sink our ship.

- Hey, I've got an idea.

To stop those pirates, and their cannons,

let's build a cannon of our own.

- Ooh, cannons. Zeg like.

- With a cannon, you just add a spark inside

and then--boom!

It makes an expl*si*n that blasts the cannonball out.

- Come on, let's build a cannon.

First, we need the piece that aims the cannon.

It's called the cheek.

To make the cheek, say "Cheek!"


Great, now we just need an iron cylinder

to launch the cannonballs in the air.

To make the iron cylinder, say "Iron cylinder!"

Iron cylinder!

All right!

I'm a cannon Monster Machine!

- Wow! - Great cannon!

- Quick, y'all, let's load the cannon with cannonballs.

- The cannonballs should be right in here.



- Those not cannonballs, those...

underpants. - Underpants?

- Don't worry, crew.

Underpants are even better than cannonballs.

Come on, let's blast those pirates with underpants.

- Aye-aye, Captain Blaze.

- Quick, Blaze!

Pegwheel and his pirates are almost here.

- [chuckling] We've got them now, crew.

- [zooming]

- Switching to visor view.

Show us the trajectory.

- If I aim the cannon low, the underpants will land here.

Will they hit the pirate's boat?


- Arrrg! Arrrg! Arrrg!

- [cannonball whistling] - BLAZE: Oh!

- Quick, Blaze, aim higher.

- If I aim high,

the underpants will land here.

Now will they hit the boat?


Yo-ho! Underpants!

- [underpants whistling]

- Arg! There be underpants on me head!


- Bye-bye, pirate.

- Blaze! Blaze! Over here!

Another pirate ship!

- Hardee hardee har-har!

- [zooming]

- We'd better use our cannon to stop that pirate, too.

- If I aim low, the underpants will land here.

Will they hit the pirate's boat?


Yo-ho! Underpants!

- [underpants whistling]

- Arg! Who turned out the lights?

Arg! [yelping]

- We got another one!

- Check it out.

There's only one pirate left--Pegwheel.

- [chuckling] Your ship is going down.

- ALL: [gasping]

- AJ: Our turn, Blaze.

- If I aim low, the underpants will go here.

Will they hit Pegwheel's ship?

No! That's not far enough.

- [chuckling] You can't get me.

- If I aim high, the underpants will go here.

Now will they hit the ship?

Oh, yeah!

Help me blast Pegwheel's ship with underpants.

Shout "Yo-ho! Underpants!"

- ALL: Yo-ho! Underpants!

- [cannon firing]

- Uh-oh!

Shiver me boxers! I can't see where I'm sailing.


- ALL: [cheering, hooting]

- Great job, crew. All the pirates are gone.

- Everybody, look!

There's land up ahead!

- ALL: [cheering, hooting]

- We made it across the ocean.

- ♪

- Okay, racers, time to get rolling.

- ♪

- Thanks for all your help, Gabby.

- You're welcome, Blaze. Now get going.

You've still got a chance to beat Crusher

and win this race.

- AJ: Yeah! - [tires squealing]

- ♪

- Top of the world, here we come!

- Unbelievable!

Even an ocean can't stop Blaze and his friends.

But to win this race,

they still have to get to the top of the world before Crusher.

Think they can do it?

- CROWD: [cheering]

- Well, let's check now to see if Crusher

has managed to get any closer to that finish line.

- [laughing] This is it, Pickle.

Just a little farther and I'll be at the finish line--

on the top of the world!

- Yep, nothing can go wrong now.

So long as you stay on the racetrack

and don't take another-- - Shortcut!


- Oh, boy.

- ♪ Yeah I'm gonna follow the cave ♪

♪ To the top of the world

♪ And I'll be the winner

♪ I'll be the winner

♪ I'll be the-- - Yoo-hoo!

- Pickle? Is that you?

- Unh-unh.

[kissing] - CRUSHER: [giggling]

Stop it. Hey, that tickles.

Hang on a second.

If you're not Pickle, then that means you're...

- Rrrrr! Woo. Woo. Woo. - The Kissing Bear!

- [giggling, kissing] - [yelping]


Oh, no.

[thudding, yelping]


- [snow splats]

- ♪

- Look, we've almost caught up with Crusher.

All we have to do is get through this jungle

and we'll be at the top of the world.

- ALL: [hooting]

- Whoa, look out, everyone!

- ALL: [brakes screeching]

- Whew, that was close.

- I'll say.

That's a mighty long way to the bottom.

- I wonder how we get down?

- I know. We can make a ladder.

Or a staircase or an escalator.

Or this will work.


- Come on, everyone, let's slide like Darington.


- ♪

- So, uh, how do you reckon we stop these things?

- Stop? Why would want want to stop?

- Oh, you know...

so we don't crash into that giant wall of logs!

- ALL: [screaming]

- We're gonna crash.

- No way.

Those logs can't stop us.

We've got momentum.

Momentum is the strength something has when it's moving.

The more momentum we have,

the easier it is to smash through stuff.

- Smash? Oh, goody!

- Let's find out if Blaze has enough momentum

to break through the wall.

Blaze has this much momentum.

What number is this?

Five. Right.

- But to break through the logs,

I need my momentum to be eight.

- Oh, man, how are you gonna get more momentum?

- One way to have more momentum

is to get heavier.

- Ooh, Zeg make Blaze heavier.

- Me, too. [roaring]

- Oh, we're definitely heavier now.

- Let's see how much more momentum we have.

- Our momentum went up to this number.

What number is this?

Eight. Yeah.

- Now we've got just enough...

- ALL: Momentum!


- That fun.

- Uh-oh, but look.

- Here comes an even bigger wall of logs.

- To get through that wall,

we need a momentum of twelve.

- But we're only at eight.

- Need more momentum.

- I reckon I can help. Yeah!

- What number is that?

- Ten. Yeah.

- [roaring] But that's not enough.

We need our momentum to be twelve.

- Make way for Darington.

- Check out our momentum. What number is it now?

Twelve. That's perfect.

- Hang on, everyone!

- ALL: [hooting]

- Nothing can stop our momentum now.

- Except maybe that!

- ALL: [gasping]

- BLAZE: Gaskets! That's the biggest wall yet.

- To break through, we need our momentum to be...twenty.

- But we only have twelve.

Oh, no, we need more momentum.

- But how? We can't get any heavier?

- Don't worry. There's still one other way to get momentum.

We can also get momentum by going faster.

- [rockets blasting]

- To give me Blazing Speed, say "Let's Blaze!"

Let's Blaze!

- Woo-hoo!

- What number is our momentum now?

Twenty. Yeah. We've got...

- ALL: Momentum!

[hooting, laughing]

- Yee-ha!

- ♪ Momentum, let's hit the gas ♪

♪ Multiply velocity by mass ♪

♪ Let's go, hit the road drive with me ♪

♪ Go go go go

♪ Momentum

♪ It's great when the mass is really moving ♪

♪ The more you have it lets you crash through things ♪

♪ Here we go on a roll

♪ We've got momentum

♪ Momentum momentum momentum ♪

♪ Any time you got mass in motion ♪

♪ You can crash land on the ocean ♪

♪ Here we go on a roll

♪ We've got momentum

♪ Momentum momentum momentum ♪

- Oh... [laughing]

I'm so close to the finish line.

I can almost taste it.

- Taste the finish line?

Huh, I've never tried that.

- [musical horn]

- Hang on a second, Pickle. Did you just hear that?

- I know that sound from somewhere.

- Oh, no, it can't be.

- It sounded so familiar.

- It's impossible.

- You know, it kinda sounded like--

- Blaze!

- And all of his other friends that you sent away.

Just saying.

- I can't let them beat me to the top of the world.

I've gotta take a shortcut.

- Yoo-hoo! [kissing]

- Or on second thought, I'll just stay on the track.

- Hubcaps! It's the top of the world!

- Amazing!

- And, look, there's Crusher.

- I'm gonna win. I'm gonna win.

- Uh-oh, he's getting close to the top.

- Come on, guys, we can't give up now.

We're Monster Machines!

- That's right and Monster Machines never give up.

- ALL: We keep on going!


- ♪ We're ripped for adventure

♪ That's what we're about

♪ We know we got what it takes ♪

♪ No stopping us now - ♪ To the top of the world

- ♪ We traveled through the river ♪

- ♪ To the top of the world - ♪ We've taken the heat

- Shortcut!

- ♪ Can you stay with me

- [bell clanging] - CRUSHER: [yelping]

- ♪ We'll roll it together - ♪ To the top of the world

- ♪ Let's kick it in gear

♪ Let it begin fly with the wind ♪

♪ Till the checkered flag's unfurled ♪

♪ To the top of the world

♪ To the top of the world

♪ To the top of the world

- Yee-ha-ha!

- ALL: [hooting, laughing]

- There's the finish line.

Up there!

- We're almost at the top.

- Yay.

- AJ: And we're catching up with Crusher.

- Come on, if we hurry,

we can win this race.

- ALL: [zooming]

- [panting]


- Woo-hoo! - What?

How are Blaze and his friends still catching up?

These guys won't quit.

I've gotta do something.

I've gotta cheat.

I've gotta-- break this bridge.

[snipping ropes] [laughing]

- Blaze, look out!

- ALL: [brakes screeching]

- This bad. This really bad.

- CRUSHER: [laughing]

You can't beat me now. I'm up here by the finish line.

And you're stuck all the way down there.


- I hate to say it, y'all, but Crusher's right.

The only way to make it across is to jump for it.

- But no Monster Machine's ever jumped that far before.

- Looks like we're not gonna make it

to the top of the world after all.

- Ohhh...

- Wait a second, guys, we can't stop now.

We're Monster Machines--

and Monster Machines never give up.

- So, what do we do, Blaze?

- We're gonna keep on rolling.

And I've got an idea how.

- [rockets blasting]

- If we use Blazing Speed,

we can all jump across together.

- Wahoo! - Amazing!

- Woo-hoo-hoo! - Yay!

- Come on, I need you to give me

the most Blazing Speed I've ever had--

enough for me and all of my friends.

To give us Blazing Speed, shout "Let's Blaze!"

- ALL: Let's Blaze!

- ♪

- [laughing]


- ♪

- ALL: [hooting] - [fireworks popping]

- BLAZE: Woo, we made it! We won the race!

- Yee-ha!

- BOTH: [laughing]

- [hooting]

- Let's hear it for the champions

of the race to the top of the world!

Darlington! Starla!

Zeg! Stripes!

AJ and Blaze! - CROWD: [cheering]

- All right!

- Dude, that was so like...woo!

- Like totally wow! [laughing]

- Woo-hoo! They won! - [fireworks popping]

- [laughing] I knew they could do it!

- Well, blow me down. They won.

- PIRATES: Hooray!

- CRUSHER: No... [crying]

This is all wrong.

I was supposed to win.

Me! Me! Me! [pounding snow]



- [bell clanging]

- Hey, Crusher,

I don't think that's what they mean by "Keep on rolling."

- [thudding, yelping]

- [groaning] - [snow splats]

- Well, that's probably the worst of it.

- Woo-hoo! - Oh, no.

- [kissing]

- Well, would you look at us.

- We got so high.

- Woo-hoo!

We're on top of the world!

- [fireworks popping]

- ♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ But we're not gonna run

♪ Yeah we're ready to roll with Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's time for adventure extreme ♪

♪ When we kick it in gear

♪ When we give it some air

♪ With Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ With Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪
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