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01x22 - Rusty's Mysterious Mystery/Rusty's Yard-Cade Game

Posted: 11/19/23 16:57
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go!

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is in Sparkton Hills ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits, and Botasaur ♪

♪ Inventions never seen before

♪ So let's go!

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Yeah, let's go!

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go! ♪

(Bytes barking)


(Growling, barking)

Bytes is full of energy today.

Hey, kids!

KIDS: Hi, Officer Carl.

What's up?

I need you to put a special holder on my hover-cycle.

Sure thing. You mean like a cup holder?

Actually, I need it to hold something way more special

than a cup.

I need it to hold this.

RUSTY: Whoa! That's cool!

But, what is it?

It's a sculpture. I made it.

I didn't know you were an artist.

Oh yeah. Sculptures, paintings, macaroni art.

I can do it all. I love to express myself through art.

And this one's your favorite?

Yes indeed. It's my lucky sculpture.

I couldn't do my job without it.

What's the bear head for?

Because bear heads are cool!

Yes we are.

And, I've also heard they're lucky.

Anyway, I always carry it under my hat.

(Ray laughing)

So, you need a holder.

No problem.

We can put the holder over here.

Perfect. I'll go measure the sculpture.

Um. Didn't you leave your sculpture over here,

Officer Carl?

It's gone!


Maybe it's inside the bin.

Nope. Not here.


(Officer Carl grunting)

Not under there.

(Sighing) I don't see it anywhere.

This is a real mystery.

Oh! A mystery you say?

Well, luckily I'm a trained officer of the law.

I'll solve this in no time! I just--

Wait. I can't solve this, my lucky sculpture is gone.

You can solve this, Office Carl, and we can help.

Well, thanks.

I'll use my tablet to scan for clues.


RUSTY: Look, wheel tracks.

Wheel tracks. Hmm.

Aha! Mystery solved!

I know exactly what happened.

These wheel track prove that my lucky sculpture was taken--

(Inhaling) by a team a very cleaver hamsters

driving teeny, tiny motorcycles.

Um, well, actually, those look like Bytes tracks.

Maybe he took your sculpture.

See what I mean?

I don't have any good ideas without my sculpture.

That's not true. You're still a terrific police officer.

Yeah, in fact, why don't you talk to Bytes?

Well, I am pretty good at asking questions.

Bytes, did you take my sculpture?


What he means is did you take something about this big?

With a bear head on it?


But why? Because you're a master robot-dog art thief?

Is that it?

Bytes, did you maybe think it was a bone?


Yup, that's definitely it.

Knowing Bytes, he probably buried it.

In the dirt? My sculpture?

(Bytes barking) But, dirt is so dirty.

RUSTY: Look, there's a hole right over there.

Oh boy!

Come to daddy my precious sculpture.

It's not here. It's gone.

(Bytes sniffing)

Oh! can you smell it, Bytes?

(Bytes sniffing) Go on, boy.




Look! My scanner found footprints.

Those prints seem to come from a pair of very small sneakers.

Very small sneakers? That sounds like--

Yes, a sneaker wearing art thief with incredibly tiny feet.

Probably named Tiny Foot Jones!

Liam wears sneakers. Maybe it was him.

OFFICER CARL: Or Liam. That makes more sense.

LIAM: Ner, ner! Surrender, Earthlings.

Look out Emperor Bob, the bear alien

from planet Blargon is attacking.

Nah, nah, nah, nah! The space bear is defeated!

To the Fortress of Awesomeness for snack time!

Wa, wa, wa, wow!

That'll be perfect!

Shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo--

Liam! Wait!

Oh! Hey guys! Wait, I mean,

what do you need, Earthlings?

We were wondering if you saw Office Carl's

sculpture laying around?

It's got a bear head.

You mean space bear of the intergalactic Blargonian empire.

Come on.

(Horn honking)

Hey! It's gone!

Oh! Not again.

Hmm. Maybe real bear aliens kidnapped my sculpture

to make it their leader.


No, probably not. If I had my lucky sculpture,

I would have found my lucky sculpture already.

I should give up police work.

You don't need your lucky sculpture

to be a good police officer

I guess.

Maybe Ranger Anna knows who took it.

Ranger Anna! Great spot, Officer Carl.

Come on.

Ranger Anna, have you seen Officer Carl's sculpture?

A sculpture?

No, I don't think so. But I did find a cute thingamajig

that I thought would make a great toy for the penguins.

What did it look like?

Like a big piece of bacon with a bear head.

Somebody just left it in a tree.

(Gasping) A big piece of bacon? That's my lucky bacon!

I mean, sculpture!

To the penguins!

(Penguins chattering)

Nope. Nothing here but penguins.

Oh no! It's gone!

My precious sculpture is gone forever.


Oh wait, there it is.

RUSTY: A seagull took it.

Why would it do that?

I know why.

It looks like a clam.

It does not look like a clam.

RANGER ANNA: Well, the flat part kind of looks like a shell.

So, the seagull must think it's a clam.

Seagulls love clams.

Oh good, then he won't hurt it.

Oh, actually, they love to smash clams on the ground

to eat what's inside.

What? No!

Don't worry, Office Carl

Ruby and I can build something that will fly up

and get the sculpture back.

Let's combine it.

And design it.

We'll start with the Bitbat .

Then, add two hands to grab the sculpture gently.

And finally, we'll add rockets so it can fly fast.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.

(Bits chattering)

(Whirly chattering)





The Sculpture Grabber !


Don't worry, you and I will get your sculpture back.

Yes, you an I will-- what? I'm going up in that thing too?

I need someone to work the grabber arm while I fly.

You can do it, Officer Carl.

We know you can.

Hope on in.


Blast off!

Have fun.

(Officer Carl shrieking)

Hey, this is kind of fun.

Just use that control to move the grabber arms.



And there's the seagull.

Get ready, Officer Carl.

We are a-go for grabbing.

I'll be as precise as possible.


I missed.

That's alright. I can get close to him again.

(Seagull cawing)

OFFICER CARL: Oh no, I missed.

No problem.

KIDS: Whoa!

RUBY: That's it. You can do it.


OFFICER CARL: Hey! That's a beautiful and useful piece of art!

Not a clam! You can't eat it!


Does this thing have turbo mode, Rusty?

It has deluxe turbo mode.

Hang on.


Get ready to catch it.

I'm not sure I can.

You can do it. If you don't it'll break.



RUBY: They did it!


Great catch.


RUSTY: You got your sculpture back safe and sound.

And, you did it without the sculptures help.

Oh, I owe it all to you kids.

No. You helped the whole time.

You had Bytes sniff for the sculpture.

And you saw Ranger Anna driving away at the park.

And you saved the sculpture from being smashed.

You're right.

Huh. Now that I finally got my lucky sculpture back

I guess I don't need it after all.

You don't need anything to be a great police officer.

You're great all on your own.

Aw. Thanks, kids.

You guys are pretty great too. You make the best rocket ships.

Can we fly it some more?

(Laughing) Of course.


Want to take it for a spin, Ruby?

Oh yeah.

Blast off!



(Rusty laughing)

(Bytes barking)

(Bits chattering)


Got ya, Jack. You're it.

(Jack groaning)



LIAM: Oh man.


Uh! Come on! Work.


(Bits chattering)



Aw. Why won't this play?

(Bits chattering)

Tag, you're it.

Hey, Liam.

Oh, hi, Rusty. Hi, Ruby.

My videogame's broken. Can you help?

Sure thing. What game were you playing?

Big Robot Versus Ninja, but I can't get past level one.

I'm not very good at it.

How do you play?

Well, the game's not working, so I'll show you.

You be the robots and I'll be the ninja.

You run and I'll chase you.


Whoa! Oof.

That could have gone better.

Try over here, Liam!

I'm coming, Rusty.



Are you okay, Liam?

Yeah, but I told you I was bad at the game.

I can't even win when I'm pretending to play.

I'm sure you're better than you think.

Nope, I'm not.

I guess I better stick to playing with my trusty yo-yo.

Hmm. Liam seems pretty sad that he's bad at videogames.

How can we help?

(Bits laughing)

I know!

Let's turn the whole yard into an arcade.

Winning a game will totally cheer him up.

Oh! That's a great idea.

One giant yard-cade game coming up.


(Bits groaning)



Liam, we turned the whole yard into a giant videogame.

Just for you.

(Gasping) Really?

It's time to play...

Rusty And Ruby's Yard-Cade Game.

Level one, asteroid blast.

(Bits laughing, chattering)



Okay, Liam, here's how you play. You need to throw these beanbags

over there at the moving asteroid targets.

If you can hit three of the asteroids before time runs out

you win. Botasaur is the timer.

Got it.

On your mark. Get set. Throw!


(Cracking joints)

(Bits chattering)

Oh! I got myself!

(Sighing) I guess I'm not good at yard-cade games either.

Just throw a lot of beanbags, Liam.

I'm sure you can hit three asteroids.

But hurry, time's running out.

(Botasaur barking)


LIAM: I can do it.

(Botasaur barking)

(Sighing) I hit everything but the asteroids.

That's okay, Liam. Good try.

Yeah, don't give up.

I know you'll do great at level two.

Alien invasion.

LIAM: Oh! I love aliens!

And invasions.

Then Liam, meet your aliens.

(Bits chattering)


RUBY: To win you have to get across the yard,

past all the aliens,

and touch that flag.

But, if the aliens touch you three times, you lose.

And look out for Claw, he's an alien too.


Okay, got it. I can do this.

I'll be a ninja like in the videogame.


Oopsie. I tripped.

RUSTY: It happens.

He's already been tagged twice and he just started.

Too bad we can't make him fly like in a real videogame.

Oh! We can!

See? Still bad at this stuff.

Don't worry, Liam. It's your lucky day.

You earned a jetpack power up.

I have?

Now you can fly to the flag.

No way! Awesome. Blast off!

(Rocket revving)


I hadn't strapped it on yet.

Thanks guys, but I give up.

RUSTY: Liam, wait. There's one more level.

And we have a big surprise for you.

Oh? What is it?


No way? That's Big Robot, from my videogame.

Player one is ready.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

You will never defeat me!

Ha, ha, ha.

Oh boy.

Okay, I'm going home now. Bye-bye.

You got this Liam, and we're here to do it with you.

All we have to do is push the big button on his chest.

Let's go.

Is that all you have got?

Huh, he's faster than I thought.

RUBY: I can get him.

Okay. No problem.

Bits, Botasaur, Bytes, push that button.

Ha, ha, ha!



Oh no. He's way too fast.

BOG ROBOT: Cannot get me! Ha, ha, ha.

We can't push his off button.

Well, if you guys can't stop him there's no way I can.

Good luck with the giant robot.

BIG ROBOT: You cannot stop me.

Liam, wait.

Oh! Now my yo-yo broke too. Can you fix it?

Oh, sure Liam.

BIG ROBOT: You cannot stop me.

Oh boy.

I'll just turn this screw here.

Okay, move this here.

There, that should do it.

Thanks. Ha! Yo-yo, whoosh!



It works.

Thanks. Bye.

Wow! Liam, you're amazing at yo-yoing.

Eh, anyone can yo-yo.

Rusty can't.

I can build giant, robotic dinosaurs.

(Botasaur barking)

But I can't yo-yo. Watch.

Wow. You were right.

Cannot stop me.

Wait, what if you played against Big Robot with your yo-yo?

You could use it to turn off his button and win the game.

Oh! Yeah, but I need a longer string

and a super tough yo-yo. One that can't break.

We can help with that. Let's combine it.

And design it.

We'll start with Claw.

Mount it on the portable frame.

And then make a custom, indestructible, deluxe yo-yo.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.

(Whirly chattering)





The Yo-Yo Swift Shot .


Take it for a spin, Ninja Liam.

Whoa! This is awesome.

Yo-yo! Yo-yo!

RUSTY: It has super fast robotic action,

and unbreakable titanium yo-yo,

and a super long, super strong string.

So you can hit Big Robots button and turn him off.

This is going to be the best game ever!

And you're going to be the best player.

You are unable to stop me. Ha-ha!

Get him, Liam!

I will defeat you!

A-ho! Yo-yo!

I am super, mega, ninja yo-yo boy!






Ho! Hey! Ha!


Ha! You missed.

(Beeping) Oh, wait.

No, you did not.

Oh man.

Game over. No robots can stop this ninja.


See, Liam? You are good at yard-cade games.

Yeah, I did it.

That's for your help, guys. The yard-cade game was awesome.

Our pleasure.

So, can you teach us some yo-yo tricks?

I'd love to.

And, do you think I can keep the Yo-Yo Swift Shot ?

Of course. You never know when we'll need you

to stop Big Robot again.

And we'll fix your videogame too.

Now that I have the Yo-Yo Swift Shot ,

you don't need to rush. Woo-hoo!
