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01x14 - Rusty and Captain Scoops/Rusty's Creature Catcher

Posted: 11/19/23 16:52
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go!

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is in Sparkton Hills ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits, and Botasaur ♪

♪ Inventions never seen before

♪ So let's go!

♪ Put it together Rusty Rivets

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Yeah, let's go!

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go! ♪

So, what kind of ice cream are you gonna get?

My all-time fave, raspberry swirl with sprinkles.

How about you?

Well, I've narrowed it down to my most favorite flavors.


Did someone say "ice cream"?

[Gasping] Sammy!

We were just on our way to your store.

Well, I'll save you the trip, 'cause look!

Sammy Scoops delivers.

My favorite!

One of my favorites! Thanks, Sammy.

You know, with a mobile cart like this,

I think I'll be the busiest ice cream guy in town.

Aren't you the only ice cream guy in town?

I was, until the Ice Cream Queen showed up.

WOMAN: Yoo-hoo!

Can we get some ice cream?

A customer! Be right back, guys.

I got to get over there before...

["Turkey in the Straw" playing from truck]

[Funky beat playing]

[Gasping] Ice Cream Queen.

[Grunting] Too... heavy.

[Music continues playing]

[Cash register dinging]

Thank you, Ice Cream Queen.


She's fast.

That's the problem.

The Ice Cream Queen is so fast,

she gets to all the customers before I do.

The only reason she's faster than you

is because she has a truck.

So, you know what you need?

A faster truck?

Nope, something even better.

[Loud stomping]

Say hello to your new ride,

the Turbo-Runner !

Nothing delivers ice cream faster.

I don't know.

Don't you think I should just get a regular truck?

Why get a regular old truck when you can have Turbo Rockets?

Turbo what-now?


Go on, Sammy. Give it a spin.



All right, I hope I've got this.


I guess now I just need some customers.

[People laughing]

Hey, you guys want some ice cream?

BOTH: Absolutely!

I'm on my way!

Let's see.

Eeny, meeny, miny, rockets?




Uh-oh, he forgot the ice cream.




Grappling hook!

Look out!

Oh, man, that was close.

RUBY: Uh, guys?

My ice cream cart!

Whew, we stopped.

And my ice cream's okay!


Sorry that didn't work out, Sammy.

But I think next time--

Uh, Rusty?

This machine is cool and all,

but maybe speed isn't really my thing.

I'd much rather make ice cream for people.


[Cash register dinging]

BOTH: Thanks, Ice Cream Queen!


Well, not those people. They already have some.

Cheer up, Sammy.

There's more than one way to deliver ice cream.

And... that should do it.

The Ice Cream Blaster is ready to go.

[Grunting] It's kind of heavy, Ruby.

I can't really move.

You don't have to move, Sammy.

The Ice Cream Blaster automatically finds a person

who wants ice cream, and then boom!

It launches the perfect cone right into their hand.

We'll pretend to be your customers!

Hello there!

We would like some ice cream, please.

Sure, coming right-- whoa!


You did it, Sammy!

Hey, I did!

Oh, wow, I want to do that again.

Now's your chance, look!

Hey, Officer Carl, want some ice cream?

You bet I do!

SAMMY: No, no, stay there.

Ice cream away!




Huh, it must need more power.

I can fix that!

[Gears turning]

Okay, try it now.

Ice cream away!




Why don't I just come over there?

Wait, wait, wait! I think I got it.


[Music playing]

Hey, it's the Ice Cream Queen!

No, no, look! I'm walking to you.

Oh, no, whoa!





Thanks, Your Highness!

What was I thinking?

I'll never be faster than the Ice Cream Queen.

Maybe I should just quit.

But what about your customers?

Oh, they'll be fine. They have the Ice Cream Queen.

If we don't do something now,

he'll never make ice cream again!

But what can we do?

The Ice Cream Queen is so fast.

I mean, to beat her, you'd have to be some kind of superhero.

Wait a second, that's it!

Sammy, Sammy, wait!

I know how you can be faster than the Ice Cream Queen!


We're going to turn you into Captain Scoops,

the Ice Cream Superhero!


Me, a superhero? Eeh!

Let's combine it!

And design it!

We'll start with these metal plates

to make a super-strong super suit.

Then, we'll add the rockets from the Turbo Runner

to give Sammy jet-powered propulsion.


Then, combine it with the Ice Cream Launcher.

Put it all together, and we've got our plan!


[Bots exclaiming]




Captain Scoop Suit !


The rockets and Ice Cream Blaster

didn't work so well on their own.

But now that they're all together in the suit--

I'd say you're ready to deliver some ice cream,

Captain Scoops!


But I don't know what any of these buttons do...!


That turns on the rockets!

[Sammy screaming]

ALL: Whoa!

See? You're getting the hang of it.

If you say so.

Don't worry, Sammy.

Rusty and I will do everything we can to help.

Okay, then, um...

Captain Scoops away!

RUSTY: Okay, Sammy, get ready for some customers.

What is...


Would anyone like some ice cream?

[Laughing, cheering]

This looks like a job for Captain Scoops!


Captain Scoops, behind you.

Mint chip, o'clock!

Ha ha!

Hello, Captain Scoops!

I want ice cream, too!

This looks like a job for...


[Music playing]

Ice Cream Queen?

Oh, no.

She's trying to get to Liam first.

She won't beat me this time!


[Ruby cheering]


I'm gonna get there first!



She's out of control!

Captain Scoops to the rescue.

Go, Captain Scoops!


[Sammy groaning]


Here you go.

Gee, thanks, Captain Scoops.


Wow, Sammy, that was incredible!

You're a real hero.

Ha ha!


Excuse me, are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine, thanks to you.

I can't believe you stopped my truck.

It was nothing,

Miss, um, Miss Ice Cream Queen?


Well, my real name's Samantha,

but you can call me Sammy.


That's my name too!

Well, except when I'm Captain Scoops.

That suit is amazing!

Really? You want it?


BOTH: What?!

Seriously, it's way too fast for me.

Oh, wow!

Going fast is my thing!

All I want to do is zoom around and give people ice cream.


I prefer to be busy making the ice cream,

rather than delivering it.

Uh, guys?

Kind of sounds like you'd be perfect partners.

BOTH: Partners?


You even have the same name!

Hmm, what do you think, Sammy?

I think it's an amazing idea, Sammy!

You make the ice cream.

And you deliver it!



This is amazing!

Cone Woman away!

All right!

Now, who wants some Sammy Scoops Cone Woman-delivered ice cream?

I'm good.

Me too.

Oh, well, who wants more ice cream tomorrow?

[People cheering]

Hi, Rusty!

What's up?

Aside from you, heh heh!

I'm looking for my self-bouncing ball.

Have you seen it?

Nope, can't say that I have.

I think I Rustified it too well.

It must have bounced right out of the yard.

[Botasaur yawning]

Morning, Botasaur.



Heh, good night, Botasaur.


Why is he so tired?

I don't know.

Maybe I've been working him too hard.

He must be pretty tired, though.

He didn't even make it to his bed.

LIAM: Rusty! Ruby!

Monster! Ahhh!


Quiet, Liam.

We don't want to wake up Botasaur.

Okay, so I guess you don't want to hear about the monster, then.



It's huge with huge feet, and huger noises,

and it's the hugest huge thing in all of Hugetown!

So, you're saying it's big?

It's not small.

Have you actually seen this monster?

No, but the noise came from the woods, and it sure sounded big.

So, you know what I think it is?

A yeti! Or Bigfoot!

Or maybe even a giant nine-headed chipmunk!

Come on, Liam.

You know monsters aren't real.

Yeah, but I heard something, Rusty, with my own eyes!

I mean ears!

If it's not monsters, what's making the sounds?

Let's go and see.

If it is some weird creature, maybe we can get a picture.

Too bad we can't bring Botasaur along to help us.

This could be a giant nine-headed chipmunk, people!

How about we take Claw instead?

Fine, but I hope he knows karate.



To the woods!

Time to bolt!

[Tires screeching]

[Bird squawking]

Right here,

this is where I think the strange noises were coming from.

Then, here's where we'll set up our camera to get the picture.

But a giant monster isn't just gonna walk up and say,

"Blah rowr rowr!"

That's monster talk for "Cheese!"

We need some sort of bait,

so we can get the... whatever it is

to come out in the open.

Yeah, it has to be something everybody,

and everything, likes.

I know!

A triple-chocolate chip cookie!

Good idea, but where are we gonna get one of those out here?

Good question. Let me think on it.

Um, Liam?

Is that a triple-chocolate chip cookie?

Yup, I call it my thinking cookie!

Could we use it for bait?

Okay, I hope it doesn't eat the whole thing.

Camera's ready.

I'll get Claw to set up the bait.

[Motor revving]

I'll set up a laser light grid.

Then, anything that passes through the beams

will turn on the camera.

And we'll have a picture of your creature.


I'll put it on my fridge!

So, now what do we do?

[Whispering] Now, we wait.

[Camera beeping, clicking]

The camera's got something!

Oh, man!

And that something got my cookie!

Photo's downloading to my tablet now.

Ahh! It's a blur monster from the planet Blob!

No, this one's just out of focus.


The creature!

And we got a picture of it!

Actually, it's a squirrel.

At least it's only got one head.

Well, Liam, it looks like the only creature out here is--


Definitely not a squirrel!

That's the sound I heard!

I knew it! The creature is still out there!

The sound's getting quieter.

The creature's moving away from here.

Where's it going?

Let me use my sound-tracking app.


ALL: Pliers Peak!

Let's go find that...

whatever it is!

RUBY: It's just over this ridge!

Whatever it is must be inside that cave.


At a time like this,

I'm sure glad I'm too little to go in there,

but good luck, Rusty!

Liam, nobody's going into that cave.

We don't know what's in there.

What if it's dangerous?

Of course it's dangerous!

Have you heard the noise it's making?

The question is,

how do we get a picture of it if we can't go inside?


Claw can go inside with the camera for us.

And we'll watch on my tablet.

With Claw, I can make sure we see the whole cave.

Looks like we've got rocks and--


[Gasping] A really huge...

Monstrous looking...


We need to find out what it is, for sure.

But the only way to do that is to go in there

and see it, face to face.

Actually, since it might have nine heads,

I think you mean face to face to face to face to--

Okay, Liam, we get it.

Botasaur could go in the cave, but he's napping.

Aww! I'm never going to see this monster!

Sure you will, Liam, right after I do.


You're going in?

Yeah, but not the way you think.

Great idea, Rusty!

Let's combine it!

And design it!

I'll start with my go-kart.

Then, add some powerful steel robot legs to the wheels.

Then, combine it with Claw!

Put it all together, and we've got our plan!





The Explore-O-Monster !

Whoa! It's like an indestructible monster machine!

Yup, and now that I'm protected and scary-looking,

I can face that... whatever it is.


That could defeat something with heads!

Maybe even !

Don't forget your camera, Rusty.


I'll send you pictures from inside.

How is it in there, Rusty? Do you see it?

Not yet, but I can hear it.

[Snarling] It's so close.

It must be just around this corner.





I see it!

What is it?

I don't know yet.

It's huge!

No way!

What is it, Rusty?


BOTH: Botasaur?

Hey, buddy, what's up?

Are you sleeping?

[Snuffling, snoring]

Botasaur, wake up.


Don't worry, buddy. It's just me.

[Barking happily]

Why are you sleeping in a cave?

If you're this tired,

you should go back home and sleep in your bed.


Is something wrong with your bed?


I can't believe the sound was just a big, giant Bota-snore.

[Bots laughing]

Yup, we thought he was sleeping here the whole time.

I wonder what's wrong with this bed.




Whoa! His bed is alive!

Um, I just remembered,

I have to run away now!


Botasaur's bed is bouncing.

I think I know what's going on.

Jack, can you lift up Botasaur's bed?



There's my self-bouncing ball!

It must have got stuck under there.

Now you can sleep in your own bed again, buddy.


Oh, what a nice cave monster.

Oh, this whole monstery adventure

just gave me a great idea!

For what?

A new comic of my own!

Cave Dweller Versus Monster Bot:

The Battle for Sparkton Hills!

Cool! I love it.


How exactly do you work this thing?

[All laughing, cheering]