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01x08 - Rusty Rocks/Rusty's Balloon Blast

Posted: 11/19/23 16:39
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go!

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is in Sparkton Hills ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits, and Botasaur ♪

♪ Inventions never seen before

♪ So let's go!

♪ Put it together Rusty Rivets

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Yeah, let's go!

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go! ♪

This last piece of the stage is really coming together.

Way to go, guys!


All right, Whirly,

just one more stage light and we're done.

WHIRLY: I got it!

Whoa, I think you got the wrong light.


And... done!

Awesome teamwork, everybody.

[Cheering][Horn honking]

[Heavy metal playing]

Hey, guys. No way!

Is this part of the stage for the Sparkton Hills talent show?

Yup! Cool, huh?

Awesome! I can't wait to do my act!

Same here! What are you gonna do?

It's a surprise. What about you guys?

The Bits have been planning something special.

[Imitating fanfare]



They're still working on it.

And what about your act?

Let's get this stage to the park and I'll show you. Come on!


[Engine revving]

[Powering up]

[Engine revving]

Time to bolt!

[Tires squealing]

That's it, just about there. Perfect.

And... done!

Wow, great job on the stage, Rusty. It looks amazing.

Thanks, Chef Betty. Mind if we test it out?

Go for it. What are you kids going to dazzle us with?

Botasaur and I are doing pet tricks.

You ready to give it a practice run, big guy?

[Barking, panting]

All right, Botasaur up.


Now flip.


All right, buddy, send me sliding.


That last part is a bumpy ride,

but we're working on it.

What about you, Ruby?

I'm going to sing.

Can someone give me a note to start with?

[All shouting note]

Okay, Ruby, hit it!

[Singing loudly] ♪ La

[Voice breaking and trailing off]


Uh... Uh...

What's up?


Is there something wrong with your mouth?

I don't know what happened.

My tummy got all tingly, and when I tried to sing,

nothing would come out.

Hey, I know what's wrong! You just need a microphone.

I really don't think that--

[Rattling]I've got it!

Okay. Introducing Ruby Ramirez!

[Spattering applause]


Thanks. I... gotta go.

What's the matter, Ruby?

Maybe singing wasn't the best idea.

It's weird.

I sing all the time, but up here, it's kinda scary.


It sounds like you have stage fright.

Hmm... that is one thing I don't know how to fix.

[Beeping]Note to self:

design a stage fright fixing tool.

Ugh! The talent show starts soon. What am I going to do?

Feel any better now that you're away from the stage?


So, if you're not going to sing,

there's tons of other stuff that you're good at.

Let's see,

what's something I'm really good at

that won't be scary to do onstage?

I know, dancing! You've been taking lessons

since... forever!

Maybe something like...


♪ Ooh, ah, ooh, ah ♪

♪ Ooh, ah, mm, mm ♪

Nice! Jack, give her a beat, would ya?

Oh, yeah!

[Clanking rhythmically]

Crush, Botasaur, you get in on it too.

[Thumping, clanking rhythmically]

♪ Ooh, ahh, oh, yeah

♪ Ooh, ahh, oh, yeah

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh

You're doing great, Ruby!

And it feels great.

Thanks for helping me figure out what to--


What to-to--

but-- [Stammering]


I gotta go! Ah!

Ruby, are you okay?

I'm cool.

I'm good at tumbling all over the place.

Too bad that couldn't be my act.

Well, maybe it can.

What if you did a gymnastics routine?

Hey, good idea!

We just need something for you to practice on. I got it!

This will be perfect!

A soccer post?

Sure! All you need is a little boost. Jack?


[Jack straining]


You're welcome.

All right, Ruby, show us what you can do.

Here goes!

[All exclaiming]


This is totally going to be your act.

Now check out my big finale!


Whoa! That's amazing, Ruby!


[Gasping] Uh-oh.


I'm cool!

Are you sure you're okay... again?

Yeah, except I still have that weird feeling in my tummy.

There's got to be some way we can help.

Thanks, but I don't know how.

I just can't stop freezing up

whenever people watch me perform.


Aw, you guys always make me feel so much better.

I could do anything with you around.

That's it! Ruby gets nervous when she performs alone.

Maybe she doesn't have to. Let's combine it and design it!


We'll start with a few cans from the yard,

add the hubcaps from Ruby's buggy,

and we can make a cool sounding beat.

Then we use some pipes to make rockin' instruments.

Put 'em all together and we've got our plan!

Can I look now?

Not yet.

[Powering up]

Modified, customized,


The instruments for Ruby and the Rustettes!

[Gasping] You did all this for me?

Of course! You won't feel nervous onstage

if we all do this together.

Thanks, Rusty.

Whoa! It looks like you guys have something

really special planned.

And perfect timing too; you're up next.

Good luck!


We're up after this guy?

Talk about tough competition.

[Operatic singing]: ♪ Banana na

♪ Banana

♪ Banana na na na na na

♪ Banana

♪ Bana!

[Crowd cheering]

Next up, Sparkton Hill's own singing, dancing sensation:

Ruby and the Rustettes!


[Beat playing]

[Heavy metal guitar playing]

Hello, Sparkton Hills! One, two, three, four!

♪ Used to be scared of the bright spotlight ♪

♪ Until Rusty and the Bits made everything right ♪

♪ Now I'm rocking with my crew, look what we can do ♪

♪ And with help from your friends, I bet you can too ♪

[Saxophone playing]

♪ Ruby and the Rustettes [Ooh] ♪

♪ Ruby and the Rustettes [Ooh] ♪

♪ Now I'm rocking with my crew, look what we can do ♪

♪ And with help from your friends, I bet you can too ♪

♪ Ruby and the Rustettes!

[Crowd cheering]



Great teamwork, guys.

And Ruby, I'm impressed how you got over your fear.

Thanks, Betty. I couldn't have done it without my friends.

The judges have made their decision.

The winner of the Sparkton Hills talent show is...

[Drum roll sounding]

[Drum roll sounding]

Kiki the opera singing Monkey!


[Chattering, screeching]


I guess I'm not totally surprised.

I mean, look at the judges.

[Cheering, chattering]

And second place goes to...

Ruby and the Rustettes!


Anything you want to say, Ruby?

You can do it!

I want to say thanks to my friends,

and together we rocked it!


Balloon ready.

String ready.


Thanks, Crush.

Just a few more and we'll be ready to ride.

The Balloon Flyer

is looking awesome.

Can we go for a ride now?

Pretty soon, Liam,

right after we get all of the balloons filled up.

Huh. I'm all out of helium.

No problem. I've got a spare t*nk behind the Rivet Lab.

I'll help you out.

And I'll watch the air balloon till you get back.

Okay, Liam, but remember, that balloon is off limits.

We don't want you getting into any trouble.


When was the last time I got into trou--

oh, wait. Okay, I'll be good.

Maybe you can hang with Botasaur.

He's testing out the new treads I made him.

New treads?


That is so awesome!

I'd play fetch with you, but I don't have a ball.

Perfect! All right, big guy, fetch!


You great throw.

Thank you. I can throw very far.

Nice catch!

Now pass it back.





It's okay.

I'll get it.


Whoa! Got it!


why are you guys shrinking?


[Gasping] Uh-oh!

This t*nk should be enough.

Hey, guys, what's up?

LIAM: I am![Both gasping]


Hi, guys. Help!

Hold on! We'll get you down. Come on.


[Engine revving]

[Powering up]

[Engine revving]

Time to bolt!

[Tires squealing]

So, this is what it's like to be a bird.

A bird stuck in a flying basket with no idea where he's going!

RUSTY: Hang on, Liam!

Ruby, I have an idea, but I need you to drive.

I'm on it!

Engaging wheel connect.

We're locked in.

Let's do this.


Balloon is in sight. Straight ahead.

Steady, steady.

Oh, no!



This is tricky. We have to follow the road,

but Liam doesn't.

Let's try again.You got it.

Rusty, if you can get me down this time,

that'd be super awesome!

Don't worry, buddy, we'll get you down!

[Gasping] Whoa!


Aw, man.

This road is not cooperating.

On the bright side, I don't think things can get much worse.

[Wind gusting]

It's getting pretty windy up here!


Actually, they are worse.


We've got to find a way to get Liam down.

LIAM: Hi, guys. Pretty breezy, huh?

Whoa! This wind is really whirling me around.

Whirling? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Yup! Let's get some Bits on the fix.

[Beeping]Whirly, we need your help.

On my way!

Hi, Whirly. I'm going to need a hand...

or, you know, claw.

We need you to hook this cable

from Ruby's buggy to the balloon basket. Cool?

You bet!

Then Ruby will be able to pull

you, Liam and the balloon down to the ground.

Plus, while you're up there, you can keep Liam company.



Whirly! Wow, am I glad to see you!

You too.

All right, Ruby, activate tow cable.

On it.


It's work-- whoa!

Uh, Rusty?!

The cable!

Uh-oh. Whoa!

I've got you!


I think the balloon's got both of us.

BOTH: Whoa!

Guys, I don't think it's the best time to just hang out.

[Both yelling]

Look out!


BOTH: Whoa![Car alarms sounding]

Hi, Officer Carl.

Any ideas?


Tennis? But I don't think

we have time to play right now.

No, tennis!

Oh, no!

Look out!

BOTH: Whoa!


Phew! They missed.

[Ball machine firing]


[Gasping] Liam!


Now what are we gonna do?

If only there were less balloons,

Liam would float gently to the ground.

But how can we take away balloons when he's way up there?

[Ball machine firing]Hmm...

That's it! That's it!

Let's combine it...

And design it!


First, we start with your buggy

and add the seat from my go-kart.

And use Botasaur's new treads so we can drive off-road.


Then we add on that tennis ball launcher,

and we'll have that balloon down in no time.

Put it all together--

You guys have your plan yet?

Yup, just finished it. Put them all together--

Does your plan include tossing me a granola bar or something?

No, Liam. We're just going to get you down.

That's cool. Thanks.

Put it all together...

and we've got our plan!


[Powering up]

Modified, customized...


The All-terrain Balloon Blaster !


LIAM: Rusty!

Hold on, Liam! We're coming for you!

Punch it, Ruby.

Let's pop 'em and stop them.

[Powering up]


That's the coolest thing I've ever seen!

Ready... and launch!


Aw, man! He's going through the park!

And so are we.

BOTH: Whoa!


All right, I've got it this time.

Yay, it's working! Nice job, Rust-- whoa!

RUSTY: He's turning toward the beach!

Sand? No problem.

Woo-hoo! Yes! Way to go!

Ruby, he's swooping back downtown.

There's no place we can't go.


Ah! Yay!


We did it!

Liam, are you okay?

I am now.

Thank you, guys. I promise I will never, ever

go somewhere I'm not allowed all by myself again.

Good plan, Liam.

Glad to have you back safe and sound.

Now, let's get this balloon fixed

so we can all go for a ride together.

Actually, I think I want to stay on the ground for awhile.

I'll take the Balloon Blaster!

Now, how do you start this thing?

Uh... I don't think that's a good idea, Liam.

What? When was the last time I got into trouble?

Oh, wait. Never mind.