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01x24 - H.R. Pufnstuf Visits Mutt & Stuff

Posted: 11/19/23 09:01
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

[horn honks]

[dogs bark]

[horn honks]

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪


- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can'’t seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

[whimsical music]

[piano music]

[whimsical music]


- Hi. I'’m Calvin.

Welcome to Mutt & Stuff.

[dog barks]

Hey, Zippy.

How about some more tunes to start our day?

[Zippy barks]

[piano intro]

[ragtime music]

Go, Zippy. Go, Zippy.

And now for the big finish.



Nicely done, Zippy.

I have the coolest dog on the planet.

Come on, let'’s go start school.

[playful music]

Thanks, Zippy.

[bell ringing]

Good boy.

- Time for school.

Come on and bark your way inside.

- Hi, girls.

Who'’s a good boy?

Giggle, that'’s who.

Wait, wrong dog.

This is Wiggle,

and that'’s Giggle.

You both are good dogs.

You'’re good boys.

- Hey, Calvin, Calvin, I'’m next.

- Okay, Stuff.

Who'’s a big giant yellow fuzzy puppy?

- [giggles] I am!

- Yes, you are.

Come on. Let'’s go inside.

- Ooh!

Don'’t mind if I do.

- Good morning, everyone.

It'’s time for the doggy roll call.

So where is Junior Shades?

[dog yips]

And how about Rocket?

[dog barks]

Oh. Hey, mailbox.

Um, I'’m kind of in the middle of doggy roll call,

but I'’ll be right there.

Ha, okay.

Hmm, now, where was I?

Oh, that'’s right. Grumbles.

[dog barks, growls]

Whoa, mailbox.

I see you, but I'’m still in the middle of doggy roll call.

Next, my dog Zippy.

[Zippy barks]

Wow, mailbox.

You must have a really important letter for me.

Oh, okay,

let'’s finish the doggy roll call speedy-style.

Is everyone here?

[all bark]

Good, everyone'’s here.

Okay, mailbox.

Now it'’s your turn.

What you got for me?

- Hello.

- Whoa, a talking letter.

I'’ve never seen that before!

- Ooh, ooh!

I'’ll bet I know where it'’s from.

There'’s a place far away

called Living Island,

and everything talks there.

- Really?

- Really.

- Stuff, how do you know about Living Island?

- '’Cause that'’s where my uncle lives.

His name is HR Pufnstuf,

and he'’s the mayor.

- Wow.

- It'’s a very important job.

- That'’s right,

and your uncle sent me here

to tell you something very important.

Come close.

He'’s coming to visit you!

- [gasps]


Wow, wow, wow!


The last time I saw my uncle, I was just a tiny puppy.

- Oh, Stuff, wait till he sees you now!

Come on, guys.

Let'’s get ready to meet HR Pufnstuf.

- Whee! Oh, boy!

He'’s on the way.

- ♪ HR Pufnstuf

♪ Who'’s your friend when things get rough? ♪

♪ HR Pufnstuf

♪ Can'’t do a little... ♪

- Hey! Hi, everybody.

Wow, look at this place.

- He'’s here! He'’s here!

- Hi!

- Uncle Pufnstuf, follow me. This way.

- Whoa! Ah!

- Hi.

[bell ringing]

- Gee willikers, hello, wow.

I'’m so happy to be here.


- Hi. I'’m Calvin.

Very nice to meet you, HR Pufnstuf.

- It'’s nice to meet you too, Calvin,

and "Pufnstuf" will do.

And this here'’s Cling and Clang.

Say howdy, guys.

[silly music]

- Ooh.

- My, oh, my. There he is.

Look at my nephew.

You look great, Stuff.

- Hmm?

- All grown up.

- Uh, Uncle Pufnstuf, that'’s Dude.

I'’m Stuff.

- Jumpin'’ catfish, so you are.

Look at my big, beautiful, fuzzy nephew Stuff, all grown up.

It'’s so good to see you again.

- You too.

- Wow, I can'’t believe it.

It'’s Pufnstuf and Stuff at Mutt & Stuff.

Try saying that fast ten times.

- Okay, it'’s Pufnstuf and luffen perfen derf.

Yeah, that'’s not gonna happen.

Okay, hey, come inside, and we'’ll show you around.

Ooh! Come on in.

And welcome to Mutt & Stuff.

- Wow, this place is so colorful.

Fabulous and bright.

- Mm-hmm.

- Oh! And filled with dogs.

- Well, we are a school for dogs.

These are some of our students.

- Well, gee, it'’s mighty nice to meet y'’all.

Oh, and hello to you, giant crayon.

What'’s your name?

Think he'’s a little shy.

He doesn'’t say much.

- Well, here at Mutt & Stuff, not everything talks.

It'’s not like Living Island, where you'’re the mayor.

- Excuse me, Pufnstuf,

what exactly do you do as mayor on Living Island?

- Oh, being a mayor is a very, very important job, Calvin.

Tell him, Uncle Pufnstuf.

- Well, why tell when I can sing?

Music, please.

♪ What does a mayor do?

♪ He does a thing or two

♪ I set the rules, I make the laws ♪

♪ I smile and wave, but that'’s not all ♪

♪ What does a mayor do?

♪ He does a thing or two

♪ I make all the plans

♪ And even do jazz hands

♪ I am mayor of the trees

♪ And yes, they talk too

♪ If you were on Living Island

♪ So would you


[dogs barking]

- [laughs]

- That was an amazing song, Pufnstuf.

[dogs bark]

- Thank you very much, my new doggy friends.

- Stuff, your uncle'’s amazing.

- Oh, I know.

He is an important mayor, after all.

I wish I could be like him.

- Oh, Stuff, you'’re important to me.

Hey, you want to show

your Uncle Pufnstuf around the school?

- Ooh, yeah, that'’s a great idea!


- Hey, Davenport.


- [yells] Oh, hey, Zoe.

- Stuff'’s uncle HR Pufnstuf is visiting today.

- Mm-hmm.

- I wonder what the HR stands for.

- Well, he'’s a dragon, so maybe it stands for Huge Roar.


I'’m okay! - Meow too.

- [giggles]

Okay, Uncle Pufnstuf.

You'’re gonna love meeting the puppies.

They'’re right through this tunnel.

- Oh, yeah?

Let me just go down and, uh, let me--

ow, oh.

Hey, oh, my, my, my.

Ah, gee,

either you need a bigger tunnel or I need a smaller head.

- Oops.

I'’m so sorry, Uncle Pufnstuf.

- Don'’t worry.

I can come to you.

- Now, that'’s a strange-looking puppy.

He has a tail right in the middle of his face.

- Hmm? Oh.

Here. That'’s better.

Hey, you can hold him.

- Aw.

- Now, that'’s just about the cutest little fuzz ball

I'’ve ever met.

- [sighs]

He used to think I was a cute little fuzz ball too.

Now I'’m just big Stuff.

Not a very important Stuff.


[dogs barking]

- Hey, doggies, Calvin, Stuff.

Hey, everyone.

You'’ve all been so nice to me today,

I brought a special gift for all of you from Living Island.

- Oh, boy! I love gifts.

- It'’s a surprise,

something to plant in the ground.

Y'’all have any wide open spaces at Mutt & Stuff?

- Hmm. Sure, we do.

Hey, Zippy, can you grab some shovels

and meet me on the playground?

[dog barks]


- [chuckles]

- Let'’s go!

- Yeah.

- Okay, we dug two holes just like you asked.

- So what'’s the surprise?

- Well, I brought these two seeds from Living Island.

- Ooh!

- They'’ll grow into beautiful trees

right here at Mutt & Stuff.

- Wow, thank you, Uncle Pufnstuf.

So do we plant them

and then they grow big in a super long time?

- Oh, these just aren'’t any old seeds.

These are magical seeds.

- What?

- When you water them, see what happens.

[whimsical music]

- Some water for this one.

Uh, so how long do we wait?


Whoa! Ah!


- Hi, everyone!

- Hiya!

- The trees talk.

- Of course we talk.

- Yeah, everything talks on Living Island.

- Yeah, it--hey, wait a minute.

This isn'’t Living Island.

Sid, what happened?

You took us on vacation to a playground?

- Well, you'’re at a dog school called Mutt & Stuff.

Everybody, this is Marty.

- Oh, hey.

- And this is Sid. - Hi.

- Welcome to Mutt & Stuff.

- Hiya, kid.

Hey, what are those fuzzy things with the tails and wet noses?

- Oh, these are our dogs.

- Dogs? Well, I'’ve never seen dogs before.

Hi, little doggies.

How are you?

- Actually, they don'’t speak.

They bark.

- Mm. - Oh, oh, Marty.

Marty. We'’re covered in bark.

Maybe we'’re dogs.

- Ugh, no, Sid.

Unless you can scratch your ear with your foot,

you are not a dog.

- Hmm.

- Well, I know one thing.

Having talking trees at Mutt & Stuff is so cool.

Three cheers for the mayor HR Pufnstuf!

all: Hooray!



- Thank ya.

- Everybody thinks my uncle'’s important.

But what about me?

- Hey, Davenport, do you wish we had a talking tree?



- Who? What? Way! Hoo! Hey!



Oh, hi, Zoe.

Did you say something?

- Whoa,

who needs a talking tree when I have you?


- Ah, I'’m okay. - Meow too.

[upbeat music]

- Hey, Pufnstuf!

It'’s time for our next activity.

Would you like to spin the wheel?

- Well, golly, I'’d love to.

Anyone care to help me?

How about you, Pixie?

Come on.

Here, let me help you, little doggy.

- It'’s music time.

- [laughs]

Okay, this is where we do music class.

- Well, golly.

I like this.

- [laughs] Watch this.

One, two, three, hit it.

[upbeat music plays]

- Play that music, dynamo doggies.


I want to join music time too.

Hey, everyone.

I brought a friend in from Living Island.

- Hi, I'’m Freddy the flute.

- Oh, hi, Freddy.

- Freddy, this is my nephew, Stuff.

- Howdy. - Hi.

- And these are all his doggy friends.

And this is Zippy.

- Hi, Zippy.

You want to rock out together?

[Zippy barks]

All right, one, two, three, hit it.

[Zippy barks]

- Hey, the talking flute'’s pretty cool,

but what about me?

I'’m a talking fire hydrant.


Plus, I can sing.

Aw, Rocket, did you come to give me a hug?

Aw, thanks bu--whoa, whoa!

Wow, that'’s quite a hug!

Oh, that tickles.

I love you too, buddy.

- Hey, Pufnstuf.

Is it true you have a talking flute?

- Well, I'’ll let him tell you.

- Hiya, Calvin. I'’m Freddy.

Give me five.

- Give you five where?

- Where else? On my head.

Ha ha!

- Wow, this is so cool.

Pufnstuf, you and your friends are amazing.

[sad music]

[Zippy barks]

What'’s that, Zippy?

Stuff is feeling kind of down and he went to his dog house?

- Hey, Calvin.

How about if I go check up on my nephew?

Sounds like he needs his uncle right about now.

- I'’m sure he'’d like that.


'’Sup, Freddy?

- '’Sup, Calvin?

[sad piano music]

- Hey, Cuddles.

Thanks for sitting with me.

[knocking at door]


Ooh, come in.

[door opens]

- Wow, Stuff.

I really dig your dog house.

- Oh. Thanks, Uncle Pufnstuf.

- Hey, nephew.

Tell me what'’s going on.

You'’re not feeling so good?

- Well, I really wanted you to see that I grew up

to be a big, important dog

just like you'’re a big, important mayor.

- Don'’t worry, Stuff. You are important.

- I am? - Oh, yes.

From what I can see,

you'’re a kind, helpful friend to everyone,

and that makes you a very important part of Mutt & Stuff.

Right, Cuddles?

[Cuddles barks]

See? Cuddles agrees.

- Oh, Uncle Pufnstuf.

You always know what to say to make me feel better.

I'’m so glad you visited me today.

- Me too.

Hey, let'’s go join your friends outside.

Calvin said he'’ll teach me a new game.

- Oh, boy. I love games.


Here we go.

- Okay, Rocket.


- Hey. - How fun.

Now, this is a game

we definitely don'’t play on Living Island.

- [laughs] It'’s called fetch.

Here, you can try it with my special Stuff-sized Frisbee.

- Okay, but I'’m not quite sure

how to throw one of these things.

Hey, Rocket.


- It'’s coming back.

- Marty, look!

- Whoa!

- Cover your trunk. It'’s gonna clobber us.

- What did I do?

- I'’ll save the trees.


- Ah.

- Stuff, that was amazing.

- Yes, it was.

Stuff, you certainly are an important part of this place.

- You got that right.

Mutt & Stuff wouldn'’t be the same without you.

Hey, that gives me an idea.

Let'’s go inside for a big announcement.

- Ooh!

Okeydokey, come on.

- Hear ye, hear ye.

To show just how important Stuff is to all of his friends,

I declare that Stuff

is now mayor of Mutt & Stuff.

[dogs barking]

Go, Stuff!

- Yeah, go, Stuff!

- Well, thank you, guys.

I feel very important.

- That'’s because you are, Stuff.

I'’m proud of you.

- Me too.

I think this calls for

a special mayor-doggy dance party.

Come on, wag it like you mean it.

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

-Today was a special day.

Stuff'’s uncle HR Pufnstuf visited us.

- I'’m so happy to be here.

- Stuff really wanted to show his uncle

that he grew up to be an important dog,

but he didn'’t feel that way.

- Now I'’m just big Stuff,

not a very important Stuff.

- But then he learned that being

a helpful, kind, good friend

makes him a very important part of Mutt & Stuff.

I declare that Stuff is now mayor of Mutt & Stuff.

And then we came to hang out with HR Pufnstuf.

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff

- Oh, Uncle Pufnstuf, I had so much fun today.

- Me too, Stuff,

but now it'’s time to say good-bye

and go back to Living Island.

- Oh, I'’m gonna miss you.

Hey, will you come back to visit, Uncle Pufnstuf?

- Golly gee, you bet I will.

I'’ll tell you why.

Mutt & Stuff has something special

we don'’t have at Living Island.

- Yeah, what'’s that?

- You, Stuff.

I'’ll be back soon.

-♪ HR Pufnstuf -Bye, everyone.

- Bye.

See you later.

-♪ Can'’t do a little ♪

- Bye, Calvin. Bye, Stuff.

Bye, everybody.

See you soon.

- Bye, Pufnstuf.

Thanks for joining us today.

See you back at Mutt & Stuff.

- Hey, Davenport.

Davenport! - Wabeezuhzuh!

Oh, hey, Zoe.

- Who are you supposed to be?

The mayor?

- No, I'’m the meow-er.


All right, good-bye, everybody.

- Thanks for visiting, Pufnstuf.

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can'’t seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff