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01x04 - The Fast & The Furriest

Posted: 11/19/23 08:41
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

[horn honks]

[dogs bark]

[horn honks]

♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪


♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can'’t seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

[upbeat music]

[dog barking]


[enchanting music]

Hi, I'’m Calvin.

Welcome to Mutt & Stuff,

the only school where you can have kibble for lunch.


Zippy'’s super excited because today

is the Super Zoom Car Race.


We'’re gonna race cars fast.

[race car noises]

Back up.

And drive in circles.


Okay, Zippy, let'’s get started.

On your mark.

Get set.



[bell dings]

Thanks, Zippy.

[bell tolling]

Yeehaw! [laughs]

[playful music]

Hey, guys.

[all] Hi!


It'’s time to start your engines.


Race on inside everybody.


Whoa, Rocky, you sure are speedy.

Well, that'’s because we heard there'’s a car race today.

Not just any car race.

The Super Zoom Car Race.

Oh, boy!

[mouthing car sounds]

I have a feeling that today is gonna zoom by.

Morning, everyone.

Let'’s see who'’s here today.

It'’s time for the Doggy Roll Call.

Let'’s start with my dog, Zippy.


Mr. Shades.

- [barks] - Rumble.


Princess Pickles.

- [barks] - Little Cricket.

[cricket chirping]

- Cuddles. - [barks]

- Pixie. - [growls]

And, Grandma.

- Dude. - [barks]

- Sunny. - [barks]


Rocket, where are you?

[playful music]


Rocket hides in the funniest places.

Give it up to the Barks Brothers.

Giggle and Wiggle.

Or is it Wiggle and Giggle.

I can never remember.

And the puppy who drives all the fun, Stuff.

[mouthing car sounds]

Ready to ride, Calvin.

Great. Then let'’s get ready

for the Mutt & Stuff Super Zoom Car Race.



And whoever wins the race will get...

the Golden Dog Bowl Trophy.

[Stuff laughs]


- Cool trophy. - Yeah.

Remember, you have to play fair and follow the rules.

Play fair, follow the rules.

Got it.

Okay. Who wants to join the race?


[laughs] - Okay. Zippy.


Princess Pickles.

Mm, anyone else?

Me too, please.

Okay. Stuff. Awesome.

Let'’s get ready for the race.

Spin the wheel, Zippy.

[playful music]


[Calvin] There are so many activities.

What should we do?

[enchanting music]

Dress-up time. Perfect.

Let'’s try on our racing gear.

Open the Doggy Everything Closet.

Oh, dress-up time is my favorite.

Let'’s see.

What--Oh, yeah! A racing scarf.

This will be perfect for keeping my neck warm

as I'’m zooming around the track.




Oh, I look faster just standing still.

Zoom, zoom.

[playful music]


Wow. Takl about a quick change.

You guys looks faster already.



We'’re gonna watch a video on the Paw Pad

about the world'’s best race car driver.

[laughs] - Yeah.

[static] [militaristic music]

[male narrator] Mario Bonedretti.

Winner of five Golden Dog Bowls.

He always wins because he'’s the winner, winner, winner.

But how does he do it, folks?

What is Mario Bonedretti'’s winning secret?

He'’s always in first place because he never loses.

Four wheels, four legs, making turns,

and taking the lead.

Covered in fur and full of speed.

Who is that dog?

Number one, the best, always first place winner,

Mario Bonedretti.

Wow, Mario Bonedretti is the best.

I wish I could meet him.

[engine revving]

Well, Stuff, now you can!

[engine revving]

Oh. [engine revving]

Wow. It'’s him.

That'’s Mario.

He'’ll be in our race today.

Welcome to Mutt & Stuff, Mario.

Let'’s kick today into high gear.

[engine revving]

Hey, Davenport.

- Davenport. - Hmm?

[shouts] - Hi, Zoe.

How fast can you race?

Hmm. About meows an hour.

[trombone note plays] [laughter]

[both shouting]

- I'’m okay. - Meow too.

[upbeat music]

The puppies are getting ready for the race too.

[upbeat music]


- Whoo! - Okay, guys.

We'’re gonna practice playing fair.

Oh, play fair.

Got it, Calvin.

Dont'’ start till I say,




Uh-oh. That wasn'’t fair.

I hope Mario doesn'’t do that during the race.

I didn'’t even say go.

Ooh, Calvin said go! Everybody run.

- [laughing] - [barking]

Whoa! I should'’ve seen that coming.

Oh, hey, Mario.

I hear you'’re a famous race car driver.

Well, I'’ve got a song just for you.

♪ Mario Bonedrettiheimer Schmidt ♪

♪ He drives a race car too


♪ Whenever we go--

Cut it out. Hey, that tickles.

♪ The people always shout--


♪ There goes Mario Bonedrettiheimer--♪

I can'’t--I can'’t sing. Cut it out.

Whoa, whoa, stop your engines.


All right. All right.

You win, Mario.

You win. I give up.


Hey, Princess Pickles.

How are you feeling about the race?

Are you ready to go, vroom!


Oh, yeah. You'’re ready all right.

Hey, Stuff, what about you? How you feeling?

Well, Calvin, I'’m feeling a little nervous

about driving in the race with Mario.

'’Cause my body'’s going kind of...

[mumbling gibberish]

A case of the nervous wiggles.

I know a fast way for you to feel better.

- Ooh! What'’s that? - Exercise.

Going outside and playing is a great way

to make your body relax.

Oh, great idea, Calvin.

You'’re so smart.

Oh, I'’m gonna go tell everyone.

It'’s play time.

[upbeat music]



Okay, guys, I have something very special for you.



Your race cars.


[Stuff] Wow.



Oh, wow.

Thank you, Calvin.

These look like the fastest race cars ever.


Whoa, Mario put super jets on his car.

Sorry, Mario, but you can'’t have jet rockets on your car.


That wouldn'’t be very fair.

Okay, Zippy, what should we do next

so everyone can get ready for the race?

[upbeat music]


[enchanting music]

Zippy, give it a good spin.

What activity should we do?

Arts and crafts.


[upbeat music]

Let'’s paint the race cars.

[Stuff laughs]

Whoo. Oh, yeah.

Guys, we'’re gonna make these cars look so amazing.

They'’re gonna look like they'’re going fast

even when they'’re sitting still.




And slam.

[glass squeaking]

- Ah, ta-da. - [barking]

- Whoo! [laughs]

These cars are so great.

They'’re amazing.

- [barks] - [indistinct].

Hey, Davenport.


- Hmm-- [shouts]

- Hi, Zoe. - Do you play fair?

Or do you cheat?

Well, I always play fair, Zoe.

I may be a cat but I'’m no cheetah.

[trombone note plays] [laughter]

[both shouting] [loud thud]

- I'’m okay. - Meow too.

Oky, everyone, it'’s almost time to race

for the special trophy.


Oh, no!

The Golden Dog Bowl Trophy is gone.


But where could it be?

- Hmm. [licking]

What'’s that sound?


That almost sounds like--

Mario eating--


Out of the trophy!

[sighs] - Mario,

you can'’t eat out of the Golden Dog Bowl before the race.

That'’s not very fair.

Well, Mario had his snack already.

So the other dogs need to eat too.

It'’s snack time.

[upbeat music]

Oh, boy, snack time!

Rocket, zoom on over and start the Bow Wow Chow Snack Machine.

[playful music]

Countdown to chowdown

in three, two, one.

- Bow wow, time to chow! [dogs barking]

[peaceful music]


So good.

- Here you go, Stuff. - Thanks.

Since today'’s a race day, let'’s a video on the Paw Pad

of your dogs going fast.

[upbeat music]

It'’s time for the Super Zoom Car Race.

I turned the playground into a giant race track.

Everyone, go put your racing gear on.

I'’ll meet you outside.

[upbeat music]

Hey, Melvin, if you need us, we'’ll be outside

having a car race.

[laughs] - Okay.

Just don'’t get too tired.

[laughs] - You get it? Tired.

You know, like, '’cause there'’s cars have tires?

[laughs] - Thank you. Thank you.

I'’ll be here all week.

Of course I'’m here all week.

I'’m stuck in the cement.


Welcome to the Mutt & Stuff Super Zoom Car Race.

Let'’s meet our contestants.

- Today'’s racers are... - [barking]

[Calvin] Zippy.

- Princess Pickles. - [barks]

Stuff. And our special guest,

- Mario Bonedretti. - [barks]

Remember, guys, the first dog

who goes around the track three times wins.

Okay, doggies.


[timer beeps] - Set.

[timer beeps]


[tires screeching] [engines revving]

And their off!

[rock music]

Look at those dogs go.

That'’s a lot of dog power.

[tires screeching]

[engine revving]

[tires screeching]

And Princess Pickles has taken the lead.

That'’s called princess power.


[dramatic music]

Going into the second lap, Mario'’s taken the lead,

followed by Zippy and Princess Pickles.

Here come Zippy and Mario, racing collar to collar.

With Stuff tailing behind.

There'’s only one more lap to go.

Oh, no!

Mario turned the road sign the other way.

That'’s not fair.

He'’s cheating.

[tires screeching]

Princess Pickles drove the wrong way.

Now she'’s out of the race.

Uh-oh, Mario put a dog bone on the track.

That'’s gonna make the other racers stop to eat it.

That'’s not fair.

He'’s cheating again.

[tires screeching]

Oh, it worked.

Zippy'’s making a pit-stop to eat.

He'’s out of the race. [tires screeching]

[Calvin] Mario'’s in the lead.

And Stuff is the only dog left in the race.

[engine revving]

Mario put banana peels on the track.

That'’s not fair.

Stuff'’s car is gonna slip and slide everywhere.

[engine revving]

[tires screeching]

Oh, no!

Mario slipped on his own banana peels.

[tires screeching]


It looks like Stuff is gonna win the race.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'’m gonna win. I'’m gonna--

What? What'’s--

[tires screeching]

[engine sputtering]

[whimpering] [barks]

Hold on, Mario.

I'’m coming.

[Mario barks]

[tires screeching]

What'’s this? Is he turning around?

[engine revving] [tires screeching]

Hold on there, buddy.

Okay, let me see if I can help you out.

[engine sputtering] - Oh.


Aw, looks like Stuff is helping Mario.

What a great friend.

Come on, everybody.

Let'’s win together.


[engines revving]




It'’s a four-way tie.


Everyone wins the race.

[barking] - Now that'’s being a good sport.

And the Golden Dog Bowl goes to...

All of you!

[gasps] - Well, thanks, Calvin.

But hey, where'’s Mario?



- Oh. - [whimpering]

I think Mario wants to say sorry for not playing fair.

Oh, it'’s okay, Mario.

I'’m glad you learned your lesson.

- [barks] - Great!

Welcome to the pack, Mario.

We'’re always happy to have a new friend.

I think it'’s time to celebrate with a doggy dance party!

Come on. Wag it like you mean it.

♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪

♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can'’t seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

[Calvin] Today, we had a Super Zoom Car Race.

Everyone was excited to win.

But Mario didn'’t play fair.

Then Stuff showed him what it means to play fair.

Hold on, Mario. I'’m coming.

[Calvin] And be a good friend.


And then we came here to have a race car dance party.


Thanks for joining us today.

See you back at Mutt & Stuff.

♪ Let'’s go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready", you say "ruff" ♪

Hey, Davenport.


Hmm? Whoa! Hey, Zoe.

Do you think a cat would win a race against a dog?

I don'’t think a cat would win.

He'’d probably come in purred place.

[trombone note plays] [laughter]

[both shouting]

- I'’m okay. - Meow too.

[upbeat music]

♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

♪ Mutt & Stuff Let'’s go to dog school ♪

♪ Mutt & Stuff Let'’s go to dog school ♪

♪ I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪

♪ Mutt & Stuff Mutt & Stuff ♪

♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can'’t seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff