JFK: What the Doctors Saw (2023)

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JFK: What the Doctors Saw (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

President's car is now

turning onto Elm Street,

and it will be only a matter of minutes

before he arrives at the Trade Mart.

It--it a--it appears as though

something has happened

in the motorcade route.

Something, I repeat, has happened

in the motorcade route.

This is Walter Cronkite in our newsroom,

and there has been an attempt,

as perhaps you know now, on

the life of President Kennedy.

It was the first time

that the public had seen

a m*rder on television.

We heard Kennedy had been shot

and he was being brought

to the emergency room

at Parkland Hospital.

Within minutes

of seeing President Kennedy,

doctors at Parkland concluded

that the neck wound was an entrance wound

and the head wound was an exit wound.

My president had been

assassinated and was dead.

My goodness, you've just

taken care of the president,

and he's dead.

Did that really happen,

or was this a nightmare?

My God.

Parkland Hospital doctors were quoted

as saying they thought

at least one b*llet entered

Mr. Kennedy's neck from the front.

The Parkland doctors were

a serious problem for the U.S. government

because they had provided evidence

that there was a sh**t

somewhere in the front,

and that ran totally contrary

to the official narrative

of a lone sh**t from above and behind.

All this mattered,

because Oswald had

to have had an accomplice.

The government narrative is

that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone...

k*lling President Kennedy, case closed.

And as we know, it was not case closed

at that particular point.

Who was behind all of this?

Certain people in our government tampered

with critical evidence

in order to make sure

the American people would not

know the truth

about who m*rder*d the president.

Documents are withheld

by the FBI, the CIA.

Intelligence agencies did

all the wrong things

if they were looking for conspiracy.

A lot of people just decided

to keep their mouths shut,

including the Parkland doctors.

I didn't want to be a target

for those who had k*lled our president.

So I didn't tell anybody for over 30 years

that I was present in Trauma Room 1.

Because so many people did die

who had been involved

in the assassination.

And he said, you must never, ever say that

that was an entrance wound again

if you know what's good for you.

What actually happened in

Trauma Room 1 never came out,

never became public.

I was there.

I know what I saw.

I was there.

I remember it in detail.

It's etched in my memory forever.

What's more likely,

Parkland doctors telling the truth

or the autopsy telling the truth?

The Parkland doctors told the truth.

These doctors are about

as trustworthy as you can get.

This country has not been told the truth

about the JFK assassination.

Will people feel that they have

a better understanding

of what actually happened?


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

This is Bob Walker speaking

from Dallas Love Field,

where a large crowd is

gathered now to await

the arrival of President and

Mrs. John Fitzgerald Kennedy

from Carswell Air Force Base

in Fort Worth.

We were aware

that the president was coming to Dallas.

It had been well publicized.

Police were circling

the field all morning long

from the early morning hours,

and a huge contingent

of police are on hand.

Next big jet approaching,

and this one should contain

the president and Mrs. Kennedy.

Here comes Jack!

He was like a rock star.

He was handsome and rich.

He had a pretty wife.

I liked him.

I thought he was really cool.

Right into us now.

And the crowd below is cheering.

There's Mrs. Kennedy

and the President of the United States.

And I can see his suntan

all the way from here.

Crowd waving, as you can see.

People standing up

all over everything available

to get a glimpse

of the president and his wife.

Oh, I idolized him.

I was a Democrat, of course.

And he's broken away from his plan

and gone right up to the fence

to shake hands with people.

Boy, this is something.

It makes the eggshells even thinner

for the Secret Service, whose job it is

to guard the man.

I was very excited that the president

and Jacqueline Kennedy were

coming to Dallas.

And I was sorry that I was

on call at Parkland

because I wanted to go down

and see the parade.

And back they go to the car.

The Governor Connally standing

in the car beaming.

Now the motorcade will

very shortly start to move out

for downtown Dallas,

where thousands should already

be on the street right now

waiting for a view

of the president and his wife.

The route of the location of the parade

had been published in the paper

two or three days before.

So everyone knew the route.

And that's the reason that

there were so many thousands

of people standing on the streets.

There was some discussion as to whether

it was really good for him

to come to Dallas.

And here is the President

of the United States.

And what a crowd.

What a tremendous welcome

he's getting now.

We can--and there's Jackie.

She's getting just as big a welcome.

There is Lyndon Johnson

and Lady Bird passing by

in the second car.

And the crowd is absolutely going wild.

This is a friendly crowd

in downtown Dallas.

So my wife and children,

with everybody else, went out,

and when the little motorcade coming by,

they saw this crowd of people,

and they slowed down,

and Kennedy waved at them.

President's car is now

turning onto Elm Street,

and it will be only a matter of minutes

before he arrives at the Trade Mart.

I was on Stemmons Freeway earlier,

and even the freeway was

jam-packed with spectators.

Yes, we were all aware

that he was coming to Dallas.

I think the whole city was

excited about it

one way or another.

Certainly, a lot of the people

were very excited

and made great preparation

for him to come.

And thousands and thousands

of people who were

crowding the streets here

are following the motorcade

even further down Main Street

towards Stemmons Freeway.

A wonderful welcome having been given

to the president here in downtown Dallas.

It--it a--

The first time that I suspected

that some major event had occurred

was when the operator was paging

through the loudspeaker system,

"The president's been shot,

and they're bringing him

to the emergency room."

They've called from the emergency room,

said that they're bringing

President Kennedy in.

He'd been shot.

There was a bunch

of other top-notch people

that were being paged.

The nurse ran in and said,

"The president has been shot."

I ran downstairs as fast as I could

and went into

Trauma Room number 1.

We heard

Kennedy had been shot

and he was being brought

to the emergency room

at Parkland Hospital.

When I heard that, ran down

three flights of stairs

into the main corridor.

And that's when you get

this tremendous rush

of adrenaline in your body.

And I thought, oh,

it's gonna be like John Wayne.

He'll be sitting on the gurney,

and he'll be like, you know,

oh, it's only a flesh wound.

You know, I had no idea.

The first reports say that

President Kennedy has been

seriously wounded by this sh**ting.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

You'll excuse the fact

that I'm out of breath,

but about 10 or 15 minutes ago,

a tragic thing, from all

indications at this point,

has happened in the city of Dallas.

Let me quote to you this.

"President Kennedy

and Governor John Connally have

"been cut down by assassins'

b*ll*ts in Downtown Dallas.

"They were riding in an open automobile

"when the sh*ts were fired.

"The president, his limp body carried

"in the arms of his wife,


has rushed to Parkland Hospital."

I would have expected them

to bring him to Parkland.

First of all, it was probably

the closest hospital,

but it was the number one trauma hospital

in that part of the country.

Parkland is the designated trauma center

for all of the greater

Dallas-Fort Worth area.

I had taken care of,

already, hundreds of patients

with g*nsh*t wounds and

injuries and car accidents.

We were seeing two to three

g*nsh*t wounds a day,

plus s*ab wounds,

plus blunt trauma,

such as automobile accidents.

And we were seeing

about 5,000 a year of those.

That's where I would have wanted to be

if that had happened to me.

There's no doubt about that.

Parkland's well-known for their care

in those kind of emergencies,

and that's what they do best.

Within a half a minute,

door came flying open,

and here came the gurney with Jackie

and the two

Secret Service guys,

and had a terribly wounded man

on their hands.

The president was being

wheeled on the gurney

towards Trauma Room 1.

I remember the Secret Service men

and the look on their face,

if you can imagine how relieved they were

to pass off the mortally wounded president

to the doctors to take care of him.

And you just feel

a flush coming over your body,

and you think, my goodness,

I'm about to take care

of the President of the United States.

When I first walked into Trauma Room 1

and saw the president,

the president was on a cart.

He had his arms out there

ready to be resuscitated.

I was looking at him, thinking,

he's not going to make it probably.

But you really need to get

an airway and an IV going,

then do your examination.

And that's what we did.

Dr. Carrico was the second-year resident

in charge of the emergency room,

and he was attempting

to intubate the president,

putting a tube into the windpipe.

There had been an attempt

by a couple of junior residents

to get an IV going, but because he was

in such profound shock,

the veins were collapsed.

But I made a little nick in the vein

and bare-handedly threaded

the catheter in.

And they said, Goldstrich,

go get the defibrillator.

So I ran out of the room and got it out

and pushed it as hard

as I could on the wheels

and got it back there.

And I'm thinking, you know,

maybe this is gonna save his life.

I was just a fourth-year medical student.

I was never the guy in charge.

We took over as more senior personnel,

and Dr. Malcolm Perry was

really the staff person

that seemed to subsequently be the one

that was looked as to being

the lead surgeon

that cared for President Kennedy.

The next person that I recall coming in

was Dr. Bob McClelland.

Dr. Perry and Dr. Baxter had just walked

into that room ahead of me.

And Dr. Perry was standing

on the right side

of the cart the president was lying on,

Dr. Baxter opposite him on the left side.

So they motioned me on through.

And I pushed the door open

to Trauma Room 1,

walked by Mrs. Kennedy,

and was greeted by the horrific sight

of President Kennedy lying

on his back on a cart

with an operating room light shining down

on his bloody head.

And I've still got that fixed

in my mind to this moment.

The most dramatic things to me were

the chaos in the emergency room,

the Secret Service with their machine g*ns

looking around frantically,

the president lying on a surgical bed,

and with Mrs. Kennedy sitting by

with the flecks of the president's brain

on her skirt.

The whole atmosphere together

was very chaotic.

The emergency room nurse,

Doris Nelson,

was letting people in,

and there was a policeman

or a Secret Service agent.

I'm not sure which.

That pit area was jammed

with men in business suits,

shoulder to shoulder.

And this uniformed man had just sort of

unobtrusively slipped in.

And I noticed that

handcuffed to his left wrist

was a briefcase.

And someone says, there's

the man with the nuclear codes.

We were maybe thinking

this was the first stage

of some kind of Russian attack or whatnot.

What was a wonderful welcome

in downtown Dallas

has become a scene of indescribable horror

as hundreds of people crowd

outside the back door

to the emergency room

here at Parkland Hospital.

And people are wondering,

is our president going to live?

There is no certain road

to the presidency.

There are no guarantees.

The question really is,

which candidate can meet the problems

that the United States is

going to face in the '60s?

I do not believe that any of us

would exchange places

with any other people

or any other generation.

The energy, the faith, the devotion

which we bring to this endeavor

will light our country

and all who serve it.

And the glow from that fire

can truly light the world.

We were talking about him that morning--

the charisma that he created

and the new excitement

that he was presenting for our country.

I remember thinking,

this is really historical.

I'm in the middle

of something really historical.

This is the president, and I remember

there was no expression,

there was no movement of his face.

His eyes were open,

and it was an impressive view

that I'll never forget,

because here was my hero,

and it was a very sad situation.

The first thing I noticed

was a very small wound

in his neck in the front.

I do remember that very early on,

even when his clothes were still on,

I saw the wound in his neck.

We could tell that the wound

was in the front of the neck

just above where the shirt and tie was.

So it was visible to you.

In my own mind,

the wound was pretty small,

maybe a nickel, maybe a dime.

And that small wound,

Malcolm originally thought

it must be an entrance wound

because it was so small.

And as I walked by, Dr. Perry

leaned across the president

and handed me

a surgical retractor and said,

Bob, would you go and stand

at the head of the cart

and lean over and put

that retractor in the wound

and pull it open so he

and Dr. Baxter could look down

into the wound and see

what they needed to see.

I saw Dr. Perry make the cut

right through the wound

that we thought was an entrance wound.

So Dr. Perry expanded this,

and we helped retract

and helped hold things

and inserted the tube

and got an airway control.

We were trying to save our president.

And we were trying to do

everything we could

to save him.

The thing that really hit me

when I got to the head of the cart

was the wound in the back of his head.

I said, my God, have you seen

the back of his head?

It's gone.

What was striking, even more than Kennedy,

was Mrs. Kennedy with blood splotched

all over her pink coat.

And that was kind of startling

to see her like that.

As I recall,

Mrs. Kennedy was not emotional.

My impression was that

she knew this could happen,

and it had happened,

and she was prepared for it.

Everyone should be trying to help Jack

in whatever way they could,

and that was the way

I could do it the best,

by making it always

a climate of affection.

I was really focused

on Jacqueline Kennedy.

She took the center of attention

because she was a beautiful lady

in a dramatic, very distraught condition.

But she was still very much

in command of herself

and was not weeping or hysterical

or anything as people might imagine.

I do not think it altogether inappropriate

to introduce myself to this audience.

I am the man who accompanied

Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris.

And I've enjoyed it.

She had this pink suit on,

and I wondered why she wore a pink suit

with the red gloves.

And of course, looking a little closer,

you could see that the red

gloves were actually blood,

and it was on her hands.

She was splattered with blood,

and I usually don't say this

because it's a bit gruesome,

was gray matter was brain.

Mrs. Kennedy, when she first came in

with the president to Trauma Room 1,

she was holding a large segment

of his cerebrum in her hand

and handed it to Dr. Jenkins

when she came in.

In fact, you've seen those pictures

when she's climbing back

onto the rear of the car.

People wonder why she was

retaining this piece of brain

that had been blown out

of the president's head

onto the rear deck of the limousine.

And she was crawling back and came in

with that piece of brain in her hand

and handed it to Dr. Jenkins.

He had a major wound

of his right side of his head

that was wide-open

with brain and loss of skull

and with the whole scalp peeled back.

So it was a horrendous wound,

and it was obvious

that probably, this was a lethal wound.

I could look down at Kennedy,

and it was apparent

that the top of his head

looked like it was blown off.

It was all bloody.

And at that instant,

I felt like

he was already dead when I saw him.

The back half of his right

cerebral hemisphere was gone.

And as I stood there, the right half

of the cerebellum fell out of that hole

in the back of his head onto the cart.

So this was obvious that this

was a mortal--a fatal wound.

My initial impression, seeing two wounds,

was, how would you put it together?

Well, a small wound here,

a big wound back here.

We thought that there was

an entrance wound in the neck

and an exit wound in the back of the head

at that particular time,

because I've seen a fair

number of g*nsh*t wounds,

and usually the entrance wound is smaller

than the exit wound.

I thought that he had a lethal injury.

But I felt that you never know.

So, you know, here's our president.

So let's do everything we can.

We were probably 10 or 12 minutes

into the resuscitation.

We'd done the tracheotomy.

We'd gotten the IV going.

We'd put in two chest tubes.

And we had gotten the heart tracing.

By that time, we got the EKG machine in,

and there was just a straight line.

A straight line.

A straight line.

He then obviously wasn't

breathing on his own at all.

His head was cradled

in Dr. Jenkins' hands,

and he murmured to me,

"Last rites, last rites."

A call has been sent out

from some of the top

surgical specialists in Dallas,

and a call also went out for a priest.

And so we all agreed

we should pronounce him,

and officially,

we would have Dr. Kemp Clark

make that announcement.

Dr. Clark took the responsibility

because it was primarily a brain injury,

and he's a neurosurgeon.

And we felt like that was the wound

that caused the demise.

I think we all knew

that the president was dead,

and it was just a matter of

who was going to make the call.

And with that, he pronounced

the president dead.

Then is when I was

emotionally affected.

I mean, to see somebody die

is something that we saw a lot of.

But it was shocking to see

the most famous person

in the world and his wife there.

That's imprinted in my mind,

and it's always been there.

It was almost like a machine

that was roaring shut off.

And there was a kind of

stillness in the room.

And you know that that person

has left this world.

They said, let's make

the time of death 1:00.

And that was well before 1:00.

And then they said,

well, that'll give Johnson time

to get out of the hospital

and get to Air Force One

and maybe be sworn in.

I left Trauma Room 1

right after we had decided

that he was dead.

A gentleman walked up to me

with a large badge in his hand,

and he said, I'm with the FBI,

and I need to call

J. Edgar Hoover

and tell him the condition

of the president.

And right behind him was another gentleman

with a large badge, and he said,

I'm with the Secret Service,

and I need to call

Joseph Kennedy

and tell him the condition of his son.

And here they were asking me

the condition of the president,

and I knew he was dead.

I didn't want to be the first one

to announce this to the world,

that he was dead.

I think the most important part

was Mrs. Kennedy said

she didn't want him pronounced

until a priest arrived.

A priest had not arrived.

So I told them,

I said, he's not doing well.

At that moment,

I was really in shock.

And I just stood there.

Everyone started exiting the room.

Everyone was leaving.

And before long,

Mrs. Kennedy then starts

walking over towards the president,

and I'm just standing there.

Dr. Baxter and I saw

our opportunity to leave.

But just as we began to do that,

the door to Trauma Room 1 came open again,

and a priest came in.

The Catholic priest comes in

and does the last rites of the church.

And we would have had

to push him out of the way

in order to get out of the room.

And so we froze against the wall

and found ourselves,

inappropriately we felt,

present at the president's last rites.

Mrs. Kennedy stood across

next to Father Huber

at the head of the president's cart.

He leaned over and said into

the president's left ear...

I forgive you your sins

in the name of the Father,

and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

His wife was standing there

during this entire time.

And I couldn't hear

what Mrs. Kennedy asked,

but Father Huber said to her very quietly,

he said, yes, I've given him

conditional absolution.

She grimaced when she heard

that word "conditional."

He's covered up, but she takes his hand,

and she does a ring ceremony.

She exchanged a ring from her finger

onto the president's finger

and a ring from his finger onto hers.

She stood next to his bare foot

that was protruding out

from underneath the sheet.

She stood there for a moment,

then leaned over

and kissed his foot

and walked out of the room.

Who was behind all of this?

We didn't know that.

They certainly didn't know it that day

when they were ushering

Vice President Johnson

out of the emergency room.

He was rushed to Air Force One.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson hurried

out of the emergency ward,

surrounded by Secret Service men,

and were rushed off to the airport.

I think they wanted him

out of town as quickly as possible.

But he couldn't get out of town

as quickly as possible

because he wanted

Mrs. Kennedy with him,

and Mrs. Kennedy didn't want

to leave the president.

It felt like a bad dream,

and I kept hoping that I would

awaken at any minute

and find out that I had

just had a horrible nightmare.

Nothing will ever erase the picture

of my one time in the presence

of the president and the first lady.

I went outside the hospital

and stood with the crowd

that had gathered.

I didn't say anything.

I felt like an ordinary person

who had great admiration

and love and respect

for President Kennedy,

and my president had been

assassinated and was dead.

This is official word.

We repeat...

The President

of the United States is dead.

A flash from Dallas:

two priests who were

with President Kennedy say

he is dead.

With the greatest regret, this flash:

two priests who were

with President Kennedy say

he has died of b*llet wounds.

From Dallas, Texas,

the flash, apparently official,

President Kennedy died

at 1:00 p.m.

Central Standard Time,

2:00 Eastern Standard Time,

some 38 minutes ago.

We went back upstairs

and just kind of sat there

and looked at one another,

as if, you know,

did that really happen,

or was this a nightmare?

The discussion was up

in the operating room lounge

just to try to talk and determine

how Kennedy had been shot

and where he had been shot

and with what he had been shot,

how many times had he been shot.

And we were just in the beginning of that

when Dr. Perry got the call

to see if he could come down

and meet with the press.

So at the press conference,

Dr. Perry,

in describing the wound here,

said that he thought that it

looked like an entrance wound.

So we were thinking,

there were two wounds.

Had to be an entrance wound

and an exit wound.

That was the only way

we could put it together.

And so I thought it was an entrance wound.

When he left the room,

someone came up to him

who Dr. Perry thought

maybe was a Secret Service man.

And he told Dr. Perry,

you must never, ever say that

that was an entrance wound again

if you know what's good for you.

We are told that the g*nsh*t wound,

the fatal wound inflicted

on the President of the United States,

entered at the base of the throat

and came out at the base

of the neck on the back side.

Inside Trauma Room 1,

we have the Parkland doctors

and staff trying to save

the president's life.

And they notice and they make

note of the fact that

the back of the president's

head was missing.

And within three to five hours,

most of the staff at Parkland

memorialize their observations

by writing down what,

in fact, they observed.

I just wrote on

a progress note sheet of paper,

like you would put in a patient's chart.

I just said, this was an entrance wound.

We were asked to turn it in to Dr. Clark,

the chief of neurosurgery,

and I gave it to his secretary.

There was no motive to lie.

They had no interest in anything

other than telling the truth.

The first wound described

was a wound in the back of the head

and would seem to indicate

a shot from behind.

But the doctors also said

there was a wound

in the throat at the front,

which seemed to indicate

a shot from the other direction.

There was no outside influences at all

to tell them what to do or not to do

as it related to their observations.

So we have to say that, if we're dealing

with trustworthy people,

the Parkland doctors

are about as trustworthy as you can get.

This is Situation Room relay to wayside.

We have report quoting

Mr. Kilduff in Dallas

that the president is dead,

that he died about 35 minutes ago.

Front office desires

plane return Washington.

This is Situation Room out.

Dr. Earl Rose, who was the

medical examiner at that time,

had requested that the autopsy

be done in Dallas County.

I think it was his opinion

that if a m*rder occurs in Dallas County,

the autopsy is done in Dallas County.

Dr. Rose had been sitting in his office,

which looked out onto a corridor

that led to the exit and

the loading dock at Parkland.

And he saw this little

procession coming along

down the corridor,

heading toward the exit,

and that consisted of the president,

who had now been placed in his coffin,

and Mrs. Kennedy was walking

along the left side of that cart.

Two Secret Service men were

heading up the little procession,

one of whom was carrying

a Thompson submachine g*n.

Well, when Dr. Rose saw that,

he stepped out of his office

into the corridor,

held his hand up to ask them to stop,

because, he said,

I'm required by law

to tell you that any m*rder

that's committed

in the state of Texas,

the victim must undergo

a postmortem exam in this state.

And they have a loud conversation,

and I hear them saying,

we're doing the autopsy here.

This is the state of Texas.

The law is that he has the autopsy.

And the Secret Service says, no way.

We're taking him away.

Then the Secret Service man

with the submachine g*n

walked slowly over to Dr. Rose

and put his hands underneath his armpits

and gently lifted him up off the floor

and placed him over against

the wall of the corridor

and then shook his finger in his face

as if to say, stand out of our way.

And then they turned around

and headed out the rear

entrance to the ambulance.

So they were not about to leave

the president's body there

for any purpose.

They took him out of Dallas.

Within 30 or 40 minutes, he was gone.

Everything changed as soon as JFK's body

left Parkland Hospital.

So the Parkland physicians were no longer

a part of the story, so that's a problem.

I'm Doug Horne, and, uh,

I was successful in obtaining a job

with the Assassination Records

Review Board in 1995.

I was kicked upstairs

and became the chief analyst

for military records.

The review board was tasked

with ensuring

that proper searches were done

by all the agencies of the government

for assassination records.

This country has not been told the truth

about the JFK assassination.

This is why I decided

I wanted to go work

for the Review Board.

The Parkland observations

that I think constitute

some of the very best evidence we have

of what really happened

to President Kennedy.

Some of the Parkland doctors believe,

based on what they saw in Trauma Room 1,

that President Kennedy was

shot from the front.

They have not deviated from

what they observed in 1963,

60 years ago.

Well, the Parkland doctors

are the first ones

that saw the president when he came in.

They saw his body.

And the observation, for the most part,

is that there was a large

head wound in the rear

and there was an entry wound

in the throat.

This is the prevailing wisdom

coming out of Parkland that day.

My name is Matt Crumpton,

and I am an attorney.

So I've got a background

in looking at evidence

and analyzing it.

And I was always interested in the case,

where I started to do a deep dive

in the same way that

a jury would look at a case.

And years later,

I continued to look at it

as the case progressed,

more and more records came out.

This is a beast of a subject.

There are people

who have spent

their whole lives doing this.

And Doug Horne was very, very involved

in the granular details.

He's had access to, you know, information

that the vast majority

of people in this case

have not had access to.

I think the medical evidence

in the Kennedy assassination

is the most enduring mystery.

And if you're a person like me

who has studied it for decades,

you certainly think it's probably

the most interesting evidence

because it's fraught with

conflict and contradiction,

and there are some real mysteries

to try to unravel here.

And the only way to do that

is to go issue by issue.

So we start with the body.

Parkland was stunned by what happened

when the Secret Service, essentially,

takes a body out of town.

They didn't expect that to happen.

When it comes to matters

of national security,

they step on the toes of the

state government all the time.

So even if it wasn't a conspiracy,

the federal government wanted

to have absolute control

over the body of the President

of the United States.

They don't care what some county coroner

in Dallas says to them.

The Secret Service knew that

it was going to move the body

to Washington for the autopsy.

That was their intention right away.

Washington, D.C. was

controlling the narrative

on what had happened

to JFK in Dealey Plaza.

Mrs. John F. Kennedy left the hospital

at approximately the same time

the coffin carrying the body

of her husband left.

The coffin went

to a private air installation

at Dallas's Love Field.

Lyndon Johnson actually told

Kennedy's press secretary,

Malcolm Kilduff, at the hospital

that he wanted to get out

of there as soon as possible

because he didn't know if

the Russians were behind this

and it was an international conspiracy

and that he was in danger

and they were trying

to take down the whole government.

There was Lyndon Johnson

running around on the floor,

saying, "There's been a conspiracy!

I gotta get out

to Air Force One right away."

At the time

JFK was assassinated,

it's just the height of the Cold w*r.

Our goal is not the victory of might,

but the vindication of right,

not peace at the expense of freedom,

but both peace and freedom.

So the biggest fear was,

was the USSR involved?

Did they play a role in the assassination?

That's what was on everyone's mind.

Vice President Johnson is expected

to be sworn in as president

aboard an airliner

before flying back

to the nation's capital.

The bronze casket was put

on Air Force One, the president's plane,

where the swearing in

ceremonies were held.

Lyndon B. Johnson has been sworn in

as the President of the United States.

The body will go to Bethesda

Naval Hospital, we are told.

Once that body was placed

on the airplane at Love Field,

everything changed,

and the federal government

controlled the narrative

that was given to the American people

about what had happened.

I went home and told my wife what happened

and started being in shock,

staying in shock.

I started watching television.

I watched every bit of what was going on.

I couldn't believe that, indeed,

I was a part of that.

I really hadn't realized

that this had been on television.

And that's when I realized that everybody

in the world knew about it by that time.

Walter Cronkite was following it.

Everybody around the world

was following it.

In Dallas, a suspect in a Dallas theater

pulled a g*n, shot one policeman,

wounded another, and--

but was captured.

And when he was captured,

he yelled, "It's all over now,"

and screaming hysterically,

was taken into custody by the police.

The man has been identified

as Lee H. Oswald.

Lee Harvey Oswald had been arrested,

and so we were beginning to try

to put some of this together,

because when I went home that afternoon,

I didn't know anything

about Lee Harvey Oswald

and that he was the accused assassin.

The man was brought immediately

to police headquarters.

That man said to have been

an employee of the building

from which the shot

is believed to have come.

This is 24-year-old

Lee H. Oswald.

Now, here is the g*n

that police say was used

to k*ll the president.

No, I have not been charged with that.

In fact, nobody has said that to me yet.

The first thing

I heard about it was

when the newspaper reporters

in the hall, uh,

asked me that question.

Within an hour of the assassination,

Oswald was arrested,

and it was all across the media

that Oswald was the sh**t,

firing three sh*ts from behind,

hitting President Kennedy

and then

Governor John Connally.

And it makes sense that

it's Oswald because he worked

at the Texas

School Book Depository.

So, I mean, you've got to take

a really close look at Oswald.

In Dallas, Texas, three sh*ts were fired

at President Kennedy's

motorcade in downtown Dallas.

News media said that Lee Harvey Oswald was

the lone assassin, case closed.

And as we know, it was not case closed

at that particular point.

It was a 2 hour and 13 minute flight

to get from Dallas, Texas,

to Andrews Air Force Base

south of Washington, D.C.

The Secret Service, in the

White House Situation Room,

ordered that the autopsy be done

at Bethesda Naval Hospital.

And here is--

here is the plane now.

Made the flight back from Dallas.

What you see is a special

truck that has been moved up

to the rear of the presidential jet

on which the coffin will be brought out.

Casket is dark brown in color,

slightly reddish.

A Navy ambulance is being

drawn up just near the truck.

Behind the casket is

Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy.

To her right is her brother-in-law,

the Attorney General

Robert Kennedy.

Mrs. Kennedy is apparently

getting into the ambulance.

And the Navy ambulance

moves off with the casket.

Now being dramatized here

at Andrews Air Force Base

as the new president

addresses the microphones.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the President of the United States.

I will do my best.

That is all I can do.

I ask for your help and God's.

So at 6:20, Lyndon leaves.

At 6:21, the lights go out,

and there's no more

TV coverage.

And so it would have been after that

that the president's body,

either in sheets

or a body bag--it's unclear--

would have been placed in a helicopter

and quickly flown

to Bethesda Naval Hospital.

This is Doug Horne's theory,

that the body was switched

out of the bronze casket

on the plane

and put into a shipping casket.

And so the bronze casket

is taken to Bethesda

in the ambulance

with Jackie and RFK in it.

But that casket is actually empty,

is what the theory says.

The Secret Service decided,

while the plane was

en route to Washington,

that the body would go by helicopter.

Now, the shipping casket

arrived 20 minutes

before the Dallas

bronze casket to Bethesda.

This is a--

this is a shell game.

Now, this is obviously

a very controversial theory.

The idea is that the body arrived

20 minutes early to Bethesda.

Sergeant Boyajian

and his Marines were sent

to Bethesda to provide physical security

for the president's autopsy.

And he wrote that the casket

arrived at 1835 hours.

That's military time for 6:35 p.m.

And when the motorcade arrived at 6:55,

Secret Service agents recorded

that time in their reports,

and all the newspapermen recorded

that time in their reports.

So these two times are firmly established.

The primary documents that are relied on

for this assertion would be

the Boyajian report.

I think it makes this not a crazy thing.

The person who was in charge

of the working party,

who off-loaded

the shipping casket at 6:35,

was Petty Officer Dennis David.

As I recall, it was a black,

unmarked ambulance.

And we off-loaded a casket,

and it was carried into the autopsy room.

This casket is a plain, gray box,

if you will, a metal box.

Anybody who's ever been to Vietnam

would know what I'm talking about.

We shipped hundreds of bodies out of there

in the same type of casket.

It's just a plain shipping casket.

It definitely wasn't the fancy casket

that they showed on TV,

which I saw later on.

So the question that really matters is,

what happened to President Kennedy's body

at the hospital between

the time it really arrived,

6:35 p.m., and the time

the official autopsy started,

which was shortly after 8:00?

The theory is that, between 6:30 and 8:00,

the body was physically tampered with...

So that any evidence

that would show a front shot,

like the wound here,

any of that evidence would be obscured.

Any sh*ts that aren't consistent

with coming from

the sixth floor sn*per's nest

at the School Book Depository

had to be removed.

Because some of

the Parkland doctors believe

that President Kennedy was

shot from the front.

By the time JFK's body

arrives at Bethesda,

the narrative is clearly

that the president was shot

by a lone gunman from above and behind.

And so the body needs

to support that narrative.

And one way to support it is to remove

all of the metal in the body

that indicates there was a crossfire.

You're gonna sanitize

the crime scene, in effect.


Lee Harvey Oswald charged

with the m*rder of the president.

Oswald was arrested less than two hours

after the president was shot.

Police say Oswald worked

in the building from which

the sh*ts that k*lled

the president were fired.

That g*n is a powerful military r*fle,

which police found in the building.

He has not confessed.

He has made no statement.

Charges of m*rder have been

accepted against him.

- I, uh--

- I don't know what this is all about.

Did you sh**t the president?

Investigation and arrest

has been rapid, to say the least.

The pathologists for

President Kennedy's autopsy

were two Navy pathologists,

Commander James J. Humes


Commander J. Thornton Boswell.

Humes and Boswell were not

very well versed at all

on g*nshots.

They had not done many g*nshots at all.

The problem is, they weren't

forensic pathologists.

They were people that would do an autopsy

if your aunt died of a heart attack,

not a high-level government official

that gets shot in the head,

where you need to know the entrance wound,

the exit wound, the b*llet path,

so you can determine later

whence the b*ll*ts came.

It is hard to believe that

you've got the President

of the United States,

and the autopsy is going to be done

by no practicing forensic pathologists.

I believe that Humes and Boswell

were chosen to do the autopsy

because they were under military control.

The results of the autopsy could be

controlled by the military,

which means controlled

by the federal government.

James Jenkins was a hospital corpsman

who was assisting with the autopsy,

and he's on record saying that he believed

that the military was really

in control of the autopsy.

There's so many people that are now gone.

You know, when I'm gone,

there will be nobody else

from the autopsy team at all.

It was my job to do

for them what they requested

without actually being told

to do it every time.

So my focus was on

exactly what was going on at that table,

doing what I was asked to do,

listening to what they were doing,

and anticipating a request.

In those days, the military was,

if you were told

to do something, you did it,

or else.

And the "or else" was not pleasant.

Military doctors follow orders.

If you don't, your career is over.

I believe that Humes and Boswell received

a very firm set of instructions

before President Kennedy's

body arrived at 6:35.

You will not report sh*ts from the front.

You will only report sh*ts from behind.

We already have a man arrested.

That's the way it has to be.

You'll be doing a patriotic

duty for your country.

They're engaged in a charade.

The charade is to pretend like

you're doing a real autopsy

and come up with results that say

there was one sh**t

from above and behind

and there were no gunmen from the front.

Humes had one paramount task

he had to perform

before the autopsy began at 8:00

That was to remove

President Kennedy's brain

and remove any evidence

in the form of sh*ts from the front.

So in any standard autopsy,

when there's a g*nsh*t wound involved,

the tracks of the wounds

would be dissected

so that we could see the trajectory

and see where the b*llet

actually went within the body.

After Dr. Humes removed

President Kennedy's brain

to take out all the b*llet

fragments he could find,

he then put the brain back in the head

so that it could be inside the body

at the beginning of the 8:00 autopsy.

There were no metal fragments,

no b*ll*ts, no partial b*ll*ts,

anything of significance that were found.

It was very tense that night.

The atmosphere was very tense.

And it was not so much the fact is

that the president had been assassinated.

It was a contention

between the military officers

that Dr. Humes had come in with

and Dr. Humes himself.

He was constantly being called back

to talk to one of the people.

It was jam-packed.

It was very hysterical.

We were interfered with constantly, yes.

When I got to review the autopsy report,

the x-rays, and most significantly,

the photographs that were taken,

it was the first time that I really cried,

had tears in my eyes,

because he was such a young person,

had done so much for the country,

and was just taken out

of the prime of his life.

My name is Michael Baden.

I am a physician and forensic pathologist.

And I was asked to head

the forensic pathology unit

that would investigate

the autopsy findings.

The House Select Committee

on Assassinations

investigation took place 15 years

after the death of President Kennedy.

And in the course of our investigation,

the bottom line was, we determined that

President Kennedy had been struck

by two b*ll*ts from behind

and only two b*ll*ts from behind.

I simply cannot agree with his reasoning

because he had to overrule and abandon

the personal observations

of the Parkland doctors,

who said there was a large exit wound

in the right rear of the head.

He examined photographs of the brain,

and when Dr. Baden noted

that there was no damage

to the right cerebellum.

The central conclusions were

unanimously agreed to

by eight of the panel members.

Bethesda was kind of a secret autopsy.

The people doing

the autopsy were not trained.

And then the many politicians

and other people

who were there were not knowledgeable

about how an autopsy should be done.

I agree with Dr. Baden about one thing.

The autopsy was under the thumb

of military authority.

Jim Jenkins saw

Dr. Humes remove the brain

shortly after 8:00,

at which point Dr. Humes says,

"The brain's fallen out in my hands."

You know, it almost fell out in his hand.

And at that time, I noticed

the brain stem hadn't been torn,

it had been severed.

But it had been severed

on two different sides.

So I just assumed

that the b*llet had severed

the brain stem,

and I was a little surprised

when I saw that it had been

actually surgically cut.

Jim Jenkins' opinion was

that this brain must have

been removed earlier that evening.

The audience was

extremely disturbed by this,

to the point where Dr. Humes,

I think, panicked.

And so he announced that it's apparent

there's been surgery of the head area.

And at this point,

Dr. Boswell looks up

and says to the gallery in the morgue,

"Was there surgery in Dallas?"

So he's playing along with Humes.

These guys knew there was

no surgery in Dallas.

They did it themselves.

So the FBI agents heard him say that

and put it in their written report.

It was just a real short statement.

Humes said, "There's been

a surgery in the head area."

They're just literally

saying what Dr. Humes said,

which is, it appears

there was surgery done.

So the question is, what does that mean?

And that goes into the theory

of body alteration

to obscure any evidence

that would lead them

to the conclusion of sh*ts from the front

or from any other direction.

The third pathologist was

a forensic pathologist.

This is Pierre Finck, from the Army.

But generally, he wasn't

conducting autopsies himself either.

Dr. Humes and Dr. Finck,

they began to examine the head.

And they found a wound.

It was on the right side of the head.

It was slightly above the ear

and forward of the ear,

just barely in the hairline.

I thought he was shot from the front

because entrance wounds are small

and exit wounds are large.

And it was a small wound.

And Dr. Finck made a comment,

"That probably was from a b*llet."

That was the wound they were examining

when Dr. Humes was called to talk

with the individuals in the gallery.

It was just below

his hairline, right up here.

And the entry wound was

about the size of a dime.

It was clearly a wound

of entrance, not of exit.

And he came back.

And no time during the autopsy

did they ever go back to this one.

It was not listed in the official autopsy.

They never made it

into the official record.

That b*llet would have been

removed during the surgery.

The Parkland doctors said

that there was an exit wound

in the back right side of Kennedy's head.

The entrance wound would have

been about here.

Whereas that's not what

the autopsy showed in Bethesda.

The autopsy report

determined that the b*llet

had entered the back of the head

and exited the right side of the skull.

And the Parkland doctors thought there was

a big hole there, but the autopsy showed

there was just a normal

half an inch b*llet wound

in the back of the head.

I tend to believe

what the Parkland doctors said,

which causes some problems and confusion

when you go look at the autopsy.

When President Kennedy

arrives at Bethesda,

Dr. Humes, as normally,

looks at the front of the body,

then turns the body over

to examine the back.

That back wound was located

right at the top of

the shoulder blade back here,

halfway between the top of that point

and the spinal column.

The b*llet that goes in

the back goes in a few inches,

and Dr. Humes probed it,

which you're not supposed to do

with b*llet wounds

because you can make artificial tracks.

Dr. Humes could not find any point of exit

anywhere else in the body.

In other words, it dead-ended.

They found that the wound

didn't go anywhere.

They weren't really

interested, it seems, that--

on how it happened,

where it happened from.

Nobody had mentioned

whether he had got shot

in the front or the back

or the side or what.

I first saw the neck wound

when Dr. Boswell and I unwrapped the body.

It looked like a gaping gash.

We didn't examine it.

We were told not to bother with it;

it was a trach.

So we didn't examine it.


Pierre Finck was told to stop

when they were looking at the neck wound.

It's just a tracheotomy.


Move on.

There was a big, gaping tracheotomy wound

in the anterior neck.

They obliterated--

literally obliterated that wound.

The problem is, the first

thing that Bethesda didn't do

was call

Parkland Emergency Department

and ask them, what did you do to the body?

Had they called us first,

yes, they would have known that

there was a wound in the neck.

They didn't have all the information.

That Saturday morning after

the assassination on Friday,

we were just sitting

in our office, talking.

Dr. Perry got a phone call

from Washington,

from Dr. Boswell, one of the pathologists.

The call was that, we have

a r*fle injury to the back,

but we don't see an exit wound.

And we also have

a g*nsh*t wound to the head.

We didn't know, when we were

called from Bethesda,

that there was a g*nsh*t wound to the back

just to the right of the midline.

We didn't know there was

a wound in the back

because after the president died,

we didn't feel like it was appropriate

for us to do any more examining

or turning of the body or whatever.

The Naval Hospital in Bethesda didn't know

that there was a wound

in the front of the neck

because Dr. Perry's incision

had gone through it,

and they didn't pick up

on the fact that there was

a little divot in the bottom

part of that wound

that was what we thought was

the entrance wound.

But Bethesda,

they said it was their opinion

that the neck wound came from

the back and out the front.

If the autopsy had been done in Dallas,

Dr. Rose would have

immediately been told that

that was a wound, and so he

could have put that together.

I just think the clarification

would have been

a little better upfront

if it had been done in Dallas County.

So when the Bethesda

pathologists called Parkland,

they both found out something

that the other didn't know.

So the Parkland doctors were not aware

of the wound in Kennedy's back,

and the Bethesda

autopsy doctors were not aware

that the tracheotomy was done

over an existing wound

in Kennedy's throat.

Dr. Humes originally concluded

one shot to the head from behind

and one shot in the upper back

from behind,

which did not exit the body.

He changed his conclusions

following the phone calls to Dr. Perry

and decided that a b*llet transited

President Kennedy's body

from high in his back

and came out the throat.

The problem is that the evidence shows

that the wound was actually

lower and to the right,

such that the exit wound,

if there was one,

would have been closer

to the president's chest.

It wouldn't have been at his throat.

So we have to explain

this inconsistency somehow.

This is something that,

anyone who's studied the case

agrees that this is a major issue.

And it's determined that

the Warren Commission's gonna

figure out what happened.

President Johnson quickly

appointed a commission

to discover the real facts

of the assassination,

a commission of seven Americans

so distinguished

that their conclusions must

be above suspicion,

or so it was thought.

My general impression was

that the Warren Commission

was set up perhaps

to kind of get this over with.

I, like many other people,

thought that this was

kind of a slapdash study

that was done to just kind of

cover things up,

you know, sort of look at what happened

and make a fairly quick conclusion

and get it out of the people

in the country's minds.

The Warren Commission did

interview the Parkland doctors,

not all of them, but many of them.

And they got their perspective,

including that those doctors

thought there was

an exit wound in the back

of the president's head.

The assassination

of President Kennedy was,

inevitably, a mystery story

on a grand scale.

Parkland Hospital doctors

were quoted as saying

they thought at least one b*llet entered

Mr. Kennedy's neck from the front.

All this mattered, because if there were

any sh*ts from the overpass,

if there were more than three sh*ts,

then Oswald had to have had an accomplice.

There were concerns in the United States

about there being a conspiracy

about there being two sh**t,

one sh**ting

President Kennedy,

one sh**ting

Governor Connally,

or whether there was a conspiracy,

be it of Russians or Cubans or Castro

or some rogue government agency.

I think the problem is that they're left

with only two b*ll*ts to do

all of the damage to two men.

The known wounds were a shot in the back

and a shot in the head.

And they're trying to account

for those two wounds,

plus Governor Connally's wounds,

with two b*ll*ts.

The only way to do that is

to have one b*llet strike both men.

So an ambitious junior

counselor, Arlen Specter,

invents the single b*llet theory

to solve a shortage of evidence.

In the 1960s, Specter gained

national attention

for his work on the Warren Commission,

investigating the assassination

of President John F. Kennedy,

as coauthor of the single b*llet theory,

supporting the belief there

was only one sh**t involved.

He decides he wants a b*llet

that hit

President Kennedy first

to be the one that hit Governor Connally.

And he twisted himself in knots

trying to sell that story.

The possibility of one b*llet

having inflicted the wounds

on both the president's neck

and the governor's body

came in a very gradual way.

The trajectory was such

that it was almost certain

that the b*llet which came out

of the president's neck

with great velocity

would have had to have hit

either the car or someone in the car.

Well, the single b*llet

theory is sheer, absolute,

unadulterated nonsense.

You have the b*llet coming

out of John Kennedy,

moving then downward

and to the left, and yet

it slams into John Connally

behind the right armpit.

Well, Connally was sitting

directly in front of Kennedy.

So you've got to have the

b*llet coming out of Kennedy,

stopping abruptly in midair,

turning to the right,

coming back about 20 inches,

stopping again,

turning around now to the left,

and going into Connally.

So that's the single b*llet theory.

It is better than any roller coaster ride

that anybody has ever seen

anywhere in the world.

It is a b*llet that rightfully deserves

the characterization that

we critics have given to it--

a magic b*llet.

The big issue was,

is this an entrance wound

or an exit wound?

It was very small.

And we were always taught

that an exit wound is larger

than an entrance wound.

To me, it's just inconceivable

that the first shot

that went through his neck

entered my back.

I don't believe that.

I never will believe that.

They can't run enough tests

to make me believe that.

I don't think my impressions have changed

from the day of the assassination.

I've always thought that this

looked like an entrance wound.

Without a single b*llet

theory to wound both men,

there has to be at least one

additional assassin.

And the Warren Commission

couldn't have that.

The Warren report hinges

on the single b*llet theory being true.

If it's not true, then we're

left with either a conspiracy

or just a bunch of question marks

as if it was never investigated at all.

On September 24, 1964,

the commission presented its findings

in the form of this report

to the president.

"We concluded that, in

the absence of solid evidence,

there was no second gunman."

I don't remember the exact moment

that I heard the results

of the Warren Commission.

But I was aware that

it wasn't the full truth.

The conclusion

of the Warren Report is that

the Parkland doctors must have just been

incorrect in their conclusion.

Even President Lyndon Johnson

had serious questions

about the single b*llet theory.

He told

Senator Richard Russell,

who was on the Warren Commission,

during a recorded phone call,

that he didn't believe it.

The problem is--

the inconsistency

is that Johnson still believed

that Oswald acted alone.

The Warren Commission started

with a conclusion

that Oswald did it and he did it alone.

And they then worked to confirm that,

and then they disregarded

substantial evidence to the contrary.

Certain people in our government tampered

with critical evidence

in order to make sure

the American people

would not know the truth

about who m*rder*d the president.

And that's about as bad as it gets.

I'm talking about photographs

that don't look correct,

that look like they must have

been altered.

The photographs and x-rays

that we see are not consistent

with what the Parkland doctors

and many other people

who were there at Bethesda say.

When I saw the autopsy pictures,

my first response was,

I wanted to tell everybody

that that didn't reflect

what actually transpired.

I noted a wound when I came into the room,

which was at the right

posterior portion of the head.

There was a massive wound

at the back of his head.

The two pictures that

I've seen that you showed me

that are supposedly from the archives

are not what I saw that night.

Now, I don't know where

those pictures came from.

It had a big hole in it.

This whole area was gone.

This part of the head was gone.

There was no scalp there.

How could all these people,

including the doctors at Parkland,

conclude that the back

of the head was missing?

And then we go to Bethesda,

and all of a sudden, it's patched up.

What happened?

In order to probe that,

you had to go back to Parkland

and speak to these doctors.

When I saw the autopsy pictures,

I thought somebody had really

tampered with the whole thing,

and it made me very suspicious

because it didn't look anything

like what I saw there.

And they had also completely sewed up

the temporoparietal side

of his head, and it was closed.

And I said, how can they do--

why would they do that?

The cerebellum was not protruding.

We examined the cerebellum


and it was intact.

Maybe the left lobe was,

but the right lobe had fallen out.

I saw that.

He's wrong.

There was no gaping hole,

and there was no cerebellum

that fell out on the car, period.

Andrew Purdy was counsel

to the House

Assassinations Committee.

He says the Dallas doctors are wrong.

When you think of the body

as being face up and you think,

particularly in Dallas,

of the amount of blood

that was involved there,

people couldn't distinguish

where things were.

It must have been

a terrible, tragic sight.

It was very hard for people to recollect

exactly where what was

when that wasn't their purpose.

Their purpose was

to save the president's life,

and these recollections

afterwards are faulty.

Who is that last guy?

- Who is that guy?

- Is he a neurosurgeon?

The wound, when we were

taking care of the president,

was not that bloody, actually.

- No.

- He had already bled out

significantly at the time of the injury.

Well, he wasn't there, so he...

- He wasn't there.

- Not--you know,

he's not capable of rendering an opinion.

He's just going

by autopsy x-ray, most likely.

That's a whole different perspective.

And those x-rays that I've seen are wrong.

I was both on the right side

and on the left side

in the course of the treatment.

And I didn't see any facial damage

or any area in the forehead--

any damage in the forehead area.

It just--it wasn't there.

No, that's why it's inconsistent

with the pictures--

the x-ray pictures,

which show orbital destruction

that would show things externally.

But obviously, this has been tampered with

because they've replaced the scalp

that was wide-open when I saw the wound.

I mean, they've done that at the autopsy.

That's--that's the work in Washington.

I had seen this massive hole

in the back of the president's head.

But then in one

of the pictures, as I recall,

it looked to me like they were

pulling a flap of scalp

up over this hole and covering it.

And in fact, I thought I could

see the finger and the thumb

of whoever was pulling this flap.

And I thought that it was

pulled up to cover that hole.

Someone told me,

oh, no, that wasn't a flap.

That's just the way it looked.

I said, no, it didn't.

The government handled the problem

of the Parkland doctors

badly and dishonorably.

They should have shown them

those photographs and said,

is this the way

President Kennedy looked

in Trauma Room 1?

The Parkland doctors would have said,

no, that's not the way

the president looked

at Parkland Hospital.

And you can see that in the Zapruder film.

I think the Zapruder film had a lot to do

with concerns about

how the president was shot.

President Kennedy was the first person

to be seen on a video being k*lled.

This is one of the most important films

that exists in history.

And nevertheless,

the American people didn't know

about the Zapruder film

until Robert Groden

and d*ck Gregory went

on the "Geraldo" show.

Eh, was it 1975?

This is very heavy.

It's the film shot

by the Dallas dress

manufacturer Abraham Zapruder,

and it's the execution

of President Kennedy.

And, you know, before

he goes behind the sign,

the president is waving to the crowd.

When he comes out from behind

the sign, he is shot.

And then

Governor Connally is shot.

He's already been hit.

He's already been hit.

And now, at the bottom

of the screen, the head shot.

That's the shot that blew off his head.

It's the most horrifying thing

I've ever seen in a movie.

The Zapruder film is an 8-millimeter film

that was taken by Abraham Zapruder,

who was in Dealey Plaza that day,

and he was standing on the grassy knoll

on a concrete platform

so he had a better view.

As the president was coming

down from Houston Street

and making his turn, it was

about halfway down there,

I heard a shot.

Then he just slumped

to the side like this.

Then I heard another shot or two.

I couldn't say whether it was one or two.

And I saw his head practically open up,

all blood and everything.

And I kept on sh**ting.

When you see the Zapruder film,

you see the motorcade coming

off of Houston Street

and making a slow turn onto Elm Street,

heading toward the triple underpass.

And they look perfectly okay

until they make

that slow turn, and all of a sudden,

both of the president's hands

go up to his neck like that,

like something has happened.

This b*llet hole in his neck,

we thought--in fact,

Dr. Perry said to the newsmen

right after we got out of Trauma Room 1

that maybe we thought

this was an entrance wound

here in his neck, near his windpipe,

just above his clavicle.

And Mrs. Kennedy has realized

something is wrong,

and she's leaning over to him

as if to ask, what's wrong?

And just as she does that,

the president's head

literally explodes violently,

and he's thrown backward and to the left.

And that's when I think a m*ssile hit him

from the picket fence.

The fatal wound came

from the front, I think,

and other people believe that too.

Powers and Kenny O'Donnell,

who were riding in one of the cars behind,

they were convinced that

that fatal shot came

from the grassy knoll

and the picket fence.

Self-proclaimed eyewitnesses all claim

seeing a second gunman

sh**ting from behind the picket fence.

The shot that k*lled

President Kennedy didn't come

from the Book Depository.

They were talking about the fact

that Mr. Oswald was up

in that School Book.

And I kept saying, no, he was not there.

I saw this.

I was standing here.

I saw this.

I saw the whole thing.

I looked up.

Right there in the bushes,

this man was sh**ting with a r*fle.

And I saw a puff of smoke

and a flash of light

at the very instant

that Kennedy's head exploded.

This is the view of Elm Street

from the grassy knoll,

up behind the picket fence

where some critics claim

another gunman lay concealed.

Came from that picket fence.

I glanced over to underneath

that green tree,

and you could see a little puff of smoke.

It looked like a puff of steam

or cigarette smoke.

The Zapruder film does not show

the back of the president's

head getting blown out.

We see the shot to the right temple,

and we know from the witnesses

that there was a blast out of the head.

The Parkland doctors are

telling us the truth,

truth beyond any and all doubt.

The issue, in retrospect,

was, if Oswald was

in the sixth floor Depository,

how could he have been shot

from the front, then?

And so was there more than one assailant?

Arlen Specter came to Parkland,

and he said, we have people

who will testify

that they saw the president shot

from the front from the railroad track.

But he said, we don't believe

they have credible testimony.

But I don't want you to say

anything else about that.

The Zapruder film, when he's hit,

you see this whole flash

of bone, you know, coming out.

And that was compatible with what I saw

from his right side, where I was located.

How could a g*nsh*t from the rear

peel the scalp from the front back?

And my opinion is that

this was a flap from the--

the whole right side bunched up

into the back of the--

- It was, yeah.

- At the base of the occiput.


And you see that,

and I think that kind of fell

back into place a little bit.

But then the m*ssile went on through

and blew out the back of his head.


It was temporal also.

And you can see that in the Zapruder film.

- But I saw that on him.

- Yeah.

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.

I think it's honorable

that the Parkland physicians

and nurses have maintained

their original positions

and have not deviated from

what they observed in 1963,

60 years ago.

The evidence shows that

the m*rder of the president

was a straightforward sh**ting, period.

What's more likely,

Parkland doctors telling the truth

or the autopsy telling the truth?

In all probability,

there was a conspiracy,

i.e., there was more than one sh**t.

And I think that sh**t was

behind the picket fence

on the grassy knoll, and then someone was

in the sixth floor of the Book Depository.

That first day, in the first 24 hours,

we, I think, all thought that

that was an entrance wound.

I've always entertained

a strong possibility

of there being more than one sh**t.

It was a lie.

They really didn't

tell the truth about it.

I didn't ever think he would

be in Parkland on the gurney

and we would be taking care of him

and watch him take his last breath.

Probably one of the most dramatic moments

in U.S. history and a pivotal moment

for me and my whole life.

I've had a very interesting life.

I've had a lot of intersections

with events and people,

but none as dramatic and as strong

as the events of that day.

Sometimes the sadness comes out.

The thought of the assassination

and my participation in it,

as well as others,

never goes away.

You replay that day in your mind.

It certainly is the most significant event

that ever occurred in my life.

I take my being there very seriously.

And I don't really enjoy

telling the story of what happened.

But it was a very important time,

and it was my destiny to be there.

In America,

I think it was one of the most

significant events of the century,

but also a loss of innocence.
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