Rustin (2023)

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Rustin (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[solemn music gently fades in]

[piano playing

"This Little Light of Mine" solemnly]


[music continues]


[music stops]

[woman] Things need to change

and change now.

[man] Which is why

we are staging a protest

at the Democratic National Convention.

[man 2]

And the Republicans are any better?

- We plan on challenging them as well.

- [distant phone ringing]

So you want me to lead

5,000 Negroes into Los Angeles

and disrupt the Democratic Convention?

I'm sorry. I'm not your man.

Who told you you are not our man?

Were you not our man

when you took command

of the Montgomery bus boycott

or spoke with such eloquence

the night your home was bombed?

You're conveniently forgetting

I'm now co-pastor of Ebenezer.

When C.L. first heard you speak,

he rang me and said,

"Bayard, there's magic

going on down here."

You know what he saw? A star.

And when that star starts to shine

brighter than any other,

including the most powerful n*gro leaders

that came before,

they will do everything in their power

to extinguish your light

and put you in your place.

Mrs. Ella Baker,

I have received a number of calls

from prominent men within the movement

who see no wisdom in these protests.

Men with whom I share a strong kinship.

Not once you leave the room.

[softly] Friend, one of my greatest joys

is watching you rise.

We need you to lead us into Los Angeles,

where we will most vigorously let Kennedy

and the entire Democratic Party know

that unless they show up for our people,

take a stand against segregation,

our people will not show up for them.

- Hear! Hear!

- Yes! Yes! Yes!

[Bayard] Do this, Martin.

Own your power.

- [big band music playing]

- [chuckles]

I am pleased to announce

that my friend, Dr. Martin Luther King,

will be joining us in Los Angeles.

- Yes!

- Yes!


[swing music playing]

I'm telling you, the best grits ever.

Lest I remind you, I was born and raised

in Georgia. My mother was...

Try them.




- How's my beloved Coretta?

- Fine.

- And the kids?

- Missing you.

Every time I step through that house,

"How's Uncle Bayard?"

- Aw. [chuckles]

- "Where's Uncle Bayard?"

And those self-appointed noble Negroes

of the NAACP?



I can't wait to hear what they have to say

about us making a move on LA.

My convention, my party.

I've spent the past 15 years

fighting Dixiecrats in Congress,

going after and winning

on everything from poll taxes

to the right to piss

in the g*dd*mn Congressional commode.

How dare his Black ass take aim

without first coming to me?

[man] Had King reached out,

would you have said yes?

Hell, no. That fighting son of a bitch

needs to keep down South where he belongs.

I blame Rustin.

Ever since the Montgomery bus boycott,

he's got King thinking

he's the second coming.

The hell with Bayard Rustin.

His attention-grabbing antics

are the exact opposite

of how policy is altered

and laws are changed.

[softly] And let's not mention

the unmentionable.

[Powell] No.

I say, say it.

Say it, I say, and say it loud!

Listen to me.

I am phoning

the good reverend doctor's office today.

If they don't call this shit off,

the world will know the truth

about Martin Luther King and his queen.

[inhales sharply]

And, baby, I do not mean Coretta.

Congressman Powell has done so much

for Harlem.

Almost as much as he's done for himself.

But this is a bold-faced lie,

and he knows it.

[man] I have to tell Martin. I have...

Yes, I'm well aware of the fact

that Martin is your boss

as well as your friend,

but at least let me speak

with Bayard first,

as this is certain

to disorder his soul most of all!

[laughing heartily]

Me and Martin?

[scoffs] No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Brothers, yes.

Besides, he's not my type.

[Randolph] Making threats,

talking about going to the white print...

Chief, Chief, you call it trouble.

I call it an opportunity.

In response

to Powell's reckless accusations,

I'll write a letter

tendering my resignation.

When Martin rejects it,

we will have forced him to see

who wishes him well and who does not.

- [Randolph] What makes you so sure?

- Hm.

- Be... Because I know Martin, sir.

- [Randolph] Bayard?

- Sir.

- [Randolph] You may know Martin, but...

- All will be fine.

- [music stops abruptly]

I assumed it would just be the two of us.

We thank you

for your many years of service.

[footsteps receding]

[door closes]

- [phone ringing]

- [typewriter tapping]

[dramatic sting plays]

[metal clanking]

- [stamping]

- [paper rustling]

- [metal clanking]

- [stamping]

[typewriter tapping]

[phone ringing]

[ringing continues]

- [phone clicks]

- [woman] w*r Resisters League.

[mellow jazz saxophone playing]

- [music continues]

- [siren wailing]


[breathing heavily]

["Shotgun" by Junior Walker

and The All Stars playing]

[crowd] Whoo!

[indistinct chattering]

- [door opens]

- Oh!

Excuse me.

- Hey! My brother.

- [man] Blyden.

- Hey!

- Hey!

- What's up, man?

- [man] What's up, man? Looking good.

Welcome to the party.


Good Lordy, Miss Claudia.

Goodness. I'm just gonna squeeze

right through here. [chuckles]

I tell you, man, I go south again,

it's gonna be with a g*n in my hand

and Brother Malcolm in my heart.


Hey! What's up, man?

[woman] Bayard. Bayard.


Aw. [chuckles]

"For ne'er I saw a true beauty

till this night."

Are you talking to the vodka or me?

[both laugh]

[crowd] Whoo!

I take it there was some sort of protest?

Uh, it kinda got derailed,

so we invited everyone back here.


- Yeah!

- [man] Nice.

Obscure fact about Miss Ella Baker,

early champion of SNCC.

She's Al Capone when it comes to cards.

Tonk, Bid Whist, Crazy Eights. [laughs]

You're marvelous

and have absolutely no idea who I am.

Like you know what I know?

[softly] Ice.

Uh, who is that?

["Walking the Dog" by Rufus Thomas

playing next door]

Doors barricaded

tires slashed.

No escape.

Firebombs thrown inside.

Folks started screamin'.

I finally get out.

I'm on the ground.

This white man

takes this pipe

and hits me

over and over.

I'm so sorry.

Like we give a shit you sorry.

It's probably one of your uncles

or cousins with that pipe.

- I was raised in Brooklyn.

- Listening to this shit?

- Why would I have cousins in Alabama?

- White boy talking shit.

Tom isn't like that.

Bet you these two

are card-carrying members

of Martin-de-Lawd's nonviolence jamboree.

So let's play. I'll be the redneck.

Beat you so bad

your body starts to scream.

Beat you like they beat Tyrone.

Beat you till you're calling

for your mama.

Whoa, hey!

I'm the one

that's been preaching passive resistance

since before you were born.

- So hit me.

- Bayard, I can take care of myself.

The pacifist is opposed to using v*olence,

but must be prepared to receive it.

Only aim left.

A policeman in '42

already took care of the right.


[scoffs softly]

I hear when King said "git,"

you tucked your tail between your legs

and swished away.

You're irrelevant.

It's Friday night. I've been called worse.

[banging on door]

So, what are you gonna do?

Offering my face as a punching bag

to a would-be Sugar Ray wasn't enough?

I am talking about the party.

A party is hors d'oeuvres, laughter,

mambo for Latin lovers on the hi-fi.

Earlier today, a fight almost broke out.

It did not used to be like that.

And now it is like that all the time.

SNCC, CORE, the NAACP kids,

we're all fighting over agendas

and slogans and songs.

- And you know who's winning?

- Something tells me I'm about to find out.

Bull Connor in Birmingham,

Strom Thurmond on the Senate floor.

While we all snap and snarl

and eat each other alive.

- So, what are you gonna do?

- I already have a job.

Muste and I have worked together

off and on since I was in my twenties.

The man hates you because you possess

everything that he does not,

charm, passion, a g*dd*mn pulse.

Tom, you've yet to learn it is unwise

to speak of that which you do not know.

Why don't you just admit

that you're still upset

over what happened

between you and Dr. King,

and so you will use any excuse,

including working a job that you hate

- Irrational.

- to avoid a cause that you love?

You're smart about some things,

not about everything.

I can have an opinion.

And when it comes to my life, my past,

especially as it relates to Martin,

I have the right to say, "Enough!"

[lighter clicks]

Last time I checked, that was illegal.

Last time I checked, so were we.


[jazz double bass solo playing]

[music stops]


- I've had an idea.

- Hm.

Wanna be my assistant again?

Of course.

Give me the Randolph/Truman '48 folder.

In that trunk over there.

Thirty years ago,

Gandhi walked to the sea,

picked up a handful of salt,

and inspired a movement

that brought down an empire.

The time has come for us to do the same.

[swing music playing]

We are going to put together

the largest peaceful protest

in the history of this nation.

How big?

One hundred thousand people.

Is he for real?

A massive two-day demonstration

with enough power to shut down

the White House and Capitol Hill.

Made up of angelic troublemakers

such as yourselves,

with ideas so bold, so inspiring,

their execution will demand all groups

draw tightly together and become one.

So, talk, shout, take command!

What if we flood the offices

of every member of the House and Senate

with delegates of the church,

labor, civil rights?

- And...

- And? And?

And such numbers the legislative branch

will cease to function.

Write it on the wall.

No, no. It is impossible to train

that many effective lobbyists...

No, no, no. Do not k*ll an impulse

before it's born.

What if they were constituents

from their respective states

who refused to leave

until they've been heard?

- Now that's collaboration.

- [all laugh]

- [Bayard] Write it on the wall.

- Why can't you be collaborative like Norm?

- I Shut up.

- [chuckles]

- Somebody didn't go home last night.

- Shut up. [chuckles]

Rachelle? How many bodies does it take

to surround the White House?

How many?


I thought that was a setup for a joke.

- You literally want me to find out?

- Yes!

Because on day two,

we shall surround the White House

Draw the White House on the board.

while serenading the president.

Ain't gonna let the president

Turn me around

Come on now.

Turn me around

Turn me around

Ain't gonna let the president

Turn me around

- I'm gonna...

- Keep on walking

Keep on talking

Come on now.

Marching up to freedom land


Well, what about sleeping arrangements?

DC only has so many n*gro hotels.

How about tents? You know, like a...

A sea of tents, big and bold enough

to unify an entire movement.

- Give me that thing.

- [all laugh]

And near the Lincoln Memorial,

a stage where the head

of every civil rights organization

can be heard.

Why just the heads?

[all] Ooh!

[Bayard] More! More!

We're not done yet.

You know there's a lot we can do.

- Get the signatures. We'll follow up...

- Yeah.

That's a really good start.

I think we need to organize this

in a way that we all can

[music continues]

[music stops]

In '41, you called for a large-scale march

to protest discrimination

in the defense industry but then canceled.

No, Roosevelt acquiesced to our demands.

As did Truman in '48.

Executive Order 9981,

the end of segregation

in the armed forces.

- [spoon clinks]

- The time has come for another.

- No, Bayard.

- I can handle all the grunt work.

Building a grassroots operation,

rally the young.

But when it comes to the old guard

- Roy.

- Especially Roy.

I'm considered a pariah.

I need you.

Bayard, I can't.

If Lucille makes it to another summer...

We honor her

by doing the work we've always done.

The work the two of you did together.

[jazz music playing]

[phones ringing]

No matter what Roy says or does,

I need you to behave.

I do not have issues with Roy.

It's Roy who has issues with me.

But in deference

to both you and the cause,

I'll sit in the corner and smile.

After a day spent flooding the capital

and encircling the White House

so that the president of the United States

cannot get in or out of his own home,

our intrepid protesters

would retire to tents

which now cover the National Mall.

Chief, do you plan

on pulling this together yourself?

We all know there's only one person

who can organize an event of this scale.


I was under the impression

you were busy serving...

I mean, saving white people from the b*mb.

- [scattered chuckling]

- I go where needed.

Chief, if memory serves me,

this is your third attempt.

- He did not say "attempt."

- Did you say something?

"Attempt" is hardly the word I'd use

to describe the actions of a man

who is single-handedly responsible

for integrating both the armed forces

and the defense industry.

- [man] Roy.

- [Roy] Yes, Medgar.

Most of our folks in Mississippi

have never been

outside of their hometowns,

so the opportunity to march

with people from all over

There it is.

will afford them the chance to discover

not only are they not alone

He gets it.

but are engaged in a struggle

far greater than they ever dreamed.

Thank you, Brother Evers.

Chief, what size crowd are you projecting?

One hundred thousand people.

- [murmuring]

- [man 2] It can't be done.

Mr. Wilkins, forgive me,

but that's impractical.

Elias here's from Alabama,

field organizer.

Perhaps you have facts

to substantiate your claims?

Previous DC demonstrations.

In 1913, 8,000 suffragettes,

in '26, 25,000 Ku Klux Klan,

and in 1932, 42,000 veterans marched

and were att*cked with tear gas and tanks.

- [Roy] Who led the attack?

- The military.

- And the race of the veterans?

- White.

White boys.


Young man, your facts are correct.

Your sense of history is not.

Those 42,000 men marched on Washington, DC

because it was the Depression.

And after dutifully serving their country,

found themselves without jobs and homes

and food to feed their family.

And when they took to the streets

and were att*cked,

the world did, in fact, bear witness.

Gandhi brought an empire

down to its knees...

Will someone please tell this man

that this is not India?

For decades, the NAACP

has been legally leading the charge,

and now you're proposing

100,000 Black folks invade Washington, DC.

- Have you talked to Martin about this?

- I lost his number. He lost mine.

Well, Dr. King, who hasn't lost my number,

has come to understand

that mass lobbying is sheer madness.

Brown v. Board is the crowning glory

of this organization,

yet all across the South,

when n*gro children sleep,

they see "whites only" signs

instead of their dreams.

Counting on the courts

to eradicate racial inequity,

that's madness!

Mr. Randolph, you are a giant amongst men,

but when it comes to this,

the NAACP says no.


[door closes]

Now that Roy has made his position clear,

Dr. King's number,

which you have allegedly lost?

Go find it.

[footsteps receding]

- [buckle jingles]

- [footsteps approaching]


"When an individual is protesting

society's refusal

to acknowledge his dignity,

his act of protest

confers dignity on him."

- Why are you quoting me to me?

- You're an inspiration.

Inspiration untethered from action

loses all value.

Who said that?

- I did

- [zipper zips]

- just now.

- [toilet flushes]

- [opens tap]

- [water running]

Now, I agree with Mr. Evers.

Your idea has potential.

I would have spoken up,

but I didn't think it was my place.

[paper towels rustle]

It wasn't your place to voice support,

but it was yours to help tear it down?

Your march is possible without the NAACP,

but not without Dr. King.

And Mr. Wilkins knows it.

Elias Taylor.

Looked like you was about to ask.

I was about to ask something,

but it wasn't that.


- I was warned. [chuckles]

- [chuckles]

Well, whatever you wanna say,

you just say it.

- Doesn't everyone?

- No.

No, most people are

modest, cautious, afraid.

So say it, whatever's on your mind

this very second.

No caution, no fear.


My wife is in town through Saturday night.

[Bayard chuckles]

[man] Now, Mr. Wilkins here, he's a

Mr. Rustin. Claudia Taylor.

- Have we

- Oh, years ago.

I volunteered

for the Women's Political Council

during the bus boycott.

[inhales] You spoke, and my spirit soared.

Uh, Elias.

Have you two met?

- Just now.

- Earlier?

Mr. Wilkins chose Elias

to coordinate the efforts

between the national and regional branches

before he takes over

for my daddy's church.

Such a vocation holds great rewards

both worldly and celestial.

- A heavenly calling indeed.

- [Bayard] Hm.

But once my daddy says yes,

I expect a Lincoln like my mama's.

[all laugh]

Well, I hope to see you both again

very soon, perhaps on the Sabbath.

Oh, sadly, no. I leave Saturday.

But wouldn't that have been a dream?

- [distant traffic buzzing]

- [footsteps receding]

[horns honking]


I asked you to be my assistant,

not Mrs. Rustin.

That is, if you still want the job.


[horn honks loudly]

["Everybody Loves a Lover"

by Doris Day playing]

The first time I was invited

into Martin's home,

there were g*ns under the sofa,

guards on the front porch.

Understandably so, given the threats

being leveled at he and his family.

I started talking to him

about passive resistance.

Over time, the g*ns went away.

So Dr. King's stance on nonviolence,

he got from you?

- By way of Jesus Christ, Gandhi, Thoreau.

- [laughs]

So he trusted you.

I always told him what I knew to be true.

Excuse me. Vodka water.

And how about a Manhattan?

- Ha! After two, you'll be a changed man.

- Well, in that case, give me three.

- Ah! [laughing]

- ["I Don't Know" by Ruth Brown playing]

Oh, the man is asthmatic. Mm.

Now, he can barely walk or breathe,

but the second he hits that pulpit,

you know the end of the world is at hand.

- Oh! Well, I'm gonna burn in hell.

- For sharing how you feel?

Oh, for not revering a man who welcomed me

into his home and hates my guts.

And I feel the exact same way about him.

- Mm-hmm. Mm.

- [laughing]

Oh, you're bad. You're good.

I'll have another. Do you want one?

You got it.

So, the church,

your dream or hers?

Well, I've always wanted

to serve the Lord.

- And you were raised

- Quaker.

- [Elias] Nah.

- [chuckles]

My parents [chuckles]

Well, really, my grandparents

raised me after their daughter,

my mother, flew the coop.

So the rumors about you and Dr. King

Ugh! An ugly lie

perpetrated by Adam Clayton Powell

to stop a planned protest.

He threatened to share his lie

with the press.


I called Martin's bluff and resigned.

[chuckles] He accepted,

effectively ending my connection

to the movement.

Months later,

Reverend Powell was made chairman

of the House Committee

on Education and Labor.

I get a thrill that's much too much

Too much, too much, too much

Could a heart so right

Be led so wrong

You're okay

in here

at this hour.

Would it last this long

[indistinct chattering, laughing]

- I don't know

- I don't know, I don't know

- I don't know

- I don't know, I don't know

That's drilled into you

the day you're born, huh?

They think you're less than,

so you gotta be better than.

- Yes.

- So be charming, be perfect, be polite.

The suffocating chains

of n*gro respectability.

When I told Ma Rustin I preferred dancing

with boys instead of girls, she said,

"What would you have me do with that?"

And then she said,

"I suppose that's what you need to do."

When Martin speaks, he holds nothing back.

That's what people feel

when they hear him.


So tell me,

Elias Taylor,

how can you preach salvation

and not wanna save yourself?

How can you speak of love

when your heart

is disconnected from your flesh?

[chuckles] Ah.

[sensual music playing]

And when Roy said,

"Elias, can you substantiate your claim?"

and you pulled out that piece of paper,

I hope you didn't think that I was go...

[softly] Teach me how not to be afraid.

Good night.

[woman] Lord, no.


[man] Shame on Reverend King.

Sending those poor children

to march the streets of Birmingham?

A man in uniform unleashes attack dogs,

turns fire hoses on the innocent,

and the first words

out of your g*dd*mn mouth

are "shame on Reverend King"?

Bayard, there's no reason...

You see this and think,

"Those poor Negroes down south,"

incapable of understanding

they are beyond powerful,

because today they discovered a bravery

they never knew they had.

- A bravery you'll never know.

- [colleague] Now, Bayard...

You sit behind that desk

as you've sat for over 30 years,

convincing yourself

that you're committed to saving the world,

when the only thing you're committed to

is your own safety and superiority.

Bayard, enough.

Railing against Jim

because of the color of his skin.

I'm not railing against Jim

because of the color of his skin.

I'm railing at Jim

for being arrogant and ill-informed.

The fact that he happens to be white

while doing so, well,

that's between him and the Lord.

[footsteps receding]

Every day, we agree to surrender

that which makes us different

so that together we might forge

a more humane world.

I can't surrender my differences.

The world won't let me.

And even if I could,

I wouldn't want to. Not today.

Not today.

What are you doing?

Where are you going?

Bayard, you must stay here

where I can protect you

from the world and from yourself.

You are a man of exceptional skills

and of keen intellect,

but until you admit your anger

at being abandoned by your parents,

which is why you became h*m*,

to hurt them and yourself,

you will never be fully whole,

do you hear me?

Not as a man and not as a person

committed to saving the world.

Mr. Muste, sir,

have you ever been to a n*gro church?

Innumerable times.

As a Quaker,

I'd never seen anything like it.

The hand-clapping,

the singing, the shouting.

It felt like

exalted rage.

So instead of standing here

and saying something I might regret,

I'm gonna leave.

And this coming Sunday

I'm going to church.

- [footsteps receding]

- [door closes]

[Latin jazz music playing]

This, uh, new young preacher

that's working for Roy,

I hear he's so fine

the Lord cried when he made him.

I have no idea to what

or whom you are referring.

What about the other one?

What's his name? The The pale one. Tom.

- [laughs]

- Is that more your flavor?

I am drawn to beauty,

Black, white, indeterminate,

so long as they're passionate and smart.

Why is everyone so obsessed

with what I'm doing and with whom?

I'm just curious as to why

it took you so long to return my calls.

Because, my dear Miss Baker,

you casually ask questions

which cut to the core of one's soul.

- So why aren't you on a bus to Atlanta?

- Because I do not care.

And besides, Dr. King is doing just fine.

Albany, Georgia.

- You call that doing just fine?

- Who tries to integrate an entire town?

Your focus must be singular.

A A lunch counter, a bus boycott.

Sheriff Pritchett undermined

every media-savvy move Martin made.

As a result, the civil rights struggle

got swept off the front pages

of The New York Times.

- [phone ringing]

- I thought you didn't care.

Of course I care about the cause.

More so Coretta and the kids.

- Just answer the phone.

- [Bayard] Yes?

[music stops]

[softly] Ella, turn on the TV.

What? Okay.

where legal remedies are not at hand.

Redress is sought in the streets,

in demonstrations and protests,

which create tensions

and thr*aten v*olence and thr*aten lives.

We face, therefore, a moral crisis

as a country and a people.

Next week, I shall ask

the Congress of the United States to act.

To make a commitment

it has not fully made in this century

to the proposition that race has no place

in American life or law.

The Federal...

On your own, you and Martin are fine,

but together, you are fire.

- Now, he needs you

- I can't.

to help him figure out what's next,

and you need him

to nationalize this march.

And don't you dare tell me

about your damn job as an excuse.

I quit my job this afternoon

or took a leave of absence or something.


A shark trapped in a damn shot glass.

Now, I never believed

for one second Powell's lie,

but I do believe that he saw the power

that you and Martin had,

and it threatened him.

Threatens 'em all.

But this this country

has failed us over and over again.

And even so, each day, we forgive

by fighting to make things right.

And yet you can't forgive Martin

for failing you that one time?

This new generation is restless

and and angry.

You want that anger to turn to blood?

Our children's blood?

Or will you harness it with Martin

for our freedom?

You go.

You go get your friend back.


[radio announcer] That 1510 spot

way down south here in Dixie.

John R., WLAC soul center,

Nashville, Tennessee,

the broadcasting service

of Life and Casualty Insurance Company.

[mellow saxophone solo playing]

Don't touch that n*gg*r.

Get on back now.

If I move, this child will never know

that an injustice is taking place.

- [punch thuds]

- [both grunt]

[both grunting]

- I'm not resisting.

- [grunting]

I'm not... [straining]

- I'm... [grunts]

- [body thuds]

- [both grunt]

- [music continues]

[punches thudding]


- [music stops]

- [bus engine running]

["Lucille" by Little Richard playing]

[music fading]

[doorbell chimes]

- Bayard. Oh my word!

- Coretta.

- As I live and breathe!

- [laughing]

- When did you get into town?

- Oh, within the hour.

Oh, look at you.

- No, look at you.

- Oh, you must stay for dinner.

Oh, you better ask

the master of the house.

Oh, hush.

You can't be a master without slaves,

and in this house,

there are neither. [chuckles]

Oh, you must see the children.

I did it! Look, I did it!

- [girl] Shut up.

- So, Madam Coloratura.

Carnegie Hall?

- I know some folks who know some folks.

- You haven't been here ten minutes.

This little light of mine

I'm gonna let it shine

This little light of mine

I'm gonna let it shine

This little light of mine

I'm gonna let it shine

Let it shine

Let it shine

Let it shine

All right. All right.

- Everywhere I go

- Go

- I'm gonna let it shine

- Oh!

Everywhere I go

Good. Good.

I'm gonna let it shine

Your microphone. Here you go.

Everywhere I go

I'm gonna let it shine

Let it shine,

let it shine, let it shine

- Well, all right. Come on.

- [solo] Jesus is the light

Jesus is the light

I'm gonna let it shine

- Jesus is the light

- [clapping]

I'm gonna let it shine

- [Bayard] Yes!

- [Coretta] Come on, Bernice.

Jesus is the light

- [Coretta] Thank you.

- I'm gonna let it shine

Let it shine, let it shine

Let it shine, let it shine

- Let it shine, let it shine

- [Bayard] Fortissimo! Which means loud!

Let it shine

- Bravo!

- [clapping]

- Bravo, Uncle Bayard!

- Yeah, Uncle Bayard!

[humming "Let It Shine"]

[humming continues]


So Brother Medgar.


What did you make of Kennedy's speech?

Calculated, cautious.

Hours later, Medgar gets shot.

So your march is ambitious.

Unless we demonstrate strength in unity,

Kennedy will do what they've always done,

champion legislation

that's destined to fail.

This was not an easy journey for me.

But the promise

of what this march could become,

the monumental impact it could have,

the lives it could radically alter.

- [laughing]

- The dreams, the visions,

and unfulfilled aspirations

of our ancestors...

First time we met [laughs]

I remember calling Corrie

and saying that this Rustin fella's

a little crazy in the head.


Only later did I fully comprehend

that "a little" didn't even come close.


I missed you, friend.

And I you.

Come fall, the Dixiecrats will get to work

gutting Kennedy's bill, which leaves us...

Two months to organize

the largest peaceful protest ever

and absolutely no time for anything else.

Such as?

Succumbing to blackmail,

innuendo, and lies,

which are sure to follow

if and when the march is announced.

What about things that are true about you?

What you see, I cannot conceal.

But I swear to you,

there will be no


So an epic demonstration

in our nation's capital,

organized in eight to ten weeks

without the help of the NAACP.

Sounds like a hell of a good time.

You once said,

"The time is always right

to do right."

We're calling for a nonviolent,

peaceful march on Washington.


We intend to go there

not by the hundreds or by the thousands,

but by the hundreds of thousands.

[Elias] Now that Dr. King

has publicly endorsed the march,

Mr. Wilkins can't attack it.

So he's coming after you.

[man shouts] Brother Rustin!

- Cleve! What are you doing here?

- [laughing]

When I heard

about Roy's little coup de tte--tte,

I decided to come and provide support,

moral and otherwise.

Norm, Tom,

meet the indomitable Cleve Robinson,

union leader of District 65.

And newly appointed chairman

of the march's administrative committee.

And our first donor.

You'd think they've never seen

proud Black men before.

"Glorious shall be the battle

when the time comes

to fight for our people and our race!"

Black gents, and Tom, shall we?

[all laughing]

I realize a total budget of $65,000

may seem like a lot...

Chief, there's a rumor going around

that you're planning

on holding the march this summer?

- Way too soon.

- While the horror of Birmingham is fresh...

- Bayard assured me the time...

- Let the man speak!

We've got to seize the moment.

The time is now.

- Bayard, if I might.

- Do you understand...

[Martin decisively] Bayard!


We all heard the president

announce on national television

that he intends

to send a bill to Congress.

It is my personal estimation

that in order to get the bill

past Southern segregationists

will take a president of intelligence,

political savvy, and the passion.

Kennedy has the first two in abundance

but not the third.

Not when it comes to civil rights.

So to ensure he does not relent,

we must not relent in our commitment

to the country and to the race.

And that is the reason

for the timely nature

of this most improbable

yet most essential endeavor.

- I couldn't have said it better...

- Who are all these people?

You, you, you, you, stay.

Everyone else, out.

I am chairman

of the administrative committee

and, to date, the march's only donor.

Much appreciated. Out!

Go on. Write yourselves out of history.

- [Bayard] Come on.

- I'd be happier doing it without you.

You showboating,

bloodsucking sons of whores!

- Gonna throw me out?

- Cleve!

- Go and suck your mother!

- Oh, Cleve. Cleve.

You do realize what's happening

right this second?

My guess is Roy is starting

to build his case against me.

We must ask ourselves,

is this the man we wish to see labeled

Mr. March-on-Washington?

[Bayard] John Lewis

and the chief will defend me.

[Roy] He was

in the Young Communist League.

Which he renounced years ago.

- Imprisoned for refusing the draft.

- A moral decision, not a cowardly one.

Even so, Roy will press on.

His mannerisms and reputation

make him an easy target.

And when the white press

and the powers that be take aim,

and they will,

every person seated at this table

will be in the line of fire

because of him.


What date is strategically wise

for a march?

- We'll need at least eight weeks.

- Monday, August 26th.

Mondays are challenging for Protestants,

Fridays complicated for Jewish friends.

Sorry, sir, but what happened in there?

- They voted to remove Bayard as director.

- Son of a bitch.

My first order of business

was to reappoint him

as my deputy director,

- putting him fully in charge.

- [all laughing]

You can call me trash collector

for all I care.

You are one very clever Black man.

[Cleve laughs]

[softly] Get to work, my friend.

[upbeat jazz music playing]

[indistinct chattering]

Come on. Come on. Come on.


Our new offices!

The third floor's uninhabitable,

so we'll be all on top of each other

down here.

Ugh, dirty.

There you go.

Over here.

- Our boardroom.

- [woman] Our boardroom?

Rachelle, you'll be in charge

of transportation.

For 100,000 people?

I can't even drive.

Norm, you'll travel from city to city

raising funds and spreading the word.

Well, what's my budget?

This'll get you to your first city where

you'll raise funds to get you to the next.

My office.

Near the stairs and the front door?

Is that wise?

I'd like to welcome a woman

who needs no introduction.

Dr. Anna Hedgeman.


Dr. Hedgeman has volunteered

to lead outreach

to all religious organizations.

Tom, Eleanore.

- You'll oversee all written documents.

- Yeah.

First up, an invite to a July 2nd meeting

with the leaders

of the Big Six civil rights organizations.

- [Anna] Oh.

- [clamoring]

All those big oversized hats

for those big oversized heads.

- [woman laughs]

- We need their numbers and resources.

- Courtney?

- Yes, sir.

You'll come with me to DC.

- Tom?

- Yup.

Instead of finding a place in the city,

you're gonna stay in my spare room.

- Keep me focused and out of trouble.

- We tried this, and it doesn't work.


[music stops]

By the time I get back

from DC tomorrow night,

this dump needs to be operational.

[big band swing music playing]

[classical music playing]

[Bayard] One can't help but be in awe.

Makes you wanna believe.

Bayard Rustin, deputy director of

the March on Washington

for Jobs and Freedom.

Chief Wells.

Mr. Caldwell,

Deputies Walden, Cowell, and Barnes.

- Who's with the National Park Service?

- No one.

If I'm not mistaken,

the mall falls under NPS jurisdiction.


Chief Wells,

in little under seven weeks' time,

a monumental, two-day event is...

One day. It's no longer a two-day event.

According to whom?

Mr. Wilkins of the NAACP

also believes it should be one day.

I'd be safe in assuming

you do not work for Mr. Wilkins.

No, I do not.

[chuckles] Well, neither do I,

so I'm confused as to why

you even mentioned his name.

Mr. Rustin...

I am, however, very interested

in knowing who you do work for.

Mr. Rustin,

we find what works best is for you

to answer our questions, not the reverse.

And I found a free-flowing exchange

of information and ideas

works even better.

Well, when you put on an event

in your mall, we'll give that a go,

but seeing as it's your gathering

in our mall...

Your mall? Not the National Mall

or America's Front Yard...

- Since you insist on raising your voice...

- I have not raised my voice...

You're more invested in constructing

roadblocks instead of finding solutions...

The person I needed to communicate with

didn't even bother to show up.

I fail to see how we can support

your gathering. Gentlemen.

Where are you going?

Sir, sir! It is not a gathering.

It is an act of civil disobedience,

sanctioned by some

of the most meaningful minds

in the country.

And it is going to take place

over two days!



departing from Union Station for Boston

I tell you, Martin, not since Tennessee,

when those two policemen

set out to reconfigure my face,

have I experienced

such an overt display of disregard.

They had one goal, to make sure

the meeting was a resounding failure.

[Martin] You say he mentioned Roy.

Yeah, but it was clear this was coming

from someplace higher up.

[Martin] President Kennedy

and his attorney general brother

higher up?

Or Hoover and the FBI?

All of the above.

[Coretta] Martin?

Corrie's calling me to dinner.

We'll speak tomorrow.

Give her a hug.

[coins clink]

[phone ringing]


- [sniffs]

- [heavy breathing]


- [receiver clanks, rings out]

- [suspenseful music plays]

[phone ringing]

["Sacred Is the Lord"

by Mahalia Jackson playing]

[phone ringing]

[singing along]

[phone ringing]

[volume increases]

[phone ringing]

Oh my Lord rain

- [phone ringing]

- rain

Oh sorry.

- Sorry.

- Come on.

You alone?

- Never, when Mahalia's around. [chuckles]

- [music stops]


Uh, no, I should probably go to sleep.

Oh no.

I made you one anyway.


Good night.

[door closes]

[sinister music playing]

[car approaching]

- [phones ringing]

- [indistinct chattering]

- [woman] Yes, this is Michelle Harwood.

- Yes. Yes, this is Michelle Harwood

March on Washington, Michelle Harwood.

How may I help you?

[woman 2] Yes.

Yes, this is Michelle Harwood.

- [woman] Louisville 50?

- [phone ringing]

- [woman 3] Michelle Harwood speaking.

- Who is Michelle Harwood?

Anyone involved in travel

is Michelle Harwood.

Keeps it simple when they call back.

It was Bayard's idea.

[woman 4] Yes, this is Michelle Harwood.

[Lewis] The president kept talking,

mostly about himself.

How if anything goes wrong at the march,

it's gonna k*ll his bill.

And why protest at the White House,

especially after his speech and his bill?

What was Roy's response?

He nodded mostly.

- Whitney and Jim?

- Watching Martin, who was listening.

- [inhales] Then the president's brother...

- The attorney general was there?

Kept saying we should cancel,

call the whole thing off.

And this took place in the Oval Office?

Three days ago.

Now, I received a very distressing letter

from Senator Douglas.

I received one as well,

from Senator Humphrey.

So did I, Senator Hart.

- Regarding?

- Latrines.

- Isn't Park Services helping us out?

- No, they are not.

Which is why I'm proposing the march

from a coalition with the unions.

The AFL-CIO, the UAW...

Both of whom are against a two-day event...

You're on the AFL council.

Well, I'm not sure about Meany,

but Reuther does, in fact,

favor a one-day march

and no White House event.

Exactly what I said.

We need to limit this to one day

and take the White House off the table.

You try to get me fired.

Now you wanna see the march destroyed.

Do you think I just woke up one day

and said to myself,

"Let's stage the largest march ever

and get former communist Quaker

Bayard Rustin to pull it all together?"

No, I did not.

But once we signed on,

we're in it no matter what.

If you would just accept

the inevitable now,

instead of later

when economics force you to,

it would give the appearance

of strength and unity.

It's called being strategic.

I know this may feel like an attenuation

of everything that we fought for...

Because that's exactly what it is.

A two-day event will make it clear

that we will not back down or back away.

- If you allow Roy this one...

- Absolutely not.

Bayard, you have Chief,

you have me, Dr. Hedgeman, and Jim.

An uneasy alliance,

but an alliance nonetheless.

And if I'm not asking attendees

to get arrested at the White House

or, heaven forbid, sleep in tents,

I could get more congregations to sign on.

- So no lobbying Congress?

- Or marching on the White House?

- Or tents on the Mall?

- Turning into a g*dd*mn picnic.

That first day, sharing ideas,

writing them on the wall

Bayard, you have to understand

our disappointment.

Do I want this? No.

But if we wanna make sure

100,000 people show up, we need help.

And in order to get the unions

and their money, changes have to be made.

If Sisters Dorie and Joyce

went out to Westchester

or the Upper East Side,

I know you'd come back with not only

enough money for one bus but three.

Same with you Eleanore, Tom, Charlene.

We are committed to the cause

of altering the trajectory of this country

towards freedom.

That's what's on the line.

Nothing less.

[rhythmic jazz music playing]

I'd like to share what it was like

growing up in Hattiesburg.

As a young girl in Mississippi

Regardless of how smart you were

and never miss Sunday school.

you were told that your dreams

were never gonna happen.

- Because of what you looked like.

- Because of the color of your skin.

[music continues]

We got another bus!

[horn honking]

As long as n*gro workers

are ill-housed and underpaid,

then the fate of all workers

will be at peril.

My father was president

of Transportation Workers Local 101.

- Brooklyn!

- [all] Brooklyn!

[music continues]


Get your March on Washington buttons!

One quarter, brother. One quarter.

One quarter... Thank you!

For the emancipation of our race!

One quarter. One quarter.

Make sure you are there!

- Sister, one quarter. One quarter.

- Mm-mm. Mm-mm.

One quarter!

We just had the best idea ever.

Everybody say yeah!

[crowd cheering, applauding]

Say yeah!

[crowd] Yeah!

- Say yeah!

- [crowd] Yeah!

- Yeah!

- [crowd] Yeah!

Yeah, yeah, yeah

- [Tom] Five thousand!

- [Eleanore] Five thousand dollars.

August 28th, Mahalia Jackson's gonna sing,

and freedom's gonna shine.

Freedom has never been free,

so we will continue to march,

and we will fight and will not stop.


[music stops]

[piano playing gospel music]

And the Lord wants you to know

that you're loved.

- Yes. Thank the Lord.

- Yes.

- [Elias] Now, he wraps you in his arms

- [all] Yes, he does.

- and your fears begin to fade.

- [all] Yes!

- Now, his touch

- Yes!

is his way of saying

- [woman] Praise to God!

- you're not alone.

- [woman] You're not alone.

- [man] Thank you!

Now, where you once felt hopeless

[woman] Yes!

you now feel strong.

[woman] Uh-huh!

- Where there was once doubt, ha

- [all] Yes!

- Amen! Praise the Lord!

- you now feel brave and alive.

Because you know.

- [all] Amen!

- [Elias] Oh, you know!

You know! You know!

You know! You know

with all of your heart

that you are a child of God.

That you have the right to love

and be loved.

- Yes!

- Let the congregation say amen.

[congregation] Amen!

[Elias] Amen and amen

and amen and amen and amen!

- Tom!

- Yeah?

On the desk, an invitation to the march

Dr. Anna asked me to write.

My spelling is atrocious.

Also, have Officer Johnson

from the New York Guardians come see me.

- [glass thuds]

- And in addition to an FBI detail

being parked out front,

careful what you say on the phone.

I have a feeling

the entire Kennedy clan is listening in.

[door closes]

[officer] Keep moving. Go. Everybody go.

[tense music playing]

[officer] Move it. Move it. Get in.


- [thuds]

- [Elias] Mr. Rustin?

I waited for you outside.

When the cops showed up, uh,

they closed the curtains

and rounded them up like dogs.

Why the cameras?

The police sometimes alert the press

when there's gonna be a raid.

I have a wife.

You know, parents, six brothers

and sisters, a congregation in wait.

What if I'd gone inside? I almost did.

Where were you?

Running late, thank God.

Or God's warning.

Ma Rustin once told me

that I should only associate

with those who had

as much to lose as I did.

We'll be more careful.

[breathily] I have to go. I

[whispering] Elias.

Uh, roughly speaking,

there are how many Guardians?

One thousand one hundred

n*gro New York City policemen.

Ah, you're the only cops I trust,

so I'm gonna need every single one of you

in DC, but your g*ns must stay at home.

Even if I thought that was a good idea,

which I do not,

New York law requires

that we're in possession of our firearms

24 hours a day.

Well, then I guess

we're gonna have to change the law.

- Thank you so very much for coming.

- [announcer] Today, from the Senate floor,

the following allegations were made

by Senator Strom Thurmond.

[Bayard] We'll be in touch.

[Thurmond] Mr. King's infamous alliances

with communists and agitators

has been a carefully guarded secret.

[Bayard] Eleanore!

- [Thurmond] Until now.

- Get Mayor Wagner on the phone.

[Thurmond] Mr. Bayard Rustin,

not only Mr. Kings closest advisor,

he is also a communist.

This march is being built

by the Communist Party. It...

Tom, we're gonna need

three press releases,

ranging from purely pissed

to questioning the mental well-being

of the not-so-beloved senator

from South Carolina.

Eleanore, what's the name

of that woman reporter

from The Washington Post?

- McNair?

- Susanna McBee?

- Bayard, Dr. King.

- Oh, thank you. I'll take it in my office.

I will not speak to anyone else

from the press except her.

And get Mayor Wagner to call me back.

[Martin] Fortunately,

Roy's animus towards you

is eclipsed by his unadulterated hatred

for Strom Thurmond.

So we're safe for now, friend.

Thank you, friend.

[phone clunks]

[knocking on door]

Press release number one.

Years ago, when I was in Pasadena

doing speeches

for the Fellowship of Reconciliation

[knocking on door]

Is this the office

of the famous Bayard Rustin? [chuckles]


I'll finish the other two.

- I've been thinking.

- About?

What Ma Rustin said.

"Only associate with someone

with as much to lose."

And who might that someone be?

Who do you think?

[Eleanore] She goes on to talk about

your dedication to justice and peace

and calls you heroic.


- Yeah!

- [Eleanore laughs]

Enough. Enough. Get rid of all that.

- [all laugh]

- So, last night, thinking about the march

We need to provide

toll booths with leaflets

so that those arriving by cars

know where to go once they're in DC.

It's, uh, just after one.


Good night, everyone.

Go. Go.

- Blyden.

- Mr. Rustin, sir.

I've been hounding the mayor

about a project.

Today he called me back and said yes.

So, starting next week

[solemn music playing]

Please follow me to the third floor.

- [music continues]

- [rain tapping]

I do not take orders

from no g*dd*mn Uncle Tom's.

Thinking you shit 'cause of that badge.

How many n*gg*s dead 'cause of that badge?

[music continues]


Good. Breathe.

- [inaudible]

- [Bayard] When they see an aggressor,

move as one, work as one.

If we desire a society of peace,

then we cannot achieve

such a society through v*olence.

You will leave your weapons at home.

You will wear white identifying armbands,

wear a white hat, and carry a whistle.

It is your responsibility

to create an atmosphere of peace

for all to witness and follow.

God bless you all.

- Good job.

- All right.


Appreciate it.

- My friend, Elias Taylor, with the NAACP.

- Thank you, sir.

- Thank you.

- Nice work.

- Good job.

- Take care now.

Thank you. Elias Taylor.



Elizabethan Songs & n*gro Spirituals.

So you sang, huh?

And on two songs,

played the lute. [chuckles]

Oh, they sure as hell

don't grow 'em like you down in Alabama.

Or anywhere else. [laughs]

[glass thuds]

- Oh God, no. No, I I I...

- Yes. Yes.

[playing lute]

I ne'er didst dream

Such heavenly joy

Wouldst come my...

[door closes]

Tom! [chuckles]

Tom's staying here through the march.

- I thought you and Eleanore were...

- Canceled.

[Bayard] Oh.

- I'm sure you must be...

- No, I'm good.

- So, Elias, I hear you're married.

- [Bayard] Tom...

And you attended Howard University.

I heard of colored passing for white.

- Good luck with the reverse.

- Elias, please!

When I was 16,

I brought a n*gro friend home for dinner.

My father told me he was not going

to allow "that boy" to sit at his table.

And that was the end of that.

Your friend?

My family.

I moved out,

and I've been on my own ever since.

Where I come from,

we hold on to our family

no matter what.

[footsteps receding]

[Bayard] Elias.

[softly] I care about him.

Who don't you care about?

I'm sure there's

some PhD student at Columbia

or some junior activist fresh out of Fisk.

Why don't you take them both

down to that bar on 8th Avenue

and regale them with stories

about Gandhi and King?

And then, when it's convenient...

Oh, I'm sorry.

When their feelings become inconvenient,

it's on to the next one.

[breathing heavily]

Except this time, you started giving

your heart to someone

who is so clearly incapable

of giving his back.

And all the while, I've been



[footsteps receding]

[door slams]

Courtney, Charles, we need more chairs.

We need the entire team up here.

- But what about the phones?

- Now!

[Martin] Bayard.

Roy's guest has arrived.

[Bayard] What are they up to?

- We're about to find out.

- [clapping]

And with our three new religious leaders

and Mr. Reuther from the UAW,

the Big Six is now the Big Ten.

Given that this will probably be

one of the last meetings

before the march...

Mr. Randolph,

I have a question for our deputy director.

As I was saying, this is probably...

Mr. Rustin, you love your work,

love this march?

With all my heart.

What if, strictly hypothetical,

there was someone attached

to this fine organization you've created

whose mere presence

was dangerous and detrimental

to the cause you love?

Someone whose past affiliations,

political and otherwise,

combined with their quiddity and flair,

could be used by those in power

to inflict great harm,

not just to the march,

but the acts of vengeance

from those in power

could very easily derail the fight

for racial justice in this country

a good ten, fifteen years.

Would you keep that person

in their position,

or would your sense of duty

as a custodian of the cause

compel you to send him/her,

her/him on his/her way?

Hypothetically speaking

I'd send them on their way.

Unless the person in question

happened to be me.

[scattered laughing]

Julia and Janifer Rustin

raised me to be humble and never brag,

but seeing as no one else on the team

was raised... Blyden, are you a Quaker?

- Hell, no.

- They'll speak instead.

Norm, how many first aid stations

have been secured?

Twenty-two, run by teams

of mostly n*gro medical practitioners.


There'll be six water tanks,

1,500 gallons each,

ensuring that the 27 portable fountains

are operational all day long.


All in all, we have 2,220 chartered buses.

CORE North Carolina, 11 buses.

SNCC Mississippi, seven.

[Bayard] And Reverend Powell's church?

They've chartered five. I could continue

state by state, but, Joyce?

Forty Freedom trains.

And thanks to the UAW,

six chartered flights,

bringing in workers from Chicago,

Grand Rapids, Flint, Detroit,

Syracuse, Rochester, and New York.

Also, per Mr. Rustin's request,

the mayor has approved the implementation

of the subway rush hour schedule at 5 a.m.

so that passengers can make

their 6 a.m. bus departures the day of.

Blyden, who are the Guardians?

A fraternal order

of New York City's Black police.

And how many will be in Washington, DC

to ensure a safe and peaceful march?

Over 1,000.

- Latrines?

- Two hundred and ninety-two.

And a chartered plane of celebrities,

including Harry Belafonte, Marlon Brando,

James Baldwin, Charlton Heston...


Diahann Carroll, Sammy Davis Jr.,

Lena Horne, and Burt Lancaster

will also be in attendance.

All of which has been achieved

in seven weeks.

And that is why

I would never send me on my way.

- [cheering, laughing]

- [man] Yeah!

Yes, yes, yes.

How does so much get accomplished

in such a short amount of time?

By working 12 to 15 hours a day every day

and because of Bayard.

Chief, Dr. Hedgeman,

you ever get a word stuck in your head

that you just can't shake?

Now what?

While Bayard and the Rustinettes

were putting on their little revue,

the word I couldn't shake, Pasadena.

- [tense music playing]

- [Powell] Martin, you ever been?

[Martin] What's that got to do

with anything?

[Powell] How about you, deputy director?

Ever spent time in Pasadena?

- Hm?

- [chuckles]

[Powell] Can't recall?

Well, I just happened to have

[music continues]

The hell did the GD thing go? I had it.

No, I'm done. Done.

- [papers rustling]

- I look at this program.

I do not see one woman's name.

Not Ella Baker or Diane Nash,

not Dorothy Height or Gloria Richardson.

Myrlie Evers, Rosa Parks.

Not, not, not, not, not.

Uh, correct me if I'm wrong,

but a decision was made early on

that only leaders

of participating organizations

would be allowed to speak.

- [Powell] Hold up, where's my name?

- [Martin] That includes no politicians.

[Powell] Look, I am more

than just a politician.

You hotfoot down

to 7th Avenue and 125th Street

and stop anyone,

say the name Adam Clayton Powell...

Dr. Hedgeman, might I suggest

we reconvene

once a solution has been found?

Good. Now back to the point

I was about to make...

Adam, you are a guest here.

You cannot continually...

Would one of you mind

checking the glove compartment...

- Adam!

- You might be head n*gga down South...

Congressman Powell!

We have moved on!

This meeting is adjourned.

Keep the faith, baby.

[footsteps going downstairs]

[phone ringing]


Evening, G-man.

Please tell Mr. Hoover to...

[woman] Mr. Rustin.

Who is this?

[woman] Claudia.

Elias' wife.

Oh, uh, yes.

[groans, clears throat]

[inhales sharply]

[exhales] How are you?

[Claudia] Thank you for asking.

I have good news.

My father has decided

to officially hand over

his congregation to my husband.

Oh, that is

wonderful indeed.

[Claudia] I'm glad to hear

you feel that way.

So if you wouldn't mind telling my husband

it is time for him to return home

to the path our Lord ordains.

Mrs. Taylor...

I wanna thank you for the time,

the inordinate amount of time

that you've taken with Elias,

but that is over.


[Claudia] You believe

in Elias' possibilities.

I know his limitations.

- [phone clunks]

- [hang up tone]

[solemn music playing]

- Chief Wells.

- Mr. Rustin.

My associate is handing out a map,

which details the location

of key support systems,

water fountains, lost and found.

I'm also pleased to inform you

that over 1,000 New York City Marshals

will be present.

The Guardians have been schooled

in the tenets and practices

of passive resistance

and, therefore, will not be armed.

For the first time since Prohibition,

every liquor store in the area

will be closed for the day.

All elective surgeries have been canceled,

and congressmen are telling

their female staff to stay home.

And why is that?

Is it because a number of people,

specifically a number of men

with skin my color, will be in town?

The last time I turned on the television,

I saw a pack of white hooligans

attacking Negroes at a lunch counter

and a white police officer

ordering children to be hosed.

But to blame all for the actions of a few

would be unfair.

As a matter of fact,

that's what's called being r*cist.

You two, you look like

you might be the engineers I requested.

That we are.

On the day of your march,

the entire DC police force

has been mobilized,

along with 500 reserves,

2,500 National Guard,

4,000 Army soldiers,

and, per orders of the Pentagon,

19,000 troops.

Well, I hope you'll have something

for them to do,

because they will not be needed here.

And whoever has direct dealings

with Mr. Hoover,

let him know that on August 28th,

Black, white, young, old,

rich, working-class, poor

will descend on Washington, DC,

and there's nothing he can do to stop it.

I need a sound system which will allow

someone speaking here

to be heard all the way back there

because sound is how you turn

a crowd into an audience.

And as each of our heroines rises,

Chief would proclaim

their remarkable deeds to the world.

- So seen but not heard.

- They could write their own introductions.

With all due respect, Mr. Randolph,

a woman should introduce them.

And don't ask me for recommendations,

because a number of women have informed me

that they will not be participating

in the march.

That's unfortunate to hear.

[sighs] What is unfortunate, sir,

are the circumstances

that led them to the decision.

[Randolph] Bayard,

what's the word in Washington?

Uh, well, we need $16,000 to $20,000

for a sound system.

How are the numbers?

- [Bayard] Rachelle?

- Our latest estimate is 88,000.

If we have one person less than 100,000...

Interesting enough, last couple of days,

Congressman Powell has been hounding me

about speaking at the march.

You wanna know why?

Aunt Bess is throwing a cookout.

- [all laugh]

- Aunt Bess?

Nobody has an Auntie Bess.

Aunt Wilhelmina, Aunt Clarissa, Aunt...

I have an Aunt Bess!

And 20 guests have confirmed.

By the time cousins call cousins,

neighbors invite neighbors,

Aunt Bess best be cooking for at least 50.

Mr. Deputy Director,

you best be cooking for 200,000.

- You heard it here first.

- Ooh.

Pledge cards.

It feels a bit off-putting

to be begging the day of.

"I do solemnly swear to commit myself

to the civil rights struggle."

"And do pledge my heart, mind, and body,

unequivocally and without regard

to personal sacrifice,

to the achievement of social peace

through social justice."

"I pledge to carry

the message of the march

to my friends and neighbors back home

and to arouse them to an equal commitment

and an equal effort."

"I will march, and I will write letters."

"I will demonstrate, and I will vote."

"I will work to make sure that my voice

and those of my brothers

ring clear and determined

from every corner of this land."

My wife

Her father is retiring

and leaving his church on to me.

She called to tell me.

Did she also tell you she's pregnant?

[softly] Elias

you may think you're k*lling off

one aspect of yourself,

but you're not.

You're k*lling all of yourself.

I am a married man,

about to be a father, and you, sir,

are a sick man,

and you need to stop following me.

She also implied

she hadn't heard from you.

Have you visited this park at night?

Mt. Morris Baths?

Who got to you?

The vice squad? The FBI?

Do they have pictures?

For the desires of the flesh

are against the spirit,

and the desires of the spirit

are against the flesh.

For the desires of the flesh

are against the spirit,

and the desires of the flesh...

To keep you from that

which you desire most.

[Thurmond] The organizer

of this catastrophe-in-wait,

the so-called "man," Bayard Rustin,

is not only a communist,

he is also a pervert.

I have, in my possession,

his Pasadena arrest record,

dated January 1953.

Mr. Rustin plead guilty

to lewd conduct with two men.

He's a convicted h*m*...

- [car door opens]

- [gasps]

The Council of Churches has committed

to build 80,000 box lunches

the evening before, correct?

- Correct?

- Yes.

Yes! Peanut butter and jelly.

- We were talking, and...

- [phone ringing]

Don't answer that.

- Uh, who's we?

- The girls and myself.

Uh, and decided that cheese sandwiches

would be so much better.

No. No. Peanut butter and jelly.

- [phones ringing]

- Don't answer that.

What is the one word

you've heard me say over and over?

- Eleanore?

- Details.

- It's gonna be over 80 degrees.

- [phone ringing frantically]

Cheese spoils.

You should know better.

- [grunting]

- [phone ringing]

You should have known better!

- [heavy breathing]

- [phones ringing]

- [punch thuds]

- [Bayard grunts]

[phones ringing]

[blaring big band music playing]

[music stops]

[Martin] Bayard...

You are one of the smartest men I know,

so explain to me why,

after all that's left undone,

am I yet again forced

to justify my existence.

Each of us are taught in ways

both cunning and cruel

that we are inadequate, incomplete,

And the easiest way to combat

that feeling of not being enough

is to find someone we consider less than.

Less than because they are poorer than us

or because they are darker than us

or because they desire someone

our churches and our laws say

they should not desire.

When we tell ourselves such lies,

start to live and believe such lies,

we do the work of our oppressors

by oppressing ourselves.

Strom Thurmond and Hoover

don't give a shit about me.

What they really want to destroy

is all of us coming together

and demanding this country change.

Are they expecting my resignation?

Some are, yes.

Then they're going to have to fire me

because I will not resign.

On the day that I was born Black,

I was also born a h*m*.

They either believe

in freedom and justice for all,

or they do not.

[door opens]

[door closes]

- [woman] Yes, this is Michelle Harwood.

- [phones ringing]

- [woman 2] This is Michelle Harwood.

- [woman 3] Okay. Okay.

And may I have your first and last name?

Michelle Harwood speaking.

Yes, this is Michelle.

Biloxi, another bus.

Forty-seven, Chattanooga.

[woman 4] Eleanore, I got new numbers.

Wanna see 'em?

- [woman 5] Do you have any other requests?

- You're gonna take the tollbooth.

[typewriter tapping]

[Joyce] Just before

the Washington Old Dominion corridor

Is that how you intend to dress

for my execution?

[laughs softly]

My widow's veil is at the cleaners.

[chuckles, inhales sharply]

This entire time

you've been waiting for me

to offer you something

I'm not ready to give.

Maybe when I'm older

and most of the battles have been won,


free myself to fall in love.

But until then, I want you to know

that you're my family.

No secrets,

no shame,

just love.

[door opens abruptly]

I am dismayed that there are men

who, wrapping themselves

in Christian morality,

would violate the most elementary

conceptions of human decency

in order to persecute other men.

[applauding on TV]

Mr. Rustin is one of the most moral,

one of the most decent human beings

I've ever known.

He is as committed to American democracy

as any current elected official

and would fight to protect

the rights of all,

including those who would use

the power of their position

to deny him his.

I'm proud to call him friend.

I can't think of a finer person

to lead us into Washington, DC.



[chuckles softly]

[indistinct chattering]

[inspirational music playing]

[man] Mr. Rustin!


- [man 2] What side? Right?

- [man 3] Right.

Jesus walked this lonesome valley

He had to walk it by himself


Lord, I hope and pray they come today.

[man] That goes over there.

That goes over there.

Thank you for coming.

Take this and go right over there.

[woman] Take some more of those.

[woman 2] Let's sign

and return these pledge cards.

- Mr. Rustin.

- Mr. Rustin, sir.

- It's 7:45 a.m.

- Where is everybody?

- You said there'd be 100,000 people here.

- I see 75 people here tops.

Alabama, Wisconsin, Nevada, Union Station.

I would say about 10 o'clock.


[Eleanore] Ten o'clock.

[man over PA] Check, check.

Testing, one, two, three.

this morning with

Woke up this morning with

Woke up this morning with

Woke up this morning with

Woke up this morning with

- Woke up this morning with

- Stayed on freedom

- Woke up this morning with

- Stayed on freedom

[harmonizing] Stayed on freedom

Woke up this morning with my mind

Stayed on freedom

Woke up this morning with my mind

Stayed on freedom

Hallelu, Hallelu


Beautiful crowd.

Freedom now, freedom now

- Yeah!

- Hallelujah!


Everyone, move this line.

- [horns honking]

- [inspirational music playing]

[singers] Woke up this morning with

Woke up this morning with

Stayed on freedom

Woke up this morning with my mind

[marchers] Freedom, freedom

Freedom, freedom, freedom

Oh, thank my God how he kept me

I'm gonna thank him

'Cause He never left me, yeah

I wanna thank Him

For ol' time religion

I wanna thank God

For giving me a vision

Oh, I'm gon' join the Heavenly choir

I'm gonna shout and never get tired

I'm gonna shout all my troubles over

I'm gonna sing glory Hallelujah

You know I'm gonna thank

Thank him for being

'Cause God's been so good to me



When we let it ring

from every village and every hamlet,

from every state and every city,

we will be able to speed up that day

when all of God's children,

Black men and white men,

Jews and Gentiles,

Protestants and Catholics,

will all be able to join hands

and sing in the words

of the old n*gro spiritual,

"Free at last! Free at last!"

"Thank God almighty, we are free at last."


[triumphant music playing]

[Anna] Bayard.

- Anna.

- [Cleve] Mr. Randolph. [laughs]

When I was a child,

every night, my father would ask,

"Have you made yourself useful today?"

And I'm certain that was the same for you.

But, child, today


[Roy] Chief! Chief!

I just got word.

The president has invited

the Big Ten to the Oval Office.

- [cheering]

- Oh!

That's what I'm talking about.


Bayard should be with us.

A few weeks ago, I said

that I'd happily act as trash collector

if we pulled today off.

Rustin, you are far more valuable to us

than a trash collector.

Roy, for shame.

Ma Rustin taught me

that no man is less valuable

because he picks up trash

to care for his own.

[indistinct chattering]

Hello, son. How are you?

Would you mind?

[gentle music playing]

Thank you.

[music continues]

[group singing in background]

["Road to Freedom"

by Lenny Kravitz playing]

We are here to make the dream true

And together thats what well do

We are here we will change the tide

Step by step standing side by side

Were on the road to freedom

Until the w*r is won

Were on the road to freedom

Theres so much work to be done

We will fight where evil lies

We will sacrifice

Theres no compromise

On this road were prepared to die

We will stay the course

We know we will rise

- Were on the road to freedom

- On the road to freedom

- Until the w*r is won

- Until the w*r is won

- Were on the road to freedom

- Road to freedom

- So much work to be done

- We're marching on

- Were on the road to freedom

- Oh freedom

- Until the w*r is won

- Until the w*r is won

- Were on the road to freedom

- Freedom

So much work to be done

were marching on

And on and on and on and on

- Were on the road to freedom

- Freedom

So much work to be done

["The Knowing" by Ledisi Young playing]

Your touch, hard to resist

I cant find the words

But I want this

We move differently

And want the same thing

Youre like me and I want you

Change the world

Watching you make history

Loves the language

The root of everything

Tell them what we know

Tell them what we know

Whisper softly

For freedom soon to come

Ahead of time for others, not for us

Tell them what we know

Tell them what we know

Forbidden love

A flame, a stolen stare

But now pretend

That our loves not really there

They dont wanna know

They dont need to know

Now love me, hold me, steal a kiss

Well be free one day

To love like this

- They dont wanna know

- Trust me

One day they will know

Tell them what we know

Never met someone

Who understands how it feels

Been on my own forever

This feels unreal

A perfect love is what we have

You are my amazing grace

Building bridges

From where we both begin

Youre my savior

From now until the end

I hope that you know

Do you even know

Imagine living outside

Of all the lines

Stolen water is sweet our love divine

They dont wanna know

They will never know

We can move mountains

We could be free now

Follow our passion

Its closer now

Theyll remember who we are

One day for us

Breath to breath, no more fear

I cant have you for myself

Hiding you from me is hard to do

There are moments that I cant deny

How I feel inside for you

Change the world

Watching you make history

Loves the language

The root of everything

Tell them what we know

Tell them what we know

Forbidden love

A flame, a stolen stare

But now pretend

That our loves not really there

They dont wanna know

They dont need to know

They dont need to know

They don't need to know

They don't need to know

Tell them what we know

Tell them what we know

Tell them what we know

Tell them what we know

Tell them what we know

- Yeah

- Tell them what we know

Tell them what we know

[upbeat jazz music playing]
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