Christmas Pledge, The (2023)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Christmas Pledge, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[no audio]

[June giggling]

[gentle music]

[June] I have always known

exactly what I'm worth.

$1 Million.

2 million! 3 million!


That's how much I had

to pay to keep you.

And you are worth it.

You are worth all of it.

[June giggling]

You know what that means, right?

Means you get to stay here,

means you don't have

to go to your mom's.

Means I get to

see you every day.


We can do airplanes.

We can build any

airplane you want

because I'm not going

to work today or ever.

It's Christmas and

we're gonna do airplanes

and we're gonna make 'em fly.

[upbeat music]

[June] $3,245,000.

That's what he paid my mom

for sole custody

after the divorce.

What I didn't know was

he only divorced her.

He didn't divorce the office.

What do you mean he

backed out of the deal?

He doesn't get to

back out of the deal.

He needs to deliver

500,000 novelty armadillos

before New Year's

or I'll see him in court

from now until July.

Oh, he wants to talk

sphincter molds, does he?

I'll tell him about

sphincter molds.

You tell him that I've

been doing sphincter molds

since before he was born.

[June] What can I say?

You can't divorce your mistress.


Stop playing with that stuff.

The semester starts today.

What? No, it's just my kid

and her danged airplanes.

[gentle music]

I actually thought 3 million

meant he really loved me.

Now, I think he was

just a bad negotiator.

[gentle music]

Here's another

thing I'm sure of,

nothing I do here

matters at all.

My dad's got a dozen companies

and the instant I get a diploma,

he's gonna stick me in a

corner office somewhere

with a thick salary

and that's that.

I'll never have to

worry about a thing.

Not a thing.

Hey, uh, I really

need that back.

Angle of incidence.

Excuse me?

Well, this is an old Wright

Brothers box glider, right?


They used to call

it angle of incidence

but today it's called-

Angle of attack.

Yes, I'm aware.

Um, could you just

give that back? Please-

See if you go over

that, the wing loses lift,

you get loss of

airflow over the wing,

which would lead directly to

an abrupt loss of altitude-

Okay, look, I'm very impressed

that you read

further than I did.

That's, that's awesome.

But that's due in two minutes.

- Okay?

- You know

this can go a lot

farther, right?

I mean, you've really

compromised your lift here.

- But-

- Look, I don't need it

to go farther.

I just need it to go 30 feet.

Just one little

tweak to the wing-

Uh, no. No messing with it.

That is due.

But it could be so much better.

Look, whoever you

are, I don't care.


It's just a grade.

I don't need to go

round the world.

Just need it to pass.

But it's an airplane.

It's just a grade.

Oh, come on.

What are you? Seven?

I gotta get that turned in.

And look, if you wanna

take one home to daddy

and play there, that's fine.

But that one is not a toy.

No, no.

Come on. No.

No. Come on.

Please do not.

[airplane cracks]

Ah! No.

What are you doing?

[wind whooshing]

You better go

get that. It's due.

[wind whooshing]

[wind whooshing]

[Declan gasps]

Is this your project?

You get an A.

[playful music]

[June] You know how some

people are like car problems

or annoying relatives?

They just keep turning up.

You are applying

arbitrary standards

to get your favored

result knowing full well

that comparable risks are

tolerated all the time.

And you are ignoring the

fact that risk is cumulative

and will add up to

unacceptable levels

within that timeframe.

[Declan] While

you seem to believe

that the organization can

only do one thing right.

And you do not understand

that it is a question

of priorities.

And those are clearly

spelled out in-


Enough about the seating chart.

Let's move on to

the actual debate.

[playful music]

But then one day,

one wonderful day,

you move on and you'll

never, ever, ever

have to deal with that arrogant,

stuck up, selfish jerk again-

[record scratches]

[attendees chattering softly]

[June sighs lightly]

[Declan blows raspberry]

- Hello everyone.

- So?

[Emcee] Welcome to

this year's graduation.

So is not a five-syllable word.

[Emcee chattering faintly]

So. [clears throat] Business?

Really? Business major?

That's kind of surprising.

Didn't know I had to

get your approval for it.

Like, business?

I mean really.

[audience cheering]

I mean, I, I would've

figured you for aeronautics.

[chuckles] Figuring wrong

seems to be a habit of yours.

Not just aeronautics

though. Like valedictorian.

Or at least with honors, right?

[audience applauding]

I mean, right?

Even the guy that

forgot his hat can see

that you are way too

smart for business.

Is this your warped way

of giving me a compliment?

Is this your warped

way of receiving one?

[audience applauding]

Fine. Let's just say it.

You're bone-chillingly smart.

And I did not think for a moment

that it would be for business.

[sighs] Explain to me

why it's your expectations

I should meet?

Well, then whose

expectations are you meeting?

'Cause if it's not your

own either, then come on.

You're just coasting.

Like an F-16 being

used as a glider.

[June scoffs]

Are you having some

sleepless nights?

Thinking about all the

places you won't be employed?

Excuse me?

Broadcast, you

majored in broadcast,

not tech, not new media,

broadcast, with honors.

Well, my apologies on

behalf of those of us

who have an actual plan.


Like big antennas on mountains

and endless reruns

of "Lawrence Welk."

In the age of streaming,

really? [laughs]

Were the newspapers not

hopeless enough for you?

Oh, what, you're saying

you've never watched TV before?

Honestly, no.

Growing up there

was a big screen

in every room of the

house, all streaming.

That's not even the future.

That's the recent past.

I mean, what do you

think you're gonna do?

Exhume Walter Cronkite?

[scoffs] You know, some

of us have actual ideas.


And some of us have

actual earnings.

Go ahead. Say what you want.

I've had a job since day one.

What do you got lined up?

I've got resumes out.

Lined up.

Well, that's lovely.

You can make the

world a better place

by being unemployed with honors.

[sighs] Well, wherever

I end up, I'll be flying.

You'll just be coasting.

Happy graduation.

[audience applauding]

[gentle music]

[gentle music continues]

[airplane buzzing]

[John] You're what?

I'm not coming in tomorrow, Dad.

You can't take vacation now.

It's not a vacation. I quit.

You what now?

Quit. Quit.


Look it up in the dictionary.

Quit is not in our

family vocabulary.

Yeah. Well, maybe you

should learn a new language.

Tell me straight.

Is this about money?

Because if it is, good deal.

We can just add

another zero to your-

Dad, it's really not.

Your mom?

Your mom's been talking to you.

Mom hasn't given me

anything other than postcards

in the last 15 years

and you know it.

Private jet, huh?

I'll get you the key.

Dad, I don't want

anything from you.

I just wanna fly

instead of coasting.



We're good on this, right?

I mean, we're, we're good?

Oh yeah. Yeah, we're good.

So you got another job?

Uh, yeah. Yeah.

Beachwood & Haggle.

Mid-sized investment place.

I'll be doing the

client outreach thing.


Good for you and all that.

I know you'll do great.


[phone beeps]

[hopeful music]

[car chirps]

[hopeful music continues]

- [door knocking]

- Come in. Come in.

June, I have good news.

I just sold the company.

You're getting a promotion.

A big one.

[June] I resign.


Hi, Mr. Kelgood.

I'm calling about the

client-facing job,

wondering if it's

still available.

[bright music]

[bright music continues]

[bright music continues]

[bright music continues]

[June groans]

[TV chiming]

[TV] What is it?

My name is Allison. This is-

[phone ringing]

Jeeper's crow, Dad.

[John] Hey, now we made a

lot of people happy today.

Yeah. Well, you sure

didn't make me happy.

[John] Well, maybe

that's your own fault.

You ever think about that?

Just don't. I am not the

one with the problem here.

You are the one

with the problem.

[John] I'm also the

one who's employed

and there's no reason

you couldn't be too.

Don't you dare.

[John] Don't I dare. What?

Don't you dare try

and keep this up.

I will outlast you.

I will find something.

[John] Where?

We can never be bought.

That's right folks.

Nobody owns us.

No one can buy us.

We only answer to

viewers like you.

Our city's only public

television station since 1969.

Always independent,

right from the start.

We'll always give you our best

because you've always given us

your best, viewers like you.

[John] Sweetheart?


Just you try and find out.

[John] Wait, what?

[phone beeps]

[upbeat music]

[car chirps]

[upbeat music continues]

- [buzzer buzzing]

- Hello?

Hello. Anybody?


Hello? Hello?




Hi. Excuse me.

Hi. Hi, excuse me.

[gasps] For crying

out loud child.


- Really, sorry.

- What is it you want?

Um, well, hi,

I'm June Schroeder.

I called ahead and

left a message.

Well, don't come in

with the garbage, girl.

Go around front

like a human being.

Well, I tried,

but it was locked.

[wind rustling]


Hello, are you in there now?

[Claire] Whom shall

I say is calling?

[chuckles] It's

me. June Schroeder.

We literally just

met around the back.

[lock chimes and thunks]


Do you have an appointment?

Uh, no. Like I said, I, I

called ahead and left a message.

If all you need is the pleasure

of talking to our

answering service,

you can do that at any time.

No appointment necessary.

I just wanna talk

to someone in charge.

Whom shall I say is calling?

Look, you can stop

playing games with me now.

I've had a look

around this place.

It is anything but busy, okay?

But you know, [chuckles]

it sure looked to me

like you were digging

up something out back

that you maybe weren't

supposed to have.

So I will get through to someone

in charge sooner or later.

Might as well make it sooner

while I'm more willing

to keep quiet about

certain things, huh?

Well, you got through

sooner than you thought.

That's right. I'm in charge.

First the head of the

board left, then the board,

then the general manager,

and then the station manager.

And who do you think they

dumped all their decisions on?

Don't even think about trying

to play games with me, kiddo.

So, [chuckles nervously]

you admit you could

really use some help then?

You wanna know why my

checkbook's staying shut?

You never argue.

[Declan] Well, you know,

most places, Mr. Leech,

wouldn't consider that

very professional.

I've got all the

help I can stand.

What just got into you?

[June chuckles]

Hold it. Wait a minute.

How do you think

we handled things

on the set of "The

Woking Mysteries?"

Arguments, that's how. We

weren't afraid to argue.

Yeah, I, I heard how

things went down on that set.

Stuff of legend. Am I right?

Yeah, like Mt. Vesuvius.

Keeping things peaceful

here. Mr. Leech, I-

Well, look who still

can't close a deal?

What are you doing here?

What is she doing here?

So tell me, are you actively

saying the wrong things

or are you just forgetting

to say the right ones?

Like how this station is number

42 in the national market.

And that's pretty good for out

of 300 something affiliates.

You know, I led with

that little detail.

Thank you.

Well, there's your problem.

Anyone can lead with

something generic.

What are you gonna come up with

that means something to him?

I did my homework. Okay.

Well, he had a series.

I know I heard that much.

Don't suppose you were

planning on acknowledging that.

Actually, as a matter of fact,

I have three charts

on it right here.

Old news, old news.

What are you gonna come

up with that's new?

What's the new demo

on the streaming site?

What's the new rebrand on

the compilation series?

I mean, is he really

thinking about these things?

Or is it all just, "Welcome

to the '90s again."

Claire, what is she doing here?

[pen scratching]

Don't mind me. I'm just

signing this enormous check.

Well, not too enormous.

Just a little something.

A little pledge for the month.

See now I know, you

people give a darn.

Well, thank you

Mr. Leech. I'd...

I'll be seeing a lot more

of you around here, right?

[laughs] So now let's go sh**t.

Claire, what's going on here?

Job interview.

So if I hire her,

what am I getting?

I'm right here.

He's your reference.


I guarantee you that

she doesn't understand

the first thing about

working in broadcast,

aside from maybe what

she Googled last night.

Well, six months ago,

all I knew how to

do was scheduling.

Anything else?

She's a royal pill.


And anything else?

She's smart.

She's real smart.

That we can work with.

This can keep us going

for another week,

including her salary.

Wanna stick around?

Get more pledges.

[sighs] So.


- So...

- Ugh.

This is where you ended up.

Do you always give people

grief for saving your workplace?

[laughs] Is it too much to hope

that you actually

did Google something

about working in

broadcast last night?

- Or...

- Look.

Didn't I just hear that

guy say you have a sh**t?

- Yes.

- Hmm.

Yes he did.

As a matter of fact,

since you work here now,

you should come sit

in on it, newbie.


[jaunty music]

Hello, movie lovers everywhere.

I'm Cary Leech,

star of "The Reverend

Woking Mysteries"

and your host for this

edition of "Weekend Classics."

Tonight's movie stars the

infamous Charlie Chaplin.

A giant of the silent screen,

he almost made it in talkies

before leaving the U.S.

to take over Germany

and start World w*r II.

It wasn't long before

his next picture,

"The Scarlet Empress"

inadvertently helped launch

the Red Scare in his

native U.S. of A.

[June sighs]

How you feeling?

My brain hurts.

This, this cannot be

your business model.

Just let him spout nonsense

introducing old movies

so he'll, he'll make a

donation every once in a while.

Not donations, pledges.

We call 'em pledges.

Ew. Don't say pledge.

That gives me

sorority flashbacks.

Well, it's what we

got going on for now.

Unless you know somebody with

some really deep pockets.

Um, let's just say

no to that. [chuckles]

Yep. Me neither.

So one week to get him to

open his checkbook again.

It's not our only

deadline, but, yeah.

And the only two

things he cares about

are being on screen

and watching us fight,

and one of which he

already has by default.


So, are we gonna fight?

Just try and keep up.

[Declan laughs]

Yeah. Remember to

tell yourself that.

[playful music]

Broadcast. Point me to it.

You mean, you

mean like streaming?

[playful music continues]

[playful music continues]

[playful music continues]

[playful music continues]

All right, let's get

our foreign programming

converted over to NTSB,

resolution 16x9 in 1920 by 24p.


Yeah, just gotta say,

none of what you just said

made any sense at all.

[playful music]

Wait, so you're telling me

that you tried to learn

about modern electronics

in a printed volume?

What's wrong with a book?

Mm, lots of books.

You didn't even start

with Google? Come on.

Would you look at

this stuff? It's old.

Okay. But it's not that old.

It's just specialized.

Like, really specialized.

Honestly, I'm not even sure

if you could find what

you're looking for on Google.

Are you saying the exact

thing you just suggested

would not have even worked?

What I'm saying is

it's a craft, you know?

It's its own craft.

And I spent four years

learning this stuff in college,

and you thought that you

were gonna cram it all in

in an all-nighter.

Some of us like to

get a head start, okay?

Whatever. Let's just start now.


So live switching.

Yes, live switching.

I remember that.


So I bet you're looking for

a great big switch, right?


[button clicks]

Of course. Mouse clicks.


Because everything's

a computer now.

- Yeah-

- Okay.

Even airplanes are

great big computers now.

Now you're just being mean.

[energetic music]

[energetic music continues]

[energetic music continues]

[energetic music continues]

Uh-uh. No, no way.

Yes. Yes you did.

You missed that cue.

Oh, 'cause you miscued me.

[sighs] I did miscue you

once, but it was not that time.

Right, so if I

can't trust your cues,

I have to figure

them out on my own.

You're getting

hung up on one cue.

You said so yourself,

there's no second

takes when you're live.

Hey, love birds.

We've got "Miles

Gloriosus" back in an hour.

Get ready for showtime.

[June] Showtime.


Well, what can we come up with?

You're seriously

trying to tell me

that you wanna do a

zoom-to-medium closeup

in the middle of camera two?

Yes. Yes, it's perfect.

Read the script. It's

the exact right moment.

I've read the script and no,

you still understand nothing

about screen grammar.

Oh, please. To heck

with the screen grammar.

Ride the fricking moment.

What do you mean by the moment?

- I mean-

- There's a formula.

- Ride the-

- You follow it.

The screen grammar is important.

- I don't know why.

- I've been doing this

- way longer than you.

- Oh,

- here we go again with that.

- So let's go.

Let's not forget,

you wouldn't even be

here if it wasn't for me.


Okay, first of

all, a little low.

I am telling you she is

not at Haggle's anymore.

Now, I know somebody in this

town knows where she's working.

You stop putting me off.

Don't give me that,

wouldn't hire her crap.

They'd be idiots not to hire

her. They'd all be idiots.

And they're even bigger idiots

if they think they can

hide her beneath a bushel.

Now, do you have some more

news for me, or do you not?

[phone chattering]

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Enjoy the coal in your stocking.

And that wraps up our showing

of one of the most

holly-jolliest movies of all time.

Doesn't it just warm

your heart folks?

I watch that one

and I just want to go to

sleep smiling every time.

We'll be back next week with

another "Holly Jolly Hour"

that will bring your whole

family together once more.

I would like to thank

everyone here at KPRP

for making this possible,

including Claire Rubin,

our everything that needs

done, she does it person.

And we got Declan

Riordan, our producer.

I'll give you something

to be thankful for

you holly jolly son-of-a-

And new on the team,

June Schroeder. [chuckles]

Oh, it's our most wonderful

time of the year, folks.

What are you grateful for?

[John chuckles]

[phone ringing]

KPRP Public

Television, how can I-

Is this how you treat

all your important calls?

Excuse me?

Yeah. Well, don't

worry about it.

Nobody's any better these days.

Just gimme the man in charge.

- The what?

- The man in charge.

You think I got all day to

fuel your office gossip?

Whom shall I say his calling?

John Schroeder.

Yeah, that's right,

the John Schroeder.



I bet you regret dragging

your feet now, don't you?

Well, nevermind.

Just gimme the man in charge

and we can forget your

little fit ever happened.

One moment, please, sir.


Oh, no. No, no,

no, no, no, no, no.

So you do know him?

How did he find

out I'm working here?

You told him.

Hey, I don't even know the guy.

[June groans]


He's my dad.

[chuckles] Your dad.

The John Schroeder is your dad.

Oh, so now you know him.

Well, we know of him.

He's kind of famous.

Guy like that,

he could make all of

our problems disappear with one pledge.

[laughs] He's not

calling to pledge.

- He's calling to buy.

- Buy what?

Everything. Everything.

It doesn't matter.

The station, everything

in it, you, me, him.

And he does realize

that's not something that

can actually happen, right?

That's true.

That's true. That that can't

actually happen, right Claire?

But please tell me that

can't actually happen.

No. No, it can't.

Charter's not set up that way.

Although, he could

push for a few things

in exchange for a

large enough pledge.

But even then

there'd be pushback.

He's not gonna settle

for less than everything.

So you're saying there's no

point in making nice with him

and hoping he'll pledge?


Just please don't

make me talk to him.

[groans] What?

[Declan chuckles]

- Okay, moving on.

- Yeah.

- Stress ball.

- No.


[Claire exhales sharply]


And thank you for calling

the voice activated

answering service

for KPRP Public Television.

Please state the name of

the person you wish to call.

You want me to what?

I'm sorry.

I don't understand that command.

Please state the name of

the person you wish to call.

Just get me the front desk.

I'm sorry, I don't

understand that command.

Please state the name of

the person you wish to-

Front desk!

I'm sorry, I don't

understand that command.

Please state the name of-

Front desk! Front

desk, already.

Front desk.

At the sound with the tone,

the time will be 10

minutes past the hour.

- [bell dings]

- Finally, something diff-

Wait, what?

Would you like to

take this brief survey?

[grunts] No,

don't do this to me.

It's been years since I've

been in phone tree purgatory.

You've just qualified

for an exciting offer.

Front desk, you

stupid miserable piece of silicon trash.

What's so hard about that?

Just get me the stupid

stinking front desk.

Have you considered

switching wireless carriers?


Front desk. Front desk.

If you don't gimme

the front desk,

I will leave you for

hobos on skid row.

Please enter the

last four digits of

- your social security number.

- Ah! [grunts]

Just get lost, you stupid,

stinking pile of transistors.

Just get lost and, and goodbye.

Goodbye. And get lost too.

[Phone] [chimes] Hello, you

have an important reminder.

[serious music]

[door buzzes]

All right, Miss Radio Voice.

Show your darn face

before I waylay your

boss on his way home.

[Claire] Whom shall

I say is calling?

You know who's here.

I told you once,

I told you twice,

and I ain't gonna tell you

a darn thing ever again.

[Claire] Well, thank

goodness for that.

Have a good day, sir.

Wait, what? No, hold on.

Hold on. Get back on here.

You miserable,

little minimum wage-

Excuse me.

Claire, sweetie. Guess who?

[lock chimes]

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Where do you think

you're going, beautiful.

This is a closed set.

[snickers] Yeah, you

try and talk smart to me

after I get a

signature on these.

Oh, those.

Oh, of course.

Always have time for my

fans, even the noisy ones.

And remember, if you're

going scalp these,

don't settle for

less than a grand.

- Hello, darling.

- Hello.

- You look ravishing today.

- Well, thank you.

How are you Charmer?

We're late. We're late again.

And I am not the reason.

Um, yes, you are.

And you're not about to

pin this on me, okay?

All right. Pardon

me, Mr. Leech.

Declan here was just having

some technical difficulties

- at his workstation.

- Oh, pardon me, Mr. Leech,

but it seems that June

here has forgotten

how to format a sh**ting script,

which as you know, is very

important for her job.

Okay, well, pardon

me, Mr. Leech,

Declan has forgotten how

to stick to a call time.

Shall we head for makeup?

By which I mean make

up for his delays.

What she's saying

is absolutely false.

I've never missed a

call time, Mr. Leech.

- Don't listen to him.

- But come with us.

We gotta go, okay?

Bye Claire.

- I understand-

- Listen to me-

that call times are

of the utmost importance

- Call time is very important-

- And treating you like

- a star is what really matters.

- As you well know from your-

[both groan]

You got another one of those?

I mean, he doesn't

honestly think

that "The Wizard of

Oz" switched to color

because they ran out of

black and white film.

Does he?

Honestly, who can say.

[June grunts]

Oh. Gimme that.

I mean, we didn't

always do this right?

Just give some loud mouth

a permanent platform

to spout lunacy from?

Because if I wanted that,

I could just call home.


No. This place

used to have a rep.

Good one.

[gentle music]

[sighs] Award-winning programs,

valuable community

institutions, all that.

You can't tell from

looking around today.

Dumped all the archives just

before I got here. So...

All of them?

[air droning softly]

[crank creaking]

[box scrapes softly]

What are those?


[cassette whirring]

[festive music]

We made that?

We used to every year.

One Christmas spectacular

was all we needed

and then we'd get in enough

pledges for the next 12 months.

Local history, local

politics, documentaries,

the stuff that

made a difference.

Why'd you stop?

The board wanted to go edgy.

Thought these fancy

concerts were too expensive.

Wanted to cut it to the

bone and do more with less.

Instead, we ended up

doing less with less.

And now we're doing

next to nothing.

So where's the board now?

Where do you think?

Bailed once they realized

how badly they'd screwed up,

and believe me, nobody was

volunteering to replace them.

Well, let's do

one of these again.

Oh, come on. How hard can it be?

"How hard can it be?"

"How hard can it be?" she says.

Sweetie, we earned those 12

months every single time.

Do you have any

idea what it takes

to stage a show like that?

No. So tell me.

My word.

Multiple cameras,

live switching,

on location, music clearances.

Kept the lawyers busy for weeks.

Plus, it looks like we

always had a star name

to host the show.

That's right.

Star power or the closest

thing to it at this level.

Mayor, some big news

anchor, somebody.

And who is gonna give

us the time of day now?

Plus we don't have much

time to work with anyway.

Christmas is practically here.

So let's do it next Christmas.

No, there is no next year.

We've got a mortgage

on this dump

and we have burned through

every trick for putting it off.

Either we come up with a huge

chunk of change by New Year's,

or we go dark for the

first time in five decades.

New Year's?

It's a hard deadline?

As hard as they come.

Do you two want to be employed

after the balloon drop?

Get that man to pledge.

[Emcee chattering indistinctly]

New Year's.


You got any bright ideas?

Well, he's already

paying this much

to see us squabble, right?

Let's kick it up a notch.

Kick it up.

Play for blood.

So far we've been pretty nice.

I don't think

we've been very nice.

There are definitely

places you could've gone

and you didn't

because you're nice.

Face it.

Nice, just won't do it anymore.

Well, June, I, I just

don't think it's a very good-

Daddy issues.

Hit me with those.

You'll have material for days.

Okay, come on now, gimme

something I can work with.

June, seriously?

- I don't think it's-

- Declan, you've seen

what I go back to if

I can't stay here.

If you can't do it for the

station, then do it for me.

[playful music]

[door buzzes]

Open the door. I got

your heart's desire.

[Claire] You brought

George Clooney?

Oh wait, no, I... [sighs]

[door buzzes]

I bring you nectar and ambrosia.

[Claire] That's a terrible

name for a rock band.

[door buzzes]

I bring you the

glorious wines of nature.

[Claire] If those

weren't metaphorical,

you might've stood a chance.

Wait. I, I would?


[bottles clinking]

[John grunting]

[John continues grunting]

Hey, Big John.

[John grunts]

[bottles shatter]


Clean up on aisle five.

What in the world was...

[gasps] You hog!

It's not even nine

o'clock in the morning.

You get a off this property.

- [John] Ah!

- Get, get, get!

Oh, Cary dear.

- I'm so sorry about that.

- Oh, no worries.

I know this is a

good neighborhood.

Well, usually.

[contentious music]




That's your idea?

You can feel free to start

praising it at any time.

We've got our biggest name

talent sitting right over there

and you wanna sh**t him

like a '90s talk show.

Yeah. That was a

great era of television.

That was almost

older than you are.

Who is gonna watch that?

Oh, I don't know. Everyone.

This is television.

There is no everyone.

What group?

Which age?

Kids, parents, grandparents,

everyone in between.

Okay? People crave this stuff.

Families don't watch

things together anymore.

What century are you from?

They can, they can.

And they do.

- Name one. Name one family.

- I'll give you one family.

- Mine.

- Yeah. One weird family.

[chuckles] Yeah. We

were weird, all right.

Me, Mom, and a jar of

ashes on the mantle

that used to be Dad.

Car accident, in case

you were wondering.

Oh, I was four, by the way

and Mom had to keep working.

So the time that

we spent together

was mostly watching

KPRP kids programs

early in the morning.

That's what we

did together most.

So, yeah, we watched it.

And lots of us still would.

Don't you dare think otherwise.

Come on, don't let him win.

What if I said you were lucky?

- [laughs] Lucky?

- Lucky.

At least your mom

cared about you.

At least she didn't leave.

She left every single day.

And came back.

Not everyone's does.

So what do you

think of that? Huh?

What have we got

for kids like that?

Uh, June, your dad stuck around.

Yeah, sure. He stuck around.

At least his face did.

His brain? Gone.

Always somewhere else.

At the office, around

the globe, just gone.

At least when your mom was

with you, she was present.

Don't you dare start

making comparisons, okay?

At least your dad is alive.

I would've swapped.

You get that?

There are times I

would've swapped.

At least you know your dad

didn't wanna leave you.

June! You... [exhales heavily]

Say it.

Whatever it is, just say it.

Say it, say it.

If you were like

this all the time,

I can definitely see why.

- Ah, June.

- What did you say?

What did you say?

I was seven. Seven.

What seven-year-old

deserves that?

To have her mom walk out

and her dad checkout.

And it never stopped.

Not in middle school,

not in high school,

not even graduating

with fricking honors.

Not for one second

was I ever more important

than a line on a spreadsheet.

And you wanna know

the worst part?

He paid to keep me so

I felt like I owed him.

Like it was some kind of

debt I had to pay back.

You think student loans are bad?

Try having to pay

back a debt like that.

So don't you try and tell me

that I had it any

better than you.

I'm sorry your dad

is gone. I really am.

But at least he

didn't hang around

making whatever

problems you had worse.

[Cary clapping]

What a scene. Ha!

What a scene.

I don't have a check

big enough for that one.

I'm serious. I don't

have a check big enough.

I need to go talk

to some people.

Too much?

Nah. That's not too much.

Now, just gimme a few days.

A few days. No more.

And you'll be hearing

from everyone.


Oh, and this time,

don't forget what a sh**ting

script is, huh? [laughs]


[traffic droning faintly]

June, hey, are you okay?

Look, I, I know what

I said was just-

No, I'm fine.

I'm, really, I'm fine.

Just, we got it, right?

Come on, please

tell me we got it.

We got it.


[both chuckle]

Excuse me. I think

your Uber is elsewhere.

You are a callous, rude,

mean little excuse

for a thespian.

Whoa, I've had some

bad reviews before,

but that was a little over

the top, don't you think?

You think this

is Hollywood? Huh?

You think you can just

walk away from anything?

Because, because you're

the big-shot star.

There's no stunt

double out here.

There's no one to

take the fall for you.

Can you cry on cue?


- Can you cry on cue?

- Yes. Yes.


Because if you ever make

my little girl cry again,

you're not only gonna cry on

cue, you're gonna cry off cue

and for the entire running time,

you fourth-rate, Z-grade


organic actor.

Whoa. [sobs weakly]

[John snickers]

I felt it.

I really felt it.

I did it.

You did what?

- Um...

- You did what?

Oh my God, I can't believe this.

Just when I thought you'd

finally run out of ways

to royally screw up my life,

you go and invent

a totally new one.

Hey, I'm just trying to help.

Trying and failing.

Do you get that last

part, Dad? Failing.

Look around and listen

for once in your life.

Do I seem any happier when

you pull this stupid stuff?

Well, maybe if you

learned a little gratitude.

Gratitude? For what?

Do you think I was grateful

for every day you spent

screaming on the phone

instead of being with me?

Because whoever was on

the other end of the line

was always more

important than me.

Hey. I paid $3

million for you.

Shut up about the

$3 million, Dad.

You made that back in a month.

You could've retired 15

years ago and you didn't

because nothing is

as important to you

as thinking that the sun doesn't

rise unless you crow at it.

I gave you everything I could.

[chuckles] Yeah, I

guess you did, Dad.

Just not anything that mattered.

- What do I need to do?

- Nothing. Nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Just stop trying.

That is the only way you'll

stop making things worse.

But I gotta do something.

Too late, Dad.

Just, too late.

[John exhales softly]

So I take it we now know

why Cary Leech

dropped off the map.

Okay. Yep.

We're not gonna wallow

in our own pity here.

So let's go.

There's only one thing

that can fix this.

Breakfast for dinner.

Let's go.

Let's go, people.

Andele. Get a move on.

[traffic droning gently]

No, no, no.

This is diet su1c1de.

[Declan laughs]

Look at this.

I don't care.

Can I have some of this?


Okay. Young metabolisms.

I'm in. Let's do this.

[all chuckle]

[all groaning]

Oh my gosh.

More bacon, anyone?

[June & Claire] Evil.



I, I've never felt

better or worse in my life.

Yeah, I hope you don't want

a brainstorming

session right now,

'cause I'm gonna be in

a gluttonous hangover until tomorrow.

I wasn't.

More of a glad to be

still alive session.

It's the only place

that's open this early.

Early enough for my mom to

take me before her shifts.

It's the only place

we ever ate out

so it's a special place.


we need to do the

Christmas concert.

Interesting fantasy.

I'm serious. We need to.

Well, the necessity's not

in question, only the means.

We'll think of something.

That is not a plan.

It's Christmas music, right?

I mean, all that famous stuff

is already public domain.

We can make a program

out of anything we want.

Sure. But who's

gonna arrange it?

More importantly,

who's gonna perform it?

[June] I don't know.

We'll find people.

And we're right back

to, that is not a plan.

This is TV. Okay?

And this is not crap

TV either. This is PBS.

That has to mean something.

Yeah, it means we're broke.

It means they'll know we're

not solely about the money.

Um, technically-

- Shut up, Declan.

- Okay.

You know what? Fine, fine.

You wanna plan? Here's the plan.

I will find someone,

you two can sit around in a

sugar coma for all I care.

But I am betting

my entire salary,

which, is really not that much,

but I am betting

my entire salary

that there is at least one,

one really awesome

musician out there

who would cross

oceans to get on PBS.


For PBS!

She's got a lot of energy today.

No more coffee for her.

[Declan laughs]

[motivated music]

Hello? Mr. Krauss.

[Mr. Krauss] I'm a

general music director!

Okay. I'm sorry. [laughs]

I'm sorry. Mr?

[Mr. Krauss] I'm a

general music director!

Wait, what was that?

[Mr. Krauss] I'm a

general music director!

Okay, Mr.

Aubur-general-music-director. [laughs]

My name is June Schroeder

and I am a television producer

at KPRP Public Television.

And we would like to

put your choir on TV.

[Mr. Krauss chattering angrily]

Good morning, ma'am.

Hi. How are you?

We hear you lead the

best orchestra in-

[orchestra director

mutters indistinctly]

Oh, no, no, ma'am.

I, I'm not selling insurance.

I'm with PBS.

[orchestra director

mutters indistinctly]

No, not PS5, PBS. [chuckles]

I can't get you a PS5. Sorry.

Please, sir, I,

I have no control

over when they play the

Louis Valois Orchestra

and, and I really don't care-

[Mr. Krauss chattering angrily]

No, sir, I have no idea what

he's like off the air. Mm-mm.

Ma'am, I, I really

don't have a PS5.

Really sorry about that,

but what I wanted to

talk to you about is-

[orchestra director

mutters indistinctly]

No. No, I am not hoarding

them to scalp on eBay.

Why would I do that?

I have no idea what he

was like in music school.

Nope. No.


Ma'am. [chuckles] Please.

I am a television

producer. [laughs]

My buddy cannot get you a PS5

because I don't have

a buddy with a PS5.

You wanna know what

we're gonna do?

Here's what we're gonna do.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's right.

You and me. You and me,


We are gonna take

Louis Valois down.

You are right. I have PS5s.

I have so many PS5s.

I have despised him too.

Mm-hmm. Oh yeah.

With his waltzes and his fiddles

and his, his, um, mincing harps.

It just started with

a few, you know,

and then I just, I

just couldn't stop.

Boxes and truckloads

and warehouses,

filling up my garage,

the attic, the basement.

At last. I know how

to make him pay.

And only your talent

can do it. [guffaws]

I don't even know if my pets

are still alive in there.

Just lost. Lost in

all of my PS5s. [sobs]

Will you really

take that many PS5s?

Are you sure you can't take

more? Please take more?

[orchestra director

mutters indistinctly]

Thank you.

Yes. We can rule together.

[June laughs and sighs]



- Uh, how's it going?

- Oh, perfect. Perfect.

Absolutely perfect.

We have all the music

you could ever want.

We just have to find 500 PS5s

and Louis Valois'

violin on a pike.

How about you?

Uh, great. It looks like

we might have a venue.

It's not a definite yes, but

something other than an no.

Okay, well let's go.

- Let's go. C'mon.

- Okay.

Move, move, move. Oh,

wait, I'm outta coffee.

You probably don't

need more. It's okay.

[bells tolling]

Oh my.

It's perfect.

It's perfect. [laughs]

Wow, this has always been here?

Why have you never

used it before?

Hey, I wasn't here before.

Plus, I think that

they tried to,

but they could never

get a deal done for it-

Oh my goodness. Would you

just listen to those acoustics?

Hello World! Here we are!

Can you imagine what the choir

is gonna sound like under that?

- And the orchestra?

- Uh, June-

We could do better than this.

You hear me? We

could not do better.

Well, if you can't do better,

you have a good reason

for meeting our price.

So I'm sure you're aware,

we're not a very large station.

You are a station who

has had a half a century

to build an endowment.

Yes. Well, you

know how that goes.

Keeps you in business

but you can't go on any

shopping sprees with it.

Do you have any idea

what the wedding demand

is for a place like this?

Oh, I'm sure it's

a wonderful place-

Do you have any

idea what people pay

for those sorts of things?

And I'm sure a little

classy TV exposure

would be just the thing-

Ms. Schroeder, this

building is a century old

and is visible from virtually

everywhere in the city.

Exactly what makes you think

exposure is anything we need?

We've had our struggles,

and I'm sure you have too.

We really feel

that this could be

- an excellent collaboration-

- Ms. Schroeder,

so far you have failed

to present any scenario

that does not represent

a certain short-term cost

to this church in

exchange for dubious

and highly-uncertain

long-term gains.

So unless you are prepared

to meet our standard rate

for an outside event,

I suggest your time would be

better employed elsewhere.

I don't suppose

there's anything else

that could possibly

change your mind?

Unless you intend to march

Cary Leech through our door,

I'm afraid you're

out of options.

Cary Leech?

Child, don't pretend to

have any idea who that is.

It's before your time.

You mean our Cary Leech?

What do you mean,

"Our Cary Leech?"

You first. Show

me your Cary Leech.

I am not accustomed

to taking demands.

Get used to it. Show me.

[cassette clatters]

And the m*rder*r is one of you.

[congregants gasp]


I say!

Oh, it's all quite

simple, really.

Now, your late father

was left-handed,

was he not Miss Fairfax?

- Hm?

- Huh?

Knowing that then, perhaps

you can explain to me

how he could possibly have heard

the huntsman's call,

Lord Shepperton?

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music continues]

Your turn.

What's this about Cary Leech?

He will be hosting the special.

From here?

Mm-hmm. That's right.

He'll be announcing every song,

telling stories from

set, meeting new fans.

And so help me,

that man signs everything

I put in front of him.

But as for the from here part,

well that's not really

up to me now, is it?

I cannot believe that

you just lied in a church.

I mean in a church, June.

It's not a lie yet, okay?

Not if we can get

Cary Leech back.

June, he's bunkered somewhere.

I mean off the grid

for all we know.

He's probably got a

thousand-acre estate

somewhere in Sun Valley that

we'll never be able to find.

[June] Well, what

addresses do we have for him?


All correspondence goes

through his lawyer.

All right, well

what's his address?

[sirens whoop]

His lawyer works

out of an apartment?

I guess I always kind of assumed

he had a better

lawyer than this.

[footsteps thudding softly]

[traffic droning faintly]

[door knocking]

What do you want now?


Hey! Leech!

Come on, open up.

What is going on?

Get on in here.

[Cary groaning]

Right, first thing

I wanna know is,

how did you find me?

For years, I have battled

to preserve my anonymity,

yet somehow, you have penetrated

the wilyest of defenses.

So lay out the trail.

What gossamer thread of clues

did you follow to get here?

[paper rustles]

[Cary laughs]

So I'm gonna go way out on

a limb here and just assume

that there was never

any big check coming.


Oh, don't get too sore.

I always knew your

fighting was fake.

I just admired the performance.

How did you even get here?

I mean, the residuals

from your show must be-

Not so much anymore.

But I'd like to think that

what I had, I spent well.

Okay. [chuckles]

Well, um, anything to get

on the air one last time?

For some of us,

there's only one place

we're ever truly happy.

I got nothing for you.

Maybe you still do, actually.

We're throwing a big

Christmas concert

like the station used

to do in the old days,

and we want you to host it.

Oh, no. No, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no.

No, negative. Uh-uh.

Nope. Nope, nope.


Why not?

You think I'm showing my face

around that studio of yours

while that psychopath

is out there?

You only just caught

me before I blew town.

Find me some other PBS station

that still fills time with

"The Woking Mysteries."

This is to save the station.

This could be big.

Your big closing act.

Oh, if that loon shows up,

it'll be a closing

act all right.

And I don't intend

to star in it.

We-we'll get the police on it.

[Cary] Have you never seen

a single episode of my series?

The bobbies are useless.

How did he hear

the huntsman's call?

What's that?

How did he hear

the huntsman's call?

[suspenseful music]

I remember that one.

Come on.

How did he hear the

huntsman's call?


Hmm. I'll tell you how.

'Twas the moors who done it.

Aye, the moors.

The misty moors where

screams are swallered

and m*rder rings clear.

'Twas there you set the trap.

Give him a nudge.

- Okay.

- N-no. Stay.

So you laid it.

You laid the trap and waited.

Knowing full well he'd

be done in for sure

by that gouty foot of his.

And once he was,

you'd lay your hands

on the greatest treasure

in lower Shropshire,

his mighty collection

of taxidermed hamster.

- Who wrote this crap?

- Shh. Give him a nudge.

Confess, sir.

Confess and the magistrate

may go easy on ya.

Confess and spare

the bloody wretch

who now answers for your

crimes on the gallows.

Are we seriously airing this?

[Rev. Woking] Confess!

Reverend, he's getting away.

[Cary] Um, who's this now?

The accomplice.

[Cary] The accomplice?

Aye! The accomplice!

[June] [laughs] Come on.

[gentle music]

So whom would

you say is calling?

I don't believe we've met.


I am the John Schroeder

who just might be the

worthwhile human being.


Stranger things have happened.

My wildest fantasies

don't get that wild.

What are you here for?

Because you're sure

not buying anything.

I could buy you dinner.

And just what do you think

you are buying along with that?

Conversation, company.

Come on.

It's been a long time

since I've had anything

other than a business dinner.

A very long time.

You think I trust you?

The only thing you need to trust

is that I won't run

out on the check.

And I am a good tipper.

Come on.

I've been hanging

around here long enough

to know it's just you and the

younglings running the place.

And before them, mostly you.

Come on.

Your good deeds have been

punished long enough.

Let's go get us something good.

The accomplice!

Aye, you, sir.

It was always you.

You and your red right hand.

Oh, you thought you

had it, did you?

Thought you free and clear,

with that trail of clues from

here to Aberdeen. [laughs]

Nay, sir. Nay.

And again, I say nay.

Oh, justice is

visited upon ya, sir.

Justice in the sight of

the parish constabulary

and the Anglican parsonage.

Now, open the gates

and move aside.

Move aside!

[playful music]

What a scene. What a scene.

Let's do another take.

Okay, as much as I'd

love to see that again,

we have bigger

scenes to get done.

Right. Right.

What's next on the

day outta days?

Um, you have to go see a nun.


No, Bishop, I had not heard

about the buses coming

in from the convent.

Um, we, we never dreamed

that Mr. Leech's presence

would cause this kind

of disruption. [laughs]

So yes. Yes.

Naturally, we will have

crowd control in place.

Don't you worry.

We are very aware of

how rowdy nuns can be.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


We will get you his autograph

most discreetly. Goodbye.

Okay. Crowd control,

exclamation point.

The concert's tomorrow, and

you're just sitting there?

What else is there to do?

I don't know. Something.

There's always something.

Something to get ahead

of, a problem to fix,

something that could go better.

You never did AP

classes, did you?

Can we not have that

discussion again, please?

Well, there's something

that they tell you

when you take AP classes.

"Before the big

test never cram."


Oh, really.

Yeah, those tests

were pretty big

so if you didn't know the

material the night before,

one long night of cramming

wouldn't help one bit.

And you, June, just put

together one heck of a project.

A really big one.

Okay, so if you didn't

cram before the big test,

then what'd you do?

Put it outta your mind.

Let it go for one night.

Go out somewhere.

Go out like, like where?

You might need

some warmer clothes.

[gentle music]

[gentle music continues]

[gentle music continues]

[gentle music continues]

[gentle music continues]

[gentle music continues]

[gentle music continues]

[gentle music continues]

So there's a human being

under that awful mustache.

Who'd have thought?

It doesn't bother you?

I mean, there he is, being

all friendly with her.

Doesn't seem he was ever

really that friendly with you.

If he wants to be friendly

with her, he can go for it.

I, on the other hand,

am nowhere near ready to

be friendly with him yet.

Is it too much to hope

that maybe she's

just leading him on,

you know, get a big

pledge out of him?

You've been working for

Cary Leech too long. [laughs]

Camera's on, check's

signed. Easy peasy.

Well, not my dad.

He always gets

something for his money.

Well, that was the

Outsider they were in.

Definitely not fast food.

For a nice evening,

he'd call that a good price.

Has he ever paid for

something and not gotten it?

Like ever?

Hmm. He paid $3

million for me.

[chuckles] Yeah. Yeah,

you heard that right.

$3 million to avoid

joint custody.

Well, what in the world

did he not get from that?

- [tender music]

- Um, I don't know.

All I've ever brought

him is disappointment,

distraction, annoyance,

the list goes on.

Well, he's a fool.

You hear me?

He got the bargain of a century.


$3 million for another

10 years with you.

Gosh, I would've paid

so much more than that.

- [chuckles] Shut up.

- I mean it.

I've watched you

and you are amazing.

Simply amazing.

Just stop.


Hasn't anyone ever

told you that?

Anyone at all?

Because got news

for ya: it's true.

I would've paid that much

for 10 more days with you.

10 minutes. Literally

anytime at all.

I'd take that deal.


Okay! Uh!

It's getting really late.

We, we gotta go.

Uh, g-go where?

Final exam's

tomorrow. Remember?

We gotta gotta get lots of rest.

Come on, let's go. Here we go.

- Let's go.

- I'm coming. Okay.

[gentle music]


Not conductor, director.

Yes, we have to get it right.

June, first violin

says that the sanctuary

is three degrees too cold.

Tell him we're heating it up.

Can't heat a building

this big that fast.

So just tell him that

and by the time he

thinks of it again,

he'll have adjusted.

What? No.

Nuns do not get

priority seating.

[sighs] Hey, hey! Red lights

on the woodwinds not purple.

It's Christmas. Remember?

I do not care how

scary they are.

Nuns do not get

priority seating.

Just bring him around

during intermission.

We'll do an extra

meet and greet.

Trust me. He'll agree to it.

[Claire] Circuit panels.

Geez, Claire.

What now?

Well, the church

caretaker's a little concerned

about everything we're plugging

into his circuit panels.

For the last time, we

have run the numbers.

Everything is fine as long as

nobody plugs in anything else.

Caretaker says those cords

are running pretty warm.

Call it free heating.

What is all this?

This: fan mail from nuns.

Claire. Ugh.

Oh, is that more for me to sign?

No, not now.

We're on in three.

Declan, camera three is

getting the closeups. Not two.

Come on. Get 'em sorted.

Oh, I can't wait

till this is over.

Well, June, if you

weren't doing this,

what would you be doing?

Probably having a nice quiet

night before Christmas Eve.

[chuckles] Where's

the fun in that?

I know, I, I can see

you're stressed out.

But June, do you really

think you'd be happy

if somehow you were being

prevented from doing this?

If you never even

had the choice.

You'd be miserable,

wouldn't you?

Wouldn't you?

You'd be miserable if you

never even had the chance.


We're on in two. We gotta go.

Also, you're doing a meet

and greet during remission.

Meet and greet?

That means pictures.

- I-I better-

- Come on!

Just come on. Come on.

June, where's our star?

Uh, he's right behind me.

He's right behind... Cary!

Coming. Coming.

I just had to make sure that-

No more taking care of.

- On your mark first position.

- I didn't know

there was a meet and greet.

I had to make sure that

my phone was ready-

On your mark.

[Cary groans]

Okay, quiet everyone.

Hold for countdown.

Everybody good? Okay.

Live on air in 10.

What? No, it's fine.


No, no.


calibrated. It's fine.

- Eight.

- Electrical meter.

What electrical meter?


No, there's, it's not possible.

There's nothing else

on that circuit.


I- I said there's nothing

else on that circuit.

[electricity buzzes]

Check all the circuits.

Ch-check all the circuits now.

[stressful music]

[electricity zapping]


[dramatic music]

[electricity crackling]

[workers screaming and rambling]



Anyone at all?


[tense music]

Anyone at-

Oh! Ugh!

You just had to

plug in your phone.

Oh my gosh. Is it okay?

I have so many pictures on that.

Um, I guess it's

not that important.

Reset for take two?

[sighs] There is no take two.

What? Uh...

Oh, um,

so anything I can do?

Kids, uh, I don't want this

to be the last thing

the station ever does.

Can't we think of something?

[tender music]

[tender music continues]

[radio chattering]

[tender music continues]

Live on air in three, two...


Hello, friends of KPRP.

I'm afraid I bring news

of disappointment tonight.

Our Christmas

concert cannot go on

as scheduled and

planned. [sighs]

We're very sorry to

have let you down.


since there won't

be a broadcast,

there won't be any

pledge drive either.

Anyone who wants to contribute

can do so on our website.

But we expect that this will be

KPRP's last broadcast.

We want to thank you for

supporting us for 47 years.

For half a century we

have brought you our best.

And [chokes]

I guess we all knew it

couldn't last forever.

So I'm Cary Leech,

on behalf of everyone here

from KPRP, signing off.

It has been our privilege.

[gentle wholesome music]

Lo' how a rose e'er blooming

From tender stem hath sprung

Of Jesse's lineage coming

As men of old have sung

It came, a flower bright

Amid the cold of winter

When half spend

was the night

[gentle wholesome

music continues]

[gentle wholesome music fades]

[phone beeping]

[phone ringing]

[phone continues ringing]


Hey, Dad.

What is it?

It must be almost midnight.

This won't take long.

[sighs] You've won.

I've what?

You've won.

You were right.

So just do what you do best.

Sign a check.

I'll be at a desk working

for you by morning.

What are you talking about?

[June] KPRP. They're

still taking pledges.


So make one. And

I'm yours again.

Just make it a big one.

You want me to what now?

Go to the website,

make a pledge.

Just get it done already.

But, but you...

But what? You have trouble

taking yes for an answer now?

[John] But?

Well spit it out.

What's the problem?

But I don't think that's

really what you want.

Don't even try to

tell me what I want.

You've never had

a clue what I want

so there's no reason to

think you can start now.

You care about what I want,

then listen to me.

I just told you.

I- I'll get the accountants

to do that first thing tomorrow.

I'll be in first thing tomorrow.

Merry Christmas, I guess.


Merry Christmas.

[phone beeps]

[John exhales sharply]

You didn't.

That's a heck of a

way to say thank you.

June, I didn't want this.

I don't recall asking you.

Look, we, we can figure

something else out.

Declan, we're out of time.

Outta luck and outta favors.

At least now I don't

have to find 500 PS5s.

What is it you've been

telling me this whole time then?

You've been acting like this

is a fate worse than death.

But whenever things get hard,

you just pull the rip cord

on the golden parachute, huh?

You know what? Sure.

Go ahead and think that.

Talk yourself into it.

We're so clever.

We can have it all.

What was this to you? Huh?

What was this job to you?

Just another play thing.

Just another toy plane

that happens to be

someone else's grade.

Do not go there. We're

not playing anymore.

This wasn't just a show!

Yeah, you're right. It's not.

Look, if you have

faith in the team,

then you stick with the team.

So do you believe

in this or not?

Declan, grow up.

I grew up when I was four, June.

I had to.

Yeah. Well I

wasn't far behind.


stick with us.

Please. Come on.

We can do this.

You don't have a clue.


You gonna clean out

your office or should I?

You won't find anything

worth coming back for.

[car starter whirs]

[engine hums]

Anything I need to know about?

Yeah, we'll be shutting down

the servers ourselves tonight.

[tender music]

[tender music continues]

[tender music continues]

[tender music continues]

[gentle music]

[gentle music continues]

Um, ahem.

I never did do much

with the IT people.

I don't even know

where to start.

It's okay.

Order of operations.

First we're gonna start

with the graphic station

that is overlays

and lower-thirds.

And then we're gonna move on

to the secondary stations.

What's with this one?

Uh, that's for the website.

It looks like it

might be overloaded.

Overloaded? As in too many

people are trying to access it?

Yeah, but it, it'll redirect

through a different server.

It's okay.

Why is everybody

and their cousin

logging onto us right now?

Isn't this how we get pledges

now? Through the website?

[soft cheerful music]



We are, we're saved.

Declan! Look at those numbers.

We're set for years. [laughs]

You beautiful man, you.

[both laugh]

- Oh, Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.

[clock ticking]

[door clatters]

[elevator dings]

Welcome back, sweetie.

[elevator chimes]

[June sighs lightly]

[chair creaks]

[June sighs lightly]

[motor buzzing faintly]

[motor buzzing loudly]

[June chuckles]


[Declan] Geez, where you

been, land of no phones?

Is that your plane?

Yeah. Yeah.

It's my first one.

A hobby shop gouged

me pretty good,

day before Christmas and all.

You should not be

buying things like that.

My dad isn't gonna give $1

more than he absolutely has to.

[laughs] We don't need it.

We are not taking his money.

What do you mean?

Pledges, June. We got pledges.

Thousands and

thousands of pledges.

So many, we don't even

know how many there are.

It'll take us that long to get

'em off the backup servers.

But the concert was a bust.

And they came through anyway.

You hear me, June Schroeder?

We asked and they gave.

The whole city wants

us to stick around.

And all because one clever girl

said, "Let's not pack it in.

Let's go up to the bell tower

and let's at least have the

decency to say goodbye."

Uh, Declan, have you ever

flown one of these before?

- What's up?

- Because if not,

you probably don't know how

to handle updraft

between city buildings.

Honestly, I'm just surprised

I got this off the ground

without getting arrested.

Okay, well you should

probably land it quickly.


Declan, go starboard.

Starboard? D-d-d-

Go starboard right now!

'Cause, I-I-I

don't really know how-

Pull up. Pull up before you...

[glass shatters]

Nice going, Declan.

[glass tinkling]

[gentle music]

[June laughs]

[gentle music continues]

[gentle music continues]

June, I am so sorry. It's

just the updraft out there.

I don't really know.

And plus it, it's your dad's

building anyway and he-

[cheerful music]

[elevator dings]

[June laughs]

We will not be

needing that. [chuckles]

Claire, honey. Spill it.

What are you not telling me?

No joke.

Now darling, let

me pitch you this.

Reverend Woking in America.

We are miles from making

any of those decisions.

Gotta get 'em in quick, right?

So what happens is, Woking

is called out of retirement

to chase down the dastardly

Flower Pot k*ller.

He kills entirely

with flower pots.


[clears throat] Hmm.


I've just had the most

wonderful idea for a revival.

How about ideas for

rebuilding the studio?

That's what we're supposed

to be working on, right?

[laughs] Projects like this,

you've gotta get

a good lead time.

Uh-huh, and how about the

lead time on those contractors?

You're perfect for

that. You're a star.

You can marker, right?

[June laughs]

Funny thing, nobody bothered

to clean out your desk.

[traffic honking]

[Driver] What are you thinking?

Get out of the road!

Hey, buddy. Get out of here.


[traffic continues honking]

[festive party music]

[partygoers chattering]

Wow. [laughs]

Someone's getting in the spirit.

[chuckles] Yeah.

Claire insisted on the hat.


What do you think?

Oh, never looked better.

Okay, yeah.

[tender music]

[chuckles] Here.

- Oh, thank you.

- Mm-hmm.

You know, for putting

this on last minute,

it is not a bad Christmas party.

It's better than not bad.

It's better than great.

It's amazing.

[June chuckles]

And you need to learn

to take some credit

because you're the one who

put this whole thing together.

We have a lot of

work to do, don't we?

Yeah, but forget about that.

For now, it's Merry

Christmas, darling.

Let's fly.

[upbeat cheerful music]

[upbeat cheerful

music continues]

[upbeat cheerful music fades]

[playful festive music]

[playful festive

music continues]

[playful festive

music continues]

[playful festive

music continues]

[playful festive

music continues]

[no audio]
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