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Holdovers, The (2023)

Posted: 11/19/23 06:07
by bunniefuu

the opening word: O...

Here we go. One, two, three.




Very good.

Remember, the text is first.

"In the beginning was the Word."

So the text is what

you're concentrating on.

Make it part of the music.

-Let's all breathe in.

-(students inhale)

-Breathe out.

-(students exhale)

Excellent. Now, let's hear

the opening chord.


Good. Middle voices,

a little bit more.

Higher voices are excellent.

Bass, a little more breath.

Try again.


Okay, let's run the first verse.


O little town of Bethlehem

How still we see thee lie

Above thy deep

and dreamless sleep

The silent stars go by

Yet in thy dark streets


The everlasting light

The hopes and fears

Of all the years

Are met in thee


Really great.

Especially that T at the end.

All together.

Very, very good.


("Silver Joy" by Damien Jurado


Let me sleep

In the slumber

of the morning

(laughter, indistinct chatter)

There's nowhere I need to be

And my dreams

still are calling

Lay your troubles

on the ground

No need to worry

about them now

Daylight shaking

through the trees

Do not disturb me

Let me be

And if you need

a place to land

Come down when you are weary

No more clouds to put away

-In the slumber of the...

-(song stops abruptly)

(classical music playing)




(grunts, chuckles)

(sighs, snickers)


Lazy, vulgar,

rancid little Philistines.

-(knocking at door)



Mr. Hunham?

I'm busy right now.

Uh, Dr. Woodrup

asked to see you.



What does he want?

Uh, I think it's

about Christmas break.

I'll see him presently.

What's that?

Christmas cookies.

I made them for the faculty.

Well, not all the faculty.


-Anyway, these are for you.

-Oh. (chuckles)

("Time Has Come Today" by

The Chambers Brothers playing)

Time has come today

(lively chatter)

Young hearts

can go their way

Can't put it off another day

I don't care what others say

They think we don't

listen anyway

Time has come today




What are you doing

with women's underwear?

It's the same swimsuit

James Bond wears

in On Her Majesty's

Secret Service.

It can't get more masculine

than that.

Why don't you just wear cutoffs?

Because I'm going to St. Kitts.

I'm not going to be

the only dickhead

on the beach wearing cutoffs.


Oh. Look out, everyone.

Tully's going to St. Kitts.

They still look like panties.

You're right, Crandall.

You caught me.

They're your mother's panties.

Tell her thanks

for the good times!

Hey, Tully.

Hey, where are my cigarettes?

Your cigarettes?

You stole my f*cking cigarettes.

I resent

that baseless accusation.

Cut the shit.

I have no cigarettes now.

And Briggs says you suddenly

had five of them

to trade for a skin mag.

I don't indulge in pornography.

I get enough of the real thing.

Especially with Crandall's mom!

Hey, Kountze.

Ten dollars for this?

Looks more like a nickel bag.

Don't buy that, Harriman.

He's ripping you off.

-Plus, it's ditch weed.

-f*ck you, Tully.

This shit's premium weed,

all right?

And unlike you, I'm stuck here.

It's got to last me

through Christmas.

Take pity on him, Harriman.

He's a poor little Christmas

orphan with nowhere to go.

Little Christmas orphan

needs his pot and porn.

Ten minutes, ladies.

Ten minutes.

("Silver Joy" by Damien Jurado


(quiet chatter)

Let me sleep

In the slumber of tomorrow

There's nowhere

we need to be

That will not be there after

(lively, indistinct chatter)

Daylight shaking

through the trees

Do not disturb me

Let me be

Keep me with you

on the ground

All of my worries

behind me now

And be sure to wake me when

Eternity begins.

(indistinct chatter continues)

I can't believe

you got out of it.

Luck of the Irish.

I thought this was your year.

It was.

I told Woodrup

my mother has lupus.

Does she?

I don't know. Probably.

We don't talk

about those things.

So, who got stuck with it?

Who do you think?


That poor walleyed bastard.

(pen scratching on paper)


Rmy Martin. Louis XIII.

Christmas gift from

the Board of Trustees.

Oh, how generous of them.

Thank you again

for doing this, Hunham.

I wouldn't have asked

if it weren't an emergency.

Oh, Mr. Endicott's mother,


What a tragedy.

It's not as though you had plans

to leave campus anyway.

And, of course, there's a nice

little bonus in it for you.

Well... (sighs) "Non nobis

solum nati sumus," I suppose.

"Not for ourselves alone

are we born."

I'm guessing that's Cicero.

Cicero, yes.

(chuckling): Very good, Hardy.

You remembered.

There'll be just four boys

holding over this year.


Oh, yes. I know

a couple of these reprobates.

Let's be a little more elastic

in our assessment, shall we?

It's hard enough for them to be

away from home on the holidays.

Latitude is the last thing

these boys need.

Paul, at your core,

you're an excellent teacher,

but your approach to the

students is rather traditional.

This school was founded in 1797.

I thought tradition

was our stock in trade.

-Then let's call it hidebound.


You know, unwavering,

resistant to...

Yes, yes, yes, I know

what "hidebound" means.

Uh, I get it.

You're still angry

that I failed Jordan Osgood.

Senator Osgood was very upset

when Princeton rescinded

Jordan's acceptance, yes.

And I've continued to

have to deal with the fallout.

Hardy, are we really supposed

to let these boys just skate by

as long as Daddy builds

a new gymnasium?

Of course not.

That's not who we are.

But we can't be ignorant

to politics.

That boy is too dumb

to pour piss out of a boot.

A genuine troglodyte.

Jesus Christ, Paul.

He was a legacy and the son

of one of our biggest donors.

Ever think his dad

might be expecting

a little consideration

for his dollar?

And he got it -- a first-class

education for his son.

Oh, come on, Hardy.

As Dr. Greene used to say,

"Our one true purpose

is to produce young men

of good character."

I don't care what

Dr. Greene used to say.

"And we cannot sacrifice

our integrity

on the altar

of their entitlement."

I'm just trying to instill

basic academic discipline.

That's my job. Isn't it yours?

It was.

Until I became headmaster

and saw that it's not so simple

to keep the damn school afloat.

I begged you, begged you

to give the kid a C minus.



There are instructors here

who will do that.

I am not one of them.

Here's the manual

and a full set of keys.

Everything you need to know

is in there.

Your only task is to ensure

the boys' absolute safety

and good condition.

And at least pretend to be

a human being.


It's Christmas.

(bells jingling)

f*ck this half-day bullshit.

Where the hell is Walleye?

He's probably jerking off

in the Cobb salad.

-Why would he do that?

-Because he's Walleye.

Who knows what

that foul-smelling freak does?

But you went straight

to the Cobb salad.

I mean, do you know something?

Because I eat that Cobb salad.

Salve, gentlemen.

Your final exams.

(Paul clears throat)

(whistling Wagner's

"Ride of the Valkyries")

(whistling stops)


I can tell by your faces

that many of you

are shocked at the outcome.

I, on the other hand, am not,

because I have had

the misfortune

of teaching you this semester.

And even with

my ocular limitations,

I witnessed firsthand

your glazed,

uncomprehending expressions.

Sir, I don't understand.

That's glaringly apparent.

No, it's... (sighs)

I can't fail this class.

Oh, don't sell yourself short,

Mr. Kountze.

I truly believe that you can.

I'm supposed to go to Cornell.


Please, sir.

My dad's going to flip out.

(students murmuring)

All right. All right.

Uh, in the spirit of the season,

I suppose the most

constructive way

of dealing with

your shortcomings

is to offer a makeup exam.

You'll all get a second run

at this after break.

(students sighing, murmuring)

Of course, it will not

be the same exam.

You will now be responsible

for new material as well.

(students groaning, murmuring)

Your grade will be

an average of the two.

Please open your books

to chapter six.

The Peloponnesian w*r,


You've already met Pericles.

Now prepare yourselves

to meet Demosthenes.

No offense, sir,

but is this really

the best time to be starting

a new chapter?

I mean, we all appreciate the,

uh, makeup exam gesture,

but our families are here.

You know, most teachers

have already canceled class.

We have chapel in 40 minutes,

then we're out of here.

-Mm. -I mean,

our heads are elsewhere.

And where exactly

is your head, Mr. Tully?

Um, I don't know.

St. Kitts. (chuckles)


Yes, indeed.

I see you've brought

your valise.

Spot-on, sir.

It's just that it's been

a really exhausting semester.

Getting into new material now

right before break?

Honestly, it's a little absurd.


Well, I would hate to be absurd.

So let's just scuttle

the whole thing, shall we,

and let the original

grades stand.

(students groaning, murmuring)

Uh, excuse me, sir.

I think, uh, we all liked

the first option better.

What'd you say the guy's

name was? Uh, Demosthe-who?

Of course, I still expect you

to be familiar with chapter six

upon your return,

so pack those textbooks, boys.

And if displeased,

take it up with

your champion -- Mr. Tully.



"Ride of the Valkyries")

(students murmuring)

I got us out early, didn't I?

(church organ playing)


Born thy people to deliver

Born a child and yet a king

Born to reign in us forever

Now thy gracious

kingdom bring.

Please be seated.

Welcome, Barton students,

faculty and parents.

I know you're all anxious

to start the holidays.

I can see the boys

shifting in their seats.


-But before we release you

to your bountiful tables

and the blessings of family,

let us pray for those

less fortunate than we.

Let us remember the poor

and the helpless,

the cold, the hungry

and the oppressed.

Extra reading over vacation

and no makeup test?

Are you f*cking kidding me?

Nice work, anus.

Can you not talk, please?

I'm trying to pray.

You better pray

I don't catch you alone,

because I will full-on

nut-punch you.

Tone it down.

-Jesus can hear you.

-PRIEST: ...and all those

who know not

the loving kindness of God.

Sorry to hear about

your mother, Endicott.


Oh. Yes.

Thank you.

Yeah. We're all pulling for her.


...and your grace.

And finally, let us pray

for the soul of Curtis Lamb,

Barton class of 1969.

Just this year,

Curtis gave his life valiantly

in the service of his country.

And let us once again extend

our deepest condolences

to one of the most cherished

members of the Barton family,

his mother Mary.

Mary, we remember Curtis

as such an outstanding

and promising young man,

and we know this holiday season

will be especially difficult

without him.

Please know that we

accompany you in your grief.

May the all-powerful God

who protected Abraham

when he left his native land

protect all our brave soldiers

until they are delivered

safely home to us.

We ask this through

Christ our Lord.




I wish you all

a very Merry Christmas.

Or, as the case may be,

a very Happy Hanukkah.

(light laughter)

(organ playing

"Joy to the World")

(quiet chatter)

DR. WOODRUP: Congressman,

Merry Christmas to you.

(overlapping chatter,

Christmas greetings)

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Merry Christmas.

Hey. Good to see you.

Nice to see you.

Merry Christmas.

(chatter continues)

Angus Tully.

You have a phone call.


You're telling me this now?

JUDY (over phone):

Sweetheart, listen.

I know it's last minute,

and I am...

I'm absolutely heartbroken,

but could you please

see your way

to staying at school over break

just this once?

Stanley has been working

so hard,

and-and we've had no time

for a honeymoon.

You guys have been married

since July.

You've had all these months.

Something's always come up.

I know it's a lot to ask,

but you know

how lonely I've been.

I've been lonely too.

And what about Boston?

You promised on the way

we'd spend some time in Boston.

Angus, listen to me.

This is our new family, okay?

I know you miss your father--

I do, too--

but there's someone new

in my life.

It's just this once, darling.

We'll be together

at spring break,

and we'll have the whole summer.

f*ck the summer,

and f*ck Stanley.


Are you kidding me?

I'm just supposed to stay here?

(Judy sighs)

Mom, please don't do this.



I suspect that, like me,

this is not how you wanted

to spend your holidays,

but such are

the vicissitudes of life.

And as Barton men,

we learn to confront

our challenges

with heads held high

and with a spirit

of courage and good fellowship.

Uh, in strict accordance

with the dictates

of the manual, of course.

Mr. Tully,

are you joining us as well?

What happened to St. Kitts?

Something came up.

(suitcase thuds loudly on floor)

(Paul clears throat)

So, for the next two weeks,

we will be following

a standard school schedule...

Sir? Uh, sir, we're on vacation.

...which means we will be

taking our meals together,

and you will observe

regular hours of study.

Study? Are you kidding me?

The Peloponnesian w*r awaits,

Mr. Kountze.

You and Mr. Tully.

The rest of you can get a jump

on the next semester.

It'll pay off. You'll see.

We're already holding over,

and now we're being

punished for it?

You will be afforded

limited windows for recreation

and supervised

physical activity.

The gym's not even open yet.

Yeah, they've only lacquered

half the floor.


Fresh air will do you good.

It's like 15 degrees outside.

And the Romans bathed naked

in the freezing Tiber.

Adversity builds character,

Mr. Tully.

Uh, speaking of which,

the school will be cutting heat

to dormitories

and faculty housing,

so we'll all be bunking

in the infirmary.


Oh, God. Geez.

("Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht

(Silent Night)" playing)


This is the most bullshit ever.

If we have to stay,

why'd we have to draw Walleye?

JASON: Uh, you know

he used to be a student, right?

Yeah, that's why he knows

how to inflict

maximum pain on us,

the sadistic f*ck.


At least we didn't draw Decker.

He'd be perving all over us.


Hey, guys, hold up for a second.

Want one?


No. I got something else.

Give me that.

Hey, don't smoke that out here.

I don't want to get busted

by Walleye.


Don't be such a p*ssy.

ANGUS: I'm not a p*ssy.

I just don't want

to end up at Fork Union

paying for your mistake.

Teddy Kountze.

Jason Smith.

Yeah, I know who you are.

Want to hit this?

Uh, yeah.

You got a great arm, man.

Yeah, well, it's just football.

So, how'd you get stuck

holding over?

I'm supposed to be skiing

with my folks up at Haystack,

but my dad put his foot down,

said I can't come home

unless I cut my hair.

(scoffs) So why don't you

just cut your hair?

Civil disobedience, man.


Yeah, right.

JASON: No, he's cool.

It's just a battle of wills.

Still, I was kind of hoping

he'd cave first,

because the powder up at

Haystack is so sweet right now.

What about you, Mr. Moto?

Why are you here?

Uh, no. Uh, my name is Ye-Joon.

Uh, my family is in Korea,

and they think it's too far

for me to travel alone.

I figured it was because your

rickshaw was broken. (laughs)

Uh, what-what's a rickshaw?

-You're an assh*le, Kountze.


Your mind's a cesspool

and a shallow one at that.

Who's the assh*le, Tully?

You're the one

who blew up history.


What's your story, man?

Alex Ollerman.

I'm here because my parents

are on a mission in Paraguay.

We're LDS.


Mormons, right?

Don't you guys wear some kind

of like magic underwear?


That's a common misconception.

Actually, it's called

a temple garment,

and we're only supposed

to wear it when we...

Hey, what's up with the townies?

Hey, what are you doing

with our Christmas tree?

The school sold it back to us.

Scotch pine, still fresh.

MAN 2: Yeah, we're going to

put it back on the lot.

We do it every year.

This is the most bullshit ever.

Hello, Mary. (sighs)

Mr. Hunham.

I heard you got stuck with

babysitting duty this year.

How'd you manage that?

Oh, I don't know.

I suppose I failed someone

who richly deserved it.

Oh, the Osgood kid?

Yeah, he was a real assh*le.

Rich and dumb.

Popular combination around here.

It's a plague.

Uh, and you?

You'll be here, too?

All by my lonesome.

My little sister Peggy

and her husband invited me

to go visit them at Roxbury,

but I feel like it's too soon.

Like Curtis will think

that I'm abandoning him.

You know, this is the last place

that my baby and I

were together,

-not including the bus station.


Well, I look forward

to your fine cooking.

Oh, no, no. Don't do that.

All we've got is

whatever is in that walk-in.

No new deliveries till January.


You mind if I, um...

-You want some of that?


-All right.

-(chuckles) Thank you.

(Paul clears throat)

-You know this is a necessity.

-Oh, yes.

(jingle playing over radio)


Top 100 of the year.


Now 17.

Yeah, by Shocking Blue,

it's called "Venus."

("Venus" by Shocking Blue


A goddess on

a mountaintop...

-Where's my photo?

-What photo?

I think you know what photo,

and you stole it.

I resent that

baseless accusation.

Give me my g*dd*mn picture.

Hey, what's your problem, Tully?

You homesick?

Huh? Gonna cry?

Little boy misses his mommy?

f*ck you, Kountze.

Why are you even here, anyway?

Where's your family?

We're renovating our house,

all right?

It's all torn up.

They're storing the tools

and stuff in my room.

That's what they told you?

It's winter, idiot.

Nobody renovates their house

in the winter.

Your parents don't

want you around

because you're a f*cking

insecure sociopath.


Hey, take it easy, guys.

A what?

I mean, who'd want you

for a son?

That's why you grind everybody,

because deep down

you know you're an assh*le.

Plus, academically,

you're a disaster.

I mean, if I were your parents,

I'd never want you home again.

The only tool in your room

is you.

(yells, grunts)

(grunting, muttering)


-Come on! Come on!

-JASON: Hey, hey, hey!

All right, all right.

Break it up. Break it up.

Break it up.

They weren't fighting.

I see.

And who started it --

the not fighting?

Hmm? Mr. Tully,

perhaps you could shed

some light on the subject.

Mr. Kountze?

Mr. Smith?

Mr. Ollerman?

Mr. Park?

All right, then, uh, we'll

do it like the Roman legions.

Absent a confession,

one man's sin

is every man's suffering.

For every minute

the truth is withheld,

you will all receive

a detention.

And I thought all the Nazis

were hiding in Argentina.

Stifle it, Tully.

Now, uh, in the first

of said detentions,

you will clean the library,

top to bottom.

Scraping the underside

of the desks,

which are caked

with snot and gum

and all manner of ancient,

unspeakable proteins.

Ah, on your hands and knees,

down in the dust,

breathing in the dead skin

of generations of students

and desiccated

cockroach assholes.

It was Kountze!

(Alex panting)

Kountze started it.

Bravo, Mr. Ollerman.


(quiet, indistinct chatter)

(light laughter)


Thank you, Mary.

Didn't we already

have this for lunch?

And it was crappy then.


Consider yourselves lucky.

During the Third Punic campaign,

149 to 146 BC,

the Romans laid siege

to Carthage

for three entire years.

-(door opens)

-By the time it ended,

the Carthaginians

were reduced to eating sand

and drinking their own urine.

Hence the term "punitive."

Uh... (sniffs) Mary?

Maybe you would, uh...

maybe you would care to join us?

No, I'm all right. Thank you.

(door opens and closes)

I mean, I know she's sad

about her son and everything,

but still, she's getting paid

to do a job,

and she should do it well,


But I guess, no matter

how bad a cook she is,

now they can never fire her.

Will you shut up!

You have no idea what

that woman has been thr...


You know, Mr. Kountze,

for most people,

life is like a henhouse ladder.

Shitty and short.

You were born lucky.

Maybe someday, you entitled

little degenerates

will appreciate that.

If you don't,

I feel sorry for you

and we will have failed

to do our jobs.

Now, eat.

God rest ye merry, gentlemen

Let nothing you dismay

Remember Christ our Savior

Was born on Christmas Day

To save us all

from Satan's power

When we were gone astray

O tidings of comfort and joy

And joy

O tidings of...


That's right.

(cheering and applause over TV)

Next question

for five points, girls.

What are the dimensions

of the car you drive most?

And that means width by length.

The dimensions of the car

you drive most. Jerry?

JERRY (over TV):

It's pretty long.

Oh, let's see.

Maybe, uh, 8 by 80?

(laughter over TV)

EUBANKS: What's the name

of your car, Union Pacific?

(Paul clears throat)

-Oh, good evening.

-Good evening.

What's this?

You don't know

The Newlywed Game?

-No. -What planet

have you been living on?

I don't really watch television.

It's a show where

they ask couples questions

to see how well

they know each other.

That sounds like

courting disaster.

Yeah, that's

the whole damn point.

Sit down.

Come on.

Broaden your horizons.


This is a rerun from July.

Which is why they're playing

for Weber barbecues

and picnic utensils.

-PAUL: Fascinating.

-MARY: Mm-hmm.

EUBANKS: If we ever take

separate vacations,

I am sending my wife to blank...

-Oh. Thank you.


(chatter continues over TV)

So, how are the boys?

Broken in body and spirit.

Okay, well, it is the holidays,

so, you know, go easy on them.

Oh, please.

They've had it easy

their whole lives.

You don't know that.

Did you?

Besides, everybody should be

with their people on Christmas.

-WOMAN: Hawaii, probably.

-EUBANKS: Hawaii. All right.

He says he's gonna send you

to Santa Ana

and he's going to Las Vegas.

MAN: Nobody can watch you

in Siberia.

Where are you going?

-To Vegas.

-Las Vegas?




-(audience murmurs, laughs)

Those two are going to get

a divorce.

How do you know?

I recognize that look

of stale disappointment.


-She hates him.


How long were you married?

I was engaged

to Curtis's father.

-Mm. -But he died

before I gave birth.


He worked in the shipyard.

And one day, they was

carrying this big, uh,

cargo pallet,

and the cable snapped.

Hit him right across the head.

They were good men.

Both of them.

And neither of them

made it to 25.

My baby wasn't even 20.

I'm so sorry.

I took this job

when Curtis was small

because I wanted to ensure

that he was going to have

a good education.

-You know he flourished here.

-Yes. No, he was a great kid.

-I had him one semester.


Very insightful.

Mm-hmm. He hated you.

He said you were a real assh*le.

Well, uh, like I said...


sharp kid. Insightful.

He had his heart set

on Swarthmore.

And he had the grades,

but I didn't have the money.

Even with financial aid,

it wasn't enough.

So, when he got called up

and no student deferment,

off he went.

Do you know what he said to me?

He said,

"Hey, Ma, look at the upside.

When I get discharged, I can go

to college on the GI Bill."


And here we are.

With my Curtis

in the cold ground

and those boys

safe and warm in their beds.

It's like you said.

How'd you say it?

"Life is like

a henhouse ladder."

-(Paul chuckles)

-That's right.

I can hear everything

you're saying from the kitchen.

Especially that Kountze kid.

Crown prince of all

the little assholes.


-MAN (over TV): It's zero.


Zero. She said it is zero!

Couple number one,

Mike and Sherry McCray,

you are our grand prize winner!

(applause, cheering over TV)

All right, you fetid layabouts.

It's daylight in the swamp!



(students groaning)

("Carol of the Drum

(Little Drummer Boy)" playing)

Speed, gentlemen.


Without sufficient exercise,

the body devours itself.

That's it!



Our finest gifts we bring,

pa-rum pum pum pum

(sniffs, coughs)

To lay before the King,

pa-rum pum pum pum

Rum pum pum pum,

rum pum pum pum

So to honor him,

pa-rum pum pum pum

When we come

Baby Jesus...

What about your car?

We can take it, go somewhere.

Boston, maybe?

Nah, we'd get in

so much trouble.

Face it. We're stuck.

If we just had some way

to get out of here.


-Just split.

Well, you could put a chopper

down right in the quad.


A helicopter, dumbass.

His old man's the CEO

of Pratt & Whitney.

Yeah, he's got his own bird.

He takes it from Stamford

to the city every morning.

Lands it right in the backyard.

The pilot's name is Wild Bill.

-Wild Bill?


He flew up to Haystack with it.

Took the presents

and everything, minus me.

Flying with presents,

like Santa Claus.


Just like Santa Claus.



Oh, let's go, let's go!

You know, if I were back home

right now in Provo,

it'd be really warm inside.

And my mom, she'd be making me

baked apples,

and the whole house would smell

like cinnamon and brown sugar.

That sounds so nice.



(Teddy grunting)


(laughs) That's what you get

for ratting me out,

you little Mormon!

-(grunts, laughs)

-ALEX: What?


Let's go!

What's Fork Union?

Uh, before, you said you don't

want to end up at Fork Union.

It's a military academy

in Virginia.

That's where I'm going if I get

kicked out of school again.

How many schools

have you been kicked out of?


That's why I'm still a junior.

-Give or take a semester.

-ALEX: It's gone!

My glove's gone.

Twisted fucker orphaned

that glove on purpose.

Left you with one so the loss

would sting that much more.

(deep, shuddering breath)



You all right?

(voice shaking):

I had a nightmare.

I get nightmares too.

I'm always falling or drowning.



I had an accident.

Yeah, you did.

Shh. Stop crying.

If they hear you,

they'll crucify you.

Which would be ironic

since you're Buddhist.

I know this is

an excellent school,

and my brothers went here,

but I miss my family,

and I have no friends.

Yeah, well,

friends are overrated.

I'll help you hide the sheets

in the morning, all right?

In the meantime, find a dry spot

and try to get some sleep.

Thank you.

f*cking asparagus.

(clearing throat)


Are you kidding me?

It's only 11:00,

and he's already lit.

I can smell the whiskey on him.

Can you blame him?

It's freezing in here.

It's f*cking Greenland in here.

(helicopter whirring

in distance)

What the hell is that?

(whirring continues)


I knew it!

He finally caved,

the big softie.

Hey, any of you guys

like to ski?


Thank you.

Goodbye, now.

(chatter continues indistinctly)


Well, good news, gentlemen.

I was able to reach Dr. Woodrup

and your parents.

Uh, most of them, anyway.

Try calling again.

Just one more time, please.

There's no point.

The front desk says

they're not answering.

He says they're away

on some excursion.



I'm as disappointed as you are,

if not more so.

I could have been spending

the rest of my vacation

reading mystery novels.

Maybe they're back now.

Just call again, please.


Happy holidays.

Same to you.

Take care, Tully.

I guess that just

leaves you, huh?

Be sure to do all your homework.

Oh, almost forgot.

I found that picture

you were looking for.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Tully.

(Teddy laughing)

Bye, Angus.

(indistinct chatter)

(Paul sighs)

Well, let's make the best

of it, shall we?


WOMAN (over TV):

Oh, I suppose, um,

-Stan Laurel, maybe, because...

-EUBANKS: Stan Laurel.

All right. Your husband said

his favorite silent movie star

is Rudolph Valentino.

-Oh. He is good.

-MAN: Well, yeah.

(laughter over TV)

(Paul chuckles)

EUBANKS: The last of our

five-point questions, girls...

How about you?

You ever been married?

(scoffs, chuckles)

No. I did get close once.

Right after college.




We came to our senses.

This is not exactly a face

forged for romance, Mary.

Yeah, and the...

And, you know...



I don't know.

I like being alone.

I've always found myself drawn

to the aesthetic.

Like a monk.

The forgoing

of sensual pleasures

for the achievement

of spiritual goals.

-Spiritual goals?




What spiritual goals

are we talking about?

You go to church?

-Mm, only when required.


When's the last time

you even left campus?

-I go into town all the time.


For groceries

and various errands

-and appointments.


(sighs, stammers)

Okay, yes,

I don't leave campus often.

I don't really feel the need.

Let me ask you something.

If you could go anywhere

on Earth, where would you go?



Greece, Italy,

Egypt, Peru, Carthage.

Tunisia now, of course.

In college, I started

a monograph on Carthage.

I'd like to finish that someday.

(sighs) A monograph is

like a book, o-only shorter.

I know what a monograph is.

Why not just write a book?

I'm not sure I have

an entire book in me.

You can't even dream

a whole dream, can you?

(grunting softly)



Monet, Manet, Picasso.

(passes gas)

(takes deep breath)

(Paul snoring)

("Crying, Laughing, Loving,

Lying" by Labi Siffre playing)


Crying never did nobody

no good no how

That's why I

I don't cry


Laughing sometimes does

somebody some good somehow

That's why I

I'm laughing now

That's why I

I'm laughing now.

(song ends)

(takes deep breath)

(Paul clears throat)

I have a surprise.

Uh, these were a gift to me,

and I would like to share them

with both of you.

Look at them.

Look at all the festive shapes.

Snowflakes and gingerbread men.

A tree.

A little mitten. (chuckles)

Mmm. (chuckles)


May I go to the bathroom, sir?

You may.


Well, I'm trying.



If you don't have a single room,

uh, I'll take a junior suite

or the equivalent.

I fully understand

it's the holidays,

but it's kind of an emergency.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, sure.

Mr. Tully, what are you doing?

Uh, no, no credit card.

I'll pay cash

or traveler's checks.

I didn't say

you could use the phone.


Okay, I see.

Is there anywhere else

you could recommend?

Maybe downtown or...

-Was that a hotel?

-None of your business.

It is absolutely my business.

I'm looking after you.

Looking after me? Really?

-Like what? Like my warden?


Like my butler?

There's nobody here, okay?

Just us two losers

and a grieving mom.

So let's cut the shit.

You stay out of my way,

and I'll stay out of yours.

-That's a detention.


You just earned yourself

a detention, sir.

Now, get back here!

Being here with you is already

one big f*cking detention!

Son of a bitch,

that's another detention!

("Deck the Halls" by

The Swingle Singers playing)

Mr. Tully!

I don't know what you're

playing at, Mr. Tully,

but you are courting disaster!

Without exercise,

the body devours itself.

You are careening

towards suspension!



(panting heavily)

Don't even think about it,

Mr. Tully.

You are a hair's breadth

from suspension.

I'll wash my hands of you,

you hear me?

Wash my hands.

Stop right there.

You know the gym is

strictly off-limits.

This is your Rubicon.

Do not cross the Rubicon.

Alea jacta est.

(Angus screaming)

Oh, f*ck! Ow!

Jesus, Mr. Hunham! f*ck!

Hurry up! Hurry!

I am hurrying!

I was on thin ice already.

If Woodrup finds out,

the facts won't matter.

-He'll make it my fault.

-It is your fault!

You were supposed to be

looking after me.

I told you to stop.

You said you washed

your hands of me.

No, I meant it metaphorically!

Of course you meant it


What were you going to do,

actually go and wash your hands?

This is the end.

They'll inform the school

who will inform your parents,

and then it's curtains.


You're gonna get me fired.

You. (scoffs)

I'm the one

that might lose an arm,

and all you can think about

is yourself.

NURSE: If you could

fill this out, please.

Admissions and insurance.

(Paul sighs)

Excuse me.

Is there any way we could skip

this whole insurance thing?

It's just standard procedure.


I understand, but look, um,

we were over at Squantz Pond

playing hockey,

and I slipped on the ice.

Angus, what are you doing?

My mom told him not to take me,

but I made him.

My folks are divorced.

We don't get to see each other

very often.

She'll be mad as a hornet

if she finds out.


Okay, that's your business,

but we just have

certain protocols.

-Yeah. Protocols.


I never get to see my dad.

It was my fault. All mine.

I don't want to get him

in any trouble.

I don't want her dragging you

into court again.

We can skip the insurance thing.

We can pay cash.

Right, Dad?

DOCTOR: So the good news is

nothing's broken,

but you did dislocate

your shoulder pretty badly.

What does that mean?

Well, that means that your arm

has popped out of the socket.

And we just need

to pop it back in.

I'm going to have you lie down.

-Nice and easy.

-Is this going to hurt?


-Any more than it does now?

Not if you relax.

The key is just to relax

as best as you can.

(Angus continues groaning)


Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

(rapid, shuddering breaths)

On the count of three.

One, two, three.

(yelling in pain)

-(joint pops)


(Angus screams)

Barton men don't do that.

Do what?

Barton men don't lie.

Yeah, well, I had momentum.




We have this prescription.

Percodan. Okay.

Uh, give me a couple minutes.


Thank you.

Look, you said, if Woodrup

finds out, you're screwed,

so now he won't find out.

What happens

if your parents inquire?

(scoffs) Never gonna happen.

Trust me.

Okay, then.

This all remains entre nous.

Got it? You know

what entre nous means?

Oui, monsieur.

Now you owe me.

Owe you?

Oh, do not try to leverage me,

Mr. Tully.

All I'm looking for

is a little thank-you

that I did something nice

for you.

That's all.

("No Matter What" by Badfinger


ANGUS: Think I'll start

with a beer. How about you?


Don't be ridiculous, Mr. Tully.

Get your cheeseburger.

-They've got Miller High Life.


-The champagne of beers.


Okay, you ready to order? Oh!

Miss Crane.

As I live and breathe.


what are you doing here?


Oh. Hi, guys.

Yeah, I always pick up

a little extra work

over Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Well, um, this is Mr. Tully.


Oh, sure. I know you.

Angus Tully.

We met outside

Dr. Woodrup's office.

I was wrongly accused

of blowing up a toilet.

I didn't know about

the wrongly part.


Um, he'll have a cheeseburger.



And a Miller High Life, please.


Uh, no, you will not.

Where do you stand on

Miller High Life, Miss Crane?

Well, like they say,

it's the champagne of beers.

-And she's a professional.

-PAUL: Okay.

MISS CRANE (laughs):

Okay, one cheeseburger.

-And a Coke.


I will have a cheeseburger

as well.

MISS CRANE (chuckles):

Two cheeseburgers.

-And a Jim Beam on the rocks.

-Oh. Okay.



Okay. You got it, guys.

Thank you.



Ouch. You two have chemistry.



That's the Percodan talking.

I don't know,

seeing her like this,

I think she's pretty attractive.

Listen, you hormonal vulgarian,

that woman deserves

your respect,

not your erotic speculation.

Well, may I at least

go to the bathroom?

-(Paul sighs)


You mean the pay phone?



A Coke...

-and a double Jim.



I charged you for a single.

-Thank you.




So, how'd you get stuck

holding over?

I thought it was

Mr. Endicott's year.

(chuckles) No, I know.

Uh, I'm being punished.

Yeah, Dr. Woodrup is, um...

A pompous ass

with a dictator complex?

(both chuckle)

Oops. Um...

Uh, what I meant to say was, uh,

well, he's a lovely

compassionate educator

-with a really groovy beard.

-(both laugh)

Yeah. You know, I've had

a lot of former students

ascend to positions

of authority.

He's the only one

I've ever had to report to.

-He was your student?

-Oh, yes.

My first year teaching,

and he was an assh*le even then.

(both laugh)



Well, listen, if you and Angus

are really all alone up there,

I'm having a little

Christmas Eve party.

In case, you know,

you guys want to stop by.

("Knock Three Times" by

Tony Orlando & Dawn playing)

Oh, my sweetness

(three drumbeats)

Means you'll meet me

in the hallway

Twice on the pipe

Means you ain't gonna show

If you look out

your window tonight...

Sorry, kid. Next game's taken.

But I just put a dime down.

I don't care.

My buddy's up next.

That's not how it works.

That's how it works in here.

Why don't you go sh**t

the other f*cking machine?

Because I don't want to sh**t

the other f*cking machine.

-I want to use this one.


Thanks for f*cking up my mojo.

Hey, Kenny, you're up.



I put my dime down. I'm up next.

What was that?


Hey, sport, my eyes are up here.


Look at this f*cking kid.

Spoiled little f*cking

Barton boy.

Yeah, he's a fancy

little prick, isn't he?

You know what?

You can just take my dime.

You want me to take your dime?

Like it's, uh...

like it's charity?

No. What I meant was...

we could play together.

Yeah, you could be my left arm.

The f*ck did you just say to me?


-Mr. Hunham?


Mm, yes?

-Mr. Hunham, can we go, please?


Uh, I've just been called

a fancy little prick.

-Hey! Why'd you run off?

-We should go.

We were just talking to you.

Don't they teach you manners

at that school?

-No, no, no. No, no.

-MISS CRANE: Kenneth!

Kenneth, leave him alone.

They just came in for some food.


Kenneth. Kenneth.

Is that right?

Uh, I don't doubt he did

something to offend you.

It's his specialty.

Now, perhaps I can purchase you

gentlemen something to imbibe

and we could let whatever

this unfortunate incident is

go the way of the dodo.

The what?

The dodo. It's an extinct bird.

What he's trying to say is

he'd like to buy you guys

a beer.

-Yeah, yeah. Okay.

-PAUL: Great.

Yeah, yeah. I'll have a Miller.

Champagne of beers.

Why'd you buy those guys beers?

They're assholes.

That's one way to look at it.



How many boys do you know

have had their hands blown off?

Barton boys don't go to Vietnam.

No, they go to Yale

or Dartmouth or Cornell,

whether they deserve to or not.

-Except for Curtis Lamb.

-Except for Curtis Lamb.

Were you ever in the military?

Yes. I tried to enlist in '41,

but was rejected.

I have to get in over there.

They made me an air raid warden.

Gave me a whistle

and everything. (chuckles)

Helmet, armband.


Before we get going,

can I be candid with you?


You smell.

Like fish.

And it's really noticeable

towards the end of the day.

I can even smell it

on your coat.

-Mind if I crack the window?





Means my body can't break down


That's the smell.

And, uh, yes,

more toward the end of the day.


-Your whole life?


No wonder you're afraid

of women.

I am not afraid of women.

-Jesus H. Christ.


I shouldn't have said anything.


Dr. Gertler says I don't always

give consideration

to my audience.

Ah. And who is Dr. Gertler?

-My shrink.


Has Dr. Gertler ever tried

a good, swift kick in the ass?

(Angus scoffs)

Okay, all right, now your turn.


-Go ahead.

-Tell me something about me.


-Something negative.

-Something negative about you?

Sure. Just one thing.

Just one?

MARY: Why'd you two

miss dinner last night?

Oh, we went into town on some,

uh, school-related business.

And you couldn't call?


Good morning, everybody.

-Hi, Danny.

-Good morning.

You can go on in

and fix yourself a plate.

Mm, I just saw something funny.

I walked into the gym,

and someone had vomited

in there.

You don't say. I don't know

anything about that.

Yeah. Me, neither.

No, uh, I'll look into that

right away.

Thank you.

Mm-hmm. I see how it is.

-(bucket thuds on floor)

-(Angus scoffs)


You're out your mind.

(breathing sharply)





I appreciate you pitching in.

No, no, I should be

thanking you.

This is very therapeutic.


Try it when you're stuck

serving 300 little shits,

and all they do is complain.

Then you tell me

how therapeutic it is.

-Well, fair enough.



Speaking of.


Oh, brownies?

God, yes. I want all of these.


Ah-ah. Just take one.

The rest is for

the Christmas party tonight.

What Christmas party?

There's a Christmas party?


Yeah, at Miss Crane's house.

I'm only going to go

for a little bit.

Show my face

and say I was there.

You know, Miss Crane said

she invited you too.

-I want to go to the party.

-(Paul stammers)

She didn't mean it.

We were just making small talk.

If you don't want to go,

don't go.

-I'll take him.

-(Paul scoffs)

Mary can take me.

No, that's not how it works.

You're under my supervision.

Okay, maybe it's fine

for you to sit around here

and read books all day,

but I'm losing my g*dd*mn mind.


-MARY: Hey!

Watch your mouth, young man.

Not on Christmas Eve.

You see?

I can't trust him

in a social situation.

Mr. Hunham,

if you're too chickenshit

to go to this party,

then just say that.

-But don't f*ck it up

for the little assh*le. -Mm.

What's wrong with you?

It's just a party.

-What are you afraid of?

-(sighs) I don't know.

Shit. Now you got me nervous.

("White Christmas"

by The Swingle Singers playing)





(lively chatter)

("Jingle Bells" by Herb Alpert

& The Tijuana Brass playing)

-Oh, hi.

-Oh, hi.

-Oh, you made it. Welcome.

-(chuckles) Yes.

Hi. Aw.

I am so glad you're here.

We're happy to be here.

Where should I put these?

Um, oh. (chuckles)


Those, I'll be putting

on my bedside table.


Oh! You're a wicked woman.

-You have no idea.


Certainly a lot of people here.

(sighs) Yeah, yeah.

Some family, friends from town.


-Only you guys from work.



-That's my mom on the couch.

-PAUL: Mm-hmm.


Uh, that's my sister Kathy

and her son Marvin.

Oh, and that's my friend Tom.

He owns the men's clothing store

-on Bolen Street.

-PAUL: Of course.


Yeah, and his son.

(chatter and music fade)

(music box playing

"Away in a Manger")



This is Angus Tully.

He's one of our students

at Barton.

This is my niece Elise.

"Niece Elise." Nice.


And this is Mr. Hunham.

He's one of our finest teachers.

-PAUL: Oh.

-MISS CRANE: History, right?


Uh, ancient civilizations.


Ah. (chuckles)

And this is Mary Lamb.

She is the manager

of the cafeteria.

-ELISE: Cool.


Hi. (chuckles)

Um, hey, why don't you

take Angus

down into the basement?

Introduce him

to our family tradition.

Come on.

Okay, and, uh, why don't I

get you guys some drinks?

-Uh, Jim Beam for you, right?


Okay, and what about you, Mary?

-Uh, I'll take a whiskey.


(kids chattering)

He's the jolly little fellow

called Santa Claus

Who'll be around

on Christmas Eve night

He's a chubby little fellow

with a long white beard

And he comes

from far away...

ANGUS: This is what

you wanted to show me?

I grew up playing down here

during my aunt's parties.

I think it's kind of cool.

There's a purity to it.

I mean, every child

is an artist.

The problem is remaining

an artist when we grow up.

Picasso said that.

Picasso's cool.

Yeah, I saw Guernica once.

-You know, the-the big mural?


-With the horse?


Yeah, I know Guernica.

You really saw it?

Yeah. At The Museum

of Modern Art in New York.

It's huge.

My dad took me.

Merry Christmas

("Silent Night" by

The Temptations playing)

-To each one of you

-To all of you



Silent night

Holy night...

There you go.

Hey, how you doing, hmm?

-I'm doing all right.


They put me

in charge of the music.

Who put you in charge

of the music?

I did.

-(both laugh)

-You so crazy.

Oh. I got you something.

-No, Danny.

-Yeah, go ahead.


You didn't have to do all this.

I don't have to do anything

but pay taxes and die.

I wanted to. Here.

Holy infant

so tender and mild...

This is lovely.

-Thank you.

-You're welcome.

But, Danny,

I didn't get you anything.

Yes, you did.

You got me that beautiful smile.

(Danny chuckling)

-There it is.

-(Mary chuckles)


There it is.

-Merry Christmas.

-Merry Christmas.

(kids chattering)


Am I doing this right?


There's no right or wrong.

I wish my mom would marry

Santa Claus

Then I know

he would always stay

And we could always play

with the toys...

Are you trying to look

down my shirt?




You know, I'm not gonna do this

if you're not gonna

take it seriously.


I am taking it seriously.

As seriously as one can take

finger painting.


You're not.

You missed this whole area

right here.

And it would always be

Like Christmas

every day for me.


Oh. (chuckles)


-Mistletoe. (laughs)

Oh, yes, of course,

that's-that's why. Right.


-(both laughing)

You know, it's interesting.

Aeneas, uh, carried mistletoe

with him

when he descended

into Hades, uh,

in search of his father.

Oh. Huh.

Anyway, uh, I like your tree.

It's very space-age.

Oh! I bought it to commemorate

the moon landing.

-Really? Oh. Oh.


(Miss Crane sighs)

So, where's your family

this Christmas?

Nowhere. I'm an only child.

Uh, my mother died

when I was young.


And your father?


Let's just say I left home

when I was 15.

-You ran away?


-I got a scholarship to Barton.


And from there, I went to

college and never looked back.

-Oh, but you did a little.


I mean, you came back here.


Feels kind of like home. Yes.

And I guess I thought

I could make a difference.

I mean, I used to think I could

prepare them for the world

-even a little.


Provide standards and grounding

like Dr. Greene always

drilled into us.

But, uh, the world doesn't

make sense anymore.


I mean, it's on fire.

The rich don't give a shit.

Poor kids are cannon fodder.

Integrity is a punch line.

Trust is just a name on a bank.

(Miss Crane chuckles softly)


look, if that's all true,

then now is when they most need

someone like you.

(record scratching, skipping)

("When Winter Comes" by Artie

Shaw & His Orchestra playing)

Danny, did you know that

Curtis used to love Artie Shaw?

You know,

we used to dance to this.


What teenage kid you know

listens to Artie Shaw?

You're k*lling me.

Can't you play something

a little hipper?

Don't touch that g*dd*mn record.

DANNY: Hey, wait. Hey, M-Mary,

come on, just sit down.

-MARY: Oh, I'm okay.

-DANNY: All right.

-No, Danny, I'm okay.

-I-I know. Please.

-Okay, but I said I'm okay.


And I'll be fine

in the summer

But then I gotta have you

to cuddle up to

When winter comes.

Go get me another drink.

So, are you planning

anything special for tomorrow?

No. Why? Are you having, um...

Oh, no, no. I just...

I thought maybe you were doing

something special for Angus.


("It's the Most Wonderful Time

of the Year" playing)

-You should.


Help preserve some of the magic.

I mean, he may be a little

difficult, but he's still...

-he's just a kid.


Life catches up to them so fast.

Them. Ha.



You're a very sweet person,

Miss Crane.


-So are you.


-When you want to be.


And it's Lydia.

Lydia. (chuckles)

(door opens)

-Excuse me for a minute.



There'll be

much mistletoeing

And hearts will be glowing

When loved ones are near

It's the most wonderful time

Of the year...


Mr. Hunham? Mr. Hunham,

could you come with me, please?

Yeah. What is it?

Come on. I'm serious.


-Come on.


There'll be scary

ghost stories

-(Mary sobbing)

-And tales of the glories

Of Christmases

long, long ago...


You all right?


Just leave me alone.

You want me to take you home?

Back off! Back off.

There'll be

much mistletoeing

And hearts

will be glowing...

(song continues muffled

in distance)

(Mary sniffling, crying)

He's gone.



I was right.

This is why I hate parties.

That was a disaster.

Total disaster.

Speak for yourself.

I was having fun.

Let's take Mary home,

make sure she's okay,

and we'll come back.

-Out of the question.

-Come on.

Would you give me a break?

I was hitting it off with Elise.

Oh. (chuckles) The niece?

Are you kidding me?

This poor woman is bereft,

and all you can think about

is some silly girl.

-Unbelievable. -I don't need

you feeling sorry for me.

See? I'm just saying,

this was the first good thing

that came with being

in this prison with you.

Need I remind you

that it is not my fault

that you are stuck here?

Do you think I want

to be babysitting you?

Oh, no, no, I was praying to

the god I don't even believe in

that your mother

would pick up the phone

or your father would arrive

in a helicopter or a submarine

or a flying f*cking saucer

to take you...

My father's dead.


I thought your father...

That's just some rich guy

my mom married.

Give me your keys.

It's unlocked.

You don't tell a boy that's

been left behind at Christmas

that you're aching

to cut him loose.

That nobody wants him.

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

Let's go. I'm cold.

(grunts softly)

O little town of Bethlehem

How still we see thee lie

Above thy deep

and dreamless sleep

The silent stars go by

Yet in thy dark streets


The everlasting light...

(car door closes)

-Merry Christmas.

-Merry Christmas.

What can I do for you, chief?

I'm looking for a tree.

Well, you came

to the right place.

Big fire sale on all

remaining inventory.

Mr. Tully.

Mr. Tully?

Mr. Tully.

Uh, Angus Tully!

(radio playing indistinctly)

(Paul sighs)

-Good morning.

-Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas, of course.

How are you?

Well, I've got a case

of the cocktail flu.

-Yeah. Have you seen the boy?



where the hell can he be?


Mr. Tully?

(piano playing)


-(door bangs shut)

-(playing stops)

-Merry Christmas.

-Merry Christmas.

Where the hell have you been?

I don't know. Just here.

Come on.

I have something to show you.

No ornaments?

Oh, I'm sure we can round up

some ornaments somewhere.

Uh, now...

this is for you.

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

For my money, it's like

the Bible, the Koran

and the Bhagavad Gita

all rolled up into one.

And the best part is

not one mention of God.


-ANGUS: Okay.


And Mary.

This is for you.


So you just get this

for everybody?



-(Paul chuckling)

-Now, how'd you guess?

-How indeed?


Oh, and...

this came in the mail for you.

(Paul sighs)

Thank you, Mary.

That was just lovely.


Is that an actual compliment?

-Oh, come on.

-(Mary laughs)

You know,

I don't think I've ever had

a real family Christmas

like this before.

Christmas dinner,

I mean family-style.

Out of the oven

and all the trimmings.

My mom always just orders in

from Delmonico's.

(Angus and Paul chuckle)


Well, she's got the right idea.

Next year I'm ordering in

from Delmonico's.

Anyway, thank you, Mary.

You're welcome.


I'd like to propose a toast.

To my two unlikely companions

on this snowy island

and to our absent friends

and family.

And I realize that none of us

is here because he wants to be.

So if there's any way

that I could make the holidays

a little cheerier

for either one of you,

just say the word.


I want to go to Boston.

Boston? Why?

Why not?

I want a real Christmas.

I want to go ice-skating.

I want to see

a real Christmas tree

with real ornaments,

not that stupid thing.

-You said it was nice.

-MARY: It is nice.


Come on, let's get out of here.

I want a real holiday.

We're not going to Boston.

It's out of the question.


You told the boy "anything,"

so take the kid to Boston.

Mary, we're not allowed

to leave campus

or the immediate environs.


(sighs heavily)

I suppose we could call it

a field trip.

Uh, field trips would fall

under the ambit

of additional academic pursuits.

There's even a fund set aside

for additional

academic pursuits.


I'll go pack. (laughs)

I'm gonna need you

to take me to Roxbury.

Mm-hmm. All right.


-(no dialogue)

-MARY (sighs): Here we are.

-PAUL: Hmm.

Boy, that's an awful lot

of stairs.

-Probably icy too.


Mr. Tully.

Right. Um...

Mary, can I help you

with your bags?


Yes, please.

-PAUL: Hmm.

-(trunk closes)



Hey, be careful with the box.


You know, you're more than

welcome to a room at the hotel.

We've got the money.

Are you out of your mind?

I need a break from you two

and all your damn bickering.

Besides, I'm looking forward

to visiting my little sister.

She's pregnant.

Oh, that's wonderful.



-Mr. Hunham. Mr. Hunham.

-Oh, I'm sorry.

My hands sweat.

It's hyperhidrosis. Sorry.


-ANGUS: Hey, Mary!

One more flight up.

One more flight up.


So, you two are

going to be all right?

Yes, the little monster

will be well under control.

-PEGGY: Mary!





Bye, Mary.

Uh-uh. Where are you going?

-I was...

-You're not done yet.

You have to help me up there.

-Yeah, sure thing.

-Come on.

(kids chattering playfully


(opens drawer)

(chuckles softly)

(Mary sighs softly)

(laughter, indistinct chatter)

(indistinct chatter continues)

(siren wailing in distance)


Hey there, handsome.

You got a cigarette?

Nope. Sorry, I smoke a pipe.

How about a date, then?

You want a date?


No, thank you.

-Oh, come on.


Let's go somewhere warm.

Go ahead.

-I can wait here.

-WOMAN: See?

He can wait here,

read some books.

He doesn't mind if daddy gets

a little candy cane.

Thank you, but I never really

liked candy canes.

Plus, I'm prediabetic.

You know, if you do want

a little candy cane,

I won't tell anyone.

Mr. Tully, for most people,

sex is 99% friction

and one percent goodwill.

Call me old-fashioned,

but I place value

on physical intimacy.

So should you.

You've never had sex, have you?


Believe it or not, Mr. Tully,

there was a time

when the fire in my loins

burned white hot.

You're full of shit.

No, the details

would curl your toes.

Okay, we're finally getting

to the good stuff.

Let's hear.

Maybe when you're eighteen.

Curl your toes!


Are we almost done?

PAUL: What's your hurry?

I thought you liked antiquity.

(chuckles) In class, maybe,

but I never think about it

unless I need to.

Ah. Ah, well, here.

What do you see?

I don't know.

A bunch of pottery.

Mm. Look at that one.

-Candy cane.

-(laughs): Yes.

There's nothing new

in human experience, Mr. Tully.

Each generation thinks

it invented debauchery

or suffering or rebellion,

but man's every impulse

and appetite

from the disgusting

to the sublime

is on display right here

all around you.

So, before you dismiss something

as boring or irrelevant,


if you truly want to understand

the present or yourself,

you must begin in the past.

You see, history is not simply

the study of the past.

It is an explanation

of the present.

See, when you say it that way

and throw in some pornography,

it's a lot easier to understand.



You should try doing more of

that in class and less yelling.

You know, most of the kids

dislike you.

Pretty much hate you.

Teachers too.

You know that, right?

("The Wind" by Cat Stevens


(chuckles softly)

I listen to the wind,

to the wind of my soul

Where I'll end up, well,

I think only God really knows

I've sat upon

the setting sun

But never, never,

never, never

I never wanted water once

No, never, never, never

I never wanted water once

No, never, never, never.

(quiet, indistinct chatter)


Paul Hunham! Is that you?

It's Hugh.

Hugh Cavanaugh.

Ah, yes. Of course.

Wow. Hugh Cavanaugh.


Oh, how are you, Hugh?

Oh, God, what's it been,

30 years? Um...

Um, this-this is, uh...

this is my wife Karen.

Honey, this is Paul Hunham.

-We went to Harvard together.

-Hi, Paul.

Yes, we did. Yes, we did.

Uh, wow.

Uh, what have you

been up to, Hugh?

-Uh, still in the area?

-HUGH: Oh, yes. Yes.

I-I'm still in Boston.




He just got tenure. Statistics.

-Oh, Karen.

-He won't blow his own horn.

-I have to blow it for him.

-Okay. Well, uh,

what about you, Paul?

Oh, still teaching.

We have that in common.

Uh, history, ancient history.

-That's great.

-PAUL: Yes.

That's great. Where?

Oh, um, abroad, mostly.

On fellowships,

privately funded fellowships.


and private academies.

Mostly fellowships, you know.

I'm currently posted

in, um, Antwerp.

Uh, just back here

for the holidays.

Ah. So, uh, is this your son?

-Well, um...

-I'm his nephew, Leonard.


Nice to meet you, Leonard.

And he's writing a book

right now.

Um, tell him about your book,

Uncle Paul.


My book.

It's not a book, really.

Uh, more of a monograph.

-It's nothing special.

-Don't be so modest.

It's about, uh, cameras, right?

Ancient cameras?


-PAUL: Yes.

No, what he means, of course,

is the camera obscura.

You know, the optical

and astronomical tool

that dates back to the time

of, um, Anaxagoras.

Tell him the title, Uncle Paul.

He's not interested, Leonard.

Sure, I am.


Light and Magic

in the Ancient World.

Okay, well, um...

Paul, I'm just so glad

you landed on your feet.

You look swell.

You too. So swell.

And, uh, we'll keep an eye out

for your book.

-Won't we, honey?


-Merry Christmas, Paul.

-Merry Christmas.

-Bye, Leonard.

-Merry Christmas.

What the f*ck just happened?

I thought Barton men don't lie.

Don't get me wrong,

that was fun,

but you just lied

through your teeth.

What I say during

a private conversation

is none of your

g*dd*mn business.

You are not to judge me.

It wasn't

a private conversation.

-The wife and I were there.


-And I helped you.

-(Paul laughs)

Why did he ask

if you landed on your feet?

What is this, Nuremberg?


-You're the hard-ass

constantly telling everybody

not to lie

and going on and on

about the honor code.

There was an incident

when I was at Harvard

with my roommate.


He accused me of copying

from his senior thesis.



-Well, did you?

-No, he stole from me.

But that blue-blooded prick's


had allies on the faculty.

I mean, their last name is on

a library, for Christ's sake.

So he accused me in order

to sanitize his treachery

and, uh, they threw me out.

Wait, so you got kicked out

of Harvard for cheating?

No, I got kicked out of Harvard

for hitting him.

-(Paul chuckles)

-You hit him?

What, like punched him out?

No, I hit him with a car. Ah.

You got kicked out of Harvard

for hitting a guy with a car?

By accident.

Pint of Jim Beam, please.

But he broke three ribs,

which was technically his fault

because he shouldn't have been

in the road.


Two dollars, please.

-Also, he shat himself.

-(cash register bell dings)

Which was the greater indignity.


Here you go, k*ller.

(cash register drawer closes)

ANGUS: So Mr. Hunham

never even graduated college?

-PAUL: Mm.

-Holy shit.

You didn't finish up

somewhere else? Who else knows?

Well, Dr. Greene knew.

Only Dr. Greene.

He always believed in me,

so he gave me a job.

Adjunct faculty,

zero respect and even less pay.

So nobody batted an eye,

and I've been at the school

ever since.

Are you ashamed

at how things turned out?

Not at all.

I'm proud of my work.

I love history. I love Barton.

Barton is my life.

I don't know what I would do

without Barton.

Why'd you lie to that guy?

Because I knew he'd relish

the fact that I'm a washout

and never left

my own high school,

and he'd probably repeat

that story

to everybody we used to know,

so I figured he's not entitled

to my story.

I am.

Yeah. Yeah, f*ck that guy.

Yeah, exactly. f*ck that guy.

"Statistics." (scoffs)

But, now, you'll keep

this quiet, right?

No one is to know.

I mean no one, Angus.

Entre nous, sir.

Entre nous.

"Ancient cameras."

Where the hell

did you come up with that?

Just trying to keep you

on your toes, sir.

Get up, kid.

It's daylight in the swamp.

I ordered breakfast.

Great. (sighs)

Oh, you dropped something.

(Paul grunts)

Uh, those are my vitamins.


Yeah, it's just, uh,

something I'm supposed to take

for low energy.

You mean depression?

Is that rye toast?

How'd you know I like rye toast?


(busy chatter)

All right. This way.

(pins clatter)


Let go lightly.


-You're too rigid.

(pins clatter)


-(Paul laughs)

-You're welcome.

-Not bad.

You're a pretty good

teacher, kid.

Too bad everybody dislikes you.

Pretty much hates you.

But you must know that, right?

Touch, sir. Touch.

-By the way...


...what eye do you aim with,



You know, I've been

meaning to ask.

When we're talking,

which one should I look at?

Sometimes I look at one,

but then I think I'm wrong,

so I look at the other.

Yes, everybody does that.

So, which eye is it?


(lively chatter)


People don't understand.

This isn't tenpin.

No, this is much harder.

All these tenpin assholes

coming in here

like they're slumming it.

-The hell with them.


Yeah. f*ck 'em.

Excuse me.

Here's something

I bet you didn't know.

Your uniform, festive as it is,

is historically inaccurate.

Saint Nicholas of Myra

was actually

a fourth-century Greek Bishop

from what is now Turkey.

So, uh, a robe and sandals

would be closer to the mark.

Yeah, but I guess that would be

impractical given the weather

and all the silly but lucrative

mythology about Santa

and elves and reindeer

and chimneys and whatnot.

(chuckles) What can you do?

As Democritus said,

"O ksmos alloosis,

o vos yplipsis."

"World is decay.

Life is perception."

My son.

To see you again causes

my heart to soar like a hawk.


I brought you this present.

Is this the hat I used to own?

-(Paul chuckles)

-Except grown softer...

You know,

this is not only amusing,

uh, but for a movie,

it's a fairly accurate depiction

of life among the Cheyenne.


-f*ck off.

(in movie):

I saw you in a dream.

-I'm gonna go use the bathroom.


(in movie):

You were drinking from a spring

that came from

the long nose of an animal.

I did not recognize the animal.

Alongside his nose,

he grew two horns.

(movie continues playing


(in movie):

...and smoked on this matter,

and my decision is...

Little Big Man has returned.

(cheering, whooping in movie)

(quiet chatter)


Hey! Hey!

No. Out.

Get out.

I just need to do something.

I was going to come back.

Or meet you at the hotel.

It won't take long.

It's nothing bad.

Just get out,

you conniving little shit.


Were you planning this

the whole time?

Just counting the minutes

until I turned my back?

I wasn't running away.

There's just something

I need to do

before we go back to school.


You could come with me.

Just come with me, okay?

Come with you where?

To see my dad.

Your dad?


That's what this is about?

Why didn't you just ask me?

Because, of course,

we can visit a cemetery.

Excuse me. Hi.

I'm here to see Thomas Tully.

Right in here.


Over here.

Look who's here to see you.

Hi, Dad.

Hello, sweetheart.

You want to go sit down

for a little?

Oh. Come on.

Be seated right here.

There you go. All right.

I missed you.

I've missed you a lot.

A whole lot.

You know, I'm still at school.

At Barton.

And it's, uh...

it's Christmastime now,

so I thought

you might like a visit.

Guess what. I'm...

I'm actually keeping

my grades up.

I-I consistently get

the highest grades in the class

in ancient civ.

I'm... I'm pretty much

third or fourth in precalc.

And I'm in the chess club too.

But I don't really like

the other kids.

(chuckles softly)

And in the spring,

I think I want to try tennis.

Just JV,

and probably only doubles,

if the coach could just forget

about my, uh...

Anyway, it's not important.


I, uh... I have to tell you


I think they're putting

something in my food.

He used to be fine.

He was better than fine.

He was great.

He was my dad.

Then about four years ago, he...

started acting strange.

Erratic, forgetful,

saying all this weird shit.

My mom took him

to a bunch of doctors,

and they put him on medication.

But that just made it worse.

He got more confused.

Then he got angry.

And then he got...


That was it.

That was the last straw.

They put him away.

And she divorced him...

without him even realizing it.

That's why she wants

a whole new life.

And it's easy to just stash me

away in boarding school.

Like half of us

are just stashed away there.

And I get it.

She never has to look at me.

Because maybe when

she looks at me, she...

-she sees him.

-No, no, no, no, no.

That can't be true.

She... You're her son.

Maybe she's right.

I can't keep it together.

I lie. I steal.

I piss people off.

I don't have any friends,

real friends.

I'll probably get kicked out

of Barton too.

And when I do,

it'll be my own fault.

Get sent to Fork Union

and maybe to you-know-where.

And nobody will care.

The funny thing is...

I wanted to see him so bad

this whole time.

But I also didn't, you know?

Because I'm afraid

that's what's going to happen

to me one day.

No, Angus, Angus.

Angus, listen.

You're not your father.

How do you know?

Because no one is

his own father.

I'm not my dad.

No matter how hard he tried

to beat that idea into me.

I find the world a bitter

and complicated place,

and it seems to feel

the same way about me.

I think you and I

have this in common.

But don't get me wrong,

you have your challenges.

You're erratic and belligerent

and a gigantic

pain in the balls,

but you're not your father.

You're your own man.

Man, no. You're just a kid.

You're just beginning.

And you're smart.

You've got time

to turn things around.

Yes, I know

the Greeks had the idea

that, uh, the steps you take

to avoid your fate

are the very steps

that lead you to it,

but that's just

a literary conceit.

In real life, your history

does not have to dictate

your destiny...

Oh. There's Mary.

Can you not tell Mary

or anybody? Uh...

Entre nous. This whole

goddamned trip is entre nous.

-Stand up.


Stand up for the lady, you boor.

You cretin.

-ANGUS: Mary.

-PAUL: Well, hello.

Hi. Sorry I'm late.

PAUL: Oh, we're just happy

to see you.

-(Mary chuckles)

-(Paul grunts)

Madame, the menu.


Oh. Thank you.

Hello, ma'am. Would you like

a cocktail to start?

Oh, no,

I'll just take a cup of tea.

Oh, come on. Have a cocktail.

No, no, no.

A cup of tea is fine.

I've eaten already.

And you gentlemen,

did you save room for dessert?

-PAUL: Hmm.

-Hey, what's that?


That's our signature dessert.

-Cherries jubilee.

-PAUL: Mmm.

-That sounds great.

-(Paul chuckles)

Bring the young vandal here

cherries jubilee.

I'm afraid I can't.

The dish contains brandy.

Same deal with

the bananas Foster.

-Yeah, but doesn't the alcohol

just burn off? -PAUL: Mm.

WAITRESS: It's still

against the rules, ma'am.



I'll order the cherries

jubilee. We can share it.

Mm. I can't allow that, either.

Can we say it's his birthday?

It's my birthday.

Well, happy birthday, young man.

Let's get you a slice of cake

or some other

age-appropriate dessert.

Christ on a crutch.

What kind of a fascist hash

foundry are you running here?

Uh, excuse me, ma'am. Do you,

by chance, have cherries?



And do you have ice cream?


-MARY: Fantastic.

Can we please get cherries

and ice cream to go?

And the check.

Right away.




And a little James Beam.

All right. Go ahead.

Ooh. (laughs)

Presto. Cherries jubilee.



-Shouldn't it just go out?



-Oh, shit. Shit.

-How much alcohol

did you put on there? -Oh!

It's hot. It's very hot.


-(Mary squeals)


HOST (on TV):

But now just listen to them.

They see the ball and...

MARY: Man, I sure do wish

we had some noisemakers.



I've got a noisemaker.

Where the hell did you get that?

I don't know. Found it.

Well, you're not

deploying that in here.

You know, you weren't

this uptight in Boston.

-MARY: Oh.

-(Paul chuckles)

Danny, where do you stand

on indoor fireworks?

About as far away as I can.

-That's very wise.

-HOST: Ten, nine...

Oh, we're gonna miss it.

Come on.

-Up on your feet.

-...eight, seven...

Up on your feet.

Up on your feet.

-...six, five, four...

-Five, four...


Three, two, one.

-Happy New Year!

-Happy New Year!



Should old acquaintance

be forgot...

(Paul clears throat)

(quiet muttering)

Congratulations, Mr. Tully.

-Congratulations, Danny.

-Thank you.

Mary, congratulations.

Now, as I say, we're not

deploying this in here.

No. We're going to light

this sucker off in the kitchen.



-(Angus chuckles)

-All right. Come.

-Come, come, come.

-Come on, man.

-For real?

-This is coming with me.

For auld lang syne

My dear

For auld lang syne.

(expl*si*n booms)

(song ends)

("In Memory of Elizabeth Reed"

by Allman Brothers Band plays)

(indistinct chatter)


There's too much paprika.

Why'd you put in

all that paprika?

Follow the recipe.

Now you have to add in

another cup of water.

What's wrong with you?

Come on, ladies!

(indistinct chatter)


Hey, Kountze.

Does... does it hurt?

f*ck yeah, it hurts.

Glare off the slopes, man,

burned me to a crisp.

(Angus laughs)

You think that's funny, Tully?

No, man.

Just glad you had

a good vacation.

Welcome back,

you snarling Visigoths.

I trust you all enjoyed

a refreshing holiday.

-Oh, hello, Mr. Kountze.

-(song fades)

Or should I say Icarus?

Fly a little too close

to the sun, did we?



Uh, all right.

Now, along with

your skiing and swimming,

I hope you found time

to enlighten yourselves

about the Peloponnesian w*r

and its implications for today.

Just to check, we're going

to start with a short pop quiz

-on the reading...

-(students groaning)

...before we retake the final

from last semester.

Omnia ex scrineis

praeter stilum.

(students groaning, murmuring)

Excuse me, Mr. Hunham?

Oh, Miss Crane.

Lydia. Uh, come in.

Happy New Year.

Oh, same to you. Happy New Year.

Forgive me. I'm a clod.

I never called to thank you

for inviting

the boy and me to your party.

And Mary.

It meant a lot.

Oh, you're so welcome.

It was fun.

Um, Dr. Woodrup is asking

to see you.

He says it's urgent.


(quiet chatter)


DR. WOODRUP: Mr. Hunham, meet

Judy and Stanley Clotfelter.

Angus Tully's mother and father.



Good morning.

They've brought something

very important to my attention.


We understand you took Angus

to Boston over the holidays.

I explained to Mr. Clotfelter

that you went on a field trip

for academic reasons.

That's right.

A field trip?

Yes. Uh, as per my instructions

in the manual,

it fell within the ambit

of my responsibility.

Well, if it was a school trip,

then how do you explain this?

The people at the sanitarium

confiscated it

from my ex-husband.


Angus had given it to him.

My mom and Stanley are here.

Lydia told me.

I think I'm going to get

kicked out.

That means military school.

JUDY: Angus knows he's not

supposed to visit his father.

He suffers from

debilitating mental illness.

Paranoid schizophrenia,

early-onset dementia.

And Angus's visit created

an expectation.

Now Tom wants to come home,

which is...

clearly impossible.

They tried to tell him,

and he just...

He got violent. He tried

to brain one of the orderlies

with this goddamned thing.

You people know the boy has

a discipline problem.

Paul, the Clotfelters want

to withdraw Angus from Barton

and enroll him

at Fork Union Military Academy.

STANLEY: Set him straight

once and for all.

He could do a lot worse

than a career in the military.


Look, Angus has defied me

lots of times

about a lot of things,

including this.

So, however he manipulated

your sympathies

or slipped the leash,

just tell us.

It was my idea.

No, uh, uh, he didn't, uh,

trick me or slip the leash.

No, I took him

to see his father.

In fact, I convinced him

to do so.

This is a family matter,

and you had no right

to interfere.

-I don't give a shit.

-JUDY (gasping): What?

-DR. WOODRUP: Hunham.

-I said I don't give a shit.

You two were unreachable.

He was all alone at Christmas.

I thought the kid

should see his father.

Do you understand

what you've done?

I have to move Tom now.

It was hard even finding

a facility that would take him,

and now I have to move him.

And that is deeply unfortunate,

but why compound the misery

by ruining the boy?

I have just spent

two solid weeks with him.

He is a pain in the ass, sure,

but he's also very smart.

Brilliant, I don't know,

but very smart.

You must know that.

He's got enormous potential.

It would be devastating

if you pulled him out now.

(door opens)

You did this to yourself,

Hunham, not me.

-I want you to remember that.


Hardy, I have known you

since you were a boy,

so I think I have

the requisite experience

and insight to aver that

you are and always have been

penis cancer in human form.


It's this one.

This is the one

you should look at.

Angus, step inside, please.

("Ombra mai fu" from

Handel's opera Serse playing)

(knocking at door)




I missed you at breakfast.

I was, uh... I was busy.

So did you decide

where you're going to go?

Yes and no.

Um, first, I'm going

to stash my stuff

at a friend's in Syracuse,

and then...

I don't know.

Maybe I'll start in Carthage.


I was hoping you were

going to say that.



(Paul sighs)

For your monograph.

I don't know, Mary.

There's a lot

of empty pages in here.

Yeah, well,

that's your problem, man.


-All you got to do

is write one word after another.

Can't be that hard, can it?




What about you?

What about me what?

Oh, no, I'm not going anywhere.


I'm not like you.

I like having a job.

(Paul chuckling)

Plus, I'm saving up for college.

My sister's baby.

Ah. (chuckles)

What is the word from Penny?



Only that if it's a boy...

...his middle name

is going to be Curtis.


(distant chatter)

(whistle blowing in distance)

TEDDY: I heard he got booted

for eating feces.


Apparently he got caught

in the locker room.

Hand in the commode,

burgling turds.

That's not what I heard.

What did you hear?

Doesn't matter.

Either way, he's history.

Fucker taught history,

now is history.

Right, Tully?

(sniffs, sighs)


Oh, hi.

Look, uh...

I don't know what you said

to my mom and Stanley,

Woodrup, but...

all I know is

I'm not getting kicked out

and, uh, you got fired.

Well, I just told the truth.


Barton man.

Barton man.

(school bell ringing)

Fifth period.

You know, it's, uh...

it's only PE.

-(Paul chuckles)

-Maybe I could skip.

We could head over

to The Winning Ticket.


-Grab a burger and a beer.

Ah. Miller High Life, no doubt.

You never give up, do you?

Well, they already fired you,

so I figured

it was worth a shot.

Your logic is flawless,

but, uh, no.

Keep your head up, all right?

You can do this.

Yeah, I was gonna tell you

the same thing.

See ya.

See ya.


("Crying, Laughing, Loving,

Lying" by Labi Siffre playing)


Crying never did nobody

no good no how

That's why I

I don't cry

That's why I

I don't cry


Laughing sometimes does

somebody some good somehow

That's why I

I'm laughing now

That's why I

I'm laughing now


Loving never did me

No good no how

No how

That's why I

Can't love you now

That's why I

Can't love you now


Lying never did nobody

no good no how

No how

So why am I

Lying now?

So why am I

Lying now?

(song ends)