03x13 - No Sun on the Horizon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scandal". Aired: April 2012 to April 2018.*
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A White House Communications Director leaves to start her own crisis management firm only to discover she has not left the past behind.
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03x13 - No Sun on the Horizon

Post by bunniefuu »

No family.

That's the first rule... No families, no connections.

I never really had a family anyway.

I'm more from this group of people related by blood.

Indiana... Middle of nowhere.

She really liked that TV channel where you call in and buy things...

Crap, you buy crap.

Fake porcelain dolls, magic stain removers, big pictures of puppies wearing funny hats.

He really liked dr*gs and sex with underage girls.

I had a sister, so...

She's dead now. She died. Anyway...

Not having a family makes you ripe, ready, a hunk of Clay waiting to be sculpted.

No connections.

No light at the end of the tunnel.

No sun on the horizon. Nothing to wish for.

They could burn the wonderland stamp on your brain, and no one would be the wiser, because there's no one there to miss you.

You're now the property of the United States government, division b613.

You come to work at acme limited.

You fake-sell fake paper, and you run the world in a way that no one even imagines exists in real life, and then, little by little, you've been places...

And you've done things, and there's been so much blood.

This becomes your home.

This becomes your family.

And you can't imagine any other life.

I'm sorry.

I-I don't think I understand. The debate?

Debate prep... we're prepping for the presidential debates, the big time.

Langston versus Reston versus Grant, a three-way, heavyweight prize fight.

We should discuss confidentiality.

Mr. Bergen, it's just I'm not sure why you've asked me to come.

To help Sally... Debate prep.

Anything she tells you is confidential, right?

Like preacher/sally confidentiality or whatever.

You took some sort of vow.

Yes, uh... Yeah.

It's an honor to help vice president Langston in any way I can.


I'm just not sure that I...

Well, I'm not even completely sure I understand what "debate prep" means.

She listens to you.

You're close. You're her spiritual advisor.

Well, her family has been worshipping at the good Shepherd baptist church since before the civil w*r.

Okay, that's not what I asked you, reverend.

I know she's a member of your church.

I called you and put you on a plane... a private plane...

Because apparently God's servant won't fly coach, you son of a... mm.

Reverend Dale, does the vice president listen to you, come to you for spiritual counsel, or does she just, you know, throw a few coins in your collection plate for the photo op whenever she visits her home state?

Mr. Bergen, please. This is a very important question, reverend.

Think before you answer.

Are you an actual man of God who can influence Sally Langston, or are you a waste of my time?

I am a man of God.

Wonderful. Then, welcome to Langston-for-president debate prep.

Sally: And where in hell did you summon the audacity to accuse me of dirty politics while you're the one slathered in mud, fornicating with whatever slithers by while dining on your own filth till you're too fat to stand?

Well, guess what.

Time for the slaughter, piggy, piggy!

Time for the slaughter, you filthy, cloven beast!

I see the signs of the devil branded into your flesh.

We all see them.

Time to serve your master.

Time to make the bacon!

Judgment is upon you, and, on that day, you will no longer roam the temple, soiling this nation's hallowed ground.

For you will be frying in the flames of hell...

She's all yours, reverend. Fix her.

For you satanic master to snack upon!

Yum, yum, crispy piggy!

Yum, yum! Mellie: The only way to improve that standing and to keep our nation safe is to replace you.

And if it can't be me... and it should be me, of course...

Then I'd rather see governor Reston in the oval office.

What a backhanded compliment, typical of the kind of dysfunction we've witnessed over the last three years with Republicans in power.

Backhanded or not, my intentions were sincere, I assure you, governor Reston.

You want to discuss decorum, Sally?

Let's discuss your choice to split with my administration without having the decency to resign.

Look, you're a hard worker, and you're smart.

It's why I chose you to serve with me.

But in the entire time you've been in office, you have wasted your intelligence and your efforts on one goal, one task alone...

Getting my job.

That is preposterous.

I have been instrumental in... let me finish.

You can covet and armchair-quarterback my job all the livelong day, but attacking my character and quoting the Bible does not prepare you to help struggling middle-class families or to know when or how or what it means to send our troops into harm's way, to risk American lives so that others in east Sudan and in Libya and in the Middle East have a chance at peace and prosperity and democracy.

I am proud of what I've done for this country.

And while I am not proud of my personal... Liv, he's k*lling it.

He's back. He's on fire.

The phoenix from the ashes, and you're missing it!

Where the hell are you?

Cyrus: Sally, it is not time.
[Cellphone chimes]

Do not give yourself over.

D-do not move. Do not call anyone.

I am coming to you right now.

[Cellphone beeps] You told me Daniel Douglas was drunk, that he hit his head in the bathroom.

Huck: The coroner must have lied to us.

David: Paid off by Cyrus Beene, no doubt.

Cyrus hates Sally.

He'd love to see her go to jail.

We'd have no opposition in the election.

It doesn't make sense.

It does when you throw in the fact Cyrus set this all up in the first place by pimping out his husband.

That's how James got involved in this?

So, he's working with you against his husband?

James is just as committed to this as I am, and you should be, too. This isn't the only tape, Liv.

We have one of him talking to Leo Bergen about cleanup.

We have an autopsy that was rushed through without so much as a single photo of the body.

Watergate had less to go on. This is ridiculous!

If Cyrus Beene needed to cover up a m*rder, he'd come to me.

We are the best. You chose us.

Maybe, somehow, he was worried you'd do the right thing.

This is your chance to be on the right side again, Liv.

Help me bring a m*rder*r, the vice president of the United States, to justice.

[Knock on door]

You been down to the debate prep?

Fitz is back at his fighting weight.

He's sharp, Liv. Sally doesn't stand a... I know about Daniel Douglas.


I know everything.

Liv, I have this under control. You have to trust me.

[Breathes deeply]

So, it's true.

You did this?

I have it covered, okay?

[Sighs] Liv.





It's... it's not funny.

It's just that...

What? It's just what? What?

They're all murderers...

Reston, Sally, Fitz.

The presidential debate...

It's literally murderers row.

No matter who gets elected...

They're all murderers!

Nobody's perfect.

[Both laugh]

[Sniffles] Oh.


The fresh start...

The clean race, the chance we promised Fitz to run and run clean, it's gone.

You took that from him the moment you sold your husband to Daniel Douglas.

You took his chance.

You made this dirty.

You huffed, and you puffed, and you blew his house down. - No. No.

That... that candidate down there in the debate room, that's a Fitzgerald Grant we haven't seen in a long time.

He's the candidate that made us believe that giving up our lives in service to him, to our country was the noble thing to do.

He never has to know what happened.

Oh, here we go.

Liv, he's ready to win this thing!

So, now this is the part where I say that he can't.

Where I point out that he can't win if his chief of staff and his wife go to jail with Sally Langston!

And then here's the part where you say that you...

All you have to do is make sure we keep a lid on this, Fitz included.


Where you say that.

Where you drag me back into the dark.


Liv, you can do this.

I know you. Stay with me. Keep this quiet.

I'll handle everything else, and it will all be fine.


It was supposed to be different this time, Cyrus.

Okay, Liv...

You cannot tell Fitz.

Liv, I'm begging you. You can't tell him.

We just need to get through.

Liv! What are you gonna do?

You're on our side.

You cannot let this out.

I can't do this again.

I want to walk into the light and feel the sun on my face, Cyrus.

You're on your own.

I'm sorry. You want me to what?

Answer the phone when it rings, which won't be that often, but when it does, you say "Acme Limited" in your friendliest voice and proceed to sell the lucky caller some paper.

Paper? - It's called paying your dues.

All due respect, I didn't sign up to sell paper.

Where's my mission? Where's my g*n?

I didn't become a B613 agent...

Technically, you're not an agent. Your status is still pending.

Now, you're free to k*ll anyone who walks through that door.

But until then, you'll be at this desk answering that phone, selling acme paper.

And no more freelancing with your boyfriend on the side, either.

In fact, as of now, no one's doing any more freelancing at B613 at all.

Are we clear?

[Telephone ringing]
We're clear.


Acme Limited.

Give me one reason not to fire you.

Fire me? Well, you can't fire me because I don't work for you.

When I say "fire,"
I am employing a euphemism.

Our candidate has canceled several key campaign stops.

Her poll numbers have dropped six points in the past three weeks, and her debate camp has been nothing short of a disaster.

Things are prickly, yes, but steps have been taken.

Well, take more.

Reston is a known unknown, and Fitzgerald Grant has proven himself an unacceptable commander in chief.

Grant has upset the balance of power.

A Langston victory is the only way to restore it.

Make it happen... a whole new world opens up for you, power and influence you can't imagine.

Fail me...


Well, then, you're fired.

Simple... as that.

What's this?

Everything we've collected on the Daniel Douglas m*rder.


That's it?

We're not gonna... what about David? Are we helping him?

We're not doing anything.

So, we're not stopping him or helping him? - No.

Well, what should I tell him?

Tell him that he needs to do whatever he needs to do.

But he's in danger.

We're not getting involved, Abby... not this time.

[Knock on door]

I come bearing gifts.

What, you're not hungry?

I'm just...

Surprised that you're here.

I got you a double Lincoln with bacon.

You never come here anymore.

The last time you were here was...

I'm trying the Mary Todd Turkey burger but with double cheese fries, so it balances out.

I don't know the last time you were here.

I also brought wine, but this is for me.

I'm drinking the whole bottle. You're on your own.


Let it go.

Liv, talk to me.

I don't want to talk, okay?

Yes. Something is wrong.

Everything is wrong, but I don't want to talk about it.

I want to eat too many fries and drink way too much wine and have a relaxing evening with my fake boyfriend.

I want to pretend, for just one night, to be a normal person who doesn't live in this world or know these things.

I don't want to talk.

I didn't come here to talk!

So, can you just be here with me and pretend?!

I sold 1,500 reams of paper today.


At my job.

I sell paper at Acme Limited, and today, I sold 1,500 reams.

They're making me employee of the month.

I get my picture on the break-room wall and everything.

[Cork pops]

Normal is also a little bit boring.

But... I can keep going.

You want to talk three-hole-punch or legal-size?

Every morning when I walk into my office in B613, it's like I'm realizing all over again that I'm command...

And that it all falls on me.

And the stuff that I'm in charge of, the decisions I have to make, the knowledge I have, the secrets I keep...

I'm through the looking glass, and what's on the other side...

Some days...

I really do want to be just the guy who sells paper.

How did we end up here?

What is this place?

We could run. We could just disappear.


We could run. You just have to say the word.

[Glass thuds]



If you get drunk tonight, I am going to take advantage of you.

No, you won't.

[Chuckles] No, I won't.


Run away with me, Liv. Save me.

[Glass thuds]

Take advantage of me, Jake.


Reverend Dale.

Didn't realize you were still here.

I'm leaving now.

I think that my work here is done.

Good to hear. Yes.

Well... If you will excuse me.


Madam vice president.

[Door closes]


[Inhales deeply]

I confessed, Leo.


You confessed?!

Y... [sighs]

Okay. All right.

Do you feel better?

I will...

After my penance.

Your penance? What penance?

I must confess to the world so the lord will hear me.

Oh, the lord heard you.

From what I hear, the lord hears everything.

No, I thought so, too, but I was wrong.

But how would you even know unless you.

Because he stopped speaking to me!

I must confess my sins to the world so he will take me back into his flock so that he will speak to me once again, so that he will show me a sign of his love.

I can't let you do that to yourself.

"Thou shalt not k*ll," Leo.

I must confess to the world the breaking of his commandment.

It is the only way I will hear his voice again.

[Knock on door]

We need to push the debate.

You're cute. I'm not kidding.

You don't push a presidential debate.

The date, the location, the lighting, the sizes of the podium, the makeup of the audience...

This was all painstakingly decided months ago.

Just a few days.

It's not a haircut or a routine appointment.

It's a presidential debate.

You don't push a presidential debate.

Okay, then, we need to cancel it.

I feel sorry for you.

I do. Candidate's flaming out. Peaked too early.

Money's trickling in.

And this debate could be the nail in your coffin.

I've been there.

If this debate happens, you are going to go to jail.

I-I don't know if we sell copy paper.

Because I just don't, okay?

Ah, yeah, well, your phone manner sucks, too.

[Button clicks] [
Sighs] Charlie: Robin?

Come on. What the hell are you doing out here?

Oh, do you know if we match our competitors' coupons? - No.

W-w-we sell paper? For real?

[Cellphone rings]


Got a job for you... Big one, sweet payday.

Big job, little job... Doesn't matter, chief.

I'm out of the freelance business. Boss's orders.

I don't know. Command always has his reasons.

You want to change a policy, take it up with the big boss himself.

[Cellphone beeps]

We could go public, but then you're relying on the media not to screw this up.

Or there's the legal route, and then Cyrus Beene calls in a couple of chits with justice.

What would Olivia Pope do?

Someone really needs to put that on a bracelet.

Or, just a thought, you could do nothing.

I just wish she was working with me on this if only so I know she's not working against me.

Liv's not working against you.

Are you sure?

'Cause part of me thinks this is some kind of six-chess-moves-ahead, psychological-warfare kind of thing where she's actually lying in wait somewhere to stop me from experiencing professional satisfaction at the last possible second...

You know, if past experience holds.

She doesn't want to stop you.

I do.


Because I love you and because you could die.

Oh, my God. You're scared.

I am not scared.

You are. Look at you. You're terrified for my safety.

I am not.


It's hot. It's not hot or funny.

It's your life.

You can't just laugh that off.

It's not fair to me.

Okay, you're right.
[Door slams]

I'm sorry!
[Door opens]

Still here.

I thought you'd already be at home.

What is it?

What's going on?

Cy, tell me.

Whatever it is, let me help you.

[Sighs] Whatever happens...

Remember the best part of me loves you...

Maybe the only good part.

Okay, now you're scaring me.

Just go home. Please.


Kiss Ella good night for me. Go.

Well? Where's the fire?

I need you to k*ll Sally Langston.

David: You want all four of us to meet?

James: You, me, Shelby Moss, and Vanessa Chandler, then we go public with it.

No. It's still too early.

My husband told me he loved me tonight, which means he wants me to do something bad or something bad's about to happen.

And this time, he didn't ask for anything, so that leaves door number two, something bad happening, probably very bad.

I just don't think we're ready.

We need more time to construct a plan.

Oh, my God. Are you getting cold feet?

Listen, Novak...

You're getting cold feet?

I'm the one they want to take out.

I think we need to step back, be smart.

There's a hit out on us.

Which is why we all need to act now in unison.

Among the four of us, we've got the NSA, we've got the times, we've got justice, we've even got the white house.

The world cannot ignore that.

We don't have anything concrete.

We still don't have the smoking g*n.

We have a body.

What? With the combined evidence of the four of us, we can force the government to exhume Daniel Douglas, and you and I both know what they'll find if they do that...

Certainly not the corpse of a man who died of a heart attack.

Does Olivia Pope have anything to do with this?

No, though she found out about it.

How, I don't know.

Maybe the same way this Publius character came across his information.

Lend me Charlie for a day.

Help me collapse the tent on this circus once and for all.



No? No.

The role of B613 is not to protect the president or the president's wife or the president's chief of staff.

It's not about people at all. In fact, it's about the Republic.

And me getting involved in some petty white house squabble, it's...

"Petty white house squabble"...

You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

The fate of the Republic may not hinge on me or Fitz or Mellie, but it does hinge on the American people continuing to believe that their elected officials are not murderers.

Sure, may be a w*r here, a dubious fda approval there, but not m*rder*r... Murderers, not "I stabbed my husband of 20 years with a letter opener"

"and watched his blood seep into my carpet" murderers.

Let me fill in this paint-by-numbers picture for you since you seem so unable.

Sally Langston goes down for m*rder, and ma and pa kettle's hearts break because how could the president not know that the first lady and chief of staff covered it up using taxpayer money.

But forget about the three of us going off to prison.

Faith in government will be dead.

People will stop paying their taxes.

Economic systems, institutions that have lasted for centuries will begin to falter while our enemies pounce on our crippled nation and hack away until the great American experiment is no more.

Whatever issues I may have had with your predecessor, he would have taken care of this by now.

No qualms, no questions, just action.

I expect you to wisen up and do the same.

You're a mouse, Cyrus...

A mouse on a wheel thinking, truly believing, that "if I just run a little bit faster", I'll finally get to the cheese."

You're small, and while I'd love to explain to you how the world really works, I don't have the time, and you won't understand.

Charlie never had to pay his dues.

Charlie... didn't even know we really sell paper.

[Sighs] And Huck definitely doesn't have a phone manner.

So, this isn't about dues.

You're keeping me at this desk because you think it'll save your relationship with Olivia.

What's your point, Perkins?

I bet you think she cares about you.

I bet she's got you thinking you're part of her family, a good, little gladiator earning Liv's love, maybe not normal, but close enough.

I bet she told you I'm part of that family, too, that I lost my way, that I still need protecting.

But the thing is, if you believe that, if you believe any of that...


You don't know Olivia Pope at all.

Watch the way you talk to clients, Perkins.

We're starting to lose fake business.

[Door opens, closes]


[Door opens]


Cyrus, what are you doing here?

We need to cancel the debate.

Why? Sally's going to confess her sins to the world on live television tomorrow night.

Cyrus, I told you. I can't be involved with this.

I screwed up!

Royally, repeatedly!

One after the other, I made a series...


Of... giant, idiotic, horse-ass-sized mistakes.

Do you not think I would take it all back if I could?

If I could hit rewind, go back to the beginning, make some other choices, I would do it without hesitation.

But it's not possible.

I screwed up!

And now... someone else is going to pay for it.

Just, please, come see what we're dealing with.


It's good to see you, Sally.

Olivia Pope.

The devil at my doorstep.

My last temptation.


I know what happened.

I know you want to confess.

You are mistaken.

I do not want to confess.

I must confess.


What good would it do to destroy your life?

Don't punish yourself like this.

The same thing was said to Jesus when he stood in the garden of gethsemane on the eve of his death, aware that he'd been betrayed by Judas.

He could have fled his fate, avoided the unbearable pain of crucifixion.

He even asked God, he begged him to let him off the hook, to use his powers to fix it, to make it all go away.

God said nothing...

Silently condemning him to suffering...

His only son.

God showed him no sign of his love.

I have prayed to God over and over.

And where there once was his voice, the warmth of his love, there is now only cold silence.

You are not a woman of God.

I don't condemn you for that.

It just means that you cannot understand.

Without him, without the sign of his love...

I am worse than dead.

[Cellphone ringing]


Do you remember Vermont?

Of course.

We decided...

We decided not to lie to each other. I remember Vermont.

What's this about?

It's about this time being different, this election, you and me.

It's about lifting the curtain.

All right.

Sally Langston k*lled Daniel Douglas.

Cyrus and Mellie covered it up.

I need you to do something for me.

I need you to throw the debate.

[Knock on door] [Sighs]

Chinese food.


Nothing. Let's eat.


You okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.

How about you? How much paper did you sell today?

I think it's time we started talking.


I can't tell you anything.

Liv, this business between Sally Langston and her husband...

I can't talk about that.

Well, the knowledge I have, the secrets I keep...

I can keep yours, too.

I mean, if this is gonna be real, you have to let me in.


To do my job, it's who I am.

I'm doing what needs to be done.

I've done terrible things, too.


You can't imagine, but I want to stop doing them.

I'd like for us to stop being these people.

I-I'd like for us to... Stand in the sun.

Stand in the sun, yes.

Stand in the sun with me.

It's too late, isn't it?

You're standing with him.

I didn't mean for us t...

No, I know.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

You're doing your job.

I should be doing mine.

[Door opens, closes]

[Knock on door]

About yesterday...

I crossed a line.

From now on, I will answer the phones, sell some reams, and pay my dues... sir.

Consider your dues paid in full.

I've got a real job for you.

Announcer: We're just moments away from the first presidential debate, hosted by our very own Carla Steele.

Sally: "Turn to me and have mercy on me."

Show me strength on behalf of your servant."

Leo: How we doing, Sally? You ready to go?

Ready to kick some presidential ass?

[Whispering indistinctly]


I know you're doubting yourself, but I don't doubt you, and neither do the millions of your supporters.

To them, you're the light.

You're the salvation they've been longing for.

Shine your light. Be a beacon.

Show them the sign.

[Whispering continues]

It's not just your soul at stake, Sally Langston, okay?

It's my ass.

I might not make it through the night.

There are forces more powerful...

You have to pull yourself together right now!

Leo. Mm-hmm.

We're five minutes out. Mm-hmm.

Olivia: I'm not asking you to humiliate yourself.

That's exactly what you're asking me to do.

Sally just needs a sign.

A sign?

She needs to know that she's back in God's graces, that he's still on her side.

I need you to stumble. I don't believe this.

I am surrounded by people who have completely lost their minds.

I know this sounds crazy to you. Enough!

It's not happening.

Mr. President, they're ready.

Good evening. I'm Carla Steele, and I welcome you to the first presidential debate.

The audience has agreed to remain silent tonight so we can concentrate on what's being said.

I offer them an exception now, however, as we welcome the candidates...

[Applause] President Fitzgerald Grant III...

Vice president Sally Langston...

And the governor of Maryland, Samuel Reston.

Announcer: Tonight's 90 minutes will be about domestic issues and will follow a format designed by the commission.

Cyrus: So...

Do I need to call my lawyer?


...Then open discussion.

Olivia: What's this?

Abby: Everything we've collected on the Daniel Douglas m*rder.

[Device chimes]

[Keypad beeps]

[Scanner whirs]

Carla: So, the argument that Republicans raise taxes, too, but call them "fees"...

It's ridiculous.

The only thing that raising taxes does is increase the burden on the middle class.

I am not going to let that happen.

Carla: Madam vice president, how do you see your economic policy differing from the president's?

I'm more concerned about this country's moral deficit.

Really? Would you mind expounding on that a little?


[Gasps] Oh, boy.

Come on, now, Sally. Keep it together.


Everything they've got on Daniel Douglas, including a recording of the vice president calling Cyrus Beene on the night of the m*rder.

Carla: Madam vice president, are you referring to the president's moral failings?


Yes, I am.

Mr. President?

I'm happy to discuss my marriage with you, madam vice president, if that's where you're trying to take this.

But then you'd have to discuss yours.

And out of deference to your husband and his tragic heart attack, I'm not sure that would be in the best of taste right now.

He's tempting her.

Cyrus: Sally, it is not time.

Do not give yourself over.

D-do not move. Do not call anyone.

I am coming to you right now.

[Keyboard clacks]

[Knock on door]

You wanted to see me, sir?

Have a seat.

Fitz: And you'd, what, keep the tap open indefinitely?

It's better than kicking people to the curb.

Who's kicking people to the curb?

Look, people want independence.

That's what they want. Look for signs that she's about to go off script.

We're making sure that Americans end up with that.

Phillips, Phillips, Larsen at post Alpha-six.

Heading out to perform a perimeter sweep.

If she starts to falter, I'll need you in position to take action.

Don't miss.

You'll have one chance to take her out before your fellow secret service agents turn their g*ns on you.

Do you understand your mission, agent?

What you call big government I call looking out for people.

And it's not just an American value. It's a Christian one.

It confounds me that you and your vice president can't seem to accept that. - Madam vice president, care to respond?

[Spectators murmuring]

Madam vice president?

Ladies and gentlemen...

I have a confession to make.

Oh, sweet lord.

[Sighs] I don't believe this.


I am compelled to say...

I am compelled to say...

Fitz: What's the matter, Sally? Bible verse slipped your mind?

Reston: Mr. President.

Vice president Langston is simply trying to avoid a question here.

Let's call it as we see it.

We all need to be held accountable for our actions.

Ah! President Grant would like to discuss accountability.

Interesting choice.

I'm proud of what I've done for this country, and I am proud of my personal failings.

I have admitted...

Wait, wait a minute.

The president is proud of his personal failings.

No, that isn't what I...

Can we get that on a loop?

Don't be ridiculous.

I didn't... - You... you did.

You... you... you said you were proud of your personal failings.

Let's call it as we see it, shall we, Mr. President?

Oh, a sign from God.

Uh, since the president himself so eloquently brought the subject up, I-I'm curious.

Is he more proud of his exploits in adultery or his tripling of the national debt?

Where do his ineffectual foreign policies in East Sudan fall in this endless list of his personal failings?

I would say right below the abhorrent jobs report released last Tuesday.

I'm sorry, madam vice president.

We really do have to move on.

But I was just getting started.


[Electronic humming] Tanking your guy, losing the debate...

That move takes a will, an appetite for destruction sure to put you on par with the roves and Clintons of the world.

And honestly, it gave me a political Woody the size of a Louisville slugger.

Well, enjoy it while it lasts because that's the end of my generosity.

Might have been too generous.

Thanks to you, Sally is riding high back in the saddle.

Looks like I'll be renovating this dump in just a few months' time, starting by getting rid of that buzzing sound.

How the hell do you get any work done with that?

"Buzzing sound"?

[Humming continues]

[Humming stops]

[Humming resumes]


[Humming continues]

[Door opens]


Was I good in the debate?

Was it what you wanted?

If you're looking for an apology...

...I'm looking for heads to roll.

You know what? Grow up.

You want me to grow up?

I'm the only adult within 10 miles of this place.

You want to pretend to be above what happens here, surprised by what we do to keep you in the castle dreaming your pretty thoughts about Vermont and jam and me.

We said we were running clean.

We also said no more lying.

Maybe you didn't realize what that means, how dirty and dark it is behind the curtain of power, the level of sins and the sacrifices committed in your name!

Because you kept them from me.

You keep everything from me.

To protect you!

And don't ask me to apologize for it or punish me when I tell you the truth.

This is what we do!

This is how it works! This is how it's always worked.

There is no clean...

Just like there is no Vermont.


This isn't how I want it to be, how either of us want it to be.

This is what it is.

Let's stop pretending.

Let's just be here.

[Cellphone chimes]




Cyrus, I...


Let me speak.

I...did this.

I...used you.

You... who I love more than anything in the world.

You were right to lie...

To me.

[Voice breaking]
I was so angry.

You were right to be.

You broke our family.

I know.

I know.

I did.

You shouldn't have...
[Breathes deeply] had to pay for my mistakes, James.

Do whatever...

You want with me... with... with us.

I'm in your hands.

Just know...


I'm so... very sorry...

And that I love you.

I love... I love you, James...

More than... more...

Than anything.

I love you.


Maybe he got stuck in traffic.

There he is.

You are now the property of the United States government, division B613.

Everything all right?


David, I-I'm bailing.

I thought I wanted justice, but a-all I wanted was an apology, really, an apology and a good cry with a man that I have no business forgiving aside from the fact that I love him.

You come to work at acme limited.

You fake-sell fake paper, and you run the world in a way that no one even imagines exists in real life.

You haven't said anything to Vanessa yet, have you?

I was waiting for you.

Good. Don't.

U-unless you really want to, but I'm guessing from our conversation yesterday...

I really want to.

You do?

I buried stories before, James.

I can't do it again.

And then, little by little, you've been places and you've done things...

And here I was thinking that you called this meeting begrudgingly.

[Sighs] Wait, what?

I said I-I was thinking you'd called this meeting begrudgingly.

You thought I called this meeting?

Yeah, didn't you?

What's going on? What's with all the whispering?

[Silenced g*nsh*t] [Gasps]

Jake: There's been so much blood.

[Silenced g*nsh*t] [Gasps]

This becomes your home.

This becomes your family.

And you can't imagine any other life.
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