Frozen River (2008)

Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.

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Frozen River (2008)

Post by bunniefuu »

Are they

here yet?

Hey, little sleepy head.

Because I'm ready.

You really are ready,

aren't you?

Whoa, whoa!

Wait a second! Your coat!

We're all ready for you.

Just need that balloon

payment to unload.

We have it. It's just they

called Troy from Titus last night.

The ski place?

Do you have

the $4,372 or not?

It was some emergency

with the lift.

And he just took

off out of here

without thinking,

with the money.

Completely forgot

you were coming.

So as soon

as he gets back...

When's he getting back?

When you come with the other half,

I'll have it.

You don't get the other half

until I get the cash.

This is the second time

you've dragged me out here.

If you can't come up

with it by Christmas,

you've lost your

$1,500 deposit.

Look, Mr. Versailles,

I've got a good job

at Yankee One Dollar.

They're probably going to make

me manager right after Christmas,

so I can definitely

make the payments

if you just leave

the house.

Just call me when you have

the balloon payment.

I'll call you.

RICKY: Where are

they going?

I'll get it back.

I promise.

You got to get

ready for school.

You're going to

miss the bus.

I can get a job,

you know.

You're 15, T.J.

They won't ask

any questions.

You're finishing school.

Mom, you think

we can make a living

on what you make

at Yankee Dollar?

You're going to school.

I bet I could make

more than you do.

Where's Daddy?

RAY: He'll be back.

Aren't we even

going to look for him?

I'm going to work,

and you're going to school.

What, that's it?

Where did he go?

On a business trip.

When is he coming home?

I don't know, Ricky.

I can't believe you're not

even going to look for him.

Where? Where do I look?

The reservation!

He's probably

in Atlantic City by now.

The glove compartment,

that was so stupid.

You're going to school.

There you go.

Hey. Lunch money.


Go on. You're going

to miss the bus.

Oh, f*ck.

BINGO CALLER: Your next number,

under the O, 66.

Your next number is B8.

Thank you.

MAN ON RADIO: You're listening to

C- Tribe Radio all day long,

number one for music

and information.

Joining me once again is Kenny.

Good morning, Kenny.

KENNY ON RADIO: Good morning, and

number one for entertainment, as well.

MAN ON RADIO: Absolutely.

You know, one of the things I like

talking about is local entertainment,

and it seems like the Johnson

boys are getting back together,

and it looks like

they're gonna be doing

a performance over

at the St. Patrick's Church...

Fill it up?

No. Just three...

Two, three, four.

$2.74, please.


No, make that $7.74.


Did you see a Dodge Spirit

in here last night? Dark green?

Spirit? No.

But I only worked

until 9:00.

You can try asking inside,

if you want.

No, that's okay.

Have a nice day.

MAN 1 ON RADIO:... are made by the

children, and the gifts are only $5.


It's all about the kids.

MAN 1 ON RADIO: Yeah, it's all

about the kids. All the time.

And also...

Thank you.

Afternoon session

is over.

The next session

starts at 6:30.

I don't want to play.

I just need to look

around for a second.

You have to pay the $5.

Look, I'll stand

at the door.

I won't even go inside.

I just need to see

if my husband's in there.

You have to pay

the admission.

He's gambling away

the money for our house.

What does he look like?

Long, brown hair.

Tall. Skinny.


No. He's not in there.

Can I just look?

Lady, I just told you,

he's not in there.


Hey! Hello! Hey!

That's my car.

What are you doing

with my car?

That? I found it.

You stole it?

- Had the keys in it.

And so you just took it?

We'll see what the troopers

have to say about that!

Go ahead. They got

no jurisdiction here.

This is Mohawk territory.


You in there?

If you are,

you better come out.

Versailles says that if we get

the money to him by Christmas,

we won't lose our deposit.

I think we need

to talk about this, Troy.

Come on out.


I mean it, honey.

Come on out.

The Tribal Police don't like people

sh**ting holes in other people's houses.

This is New York State, so quit the

bullshit and give me my g*dd*mn keys!

LILA: This camper belongs

to my brother-in-law.

He won't like this.

Then you should

quit stealing cars.

I thought

it was abandoned.

The guy driving it

got on a bus.

A bus? To where?

New York. Buffalo.

I'm not sure.

Hello? Yeah, what is it?

Well, there's a hard-boiled egg

in the fridge.

Well, then take out the yolk.

Look, T.J., I don't have

time for this right now.

No. I'm not looking

for him.

I got to go.


I'm not leaving it.

I got a friend

who might buy that.

It's not for sale.

He'll pay more than

it's worth. Maybe 2,000.

Why's that?

He's a smuggler.

He's always looking for cars

with button-release trunks.

You don't need

papers or anything.

Where does he live?

Through the woods.

Not far.

What's in it for you?

He'll give me something

for finding it.

If you try anything,

I'm not afraid to use this.


Turn up there.

- Where?

Up at those trees.

There's no road.

There's a path.

It's not far.

I'm not crossing that.

Don't worry.

There's no black ice.

That's Canada.

That's Mohawk land.

The rez is on both

sides of the river.

What about

the border patrol?

There's no border.

I'm still

not crossing that.

Don't worry.

It'll hold a Spirit.

I've seen semis cross it.

The only other way is

the Cornwall Bridge,

and they're not going

to let you take that.

They plow it

and everything.

This is

so f*cking stupid.

Better pick up some speed

to get up the bank.

It's just on the other

side of those trees.

LILA: Honk the horn.


Keep your mouth shut.

Just keep it shut. Okay?

Thunder, shut up!

Get back under there!

He don't like

whites, Lila.

LILA: Sorry.

And you're late.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't even

be dealing with you.

Count it.

What's going on here?

Just count it.

Come on. How much?

How much is there?

Who the f*ck are they?

Never mind.

I'm not going anywhere until

those people get out of my trunk.

I'll give you half.

Now, let's go.

Let's go!

I'm not taking them

across the border.

It's a crime.

- There's no border here.

This is free trade

between nations.

This isn't a nation.

Let's go.

Why'd your husband

leave you?

f*ck you.

Maybe he wanted

a younger woman.

That's what usually happens.

I never have to worry about that.

My husband's dead.

He went down

in the river on a run.

They never found him.

Probably tangled in the

river weeds somewhere.

You better slow down.

There's ruts out here.

You could get us

stuck in one.

Keep going.

Keep going.

What if the troopers

stop us?

They're not going to stop you.

You're white.

LILA: Stop and wait for him

to come to the window.

Roll down your window.

Count it.

Let's go.

Stop at those trees.

Now open the door.

Open it!

Now get out.

You can't have my car.

- Get out!

You can't have

my car. No!

I told you not to use that

thing when I'm not here.

If I get it working,

I can sell it.

I don't care. Don't use

that thing when I'm not here!

Rent-to-Own called.

They said they're

coming to get the TV

if you don't pay

by 4:00 tomorrow.

Did you find him?


Where was the car?

At the bus stop

on the rez.

I bet he went

to Atlantic City.

You don't know that.

Yeah, well,

you can find out.

Go to the bus station, see what

buses came through last night.

And what?

Chase him across the country?

Miss work? No.

What happened

to your head?


What, did you get

in a fight with somebody?

It was no big deal.


You got in a fight?

Some Indian chick

tried to steal your dad's car.

No way. I say we go back there

and kick some Mohawk ass.

It doesn't matter.

Where's your car?

I'll get it tomorrow.

Did you and Ricky eat?

That would be

kind of miraculous,

since there's

no food in the house.

There's food.

Popcorn and TANG?

Hi, Lila.

- Hi, Mick.

How's life

at the Bingo Palace?

Good. How's business?

Oh, you know.

It's okay.

How much for the Sierra?

Come on, Lila.

What? I've been saving up.

You know what.

Does Bernie Littlewolf

run your whole life?

No, but he told me

not to sell you a car.

I got to walk up 37 with

semis kicking up snow and mud

in my hair just

to get to work.

For you, all's I got is

the Civic and the Sundance.

I don't like Civics.

I figured.

Look, I'll give you

$1,000 for the Sierra.

Nothing with a trunk.

That thing's been sitting

out there for six months.

I don't want Bernie

in my face. Okay?

He doesn't have to know.

EVELYN: Chance!

Come back in here before

you freeze your ass off!



What's going to happen to our old

house when we get our new house?

They're going to flatten it

and send it to China.

Then what?

They're going to melt it down

and make it into little toys.

Then what?

Then they're going

to send them back here

so I can sell them

at Yankee Dollar.

Can you get me some?

That's right.

- Yes!

I'm not eating

this again for dinner.

We just have to make it

till my paycheck on Friday.

What about Rent-to-Own?

What about them?

They said they're

coming to get the TV

if they don't get

a payment by 4:00.

You told me that already.

I know.


Lunch money.

I still don't see why you won't

just let me get a job with Mitch.

Who's Mitch?

He's got this whole business

he runs at school.

He sells pot to kids?

No, Mom, it's computers. Okay?

He fixes computers.

You're 15.

It's not going to happen,

so forget it.

This is so stupid!

We're going to lose the TV,

while I'm sitting in some Christmas

assembly when I could be out...

Your job is looking

after your brother.

Who's going to

take care of him?

T.J.: Come on, we're going.

Take them with you, honey.

You need them at recess.

I still say we go

down to the rez,

get the Sentra and

kick some serious butt.

Matt? Could I talk

to you for a minute?

I need to come

on full-time.

I see you

as a short-timer.

What is that?

Not here for long,

not really committed.

When I started working here, you

told me it would be six months

before I could

come on full-time.

That was almost

two years ago.

That's my opinion.

You know, I mean,

at least I show up.

Pat's always late.

She's late now. Late every day.

See you tomorrow.

- See you.

I want my half.

You hear me.

I want my half.

I'll give you the money

if you give me the car.

No way.

The money's gone.

Then I want to get

more of those Chinese.

It's going to cost me

to get that hole fixed.

I froze last night.

Look, I just need enough

for the balloon payment

for my doublewide, and then I'm

out of this. I'm no criminal.

It's not a crime.

You people can call it

what you want.

I just want my double.

I don't usually

work with whites.

How many bedrooms?

Three. I got kids.

How old?

Five and 15.

I got a boy.

Almost one.

He lives with

my mother-in-law.

She stole him from me.

Stole him?

Yeah. Right out

of the hospital.

Did you call the cops?

Tribal Police don't get

involved in stuff like that.

Get under there!

Bernie was asking if I'd

seen you. I told him no.


I don't want any

trouble from him, Lila.

Don't worry about it.

This guy's been

calling all morning.

He's got two

by the old tires.


What's going on?

We got to pick them up.

What the hell

is going on?

Keep that thing down.

Roll down the window.

See what he wants.

RAY: What's going on here?

LILA: Just roll it down.

They don't like

the women driver.

Count it.

BRUNO: Pop the trunk.

Pop the trunk!


Get in.

Open it.

This should keep

them from running.

Why would

they want to run?

To get away

from the snakeheads.

What's that?

The snakeheads pay

to get them here,

and then they got to

work off what they owe.

How much does it cost?

where they're coming from.

Sometimes they got to work

for years to pay it off.

To get here?

No f*cking way.

Yes. Yes. Hello.

Is this Mrs. Irene

Three Rivers?

Mrs. Three Rivers,

I have good news.

I am the business manager

of Mr. E.F. Three Rivers,

and I have been authorized

to inform you that you

have inherited money.


No, no, you have no obligation

whatsoever, Mrs. Three Rivers.

Just a small

processing fee of $29

will authorize me to send

your first installment

of $13,375.

You can place it on

any major credit card.

Sure, I can hold.




Yes. Which credit card?

Are they always there?


They won't stop you unless

you give them a reason to.

You ever been caught?


What happened?

They gave me the choice of paying a

fine or spending three months in jail.

What did you do?

I paid the fine.

I made it back in two

nights of smuggling,

but back then it was

cigarettes and everybody did it.

Some of the troopers

were into it, too.



LILA: Count it.

- Right, I know.

Make sure it's right.

I don't want to get stiffed.

Then why don't

you count it?

I got bad eyes.

Looks good.


You're welcome.

What about mine?

Now we're even.


My mom told me to give you

her credit card number.

We only take cash

or money orders.

Well, she's going

to be a little late.

She's got three minutes.

Hey. It's okay, guys.

I got it right here.

It's $255.50, right?


RICKY: Mommy!

Hey! Come here!

Who wants to go to PC, huh?


- Mmm-hmm.

You want to go

to the Chopper?

Where'd you get that?

Matt made me

assistant manager.

Buckle you in.

No way.

That so hard to believe?

It's been, like, two years.

Exactly. That's why

he gave me a bonus.

Do you want to go

to the Chopper or not?


But you better not

blow it all

on that bubble bath stuff,

which you never even open.

I'm going to use that

sooner than you think,

in a big fancy tub.

MAN ON TV: Some big changes in

the weather department here.

A clipper system is going

to zip on down from Canada.

Temperatures are going to

dip down big time, not only tonight,

into tomorrow, as well. But that's

not all. We're expecting anywhere

from 8 to 12 inches

to accumulate.

Winds 25 to 45

miles an hour,

and it's going to feel like

it's 30 below out there.

Farmers are advised

to bring their livestock in.

Now, we'll be back

right after this message.


Hot Wheels! Beat that!

Want a blast?

Want to crash?

That's what he wants.


For Christmas.

What is it, again?

Hot Wheels Blast

and Crash Track.

I'm getting something

even better than that.

Yeah? What?

The doublewide.

Don't mention it to Ricky yet,

just in case.


just in case.

It's for real this time.

What about Dad?

What about him?

What are you going to do?

Why, did he call broke yet?

No, but maybe he would

if you weren't so bitter.

Here we go again

with Saint Dad.

That's what I mean, Mom.

You're always on him.

"Give me your paycheck.

Where's your receipts?

"Do you need a meeting?"

He's an addict, T.J.

You're still bitter.

I need you and Ricky to put up the

Christmas tree after school tomorrow, okay?

Where are you going?

- Christmas shopping.

FEMALE VOICE: If you would like to

re-record your greeting, press star.

To change your personal greeting,

press 1.

To record greeting,

press 3.

Hi, it's me. Leave a message

and I'll call you back.

RAY: Hi, it's me.

Leave a message and I'll call you back.

FEMALE VOICE: To change your

personal greeting, press 1.

To record greeting,

press 3.

Hi, it's me. Leave a message.

I'll call you back.

Son of a bitch.

RAY: Hi, it's me. Leave a message.

I'll call you back.

Son of a bitch.

Lila! Get up!

I got a job for you!

There's two people

out sick today.

If we get down there,

you got a job.


Get your jacket.

Let's go. I got coffee.

Where are we going?

Get in. I'll tell you

on the way.

Rita said you quit.

She fired me.

That's not

what she told me.

Well, she should have.

I couldn't see to count the money.

I told you that.

It was coming up

short half the time.

Then get some glasses.

They make me carsick.

So where are we going?

The Tribal Council.

They need someone

to answer phones.

No! No way!

Why? You can't

answer phones?

Not there.

Not with them.

What's that?

I bought it.

From who?

Some white lady.


What do you need

a car for?

To get to work.

So I don't have to walk

in the breakdown lane.

Last week,

I almost got hit by a plow.

You'll live.

And you know what

I'm talking about.

All right, all right.

I'll go.

Let's go!


I got exact.

Do I have any messages?

I can't read this.

That's a "T."

No, I can't read

any of it.

I told Bernie

I couldn't see.

Never mind.

I'll go.

We got to go to Wolfmart and get some

anti-freeze, unless you got extra.


I think you got a leak

in your heater coil.

It's making

your windows fog up.

We better hurry, because I

got nothing for under the tree.


Cold snap for tonight

with low temperatures dropping down to

Very hazardous for the cars

and also the Ski-Doos.

Stay off the roads if you can.

Currently outside our C-Tribe Radio

studios, it's 5 below Fahrenheit.

Mohawks don't

celebrate Christmas.

You could have fooled me, the way they

were all lined up at Yankee Dollar today.

Those are Christians,

the converted.

From what?

The Longhouse ways.

That's messed up,

not having Santa Claus.

For the kids, I mean.

RICKY: The oxygen.

ANNOUNCER: It's the Blast and Crash Track set.

BOY: Go!

You've timed it right

to slam your competition.

So load, lock and launch...

Dad's going to get

me that for Christmas.

Yeah? What about

Santa Claus?

Santa Claus is going

to get me the house for Christmas.

ANNOUNCER: You got him!

BOY: Yeah!


They're not Chinese.

LILA: They're Pakis.

What's that mean?

They're from Pakistan.

Well, where's that?

I don't know.

What difference does it make?

A big difference.

If we wait much longer, we're not going

to be able to get back across the river.

Look, I'm not driving just

anybody across the border.

Do you want the money?

I want to know

what's in that bag.

What's in there?

They don't understand you.

Well, if they want

to come here so bad,

they should take the time

to learn English.

Hold on a second.


Hold on a second.

LILA: What are you doing?

Just count the money

and let's go.

If we get stuck on the river,

it won't matter what's in there.

RAY: Let's just hope

they're not the ones

that blow themselves

and everyone else up.

We don't have time.

Is that a 20 or a 50?


What are you doing?

Nuclear power,

poison gas.

RAY: Who knows what they

might have in there?

I'm not going to be

responsible for that.

Hey, I'm going to be

a little late. Okay?

I'm at work.

Is Ricky asleep?

Put him on.

Now listen, Ricky, he's not

coming till you go to sleep.

No. Not yet.

He's still flying

over Canada.

He's not even done

with Canada yet,

so he's not coming

until you get to sleep.

Hi. Is Mitch there?

T.J.: Yeah. Hey.

No, T.J. from school.

Yeah. Yeah.

I was just wondering if you still needed

those numbers we talked about earlier.

'Cause, uh...

Only thing is, I don't really have

any wheels at the moment, so...

On Moira Road, off of 37.


One more thing.

Can you go to Kmart and

pick me up a Blast and Crash Track set?

Yeah, exactly.

Uh, thanks, man.

T.J., look at me.

Yeah, that's pretty cool, but it's

going to hurt when you sit down.

Now, unwrap yourself.

It's dinnertime.

Hey, I'll be

right back. Okay?


They say there's a bag.

It was too heavy.

We had to unload it.

What's the matter with her?

What's she saying?

DEALER: That bag,

her baby is in the bag.

RAY: It didn't feel like

there was anything in that bag.

LILA: We got to go back.

I know. I know that.

T.J.: Hey.

MITCH: This the right one?

Uh, yeah.


Thanks, man.

Have a merry one.


Look. There. Tracks.


- Up there.

Slow down.

I don't want to run over it.


I think it was here.

It's dead.

Oh, my God.

Come on.

It's dead.

Tap the bottom

of his feet.


That's what they did to get

Ricky breathing when he was born.

I don't want to touch it.

I can't hold it

and drive.

I don't think it matters.

Just hold it next to your body.

Keep him warm.

But it's too late!

Just do it. We can't

give it back to her cold.

Shit! Shit!

What do I do?

- Calm down! Pull over.

What if he saw us go by

before to the Pioneer?

He's got no reason to stop us, unless you

give him one. Just keep your mouth shut.

What if he searches the car?

What do we say about...

He won't!

Just remember, you're white!

License and registration.

Could you step out of the

vehicle, please, ma'am?

I wasn't speeding, was I?

Did I do something?

I'm just directing you

to step out of the vehicle.


Step behind the vehicle.

You see that?


Your left rear parking light,

it's not illuminated.

Oh, I didn't know.

I'm going to have to give

you a provisional ticket.

As long as you get it repaired within


Who's your friend?

She takes care of my kids

when I have to work late.

You can step back

in the vehicle.

We got to take it in.

What is it?

It's moving.

What? Are you sure?

Hello, little baby.

He was just cold.

We found him.

Come on. Let's go.

He was dead.

He was just cold.

He was dead.

Okay. Whatever.

He was dead.

You brought him back to life.

That was the Creator,

not me.

All I know is

Kmart is closed,

and I got nothing

for under the tree.


Merry Christmas

or whatever.



What's that?

Hot Wheels.

Where'd you get it?

I called a friend.

That kid Mitch?

It's probably stolen.

- It's not stolen.

I don't want you hanging around

with him. That kid is bad news.

It's not like you

were going to get it.

Move it.

Move it! Listen, mister.

I got more important things

to worry about than toys.

I'm trying to get

our doublewide.

Oh, yeah.

I forgot about that.

You can lose

that attitude.

Anyway, Kmart was closed

by the time I got off work.

What's that smell?


Hi, it's me.

I can't get to the phone right now.

Please leave a message.

And, Troy, if it's you, please,

at least let us

know you're alive.

The boys are really

worried about you.


Is there a Ray Eddy here?


Can I talk to you

outside for a minute?

I haven't gotten

that light fixed yet.

It's not about that.

I just have

a few questions.

Uh, sure. One second.

I'll be back in a second.

This is about the woman

that was with you.


How long have you

known her?

Not long.

She looks after my kids.

She's a smuggler.


There is that element on the

reservation. I'm sure you know.

Well, I've heard about it.

I had no idea

she was involved.

How did you meet her?


I think there was a sign

for a babysitter at Wolfmart.

That's where I get my gas.

I just thought you

should be aware of that.

She's known to have brought

illegal aliens into the country.

Oh, my God.

If I were you,

I'd get a new babysitter.


Well, you have

an enjoyable holiday.

You, too.

T.J., could you

come out here a minute?

T.J., get your ass

out here!

What did he want?

Did something happen to Dad?


What did he want?

Did you have a fire

here last night?

Uh, the pipes froze,

so I fixed them.

You fixed them?


Did you use

the blowtorch?

Dad did it before...

So you used

the blowtorch!

Look at this!

We can't live here anymore!

So what?

It's just a tin crapper.

No, this was our house.

So, we're getting

a new one, right?

That's it!

Damn it!

- No. What are you...

Son of a bitch!

Don't touch it!

It's not yours.

Dad gave it to me!

Put it down!

Are you going

to sh**t me now, too?

Put it down!

- Maybe he didn't like getting shot

in his own house!

Maybe that's why he left!

That was an accident.

- Yeah, some accident!

You shot him in the foot!

T.J., he spent the food money

on scratch cards.

He'd done it before.

Yeah, and he was clean

Give me that.

- No, you can't have it. It's mine.

Give it to me!

I didn't know any other way

to keep us together.

I mean,

he's a good dad

when he's not gambling.


Awesome dad.

Robs us and takes off

a week before Christmas.

I quit smuggling.

T.J. set the trailer

on fire.

He didn't mean to,

but the pipes froze

and he took out

that damn torch,

which I told him not to touch

when I wasn't there,

and he thawed them out.

I got glasses, and I

can see up close now.

There's a hole in my house.

We got to move.

I just need one more run

to get the double.

Look, you can have

the Spirit. Okay?

I don't want it.

What is it then?

You still mad about that baby?

'Cause it wasn't my fault.

I mean, who puts their baby

in a duffle bag?

You're going to need

a lot of money

to raise that

one-year-old kid.

I got enough.

Yeah, but you still

got to get him.

I'll help you.

You can even borrow my g*n.

You should see

the inside.

How many bedrooms?

- Three.

And there's a Jacuzzi tub

in the master bathroom.

Wall-to-wall carpet?

Oh, yeah.

But the best thing

is the insulation.

Pipes can never freeze.

I'll be right back.

VERSAILLES: There's never any need

to touch up or repaint these walls.

I want to schedule

a delivery.

Just give me one sec.

What exactly is it

I can do for you?

It's 3,000, but I want

it delivered tomorrow.

You did have a closing date

on Christmas.

I'm here now.

You add this

to my deposit.

All you have to do

is show up.

If I don't have the rest,

you can keep it.

All right, well,

I just need you to sign this paper here,

and you'll be ready to go.

Right there.

I'm sorry about that.

Heat wave.

You got a run

for us, Jimmy?

It's pretty slow

after Christmas,

unless you want

to go off the rez.

There's that guy

up in Montreal.

He's usually got heads.

What? You want a job?

No, Jimmy sent us.

BRUNO: Christy.

Put your hands up.

CHRISTY: They have nothing.

BRUNO: Okay.

Pop the back.

We need to get paid first.

There's only 600 here.

You get the rest

at the drop off.

It's 600 apiece.

You want to make

a change now?

It's 1,200.

You want to have

a problem?


Because it's not a problem for me.

It is a problem for them!


Okay. Okay.

We'll take them.

We'll take them with us.

Open the trunk.

LILA: Let's go!

Just open the trunk.



Turn around!

- Bruno!

I want the rest.

But I have nothing.

LILA: Let's go!

Let's get out of here.

I'll give you

the rest of the money.

No. Thanks.

You're going to

get us all k*lled.

RAY: Give it to her.

Give it to her.

He shot me. I'm shot.

I think you're okay.

You should have just

took the money from me.

I'm sick and tired of people

stealing from me. Is it all there?

We got to get

out of here first.

Just count it.

Make sure it's all there.

Okay, okay. All right.

Is it there?

It's all there.


Slow down a bit. We got to

keep it under the speed limit.

We got to get off

this road.

We got to get

off this road.

Oh, shit!

Where's the reservation?

Just past that pole

right there.

What the hell?

We're on the rez.

They can't arrest us, but if they

catch us they can take the money.


It's black ice

out here.

Will it hold us?

I don't know.

RAY: Shit.

LILA: Get out on your side!

Pop the trunk!

Get the cash.

You got the cash?

LILA: Yeah.

Come on. Let's go.

Come on, come on.

JIMMY: Hey, Lila!

Over here!

Jimmy, you're not

coming in here.

JIMMY: We just need to

borrow your oven.

THREE RIVERS: We have a situation

with a couple of smugglers.

They tried to go across the river,

but their car went in.

And now the troopers know that

they're on the reservation.

ROSALIE: Who are they?

Lila Littlewolf

and some white woman.

ROSALIE: What do

the troopers want?

They want the surrender

of the two illegals.

Second, they want the surrender

of the non-native smuggler.

They really mean to set

an example over here.

Do you know

where they are?

Yeah. They're probably

over at Velma's.

ROSALIE: What about

Lila Littlewolf?

You can't start throwing

Mohawks off the rez, Rosalie.

She's got a Mohawk son.

She cost us a Mohawk son.


Jake was a big boy.

He knew what

he was doing.


get out of here.

You, too.

I need my half.

No, no, no.

You stay here. Stay here.

Hi, Lila.

Hi, Bernie.

You're in big trouble.

The Council voted

to expel you.

Expel me?

- For five years.

You can appeal,

but I don't think you're going to

be able to change Rosalie's mind.

I thought all this was legal

on the reservation.

Look, I got to go.

BERNIE: If she leaves,

they'll turn you in.

The troopers

want somebody.

But she's a Mohawk.


The chiefs want her out.

There's going to be nobody standing

between her and the troopers.

My kids got no one but me.

If you leave, she'll

never see her son again.

Let her go.

Lila, you're giving

up on him.

He's only a year old.

Just go.

At least you've got family

to take care of him, you know?

I wanted the baby to have a pretty

new crib, not some hand-me-down.

He wouldn't let me go alone.

I was too fat to fit

behind the steering wheel.

BERNIE: He just wanted to

keep you and Little Jake safe.

Just a couple

of months, right?

I got no record,

and I'm white.

I got baby stuff

in the shed.

Get a good used singlewide.

Insulation is the key thing.

Versailles will

give you a hard time,

but that will leave

enough for you

and the boys to live on

for a couple of months.

Ricky's allergic

to penicillin,

and you can't feed him potato

chips all the time. Okay?

But you got

to get there quick,

'cause T.J.

will get scared.

And I don't want him

to get scared. Okay?



Don't let Versailles

jerk you around.

You go with her, okay?


What do you want?

LILA: I need his coat.

Where's his coat?

You can't have him.

You can't have him!

Say goodbye to your Toda.

TROOPER: Speak English?

Speak English?

What happens to them?

They'll probably go back.

But how long for me?

You know, if I confess?

Providing they're not on

a watch list, four months.

I don't think you have

that much to worry about.

Can I have a cigarette?

Is there someone

that I can call for you

to take care

of your children?

I got somebody.

A relative?

A friend.

But I need to call my kids.

Mom, what did you do?

What? A smuggler?

Holy shit!

Are you in jail?

Yeah, but are you

gonna be in jail?

Yeah, okay. But...

But why? I...

I can do it. I...

I look after him

all the time.

I don't see why we need...

Yeah, I'm still here.



Hey, you've got to put the little

pieces up higher or he'll eat them. Okay?

RICKY: What?

You got a little boy

named Troy Junior?



Would you come here?

I want to talk to you.

You know, you did a bad

thing to an old lady,

and I'd like to

introduce her to you

and give you a chance

to apologize.

Because I know you're

probably a good kid,

and I know you want

to set this right.

Come on.

Tell her you're sorry.



You did good.

Now don't do that again.

Hey, come here.



# As fast as it comes

# It rushes away

# Sometimes it takes

# Everything with it

# Ooh-ooh

# Ooh-ooh

# It always comes

# Big open space

# I always stay

# I always listen

# Ooh-ooh

# Ooh-ooh

# Leads me across

# Rivers so deep

# It always leaves

# I always come back

# I always come back

# I always come back

# I always come back

# Ooh-ooh

# Ooh-ooh

# Ooh-ooh

# Ooh-ooh

# Ooh-ooh

# Ooh-ooh

# Ooh-ooh

# Ooh-ooh

# Ooh-ooh

# Ooh-ooh #
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