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03x06 - Genie for a Day/Zac the Clueless Detective

Posted: 11/17/23 15:04
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Two genies in a bottle

♪ Up in the starry sky

♪ It's Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ On a magical ride

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Boom Zahramay

♪ Oh, what a day

♪ Your genies divine

♪ It's Shimmer and Shine, Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ There's magic, there's friendships ♪

♪ Adventures for all

♪ So much to discover

♪ In Zahramay Falls

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Genies divine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[chicken squawks]

- I can't believe I picked up all the pink flowers

and totally forgot to pick up the blue flowers.

- Not a problem, Shimmer, we'll just pick some up now.

[meowing] - Hey! Parisa, come back here.

- Flowers! Get your fresh flowers here!

Every kind! Every color!

- We'd like some blue roses, please.

- Don't have that kind. Don't have that color.

- But you just said-- - Sorry.

Just sold out. - I wonder who bought them all.

- Nazboo, these blue roses are just the ingredient

I need for my potions.

- [sniffs] Yeah!

- No blue roses? This is a disaster!

- Not a problem.

I wish for blue roses!

- Boom Zahramay!

First wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine! Wish granted divine!

[shimmering tones]

[animals chatter] - Wow, Shimmer,

that's... a lot of blue roses!

- I just love granting your wishes, Leah.

It makes me so happy to make you happy

that sometimes I get a little carried away.

- Aw, it must be great to always be doing

nice things for someone else.

- Three nice things every day when you're a genie!

- I wish I could be a genie.

Just for a day so I could try it.

[both gasp] - Boom Zahramay!

Second wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine! Wish granted divine!

- Wait! What?

[shimmering tones]

Hm? [gasps]

♪ ♪

- Leah, look at you.

- I know! I'm a genie! This is terrific!

- Yay! - What?! What did she say?

- This may be the most Zahramazing wish

you've ever wished!

- I think it really is, but what do I do now?

- Take your genie bottle necklace

and throw it into this magic mirror.

- It'll fly through the mirror to find your "person,"

and then you'll be able to grant him or her

three wishes. - Actually, you'll have to grant

him or her three wishes. - Ooh, I can't wait!

- [chuckles] Neither can I.

Nazboo, bring me one of those roses.

- Here you go.

- There. Now my potion is ready.

So all I need is a magic mirror of my own.

Now, my magic potion should make my mirror

snap up Leah's bottle and then she'll have to grant

my wishes.

- Here you go. - I can't wait to see you

do your genie-ing, Leah!

- Yeah, and we're right here to help if you need us!

- Thanks, but would it be okay if I try to be a genie

on my own? You know, without any help?

Just to see if I can? - Oh, yeah.

Of course. - We understand.

- While you do that, we'll take the roses back

to the palace so we can surprise you with--

- [laughs nervously] It won't be much of a surprise

if you tell her about it. - [muffled] Oopsie.

- We know you'll do great! - Have fun!

- Thanks!

Okay, so I drop the bottle through the mirror

and then it'll find me my person.

I sure hope they're nice. - [barks]

[suspenseful music]

- Yes!

The magic bottle will come any second now.

Any second now...

Where is that bottle?

Ow! [gasps]

Gotcha! [chuckles]

It's mine!

Now genie Leah will have to grant my wishes!

And my first wish will be

to make me the most powerful sorceress

in Zahramay Falls!

- Any minute now, Parisa,

we'll find out who my person is.

- Well, well, well. Genie Leah.

You're going to be granting wishes for me!

- [gasps] My bottle?

How did you get it, Zeta?

- Doesn't matter. It's mine.

And so are the wishes! Which means:

soon I'll be the most powerful sorceress

and be able to take over Zahramay Falls.

Hmmm, what should I wish for first?

- Cookies? - Parisa, what do I do?

I have to grant Zeta's wishes, but I can't let her

take over Zahramay Falls. - [whimpers]

- I'll just have to be very careful about

how I grant those wishes.

- All right, here goes.

Make my sorceress powers

stronger than any Wish-Magic.

- You didn't say, "I wish."

If you want to be the strongest, you'll need to wish

to be the strongest. - [barks]

- Oh, I knew that.

I wish...

I was the strongest sorceress

in Zahramay Falls!

- Boom Zahramay! First wish of the day!

Leah will grant a wish with this chant!

[shimmering tone]

- Yay! [laughing] - Wait, what just happened?

- I granted your wish.

You are now the strongest sorceress in Zahramay Falls.

- Big and strong! - By "strongest" I meant

most powerful.

- Gee, Zeta, if you don't like being strong,

maybe you can use your second wish

to get rid of those giant muscles.

- I don't need to waste a wish that way.

When I become the most powerful sorceress,

I can change myself back.

I want to become the most powerful sorceress

in Zahramay Falls! - Ah, ah, ah.

You said, "I want," not "I wish."

- [groans] Fine!

I wish-- - Wait!

I want to make sure I get it right this time.

So what exactly do you mean by "most powerful"?

- Ugh, you know.

"Most powerful" means...

"most powerful!"

- So, better than anyone else?

- Yes! - The top sorceress?

- Yes! Yes! - Okay, wish for that.

- I wish to be the top sorceress

in Zahramay Falls!

- Boom Zahramay! Second wish of the day!

Leah will grant a wish with this chant!

[shimmering tones]

Here you go, Zeta.

- Wait! What just happened?

- You're now at the top of the tallest mountain

in Zahramay Falls! - What?! [echoes]

- You wanted to be the "top sorceress."

Now no one is higher.

- No! No! No!

You tricked me again! [ice cracking]

- Careful Zeta, don't forget your own strength!

- You tricked me! You tricked me!

[ice cracking, mountain rumbling]

- Uh-oh. Whoa!

- I'm coming, Zeta!

[upbeat music]

- ♪ Gotta move really fast, gotta hurry and catch up ♪

♪ Out of the way, we've no time to waste ♪

♪ We're hot on the trail, goin' faster and faster ♪

♪ We're up and runnin' runnin', here comes the chase ♪

♪ Let's go ♪ - ♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh

- ♪ Hey! - ♪ Let's go ♪

- ♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh -♪ Hey!

- ♪ Let's go ♪ - ♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh

- ♪ Hey! - ♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

- [screaming, grunts]

- Zeta!

- Phew, it's okay. I'm okay.

[tree cracks] [gasps]

Not okay! Not okay!

- I'm coming, Zeta! Again!

I guess I should have taken Shimmer and Shine's help.

- Just a few more petals here and...

all done!

- I think this surprise flower petal collage

turned out great. I can't wait for Leah to see it.

- Maybe we should go check on her.

- Just to take a little peek and see how

she's doing as a genie. - [claps]

Come on, guys.

[upbeat music]

- Here you go. One dragon cookie.

- Dragon cookie...

- Somebody stop this crazy thing!


- Zeta! Zeta!

- Zeta, are you all right?

- Oh, I'm peachy.

- Thank goodness! Now, don't forget,

you still have one wish left.

- Oh, what's the point?

No matter what I wish for, you'll find some way

to give me what I don't want.

I might as well say, "I wish Nazboo

had a dragon cookie!"

- Boom Zahramay! Third wish of the day!

Leah will grant a wish with this chant!

[shimmering tones]

- Huh? Yay!


[belches] 'Scuse me.

- Wait a minute!

You granted that wish perfectly!

- Thanks. I tried.

- Well why didn't you wish him up an actual dragon

sitting on a cookie or something?

- Because, Zeta, this is what I wanted all along:

to grant a nice wish to make someone happy.

- Hey, Leah!

- How's the genie thing going? - It's been great.

I've granted Zeta's three wishes and...

[shimmering tones]

My day as a genie is over.

- Wait, Zeta was your person?

- Gee, Zeta, I don't know what you wished for,

but you look good.

- [strained] I do not look good.

- Don't worry, Zeta. I still have one wish

of my own left today and I wish Zeta would

go back to normal.

- Boom Zahramay!

Third wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine! Wish granted divine!

[shimmering tones]

- Ah, I'm back to being myself!

You used your last wish to help me?

- Sure! It was a nice thing to do.

Felt like I was still a genie for a little longer.

- Zeta could say thank you.

- Dragon Cookies! Fresh batch of Dragon Cookies!

- I'll take them all!

- Here you go.

- You're going to eat all those cookies?

- Yes...


I'm not hungry enough to eat them all.

So I guess the rest of you might as well have a cookie too.

- Yay! [laughing]

Cookie for you. - Wow, thanks.

- You're welcome. Cookie for you.

both: Wow, thank you.

- Welcome. Zeta, cookie.

- Aw, thank you, Nazboo.

- [chomps] Mmm.

Zeta's sweet.

- Shh! Have another cookie.

- [chomps] [laughter]

♪ ♪


- Here are the bowls.

- I've got the mixer.

- Okay, I think we're ready to bake.

- Okay.

- We need this...

and this... and these...

- So what exactly are we making again?

- Ooh! I'll show you!

We're making Sparklecakes with Frizzle Berries.

They are so, so, so sparkly!


- Don't worry. They taste good too.

- [giggles] Sparkly and yummy.

Sounds good to me! [crashes]

[playful noises]

- Look out! [crashing]

- Oh, no. Are you guys okay?

- [meows]

- Look at this mess.

- But now you guys are messy.

- You know what I'm going to say...

- [meows] - You and you...

- Aww. - And you...

need a bath. - Yup.

- What Shine said.

- Guess the Sparklecakes will have to wait.

- Hello? Anybody home?

- I don't think the girls are here.

Maybe we should come back later.

- No way! It looks like they were baking.

Maybe they were baking something for me.


Check out this mess.

- It seems strange for the girls to leave

without cleaning up.

- You're right, Kaz.

This is mysterious. Very mysterious.

And a mystery calls for--


Whoa! Oof!

Detective Zac!

- Do you always carry a hat and mustache with you?

- Of course. Don't you?

Now, come on! We have to solve the case of...

The Messy, Missing Girls!

Kaz, my magnifying glass. - What?

- There's no time to waste! Do your poof thing.

- Oh! Right.

Now stick with me.

Detective Zac never misses a clue.

Whoa! [clatters]

- Careful, Zac, you tripped on this bag of flour.

- Aha! The first clue!

Whoa-ho-ho-ho. Exactly as I suspected!

Flour is an ingredient in my favorite snack:

hotdog and potato chip cookies.

- Hotdog and potato chip cookies?

- Really? Where?

- Not here. - You're right!

And do you know what that means?

- That the girls weren't making

hotdog and potato chip cookies?

- It means that somebody took all their hotdogs.

The girls must have seen the burglar

and gone chasing after him...

Whoa! [grunts]

And that's why they left the kitchen such a mess!

- I don't know, Zac, you're saying someone

came into the palace just to take some hotdogs?

- It happens. Happens a lot.

Hmm, let's see.

[suspenseful music]

Aha! Footprints!

They lead this way. - Aren't those your footprints?

- Not now, Kaz.

I'm doing important detective work.

If we're going to find the girls,

we have to find the hotdog burglar!

Interesting. Yes, I see.

Hmm. Lucky for you,

Detective Zac is on the-- Whoa!


- Zac, are you okay?

- Very curious. The footprints end here.

Now let's think.

If I were a hotdog burglar,

where would I look for hotdogs?

I know! [snaps fingers] The marketplace.

Kaz, let's ride.

To the marketplace!

[shimmering tones]

- That's better.

Well it took three wishes and a lot of bubbles,

but you guys are finally clean.

- And you smell good, too.

- We're coming, hotdogs! - That's weird.

For a second, I thought I heard Zac.

- I wonder if he's here.

- If he was here, he'd probably ask us to make

those weird hotdog cookies.

both: Ooh. - No, thank you.

Well now that the pets are clean,

we'd better get started on the kitchen.

- According to my calculations,

the hotdog thief is at the marketplace.

Pay close attention, Kaz. There are clues all around us.

Aha! The burglar must be close by.

I found a hotdog bun!

- Zac, that's not a hotdog bun. That's my shoe!

Oh no! Look out!

both: Whoooooa! [clatters]

- [groans, gasps]

- My shop! It's a mess!

- Luckily, no one is better at cleaning up messes than...

Da-da-da-daaaa! [box crashes]


Detective Zac!

Which way does this go anyway?

- Thanks, but I'll clean up myself.

- Hmmm... he doesn't seem to want Detective Zac around.

Very mysterious. [gasps]

Maybe he's the hotdog burglar!

I'll ask him some questions to find out.

- Uhh, Zac, I wouldn't bother him.

- Where were you this morning? - I was in the marketplace.

- Very mysterious.

In the marketplace... taking hotdogs?

- What are you talking about?

One last thing: I'd like to buy

all the hotdogs in your shop.

- But I--but I don't have any hotdogs.

- [gasps] The burglar stole your hotdogs too?

Ohh, you poor, poor genie.

This is bigger than I thought!

- Zac, he never had any hotdogs.

Sorry for the mess.

- What's a hotdog, anyway?

- Now if the burglar took the hotdogs,

he would need a place to hide...

and I know just where he is. Let's go, Kaz!

To the forest!

And now, I wish for a pile of hotdogs.

- Boom Zahramay! First wish of the day!

With flash and pizazz! Wish granted by Kaz!

[shimmering tone]

What are these for? - Simple.

If we have hotdogs,

then the hotdog burglar will try to find us.

- Okay. And why do we want that?

- Because the girls

are chasing after the hotdog burglar.

So, if we find the burglar, then we'll find the girls

and put an end to this hotdog taking madness!

- That actually makes sense.

- Of course it does! Now time to set our trap.

[upbeat music]

- Hey, these Sparklecakes look great!

- [gasps] Oh no.

We're out of frizzle berries!

We can't make Sparklecakes without frizzle berries!


- [gasps] - And Leah's all out of wishes.

What are we going to do? - We could just go to the forest

and pick more frizzle berries.

- Phew. Leah, you always have the best ideas.

- [giggles] Come on.

- Ah, the forest.

Now, to set our trap.

- [sniffing]



- [gasps] The burglar must be coming!

Time to set the trap.

- [grumbles] - [gasps]

Someone really is coming!

- Get ready, Kaz.

The next person we see will be the hotdog burglar.


- [sniffing]





- Okay, Kaz, The Hotdog Burglar should be here any second now!

- I don't know, Zac. Maybe we ought'a--

- [sniffing]

- Zac?

- Whoa! The hotdog burglar is a bear?

Even I didn't see that coming.

- [stammers] Bear?

- So, Hotdog Burglar, we meet at last.

- [sniffs] - I know you love hotdogs

and I don't blame you, they're absolutely delicious.

- [licks lips] - But that doesn't mean

you can go around taking them whenever you like!

- [grunting unhappily]

- Zac... - [sighs]

- It appears that Detective Zac needs a new plan.

- I have one... Run!

[both screaming]

- Well I thought I knew where

the frizzle berries were. - Don't worry, Shine.

We won't give up until we find them.

[both screaming]

- Zac and Kaz? What are they doing here?

- [roars]


- It looks like they're being chased by a giant bear.

- We better help them.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ It's gettin' away, gotta catch it, catch it ♪

♪ Startin' up the chase, oh no, don't wait ♪

♪ Gonna speed up, speed up ♪

♪ Zoom outta the gate at the speed of light ♪

♪ In a flash on a wild ride

♪ Take off, it's time to roll ♪

♪ Come on, come on, yeah, go ♪

♪ Gotta move quickly, swiftly ♪

♪ Uh- huh on a chase

♪ Oh there's no time to waste, whoa-o-oh-yeah ♪

♪ Oh, oh, Boom Zahra faster, faster ♪

♪ Go, accelerate

♪ This is the exciting chase, whoa-o-oh-yeah ♪

♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na-na roll

♪ Come on, come on, come on, come on, go ♪

♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na-na roll

♪ Come on, come on, come on, come on, go ♪

- [gasps] My hotdog! - [screaming]

- Whoa! [both grunt]

- [grumbles]

- Well, Zac, it's been nice being your genie.

- It's been nice being your person.

- [sniffing] - There they are!

- Kaz! Zac! Hop on!

- Thank you!

- [groans sadly]

[gasps, sniffing]


- Alright! I found the hotdog burglar

and I found you guys.

I totally crushed The Case of...

the Messy, Missing Girls!


- Um, we weren't missing.

We were looking for frizzle berries.

- And we weren't messy.

- There wasn't really a hotdog burglar, either,

but doesn't Zac look happy?

- Dun-dun-dun!

- Well I'm glad you guys are okay.

There's just one problem:

we never found any frizzle berries.

- Yeah, sorry, sis.

- [mumbling] Aw, that's too bad.

- Hey, frizzle berries! Where'd you get those, Kaz?

- I found them in that bush I was hiding in.

Here, you can have 'em. - All right!

We've got plenty of berries for our Sparklecakes!

- And you've got plenty of Zacs

to help you eat those Sparklecakes.

All that detective work made me hungry.

Mmm. Case closed!
